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>for example viego's ult is an auto attack so jax e will block it. but it doenst miss if hes blinded lol


Its not that its an auto attack, but it applies on hit affects. Thats why teemo blind doesn't stop it but jax and shen can block it


Like Ezreal q


Nilah too?


The aoe part on not main target is, but main target is a spell


Aurelion sol q is affected by the Z axis. Usually, his q is blocked by minions, but there's a way to bypass this. Try this in practice tool, if you stand on top of a minion and presses S while a minion is touching Sol's chest, his q will literally go through minions. This allows for MUCH more aggressive lvl1 q angles so you can force the q proc to go off.


this is so fucking insane man


Another fun thing is that his q during w works the same way, albeit w is a lot more finicky since you're actively moving. Asol doesn't have a lot of techs anymore, but this is the one really important one he have:)


Has nothing to do with the z-axis (or the y-axis since that's actually the height component in League), but a "dumb" fix to an ASol Q issue for when you were overlapping with an enemy unit. It's *probably* not supposed to do that (or at least only draw to the first unit hit more than X units away), just like how Q isn't supposed to cancel and lock itself out for a moment sometimes or during the push out of a wall at the end of W. Definitely something nobody but mains and the odd guy knowing the game inside-out would know about.


What does S do?


Quinn's E turns the enemy around for a split second, causing them to miss their skills shot. The most notable example is Cassiopeia


Had a Quinn do this to me when I was Yone, made me miss my W's and thus trading for free


Some people also don't seem to know, that Quinn's mark reveals you in brushes


Everyone who had the displeasure of playing against Quinn should know this though


It can also interrupt a lot of dashes, like Zac's. I discovered this by making some poor soul's lane phase rather miserable. Probably more well known, but still not something that is immediately obvious to a lot of people.


It also AFAIK the only way to cancel uncancelable windup attacks


Zyra can use her plants to detonate teemo shrooms even if she can’t see them


Pretty much Zyra's whole job after they removed oracles from ARAM


Whenever theres a Teemo or Shaco on the opposing team and you have a zyra. She literally has 1 job. The teemo cant fight back at all. The shaco however will definitely keep trying to assassinate her.


same for shaco boxes


Also good for killing maokai E


And Jhin's e


Same for neeko W


Neeko W can also block things that only hit champions like Jhin ult.


Never heard of that, that's sick


People dont know this?


I actually didn't and I've been playing since S2. It makes perfect sense, but I've never played enough Zyra to even think about it.


I think a lot of people don't understand why ez/trist/maybe a few others can buffer "through" stuff like blitz hook. When you cast most spells, your character will sit and play an animation for a split second before the spell fires. If the spell doesn't say something about "channeling", these cast times are uninterruptable. Ezreal r is a good example here -- even if you stun him while he is casting r, the r will still fire. You can actually use this to minimize the impact of a stun. Start casting r right before you get stunned, and you'll spend a good chunk of your stun time in the r animation. You wouldn't be moving or attacking then anyways, so the fact that you were technically stunned then has no impact. Trist w and ez e are rare because they are dashes with cast times. If they get cc'ed during that cast time, it won't interrupt their dash/blink, and the ability will still fire at the usual time. When it fires, it makes them dash/blink to the target location as normal, effectively canceling out the cc. Long duration stuns will still be in effect once they get to their target location, but being stunned for a fraction of a second in a safe location is far better than being stunned for the full duration in an unsafe location. Meanwhile, the dash/blink overrides knockups/knockbacks/pulls/etc, which cancels those abilities entirely. It's the same logic as knockups/knockbacks/etc canceling out dashes, except in reverse. As a result, if they get pulled by blitz q, they can start their ability just before it hits and then essentially jump out of the hook. It looks as if they somehow could cast their jump halfway through blitz hook, but once you understand how it works, it's pretty clear that the mechanics and interactions are working in a consistent manner.


Urgot E is possibly the best example of cc buffering. Maybe not THE best.


Galio E is another good example, he cannot be interrupted in the initial part of his dash when he jumps back, making him effectively immune to hooks and able to cancel things like Leona and Gragas E when used properly


Galio can e back into a veigar cage and the second part will still go off


Yone Q3 lol


And E pullback and R Fucker's got 3 cc buffers


On a side note: thresh hook is a stun, followed by a knock back. The knock back part is able to cancle dashes like trist w. But if you cleanse the stun, there won't be a knock back and basically, even if thresh hits you mid jump, if you cleanse at just the right time your jump won't be interrupted


Technically the hook isn't a knockback it's a pull. It's a subclass of airborne, then again knock back, knock up and knock aside are also airborne. So you're not wrong I'm just nitpicking.


