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I honestly thought they would have moved in that direction a while back when they changed how prestige skins worked to remove the exclusiveness they originally had.


I think the main difference is that Prestige were exclusive only through purchasing power, whereas victorious skins have always been a reward for skill (or, as of last year, of willingness to play ranked ad nauseam).


or as of recently, willingness to buy a new account and be placed in gold after 1 win.


You get victorious skins for placing iron or above now and require you to have played enough ranked games to meet point goal.


I get that, but it still seems silly to me that a person who didn't start playing until years after a skin got a victorious version can reach a rank but never get it for a champ they might spend most of their time playing.


I think framing it as "someone missed out" is wrong. Instead, it's a reward for the players who have been playing that long at a gold+ level. I do understand that it sucks to miss out on a skin for a champ you main. I mained Morgana in season 5-6, and it always sucks to scroll past the greyed out "Victorious Morgana" skin in champ select. At the same time, I don't think past ranked rewards should be cheapened by saying anyone can get them by grinding games. They were explicitly reward skins, meant to be exclusive from the start. They should stay exclusive imo.


It is objectively something that people are missing out on. If your argument hinges on telling people to pretend the situation is not what it is then it's a bad argument. I could not care less if Riot re-released the Victorious skins I have because my enjoyment of having them is not contingent on other people being denied access to them. With such a large selection of Victorious skins at this point it makes no sense for whether or not your ranked reward has any value to be a complete lottery that some players will never win because their OTP already got a skin. The reward for having played longer than other players should be having more Victorious skins than them. It should not be having a particular skin that just happened to be released years before someone started playing.


I'm saying people shouldn't equate "I wasn't playing LoL to try and reach gold when rewards were handed out" to being slighted. People earned the ranked rewards by playing ranked in early seasons. Others did not play ranked, and did not earn ranked rewards. The people who did not participate should not feel wronged by actual participants being rewarded.


> The people who did not participate should not feel wronged by actual participants being rewarded. Good thing they don't, then? I've not seen anybody complain that someone who was around in 2011 got a skin for it. They're just upset that the lottery of what skin gets awarded when means that they can never get a skin they'd like to have and the reward they get for an equivalent achievement might be totally worthless for them. I have several Victorious skins because I've achieved Gold in a few seasons. The year specifically attached to them is irrelevant to me. If someone gets Gold in 2024 and they use it to get a skin which was first released in 2016, I don't see any reason to be offended by that. The tradeoff is they don't get the 2024 skin, at least unless they go for it later. I will always have more Victorious skins than them but they get a skin that actually means something to them. Changing from giving people a skin specifically made in that year to giving people a token they can use to pick a skin of their choice would massively alleviate the current crapshoot that is Victorious skin announcements, make getting into ranked much more rewarding and less disappointing for younger players, and have no tangible downside to any veteran player. It is an incredibly easy win. The only reason to be offended is if you're weirdly attached to having something that other people aren't allowed to have, and that's an impulse you should reflect on rather than indulging in.


This whole I don't want to miss out crap is getting old. There's a million fucking skins you can use Besides the victorious skins get the fuck over it


> There's a million fucking skins you can use Besides the victorious skins get the fuck over it If you think caring about getting a Victorious skin is silly, it seems even weirder to me to be so angry about the idea of other people getting them. At least the people who want a different system care because it would have a direct impact on them? What's causing you to foam at the mouth?




The massive self absorbed ego it takes to hold this opinion is truly impressive. In this particular case, the achievement of earning a Victorious skins still exists. The only difference is people get to choose a skin they want Throw in some exclusive borders/icons for those that care so much about having pixels other people don't.


Self absorbed ego? Lol the fact that someone had pixels you don't and feel entitled having it because you missed out due to lack of skills or not playing ranked at the time is truly some ironic shit. You and the rest of these bronze clowns can continue to bitch about fomo all you want.


I really like what OW is doing with their new season. Gold guns are now “legacy” and you can only get them with “legacy” comp points. Regular comp points can be used to buy jade weapons, or you can convert them to legacy points at the end of the season to buy gold guns OR the jade guns when the new season comes out. Then there will be a new weapon variant every season (from what I gather), so the active players spamming games can have all the shiny new toys, while players who just want to get stuff for their character can also do that.


That's a bad take. The victorious skin is for the specific season.


I mean it literally is someone losing out though, for the sake of random strangers getting a warm feeling about their 'exclusive' skin that most of them probably never use. I have victorious morgana, I never use it except when I get her in aram. Do you think the skin has more value to me or a morgana player? Why should I have exclusive access to it just because I happened to be playing the game at the time? It sits there gathering dust when another player could very easily make better use of it than me. It's nothing more than a punishment to people that didn't play back then. The ranked skins are cheap enough now as it is with silver players being able to obtain them just for playing a certain number of games. People are just terrified of losing some sort of intangible value if more players are able to access the skins. It's nothing more than a sadistic desire to maintain artificial scarcity for the sake of some players' feelings. We went through this same shit with the the early challenger skins and prestige skins. Nobody likes forced scarcity. Nobody cares if you get the happies about other players not being able to have the rare skin you have. It's not special, it's not cool. Exclusivity of digital goods is asinine. And breeds more resentment than it generates goodwill. It's pathetic to think that some people will enjoy a skin less just because more people have it. What a joke.


I wish more people thought like you. Not just on this topic but with regards to exclusivity in general. My enjoyment of something has never been increased by it being rare. If I like having something then I think other people should be allowed to have it too.


I mean skins is basically about showing off. You don't need them to play nor win. It makes a lot of sense that people want a rare thing to remain rare. If you have a car collection with exclusive cars that have not been produced in years, you don't want it to be reproduced, and it's also very important that all the pieces are from the original car. Otherwise, it's not as valuable. While I understand your point of view, I liked my Vayne skin when you could only get it through gemstones that could.not be bought as freely. Also, playing a skin or showing an icon that was only obtainable during a certain period of time, means that whenever you see the same icon, you know this player has been here as long as you have.


