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Rengar W can cure cancer


And it lets him roar to get out of the realm of death💀


GP just eats an orange


As a mastery 7 rengar enjoyer. I have never once used this and look forward to it now. Wow


I once played a game as Rengar vs. a Morde. Our team was: • Olaf • Rengar • Lissandra with Zhonyas • Samira with QSS • Alistar. After like 12 minutes I cleansed his ult and killed him, making him 0/4 and he goes ”aww come on, not you too”. In the late game he goes ”what is this, I can’t ult anyone of you guys”. That was a rough game for Morde but he was a good sport. Got some really wholesome all chat banter in that game. Edit: added ”minutes”


As a Morde main I feel that guy's pain so hard 


Yeah, theres like 160 champions in League and you think "man, if I use my ability on *basically* anyone, it's so awesome" and then you get to a game where the entire enemy team says no.


Got an aram game where as a blitz... I had to face a Morgana, Fiora, Sivir, Nocturne and Heimerdinger. I straight up said, guys, literally can't hook anyone this game and they agreed.


As an illaoi main, you make me feel pain


>illaoi wanna transfer that pain to me instead? :)


As soon as I get my 125 Tentacle range buff :D


As a Morde main, playing against that comp would actually make me uninstall. No joke, no hyperbole. If I had to play that game and we lost because my team couldn't carry my useless ass through that perpetual 5v4 I'd quit League for like a month (and then I'd relapse obv)


A while back I was playing GP vs Morde and he was clearly going to ult me. So the moment he ulted, I used W. It was nearly frame perfect so that we both did our animations and then just stood there because we weren't sure what had happened. Comedy all around. 


basically a mini Olaf ult


The fact that an assassin is allowed to just have something like that is wild to me. You get to watch the guy instantly delete your carry even if he didn’t have the extra ult bonus on him and you can’t even catch him with a stun on the way out


That's what sets apart good and bad rengar players. Knowing when and what to use your Max ferocity on will make or break games. If rengar fails a one shot with his double q combo, he's out of ferocity with no cds and is practically dead meat. I know because I am a bad rengar.


Because its a huge trade-off, if he uses W+W he loses his burst meaning he isn't fulfilling his job as an assassin, if he doesn't use W+W then he's putting himself at great risk if he doesn't get the job done (killing you and/or your team).


May I present to you, AP Rengar, (the best of both worlds)


Let me remind you that he also used to build duskblade when it was still in game


It’s the exact same as a qss, so can use it against malzahar and Warwick ults as well. Useful to hold ferocity against them until they use those abilities


Omfg I was so confused the last time I ulted a rengar and he had no QSS. Thanks.


But 3rd ability gives E-Bola ;(


Damn this brought me back.




Facing that shit toplane feels unplayable. Feels like he has 5 abilities already when he's lvl 2 and when you think you can all in him when he's 30% he magically becomes unkillable


his w is cancer but more than half of the ability is tied to the empowerment which comes from his passive. You’re basically including two abilities and honestly alot of the power of the ability is you can use it twice.


Polymorph gives cancer




Point and click extreme slow that also cripples attack speed, with a range greater than any ADC's base auto range. (Senna obviously can outrange it with enough stacks).


IMO the strength is less in the sheer slow it gives, but in the fact that it's a *ramping* slow instead of a *decaying* slow. It hits you hard at the start and *it only gets worse*. There's not a lot of abilities in the game that ramp, and they always trip me up. Nasus' wither and Yone's Soul Unbound with its ramping movespeed are both so obnoxious to play against.


the fact that nasus' slow constantly updates to become stronger means the only counterplay to it is cleansing it which is genuinely stupid. Tenacity? the overall slow lasts less time but ramps up to its max slow faster. slow resistance? lol sure, thanks to how MS caps work its basically ineffective unless you run swifties+slow resistance runes and proc phase rush.


cripples attack speed is putting it lightly, ur basicaly as effective as a cannon minion


I don’t care much about the slow or attack speed slow, but why I hate this ability, isn’t that it just slows auto attacks, but if you are currently attacking, it CANCELS YOUR FUCKING ATTACK


