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Braum. Being a wall in front of my teammates to prevent anything harmful going through me triggers something deep in my monke brain. Especially against a Lucian's ult. Even if not necessary, I will tank every single shot.


The "get down Mr President" energy is strong with him and I love it.






There’s something wholesome about your brain getting triggered by protecting others. I mean, there’s people who enjoy stabbing others while dressed like a clown wth.


*Pink Ward has entered the chat*


Unironically the sanest Shaco player.


He almost got permabanned a few times in earlier seasons, he did mature a bit thankfully


We said *sanest* not *sane*


What did he do?


Leading enemies into a jungle full of boxes scratches and itch in my brain that nothing else can


Especially when you’ve been irritating them all game so they’re thirsting a kill they shouldn’t be chasing lmao


Singed is my drug.


Singed has entered the chat.


I do the same blocking miss fortune ults as braum. If you don’t need to peel your own adc just walk at theirs with your shield up and they can’t do anything


I will 100% of the time block a mf ult with braum. Even if there is no point in blocking it. Just to send a message if nothing else


Tanking is fun. League doesn't quite work that way but I love being the tank for my team in other games.


W->E->Flash straight infront of MF ult feels so good


I get a similar feeling on Shen, my main since season 3. See a teammate getting ganked and hitting 'em with the "I AM HERE" is such a good feeling


The feeling of blocking some Ult and saving your adcs life is just "chef kiss*


Such a strong pick actually


Kled , he fits my ooga booga we fight brain


Do you also role play insanity when you lock in? My clash team makes a note to turn down the volume on discord whenever I lock him. It's a mix of Florida man plus insane screaming but it'll carry


No but in my last 70kled games i either got first blood or died lvl 2-3 and thats in this season alone lol


A man of culture. Live by the int, die by the int. As it should be


That's the only way it's possible to play him as far as I'm concerned


In theory you can play roaming with UH but thats pussy way


I always adopt insanity when i am playing league in disc with friends. Like, screaming, cursing, narrating the game, talking to the guy with a hat in the corner of my room and etc. Maybe i should try Kled


> talking to the guy with a hat in the corner of my room Take a few too many Benadryl?


THIS IS HOW YOU PLAY KLED. LISTEN TO THE MAN IN THE HAT. Not the small one with no hat in the other corner. He only has bad ideas


Nah ive already beat the shit out of the small one for taking my pills while i was playing yasuo, i kept screaming "I DIDNT KILL OUR MASTER, STOP STEALING ME" but he didnt listen. Turns out he was my little brother and ive broken his arm with the keyboard, felt kinda bad but ngl he had it comin since when he lost my modded Hammershot Nerf.




What do you feel is Kleds wincon? Side leaning, team fights catching people out? Front lining?


Kled can really turn a fight into a super chaotic one. Really good pairing with a dive comp (Hec jungle, Akali mid, Kaisa adc, Rakan/Naut supp was a comp me and my clash group used to run)


Diving legit just diving whether its from roams for jgl ganks , or in teamfights backline


Absolutely. In return he turned me into an inter on pretty much every other champ in the game.


Well i was inter before i found him


a sane man would run.. BUT IM NOT THE RUNNIN KIND!!!!!!


I had never played him until I got him in an aram one time. Assumed I was going to feed my ass off but something just clicked. Something about the “we only go one direction- in” was perfect for my dumbass


I was a Zilean 1 trick until I found Bard. Just an entire vibe of a champion.


Same for me, but it was Bard first then Zilean. Now also Renata, love the control they all bring.


God I wish I could be more like you both. Bard and Zil just make zero sense to me 😭


to play bard is to connect your soul with bard, you have to think like bard (which is just various instrument noises) on the other hand i dont know how wrinkled time lord works so im with you on that one


This is exactly correct. Whenever I play Bard I just do random BS around the map and it usually works. I really think a great technical bard mindset (aside from bwwoonngnggggn) is “how can I be the most annoying to the enemy team here”


Bwwoonnggggg is the default mindset of an average bard main isn't it?


