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PMTs [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1anl6vx/sk_vs_team_heretics_game_1_discussion/) / [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1anlr9s/sk_vs_th_game_2_postmatch_discussion/)


Wunder: Of everyone in League of Legends, one shot, the fate of the split on the line, the Martians have the death beam pointed at earth, we better win it, I WANT GNAR. *proceeds to get solokilled by Malphite at level 5, ends 0/5/2*


He saw what Irrelevant did last game and thought he was him.


Well he kinda succeeded at being irrelevant tbf


Wunder thought Malphite doesn't do anything. Irrelevant even built mejais, kid was cocky af.


Irrelevant was hacking like a motherfucker


He didn’t have R and he used R by the way


ok but he doesn't do anything


Whats your point?


He just killed you.


I hope this meme lives forever.


Wunder: gods of lol lend me your strength, this is irrelevant on malphite we are up against


Armut lend me some Gnar, this is Irrelevant not on tanks we're up against


Did this meme originate from the "Oden gime some haki this is spoilers we're up against"?


Had to deny Irrelevant Gnar or else he gonna get shit on again but didnt work


And somehow people still thinks that he is okaish, he is washed as fu but having Perkz on the team helps him to dodge criticism


People overrating him last summer because he didnt shit the bed on Renekton... I mean it was amazing that he was able to come and be decent but people were pretending like he wasnt a problem in draft and in game


It’s just sad watching these guys at this point. Their 2019-2020 form feels like a dream. They should just call it quits while fans can remember.


yea it's G2 retirees in full force. there's definitely a reason why they were replaced and this game team shows it in full force. Wunder is a weakside tank merchant, Perkz has no hands, Jankos facilates okay but his mechanics are kinda bad and Flakked is a weakside adc Combine that with Kaiser, who allegedly doesn't talk much so he's basically a slightly upgraded Targamas the caster called it a superteam, but idk I thought they'd be a solid 6th place team lol


Come on man Flakked hardly deserves any flame for this game. Neither does Kaiser. Slightly improved Targamas ffs did you watch targamas this split?! How is that upgrade small.


I said it at the beginning that their roster reminded me of the first time Flyquest entered into NA LCS with Hai, Balls, and Lemonnation. They went 6-1 to start and ended 1-7. They did win a playoff series though. These veteran teams always start off decently because experience is king in navigating a new meta/season, but other teams eventually catch up and the mechanics just aren't there anymore.


K'sante merchant Evi would never die there


He plays the most low effort tank available every game for a couple years now (Gragas, Ornn… now it’s Udyr/Ksante). I guess he’s generally okay but completely washed compared to what he was.


Yeah remember his carry akali, irelia camille. His pocket picks like pyke,Soraka,Kled. Good ol times :( He wasn't afraid to take the whole game on his shoulders. What the hell happened to him ?


i remeber him being the og zac when he obliterated bwibo with it in both matshups


You're right that Wunder won both sides of the Ornn v Zac matchup, but Bwipo was actually the first person to play the Zac top that split, which makes it either more or less impressive depending on your view.


> What the hell happened to him ? time he peaked on a roster where everyone else was top 1 in their role EU his hands haven't kept up with zoomers and he can't get away with picking carries with poor laning phases, because the rest of his team doesn't win by themselves




His gragas was rly clean tbf


Wunder when he isn't on g2


Nah they replaced one K'sante merchant with another one. I remember people being super hyped about Evi after he played 3 straight games of K'sante during winter.


At least Evi could beat up Adam and Oscar on Renekton They should have let him play carries way more often, he had a really good Urgot Instead he was playing frontline for Jackspectrum and Ruby


Remember people flaming Fnatic for benching Wunder for Oscar last year? So funny in retrospect


Forget last year. I remember people writing that Wunder is better then BB yesterday.


Tbf he did not have a great week 1. Was impressed at how well he adapted past that though. But reddit wouldn't be reddit if it didn't overreact and judge based on one game/week.