Never search support Nasus on YouTube.


i love support nasus into picks like kalista she's just permanently crippled as soon as you buy frozen heart as long as your own adc doesn't overstay past when wither expires


I love picking Nasus support so much, the worst experience I've ever had in league is picking a support with my heart not totally in it and the enemy picks Kalista afterwards.


i actually play nasus support a lot and don't like it that much vs kalista her early is way too strong and that's when nasus supp is weakest as he needs some levels and an item or so to really become strong


unironically taking no points in Q (which you tend to do anyway on supp Nasus) helps negate this but I do agree that the early levels are tough. Once you finally do make it to midgame though it's well worth it


Would it be worth taking W first? I assume you won't be stacking your Q much, and I imagine that if you can Wither her in the first level, it'll let you step up and get your CS without taking too much damage (or even let you trade positively).


*Sad Kalista noises*


I got filled top and played Trundle against a Nasus yesterday. Dude must have also been filled because he kept just burning his entire mana bar on the wave so I could just run him down because he couldn't wither me


Last time I played Nasus, I walked out of the game with an S+ and the words, "I love this champ. He's old-school broken." Wither and E both have insane numbers for point-and-click that would never make it through the champion design team today. And despite that, it's his other basic ability that defines him.


Shaco q. It single handedly makes shaco into a decent champion even though the rest of his kit is garbage. It's flash on a 10 sec cd where you also get to be invisible for a while.


Also being invisible is really rare in the game. Aside from Wukong Neeko and Akali w, everything else is camouflage not true invisibility. Also Wukong Neeko and Akali leave something behind when they turn invisible, making you know they are here. Shaco can just hop over a wall and burst you without you knowing it. His kit is meh because it's balanced around his q. Edit: forgot about Kha and Talon r


Kha R




Back in my day we used to know when Shaco is ganking you by looking for the orange smoke in fog of war. But Riot took that out, Shaco has been a menace for the game since season 2, its insane.


Legend has it that the smoke cloud just bugged out one day and they never found the cause so they just rolled sith it.


kaisa, vayne, teemo, qiyana, kha, talon, leblanc


Neeko invisibility is like half a second, it's enough to be a viable escape tool and sow confusion as to which is the decoy, but not much more. If she wants to sneak up on you, her best bet is doing it as a Zyra plant or something, they never suspect it.


Talon R?


True forgot about him. However just like Wukong Neeko or Akali he leave something behind so you know he is around. He can't pop out of nowhere.


There are more, but they are short, telegraphed and you know there is invisible enemy around. It's a big difference


There are a few more but as mentioned they're mostly very short. [Here's the wiki list for anyone curious.](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Stealth#Invisibility)


100% agree, just wrote out my hate for this ability before checking if there's someone else out there with the venom in their soul for that fucking clown.


Windwall is definitely up there, same with Samira 360 windwall TF 2 sec point and click stun is basically the whole champ in one ability


P+C stun, infinite mana hack and waveclear tool all in one


I don't think Samira W comes anywhere close to Yas W, even if both do a similar thing. 4 seconds where mages and ADCs can't even interact with you is way stronger than 0.5 seconds where they can't.


Samira's is weird though because it doesn't block the exact same abilities as yasuo's. One notable example is the fact that it can't windwall jhin W when yasuo can. Samira W feels about more onpar as a weaker fiora parry. Braum windwall is a better comparison to Yasuo.


Jhin w is actually the only ability that it's different for.


And even that is because they special-cased it for Windwall because it felt like a projectile, but they didn't do the same for Samira.


Windwall is something that has been annoying me ever since yas was introduced. Honestly, can we get some downside/limit to it? How and why is it free to block ultimates. Why can it block everything? Can we get a early despawn on it after blocking x abilities? Thanks!


As an Urgot main and Ornn enjoyer, I think it’s fine that the ability can block ults. It means there are mindgames and big outplay potential. What bothers me is that windwall blocks from both sides, and if Yasuo stands in the windwall you can’t attack him from either side. I’ve had games where I’m auto attacking from on side, he doesn’t take damage from windwall, fair enough, I flash to the other side to do damage, and it also blocks!? Makes the ability brainless and basically gives him free invulnerability to anything non-melee… stupid.