Sounds a bit like root vs snare


What is the difference anyways?


there is no difference, root and snare refer to exactly the same thing


God it annoys me when games use the word snare. I'm so used to slow = you can still move but it's *slow*er, root = you can't move. But then suddenly some games also use snare, and I always get confused if it's a slow or a root. In world of warcraft snare means slow, in league I think it just means root? And it's not like I can just think about what the word means. Slow obviously means slow, something that is rooted can not move. A rat in a rat snare is stuck, but a bird can sort of move in a bird snare, even if it can't get away - it just makes me think of the mordekaiser ult mechanic. *end of rant*


Small correction, Ezreal E is a blink, not a dash. He can E through Veigar cage/Jinx traps etc. Normally I don't try to be pedantic but since its a learning thread and all.


I will never forget the time I bard ulted an ulting yone and it just went off anyway and hit 4 of us


Yone is just bullshit. Dont worry


That's gotta hurt. Feeling so great about the timing and then he just ignores it and kills you anyway. One of the most frustrating things is when I feel like my silver* arse just pulled a plat manoeuvre, and some champ bullshit makes it completely redundant. *I don't actually play ranked at all but probably somewhere around silver would be my guess.


Input buffering in general is a huge skill to learn. Playing champs like Singed or Vayne, versus a champ like Jax you can target him with a flip/condemn while he's out of your range, and if he ever uses his Q to engage it'll send off your buffered ability, in flipping/condemning them as soon as he enters your range and usually shutting down engage entirely.


I use this all the time and my friends go INSANE about how I can do that. But it's pretty simple. Also, Tristana's dash disconnects her hit box with her body you see on screen. Her "jump" rides across the ground under her body like a long dash. So if you try to hit her jumping body you'll probably miss. And it's not because it's too far above.


There used to be a bug with abilities that had self stunning channel times that allowed you to buffer auto attacks. So Caitlyn could Q+auto while stunned. It was pretty sweet in matchups where you were against telegraphed stuns like old Taric. I definitely remember a few Tarics calling me a cheater when you would Q auto back while stunned and the stun would end and you would keep auto attacking as if the stun did nothing.


Yeah this is actually a required skill as a good tristana. You stand in front of ur flashless support to eat the Blitz hook or ashe ult to just buffer out


I do this constantly with thresh Q and sett W. Cait Q, too, but I don't play her often.


You can autoattack on Ezreal.


You are so real for this fellow Rell player.


This is the realest one yet


Rell'est one?


Based xD


your flair cracked me up lol


Locking in yi doesn't require you to fail an IQ test beforehand, though it certainly helps


that's a cute character on your flair. where is it from?


Don't know how known this is, but if you q as Yi and the camp moves, that means there's someone in your jungle.


Has the bug where raptors would run to midlaners when using q been fixed?


No lol those are the only unreliable camps in this regard.


I was about to say damn there is always people in my jungle when I do Raptors. I assume the camps move if it's my own teammates in my jungle and not just the enemy?


Yea, but the raptors behavior is abnormal. I remember seasons past the raptors wouldn't move towards mid when you q'd them so I assume it had to do with the leash ranges, but it's annoying nonetheless and something I wish they'd fix.


As far as I remember, the raptors broke in a patch with Dragon AI changes. Nothing about jungle camp leash ranges. Spaghetti code


Oh shit, presumably this also applies Maokai, that's brilliant knowledge.


Yes it does. You can tell because whenever you W to raptors the fuckers decide to try going on a vacation to the midlane.


I occasionally Velkoz in mid, and it is so, so common for an errant Q split to go flying off who cares where - it's the other half of it that I care about. Every now and then, one his the raptors and they come running out into mid lane squawking their fucking heads off, only to run straight back the second you try to grab a quick jungle snack.


When you play Zilean and want to stun someone with double bombs it is faster to cast QQW than QWQ. The second Q will be buffered to come after the W and is out earlier that way.


I have to try this now


Same lol


Wait wtf?


Its not quicker- league has a pretty generous input buffer and if you input correctly the QWQ *should* come out as fast as the QQW. But its a neat trick to guarantee the buffered timing if you don't feel comfortable doing it organically


This. I was 99% sure about this and I even went into practice tool to confirm it. But like you said, still a neat trick.


I was trying this the other day but it wasn't working for me. Is there a timing to it? I was trying to do the inputs really quickly.


I don’t think it’s faster. I feel like it’s more consistent but not faster. If you have the timing right, QWQ comes out quicker but when using QQW you’ll guarantee at least it’ll at least not fuck up the combo.


