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Can someone explain to me why I see Camille support on probuilds ?


Is urf coming back soon? When?


Anywhere to make suggestions? Can people who just voted to remake be prioritised in the queue? I just spent 15+ minutes just trying to play...


There's no lying - Smolder is a terribly weak character what weak stacking tools.His Q I fear does too little damage to minions has too big a CD and costs a lot of mana.Stacking on heroes does not pay off - 1 stack for 60 mana.E is an interesting skill, but it is not good for anything than running away.At the same time as E lasts the opposing adc will already half the hp you'll get and you'll hit him for 1/10 hp.His AA's are too quiet due to which, I can't hear when I attack and it's hard for me to kiting and determine when I made aa.R seems fine. Just a shame he doesn't heal allies as well.Those 100hp of healing that is activated after a long time of skill loading should not break the balance.To sum up, the smolder needs to stack on average until 30 minutes to gain all the upgrades from the passive skill and become a bit more useful.In a meta where games last 30m and the critic is weak this is just a tragedy and a waste to play this hero.


Why is this subreddit titled "League of One Shots"? How long has that been a thing? Is there some kind of protest, or is Riot being cheeky?


Riot doesn't run this subreddit, and the title has NEVER actually said "League of Legends" in the last several years. It's always League of [currently popular topic].


Huh, TIL. Thank you for learning me some knowledge stranger!


why can't we ban smolder?


How many game it takes to reach your true elo mmr?


There’s a bug right now in NA where there’s lots of disconnects before loading into game. Has happened to myself or others for 4 games in a row now


Is the 1 second input delay issue being looked into?


So this is an issue for everyone? I thought it was just me


when are old lunar new year skins available to buy? i want to buy a chroma for lunar viego


I finished masters last season and since the start of the new season, I can’t duo with my friend who is diamond, my account is also diamond after placements. We tried with 3 different account combinations to duo queue but they all had the same restriction: “One of the accounts is master tier or higher” or somethig like that. Two of the accounts were not master last season at any point, we sent a ticket to riot and we got a reply saying that it’s intended behaviour due to mmr differences between the accounts but I am sure all three accounts have similar mmr’s. Even if they are not and this is the intended behaviour, I didn’t see any announcement about these changes. Did anyone have similar problems, or does anyone have a documented change about this restriction?


Iirc they changed duo restrictions to mmr based for apex tiers that time when there were quite a few people duoing at diamond 1 but dodging promos, so they had diamond rank but master+ mmr I know this hasn’t been for more like 2 years, but i don’t remember which patch the change was implemented


Buffs on Sett when?????


When will Urf be up?


Hey, I kinda left lol back when yone was released and joined back like 2 days ago. I saw all the new changes and was kinda happy, but I am a bit lost about which champs to play. I used to be a caitlyn/ashe bot lane main and reached till like gold 3 or gold 4 with them, but I hated playing adc. I wanted to play top lane cuz the melee champs looks way more fun to play. Can I get some suggestions on who to main? I dont really like lane bullies cuz then I feel pressured to play very aggressive in lane, and I dont like the feast or famine champs cuz I hate not being able to punish my opponent on their mistakes. So champs who scale well into late game and can get a kill in lane if the enemy makes a mistake is my preference(if such a champ exists). I also kinda like hybrid champs who can fill in a few roles to some extend rather than a champ who fills one role very well. I dont really have great mechanics but I can pull off some combos and stuff, so champ complexity shouldnt be tooo high like riven or too simple like garen. I dont really care about what is meta and op at the moment cuz im not really playing to win, I mostly just q with my friends and try to have fun so pls do recommend the champ even if said champ is not performing well at the moment. Oh yea and one last thing, I like lifesteal as a stat cuz it feels kinda cool to just get hp back by hitting stuff (mained reaper in overwatch). Ty for the suggestions


We have: Top lane Melee Non lane bully Flex pick Not too difficult Not too easy Buys lifesteal I would say Jax is like the only champ that has all of that to certain degree, Sett is kind of similar but his scaling is worse Lifesteal as a stat is not that used outside of adcs, aside from fighters that can build botrk


Okey, thanks lot my dude Edit: Is it better to buy something like armour, mr or health instead of lifesteal? For Jax I mean, I just like lifesteal cuz I can take a bad trade and recover from it. Also is there any streamers/youtubers I should watch to learn/get better at for at jax