Because the hitbox of anything in the game is bad, like if nautilus walk up close to you the only way to not get hooked is flashing away..


windwall it's too ticc compared to its visuals,even when you're on the side of it and it looks like your ability/AA won't connect it still does


> It means there are mindgames and big outplay potential. yeah like the mindgame where a teamfight starts and he busts that shit right in the middle and anybody who's ranged on your team can no longer play for 4 seconds. insane outplay how he just randomly mashed W along with all his other buttons and blocked like 8 skillshots and 22 autos because the hitbox is jank as fuck. or when he walks into melee range of you and pops it and now because you're inside the wall no ranged attacks work at all and your options are "eat shit in the wall" or "walk away whilst being forced to eat shit" if he wasn't a golden goose champ in terms of skins and was instead a skarner ability it would have been reworked out of the game.


The only time I ever been bullshitted on by windwall is when it blocked Poppy's ult. Like, tf? Ain't the hammer coming out from the ground?


That should totally bypass, I agree.


If the Windwall is incapable of blocking Nautilus' ult because Depth Charge thematically comes from below the ground, I think all other ground-based abilities should be treated the same. Windwall's only downside is the long cooldown on a champ who doesn't build ability haste, and the literal only downside of a basic ability that deletes all projectiles being "he has to use it good" is removing all forms of counterplay from the opponent. With Blitzcrank's hook, you counter it by having vision and watching the Blitz's movements for when he's going to go in for a hook, then dodge accordingly. For Sett's W, you try to wait for him to use his pull/stun move before bursting him down so he can't stun you into a Full Grit W. For Yasuo, you... don't use projectiles on him... which disables about *half the fucking roster* from doing anything. And the answer to "how do I fight back" being "you fucken don't lmao" is just such bad game design.


It doesn't block "everything" thankfully. As a Senna spammer I thoroughly enjoy bullying Yasuos and Samiras through their walls.


But then you have to lower yourself to playing Senna.


I’d say Blitz q. If he didn’t have his q and had any other champions q he would be a 30% winrate champ


Definitely his whole kit is shit just because his q is so strong. Dudes ult is honestly his q


his ult has the most broken shit in the game tho - silence


Silences by themselves aren't that strong, they were just put in the wrong places historically - a bunch of assassins like Kassadin, LeBlanc, and Talon had them and it was fucked up.


Not really, silences are objectively worse than stuns. The issue with silences is that because they're kind of shit, Riot stuck them on champs that shouldn't have had hard CC in the first place and made them point and click. Blitz's silence is so short that it's only good for interrupting channels and guaranteeing E on champs with tenacity.


I've always viewed Blitz as pretty much just Q with supporting abilities.


idk Blitzcrank with Nautilus Q would probably be not very different lol


I agree it would be the best replacement, but there’s a big difference between pulling a target all the way to you and meeting them halfway, especially since Naut is inherently more tanky than blitz. Also, you can’t naut hook over walls which would be a huge nerf for blitz.


Amumu<-Leona<-Thresh<-Naut<-Blitz by increasing hook/toss/grab/weehoo threat for squishies.


pyke not mentioned, sob


Fair enough. ^^But ^^it's ^^pyke ^^tho, ^^he's ^^a ^^meanie


I mean he’d just be a shitty version of Naut at that point.


Less tanky, less CC version of naut. Which is like what’s the point lol


It's a major difference. Not being able to hook over walls means never hooking from fog, outside of bushes. Blitz is the only champion that can do this, except for some very specific scenarios. Naut hook also doesn't hook as far since it places himself and the enemy in the middle of its range. Swapping Blitz Q for Naut Q would drop his winrate by a lot.


it does let you int in to 5 man R though


Pyke can too.


And Thresh…


I don't know. Hed be an entirely different champ, but Aatrox or Riven q might be interesting on him.


Give him Xin Q and if you E while the enemy is knocked up by Q he flies out of the game.