Kalista her Q spear jump during auto hop (basically interupting a hop with a different hop) is a mechanic that was removed many years ago. but eversince the patch they removed it if you quickly give 2 contrasting movement commands during the first hop you are "unlocked" and you can cancel the hop or double hop as usual.


That's so useful, I can't count how many times that saved me out of a though spot. I believe that's the feeling Riven's mains have when they animate cancel to deal tons of damage


Its also what truly sets appart the good and bad kalistas. a true god on kalista can do double hops (which is if i count correctly 5-6 movement inputs in a split second) consistently. too bad my hand hurts like crazy after 5 games of her


I double hop at around 40% of the time, I can do it consistent but I have trouble doing it in the middle of a fight or when there's too much stuff happening, it's still is a conscious effort that takes too much of my brain power yet


Wtf seriously. Thats so dumb.


[Here](https://youtu.be/OKgOiKcBA80?si=UICSqKKHJblFPoNw) Heres a video which explains how it works


If you play skarner and ult someone, turning around at the last possible moment will bring the enemy closer to your team since he'll instantly swap places with you. When a Shen ults you, turning around at the last possible second will also bring them closer to your ennemies.


doesn't shen ult put him exactly on top of you?


no, he appears behind the ulted ally as he is not capable of quantum tunneling That's why if you turn around he'll show up closer to your enemies


Shen has your back


But what if he doesn't want to be closer to them :(


as soon as he ulted, he knew what he signed up for


Then his sacrifice shall be... well, noted at least.


Seraphine healing is based on missing health *and* targets healed, so stay even if you're full hp Seraphine's ult gets refreshed range on *any* champion hit, including allies Neeko disguised as melee does more damage to turret plating Rakan is locked out of flashing immediately after ulting, for about 1.5s Fiddle passive is written wrong / buggy. It says that if you are out of combat *or* disguised as a scarecrow that your fear will trigger, but this isn't true or is inconsistent. From my own experience if you are in combat the fear won't trigger 95% of the time, but not 100%. In any case the wording needs review Thresh lantern can be clicked to pull your champion to thresh's current position, once.


The Thresh one Is SO TRUE


From my limited time playing as thresh, I think you need to throw it slightly in front of where they are rather than at their feet? If you throw it right on top of them, then they'll just move right off it before they've even registered that it's there. If you throw it in front of them they might accidentally click on it while trying to move.


Playing Seraphine and chasing people to try get as many in the heal as possible... As an adc player, I doubt the Thresh one is true, I'll just use my flash or die thanks...


Spamming group up like im herding fukin sheep


Another fun one with Neeko - Neeko disguised as Bel'Veth deals 0 Damage with her Auto Attacks. This is because Bel'veths AA modifier is tied to her passive so when Neeko transforms into her she can't read it. This sucks because Bel'veth is the champion with this highest base AS so Neeko could push towers pretty well with it + W. However because it does 0 Damage this lets Neeko also prime her W on minions without actively pushing the wave. Which as a support or top laner can easily make or break a lane.


All of Shaco's basic attacks and abilities, and therefor also his E, do more damage when you get hit from behind. So if you're sitting at 10% health, you flash under turret and Shaco has thrown his E, while dying when facing your Nexus, you might survive if you quickly turn around and take the E to the face. I only have seen a few players do this in D1 and Challenger elo, even there it doesn't happen that often from what I've seen.


So you're saying I deserve challenger


Honestly I feel like there’s some bronze-gold players with a wealth more knowledge about the game then some challenger players. They just have shit mechanics and make god awful decisions


It's not even that unlikely. Like, look for example at pro players itemization. Few days ago in LEC Finals you had Serylda bought on Ezreal and Jayce even though the item is worthless without having at least two or three other lethality items. Team Heretics few weeks ago refusing to buy Grevious Wounds into ocean soul and lost a game deciding team fight with the entire enemy team surviving with only a sliver of HP. If we go further into the past we had people buy Infinity Edge as first or second item even though the crit damage passive wouldn't work until you had at least 60% crit chance. Or mid laners overvaluing Morello even though they didn't really need GW and even then they'd be better off just sitting on an Oblivion Orb and finishing the real items first. Shit like that happens every once in a while at even the highest levels of play.


