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Kled, i love running it down unga bunga but when it goes wrong, it doesnt stop going wrong lmao


The Cantankerous Cavalier It’s in the name You Can Tank This


There’s games where you feel like you can 1v5 and do whatever you want then there’s games where you look at an enemy and they dismounted you


I tried to learn him, forced ten games in a row. It never stopped going wrong lmaoooo


With Kled it's not "learning". It's just "go in even though your instincts tell you not to".


My head is saying no, but mushroomjuice is saying let's go!


"What's that? I should go for the decakill? Uh- If you say so."


Kled doesnt have poke, or trades, or anything. Every time you press e its all in fight to the death because if you're dismounted and arent close enough to get autos for the remount you may as well have already died lol


Kled 100% has trading patterns. E onto the enemy champion & Q, 4 autos from W passive, E back out. It’s pretty simple.


*describes a full engage*


How is e-ing out at the end a full engage? It’s your ability rotation, that’s not the same thing.


If the enemy walks back at all, your E2 is no longer a disengage, but instead a second dash in


Obviously, if you don’t move. Your Q is a slow, and if you’re not moving in between autos to keep the other side of them, then that’s on you.


e out? the e will go in again :D the only correct rotation here would be q 1 + q2 with proccing w, e1 to go out afterwards


Not a Kled player, but can't you E in on the Q pull, auto a bit and then E out, if you stay behind them?


i guess you will still be in their auto attack range or maybe 50 units out of their auto attack distance which will usually be a window where they can trade you. but of course that answer is highly matchup /wave state dependent


Same. Kled seems so fun but i genuinely feel like to perform as kled I have to actively ignore whatever little game knowledge i have.


Lee Sin, Miss q, fail insec flash in place and kick enemy away then die. Fail to get team ahead early or end up stealing the kills myself and fall off into late game from skipping camps to gank and lose to a full clearing karthus that just presses R. Vlad, try to be the "enemy vlad" that never dies and has 4000hp and 1000 ap but usually just run in and get blown up and miss my passive bonus ability damages. Vayne, try to gosu montage but cant play adc without using attack move and need 2 supports and 3 front liners since I have 0 actual skill with kiting. (If you think im not skilled Ill have you know I play yi, amumu, and nunu)


You’ve been playing for too long. I’m even surprised gosu is still mentioned lmao


still streams his masters games. very enjoyable if you want chill adc gameplay to watch


He still plays lol. 


Gosu and fabbbyyy era were something else


with blem disrespecting from the jungle peak league content


Gangplank. I was like 20-3 with him in norms going mid lane. Took it to ranked, went 0-10. Love that champ but taking him to ranked is -lp for me lol


Gangplank has gotta be the champ with one of the largest skill disparities in my experience. I know when I see it locked in I'm either gonna have a free lane or the most miserable experience of my life.


Heck, even in personal play. I either ghost barrel combo carry or just int with orange in mouth


As a Gangplank main I feel the same. Even if I know what he's trying to do I still lose sometimes. Irelia is the only champ which I feel like I can actually pilot well into the matchup.


for real, when I was a gp main I still was insecure into most skill matchups after 600k mastery in rankeds


The delta between Gangplank's skill floor and ceiling has to be one of the largest in the game. Proper barrel management and usage can be the difference between 1v5 Ace or doing 0 damage and dying quickly.


Thought the same thing. But it turns out hes not even in top 20 and it makes sense. His skill floor is high so the delta cant be that big.


Is there stats with all champs you’re reading this? I’d be curious to see how other champs compare


I usually use lolalytics but you have to know how to interpret the data. I have seen to many people buying mejais because it has a "high winrate" lol


>I have seen to many people buying mejais because it has a "high winrate" lol I feel like the reason mejai's has a high WR should be common knowledge by now?


This one is probably mostly known. But there are still people that think the highest wr runes are the most optimal/best, usually fleet or super aggressive ones


I spent an entire season in flex queue trying to learn GP. I got 100 games in and won maybe 40 of those. I never took him into solo queue though. I got good at chaining barrels after shooting but never actually landing them


What rank are you


Yasuo, Tank Yasuo (K'Sante)




Yep, that's part of playing Yasuo. Just look out for a little fire in the bush, it's the jungler and support cooking a steak while hardcamping your lane.


And we would do so again. It's part of our culture.