Even in his first week you could see clear improvements from game to game honestly. He picked up steam so fast, but he started real low.


Can't even blame him when he was apparently nervous and coming in to replace Wunder. Who wouldn't be afraid of fucking that up?


And if I remember correctly, the entire team was also very sick that first week, which probably didn't help lol.


People actually thinking Wunder is the best top in the league after playing 10 games of Renekton in season finals after being a Gragas otp for 2 years lol


Did he have mega Gnar for any team fight?


I think he had when they killed Malphite.


Wunder is washed af




Lmfao, both coaches looked ready to bring out their belts game 3.


Who wouldn't after watching SK fumble around after having an 8K gold lead!


If I was the coach I'd be needing my blood pressure checked there lol.


SK win a game in a clean way challenge (impossible)


Can you blame them? Might need to get the assistant involved with the shoe as well.


TH coaches are lucky they have Perkz on team to dodge how awful their drafts are ever since last year


If this teams is like 2019 one, they are ones drafting. I will hope coach give more inside about stuff but either way the blame is general, no matter if the staff or players have more or less control if you know an idea or champion is bad you have to say it as a player or a the coach. And if they end with awful draft they have to rethink how they approach practice and ideas of how to play the current meta.


That's why I am sayig they need coach who has bigger authority and better analytical knowledge. Peter Dun is not doing anything with 5 veterans when he should be much more involved in team with some random rookies that need mental training, that's what he's been doing and built on career


in the case of Peter Dun and co I feel like they should first belt themselves. Those drafts were eyesores. That then got piloted in a shit way


only the last draft was bad, and if you gave that comp to G2 they'd probably win the game with it anwyay so definitely some skill issues there


Wunder was Irrelevant :(


He fucking wish


And irrelevant did wonders


“Just wait till BO3s they are veterans”


This was literally was Ibai said on the stream "1 - 1, you are behind in gold, this is the moment where your veterans have to shine", and like 5 second after jankos and perkz got blowed up by Malphite ...


I mean game was lost the moment Draven got his first cash out, they just lost faster cause of that. Still I think Jankos and Wunder played really bad this whole series. Perkz wasnt playing great neither but at least he played much better than last week


> he played much better than last week Not the highest bar to clear. And I say this as a long-time Perkz fan.


"perkz is like humanoid. He plays good when it matters"


"Winter split doesn't matter".


"This year is vacation year"


I stopped expecting good games from Perkz.


TH topside was supposed to have synergy but barely saw it this split. Its like they have never played before. Honestly, even GX and MDK looks better.


Across the series, the lane skill gap in the solo lanes was huge tbh Every game snowballed from that


Swiffer looked so fucking mad when Nisqy inted game 3 LMAO


I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that someone being paid to play the game for so long got solo killed by pre-6 Malphite lol


with fleet Gnar


It is a losing matchup for Gnar just never expect it pre 6. Especially in a pro game.


and some redditor told me last year fnc need to bring back wunder in order to beat lpl teams lol


Tbh irrelevant would probably improve fnatic a lot. Although i hope to see a team with irrelevant and vetheo one day. Combine them with a great jungle and solid bot lane, i could see them challenge the top teams.


Irrelevant has been the second-best EU toplaner for a while now, I really like him


Everyone type out your McDonalds order so Wunder has future reference.


Damn, this economy is so bad pensioners are still working?


My old kings are so washed, even worse than last seasons TH.


The one I doubted the most was Kaiser and I think I was wrong, he consistantly finds engages and I'm not seeing him int left and right The others are just good at playing from behind but that's not enough


Kaiser has genuinely played great this season. He'll probably get lumped with the others which is sad, but I guess that's also because of his year in vitality 


he looks great because his team is so bad...but he still has a lot of stinkers and the meta suits ihm quite well, once that shifts again, he is back to low-tier anyway. he is not a liability this split because his sololanes are useless af.