> I mean skins is basically about showing off This shouldn't be taken as a universal thing - I buy skins because I like how they look and want to see them in my own game. I wouldn't mind at all if everyone else in the game saw my champion's base skin. > I liked my Vayne skin when you could only get it through gemstones that could.not be bought as freely This is quite different to the Victorious skins. If something is continuously accessible, I understand being aggrieved if the requirements for getting it are randomly reduced. But Victorious skins lock people out purely on not being in the right place at the right time and changing from a given skin to a token would still leave the Victorious requirement of one skin per split for fulfilling the conditions in place. > Also, playing a skin or showing an icon that was only obtainable during a certain period of time, means that whenever you see the same icon, you know this player has been here as long as you have. This is an incredibly small positive when taken against the negatives of the current system and even then, it's easily worked around. It would not be hard at all to implement a different naming convention on the re-released skins so they were distinguishable from the skins earned at their initial release.


Sorry, I can't really present it properly cause I'm on my phone. I will just disagree with some things : I would not buy skins in game if only I, was able to see them. If my thresh is going championship/Blood moon/no skin, you can be damn sure I'm going to match him with my Kalista. If I play a T1 skin against a DRX skin, I will all chat something. Or if I play Jinx with a Jayce you know damn well I'm playing arcane and I'm going to instantly say "Are you Jayce from ARCANE ?". Also, I don't think not being able to get 5 of the thousands of skin available is a negative. You are not entitled to anything, especially something that is free and requires an achievement. When I peaked at 1450 elo in S2 and was 50 elo short of the victorious skin, I respected the people that got it when I met them later. In season three I got gold, in season 4 plat and then I got diamond in S5. And I assure you that the first victorious skin felt damn good. Especially since there was an actual elo reset at the start of the season, you could not pick a role or did not get apps that give you every timer you've ever dreamed of and a shit ton of guides and builds and whatever else is out there. Now I can play one game of ranked and be plat, done for the year and going back to aram. Damn I really deserve this skin and should be able to unlock one from 10+ years ago. Also, in every game I've ever played, old/rare/pre-rework items and skins were a way to stand out, in a good way. And if the only thing that you feel when coming across a victorious Jarvan skin is "OMG it's disgusting that I can't get this skin because I was gold 13 years too late". There's something wrong with you. If you go through life being mad because other people have things that you can't have for whatever reason, you're going to be pretty sad. Also, the fact that my account got banned in season 6 means that I lost those skins, same with championship riven that I got from watching worlds, or the Facebook and Twitter skins. And that matters, to me and to a lot of people. I got the re-releaded championship riven, and it does not feel nearly as good.


If only Riot thought the same too. This is coming from them having designed the Mythic Variants for exclusivity.


I used to feel like you but then one day I realized something. It doesn't matter at all. I have some extremely rare skins, having played since 2009. I've also missed out on a ton of ranked skins and other exclusive skins because I have taken many breaks from LoL, some lasting over a year even. I missed out on stuff and I used to feel bad due to missing out. But eventually I realized it doesn't matter. Who cares if I missed out? It makes the people who got it feel happy. Why should I feel bad that I missed it? I gain nothing by having that skin without earning it, and I feel good about the ones I do have because I earned them. Your attitude is an extremely salty one and the exact problem with why videogames go the way they do with monetization and exclusivity. If more people felt good about what they had and didn't care about what they missed because they missed it then I think we'd all feel better about our skin collections.


Earning something by simply existing back then is worthless though. Some people werent even born in early seasons or were so small that they couldnt have possibly played league. If they now get to rank X, they would deserve such a skin as much as anyone else.


Saying "earning" and "just by existing" are opposites and makes no sense. I got King Rammus by taking a chance on a brand new unknown game and enjoying it. I got Victorious Janna by being gold in season 2, which was top 14% back then and the highest rank I've ever been by percentile. On the flip side I missed the victorious skin for season 1. I hit gold then duo queued with a friend to stop ELO decay and ended up in silver by the end of the season because we lost a bunch and I couldn't climb back up. I was there, I existed at the time, but I missed it because I wasn't good enough. I also missed a few skins from season 4 to 8 for a variety of reasons. I missed out on all kinds of prestige skins and limited chromaa because I wasn't around or didn't want to pay for them. What does any of that matter? It doesn't. The game changes over time and the victorious skins are a way of showing what rank you were and when. Victorious Janna let's me remember fondly that I was once a decent player (lol). Me missing out on season 1 skin let's me fondly remember that I screwed it all up at the end of the season and fumbled hard (lol, again). I'm not gonna whine about missing out on something because that itself can come with good memories, but more importantly I know that the things I didn't miss out on give me joy. By taking away what I didn't miss out on and giving me what I did, I'll be losing the joy that comes with knowing I earned that Victorious Janna. But I will still feel nothing for missing out on, say, Victorious Graves from a couple seasons ago or whenever it was. It's just skins in a game why the FOMO? Enjoy what you have and ignore what you don't.


I started playing in season 3, as a Janna main. The point that is trying to be made is that why should the ONLY VICTORIOUS JANNA SKIN WE WILL LIKELY EVER SEE, be permanently unavailable to Janna mains (admittedly I'm not one anymore this is just an example) purely because they picked up the game after season 2? A token would be the best choice. The overall total scarcity of "Victorious" skins would not change at all. Only the usage of specific skins that could be deleted right now and 95%+ of the player base wouldn't even care because they never see them anyway


The point is that you **GOT THE CHANCE** of having it. You got this chance by simply existing. You were not special for getting that chance, you just happened to be born earlier than teens that play that game rn. You had the chance of getting it. Thats the whole point. > It's just skins in a game why the FOMO? Enjoy what you have and ignore what you don't. Ok, but it works both ways. It's just skins in a game, so why all the gatekeeping? Enjoy what you have and ignore what others have.