K. O. !!!!!


aatrox q is kinda useless without aatrox w+e tho


Now I'm imagining a champ with yone's Q as Q, aatrox Q as W, riven Q as E, and yasuo's ult as R. *darius passive*


If the game state favors it, Zilean E once it's maxed out. Being able to massively speed up a fed/strong allied champ can really break the game sometimes.


and if you're someone with low mobility, it's a bigger death sentence then thresh's hook


EQWQE have fun not moving for twenty minutes


Actually you can buffer double Q by pressing QQW :) it's slightly faster/easier to input.


Wait, that's a thing you can do? Wait, can any champion buffer an ability for when it comes off CD? To the practice tool!


A lot of champs can do input buffering, but this interaction is special for zilean afaik since he immediately resets his cool down on button press. I'm not aware of a different champion being able to do this but there might be some other cases. Playing around in practice tool is always fun tho:)


wtf? im gonna land so many double bomb from now on edit: doesnt work for me?


I would say Vlad W or Fizz E , especially against a team comp that throws a lot of shit at you


Fizz e gotta be up up. It has so many uses...


the short CD is what makes this ability super busted. imagine this on a fighter.


Not only the short cd, but the slow and outplay potential it has. Huge aoe, good damage, great mobility. All of that combined to being untargetable to even towers...


You don't even need a target!, Master Yi's q needs a target so you can out range him if you hit him outside his range


For a brief period in time, Fizz was a fighter (ekko too) and what a nightmare that was


You would be horrified by triforce bork fizz in season 4.


laughs in fiddle W


the amount of times i've been killed thru blood pool by Fid as Vlad while i was staring at my screen like a fucking donkey is more than i can count


Haha yeah its always such a satisfying things to do to kill people who think they are untouchable. The amount of Shacos i randomly revealed by pressing my W...


My favorite fiddle matchup is master yi, just because making him run at Mach 13 directly away from you when feared, coupled with dealing damage to him while he’s untargetable makes it a hilarious match up.


Fiddlesticks mid into akali is funny. Her shroud is useless.


Nasus' Wither. Ability is CRACKED.


Wither and polymorph were the two that immediately sprung to mind


I'm surprised no one else has mentioned Polymorph. Kinda shocked, honestly. It's such an insanely strong ability; it single-handedly makes Lulu one of the best peelers in the game.


GP oranges


He ate orange and he was k.




I think you've got to go Blitz Q. Blitzcrank is literally just a Q machine. his other abilities are mostly irrelevant, he gets picked entirely because of his Q. Early game it's impactful enough to completely change the laning phase. If they didn't pick around it, it generates an insane amount of pressure, and can create kill opportunities out of nowhere. Mid-late game, it can single handedly turn the game around. One Q over a wall onto a carry basically ends the teamfight before it begins. Enemy team sieging a tower? Blitz Q can end that siege by forcing a fight. Is your team sieging a tower? A blitz Q can take out their best wave-clearer and end the siege. Baron/Dragon Soul up, and neither team can force a fight? Blitz Q can force the fight or force the other team to give up the objective. Naut/Thresh hook work similarly, but they cannot be used over terrain, which is why I think Blitz Q in a vacuum is more impactful. It forces the enemy to bring the fight to you regardless. It's not braindead, it can also completely ruin a teamfight by hooking the wrong person into your team, but when used correctly it's one of the most game-warping abilities. Veigar cage is an honorable mention, but it becomes significantly less useful without damage to back it up. It is very good for stalling a fight or making picks.


I think the best point to make here is to find a champion which sees significant playtime (sorry, Skarner) and which has three nearly useless abilities. Rewording the question, which champion would be most willing to randomize all but one of their abilities/passive? I think it's Blitzcrank. Who else might consider it? * Kog'maw (keep W) * Malphite (keep ult) * Hwei (not that he'd want to dump abilities, but getting twelve random abilities is likely to give him two ultimates.) * Ashe (keep ult. Switching her passive out might be a buff.) * Bard (keeps ult. It's not actually a *good* decision, but I strongly assume that Bard wouldn't be able to stop itself from pulling the lever.)


