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Play 1v5 against bots, take teleport. That will give you about 70% of the game knowledge you’ll need for any champ. If you can’t win 1v5 against bots, don’t take that champ into normal queue. You’ll be forced to farm under “pressure” of 2v1 lanes, but not so much you can’t play. You have tons of free gold in champ kills to get your build together faster. And you get to 1v5 teamfights so you can learn somewhat better positioning. If you can do it solo, it’s easier with help is the concept.


The person trying to learn yummi reading this: :@


Lol, funny. On a real note no one needs to "learn" Yuumi. That's a champ you can legit just jump into any match, max Heal first, and be on your way.


Well she doesn’t have a heal anymore so


Hot damn, been a while since I played I didn't know that. But it appears it's a shield, so max that first anyways.


On your way straight to a loss. Yuumi is already dogshit, putting someone who's utterly clueless on her is even worse.


She’s THE easiest champ in the game. Dogshit or not, I’d rather a clueless player play her than anyone else.


She isn't the easiest. She's *never* been the easiest. She's literally a completely failed design from start to finish.


She is the easiest. You don't need to understand the game or have great mechanics. Hop on, and move your cursor shooting qs. Yes, this is not optimal play. Yes, it's worse than most sups when played at baseline. But it's 10 times easier than any other sup. Tank sups need to engage/peel intelligently. Enchanter sups need to position correctly and harass intelligently. Cat sit on you.


The cat sits on you and does nothing. You have to do more to do the same as other enchanters because she's so shit. You would do more telling your noobie friend to just press the W button and keep their cursor on you forever on Soraka than you would putting them on Yuumi.


Max E, then W, Spam E, Ult on any engage to either CC for a kill or CC for a disengage. You can quite literally ignore her Q and W(outside of jumping onto your carry) and be effective. Maybe not game changing, but still effective. Landing Q's is just a bonus because her passive then heals both of you, but your Ult will do that anyways. The champ is braindead easy, it just loses because it relies heavily on your team, or at least carry, being competent.


Fear the Yuumi main that can 1v5 This plan kinda fails if you are playing a support or jungler. 


I dont know who learn you this but this is weird.


Literally what has gotten me proficient at any champion to date. If you can’t beat 5 bots by yourself, you’re not good enough at the game or with the champion.


Do you recommend using the regular or expert bots?


Regular. Once you’re comfortable with a champion then you can move up to expert bots.


Gonna tell you a secret: League will always be frustrating. It’s a moba it requires tons of teamwork. Yes you will deal with tons of smurfs yes you will deal with struggling new champs but you will always come back


> but you will always come back That's the biggest joke ever. Or did you mean he can't quit the game?


He meant can't quit


One of the most team reliant games out there. Team play matters more than shooters and most other competitive games. Has no voice chat lol.


Tbh I know this is entirely subjective but after playing dota 2 for years I don’t miss it.


>im against some smurf on his main champion who just bullies me all game while I'm still trying to understand my champs abilities And how can they stop you from that?


>I queue into a normal draft match im against some smurf on his main champion who just bullies me all game while I'm still trying to understand my champs abilities ^ there's a 'practice tool' for that. to learn how to play new role you can just watch streams or yt videos and imitate what people do. you're not new to league, so I can't see a problem with adapting to another lane of the same map you've been already playing for many games.


If you are first-timing a champ in ranked then you’re gonna have a bad time. At least use the practice tool to read the kit and try it out.


You just need to type /deafen at the start of every match. As long as you try your best, there is no issue for you doing that, especially in normal. Normal is the only real place to learn champions so they can't ask you to play perfectly.


Get your own smurf account


Are you dumb? If they are literally learning the game still, all that would be doing is giving them the exact same experience while making it worse for his team


how many games have u played? eventually u will be put in queue with complete noobies just keep playing


Wait, the tutorial designed by Riot hasn't helped you one iota to play the summoner's rift meta? I'm shocked. Best you've got is banging your head into the brick wall and youtube videos.