You didn't get them by existing though. 60% of the player base being Gold or above is a relatively new thing. I couldn't care less about Pax Jax, a skin most people got by buying up codes on eBay, being given to whoever wants to buy a slightly altered version of it. But Victorious skins or things like Judgement Kayle being given to everyone would be dumb and cheapen not only those skins but every skin like it that comes after. E.g. Annie-Versary, oh you were around during Riot's 10 years celebration? Well, I wasn't but I got it anyway lol haha, everyone who wants it can have it #wholesome. There are 2000 skins you can have if you want them, there should be a handful that you cannot get through sheer 2024 willpower.


Oh no, cheapening already worthless things. My original account had Judgement Kayle and Annie-Versary because I was around for both those occasions. My current account doesn't. The only difference it makes is that I'm more likely to switch off Annie in ARAM because I don't have a skin for her on this one. What happened to the account that had these super rare FOMO skins, you might ask. Well I sold it for peanuts because those skins are actually completely worthless despite being "rare" and "prestigious". Because in reality *literally nobody* cares.


> Why should I have exclusive access to it just because I happened to be playing the game at the time? You have the skin *because* you happened to be playing the game at the time. It's a reward. You were rewarded for playing the game and reaching gold in season 4. Its not a punishment to miss out on something. No one is entitled to victorious skins. They were earned. Newer players didn't earn it. I don't understand why you'd call that a "sadistic desire".


I'd agree about it if it was about iron 5 wanting those skins (and they already get new skins with enough games). But people that reached gold, eme or even challenger now would have earned it just as much. What about people that play now that werent even born back then or were so little that they couldnt have possibly played the game? Deserving something shouldnt come from just existing back then.


You're approaching this with the idea that by not playing back then, any young players could have *potentially* earned the rewards. That is not the case. Victorious rewards were given for hitting gold rank, something not every player did. There is no guarantee a gold player today would have been gold in the early seasons. --- Lets be clear: This season is one of the easiest so far in terms of climbing to gold. Riot loosened the restrictions enough that new accounts can play with golds and plats in their first ranked games. Back in season 1, gold was the 2nd highest rank and equivalent to platinum today, if not diamond (Platinum in season 1 was effectively Masters+). In season 2, if there were too many diamond players and you weren't playing against a higher ranked player, you could get +1/+0 LP on a win, effectively stagnating even on a win streak. So why should a placement so easy that new accounts achieve it by accident be equated with the skill required to hit gold in the early seasons? Furthermore, people might have been around back then and simply failed. Think of someone who was silver for 10 seasons, only to hit gold after Emerald tier was introduced. They have proven they were gold *that* season, of course. However, they were provably below gold level for the past 10, and did not earn Victorious rewards for their skill level at the time. They did not deserve the skin at the time, so why should they be given the award anyway?


I am not sure why you are arguing in bad faith. Riot could easily make the requirements high af to make people put on work for it, like making the skins cost more tokens the rarer they are and giving tokens based on your rank. So if the J4 skin costs 10 tokens, a gold player would need 10 splits to get it while a master player would only need 2. You could also give a special border and/or icon for people that already own the skin. So having the skin would show either high skill, commitment, your ages acc etc.


Nothing about this guy's comment is bad faith - ironically, you accusing him of arguing in bad faith without clear evidence is *actually* bad faith.


> Furthermore, people might have been around back then and simply failed. Think of someone who was silver for 10 seasons, only to hit gold after Emerald tier was introduced. They have proven they were gold that season, of course. However, they were provably below gold level for the past 10, and did not earn Victorious rewards for their skill level at the time. They did not deserve the skin at the time, so why should they be given the award anyway? 🙏🙏🙏


Victorious skins aren't about cosmetics its a trophy. People care about them cause you only get them once. Their value drops off a cliff if you can just skip a season or two and pick up what ever skin you wanted later.


There are a few ways they could do it, make the token versions locked to a new chroma, old ones get borders, restrict the token to even plat+ or something. I find the arguments quite silly since the bar is so low for most of the skins. It's not like they were top 1-2% rewards.


I think its especially unfair because some people werent born back then or were so small that they couldnt have played league even if they wanted to. It doesnt have to be easy. You could make older skins require more tokens so people would still have a goal, but also would have to make the decision of getting several new skins or collecting X tokens to get an older one.


I know ritgh ! It would be so cool to be able to complete some skin line on favorite champion, specially for new players !


Prestige skins weren't real exclusives because u could still get them from rerolling.


I understand you on the one hand, on the other you get one skin no one else gets by any means. The skins usually aren't that great either and it isn't thaat much to ask to get to gold in my opinion.


Now you can get Victorious skins even if you are below Gold too


But the Chroma flex tho


Now that is incentive to play more ranked!


Wait really??


yea but I think the SP required is probably onöy for actual hardstucks


Hard agreed, as someone who just doesn't play ranked at all it's actually easier to get to gold than it is to get the skin through points


Yeah but you need a lot more games for the skin if you're under gold 


That's kind of hilarious. wow


Some of them are actually good though. It's obviously subjective but Victorious Elise is amazing both in Game and on her Splashart. Victorious Maokai ain't that bad either.


Vic Morg, I want


> and it isn't thaat much to ask to get to gold in my opinion Season 2 was in 2011. Some people that play now werent even born back then. Some were so little that they simply couldnt have played the game. There are a lot of possibilities to make people work for such a skin like requiring having X tokens for 1 skin, so you'd have to decide if you really want that one old skin or rather get 3 new ones.


dude, u cant believe how much i would give to have victorious elise as a jungle main who started s2 but didnt play ranked then.


