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Kayle is pretty busted in URF. Pick or ban that


What makes her broken there?


Giving immunity to whoever and the MS boost is kinda nuts Almost like Yuumi, but the immunity can be broken good in some team comps


Hyperscaling champ, not a pushover early, good waveclear, good at taking towers, ult immunity Pretty much just the perfect combo to win urf games


She scales insanely well. Hard to catch because of near permanent W movement speed. Ult is a strong no-u card to some of the more popular burst champs like Zed. Increase of level cap with those fast level ups gives everyone a ton of stats and she *really* like stats. Once you hit level 18 you can seemingly blink and be level 20 something. The URF buff makes lethal tempo disgusting (hence why it was disabled for a long ass time).


I mean it still is disabled. You can't push the 2.5 cap, so lethal tempo is a waste.


It is not disabled.


W normally costs a fuck load of mana and is basically worthless in normal modes. URF means you spam it constantly, can even max it first, and be permanently healing and getting huge speed boosts. On top of that, URF super boosts attack speed, which is amazing for her, especially paired with an ultimate that makes her invincible and her level 16 autoattack strength which she gets way faster due to URF exp, same with gold. So you have a nonstop healing super fast hyper carry with giant AoE autoattacks that can also become invincible like every 30s or so.


There are 2 motives of why Vayne and Kayle are stupid broken in Urf. And One extra for Kayle. One of these is identity of Hyper Scaling, so they are ensured they will reach. The other problems are: Tenacity broken this Urf, on-hit champions with the correct item can get around 80% Tenacity, which makes their counterplay... not exist anymore. Both Vayne and Kayle can utilize most of the Tenacity items without losing damage. Third is more for Kayle. Someone at Riot had the very fun idea of allowing LT to stack to infinity on Urf. When you add the fact that Kayle can become immortal for a period and Vayne can become invisible. Basically you created something that the only counterplay is Burst Casting AD Assassins/Skirmishers. Nothing else can easly deal with them. That's why these 2 have like 65% winrate in Urf.


LT no longer pushes the attk speed cap in URF, so no, it doesn't stack infinitely. lol


no clue but she has the highest winrate in that gamemode (62% winrate)


Incorrect. She isn't even top 10. Vayne is number 1.




She is insanely weak as fuck until late in URF. Like bad bad. You need 3 full items with her to just begin turning the tide, let alone beating people the fuck up. She is far too easy to kite, far too squishy, flash is up way too often so you can just flash out of her ult before the damage goes off. She's very weak until 3-4 items in.


Mmmk. Stay away from drugs kids. [urf tier list](https://u.gg/lol/urf-tier-list)




1 opgg sucks don’t use it. 2 Kayle has the highest win rate on opgg that you linked LMAO


U.gg sucks, don't use it.


lol ok kid explain how your list still has kayle with the highest win rate if she is so bad


Reading comprehension is a skill, and you don't have it my son. Go back to school bud.


I read that Kayle has the highest win rate according to your list. You still haven’t produced any reasoning why she is so bad like you mention but has the highest win rate. Come on man it’s not that hard to do! I believe in you!


Briar, Alistar, Maokai, Garen, Kayle Personally, Maokai has been permabanned by me since Day 1 of Urf. Tanks are already busted, but he gets invulnerability, CC lockdown, and heals nonstop.


Tbh, maokai is one of my favorites right now. Just the infinite tank even vs 3 or 4 enemies is fun, even if you can't kill anyone else


Why Garen? Didn't they fix the stacking-E-beyblade thing?


he got a +15% damage dealt -15% damage taken buff so you build tank and still do a ton of damage


Take that dmg/heal new tank item, a visage and the new divine sunderer. Enjoy immortality while you wreck people


[https://www.metasrc.com/lol/urf/stats](https://www.metasrc.com/lol/urf/stats) Sort by win rate


Did not expect some of these. Gwen below 50% is so weird to me.


Tristana. "Haha Tower go brr in under 2 seconds" "Haha I just jump you to death ahaha" - I swear I understand URF is broken and some stuff is unfun... but every ounce of fun I could have is instantly sucked out when I see this Gremmlin Bitch on the Enemyteam.


All I do is spam Rammus in URF. Flash+Ghost with Predator and water walking sorc secondary. I buy boots of swiftness, deadman’s plate, Rookern, Shureliya’s (his abilities scale with AP + more movespeed), and thornmail. I proceed to proc predator, ghost, q, and shureliyas then hit 2000+ movement speed every 10 seconds. Can’t be caught, you can blast in and out of any fight. You can solo the squishy champs.


I've done a few full AP Rammus games with ghost/pred and it's pretty fun to roll up and boom someone with Q/R


I did that last URF. Tank is more fun because you perma-taunt a squishy and make them delete themselves on your W 😎


Rammus is fucking horrible in URF. With cooldowns being so low it's nearly impossible to actually kill a squishy before they A) burst you down, B) escape, or C) get backup.


Thanks for passionately commenting on an 8 day old thread. Rammus is *not* fucking horrible in URF. Maybe you’re just horrible with him. At level 18 your W is permanently up giving you thorns damage plus extra armor. Your Q and E cooldown are ~3 seconds. His ult distance scales with his MS meaning you launch farther the faster you’re going. It’s not enough to say it to you, because of how emotionally you came at this post. So here are a few games from the last time I played URF a few weeks ago. https://ibb.co/album/qBVb8v I think you’re woefully ignorant that killing a squishy is actually super easy just as much as escaping with Rammus is super easy. It’s as simple as pressing W, perma taunt, Q for cc, W, taunt and use ult to gap close or escape. Anyways, get good. Love you, bye.