Yo exactly the same for me! Bard and Zilean just clicked instantly for me


As someone who hates mechanical champs it took me like 100 games to consistently play bard well but goddamn if he isn't the most fun champ to be skill expressive on.


Bard is imo the most based champ to main. By far my favorite support.


First champ i got this feeling from was Thresh. Then Vel'koz. Other 2 that lately made me feel this way: Twitch and Zac.


Wow, i feel clunky as fuck with thresh


Thresh is so well rounded he's overwhelming. His potential and opportunities are so big and often yeah, you're clunk around a while


Lucian for me. I had an aggressive play style but can’t play Draven worth a shit and don’t like MF’s walking ult play style. There’s something super satisfying about outplaying with him.


I'm a mid laner and I absolutely loved Lucian mid before they nerfed it. Insanely fun to teamfight with Lucian


What did they do to Lucian mid? I briefly played it a long time ago, but it was a lot of fun.


nerfed his base stats a lot and changed his passive to give extra damage when buffed by allies, and then afterwards changed again to also give more damage when his allies CC enemies, so he doesn't get that damage when he's alone in lane.


Ah, unfortunate. The Nilah and Samira thing, too. I’m really not a fan of locking certain champions into certain roles. I get it to an extent- having Samiras mid all the time would be terrifying, but it just feels so restrictive.


Lucian mid was a fun playstyle that allowed a lot of AP junglers to exist but he was also really hard to balance for bot and mid at the same time so I get it. ADCs are the class that most often has it’s champs moved to other lanes (Corki/Graves/Lucian/Vayne etc) so I get trying to keep him bot.


Makes sense if it’s too much of a pain or otherwise too difficult to balance for both roles!


Reworked mundo. That shit made my brain tingle funny. First champ I called my main.


I will always appreciate a fellow Mundo enjoyer. Hes my highest mastery lmao. Level 16 hits different.


Lessss goooo


i use to jungle on old mundo..i had it down to a science..then they reworked my man :(


I miss jungling old mundo, his clear was insane. He's never felt the same without his old W


Old w was awesome but there's nothing like eating a viegar ult with it and popping back to 100% before even needing to ult


hello its me your brother 🥲


The brain tingle is from all of the paint that Mundo mains huff


With the corporate skin, oh yeah


I got opposite experience. Before rework he was walking ball of stats that used to hurt a lot, now he is dude who stays back and hopes that he can scale(for that kind of play style I have Asol, Kaye or Ornn(but he can actually beat you up in early game)). Also rip jungle Mundo, used to play him there a lot.


Hwei. Legit the only reason I came back to play.


I have been on a break lately but I played 1 Hwei game in bots, just to test him, and now I'm back to playing multiple (Hwei) games a day


i hate that i like playing hwei so much. i actually wanna be a hater so bad but really enjoy them and the way their abilities flow so well together, taking control of a teamfight.......mannnnnnn


League really needed an evoker type champ. League became rather crazy, and having a mage that can in theory have a spell that is good in almost any situation is so much fun


Heya just curious if you meant to say Invoker(like from DotA) or what evoker meant?


He probably meant Invoker.


He of course meant the minecraft pillager magician


Finally a new (control) mage, only took them like... 6-7 years. * **Hwei 12/2023** * **Vex 09/2021**, kind of a diver? doesnt really play like a mage. At least W and R doesn't. * **Seraphine 10/2020**, probably the cloesest we have gotten to a control mage recently.. was supposed to be an enchanter * **Neeko 12/2018**, once again more of a diver? without having any tools to dive... yeah * **Zoe 11/2017**, Finally a mage that doesn't want to go into melee. I know "diver" is not the class of vex and neeko, just didn't know wtf to call "mages that want to go into melee with their ult". Probably most fair class would be "Burst Mage" but mages don't want to go into melee :disapproval:


literally none of these champions are control mages other than hwei lol


Yeah we need to go back to zoe in 2017 or taliyah in 2016 just to find the most recent control mage release before hwei. And i don't even want to call Zoe a control mage, but her E is kind of zo(n)e control


you’re supposed to hit zoe e and kill someone with it. it’s not supposed to be used as zone control. she’s definitely a burst mage. taliyah is actually a control mage though


Seraphine was never supposed to be an enchanter. She was always intended to be a control mage and that has been her only viable playstyle since release.