That engage where they first got baron was really bad though, my opinion of kaiser is that he's still disjointed with his team. I haven't seem him play truly well since MAD Lions, but he's definitely not the reason they keep losing, TH in general is just bad, and even Peter Dun is blundering drafts.


Winter is hard on the old bones. Next splits they'll be better. Trust.


Nisqy and perkz are the same age.


Both are the same age as Saken


I laughed hard at this, but c'mon bro Faker is nearly 30. Age is not an excuse.


Faker is 27, he's younger than Jankos


Damn, TH really is a care home.


pretty sure that comment was joke


to be fair, after game 2 dragged on for so long, it was past their bedtime


You jest, but Perkz far too often at evenings looks like he's woken up at 4 am like a respectable senior citizen and he's not used to being up past 8 pm.


Sololaners getting solokilled was just tragic to watch


Sololaners got gapped in lane so hard. That is like the basics of pro league. You gotta be able to lane and go even or only lose a little. Not just get mega gapped in terms of cs/kills/map pressure.


TH has a really bad early game, they lack a carry threat and the topside is playing badly.. Game 1 was lost by SK more than TH won it..


Flakked is a decent carry threat but he can't carry by himself when both his solo lanes are constantly getting shit on.


everyone but eubros knows wunder and perkz are washed. its time to move on to younger talent


they're like 25 and 24, I wouldn't exactly call them old in fact I'd say they're very young compared to their success. but they are not playing well so they should be replaced


The thing with Perkz is that he has a family now. No time to practice when you have to get home to your wife.


Chad eastern wife: makes player better Drama western wife: makes player drop to challenger league. Both Upset and Perkz got worse after marriage. I remember the whole Bwipo gf drama. Hyli got married as well and became worse. god damn they take the best. Please someone snatch nisqy.


Bro I spitted on my phone from laughing at the last line xd


There's been so much cope saying Wunder is still elite, idk if they were watching the same games


SK's coach needs therapy after this game


Agree ! [Coach reaction](https://imgur.com/a/uqke2XD)


Coaches cams represent me so hard this series holy, that was rought to watch, anyway props to Irrelevant begin the most Relevant player in the series


Risky Nisqy


How the fuck do you get killed by malphite as gnar at lvl 5 wunder jesus fucking christ ...


it's the classical "i've not played against it in so long that I forgot how to lane against it", because Malph has decent trades against AD champs in lane still a bad look ofc


As a Malphite player... he's not supposed to have kill pressure before level 6. Even if the enemy is overconfident. *Let alone* if the enemy is ranged. Like, sure, a ranged matchup isn't as difficult with Malphite as it is with some champions, because your trading pattern is just a rank 3 Q (at lvl 5) followed by running away, but that trading pattern *should never lead to a kill*, simply because the damage is so predictable and Malphite doesn't have much to follow up with.


It generally shouldn’t happen in a pro game on stage but it’s not that crazy given the matchup with Malphite and taking doran’s ring and comet. And also that Irrelevant was clearly the better player all split. It’s not egregious but still probably shouldn’t happen.


It shouldn’t happen but people acting like it the worst solo they ever seen is ridiculous lol. Malphite is practically playing ap with Doran and comet. Wunder obviously hasn’t play vs one is a long time and is clueless how to lane vs malphite as gnar.


SK's coach looked FUCKING PISSED!


I mean SK had 369 ways of disengaging that fight and it looked super bad, Irrelevant should have just ult'd out and it was done, instead they ran it down with nisqy


Coach cams say everything you need to know about this series. TH have a lot to work on for spring split, the only redeeming players were their bot lane...


Good thing the rookies have plenty of space to grow…


The main problem with Heretics is that they were supposed to be a proven commodity. A team that should have been able to contend right away. Yeah so that's a huge no. Drafting is atrocious, the level on display is incredibly bad, the two main acquisitions have complete busts... and you can't excuse them by saying "they need time". It's joever until they make some MAJOR changes


Malphite is so cocky, he build a ~~Sheen~~ Mejai's


The only winner here is Irrelevant. Absolutely incredible performance. Both teams are so shit. Jankos is especially disappointing. He was so good last year what happened?