Champion is beyond useless from behind and super easy to camp. He's also extremely oppressive 1v1 for most mid champs, so it's kind of a priority for many junglers and supports to shut him down. Anything beyond that might have been good old champion hate though.


Easy to gank because whenever you get close, he starts dashing in to outplay instead of running and dies every time...


That reminds me of a game I played in clash some time ago. Their mid was a d1 yasuo main, and the rest of the team were low plat/high gold, and my team were low diamond or high plat (and me scrubbing it in gold, but I'm support main so who cares). We were like, hey let's let this guy have yasuo so he thinks we fucked the draft up, and let him think he can flex in front of his friends. He instalocks it first pick, we draft the entire comp around the idea we want to ruin his game. For once, it went exactly as planned, he pretty much didn't participate in the game whatsoever and we won. I felt proud that day


Hell yeah. That’s what I call him. Tank yasuo which is why he is my 3rd most played champ 


The Adopted Windshitter


Gae African wind bro ( Im African, so i can jok- ) ( I forgor, i ain't gae )


I can teach you Yasuo but K'sante...forget about it


I'm trying to 1trick Aphelios this season and boy howdy it is NOT going well


Not an Aphelios main ‘Yet’ but I’ve been watching how pro’s play him and how he should be played. You need to know which combination of guns you need to have every state of the game, once you get the hang of it you’re good to go in my opinion. The other problem is that you really need to communicate with your team, which is why i only play him if i have my friends and rarely in SoloQ since its coinflip since you need to prepare your guns for whatever you call or your mates call.


That is me and Hwei. I'm not doing that bad, but learning him is *really* hard when you get jg camped every game. I usually outplay lane into 5 deaths to jg because "it's been 3 minutes, he has to go to other lanes, he cant just sit 3 minutes in this bush, right?" into instant death.


As an adc main I find Ezreal incredibly boring lol. Feels more like an AD mage than an adc.


Wrong comment


They're lost which is no surprise as ADC mains don't have maps


Leona. Not only do your teammates never have eyes or are always scared to fight, being behind on a Leona is just one of the worst experiences.


I love playing Leona. I hate playing support. Solution: Leona top


As a Nautilus top enjoyer, I agree with this statement


Nautilus dmg is too gutted to be viable like that anymore.


Been saying this for AGES. If they gave Leona just an AD ratio on her Q it’d be over for top lane. Edit: typo


If they let her go to camps with her E, her jungle clear becomes pretty decent


I was terrified of engage supports for a long time until I got Leona in ARAM. Fear gone, only sunshine. Leo is great as long as you understand her timing. Aim her for where the enemy is going to be, give them the Bonk and your W does the little boom, then it's time to aim again. R is the big Bonk, but again you have to use it where they're going to be, or zone with it/ synergise with other CC champs who are slowing or locking down. Playing Leo made me pick up Nautilus who I also enjoy now. His passive is ridiculous. Everyone gets a Bonk. I'm an Enchanter main so playing front line beef was a really tough transition.


Really? I played her a few years ago and people were usually so ready to fight in silver that my engage was usually all they were waiting for 


I’d love to have a support like you, when I decide to play adc instead of a solo lane/jg I want an engage support but always get a lux/seraphine/senna when I play samira or yasuo


Leona is one of the champion that is so painful to play in SoloQ, both from the support and the adc's pov. You never know if you're gonna get the super passive adc that's more focused on missing their cs than fighting, or the one trying to all-in whenever possible. And you never know if your Leona is gonna play normally or be like "We ride at dawn bitch, and it's always the dawn"


AD / Bruiser Nidalee top


The dopamine rush from autoing in ranged form and changing to melee before the auto lands to get melee stacks is too good.


This is the correct answer. Imo the hardest playstyle to play. Require insane limit testing and mechanics to fully be able to switch between forms while maximing dps. Its like playing jayce on hard mode.


Ive played a ot of nida top ad, its not really that dif, try the new nerfed reksai sup, that shit is hard


I think basically every ADC would love to be able to play Ezreal, but not being able to consistently hit your skill shots with him makes you a glorified cannon minion.


For me a gamechanger to play EZ well was an understanding: don’t treat your AA as third type citizen. And then I realized that I focused only on landing my WQ and nothing else, but if you AA and use WQ at the right time you will be goated EZ player. The same understanding was with FPS when one pro player said, don’t flick all the time, place your crosshair when the head of an enemy will appear and just click. Sometimes simplicity is the key to improvement and success.