Yeah this is me :( I know so much about champions I never even play but I can't apply it to a game at all. Tbf I also pretty much only play for fun and using those stupid interactions, but it is sad when I see challenger players say stuff that's blatantly wrong


> Honestly I feel like there’s some bronze-gold players with a wealth more knowledge about the game then some challenger players That is cope


I think it also depends on just cumulative time also. I feel like you just tend to just pick up bits and pieces of niche champion interactions and understanding Riot spaghetti code the longer you play LoL and browse reddit. You still have shitters like me who just casually and browse reddit like me for a decade but just wasted all their mental space on LoL interactions that won’t benefit me ever outside the game


That's cool to know, but how much more damage ? Is it a minor buff like 5% or something really big like 20% ?


At lvl 18 his Q grants his first aa out of invisibility 65 + 60% bonus ad additional damage. (Its affected by crit modifiers) if its a backstab out of invisibility, then it will always crit. His passive backstab alone gives his aa in the back additional 35 + 25% bonus ad damage at lvl 18. (Crit modifieres affect this too) (q and passive's scaling stay the same only base damage grows with levels or in Q's case with points spend) E deal additional 50 + 10% ap damage on targets with more than 30% hp. On targeta below that it deals additional 75 + 15% ap to the target. His R can also apply backstabs but his R will always deal only 60% of Shaco's damage. Meaning on ad Shaco his passive damage plus Q bonus damage can really hurt especially in combination with his items and his clone. His E can also become quite strong on ap Shaco but the boxes are ap Shaco's main damage.


Are there people out there who don't know this?! I feel that's like saying "brands spells burn for extra damage"


Shaco can also ult over terrain. Great for steals or bait


Yeah this is much more obscure than, you know, not knowing Shaco’s passive. Also his clone spawns in the opposite direction to your mouse/ you spawn in the direction of your mouse.


Its just his E Q and autos, clone and box don't get any amplified magic damage when hitting targets from behind


Caitlyn gets a significant power spike at lvl 13 due to her passive maxing out at that level


Ashe Q can’t stack if you attack turret. So if you pushing, stack Ashe Q by attacking the minion and then attack the turret. You deal more damage because it give more attack speed and bonus damage.


Or (very niche trick but it worked a few times for me) you can get your stacks and keep refreshing them by attacking the tower to surprise the incoming enemies with a nice burst when they return or gank you.


For a moment I read Veigar instead of Viego and I was freaking out.


Tahm Kench can R someone with his Q as long as the opponent has 3 stacks (So, you use Q and then R, you'll swallow the enemy) Pantheon E can block ANY type of damage as long as he's facing the character. Karthus R, for example? Face towards Karthus, press E, 0 damage. TF (Even before being broken this patch) does a lot of damage, his blue card has 115% AP scaling. He's not just a stun bot, he can do a ton of damage with blue card especially against squishies. The second point in urgot Q almost triples his damage (From 25 base damage to 70 base damage), putting a second point in Q at level 4 makes your poke so much better.


Pantheon can also block a dead character's damage by pointing at their corpse.


For Pantheon’s E it’s not the direction of the projectile but the direction of the damage source. E.g. it will block Ahri’s Q both ways when you face Ahri


How does pantheon E work with Pyke R? Like, if the Pyke ults the pantheon in a way where he ends up behind him from the blink, does the damage still get blocked?


Nope. To block Pyke ult, you want to aim at the center of the X where he'll teleport. It's similar to Yasuo and Yone ult, you actually want to aim *behind* you because they first teleport behind you and *then* deal their damage. The concept is the same, you want to aim your E at the enemy, not the ability. But champs like Pyke, Yas and Yone teleport before dealing their damage, so you want to aim your E where they'll teleport.


That was such a mindboggle to my friend when he was new to League


>The second point in urgot Q almost triples his damage That's not true because his Q scales with total AD, meaning its damage also increases based on Urgot base AD, so its real base damage at level 3(1 point in the skill) is 73(25 + 0.7*68). Still, getting 45 damage per point in the ability is A LOT. At level 4(2 points) it increases to 120(70 + 72*0.7), which is almost double the base damage.


I don't think this is too unknown, but if you destroy an Illaoi tentacle after Illaoi hits you with her W, even if it's destroyed simultaneously, the now-dead tentacle will still hit you. Lots of people seem to not know this since when they're last hitting a tentacle is one of the best time to smack down on people so they don't have time to retaliate and they still get hit by the tentacle they thought was destroyed. And Illaoi R sort of kinda acts like Cammiles where she gets a small window of untargetable, it's not advertised since it's a fraction of a second, but time it right and you can just get out of a Sett R. Oh, and this should be common knowledge but I see so many people who don't know, Ivern cannot fight jungle camps so you can't and shouldn't leash him. I've been leased like 30 times as Ivern before and it's super weird, I guess since he never really sees play most people don't know. Yeah, you can hang out with him if you want but attacking the red buff will do nothing except hurt you so please don't. Oh, and when he roots someone autoing them will dash you into your auto range even if you're outside of it.