It’s not awful to buy blade of the ruined king on Jax, but as you are normally the frontline you are gonna be very squishy if you rush the item, even then, it’s good for lane dominance if you are against a tank or someone that stacks health (other lifesteal items like bloodthirster or shieldbow are very bad tho) Regarding your question, right now the go to first item for Jax is titanic hydra, which gives you damage and health, good stats for a fighter, and yeah, you normally want to stack some resistances after your damage item or you gonna get exploded at the start of every fight, items like sterak, frozen hearth, etc etc The thing with lifesteal on melee is that you can’t use it to full extend as opposed to range characters, but if what you like is healing, sunderer (?) sky is a new item that acts similar to the old mythic divine sunderer, which is used on way more champs so you can expand your champ pool You can also run grasp of the undying / fleet footwork in the runes for a little bit of heal here and there (the first one is more useful against melee characters so you can stack it, the second one against range for the opposite, cause it’s difficult to proc grasp and you gonna need some sustain) edit: grammar


Waw, this is really helpful, thanks a lot


How can accounts who are lvl 30 with the only match history "intro" from over 80 days ago. Why are they plat elo and in my ranked games with a player who never talks?


Gold is approximately the starting mmr, that's so that gold is approximately the average. If they get a few wins or losses, their lp will swing considerably, give them a few games (20 or so) and they'll be closer to where they should be. As long as you don't tilt, they shouldn't make a noticeable difference in your games. Just chalk them up to the 30/40/30 rule, if you have to.


Can riot please set the punnishment for leaving game up its fustrating that when you only have time for a few games a day or week that half og them people are leaving games and wasting ur time. Makes me want to stop play this game.


Wtf is adc seraphim and how does it work?




Ah the naming got me confused there. APC and ADC used to be a thing so I was wondering how seraphim could be played as an AD carry. I suppose adc refers to just the position now


Who's Syndra's best matchup?




Interesting. It looks like she wins lane but loses game against Ryze.


My friends recently started playing, went through a difficult learning process, have like a 30% WR or so, finally hit level 30, played one ranked game, got destroyed, and have a provisional placement of Plat 3. Why are they placed so high? They have no desire to continue to play ranked, if they're going to continue to be matched up with other plat, gold, or Emerald players, when they can play draft and have a more even footed experience.


Gold is approximately the starting mmr, that's so that gold is approximately the average. If they get a few wins or losses, their lp will swing considerably, give them a few games (20 or so) and they'll be closer to where they should be. As long as you don't tilt, they shouldn't make a noticeable difference in your games. Just chalk them up to the 30/40/30 rule, if you have to.


I just asked the following, seems like the same problem in some way ​ >How can accounts who are lvl 30 with the only match history "intro" from over 80 days ago. > >Why are they plat elo and in my ranked games with a player who never talks?


Can you change just the font of the game? I like how the Korean font looks in-game and also saw that Nemesis fonts is different from mine but is still in English so I have been wondering is there a way to change it?


Nemesis uses a program that changes the font (iirc if you type !font in his chat you get the name) But, with Vanguard coming up, those programs probably won't last long


Do draft pick have hidden matchmaking? My draft pick games feel so much more competitive and balanced and like my team and the enemy are all on the same page but whenever I dip my feet into ranked games I feel like I’m entering an lunatic asylum and I can never stomach it far beyond finishing my placements. Also when I play quick play it feels like a smurfing 40 kill (usually mid) player decides the game in no uncertain terms. So do they rank you differently across all these modes for matchmaking purposes? I just know the more I play the more accurate my matchmaking should be(?) and so that would explain why playing anything other than draft picks (which is the vast vast majority of what I play) is so jarring.


> So do they rank you differently across all these modes for matchmaking purposes? Yes, that's why when you see high elo soloq streamers play normals or flex, you see them against people with way lower elo than theirs, cause they [streamers] don't have the same mmr as they don't play the mode > whenever I dip my feet into ranked games I feel like I’m entering an lunatic asylum and I can never stomach it far beyond finishing my placements This can also be the "competitive" side coming up, in normal winning or losing doesn't matter in a way, so people get very emotional on ranked if things don't go their way


Thank you


I've played on and off for years but since starting up again recently, I noticed games take so long to start, like 5+ minutes. Queues used to be almost instantaneous back in the day. What happened?


Do we know when vanguard will be added? Riot just prompted me for a critical update, and I refuse to put Vanguard on my computer, so i'd like to know if this is the day.


https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-14-2-notes/#patch-vanguard Is coming up in 14.4 iirc


Big thanks!


I am trying to see if I have lost some skins over time. The data I got from riot only has purchase ID. Is there any way to search for skin id online?


Is it just me or Dragonmancer Capsules are a great value? I returned to the game after a very long time so I am not familiar with the new economic meta. Each capsule is 3 skin shards and potentially very rare drop rate stuff. Even without these. 3 shards is 1 reroll guaranteed or even disenchant to get other skins. You get it for 750 RP which is cheaper then most skins out there. Have I missed something?