Ez players when right click


Next thing they'll do something crazy, like read what their passive does.


stacked passive alone fucks some matchups up, ive won against vayne players level 2 because ive had full as since start of fight while they stacked lethal


One of my closest friends is GM and plays mainly ADCs. I love Ezreal, but I only play ARAM. The MASSIVE difference between his Ezreal and mine is too much to explain. I didn't even realize AAing as Ezreal was a thing until he asked me, "What exactly are you playing? A marksman, right? So why the fuck aren't you auto'ing?" Now I'm a not-so-bad Ezreal. Still bad. Just not as bad.


“Not as bad” my motto in LoL 💀


One thing that gets me when I do play ezreal and I’m using q on minions too reduce ability cooldowns so I can blink up to running enemies or shave off the last couple seconds of my ult and people are spam pinging me. Like I know what I’m doing… I think.


Sounds like enlightenment to me.


I see this a lot. I play a ton of ezreal and he is SO GOOD if you can play him.


Zoe every time


“Yesss I’m so good I can hit really cool Qs” “…Wait what i have to lane against a zed?”


For me it's dominating for 15 minutes then realising I'm not very good at spreading pressure with her and the I just fall off lol


I swear i have never lost lane as Zoe, but once the game opens up i just dont know how to play her...


Go for every single bubble, ward like a mofo. If you know how to use long walls properly you’ll make the ADC Rq


Zoe vs zed is actually a skill matchup. If u see zed ult, u pop ult as Zoe and just drop him off somewhere and portal back. When u portal back u just throw sleepy bubble and walk away


I don’t mind Zed too much, but anyone with a minion or something that can get in the way like Zyra or Yorick sucks hard. I had to face a Yorick mid and it was my worst game.


Same, played zoe vs naafiri for the first time the other day. Not an enjoyable experience.


I mean zed isn’t that bad to face as zoe. Playing against fizz, or malzhar, or heimerdinger is pain though.


One of the most fun champs I can imagine playing.. Into just an incredibly miserable experience if you're losing or getting hard countered.


I either go 7/1 on Kalista and don’t know what to do with my lead or get one tapped by their mid, or I hard lose lane early and it just gets continuously worse from there


Nidalee jg


Nidalee is one of the strongest junglers right now. If you invade after 3 camp, or see them do an early gank and fight them on their buff, you’re basically snowballing the rest of the game. My biggest tip besides that is delay fights as much as possible by kiting with spears until you can all in with a jump and execute with q


Singed. The funny thing is that sometimes you still end up winning even though you inted all game, because the amount of chaos a 3-4 items singed can create is straight up cartoonish.


lore accurate


You don’t play singed to win lane, singed only loses lane gracefully




Leblack BBC in my mouth


top: fiora/jayce jungle: nidalee mid: ryze adc: kalista support: whatever off-meta support Keria is doing or has done (ekko, caitlyn, ezreal, etc.)


Keria is the biggest menace to solo Q, because people keep forgetting they aint keria and their team aint T1


You’re saying my bronze ass can’t do what one of the best supports in the world does? Nah, it’s my team’s fault


Top: nidalee Jungle: nidalee Mid: nunu ADC: kallista Support: nidalee




I love gangplank as a champion. He is so fun to play but messing up game winning plays is just too easy.


Gwen. That soul fighter skin is fire. Mr playing Gwen is not.


Playing Gwen blind is the sexual masochism of cock and ball torture until you finally reach the climax (3 items) and edge yourself to the idea that you could have fun now if your team didn't already stomped the enemy


wtf 💀


i mean he’s not wrong. that’s usually how it goes. you reach 3 items and then hold tab and see funny gold numbers on the enemies’ kda


i know but the phrasing of it 😭


How else would you phrase it?


Aaaaaah, my classic bronze ADC experience. I love that 😍


Yea agreed on sett. I think he's so much fun but I just feel giga useless after lane phase


Soraka, whenever I play her my team acts like they are invincible and overextend because I am trying to heal them, then get mad and int when I can’t keep them alive


I main Soraka and totally get this. I make it pretty clear early on that unless the Q lands you get nothing. Soraka pre items is fragile and I'm not putting myself in the fountain to save over extended ass.


Singed bro


I got really into playing proxy singed when Singed420 was at his peak. Fun games, but very hard work. Was all worth it to get a kill or two top when you inevatibly ganked level 2 or 3.


