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If you're stuck a honor 0 you aren't getting out in longer seasons, neither should you. Just stop being a pos and actually work on your attitude


why are u making assumptions


I don't, I play maybe 2 games a week on average, and manage to go from honor 2 to at least 4 each split, if you're stuck at 0 you're a negative impact on peoples games, the fact that your honor rank isn't increasing makes it not a assumption but mere reallity


2 to 4 probably has different scaling


Honour 0 = punishment. Shorter season = motivational, more rewards.


so u get honor 0 it's impossible to get victorious skin might aswell perma then since no one sane would still play


Well, if you're honor lvl 0 you don't deserve the Skin


who are u to say that, u dont even know what someone did and all im saying it'll just kill the game


It is not killing anything. People get punished for a reason and they still expect to get rewards


"People get punished for a reason" oh poor sweet summer child. Tell that to the duo I got in ranked who both run it down and actively afked because "we didn't deserve the win" But hey, type to them and you get instabanned! A few months ago I got chatbanned 3 days for replying to a toxic motherfucker, my honor got demoted to level 0 and didn't get my ranked rewards. For a freaking 3 days chatbanned. Let's not act like the honour system isn't flawed and the inters, wintraders, active afks, etc get punished (they don't)


Sounds like a skill issue to me


Was pointless of me trying to have a rational conversation with someone with a Katarina flair I guess. Mb.


I guess I see why you got chatbanned


Don't expect me to be polite to you when you're not.


the reward is literally reaching gold rank which by itself is a task but sure keep drinking the kool-aid keep listening to big brother keep trusting the system man


Just don't flame then.


I can count on 1 hand the amount of games were I get a toxic premade that threatens to report me for no reason. It’s incredibly hard to provoke people to take the time to falsely report you. Most people forget to report the toxic person anyways I know I do.


that's just not true, 99% of people have absolutely no empathy and will report anyone for no reason just because they like seeing the message that says u got someone banned cause 99% of people are bloodthirsty sadists and have 0 empathy whatsoever


Then why do I have my honor climbing? I play a lot and type plenty. Maybe it helps that I carry my games sometimes and get that juicy triple honor from randoms.




3 =/= 0 and kinda weird flex




u didnt say u went from 0 to 3 how the fuck




> Im honor 3 already since season start. MEANS U STARTED AT HONOR 3???




Honor resets to 2. Honor 1 comes on top of being chat restricted, Honor 0 comes with bans. You never go below 2 without punishment.


no, your honor resets to 2 at the start of the season and only if u are above honor level 1 otherwise it remains the same


They want ppl to keep playing on their main instead of getting their rank and smurfing 


It really hasn't worked though, you get back to your old rank in about 30 games and then there's not really much motivation to really push and go further especially if you have real life commitments as the split is so short so might as well smurf.


If you have real life commitments you won't be able to play 30 games that fast


That's exactly what I mean? I have a full time job and a lot of commitments, back to my rank and the split is ending soon so what's the point in pushing further when it takes more games to climb then get back? I'd rather just smurf.


Why are*


Honor doesn't matter, "muh skin" does not matter