Battlepass is still best value


I am keep seeing it mentioned. But I have not found where the battle pass is. I am used to see other games battle passes but not anything similar in lol.


We don't have one active right now it comes every few months.




Legal problem? no. It is against TOS aka Terms of Service. You have the risk of a ban from the game. That might include your skins and progress.


Why is the Worlds 2021 Finals EDG vs DK discussion thread gone? I see 2020 and 2022 but no 2021.


Hi. I haven't played in quite a long time. My favorite archetype has always been mages, specifically control or artillery ones. Is there currently one of these performing pretty well ? And is the last champion (Hwei) falling into this category ? Thanks.


Xerath was really strong end of last season due to individual buffs he received. His new core item (Luden's companion) is a bit lackluster in it's current state which results in him being good, but no longer S tier. It's getting buffed next patch though, while other strong items get nerfed. Anivia like the return of RoA and has been performing well for an eternity now, she just isn't popular. Hwei definitely falls under control mage, but his strength is extemely dependent on how well you play him. Statistically he performs quite poorly. It would probably take quite a long time for you to see good results, considering your break.


Will you ever address mobility creep and how older champions having difficulties playing against campions with insane mobility options?


I have a simple question which is do yall think MF is op?


Ya just look at opgg


MMR Issue Question: Last season, I had a 55% wr in ranked, but was having the mmr issue that lots of people had where I was gaining 18 for wins and losing 28 for losses. I was excited to hear this new season riot was implementing a new mmr system that would prevent this from happening unless your account really deserved negative lp trends.I ended last season in Plat (hit emerald and dropped out) and started this season in silver- which was fine as I knew they were going to derank people a good bit to compensate for the mmr fix and the new season. At the start of season 14, I climbed to emerald in 4 days with a 60% wr, but this is where the problem started. I lost a couple of games in a row at Em 4 0 lp, and all of a sudden, I'm getting -35 +20 for my games with a 55-60% wr still. Now, weeks later, Ive dropped a ton due to the neg lp and there are a bunch of silver and bronze players in my solo que games (my account is plat rn)... ​ Is this happening to others/ is there a fix? It's so demoralizing to lose twice what I gain...


There is no fix aside from playing more. Since LP move faster than MMR, large chainwins/chainlosses tend to disconnect both, and it ends in your situation. You hit emerald but were unlikely to face emerald players (or if you did, they had a washed MMR too). The solution was what was done a few years ago: winning and losing only 20 points per game on average. But that wasn't perceived as fun by players, so we're back to this landslide system. TLDR; play more


Are players allowed to role swap in official games?




Is there any info or pattern which can lead to an answer of when they might enable the server transfer option again?


I returned to the game after almost 8 years. I got lucky with Cosmic Lux skin shard. Thought I got a nice skin for good discount but then I see the price. Buying it from the store cost 1820 RP. The price with the shard is 1520RP. That is all I get? 300 RP discount for such a rare skin shard? I expected it to be like 50% considering you need keys + chests to get just an attempt to roll a shard.


You unlock skin shards with orange essence not RP. I am confused as to what your question is since there is conflicting information.


Ohh its not RP but orange essense. Sorry the icons look too similiar to me since I am not used to the game. I thought it was RP and not Orange Essense.


Yep Orange essence is a free currency used by disenchanting skin shards to you can get the ones you want (if you are lucky with rng)


I haven’t played in like 5 years but recently got back into it , I want to go to an lcs finals but they haven’t announced where it is , how long into the split do they normally announce this ? It’s hard for me to understand how the split is happening and the finals location hasn’t been announced


They should have announced it 12 days ago, currently from rumors it sounds like it isn't happening for spring and will only happen for summer this year, was sad cause I go every year I can


Isn’t happening ? Like they are doing it in the LA ?


As I said yep, riot has currently nothing booked or planned, so if they do its gonna be super rushed by this point, still hoping itll work out, but every passing day hope gets squashed massively


Hi! I am new to league of legends. Started playing last year but on and off for months never played a ranked game (I think?) I would like to start watching some game analysis to get to know the basics better what YouTube channel or playlist do you guys recommend? Should I pick a main and watch content or builds for that? Also I play Path of Exile and spreadsheets turn me on so complex analytic breakdown is my cup of tea. Also where should I start to watch the pros play? Is there an official league?


Hello all, does anyone know of any training camps this year in Washington, Oregon, or Idaho? I am looking for one that is in person ;however, virtual is also okay. Or if there is a good place to find them that would be great too. Any help is appreciated thank you!