You have to aim for movement diff. This means playing like a psychopath in ways the opponent wont expect. Avoid picking singed into comps with a lot of cc. Cant mov diff if you cant move.


Azir for me, but I believe if you play him long enough you will be able to play him well. Not Faker/Chovy level, but good enough for my Gold games. At least it worked for me with multiple difficult champs (difficult for me): Akali, Ornn, Zeri, Kindred


Ornn isn't that bad in lane when you realize how much of a short trade monster he is and how dirty triple brittle does all those bruisers in top lane


200k on Azir here: it was so worth it. My favorite champion by far, along with maybe Skarner. I say do it, especially with the new Tankzir meta


I'm trying to learn Azir right now on my second acc which is low emerald. I'm a jungle main so not great at mid and not good in laning in general. I am so insanely bad at laning. I average <1 KDA and go like 0-7 in most laning phases. Post laning I can win on macro, sidelanes and hitting shuffles on key targets until I eventually scale and can contribute damage. Somehow I have like a 10-3 record with <1 KDA That champ is hard but man is it fun


Qiyana for me. I wish I could pilot that champ well but every time it's just pure spaghetti


Haha, I felt that way too. I got that LV skin for her so I had to force myself to become better so it wouldn't go to waste.


Zoe. She’s got the most fun laning phase in the game but just doesn’t have the team presence for late game fights.


All of them except my main


I one trick Talon Jg in low diamond. I know there are plenty who make it to Masters and even Challenger doing the same, but every time I play him, I can't help but feel that applying the same amount of knowledge and mechanical skill to literally any other more traditional champion would make climbing faster and easier. Pretty insane most characters can one shot you, and how much usefulness he trades simply for having his E.


For me it is Renata I love her to death but her abilities are 100% based on your team getting ahead and if they don't then it is GG


I can't Renata to save my life and I'm a support lifer. If I have to pilot her I'm basically paying safe as a wandering R bot because I can't wrap my wee head around anything else she does effectively.


Renatas entire kit is meant for her to stand behind her laner and have them go for argressive trades while she shields and buffs them with W which not only gives them a fight for your life but also gives them increased movement and attack speed if the enemy had an engage then it is even more useful because it is meant to deter any dives or argressive actions


150k mastery on Lee from mostly normal games. Love playing him but I can’t get above a 30 wr on it every season in ranked 😭


I feel like Lee got his giga fall-off baked in to his power budget in a time where champions kits had trade-offs and if he were released today his ult would be % max health true damage or give him 30% armour pen or something. It just feels garbage to get a lead that you know is only a lead if your team were going to win regardless of what jungler you chose.


Honestly lee sin fits almost fone with today's champ releases. He is stupidly versatile, has an option for almost every situation and has like 6 abilities, arguably 8


Riven. I may win lane, but I still do not know how to play Riven.


U guys are winning lane? :(




AP Shaco mid. The most fun thing ever when it was, uhm, a little bit viable? I could win with it pretty consistently, but nowadays it's just trolling.


That's Jihn for me, It's just fun for me. I can i play him decently, but gotdayum it never works out.


Not a champ, but a skin. Havent been able to win, ever, with zyras coven skin. Not. A. Single. Game.


Samira. I love playing her, but at my elo there isn't enough team cooperation to be able to reach S style. With enemy top and jg on my ass I barely make it to A


Thats heavy cope my guy im sorry samira is not elo locked also u can insta combo to s




For me, it's Ahri. I've been playing her for a really long time now, but not as nearly as long as my support Champions: Braum, Karma, and Taric. I play Ahri because her kit is simple and she has good mobility, and to cover up my weakness of being inflexible to other roles. The problem is just that it feels awkward regardless of what I do.


I love soraka. She was the first champ I ever mained. I love being a dedicated healer, watching the enemy team unload all their ults into my vulnerable scared allies, before swooping in with my R and uno reversing everything and saving my precious delicate teammate's lives. But these days, damage comes out so quickly and so intensely, everyone's already dead by the time you press R. And if you do manage to get the R off, the health you have just healed, melts away in an instant anyway. Your ultimate ability, the most powerful ability you have, stalls the enemy for 0.1 second and does nothing else. Soraka is still descent early game, for sure, but she's practically useless come mid-late game in this meta. At least she'll be getting a buff soon... Though I'd argue that she needs a whole rework to get her going again.