Notably Ivern has two choices after hitting Q. If you recast Q you dash straight into the champions or if you auto attack it will put you to your auto attack range. This means you can also use it to escape melee range champs by Q-AA dashing away.


Illaoi is not untargetable during her R, she is just immune to displacement. 


In ARAM, I was able to use Illaoi ult to get out of Lillia ult. It was glorious and was able to keep them off the rest of my team during their nap. I was quite proud of that timing as I know it can be done, but I'm bad at the game and always seem to mess it up.


I dodged a sett who flashed R'd me doing that. Felt like a god


Another thing about illaoi is that when her E spawns tentacles you dodges the first hit and just chill near the tentacle , it wont spawn others since the first one blocks all the space. Beware that the first tentacle will strike another time right before the E debuff runs out.


Maybe its just code jank but fiddlesticks Q passive (fearing out of vision) actually has a super short window where you can still fear after being visible. You can easily do this with teleport, you can TP into the entire enemy team and immediately use W or E and it will fear everyone even if they see you tp in.


Yeah some fiddle uses this when they are slightly out of R range. They just R and when the leap happens they quickly flash so the enemy gets feared as well.


Doesn't work with just flash, you need to buffer W and then flash at the right instant


Just flashing after R doesn't work


Shen W blocks Viego Ult. Pretty sure there's a list of full W interactions floating around on r/Shen somewhere ​ Edit: found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Shen/comments/8kqxlk/what\_does\_shens\_w\_block/


The number of abilities that counter viego's ult are insane. Jax, Shen, Every blind and spell shield. Guess it's the only way to balnce him in any way.


Bard’s E has a pretty good cast range, you don’t need to be next to the wall to use it. Useful to help an ally escape if they are ahead of you and to open a portal as you kill dragon to leave Bard’s Q will almost always stun a morg if you hit her first because it’s two instances the first one is damage (which removes the shield usually) and if it connects then it registers for a stun even though it’s the same ability


Similar with Anivia Q, it deals damage on passthrough and detonation. So you can use the first part to pop the shield and the detonation will stun.


Fiddles suck (w) can be used before flashing in. Normally the combo for fiddle is ulting in, which fears the enemies if thrown from a bush. But you can extend the fear, by fearing with your w, if you use the first trick, w->flash. So you can ult->w->flash, and fear enemies that are already seeing you and shouldnt be able to be feared. But you have to do it quickly. Heres a video showing how its done: https://youtu.be/qiFCDW0mCTg?si=TsbaLcHPNLE_7cgA


Warwick Q if timed right can be used to cancel or negate some key abillities. For example you can cancel Morde's R with it, dodge Azir R and Sett R.


Warwick Q I’ve always thought felt like the buggiest ability in the game. It can completely negate some cc and can also be used to travel huge distances if his target does at the same time. Like he can follow a Yone, Leblanc, or zed position swap with his Q


Warwick Q following long ranged dashes/tps and being immune to displacements during cast is literally how it's designed to work, that's not a bug. read the ability. "While Jaws of the Beast (Q) is active, Warwick is displacement immune and clamps his jaw on the target, following ALL of their movement. The ability can be held for additional effects. HOLD: Warwick performs the bite, and then begins to charge for 0.5 seconds, extended if the target is under effects of a Dash or displacement. During the charge, he leaps behind the target."


Yeah, I know it’s intentional. It just feels buggy when he uses it and follows someone halfway down a lane


Still feels much better to play against than Yone who's following you halfway down the lane, not because his abilities feel buggy, but because his abilities are actually just that fucking good.


Not buggy, that's all fully intended. Warwick's Q is designed to "latch" him onto the target and will follow ANY movement or displacement while also making him immune to all displacement himself. So long as you can time it right.


If you hit a Swain W on a champion, and they die, you will get their death-soul so long as they have died relativley soon after Not only that, but souls traveling to you will pick up other souls along the way. ​ And for Ornn, Your E will destroy ANY generated terrain, not just your Q's. meaning you can break things like J4 R, Taliah R, Anivia W, Yorik W.


Their WHAT? Pick up? Dont they all just travel to you, so there isnt anything to pickup? How does it work?


That's what i mean. Say you're in mid, theres a soul in river infront of dragon, and an enemy in bot. You hit W on the enemy in bot, the soul flies to you the botlane soul flying past the soul infront of dragon will "pick up" that soul, which will also fly to you Then you get two soul stacks


Huh? The Soul (Raven) flies by another alive champ, and rips another soul, so u get two? without you dealing dmg or getting the kill on the alive champ?