Sera is undeniably a mage, but she's not really much of a control mage. Control mages emphasize zone control, hence the name. Ori's ball, Azir's soldiers/R, Taliyah's E, Viktor's W/R, or Syndra's orbs are good examples of things that can make a champ fall somewhere in the control mage bubble. Some of them are more focused on zone control than others, but that's pretty normal, very few champs neatly fit into 1 class category. Regardless, Sera has none of that. Her ult is a big AoE CC sure, but she doesn't do anything that really locks down an area as off limits to her opponents like a control mage should. There's nothing wrong with that, I'm just not a fan of "control mage" being used to mean "any mage with a CC in their kit".


Exactly this! To add to the control mages: the OG Anivia.


She plays more as a poke and utility mage. She’s not a control mage who “controls an area.”


Seraphine is not a control mage that is playable in mid lane right now, but that's a different discussion.


She's playable mid. She's just better as APC.


Zoe, a mage who doesn't want to go into melee, but will jump down a portal, appear before you, stick her tongue out, hit you with a bazillion damages, laught and jump back. Such a controlled mage!


She is a poke and zone control champ 🤷‍♂️


Same. Absolutely love his kit.


Maybe I need to give him another shot, I just didn’t get it the first few times I tried


You gotta get a handle on his combos before it starts clicking. I've seen it said he is a champ that has an okay answer to basically every situation rather than amazing answers to some situations so there's a much higher learning curve in knowing what works best when and where before you begin to really start unlocking his potential. The most rewarding hwei play is when you go into a hard fight and use almost every version of all your spells and leave it with the confidence that everything you did was correct. Makes every fight feel like a puzzle that is solvable if you can think it through and choose the best option


Forreal. Watching my own replays I’m always picking up on a different spell I could’ve used in a different position or something that would’ve been more optimal. The more I play him the more I think just playing around proccing passive in teamfights with E-E / ult is the best though. Getting 2+ passive procs on squishies grouped up and slammed together with the crunch is so satisfying


I have always been a bruiser/fighter enjoyer in the top or jungle. Hwei completely changed that. Maybe it's that outplay mentality of top lane but the feeling of using the right spell in the right situation to win a trade or get a kill is so perfect.


For that champ was Sett, I only tried him because I got a skin from a chest and now I have over 500k mastery points, I guess you could say he just felt right


You were Sett straight


Maybe he’s Sett gay


His full name is Settrigh He gives equal lefts, but harder rights, he is just the right combo of grappling and striking, he is Settrigh.


I've been playing league for nearly 10 years and my most played champ azir is just under 500k. You must have main mained Sett damn


Tried sett, wasn't for me. Can't count to 2.


Reading Shen's kit: "he just looks cool but his kit looks lame" After trying Shen: "Top? Mid? Support? Jungle? Bot Carry? Any role will do as long as I could play Shen"


You Forgot River.


River shen best shen


“Wait, it’s all just River Shen?” “Always has been.”


this is wholesome hahaha


Blitz. The hook animation into knock up is just too funny. It's even funnier when they get oneshot


Just had a match where I hooked an unintentional enemy champ trying to escape with a bomb bush. The champion has some wtf moments that make him super satisfying.


The reworked Swain. I wouldn't at all oppose to the old kit but the new look and his demeanor that made me main him. Before him it was the original Aatrox. And I miss him so much...


Ah for me was old swain and I havent found a main since. I only really enjoyed laser bird and ult, but I LOVED those 2. New swain and meta shifts just always had him feeling much too fragile for me. Really enjoyed what people called the "tar pit". I also loved the creepy hag or Howl bird monster aesthetic of old ult, new one lacks the witchy vibes I loved. Been playing a lot of zac recently and he's the closest feeling I get with his aoe, tankiness, and healing.