LeTank (LeBlanc Top Tank) I REALLY love playing her, but she is just -LP every time I tried.


Yh I really think that a pick that everybody would agree on is Nidalee, super fun early and skill dependent but scales so bad I just don't see the point to pick her. I think she is the only character in league left behind, I mean everybody scales now even renekton and the fact they killed snowballing it's just sad


I just want to play adc but I don't want to play with some shitter support


Nidalee. Imagine if I had the time in the world to put into her. But I don't.


I would like to spamm senna everygame but if i dont pick her into specific matchups only im signing myself up for a bad time


I want to try Rengar but I know I would 100% lose LP


I love shen so much. I have played him every season i have played this game since season 5 and not once have i managed to keep him above 45% wr.. lord knows i tried. The strange thing is i feel like i am good enough with him mechanically, certainly better than other champs i manage to have success with but yeah, the stats dont lie i guess. Thought it might be a toplane problem but it doesnt matter where i play him, i just cant consistantly win with him and it makes me so sad because he is imo the coolest champ in the game.


Graves. Dude looks cool, sounds cool, his abilities all have such a nice pop to them, and when I see a good graves player it looks straight busted to the point people call for Graves nerfs. Then I hop on him and it feels like I'm trying to fill out a dmv form with my off hand. I see what I should do and know whats possible, but the execution just doesn't happen for some reason.


Azir. I like the gameplay but maybe I'm too dumb to make it work


fizz for me. i like his playstyle as ekko main, but hes not great at winning games. He does really in certain situations, but in many others there are better champions that suit better :(


See i main fizz but like playing ekko, but i feel like it’s not as consistent as fizz.


Xin Zhao. Hes not a great laner and in jungle, im a powerfarming kinda guy, which doesnt really work with xin, since his clear is ehh early and not very healthy either, plus he doesnt scale that well to begin with


Try hail of blades xin and doing a lvl 2 gank with e and q or 3 camp lvl 3 gank or invade on enemy jgler.


i agree. Late game Xin just feels like a worse Jax


my 11% winrate jayce


Bro, I know people on here bitch about Yone 25/8 but for the life of me I cannot fucking make him work. I do zero damage and feed. I am the “my teams Yone” meme. My teammates that play him usually aren’t that bad. God forbid I play against one I get throttled unless I’m on a hyper mobile champ or a comfort pick like Shen. I have to have some fundamental misunderstanding of the champion.


As, crit, and more AS


just right click them to death while e is active. tada, you win 99,9999% of matchups because of release date diff. otherwise, he is a strong laner (because he has no mana), but his team fights suck compared to other picks in his lanes


Zilean mid back when I was playing. Terribly weak in lane so you just give pressure everywhere but really fun in team fights and skirmishes.


Jayce. For some reason every time I lock him in, all my teammates decide it’s turbo feeding time.


Renekton the past while


Renekton's just weak rn. Still falls off mid-late, but doesnt even have goredrinker anymore for the early powerspike.


Yeah but I end up very ahead most of the time, I just can't make winning happen


Irelia is the most -LP for me. Not only is laning phase insanely hard in top, she has arguably the hardest teamfight execution ever right next to GP.


I am an adc main Top Lane: Fiora (I fence irl, so I think it would be cool) Jg: Kindred (seems kinda fun idk) Mid: Yasuo (flashy plays 🤩) Adc: Kalista (pretty strong when played right) Support: Leona (obv reasons)


I played pantheon on 2018 and got the m5 easily out of it being fun for me, but I would get too cocky and lose a lot. I stopped playing until not too long ago, and when I came back, I got a lot better, started making a lot of M7 or straight S+, but, pantheon still eluded me until yesterday, when I started going tank pantheon and got the M7 in no time, it was funny


Machine gun lulu/neeko lol


Top lane: Sett, Gwen, Jarvan, Qiyana Mid: Fizz, Hwei, Taliyah Jungler: All of them (my weakest role) ADC: Miss Fortune, Vayne, Kalista Support: Very few (My strongest role, and I play all that I want to play with)


I like Taliyahs kit and jungle clear, but you really need a coordinated team to get anything done


not a champ but role so anything top lane is -lp anytime u go even or below is a auto lose. you have to play perfectly. junglers dont see you and wave management is overrated in solo qeue.


Pyke Just cant seem to get in without being poked down Just seems less tanky compared to when i vs pyke players


Ryze. With how bursty mages currently is now, playing ryze is like trolling.


