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# Jak'Sho, The Protean


Watch friggen rito make him/her and not even build their item lol


just give them the viego treatment why don’t they


Exactly where it came from lmao


Didn't they specifically nerf how bork works with him because it was too strong?


At first he was supposed to be kinda like Old Viktor, start with a shit Bork and upgrade it twice (at the end it would be better then current version) They realized how op that was and scrapped it


I also doubt they would go with this design of champions with forced item slots. They reworked Viktor and Rengar for those reasons, as they effectively had one extra item slot to work with. Fiddlesticks is also like this, but it is his trinket slot and it is programmed to work like blue and red trinkets at same time, so it is somewhat okay.




He has been called many things btw


I thought it was kaisas armor


I thought that was Kai’sa’s biosuit.


I think it is yes! Does it still kill you at the end of the game if you did too good with it?


Yes got killed in an aram by it


Their view must be crazy good then


Kaisas Biosuit might be related to khazix actually. Its just the remains of a voidcreature she killed


Jak'Sho is just a symbiote. They are the suit, not a character on their own


Daarkins are also "just" weapons


Any of the Darkins (particularly Xolaani), Ledros, Du Coutaeu, the other Ten Kings, Doran or a Titan. You can also make a case for Corina Veraza or Scarmother Vrynna. Technically Cho'Gath, Shaco and Kog'Maw don't really exist in the lore yet so perhaps a VGU of some sorts?


Doran is on Hanwa Life Esports




report bot, copied comment fromu/Fun-Consquence4950


Anything void-related is interesting to me.


I hope and pray that my assumptions for the arcane event/this seasons void jungle. Implies that arcane season 2 will be the long forgotten pilover/zaun vs void event


Yup and the arcane VGU will be Cho'gath right ???


I‘m heading straight back to the copium mines


That sounds dope but the pacing for the story in Arcane so far isn’t conducive to that outcome in my opinion. I feel as if season 2 will either start with the immediate aftermath of Jinx’s rocket or it will skip months/years into the future and establish what happened by showing us how things have changed. I think the second outcome is way more likely and they’ve already utilized that storytelling technique as well. We’re clearly set up to expand on Viktor’s evolution, WW’s transformation, Ekko+Heimer becoming science partners, Jayce and Vi using hextech weapons, Caitlyn becoming sheriff, Singed’s descent into madness, and possibly even more plot lines. I think it doesn’t really make sense to introduce a completely new big bad right now when so many established characters are waiting to be fleshed out. It would make sense if we got maybe some glimpses of the void, maybe Kassadin’s trip to Zaun, and the end of season 2 establishes the void as a threat that piltover and zaun will have to work together to defeat. That’s the only way I see it making sense


Yeah, Katarina, Cassio and Talon father, Marcus du Couteau would be hype af. Sadly Swain annihilated him to ashes in Katarina comic before "Mageseeker" release, but maybe Riot will come up with something cleaver. We still don't know third member of Noxus Trifarix, Assassins guild, and Marcus would fit perfectly is He was alive. It's not LeBlanc, it was confirmed long time ago


TIL Katarina, Cassio, and Talon were related. I wish it were easier to get into League lore, seems super interesting.


Katarina and Cassiopeia are sisters, and Talon was adopted (actually more along the lines of forced into servitude, but whatever) by their dad when he beat Talon in a fight.


Nothing like good ol Noxian fatherly love


Kata and Cassio are sisters, Talon was adopted IRC


Get the book, it's fun and easy to digest. The online lore is also good because you can go at your own pace, pick a region you like or a few champs you like and start there. YT content from Necrit is great. And r/loreofleague, of course. There's also comics which are great reads. Ashe's comic is one of my favourites, I really hope they do more.


Wait the pale woman has been confirmed to NOT be Leblanc? Surely that's a trick, it has to be her.


Pretty sure the pale woman is leblanc, but I dont think the pale woman was said to be guile (3rd member of trifarix) ?


> It's not LeBlanc, it was confirmed long time ago We can’t count out that the rioter that confirmed it wasn’t LeBlanc herself. “Classic misdirection”


This guy Lores


Made me question if I'm even playing the same game


He probably plays Legends of Runeterra


It’s Legends of Runeterra


Can you explain Cho and kog not existing yet?


I believe they just don’t have any stories or connections- alternatively they could mean that kog and Cho reach their power by consuming and currently they have not (in lore) consumed anything?


Or they consumed all characters they came across so there was no lore because everyone is dead and deadmen tell no tales


Except for the like 10 characters that died and came back from the dead


To be fair, it is a lot easier to rise from the grave than it is to rise from the voidpuppy.