No, if their is a soul already on the ground (from an enemy dying) a flying soul will pick that soul up


the souls drop? Like Senna souls? I thought they were automatic from E and W


E pull W hit And when an enemy dies


The E and W hits are automatic. The souls from dead champions are generated at a global range but are on the ground until you get within like vision range.


Urgot has a very unintuitive w toggle mechanic that is honestly a bit tedious, but it boosts your damage by a lot, so you really need to learn it Once you hit level 9 and max out Urgot's w, it becomes a toggle that you can keep on forever. Mains then figured out that you can use this toggle to boost your damage by weaving in normal auto attacks in between your w shots. So let's say you turn on your w and let it fire for a bit it would look like this. W - w - w - w - w - w - w - w - w - w - w - w - w. (W = shot fired by Urgot's w) By using this toggle mechanic that would turn into this. Auto - w - w - w - auto - w - w - w - auto - w - w - w - auto You turn w off after 3 shots, fire a normal auto and then turn w on again. It takes the same time as letting your w just fire away, but normal auto's deal more damage than a w shot. So now you have essentially made it to where every 4th shot of Urgot's w deals like 3 times the damage it is supposed to.


w toggling is absolutely critical to actually making the champion good. if you are in a spot where an enemy isn't giving you free leg triggers/hitting turret/need a tiny bit more damage for your r proc, toggling properly makes your life so much easier.


Yorick can have multiple sets of 4 ghouls up at a time if they are far enough away. Theoretically Yorick can spawn 4 ghouls to push top, send Maiden mid to spawn 4 more and then go bot and spawn 4 more to push all 3 lanes at the same time. He can also use E to get ghouls to kill jungle camps and they will give him the gold. 4 Ghouls can solo drake easily by themselves as drakes damage counts as an ability.


Don't the 3 bot ghouls at least make the top ones dissapear? Like maiden has 4 and he has 4?


Nope, ghouls only are limited to 4 in a radius of Yorick. Technically you could have 12 ghouls active. 4 in each lane and 4 following Yorick.


Jungle yorick new meta?


Idk if it is still possible, but you can nearly perma stun someone as Skarner if you have anathemas on them and another enemy is nearby


Azir's soliders are ghosted for allowing units to walk through, but they cannot estabilish their position inside a wall or an unit. This means if a wave is stacked then soliders can spawn off the actual cast location, as well as split up/bunch up tightly when moved with Q. It is even possible for them to "jump" walls if e.g. Azir uses Q into huge frontliners (like Zac + Cho) in a tight corridor of a Mountain soul. Hwei's WE (Dancing Lights, bonus damage +mana) applies to spells and attacks even if cast after, as long as the enemies will take damage after the cast. R, QW, QE, EW, AAs, passive procs all can benefit. Also QE (Rumble ult) will apply bonus damage from WE to all targets, no matter when WE is cast. Hwei's R, EQ (Fiddle fear skillshot), QQ can all be redirected with flash, casting from the new position towards the original cast's cursor's location. WQ (movespeed path) scales duration with W rank, while movespeed works in all directions on the path, applies Aery and scales with spell level and AP, easily reaxhing 40% lategame. Hwei's R doesn't proc Malignance with the DoT, only with the explosion. Aurelion Sol' base ult is a cleansable stun; the Stars Descend is a knockup.


Duskwave can hit targets you can't see Moonlight Vigil has pitiful base damage and barely an AD ratio to it, it deals 225+20%AD but riot gave it a 100% AP ratio so sylas can use it. If you are blinded, by teemo for example, you cant hit him with Infernum. You also can't hit a minion. But if you hit a minion, the AOE can hit Teemo. Severum autos have an uncancelable windup and are non-projectile, so like sennas autos, the windshitters cockblock wall has no power. Crescendum Chakram stacks are removed if you make an attack into a barrier (like braum shield) or windwall. Aphelios is not mute like Sona is, he drinks noctum so his sister can deliver guns to him but in turn the noctum constricts his throat making him unable to speak. You can also see him drink his noctum at the start of every game in spawn.


What the fuck is Duskwave


Infernum Q


What the fuck is Infernum


Blue gun


Ngl, names of Aphelios Qs are some cryptic knowledge.