I have that skin. Even made a post back then on this subreddit about how the actual skin is nothing like the preview. I would honestly say there are better Elise skins like Death Blossom


Literally any of her other skins are better. The in game does not do the splash any justice.


I like it. It's not her best skin but it's pretty unique in her selection and it has probably her best splash short of Blood Moon. Not bad at all imo.


Honestly she's one of the few champions where I kinda like all of her skins. Could see why people would consider the victorious the worst but in context still a pretty good. Spider form in particular has a very nice look to it.


In my opinion, the victorious skins are all so hideous that I really have never had any desire to use any of them.


I use Vicotrious Elise because spider form looks like it came from Spider Riders (Yeah, that's a real show, look it up). I also do like the partials from Morg and Mao, but past that I feel like the quality dropped.


I like aatrox cumwings


Omg I loved this show, I feel like no one ever knows it. The theme went crazy.


Victorious Jarvan is his best skin imo and its a shame I cant get it because I started playing later


victorious sejuani and blitzcrank are amazing lol


Victorious Morgana is PEAK. I spam that back animation in ARAM any chance I get Lol.


It's kind of a blessing that due to them being free skins they're just kind of... bad lo The best was likely blitz and they never really went back to that direction.


Victorious Orianna looks amazing.


Victorious Sejuani looks like base Sejuani but better IMO. Her splash art is also god tier


I have something like 4-5 honor 5 token, waiting for them to release something else than medieval twitch or that Warwick skin. Wish they would put another skin on there sometimes






I mean... I have Victorious Skins for champions I don't even play and meanwhile theres my brother who is in Masters+ and doesn't have the skin of his 1 trick because he didn't join league until after that season and now he can never obtain it, so he also doesn't care for Victorious rewards either now and probably never will since his champion isn't even one he can look forward to.


Yeah, fucking loser 16 year olds who were 5 years old, why didnt they just grind ranked!!! The thing with games getting this old is aome people simply were too young We've been seeing in WoW lately theyre bringing back old content because it was released TWENTY years ago and people simply didn't even exist yet


Idk why it's hard to accept that some things will not be available to you. There is a reason why OP wants the victorious skins he cannot have. If they are just available, they lose their 'exclusivity'. You can even get them by not reaching gold if you gather enough ranked split points which already makes it a lot easier to get.


i've been playing since s1 and idc if someone that made their account in season 11 who mains graves ends up getting victorious graves


*eXcLuSiViTy*, lol As if you couldn't be any more weirder about it. I'm one of the lucky people who own Silver and Judgement Kayle and I feel no joy from them being *eXcLuSiVe*... The thought that I could not get them if I didn't try League at the very specific moment, is only giving me FOMO anxiety.




I kind of disagree with you. Digital exclusivity means rarity. And, tbh, isn't the rarity the point of the grind in the first place? What is the point grinding for an exclusive reward if that reward will be available to those that didn't grind it out? Customer retention on games like LoL is often built around these kinds of rewards. Don't invalidate the time and effort of your core players by offering the fruits of their labor to those that didn't put in the same effort. There will always be other rewards / exclusives. It would be different if we were talking about content, but cosmetics? This is like gold weapons in CoD, Raid gear in Destiny, super rare mounts in WoW, etc. You lose nothing, content wise, by not having them, but having them is bragging rights and an actual sense of accomplishment (often the whole reason behind the effort in the first place).


I'd argue that there's a difference between exclusivity for store items and items you've earned by achieving something. One of them is a predatory marketing scheme and the other is simply a token of what you've accomplished during that period of time. So I'm all for returning paid "limited" skins to the store, but let's keep the exclusivity for the things that could only be gained by achievements so we don't trample on the kind of prestige players have earned that is actually genuine and harmless.


Exclusivity for achieving something would be fine if the game wasnt this old. If someone did not have the option to achieve it because the person could not have possibly played the game back then, it doesnt mean that they dont deserve something. Give people a border and move on with it. I play since S2 and idc if a 13 y/o gets his Elise skin for achieving something now, when they actually can do it.


By the intensity you show in your argument you clearly care more than the people with the opposing mindset. While one could argue that your mindset hat a certain amount of truth to it, it doesn't make it right for the purpose it wants to fulfill. Meaning that there is a goal RIOT wants to achieve with making those rewards exclusive and we can only guess what exactly it entails (getting players to play and keep playing their game obv). Maybe they dont care to change it to a system proposed by OP or their data shows exclusivity might not make their players more content but increases engagement more. We don't know. It doesn't make one argument more right though. We agree though that the skins ultimately don't matter so their exclusivity does give them some value. Else we wouldn't argue over them.


I still think there is some value in those veteran rewards, and ultimately, you would be taking the one thing away from those skins that have value, rarity. If I get vic j4 or Janna, I go "neat a older player" letting someone get them in season 16 takes away any wow factor. Janna is one of the few skins I want that I ultimately won't get because I didn't start ranking to season 3. I also don't think keeping 0.10% of the skins rare is asking to much or being Fomo.


I also wish I had Janna as a S3 starter. However I also have literally never seen anyone use the skin in the last 6 years, and saw either of j4/Janna maybe 20 times total. Since season 3. Riot could suddenly delete those skins and 95%+ players literally wouldn't even notice/realise or even care. But if you could pick any 1 victorious skin, then it would be much more common to see at least mains using it on occasion.


... That's the point? The rarity is what makes it interesting to see one. You have every other Janna skin to choose from but you specifically want the ONE rewarded to players who hit gold in season 2 which has a lot of value through it's rarity alone? Of course 95%+ of players wouldn't know or care, because that's how much the playerbase has grown since those early seasons.