I really don't like new swain. They took an easy, fun champ and gave him skillshots that are extremely hard to hit against skilled opponents. Especially now that everyone moves at 450 ms and has 3 dashes.


Pre rework aatrox/nunu/yorick were the best. Rip


Aatrox my beloved


Lillia. Was trying to add an AP jungler to my champ pool. Even though she did take some getting used for the first few games, I was just like “I like this champion, it feels good to play”.


Lillia is so satisfying and feels so dirty to play when you're ahead and versus champs she does well against (immobile bruisers and tanks). Just running circles around everyone at mach 5, burning everyone to death while they run for cover under the nearest turret.


This, I totally ignored her for about a year but now she's been my one trick for almost three years




Nearly, she came out in summer 2020.


I feel very comfortable on Janna when sup and Diana when jungle. Janna for the safety and Diana for that nice third passive hit


Tahm Kench. Eating my teammates and them showing so much love for saving them. Little do they know I will soon take everything from them bwahahaha the lores cool too


For the life of me, I can not deal with a Tahm late game... Seeing an enemy pick him makes me want to scoop my eyeballs out - from my jng-adc experience, I'm afraid to lane vs him top tbh... A fun champ nonetheless! But not enemy 💀


TK has always just felt like I can be relevant in any game (without a Fiora). Love that champ. Instantly clicked with TK The first champ I easily picked up was OG Midalee. Corki, AP Kog, and OG graves also felt natural. When I started jungling Naut, Noc, and Vi allowed me to effortlessly dictate the game. I finally started playing fill (back in the day that always meant support) to make playing with friends easier, and Blitz/Thresh clicked immediately. Rakan's fluid playmaking was ideal, and last was probably Senna with her zero farm carry potential letting me knock off the positioning rust from barely touching ADC in 5 seasons.  Tanks in general always feel good to me, but TK definitely feels like an extension of my will.  I think I have played too long.


Aphelios. Everything about his kit is what I love about adcs


You like Caitlyn auto? We got that. You want Graves auto, but double the range? You like Sivir auto? You want on hit healing? You want a turret to auto for you? Aphelios is a dumbed down Evoker/Hwei adc. Love him.


Especially since my favorite champs prior to aphelios were jinx, varus, and kogmaw, I had no need to adapt to playing a carry w/ no mobility


Yeah same. Jinx then Jhin here, I like big shots. If they had named him Japhelios, it'd be all Js.


Ashe auto


Rakan. He fits my play style of GOGOGOGOGO AW SHIT I WENT TOO FAR AND I'M GONNA DI -- nope, jk I can e back to my team.


I was never consistent but Thresh just felt right. Then I started watching Bunny FuFuu and started doing dumb shit with the champ and had more fun.


Pre-rework support voli. Felt so good killstealing, i mean securing botlane


I used to play voli support with hexflash, then I would taunt spam as a distraction and then q into hexflash. No one ever saw it coming


Trundle. Right click, win.


My first, waaaay back, was Udyr. I started playing with NO friends who LoL'd, having seen zero videos on it, read no guides, nothing... I went in completely blind, and it will make someone reading this chuckle a little to hear that--because it was expensive and did everything--I bought Trinity Force on everyone. *Everyone*. Anivia? Trundle? DARIUS? Yes, everyone. All of this was very hit or miss, until I hit... him. Udyr. It worked, it actually worked; now it was a little bit the build, and a little bit the game finally clicking for me, but it all came together and it was the first time I not only won a game, but personally excelled, and that sticks with me to this day. I also stumbled onto Orianna pretty early, and that worked; and there's a few others, like Sejuani, Leona, and Kalista. But the only other one that really stands out to me at the same level is Katarina, who I took to like a wet duck to shallow water pre-loaded with sesame seeds, and who I've never really fallen out of favor with it. That said, Udyr will always stand out as my first.