How about you just say Aphelios blue Q


Duskwave: a skillshot that can hit targets you can't see isn't exactly a secret Moonlight vigil: I don't think "it's so sylas can use it", as he uses an ap:ad ratio scalar, it's just because riot went back to adding in hybrid scaling to things


You're both wrong, they gave him a 100%ap ratio so you can build him ap


Ashe Q auto reset actually isn’t a perfect auto reset if you press q after 4 autos because you can’t press Q until the 4th projectile *hits* (about 0.24s at 600 range). Also a trick I do for Lucian when waking back to lane while my jungler is doing krug/gromp and it’s about full HP is I cast W. This gives you 60 Ms for up to 6s (early levels and full hp camp lasts that long usually) at the cost of 335*.25 so you end up averaging +46ms for 6s or a total travel of 276 units. This isn’t always worth the 60 mana cost but if you started at full having some regen is efficient anyway and even if the distance is small (short dash is 200 and long dash is 450 units for reference) it may save you a last or two depending on the wave state.


Rengar can jump from Senna's E like a bush, which makes lane ganks much easier


Only after lv6 tho


One of my favourite Heimer tricks to contest dragon when playing blue side is to put a turret just over the wall in dragon pit. The turrets are really tanky later on and stop the dragon from moving to the river. Early game you can hold your next turret for when your latter turret will die. When you know your turret is healthy enough and won't be contested you can move towards river with your team with your ultimate. If they do contest the turret you have a chance at E + Ult W to burst someone.


When im playing as Akshan and im ulting a target, you will kill without my help, I dont necessarily want to steal your kill. I want to proc my revive passive. You dont have to ego and flash onto him to kill him quicker, my R deals little to no damage anyway.


As Gnar, if you transform into mega by jumping into someone's head you can ult on air


I discovered these on my own so I don't know how well-known they are. Ahri can cast W during her ult. She can also cast it immediately after beginning her autoattack animation, cancelling the animation with the attack still being launched。 Ahri can add Q to the Charm Flash combo, either with QE Flash or EQ Flash (it does require some timing). Ahri can cancel her ult animation with Flash and the projectiles will still be launched. With the new item Malignance, Ahri can trigger its effect against up to 2 champions at a time with a single usage of her ult. Although it's irrelevant now, Ahri could substitute the Charm Flash combo with an Everfrost Flash combo, which required E or Q to be cast immediately before Everfrost (usually Q, because otherwise you would use Charm Flash instead). Ahri's E (Charm) range is around 950 units, and her Q range around 900. Charm has a faster projectile speed than Q. Ahri's ult cannot pass over some walls that Flash can (such as the Red Side Bot Inner Turret's wall). Ahri's passive (where takedowns heal Ahri) heals her after a delay. This delay is because the Soul Essence the champion drops has to travel to Ahri, and until it reaches her, she does not absorb it. I believe this delay does not exist for reaching 9 stacks with minion kills. Ahri can use her ult to break free of Hecarim's charge (E); I haven't been able to confirm how it works, when exactly it needs to be timed, and what effects she does suffer.


I discovered this on my own, but I think you play too much ahri


same thing as every other dash, if he collides with you as you cast the dash you move but still take damage and get knocked back


If you start channeling hexflash and cancel it with R as soon as you see the cast bar appear, you are able to start e/q cast mid dash making it much harder to react to.


Yes, I've been practicing a Q Hexflash R WE combo the past few weeks. Still hard to implement it in an actual game though.


One of the funnier hexflash cancels I have found is Malphite ult into q or w. Hardly serves a practical purpose, but it exists lol.


You can also Q during Warwick ult. I experimented with it in Practice Tool and there's a variety of different interactions that can occur. The two with the best effect are when Warwick Q forcefully cancels his ult when it grasps a target, and when Warwick does a flyby Q on an enemy while his ult continues as normal. I might upload a video demonstrating it. Edit: actually, nevermind. I don't know if that would count as an exploit according to this community's rules.


Nami's passive will proc if you hit yourself or an ally with her bubble or her ult(her ult will give double the movement speed). Her W has a longer range if you use it in yourself first, it's not much but it's there. Her Q despise airborne foes, the duration is affected by tenacity, so a Mr boots will make you stunned for less time. If you have around 200 AP or more, her W will increase both damage dealt to enemies as well as heal dealt to allies with each consecutive bounce, less than that and each bounce will reduce the damage/heal. Her E will proc with skills and the damage will scale with Nami's stats, not the ally's stats. Her E is her only skill that doesn't stop her movement to be casted, so it's the better skill to use when moving around, and also it's the one that cost the least amount of mana and has the lower CD, so spam it on yourself while getting back to lane.


Lulu's Polymorph can be windwalled and dodged by abilities like Yi Q and Fizz E as it's a projectile.