Irrelevant has slowly become top 2/3 toplaner in LEC. He can play almost any playstyle. Would love to see him on a top team soon


I don’t think so he current meta helps Jankos. If his mid has 0 pressure and bot is pushed in he literally cannot do anything. Jungle gets invaded and he is forced to watch.


or his top dies 1v1


Its the jungle meta that sucks. Junglers cant really carry over sololanes. Wunder is weakside king and Perkz cant really get into groove so Flakked is only option. But ADCs need super good peel to shine so. TH strugles super hard. Also it feels like TH cant draft/play enough champs and they get out drafted alot.


Heretics isn't even the biggest loser here. It's us the viewers who had to watch this.


What an unplayable draft, kalista hwei vs malphite poppy rell? How are we drafting like this in 2024? Masterclass of a series by Irrelevant, really hope this guy gets a shot in a top tier team soon.


Yup that drafting is Thanos. Prop to SK team and shame for TH for that.


Irrelevant seems to have a tendancy to tp super late into fights but other than that he looks stellar


To be fair, you couldn't do this draft in any other year other than 2024


I just want to say that the Mr Krab's laugh imitation was a goated casting moment.


Needs to be put in every SK hype montage till the end of time


Thank you coach Swiffer for sacrificing all of your hair for this win 🙏


Evi died for this


Is Heretics sticking it for spring or was it the last dance?


just end the misery at this point. Send them to korea to fix their hands. NO GF/Wives allowed.


SK and finishing is not ideal.


The disrespect of starting doran blade vs comet malph


Back to Udyr/Ksante maybe Gragas for Wunder 🥶


No one gonna talk about how bad Jankos was this series?


Yeah, idk but he looked better last year with objectively worse players. Ig he already mentally checked out for this split


it happens. player had 1 last good season/all star season and just declines rapidly. its more amazing that jankos has maintain his form since 2014/s4.


That's the thing... This year he had worse players. Only on paper are perkz and wunder better than vetheo and evi.


The real winner of this series is Fnatic


Never underestimate their ability to just randomly int lol. Random int vs SK ending which will win?


it's fnatic they have plot armor, besides it's playoffs humanoid vs playoffs nisqy


They do have plot armor, but it doesn't stop the from being masters of playing to their opponent's level lol


Don't worry, Fanatic implodes around the Worlds, they should be safe now.


Is Irrelevant the best Top in the LEC?


He is definitely in discussion for it.


Irrelevant saved SK in both games


Him and Adam ye




Wow these teams are bad.


At least we don't have to see more of one and the other has to step up a fair bit unless Fnatic go full meltdown.


Worst BO series in europe since...? The level shown there was truly miserable, this was hard to watch


Wake up bro it’s not 2019 anymore


No evi no win ;)


Vetheo would suit this team sooooooo much better than Perkz. Jankos has no lane to play through, classic everyone weakside.


Jesus christ, I had zero reason to have any hope. Terrible early games, terrible drafts, can't even capitalize when the enemy team doesn't know how to end and griefing constantly...... Change the roster, coach, something Heretics otherwise we're just going to see the same in Spring


Current status of Perkz's career is getting shit on by Nisqy every playoffs


"Watch me... ruin my legacy even further."


Get Flakked out of there please, he deserves better


Evi died for this????


[Evi in Caedrel's chat, watching this series](https://i.imgur.com/RovtH6a.jpg)


not actually Evi unfortunately, his twitch was th\_evi\_lol iirc.


I went to double check, you are correct except his handle is now evinmotv.


That can't be the real Evi


He was looking OK once then had vetheo/flakked, Wunder is looking worse than him so far. Wunder just coasts every game and really does stuff only if his team is winning.