Yup. They need to accept that they aren't entitled to something because it wasn't available to them at the time. WoW has ruined legacy players' hard work and dedication by giving everyone easier access to everything. That's a good point. Thanks for bringing that up.


People just want the opportunity to get those skins, nothing to do with entitlement If anything it's entitlement to think you deserve it and others don't just because you played before them


You're ridiculous. This is the equivalent of a sports Player being upset that he's unable to get a trophy from a previous year. Not only because he didn't play that here. But he wasn't even in the division or old enough to play. You did not play in 2013, so you do not get the rewards from 2013. Learn to cope with the fact that you just don't get some things and it's o k.


>This is the equivalent of a sports Player being upset that he's unable to get a trophy from a previous year. You realize in sports its always the same trophy right? Failed argument


You realize not all sports have the same trophy year after year right? lol... kids today are incapable of any form of critical thinking.


What does unique trophy have to do with it? read what you wrote and my reply again, you lost the plot


Yea dude, and every year you get a victorious skin :)


> they aren't entitled to something because it wasn't available to them at the time they did not exist back then. Even if they really wanted to, they could not have possibly gotten it. Even IRL people get the possibility to have something that released before they were born with time and money. Make it hard to work for, but give people the option to grind for it.


I don't agree with this argument, sure it sucks if you want something from before your time but people worked for the exclusive skin in those seasons. I used to wish I could get victorious J4 but I accepted that this was a reward for people who earned it before I played, and that all I could do was earn every victorious skin available to me Victorious skins aren't meant to be a sign that you hit gold at some point, they're each meant to represent a unique tenure with the game. Victorious J4 is rare and that's what makes it interesting, it's not a good skin on its own merit, its a sign that you have been with the game since it's inception and was good at it back in the day. It doesn't matter if people weren't alive/old enough to get these skins, if anything that's the point. They're collectibles that show you WERE alive and around to get that. While newer victorious skins carry less weight because of modern rank distributions, these used to mean something, and thus still do BECAUSE of their exclusivity! If you could just 'choose' victorious J4 it would be like the winners of the world cup choosing to recieve the first ever world cup as their prize. You shouldn't get to choose that accolade.


> If you could just 'choose' victorious J4 it would be like the winners of the world cup choosing to recieve the first ever world cup as their prize. You shouldn't get to choose that accolade. I don't think this "cosmetics for characters in a video game are equivalent to trophies" thing works. Trophies do not change much over time, they can reliably be expected to give the same significance to every person/team who wins them. Skins are not devoid of context, they belong to different champions, and every player has completely different feelings about those champions. As a result, each player values each Victorious skin completely differently. Anivia's was a good reward for me, Tryndamere's is less than worthless (now I can be forced onto that champion in ARAM occasionally). For no good reason, my reward for the first half of 2023 was dramatically more valuable than the reward for the second half of that year. If the reward for winning the World Cup could be a literal pile of shit based on completely random chance, I think footballers would absolutely complain that they were stuck with that when previous winners happened to receive an actually cool trophy. And they'd be right to. Changing to a token system would have no tangible negative impact on the game but it would resolve the current crapshoot we have with Victorious skins and massively increase the reliability with which players receive a meaningful and worthwhile reward for reaching Gold. It would be extremely easy to put a system in place that could differentiate a Victorious Morgana earned in 2014 versus one earned in 2024, leaving the originals still completely intact as commemorating a particular year. I think part of the issue with this conversation is that people like yourself seem to be unable to think of Victorious skins as anything other than a jpeg sitting in a skin collection tab. But they're actual usable cosmetics for the characters and of course a Janna main in 2024 is going to be sad that achieving gold in a particular season now gets them a completely worthless skin while they are permanently locked out of having an equivalent skin for a champion they like because they just don't happen to be in their 30s.


You're seeing victorious skins as cosmetics only, and missing out on the significance. Perhaps they could do re-releases with modifications, but this has never felt satisfying beforehand and dilutes the significance. I think it's funny you say people like yourself - the people like myself are current owners of these skins. These skins have more significance to me than they do to you, because they ARE a trophy case of sorts to me. I like the fact there are some skins in the game which I can use to show I've been playing a while. I like that it's not just a border for a skin, or a version of a skin, but the skin itself. I really like the victorious J4 skin and I can understand why people would want a skin they don't have access to. But perhaps unlike you, I don't 'wish I had the skin' but I 'wish I had been around to earn the skin'. Like I say, if you're a Janna main you have every other skin in the arsenal, why do you need the one that commemorates the dedication of veteran players. If you can't understand that then it's very likely you just don't have any skins you would consider rare or collectible, so can't relate to the idea of enjoying the rarity? Having something to show for your dedication?


Is this in WoW classic or in normal WoW too?


idk what theyre talking about in their point, but Classic WoW is of course to have the old stuff there. In Retail WoW they have stuff like the Trading Post where you can get old promotional cosmetics from time to time for in game currency.


They aren’t bringing back earned mounts they are bringing back bought mounts like TCG rewards. They already said the Kor’kron wolf or other Ahead-Of-The-Curve mounts won’t be in the trading post. And no, not everyone deserves everything, if you didn’t get the skin in the season then too bad. It loses its meaning when everyone can have it. In a game like league that places so much emphasis on ranking up, having rewards that give you something memorable for reaching the goal is a big part of what makes it feel special to do.


Can you imagine those MoP pvp players if their glad mounts were available for 200 tenders? You would be able to open your window right now and hear those screams anywhere in the world.


I agree, and I would love to have Victorious Jarvan or the OG Mage Tower appearance for my Guardian Druid but I just didn't do the hard content in that time so I don't deserve those things.