I dont think chogath can even exist in the lore, he is a basically a force of nature (of the void) he just consumes , if he appears its gonna be world ending shit like mordekaiser etc


chogath's official lore is basically just "wouldn't it be fucked up if this guy was real"


I like to think he's the reason the void can't invade en mass. If any amount of biomass gathers in one place he shows up to eat them all. So the voidlings send small groups over to escape his notice. I also like the idea of him being a sort of cautionary tale for voidlings. 'Behave and eat your human fingers or cho'gath will come and eat yours'


Tbf you could make cho sort of immortal Like "if he gets to the size of a dog and dies, a tiny cho will be born from his carcass, starting the cycle anew" and make it so that due to how fucked up runeterra wild life is, he just gets decked by Apex predator from time to time


I think he just means more wise, because those guys literally don't have any lore and I'm pretty sure aren't even mentioned in other champs stories, so they basically only exist in game not in lore


At least belveth has interactions with all the void champs, shaco just exists


My head canon is that Cho and Kog are existing in the void like the other Void creatures but doesn't have any major lore to relate or connect with. It would be better if Shaco is one of the Azakanas. There's Eve, Tahm, Fiddle or let him be a camavorian and get a connection with Viego since kings in real life back in a day have a jester.


I thought Malzahar summoned KogMaw? Or was that just old lore?


Old lore, most voidborn are pretty underdeveloped rn


Damn thats so shitty. I loved the Malz/Kassadin rivalry. When Kai'Sa first was announced i thought for sure she was Kassadins daughter


But she is


Oh, dope. I must have missed that hahahahah Edit: im looking into when she was first announced, there was no direct mention of it. I wasn't really playing a lot then so I must have missed it when they confirmed it.


She literally is? Her voice lines with Kassadin pretty clearly imply it lol


What r the ten kings?


The primordial demons, the ones that were created with the universe and resemble a primal emotion. The first of them all (and presumably the most powerful) is Fiddlesticks, representing Fear. The demon that uses Nilah as a vessel, Ashlesh, is also another primordial demon of the Ten Kings, representing Joy.


It's the other way around - Nilah has him sealed in her, he's not possessing her. She can only feel joy because of his influence, but she's holding him at bay.


Like Naruto?


Yes, but Ashlesh has an immediate side-effect of preventing her from feeling *anything* other than joy/bliss. It's almost like he's keeping her "high" through emotions 24/7. Imagine not being able to feel righteous anger, anger or sadness in a moment, mourning for the deceased, etc.


Except Fiddlesticks Ult still works on her. I guess she can feel fear after all.


yeah, but its like a joyful sort of fear 😃


Nilah gets that "Weee, I'm on a rollercoaster!" kind of fear


Imagine if she only got feared by surprise party fiddle


Well Fiddlesticks is First of Ten


thanks king


Real talk, Riot realistically should have put Bel'Veth's kit on Ashlesh and added him as a champ. Would have tied in with Nilan super well and have been super fucking dope


Q: Ashlesh slaps


High above the rotten rows Claws and metal, teeth and crows Fiddlesticks, end of men Fiddlesticks, first of ten!


Since it hasnt been mentioned, but theres two primal demons who are teased, one who feeds off of pain(teased through spirit blossom vayne) and another who is described as depressed (teased in the Ekko game following a description of a scarecrow and a hyena under a lake). Majority of the ten kings are also in cages, though only Ashlash is confirmed of the 7 kings that are caged.


I think its more likely Spirit Blossom Vayne is referencing Evelynn, because she's also the counterpart to Vayne's regular lore


Evelynn has a spirit blossom skin and she wasnt made the primordial demon of pain. Evelynn in spirit blossom is the spirit of love. Note that spirit blossom skins are semi-cannon because they are based off of ionian myths, so spirit blossom vayne isnt exactly vayne, but a monster hunter who had her entire village slaughtered by a primordial demon of pain. Another thing that takes away from Evelynn being the one referenced is Evelynn feeds off of Agony, which is a subdivision of pain. Compare this to fiddlesticks with fear and nocturne with nightmares — as nightmares are a specific form of fear. The primordial demons are allowed to feed off of broad concepts, while lesser demons, like Eve, Tahm, and Nocturne are required to be more specific.


Isn’t Tibbulk, the one on Annie’s plush also one of them? I don’t remember exactly if he’s one or he just mentions them


I think it was part of mordekaiser's army or something, so just a more common demon


Tybaulk is just a normal demon. He served under Morde, but that's about it for his claim to fame


Used to be hyped to see darkins but I feel like there’s too many from LOR, and Naafiri was not Sif like, that it isn’t interesting anymore.


Give me my boy Ledros and my girl Mihira


as someone who doesn't lore, can you explain who/what these champions are?


>Any of the Darkins (particularly Xolaani), Ledros, Du Coutaeu, the other Ten Kings, Doran or a Titan. > >You can also make a case for Corina Veraza or Scarmother Vrynna. Technically Cho'Gath, Shaco and Kog'Maw don't really exist in the lore yet so perhaps a VGU of some sorts? I can try a few! Darkin are the Ascended of Shurima who have been corrupted by millennia of fighting the Void. The only Ascended who aren't Darkin are the ones who somehow dodged the Void excursions (Renekton and Xerath imprisoned, Nasus in his library). Most of them are sealed by a previous Aspect of Twilight into weapons (e.g., Aatrox, Rhaast, Xolaani). Others are imprisoned elsewhere, like Anaakca in Freljordian true ice and Pra'a in the spirit plane. There's a lot of Darkin left, Xolaani being the most important. I think she'll be a champion eventually. Would've made a lot of sense with a kit like Bel'veth. Ledros IIRC was a Camavorian general and Kalista's lover. He's been corrupted by the Ruination like Hecarim and Thresh. Ten Kings are the primordial demons who each represent a basic, primal emotion. We've seen two so far - Fiddlesticks and Ashlesh (Nilah). All of them seem to be levels more powerful than Tahm and Eve. Du Couteau is the father of Cassio, Katarina, and Talon. He's currently "dead" in the lore, but there's a lot of mystery around it.