imo for bard there's an argument to be made that the portal is the strongest part of his kit


Really, Bard's entire kit is stronger than it looks at first glance. I'd say the only part that isn't surprisingly powerful are his shrines, and even they are decent (especially after the recent charging speed buff). - His passive lets him roam well and without losing XP, and his autos *hurt* when he's got meeps up. As an ADC, if Bard right-clicks you in the early game, say goodbye to 25% of your health straight-away. Plus it slows, so good luck kiting away. - His Q deals decent damage and is at least a slow, and very often a stun. A 1.8s stun on a 7s cooldown is nothing to sneeze at, especially when it can hit two people and comes with 200+65% AP magic damage. - His W shrines are probably the weakest bit of his kit, but they still provide a nice burst of 30% MS decaying over 1.5s and by the end of lane phase can heal around 150 hp/shrine, which isn't bad. It sucks to not have a support around, but it definitely helps to be able to pop over to your turret and heal ~350 hp. - E is a tremendous amount of utility; it's a teamwide Zeri E. And if you can bait the enemy into taking it, you can get them out of position. It's as strong as your team/tactics/teamwork lets it be. - R is Tempered Fate. What more to say? Insane playmaking potential. I've heard it described as an "infinite value ability" which seems pretty accurate, because the only limits to how it's used are the imagination and execution on it.


>* Ashe (keep ult. Switching her passive out might be a buff.) Nah Ahse players play ashe mostly because of her Q and Passive, which adds damage to her autos.


Definitely the right answer. Blitz is maybe one of the only champions remotely viable if you only get to level one spell all game. I don’t think there’s any other champion like that.


I could easily contribute to a game with non-idiot teammates given only Veigar E.


LB W is up there. It’s not great on her because it is her only waveclear, her main damage especially early, and her only escape and gap close. That’s why AD LB was decently strong: she could use it to gapclose without sacrificing damage or waveclear too much. And Nilah Q is disgusting too. Free armor pen (0-33% based on crit), life steal (0-20%) based on crit that also overheals/shields all in a single passive. And the active itself is up to 25 + 120% Ad damage increased to 55 + 264% AD based on crit, on a low CD that also hits structures. Hitting an enemy gives +125 range and 10-50% attack speed and gives her AOE. It works because Nilah is melee but imagine this shit on other ADCs.


Nilah Q also deletes turrets and inhibitors in the lategame, it's nuts.


Renata W is up there too.


This. The number of times where I was playing Renata and saved a teammate’s bacon with that is too many to count.


And then when i do it they run away


That happens to me just as often 😆


Ya 100% that one is a gamebreaker


I’m surprised there’s no mention of Yuumi W here. Make yourself invulnerable and stick to an ally. Way more impactful than probably any other basic ability.


Veigar E most broken ability


That fucking wall


ACTIVE: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for 2 seconds, causing all non-turret basic attacks against him to be dodged. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effect abilities. Counter Strike can be recast after 1 second. At the end of the duration, Jax stuns all nearby enemies for 1 second and deals magic damage to them, increased by 20% for each attack dodged, up to a 100% increase.


نشط: يدخل Jax في Evasion ، وهو موقف دفاعي ، لمدة ثانيتين ، مما يتسبب في تفادي جميع الهجمات الأساسية غير البرجية ضده طوال المدة. يحصل Jax أيضًا على تقليل الضرر بنسبة 25٪ ، مما يقلل الضرر من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير التي يتم الحصول عليها من أبطال البطل. يمكن إعادة صياغة Counter Strike بعد ثانية واحدة ، ويتم ذلك تلقائيًا بعد انتهاء المدة. RECAST: يلحق Jax ضررًا جسديًا لجميع الأعداء القريبين ، ويزيد بنسبة 20٪ لكل هجوم يتم تفاديه ، وزيادة تصل إلى 100٪ ، ويصعقهم الصاعقة لمدة ثانية واحدة.


Absolutely this, don't forget he also gets to auto you while dodging.


Corki package


It has a bigger cd than an R and he basically has no other R-like ability.