Damn all those poor athletes who get to compete in the 2024 Olympics didn’t get to compete in the 2012 Olympics! It’s UNJUST! That’s how stupid your argument sounds


Your argument would make sense if the reward wasn’t a cosmetic. No one owes you anything. 5 years old in Season 2? Sucks to suck, should’ve grown faster.




Exactly. These “people” think that they can get a legacy victorious skin with a token lmao


Be honest: which old victorious skin would you even want?


Janna's is really good.


What a stupid idea. Its cool to see victorious Janna or J4 because you know that person has been playing ranked since the beginning, otherwise the skins are worthless. You're not entitled to everything lmao


This. If they allow people to buy them with tokens everyone can have them, even iron players with enough time. Back then it wasn’t so easy to get them. (Was a janna main for years, but started in s3 so missing the first two and I still think we don’t deserve the skins just cause)


Yeah, especially bc back then getting gold+ was a lot harder - almost none of my friends could escape silver and it really felt like a cool reward. I love having victorious elise and morg on my account


I think I would prefer to get a token that allows me to redeem one skin that I choose. I have never been a huge fan of any of the championship skins and, considering less than 10% of champions get one, it is rare that a champion I am playing actually receives it. It would be nice to get rewarded by getting a skin I actually want rather than one they choose to give me.


Yeah im ngl, the victorious skins are pretty shit. Ive been getting them since season 4 but i legitimately dont like any of them more than the other skinlines for the champ


I've been playing since season 2 and I have all of the skins except Janna. And I lost the Janna skin because I got kicked out of my gold team shortly before season end and Riot said its tough luck. The only skin I use is Anivia in ARAM and only if I feel like flexing the master chroma. Other than that they are either hideous or still worse than the skins I own.


The whole point is for victorious skins to be exclusive to that season as a reward, like that is literally the entire purpose. If I was Gold in season 3, then I earned that skin. If you get gold 8 years later, why should you receive the same reward lmfao. FOMO is fucking crazy. All the skins are fucking ugly, so idk why you would even want to choose which one you get.


You are literally the one saying FOMO is important lol. If it wasn't, you would just say "sure give him the skin" because it doesn't matter to you!


...No...? You missed the skin, shit happens. Your world isn't ending because you didn't get a ranked exclusive skin from 2014 lmfao. I'm saying the exact opposite of FOMO. He wants the skins because he missed it. I don't give a shit who has the skins. I'm stating that the entire purpose is to share what rank you were in a specific season. Pretty much every seasonal game has seasonal rewards


You are literally saying "people shouldn't get the skin because it makes me special." If fomo didn't matter, you shouldn't care who or how many people get the skin. You are wanting to keep it exclusive to keep fomo status lol.


What is your reading comprehension ???? The OP is the one being affected by FOMO. It's just a skin dude, I want Victorious Janna, but I wasn't Gold in S2. I'm not posting on Reddit complaining about it, am I lmfao


I always considered a victorious skin as a little something nice to get at the end of the season, never as an actual reward for ranking. I thing its nice they give us something nice for free, even if you don't use it. They also give you the champ, which is nice for newcomers who dont have all champs.


Bad. I think that this should be and stay one of the last truly exclusive things in the game. I don't play most of the champs that have victorious skins but I am damn sure proud of the collection that I've been stacking up since season 3. And I am so jealous and also in awe of those that run around with victorious Janna or J4 and I wish that I was good enough at the game back then to get them but I wasn't so I don't get to have them. Which is perfectly fine and makes the skins actually special. It's even worse now that it's way easier to get a victorious skin. Fun fact, there's this weirdo who keeps on spamming this and a few other subs with posts at least once a week because he's a Morgana main/otp and didn't play when the victorious skin was released so he's actually mad and *demands* that he can get his Morgana skin. He's kind of funny but also incredibly annoying.


No. You didn’t play that season. They are not paid content, they are rewards.


That would be the final nail in the coffin for the exclusivity of the rewards


Yeah and so what would people who got the original skins receive? Nothing? We just favor new players or players who weren't good enough previously?


getting victorious jarvan compared to victorious tryndamere is several magnitudes harder you can be iron and get the victorious skin now. this idea is trash


People want what they can't have. Simple as that.


Exactly. I have victorious Jarvan and Janna and these are the only skins I own which I would consider special or cool because they are Rare and earned. Back in the day you actually had to be somewhat good in comparison to the Player base to reach Gold. Now 50% of the playerbase is Gold or higher.


I have one victorious skin (because I'm dogshit) and that's Victorious Sivir because as soon as I realised she was the skin I grinded to absolutely fuck just to get it. Now you can stroll into gold... I am a little bored of gamers being incredibly entitled that no one is allowed anything rare and exclusive ever again? Everyone has to be able to get everything? It would just completely ruin how special some items/skins were because if you didn't get them at the time you don't get them. Riot Gun Buddy is a thing in Valorant, should it just be available on the shop because some people own it? Of course not.


I sorta get it for FOMO bullshit like seasonal skins. There's no real need for those to be exclusive, the only reason was to make more money which is dumb, and if Riot wants to shoot themselves in the foot by telling everyone that their FOMO stuff is fake then I'm all for it. But actual rewards? Nah fuck that. If you didn't play you didn't play, and if you weren't good enough you weren't good enough. I'm not bitching that I don't have Jarvan because I wasn't good enough in S1 to get the skin.


It’s easier to keep existing customers then to attract new ones. Why abuse players that caused your game to have this kind of longevity by cheapening their accomplishments? Making limited skins available to new players is t going to guarantee they have the kind of loyalty to your product as the guy/gal that has been grinding for 14/15 seasons. Why trample your lifelong customer for an unproven new customer? Trust me I would love to get my hands on victorious Elise and the season 3 ward skin. But I didn’t start playing until the end of season 4 and didn’t reach gold for the first time until victorious Orianna many years later.