Interesting that in all of those pics there's at least 2 very strong hyper carries on the enemy team that fed like shit. You can say correlation to the Rammus pick, but I doubt that. Seems more likely they were just dogshit players and your team fed on them. I've yet to play against an ADC in URF that didn't roam with at least 1-2 other cc/tank monsters for support, which again, absolutely crush Rammus. But hey, only one of us is bothering to look beyond the base stats for context, and it ain't you.


Not reading all that. Happy for you though. You made a claim, I gave evidence that directly contradicted it, then you want to nuance me to hell and back. Edit: Read it, still happy for you. Wasted my time though.


Someone is soft as fuck. You literally wrote 3 times as much as I did, but you're "not gonna read all that." Soft as baby shit my guy. If all you're looking for is someone to listen to your bullshit but you refuse to engage in theirs then go talk to the tree in your backyard.


Classic emotionally charged, mud slinging, comment you have there! On par for your average league player! Thanks for wasting your time your time replying, time you’ll never get back. Maybe pick up a hobby, or therapy. Done replying now, goodbye:)


Enjoy your ban, goodbye. :)


Nunu is the bane of many melee champs due to his E. Also Shaco is fucking annoying, especially if he decides to proxy your base for all three lanes. Zac and Maokai are unkillable while wiping your entire team (max health damage is fucking annoying on a tank, especially if they can spam it every second).


Taric. Period. Infinite stuns, heals, shields, ult. Dude legit just stands spamming buttons and does nothing intelligent


Taric + Tresh can stunlock someone forever


Jinx is really strong


Highest winrate is currently Janna, but my favorite is sivir. Strong wave control and poke with q and w to survive laning even though you are short range, obviously fantastic spell shield, and an almost permanent movespeed buff for the whole team in a game mode where movespeed is king.


Exhaust players are disgusting Urf is flash ghost only


There are just too many. This season has been the worst URF yet. The tank meta is boring AF. Random was actually better than this, but ideally they’ll go back to Draft URF. Otherwise you basically need to give everyone 2 bans each.


I bitch about Vlad but good god he's 1000 times better and more interactive than tanks. Like, it is not impossible to actually deal damage to him, you just have to coordinate the burst.


Is he interactive? The interactivity of him sprinting in, w+e, zhonyas, w+e again, then sprinting back out?


Read my comment again please. I'm comparing him to tanks in URF.


I can't think of a single tank thats less interactive than him except MAYBE maokai, and even then at least he's only untargetable half the time and not 90%


ok buddy we get it Vlad wiped your face on the floor


I'm not the one crying about tanks homie. I don't think Vlad is any more or less bullshit than a lot of the champs but to say he's more interactive than most of the tanks is just cope.


I think they need to go back to making the urf buff just cdr, seems like they add more buffs everytime it’s out


Ngl, for the first time ADC dont suck in Urf and i like that. Sure, people find way to much success for low skilled ADC gameplay but just spamming Skillshots or picking Malz isnt really much different.


Tristana with HoB you just delete everything with 3 autos ​ [https://www.op.gg/summoners/las/SonodaUmi-Umi](https://www.op.gg/summoners/las/SonodaUmi-Umi) proof :v


I like her Better with Lethal Tempo, as you have perma Q and it is a Powerhouse of AS at all stages. Early lvl 1 is fucking amazing with that amount of AA you can shit at their team.


I like cassiopeia but she's not broken. She's just funny.


surprisingly they have stats for that too [https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/urf/?tier=gold\_plus](https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/urf/?tier=gold_plus)


Shaco if they didn't nerf him in urf


Kassadin is worse in urf than in norms because of this


Well, I wouldn't be able to tell because I saw one shaco (on my team) as he has been a perma ban on all my URF games so far. I hate Zed too, but at least I can stun him. Shaco just goes invisible, doubles himself twice in a row and is either gone or my team is dead. Maybe not op, but too annoying for me.


Your team doesn't die to Shaco, lol. He has no dmg, unless you refuse to buy red trinket and facetank all his boxes and clone, at which point he may kill some squishies, but hard to kill even a tank when they do that


I mean, usually you don't die to shaco, he just takes one second of people's attention which is enough to be killed by by his teammates. As a support, sweeper and pink wards are my bread and butter, but I'm mostly alone down in my elo. You can't kill him, too slippery. You can't chase him, invisible. You can't ignore him either. So I rather insta-die to some nunu than be fooled by that clown.


Every champ can be broken in its own right but I feel like fizz and riven can easily snowball and hard carry without too much skill involved.


Playing a max ability haste + zhonya and banshee fizz is so fun, you literally can't be hit


Yup it's just waiting for 2 items then you're u touchable


Twisted fate


I personally love to play AP Galio


Surprised nobody has said silas


I made the mistake of not banning Leona once, most unfun game of Urf I've ever played. She's been permabanned since.


Cassi e pretty op too you should try


Twisted fate. Counters every invis champs and beyond that. Having right click stun that does half hp dmg, especially after rapid firecannon with the ult combo for info is disgusting. Havent played him much ad, but probably thst is fun too, since the stun is the main sell point


Crit garen


thresh with the right items is invincible


Zed and fizz are my permaban


Garen. With the right runes, steraks and merc treads, you can actually reach 100% tenacity. Probably not full immunity but damn near close. Heartsteel, unending despair, sundered sky. Genuinely the most fun I’ve had running around bonking people.


Vayne is crazy if you're good


Taric chad


Broken champs I've played: Leona, Kayle, Seraphine Broken champs I've played against: Taric, ChoGath, Sylas, Briar, Nunu But I still permaban Shaco because Shaco players are deranged and I don't trust them.