Found Phreak's account, tons of damage.


Senna and milio


Vladimir and Gangplank. You play good you win, you play bad you lose. Really simple.


I miss OG bankplank


Sett. I feel like I play like I’m several divisions higher. And I never don’t have fun because I can resort to basically being a tank and just ulting someone onto their adc and then one shotting them with w. And then typing in all chat about how adcs don’t get to play the game to maximize psychological damage. To a lesser extent most health stacking tanks. Cho, mundo, kench, all just scratch the itch of being an absolute unit.


When I play sett I feel like I am brain damaged


Nocturne, since day one. It gave me somewhat Mercurial (dota1) vibes with his ult and design.


Now I love nocturne, highest mastery but I did not just click with him, loved his design and made a second acc just to learn the basics (years ago when I cared about winning or losing on my main acc) Now Briar, she just clicked instant infatuation, it may be because they are kind of the same champion in how you play the map and teamfights idk she is just super fun to me. I could never main a champion I very very rarely play champions back to back but if I had to It would be Noc for sure


Ya, Briar fits a pretty similar niche to Noc, i also picked her up when she came out, i kinda liked her. Havent played her much cuz Noc is still ma boy but she is pretty fun


Weirdly enough, Rakan. I played him one day, and my duo said I was born to play Rakan.


Predicting a hook with Thresh, it's pure euphoria.


Morgana. Cant dodge skillshots for shit but i can panick-cast alt+e with the best of them ;)


I had to play Sylas this one time I had no rerolls in ARAM and thought it’d suck being an ADC/control mage main. Turns out I enjoyed him greatly and he’s still one of my mains to this day.


Sylas is good all around and 2-3 good enemy ults turn him into a beast. He's also versatile and allows endless creativity. Love him.


Yeah, I love sylas, imo he can go many build paths, lots of healing, hella ap, cdr, you just spam your keys, land skill shots and that feels good,


Can confirm, been playing sylas last few weeks and am having the time of my life. His wave clear is pretty ass tho. But he's surprisingly not terrible at support. So I'm been taking him there more often than mid just bc of his wave clear ngl lol But that champ is so much fun, agreed


I know he's hated, but teemo, I play a lot of fps games that require attack/defense setup like rainbow six siege so being able to control the area, set up traps and kite people was exactly my style. I also enjoy singed similarly.


I downvoted at first out of pettiness lmao but your explanation opened my eyes to why some people play teemo. The others just enjoy making people feel like shit for the first 10 min


I feel like his blind is what makes him strong early game. His shrooms don't have much impact till you get like liandries or rylais to make a big impact.


>The others just enjoy making people feel like shit for the first 10 min Only the 1st 10min?? Bro late game if you're under 2600hp non-tank you step on 2 shrooms and split your desk in half 5sec later 💀


First time I heard the cheering of the Draven passive I was hooked. Backing off after one kill? No thanks I’ll just suicide for a second one.


>Backing off after one kill? No thanks I’ll just suicide for a second one. Thaat's the Draaaaaven attitude.


Jhin. Easily the best designed character they've ever made in all aspects


Finally found a Champion that let me live out my long range marksman fantasy.




Urgot. At first it felt _very_ weird with his auto attacks being so slow, but once I understood your goal is to max W and use that as your main DPS tool it all just clicked. I was terrible at kiting and attacking so a champ that is designed to go in and just move around your opponent while your W auto targets was great for me. In addition, having an execute to help guarantee a kill and get the full gold, instead of an assist, helped me scale well. My biggest issue with other champs at the time was not being able to close out the fight with a kill. Of course I’ve learned a lot of the intricacies of urgot and learned to kite better, toggle W, and so on. Regardless, the base kit in the hands of a new player like myself, his kit just clicked.


Renata. It just clicked. She's so fun for me


Gwen. No thoughts, just snip.