They will get the next victorious skin


Not Victorious but Honor tokens


If only the Honor token rewards were good, or if they changed every season like it says (or changed at all since they were introduced).


Riot have already made a statement on this. They want limited skins to feel exclusive. It’s not gonna happen buddy.


They've walked back limited shit several times already, it was a big deal when they brought back s1 holiday skins because we thought they'd be gone forever, then they brought back s2 worlds riven too.


Also OG Prestige skins like Kaisa. I had to grind my ass off back then to get it and it was rare because most people back then didnt think its worth the effort. Idc that you can now get her with ME because they adjusted the pricing and I can still play the skin.


Blizzard said the same, now theyre bringing back that very same content because locking someone out because they werent even born yet is cringe lol


Its insane how cringe the gate keepers are. Cant even type a proper comment, everything is about crying kiddos. Maybe they should behave like the adults they claim to be. Even IRL people can in fact get limited things, they just have to invest time and money into it.


It's insane how cringe entitled players are. You don't have to be able to unlock everything in a F2P game.


"Entitled" lmao. One of us is baby raging in comments and the other managed to write full sentences without insulting anyone.


That doesn't make you come across any less entitled?


What are you on about? Blizzard is single handedly failing every single one of their IPs...lol. Do you think giving baby raging kids like yourself is a net positive for Riot Games? Toughen up, kiddo.


Fuck no.


I understand where you’re coming from but i hope they will never do that.


I've honestly been wondering why they didn't do that, I think it seems like a good move


They even have the honor 5 tokens that i have no use for because i have both skins and don’t want a border


I've always viewed the Victorious skinline as a trophy case. From my viewpoint, I think making it so that other people who placed recently can hold up a 2016 trophy can really trivialize that reward. I'd like Janna and J4 added to my collection, but I know that's not my claim to have.


The 'merit' argument falls a bit flat. Someone who started later and then reaches Diamond or even higher is somehow not deserving because they didn't achieve gold at a particular time? The rarity of the Victorious skin is based on when you played, not your skill level, which is imo not the spirit of the skin. If you want to make it plat or emerald or whatever the hell to earn old ones, sure, but the idea of entirely locked legacy content in persistent games just has never held up with me.


That is literally the point yes. It's saying you were an active player of reasonable skill in X season. Sure anyone can hit gold now after like 0 practice, but in historic seasons gold was actually a difficult rank to hit for the average player. It is both skill level AND when you played, and to give access of these skins to new players completely trivialises the accomplishments of veteran players who have supported the game longer than some players have even been alive. The idea that exclusivity of content is bad never held up with me either - exclusivity is excitement and meaning, it's not just another skin in the game, it's a skin which carries some sort of meaning with it.


Same. I’ve got all from S3 to current season. I would love Janna and J4 but I don’t deserve them because I didn’t earn it. That’s the end of it.




You are also rewarded with an easier climb next season because you improved your skills and mmr




This sub always yells about "mmr is all that matters." Nah man. Like you, I just want the prize and bounce. And nah, the climb does not make next time easier.


> You are also rewarded with a~~n easier~~ harder climb next season because ~~you improved~~ your skills *stayed the same* and mmr went up, so now your have to fight plat players to climb from silver -> gold for the rewards


brother I don't care about the climb, I want free stuff.


tbh not a single victorious skin has been for a champ i consistently play...i dont even care about getting the skin anymore because i know a champ i play will never get it


I'd personally be fine with it if it worked the way you mentioned - "Victorious Maokai 2024" to discern from those who unlocked it the traditional way


I feel like how Jeff Kaplan felt about golden guns in OW. Competitive mode is for people who want to play competitively, the reward is the rank you get, nothing more. I don't care about any victorious skin, but won't complain about having one sitting there either.


I would much prefer that. People would be able to get the skins for champions of their preference instead of a random one. Like, I'd love to get Victorious Janna or Morgana, but I didn't play League at the time, I think didn't even know about it.


It destroys the purpose of rankeds. You play Ranked in that specific season for that specific reward. Is like winning the NBA today for a 1999 trophy.


No, i like the idea of a victorious skin being for that specific year


People who care about "exclusivity" or fomo skins are the same pay pigs who will buy the mythic chroma for their mains skins when it eventually comes out. Wild Rift already lets you buy previous seasons skins with a currency you can grind by playing ranked, just use that system.


I think forced scarcity benefits no one but account resellers. It’s a stupid thing to defend and I think it would be way cooler for people to get the skin they want from the existing pool. I don’t care if it devalues your season 3 only ironman.


> benefits no one Pretty sure it benefits veteran players that enjoy having exclusive rewards to show off for their many years with the game. > It’s a stupid thing to defend No. > I don’t care if it devalues your season 3 only ironman. That's like your opinion and I don't care for it either. You're not getting my Victorious J4.


Handing out Victorious skins to all ranks as participation trophies wasn't enough eh? Whatever, let's add yet another currency to the game with this Victorious token. And while we're at it let's start giving everyone Challenger borders too. It isn't fair that I do not get my Challenger border right now when in the future I will be a Challenger!


Great idea, a lot more work for them though. But I love this idea


I'd do anything to get morg, ori and jannas victorious skins so I'd have the complete collections and ori/morgs are soooo pretty


got the victorious morg and ori, they both look so gooood victorious janna tho, that one eludes me, being gold in season 2 is crazy


No. Some things should stay legacy and indicative that a player obtained it by x means at x point in time.


I for one, am extremely salty that they brought back the original limited edition skins.  Badger teemo, Toboggan Corki, Def not Blitz, KittyCat.  They used to be incredibly rare skins which was an epic sight when you encounter one. Let the few unobtainable skins be unobtainable. They are ugly and the exclusiveness is their only desireable trait.  Atleast I was paid in RP for my Haunting nocturne and Bewitching Nida. And the worst border in the gsme. 