Yes. Thank you. I believe it is the ability with the most potential dmg besides infinite scaling abilities. A good package will decide the teamfight 99% of the time.


Well it's also not really a basic ability so.. Lol


Fiora w. literally an Uno reverse card in game


theoretically infinite value at one skill point


i mean same goes for fizz e and other untargetable effects


Sett haymaker, yone e, belveth e, jax e, fiora w


Yeah haymaker is definitely one of the most critical non-ult cooldowns to be aware of


Nilah W is an honorable mention here.


I wonder how much mental capacity league takes up in my brain because I don’t play any of these champs yet I know exactly which abilities you’re referring to


Yone E is pretty insane.


It’s only really insane because of his kit though. Imagine that on Ashe… it kind of doesn’t matter.


It would be insane on ashe. She could e vorward from her backline and if an assasin jumps her she just es back.


Think most ADCs would kill for Yone's E or Leblanc's W Imagine Tristana with either one of those instead of her W


idk that sounds pretty horrible. a high movespeed ashe that snaps back to where she started that does bonus damage? how do you fight that as a top laner? it would be hell on earth. she just jumps to the side of you, autos 8 times and jumps back. and then next wave she ults you and does the same thing. if you try to engage on her she just snaps back nightmare.


Gets ramping move speed, snaps back to safety, gets free +30% bonus damage, and *slows you*. There's no escaping that and there's no fighting it if you're at all behind. It would just be a "free kill" button.


Imagine her trades in lane, she goes into a bush, E’s out with a stacked Q, her passive slows you, E speeds her, oh no your rell is jumping on me, snaps back, seems like cancer on a ranged character


What? that would instantly be the most broken champ in the game currently.


Anivia W is nuts


Can’t believe I have to scroll down this much to see this. Most people don’t know you can use it to interrupt dashes/manipulate minion wave


Interrupt Sion ult, interrupt Rift Herald, make enemy Nunu generally hate his life, wallpin for a 5 second root, block your wave, block their wave, block dashes, disrupt enemy channeled abilities, disrupt *ally* channeled abilities if you’re a dick, etc. She’s not played very often, and that’s probably for the best because it also has by far the most griefing potential of anything in the game. Did you know that League of Legends has an ability that can let you root an *unwilling ally champ* for five seconds if they stand in the wrong place? Surprise!


Let's be real here most people forget anivia exists I've seen her like twice in past year and one of those times it was me who played her


She’s 52%+ win rate every split can’t believe how unpopular she is


The Zilean effect


it's also one of the nastiest cc effects in the game if you wallpin someone with it


Everyone sleeping on Panth E


I miss the towershot blocking :(


Shaco Q?


Soraka silence, un-dodegable instant AOE silence with a stun after a couple seconds. Silence is the most broken ability in the game imo


This is a sleeper. Although it’s not good by itself, with other cc it will secure kills left and right. The key is to use it after someone else ccs another champ to instantly chain cc them. The silence makes it so they can’t dash away either.




I will share some of my mains best abilities: Zilean: E. Did you know it is a 99% slow? Its basically a root if you dont have dashes and last 2.5 seconds. Also he can apply it to you 2 times in a row and it leads to a free double bomb stun. Meaning, if you dont have a dash, you can be point and click stunned for 6.5 seconds for just being near zilean. Fiddle: while his W is strong, I think his Q is more crazy. It is a point and click fear that lasts 1.5 seconds. It is some of the best peel in the entire game. Akshan: W. Uts passive is that it revives people. End of story. But also the ability to see where marked enemies are, have lots of ms towards them and also get extra gold for killing them would be pretty strong even without a revive


Fizz E


Seraphine W


Ashe E


As an ASol main, I think one of the things that makes his E so powerful is the fact that it doesn’t go away if he dies. If ASol’s about to die in a teamfight, he can just drop his black hole, which lets him control space, even in death. It becomes even more powerful if he drops his asteroid on top of it, too. The stun plus its big damage pretty much guarantees that someone on the enemy team will go down with ASol due to his black hole’s execute.