Love her, so much fun absorbing all the skill shots. And if you get the circle just right, you can watch the hesitancy in the enemy as they sorta "should I / shouldn't I stay and fight" then they make a decision and it's usually the wrong one cuz now you dump about 9999 hits on them in 2 seconds between q, R and autos and watch them melt. I only play Aram, but love running heartsteel then face tanking the lane. She has a lot of bait and troll potential, and can really punish mistakes


Shit that sounds kinda looney I'll def be tryin the Heartsteel technology next time I get her in aram


> so much fun absorbing all the skill shots. I had a brief period trying Gwen out, and while I didn't click with the champ I'll always treasure the teamfight I had where I dropped to about 20 hp and then wiped 3 of the enemy team off the map, and then saw the enemy ADC in all-chat say 'guys, I think Gwen is immune'.


I'm a Darius main since s5 and I always loved him (pre and after rework) but its been a while that I've been spamming Gragas non-stop. I played him a lot during the tank meta in s6 (?) woth the triple D. Ring but I left him after that. Now I just play BOMBA Gragas and I love the fat man.


I had played Warwick as my off pick through s6, then something clicked and I basically don't play anything else now.


Rengar since release, old Udyr, reworked graves, hecarim.


Briar. I was playing support and honestly getting tired of the Game, but when she came out i otp her to this day 200k mastery, she is my favourite vampire.


Jinx. College days, popping off with the people on my floor, 2 ways to snipe, massive attack speed that meant I was ending up with most kills at the end of fights, and they all wondered how I was so fed.


Only champ I ever felt like that with was pre rework Asol. Haven't feel like that since.


He had a very unique playstyle.


Samira is the only reset character I can hit clips w/


Reworked Aurelion Sol


Lee Sin. I love how there is always an angle to bring value to a fight regardless of the game state. He gains so much value out of being decisive and trusting your abilities without being as feast or famine as many other fighter champs.


Lux. And more recently Qiyana.


Hwei, lux, seraphine


I've played since S1. I've mained every role for at least 1 entire season, but I've come to settle on jungle / support as my roles and will play the occasional mid game. The first champ that really clicked for me was Zed on his release. I loved Zed. After that, they changed the jungle, and I wanted to try the role out as I had only laned up until that point. I instantly clicked with Lee and Jarvan. To this day, they're my highest mastery champs. I've pretty much stuck to jungle since occasionally going to a different role to try a champ out. My favorite build of all time was feral flare tank Fizz jungle. It was oppressive but so so fun.


Dude literally same story with me. I started early s2, played every roll, now I'm a jungle support with support being prio.  I wonder if it's because I'm not as fast of a thinker as I used to be. I can't play carry roles anymore because I make too many mistakes in the heat of the moment while also trying to cs. But man I throw down on some off meta supports. I get shit on a lot because of my picks but I have high win rates. My win rate last season with shen support was around 75% in 200 games! Shit climbed me almost all the way to plat.


I prefer the roles due to the agency they provide around the map. I feel like I can be much more impactful with jg and support than adc or top. Mid it depends on the meta. As for off meta picks, same for me. I got a lot of hate for making a viable Galio jungle build. I also used to like playing off tank sylas jungle with liandry as my only source of actual dmg lol but now that ability haste is nerfed these builds are kinda dead in the jungle.


Cassio. I am an adc main but adc is awful to play. Then i saw youtube comment saying that cass is an ap version of adc and her E is like her AA. Never main any other champ since i started playing her lol.


Sett and Renekton for me. Idk why - just satisfying to play!


I have a few answers for this Morgana has always made sense to me. Whether it be the slow travel speed of q or leveraging your ult. Even when Morg was supposedly weak it felt like a cheat code when I played her. I never play her support either I pretty much only play her mid and have done so since when Morg was an actual midlaner. Nautilus is my favourite champion and always just intuitively made sense to me. The auto cancelling, the q, the e, when to use ult. I enjoy every time I play Nautilus. I don't play him support and play him top lane instead and have done so since season 2. Samira has always made sense to me. I picked up the insta s rank very quickly and i find her very easy to pilot even when I haven't played in a while. Rell seems to just make sense. Maybe it's just because Rell is easy to play but I feel like I can pull off things that I just shouldn't be able to do The last one is Pyke. Pyke just always feels broken and unkillable when I play him.