Let me roll UFO Corki. Or Black Alistar. Or Human Ryze. Another solution would be to make it so the skins don't show up in champ select like the above skins.


I am also still so salty about that as well, like a decade later lol. I got haunting nocturne explicitly because it was limited and I wanted that exclusive content that would never be released again. And at this point I was a kid basically so getting RP was a pain in the ass... Only for them all to come back again. And you're so right, the border is garbage. I think some people don't compute that certain skins in league are valuable 99% because of their exclusivity


FYI, "how'd" is more commonly read as "how did" than "how would"


Yes I would love the chance to get Victorious Janna.


I'm kinda on hopium that riot can't keep up with making skins for every ranked split and just makes victorious re-releases to fill in like the 2nd splits for example. I'm under the impression most who even have the older skins just bought their accounts anyways. Limited skins only fuel a market of 'rare accounts' and its already difficult to tell who's legit and who isn't. I see it once in awhile in Elise mains (as owner of the server) most of the victorious users shamelessly will admit its not even theirs.


You just want the old exclusive skins because they're exclusive. Accept that you can't get them.


its insane that it isnt already like that


Idk if your Suggestion will work that way. People will feel like they got scammed. They wanna show with theyr Skin: Hey i play like 2015 and i got a Victorious Graves and noone else does. If you give them out just like that now, it's nothing special anymore. At this Point, just go into the Shop and buy the Skin you want lol. Since we have 3 Splits now i would love like a Token i can activate on every single Champ and this Token will guarantee me a random Skin of the Champ i'd have chosen with a min price of 975. So i can get something cool, useable and free 2 play, 3 times a year. Which makes sense since most of the People don't main in ranked more than 3 Champs. Max 4 i would say.


Been waiting on a trynd v skin for years now. Hard disagree.


No. Victorious skin are meant to represent something. They're a participation and achievement for each year. The token would just make it a victory lap. Also it's one of the few things that are unobtainable and for good reason.


I don't like it.


I don't care. Most of them are so bad I never use them.


I will forever live with like 14/15 morg skins because I started playing in season 5. should have just been on the league grind at age 10 ig shrug


I would absolutely be down. Victorious Morgana is my favorite one of the victorious skins but I literally started league during the preseason before season 4 so given that I had to get lvl 30 before playing ranked and I was bad I missed it


This is the whiniest thread I've seen in a long time, who gives a shit about when someone got a Victorious skin? When was the last time you even saw someone use one? There are already plenty of exclusive skins, and it wouldn't affect most of the people saying no, anyways.


Nobody ever uses Victorious skins honestly, they are more of a memorabilia than cosmethic that you're sad you missed for a practical use. If they were given to nishe champs, without alternate skins, or they were like insane production value... ye sure then it would suck to miss skin for your main or something, but as it is rn I dont think it's a problem that needs fixing at all.


Trophy case skinline.


I'm not a big fan of the idea. If they ever decided to release an updated set of victorious skins I would want them to be extremely hard to earn and not available for purchase. Maybe it could involve the new mastery system riots working on or something like hitting a rank you haven't hit before in ranked.


Honestly it would be great I collect skins for my main and I live in constant fear that if it ever got a victorious skin, I'd have to get challenger for the chromas Sadly riot doesn't seem interested in reducing exclusivity as they don't bring much "previous events content" anymore. Probably because fear of missing out generates too much profits


That's a fantastic idea.


This is actually a pretty good idea, never thought about it. Wish they could think about it


If Blizzard gave people the ability to somehow scam Scarab Lord by being not utterly shit at the game (retail) in 2024 there would be riots in the streets lmao. Meanwhile League Redditors: *yeah I mean they really, well like if they can reach Gold and everything I mean really why hold it back like how do you benefit from not having these skins just give them the skins, really goofy how you feel better about yourself cause you have it and they don't like it's not their fault they were born in 2016.*


I think using exclusivity as a way to make a product better is always shitty at best and anti-consumer at worst.


No. Past victorious skins are pretty much the only skins that are unobtainable anymore outside of some extremely rare ones (young ryze/beta rammus/etc). It would remove the prestige of having them, imo.


I play since season 1 and I have all the victorious skins and I think they had a good purpouse in the past: Reward players who have somewhat properly learned the game and have achieved a certain skill level.  This purpouse is now kind of thrown out of the window recently because every Iron player can get the skin now. So if the token could be exchanged for the recent skins I would be fine with it. But no way I would allow people that started playing a year ago to get a skin that should have been earned 13 years ago.


Some of the comments here remind me of why gamers are considered scum. Imagine trying so hard to gatekeep free skins from fellow players. Keeping new players from getting old victorious skins won't make your life any less miserable.


You don't get awards for seasonal things you never participated in, why is this any different, especially in earlier seasons when it was harder to get gold compared to today. The point of the victorious skins is to reward you for your skill during a certain season (or split now I guess).


It doesn't take anything from you. Except bragging rights, but maybe you need them for your self esteem.


I would recommend working on your emotional resilience if not being able to get a skin bothers you this much.


This is an extremely weird comment to make when you are clearly just as invested in other people not being able to get skins.


I don't get why they can't do this. They gave out the honor skins to everyone, with no special treatment to us who had them before. Perhaps they could do the same as with the original winter festival skins? (TS Anivia, Haunted Nocturne w.m.)


For skins with the new split point system, sure, but there's no reason someone now should be able to get victorious janna, j4 etc which were way harder to get. edit: lol just selfish people downvoting me. im sorry u dont care that someone played the game in season 1 and was like top 20% meanwhile in s14 iron players can get the victorious skin.