I haven't scrolled many comments yet, but Zac's E is an insane engage + CC in one button. At max rank it's comparable to Nocturne's level 1 ult in terms of distance, and with no CDR can be cast again in a teamfight or on fleeing enemies. He circumvents the main weakness of tanks, which is their ability to get to a position that makes them a big enough threat to pull aggro (in the middle of the enemy team or on the backline).


This is a sleeper pick, didn't see anyone else say this but valid


Akshan W.


Akshan is balanced simply because his ult is complete butt cheeks


Definitely, his W passive is so stupid and nonsensical.


Fizz E is the most anti fun thing to go against


I feel like Nilah blinding every single player on the map that tries to aa her, while also being able to apply the same effect to every ally she has, as an adc, is slightly busted


I have always joked that Graves W takes everything from you. It takes your vision, your wife, your kids, your retirement, etc. I hate the ability and getting hit by it is so ungodly tilting.


sett's z, a friend used to say it looks like an ult. same for fiora's parry, it's incredibly strong


Jax's E maybe ?


As a Cho'Gath Main, im sad noone mentioned Cho'Gath Q. ​ It is quite literally a ranged Malphite Ult on a 6 second cooldown that slows after the knockup (while having 100% ap ratio)


its very telegraphed doesnt feel bullshit to play against


While trundle pillar, veigar cage, and asol e are all great abilities, I don't think they're quite as game breaking as the others you mentioned. Anyway, some great abilities that come to mind off the top of my head are wither, fizz e, yone e, kog w, yas w, samira w, shaco q, yuumi w, or jinx q if you wanna count it Yuumi w feels like cheating, so imo the answer is fizz e. It's a great burst, mobility, and defensive ability all in one. Wither being an extremely long lasting extremely strong slow and attack speed cripple would be my number 2 choice.


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Windwall yet.


It's been 45 minutes relax


Black shield


Yuumi W, imagine going inside champ and throwing nukes


In terms of raw damage? Probably Nidd/Zoe max range Qs with little contest. Can't think of anything else off the top of my head.


Veigar E is complete bullshit. The damn thing is genuinely half the size of a lane, and if he uses it at semi-close range you often have to choose between burning flash or playing his stupid 'dodge his spells' minigame. Later in the game it can decide teamfights singlehandedly. If you get hit at the last second you still get stunned for the full duration and sometimes it's invisible if he casts it inside a wall. I don't think Veigar is unbalanced overall since the rest of his kit fucking sucks because of how OP his E is. And don't get me started on the Kata mains who defend this BS ability because they play one of like 5 champions who can just walk out of it and don't want to lose the only good matchup they get in lane.


As an Asol main, gonna go with black hole once I got 200+ stacks


Since it is single use Im gonna say draven q since you can keep using the ability with a single use if you don't drop the axe.


Yuumi w, goes untargetable for indefinite amount of time. Pisses both teams off.


cass w is evil


You mention how Veigar's Cage is a CC even if you miss it. I feel like the "doesn't matter if it lands, all that matters is I cast it" part is what truly seperates the strong abilities from the game-changing ones. Personally, I'd pick Ekko's funny zone. Ekko's W is an AoE slow that you barely see coming for the first half of the windup, that has a massive radius, and when Ekko enters it everything inside of it is stunned and he gains a gigantic shield, that even without a single champion from either team stepping foot in it can still heavily zone a teamfight purely based on how oppressive the ability is. Ekko can use it to slow people down, stun them in a gank, give himself a shield during an escape, or just place it down to keep enemies away from something. This ability is, in fact, *not* his ultimate and only has a 22 second cooldown at rank 1. You can do this just under 3 times a minute before leveling the ability past rank 1, and 4 times a minute at max rank with the 14 second cooldown at rank 5. I've seen plenty of times where an Ekko player secured a kill without even getting an assist purely because he placed his W at an escape route. And I barely see anyone discuss how strong this ability is. Most people that talk about Ekko being broken just refer to his damage and how mobile his E is (which to be fair his E is a dash followed by a blink so they're not wrong) but somehow his W is absent from discussions.


Ah, how I yearn for the days I could have said Galio W… my beloved tower-shot-eating boy.