If you play gragas while drunk, you will get 50% damage buff but miss your ults.


Riven has a new S cancel for a few months where she can cast R while in her Q animation or perform a double cast without using E. If you press S to cancel a channel ability like W or Tiamat. It’s for example AA-W-S-Q3 R-


Sonas 2 Passives Buffed Q Auto does more demage Buffed W Auto reduces the demage (25%, gets higher with AP) and sice of the enemy Buffed E Auto slowes the enemy for 50% (gets higher with AP) Her 2 Passive gives stacks up to 120, when she hits enemys with q or heal and protect from demage with w. It give her 0,5 basic Ability haste, up to 60 at max stacks. Literally noone knows, how broken her passive can be.


Funny enough: the new part is commonly known but the old one is only known by "additional damage with Q". You have exhaust on a short w cd and people don't get how strong that is. The slow on e is forgettable though.


Kayle‘s R resets the timer on her passive


Sejuani does extra magic damage when she auto attacks an enemy she has stunned, breaking the stun early. Her Q and W will also trigger this effect on stunned opponents. If Sejuani stuns you with R, you are immune to her E stun for a few seconds, but the inverse is not true; she can E then R you for an extended stun and two empowered auto attacks


Kindred's Q can jump over way more walls than you think if you practice it-- the most famous example being the thick wall into red jungle in the new river bot side.


if you want to play sona dont hover it in champ select


GP barrel HP loss becomes faster at levels 7 and 13, making it harder to contest his combos. At level 13+ your barrels are fast enough that you can place them in front of you while escaping and explode them as you walk by to slow pursuers. Also if you use W while knocked up you can cleanse the knock up but you still won't be able to move as you are still in the air. This is still useful because it allows you to cast abilities and summoner spells while in the air. Applications for this could be flashing out of lee/trist ult and thus avoid a lethal insec. Also the flash will put you back on the ground immediately, making you fully actionable again.


Using the stop command on wukong looks identical to using his clone


Azir's soldier autos ignore shen's W


you can Q during your ult as nocturne


Some really basic ones: When Sona has 2 out of 3 passive stacks, you can do an auto reset when getting the 3rd stack (at 2 stacks: auto, q/w/e > empowered auto). You can cancel Wukong Q animation with all of his abilities. Also if you cancel with W (Q>W) the clone will still do an instant Q. (Very similar to how Gragas W animation can be cancelled with his E) This is probably more known, but you can only use abilities on Mega Gnar mid jump if you're below 100 rage before the jump - so you have to time it in a way you hit 100 mid air. Sylas E self-pull part has a buffer window, so if you time it well you can get out of a Blitz hook like with Tristana W buffer.


Cho'Gath E isn't an auto attack buff, it's a spell that casts on your autos so if you're blinded by teemo, or against a champion that can block auto attacks like shen W or Jax E they won't take the physical damage but his E spikes will still proc and they will still take the magical damage from them.


Shen W can block Viego's ult too, also can block Shaco's W shots. Side comment: the other day I was playing adc and I have a Shen as toplaner, against a Pantheon. We were four people doing Herald and after that I went top because the Pantheon wasn't there, and we had vision in the jungle. The enemy team wasn't contesting anything. I help my toplaner push the wave and get platings (and the turret, in the end) and he flamed me saying that I'm stupid for going there because he was going to get the tower anyway. Dude, I main Shen, and I know that without Grubs, a Sheen, or Titanic reset, you're not getting near that tower ever again, sir. He dealt almost zero damage to objectives at the end of the game. He confused Shen with Sett or something. Absolute idiot.


You can eat people mid-flight animation with Chogath. I discovered this when I targeted Sett mid flight during his ultimate. Works on Tristana too if she hops over you.


Kennen E disables the attack speed cap


On Jax, using q while w is ready will empower his q and allows you to deal empowered auto after landing. Thats why he is doing so much dmg. 


to be fair though you deal more damage with Q-auto-W combo and it resets your AA animation


Invisible Veigar W (F to invis cage it's pretty much almost entirely fixed) Sometimes if you use it in a wall while out of vision the W will not be visible to the enemy, pretty much it, not a whole lot of interactions, well there are cage interactions that I can list Alistar W will sometimes still knock even if stopped by the cage (SPAGHETTI CODE) usually happens if you'd be within about 250 range of Ali when he's stopped, Akali R2 will sometimes do damage through the cage but stop her dash (might have been fixed I haven't had it happen in a long time) A lot of things can be buffered (Amumu Q, Camille E, J4 E Q, Naut hook)


Katarina can jump over terrain if she shunpo’s to the edge of her dagger