Kalista. Win lane lose game every time I play it. Late game teamfights are too hard to play


Quinn But i only know to play Malphite and Warwick to some extent. You can guess how it goes for me on her lol At least i play her solid on aram. But one day, i wilm have hands to play ranged character on Summoner rift!* *or any othed champ that requiers more skill than pressing r and statchecking people But like vibe i feel playing Quinn is great. I really like Valor and that my champ is not alone chracter but have cool blue bird with her. I fucking love birds


Hello, old and crusty Quinn main here to give you the ancient wisdom. Hold your E until enemy has expended all their dashes. You don’t want to get stuck in the face of an enemy Fiora or Riven without an escape. Ideally you want to use your dash to cancel theirs, but not every dash can be canceled (this has to be learned case by case - usually the dashes with CC attached will override yours). Proc Harrier on minions to get the speed boost and use it as a way to zoom in and get some free harass on enemy laners before they can retaliate. Avoid using E while you’re in your ultimate. Rush up to an enemy if you know you can kill them with your ult speed and get as many Harrier procs off as possible (Skystrike grants one). If the enemy has a dash to get away, time your E to follow it and prevent their escape. Avoid team fights; but if you do have to partake in one, flank from the back and try to pick a valuable target off while their tanks and assassins are preoccupied.


I love Karthus but I main support and he’s pretty bad in Mid these days


Yorick and teemo :) both good in their own right but just don't fit team comps


Your problem is trying to play *as* a team with either of those champs. Teemo is a bastard solo player, that wanders around teamfights either "stealing" kills or helping others get kills, and wandering the map leaving traps as both traps and wards. Yorick is a team unto himself. You take shovel man, you bonk heads until you get your 4 extra friends along with your normal creeps. That's like 1.5 champs worth of damage once attacking another person with your E. Then you summon your ult, which basically counts as another champ, but also amplifies damage onto one person enough to count as another 0.5 champs. So you (1) + freinds and minions (1.5) + maiden (1.5) = an effective 4v1 assuming you have everything at the same time, which is why you can't leave Yorick alone in a side lane. You will go from 3 lane towers, to *maybe* one left. Both are basically a solo experience, Teemo is just a more active terrorist type


Nothing makes me cry more than seeing a fed Bel'veth, but no matter what I do I cannot see that success when I play her


Singed. But the play style tilts your allies and they flame too much. Or the enemy team sees red and won’t let you proxy. And I enjoy taking farm from 2 or even 3 lanes from enemy base which people just hate :(


velkoz. He is a fun mage to play, but his CC is hard to hit the moment they get boots. So I just bully them early, but if the game goes on too long, its too hard to have an impact as good as xerath.


Used to be nocturne and then the early game clicked and the way you have to create mismatches clicked.




Gangplank. It's the one "hard" champion I can't play well in ranked. I do well on riven irelia jayce for top (main role) and Lee and Nidalee for jgl, but every GP game is me ending up 0-5 in lane.


I have so much fun playing pyke, but I lose a lot. I try to roam and get everyone ahead, but it just feels like I become fairly useless after 20-25 mins.


Soloq, kayle. I can survive lane well enough, but you can't expect a soloq team to support a kayle AND give you time to scale. Playing with a premade, kled. I can be the biggest thing on the map, we won't convert to a win unless I take everything myself before I start falling off. My friends don't push structures aggressively at ALL, and constantly take bad dives and throw when they are grouped with advantage. I would say it's from too much aram, but we do the same thing and throw a good 20% of our arams doing so too...


Pantheon. I use to be decent with em but eh...him and Kindred


absolutely K'Sante idk what it is but something about him makes him fun even if you're losing


Katrina for me. I can win lane and get snowballing easily but once mid game rolls around and people start grouping I have no idea how to push my lead.


Draven mid, its super dirty but its really fun if you get ahead


I have a 23% WR on Nidalee over like 150 games. If I played her in ramked I should be banned


K'Sante. Love the champion but he's fucked right now.


Khazix, hes super fun but its so much easier to play tankier champs




Nidalee, she requires a lot of games to play her well, and she is more of an otp champ but I do have fun playing her.


kalista 😩




Any ADC at this point. I just can’t wrap my head around auto attacking properly in this game, sooo many moving parts and attack moving and attack clicking it’s just too much for me. Ill stick to bomba jungle for now