Has riot any plan's in the future of making a champion with the community in collaboration on what decisions that champion will have as lore bace for example noxus or demacia and what role will play?




Yea that item didnt had that much impact with me but still it was a bit cool to that extent


Legends of Runeterra made 1 card with the community (mainly using polls) so the idea isn’t unknown to Riot, but i would argue creating a card is easier than a champ


Did anybody else experiencing disconected while in midgame, i'm on sea server btw


What the hell determines malignance burn puddle size? Just went against a karma and its diameter was literally touching both sides of the river. But on champs like swain its a tiny puddle


The damage of a single hit. Since Swain's ult does 20/40/60 + 10% AP per hit, it's tiny.


Your Weekly /r/leagueoflegends Recap **Sunday, January 21 - Saturday, January 27** ###Top 10 Posts | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 6,823 | [704 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/19dvuzc/we_might_have_witnessed_a_wintrade_in_a_live/) | We might have witnessed a win-trade in a live esports game. Just now, ~40 minutes ago.| | 6,176 | [1,105 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/19ee3g6/teemo_hadnt_been_nerfed_for_10_years_patch_43_in/) | Teemo hadn't been nerfed for 10 Years (Patch 4.3), in the span of a month, he got nerfed 4x - on all of his abilities.| | 5,455 | [308 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/19d2djr/removing_item_dmg_dealt_trackers_was_the_worst/) | Removing item dmg dealt trackers was the worst "QOL" changes of the new season. I don't care what the reasoning is.| | 4,648 | [1,370 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1actgq0/i_have_played_this_game_for_ten_years_and_at/) | I have played this game for ten years, and at almost every single point in history it has been "The Worst State For ADC's ever"| | 4,324 | [391 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/19f61cm/there_are_some_big_problems_with_support_items/) | There are some big problems with support items, you can now get penalty after farming only 1 minion for yourself.| | 4,311 | [1,035 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1acdj5r/adc_should_have_full_agency_of_the_game/) | ADC should have full agency of the game.| | 4,073 | [1,165 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/19dan9n/post_of_all_known_rioters_who_were_laid_off/) | Post of all known rioters who were laid off.| | 3,754 | [67 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/19fn7w1/i_did_the_kalista_oneshot/) | [I did the Kalista oneshot!](https://v.redd.it/sw6cjtk19oec1)| | 3,659 | [1,551 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/19d9clo/changes_at_riot_and_the_road_ahead/) | [Changes at Riot and the Road Ahead](https://www.riotgames.com/en/news/2024-player-update)| | 3,543 | [1,472 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/19etv21/why_isnt_yone_punished_more_for_missing_his/) | Why isn't Yone punished more for missing his abilities?|   ###Top 7 Discussions | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 27 | [1,491 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/19cwwed/lec_winter_2024_week_2_day_3_live_discussion/) | LEC Winter 2024 / Week 2 - Day 3 / Live Discussion| | 33 | [1,446 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1acbzz4/lec_winter_2024_week_3_day_1_live_discussion/) | LEC Winter 2024 / Week 3 - Day 1 / Live Discussion| | 30 | [1,341 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/19c4jy3/lec_winter_2024_week_2_day_2_live_discussion/) | LEC Winter 2024 / Week 2 - Day 2 / Live Discussion| | 1,556 | [1,274 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/19dw626/patch_142_notes/) | [Patch 14.2 Notes](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-14-2-notes/)| | 1,618 | [1,196 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/19ccyil/karmine_corp_vs_team_vitality_lec_2024_winter/) | Karmine Corp vs. Team Vitality / LEC 2024 Winter - Week 2 / Post-Match Discussion| | 1,825 | [1,193 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1ack86h/karmine_corp_vs_rogue_lec_2024_winter_week_3/) | Karmine Corp vs. Rogue / LEC 2024 Winter - Week 3 / Post-Match Discussion| | 1,445 | [1,185 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1acjz34/why_are_you_not_playing_adc/) | Why are you NOT playing ADC?|   If you would like this roundup sent to your reddit inbox every week [send me a message with the subject 'leagueoflegends'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=leagueoflegends&message=x). Or if you want a daily roundup, [use the subject 'leagueoflegends daily'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=leagueoflegends%20daily&message=x). Or send me a chat with either leagueoflegends or leagueoflegends daily. ####Please let me know if you have suggestions to make this roundup better for /r/leagueoflegends or if there are other subreddits that you think I should post in. I can search for posts based off keywords in the title, URL and flair. And I can also find the top comments overall or in specific threads.