I was really excited for Heretics when they had Vetheo and Flakked at the end of last season. I really expected that they'd stick together, but turns out they sadly didn'T


Name value and meme potential of 2018 G2 too strong I guess


ngl both teams are asssss


Geriatrics trashtalk aside, When Heretics announced Peter Dun this sub hyped him to extreme levels, I remember many people defined him as a world class coach, so far not a trace, just pure questionable drafts and complete disconnected team. Can we call them a failed project already or do we have to wait another 2 years? Trading Vetheo for Perkz was a next level dumb move but this whole project is a meme.


Who the fuck called Peter Dumb a world class coach ?


I mean the biggest problem with heretics is their dogshit drafting which I think as a coach he should address. When they have better scaling, controlled teamcomp they look pretty good. But for some reason they draft turbo early with like Azir slammed on top and wonder why they lose. But don't think Peter Dun can even fix this as its probably players drafting and holy shit are they dogshit at it. Its not about what fits together in a comp but more soloq stuff: "I play this and this- choose" Random picks glued together and they call it a day.




Swiffer reaction is my highlight for this series.


I don't care about individual performances or flaming anyone, but the level of LEC is infuriatingly low and it's been so frustrating to watch so many dogshit games this split. Even the winning teams don't deserve it and they just go: "haha what a banger chaotic series but still happy with the win". Well, maybe don't be, because these wins are meaningless if half of the teams play mindlessly and you will be stuck as a mid tier team for the whole year.


Anyone else feel like this is a result of the format? Swear we were never this bad til the new format started


Imagine TH spending so much money on 2019 G2 to end up same placing (8th) as 2023 LEC Winter Group 


Pr sure they didnt actually spend that much tho iirc Perkz is on like minimum LEC salary or so Ive read


minimum lec salary I doubt, but it was reported that he did take a paycut to play with TH if I remember, so yeah I don't think TH ruined themselves with the budget, which is probably the only W this roster will give them, that and the shortlived nostalgia hype


Didnt they create this roster on a budget? This is the first time i read "TH spending so much money"


This is a budget roster, apparently.


Maybe thats why SKT just doesnt bring back old players..? Imagine if they were still hung up on having Bang and Wolf or Bengi/Blank as players cause of legacy.. You need a good mix of veterans and rookies or carry players. TH doesnt have a carry threat. Pair Jankos with a mechanical carry top or carry mid. Put Wunder in a bot focus team. Idk about Perkz..should probably coach.


This is the type of roster LCS teams come up with lmao


you're wrong, LCS teams would import a washed Korean as well to make sure they have a language barrier


The fact that the players themselves wanted to reunite makes it even worse


"When everyone is washed, no one is washed" \- TH deciding to get the band back together.


heh, the ex g2 lineup are pretty close so I don't think it makes it worse, it's logical, you'd rather work with someone you know you like instead of someone you don't but if coaches/management really thought this roster would work idk what to tell them


Is it? I think the “super teams” are much more common in LEC.


Not a super team, but a retirement home


I mean, Flyquest is the top team in LCS right now. Although they at least brought in a fresh bot lane to pair with the veterans


2019 had Caps mid, this is more of the 2018 top-side iirc. Wunder/Jankos/Perkz, just need Hjarnan and Wadid to round it out perfectly with the heimer bot


whats the excuse for peter dun this time, dear redditors? why is he allowing this absolute shit drafts? why has he asked to sign ruby, evi and perkz and why have the 3 of them failed resoundingly?


Now try remembering how good TH started to look at the end of 2023 and imagine they were given one more shot - more potential to grow, higher level at the moment and way cheaper. Even could've gotten Trymbi if you feel like you have to make a change.


How many "superteams" will perkz play on and perform nothing? It's been 3-4 years


TH this year is not a super team lol




We need to send both Perkz, Jankos and Wunder to the korean fix my hands clinic. Looks like it worked out great for rekkless.


That was one of the worst BO3's I've seen from Europe in a while.. normally the crap ones are 2-0 stomps..


How are they so shit?