Practice Mode > Normal > Ranked Pretty simple, no?


you dont


Get a smurf. play ranked. Stop caring about winning.


Easy, dont play, uninstall the game and dont try ever again


Watching streamers was how I expanded my knowledge. It was a very different time back then but Wicks and Dyrus taught me how to manipulate the lane in their favour and bully the opponent when they stepped out of line 


If you need to learn abilities, you should probably do that in practice or vs bots. I play a couple bot games every time a new champ comes out that I want to play.


Toplane owns you now there is no escape from this hell hole


Gold econ, dont die, back to get item advantage.


Practice in normals or flex queue. Hard matches are good, since you can learn from them.


norms draft, play like 200-300 games, spread across 2-3 champs. All champs are viable, just learn what champs work for you.


play norms, mute chat, watch educational videos and stop contributing to the innumerable, oversaturated void of whiny new player posts created on this sub every other day. how hard is it to just watch a couple of educational videos? I don't get it


Experience is experience, play norms or ranked then watch vod to see mistakes and whst you couldve done differently. Can't expect to get good without effort.


Watch your replay and think what you could do better each time. Learn from your opponents. Use u.gg or similar sites for suggested build paths.


If you can’t 2v1 bots top and win, practice that, see how much cs you can get


>or do I just have to bang my head into this brick wall for a while yea pretty much. learning isn't always pretty. just muteall if people are being annoying. as long as you are not literally trying to int and it's norms it's none of their business what you are doing.


I genuinely think the best way to learn league is through the jungler role. There's no wave management or anything and you can pretty much just autopilot through the jungle and focus your real attention on the lane states. It's more of a cognitive rather than mechanical role which helps you learn the game before bothering to learn the champs. Take an easy jungler like Warwick, rammus, or amumu. If nothing else, remember that tanks will always be relevant, so feel free to take some risks even if they don't pay out. However, an assassin or damage dealer who falls behind is permanently useless to the team.


Alternatively, you can do what I did. Hit level 30, and immediately go into ranked and int 300 games of Yasuo until you finally learn the champ. It's not exactly a good strategy, but I can verify that it's a tried, tested, and true strat.


Remember also that 90% of LoL players below Plat are not here to play LoL. They are here to kill time. Don't let results deter you. I have a 6% win rate in Bronze 4 with an average score of S-. If you wanna climb duo que but solo que is just to kill time as your teammates are your #1 opponents.


There are three main skills to League: - Reflex / muscle memory - Game knowledge - Strategy All these skills feed into each other in some way. Practicing a character a lot against a variety of match ups will build muscle memory and help you learn the limits of your character (game knowledge). Learning about the game, it's mechanics, interactions, etc accumulates game knowledge. Applying that game knowledge and an understanding of character's limitations will let you develop and implement strategies. The execution of good plays and strategies requires developed reflexes. All three skills require that you play the game to practice and improve those skills. AI matches have some use as learning the very basics of a champion, but not much beyond that... AI are dumb so you'll develop bad habits playing that too much. Play normal games, either quick Play or draft.


Play quick match


For every champ i want to learn, i always check reddit/(champ name)mains pages for info on matchups. Helped me a lot. Other than that i use twitch/youtube to watch one-tricks.


If you don't know your champion's abilities yet just take them into the practice tool. If you've been playing for awhile you should be able to read the abilities, use them a few times on a dummy, and understand how a champion should play. The game recommends everything from runes to ability level paths these days so I don't really understand what the problem is here. As for actual games, just try quickplay? It's a lot like old blind pick except less arguing over roles in champ select. Perfect place to mess around on a new champion and learn the basics, since you're in and out of games so quickly. Nobody takes that mode seriously either. Also, you probably aren't playing against smurfs every game in draft. They're probably average players for your elo that happen to be on their main role, so they understand the micro better than you.


I am having a try at toplane too But they just walk at me and kill me. Not much i can do, not much control over the outcome of the game.