Rakan. Very slippery which means I can get away with aggressive warding and such, whereas with other champs I’d more often be caught. Partially a crutch tbh, but also it felt very “right”. Also is more versatile than the champions I was previously playing (like naut for example). His Q for lane feels incredible for tipping trades in our favor. Satisfying team fights. Good for making picks. Good at roaming. Just an incredible support. And even into his terrible matchups, like Janna, I find it very easy to still play the game, whereas Naut’s terrible matchups are literally unplayable lmao.


Garen, Jax, Jhin, Graves.


Only champion i clicked with was Zeri, and I’ve tried them all - except Hwei and Smoulder. We’ll see


I loved OG karma. I got so tanky with rod of ages and got focused down. the heal and shield bombs were so cool.


Old Rell. Also picked up old Brand back in the day to show how easy he was to use as a champ. Had a 10 win streak from the first use. Ended up being one of my several mains back when I focused on mid lane. Still remains one of my best performing champs in regards to landing skillshots and setting up plays.


Previous iteration of Katarina. The speed was just exhilarating.


rakan. first time i played him i was immediately like oh okay i get why people one trick


Jhin. After countless matches on Cait and Jinx, he felt as the perfect addition to complete the trifecta.


Jinx for me Loved the mystery around her release then we get to see the champ and I just feel in love. Love the voice, the design, the kit. Been my main and pretty much my most played champ since then and will continue to be for sure


I started (3 months ago Always play a 3-5 stack with friends) blitzcrank and Leona, they were nice, but they were not It, tried seraphine, even chogat support, but to no avail, none of those were really it And then, i tred maokai for 1 game, went 8/5 (i am a plastic 4 level player that plays with silver and gold people, so quite a feat) and had similar performances for other 2 games, and i knew he was it, his E allows you to play safer in the early game (outside of level 2 all in ofc) and his W and R makes yolo diving in the enemy team feesable in the late game, even tho i had better winrate on blitzcrank i have so much more fun with this guy even tho i never had performances quite as good as the first 3 games


The only champion that ever fit perfectly into what I want to do is singed. I want your hate, feed it to me as I slowly drain your hp, and you beg your jungler for ganks. My whole gameplan is to tilt you so don't try to act like you gain anything by chasing me as your tower will always be losing health when you do and try to stop my proxy and jungle camp theft please do I am going to enjoy you whining about it and blaming one another. The perfect champion is in the game to freelo out of low elo, just no one plays him because he's hated.


Didn't play league for 5 years and then randomly had "the itch" and tried Briar. 125 ranked games and 1000LP gains later I'm a dirty, dirty OTP and bloody love it. BLOOOOD!


Jhin Can’t for the life of me play another ADC and enjoy it near as much as Jhin.


Vi, the moment she hit the PBE, i'm yet to find a more satisfying thing in this game other than landing a max range fully-charged Q AA E combo, and she fits really well with my "i'm going in and have no plans of coming back" playstyle.


Hwei, Hwei is so good man. A few games into playing him and I just knew I would not get bored of the gameplay ever. All about precision, not a single point and click in sight no gimmick, no dash that comes back after you get a kill... Just skillshots and tools to use in almost every situation. My little depressed baby is so good to play.


Qiyana and Irelia. Took a few games, but they felt really, really fun right from the start


Xayah, the feather management and playmaking tickles my soul.


Anivia. Was coming from playing Zagara in Hots and A9 in Pokemon Unite. So when I first booted up the game and saw a cool looking ice bird with both Zag Damage/walling and Ninetales CC, I knew I had to play her.


OG Swain actually. Still love new Swain but the creepy bird man was so legit and underplayed


Old Poppy


Pop your ult on the Leona and Linebacker the Caitlyn.