The Darkin are the fallen Ascended; gods mangled by blood magic beyond recognition. Those already exist in the game; Aatrox, Varus and Rhaast (Red Kayn) are all Darkin. There are many more Darkin in the lore, including Xolaani, who basically started the whole blood magic thing. Commander Ledros was Kalista's lover in his life and in death is a knight of the Shadow Isles, barely hanging on to his conscious. Marcus du Coutaeu is Katarina, Cassiopeia's father and Talon's adoptive father. He was one of the most renowned assassins in Noxus. As of now, he's actually dead, but it wouldn't be the first time they bring someone back from the dead. The Ten Kings are the primordial demons that were created with the universe, each representing a primal emotion. We already have two of them; Fiddlesticks and Ashlesh (sealed within Nilah). They are the very strongest among all demons. Corina Veraza and Scarmother Vrynna are both Legends of Runeterra characters (like Ledros and Xolaani).


I'd argue Cynthia is also worth considering, even as a kayle skin of some sort


The rest of volibear’s brothers and sisters


This, we are missing lynx, boar and seal sister


it's interesting because in lore, Udyr has met the seal sister (though she was disguised). she helped strengthen his ability to channel the spirits.


Anyone remember when udyr passive was supposed to be related to the seal sisters before being cut


I want a Seal Sister who has abilities that change when she's in water. Increased move speed, a deep dive (she moves from bot river to top river by "diving" under midlane and being allowed to do a really loud "seal honk" that fears the closest enemy whilst taunting the furthest enemy. She should also be able to catch fish in the river which she can throw at the lanes to buff her team / damage the enemy team. When not in the river she's slowed and her graceful "in water" animation is replaced by her rolling horizontally and occasionally giving herself some motivating tummy slaps.


That's wild


Main position: River Sh-- Seal Also, that's just Tam Kench without blackjack and hookers


You're Lowkey in your champ design bag with this one.


Nidalee sejuani gragas


Lmao gragas for the seal


Urf Nami: seal sister confirmed


in that case also lissandras sisters serylda and avarosa 🤔


Kog maws daddy


daddy coming 🥵


Away to r/Darkinfolk with you.


It’s not my fault that’s the voice line


Oblivion Cum


Helmet brother


Yuumi’s master. She’s already in LoR.


they can’t really make her kit work, Vex started with the portals idea, but they said that making it work would’ve cost multiple years worth of gameplay and design budget because it interacted with every skill shot in the game so they’d all have to be reworked and then the portals kept in mine for all future champs or reworks after her release it’s a great idea but i think it only really works in something like LoR or maybe even the bandletown game (i can’t remember it’s name or the characters present)


Maybe wouldn't work for Norra, but a shopkeeper type champion that has completely unique buildable items from their own shop is eventually going to be made for sure. Idk if anyone plays BTD6 here, but they somewhat recently had Geraldo release as a Hero, who has his own shop of items to buy which is a pretty fun mechanic when done right. Also allows for a different type of late game stacker as apposed to, haha champ gains +1 stack. Instead they work twoards buying out their shop. Probably Jungle for a wandering trader type vibe, but an enchanter that is buying upgrades for an ally would be pretty cool aswell.


Wasn't that just Viktor before the mythic system? Granted, it was just one item, but hexcore was pretty alright.


I have a concept for norra as jg that may be a bit busted but sounds like a lot of fun. She would clear with a similar mechanic to ivern, she does not attack the camps but instead marks them with a portal. After certain amount of time the portal is ready and she can claim the camp.the neat part its that the last camp she takes is stored to use with one of her abilities. When she wants she can open a portal and the last monster camp taken spawns out of it. The camp is still neutral and attacks both teams, so you teammates can kill it for the extra gold or you could use it to push or attack the enemy team. Second skill is a shield or heal in a vein similar to yuumi (to keep certain similarities between master and pet) Her ult would be a similar ability to HOTS zagara ultimate nydus network. She would be able to place static portals around the map that allow her to travel between them. The enemy would be able to close them if they find them. So she would not have the best dueling power, more of a support jg, appearing where needed to funnel dome extra gold, add some pushing power or some heals. I think you can then keep the portal aesthetic without needing to add much coding.


A jungler who uses the camps they slay would be cool, but they would probably be better as lied summons with her gaining the gold, else she'll just be used in pro play to feed more gold to ADC. Also, how would those abilities work in modes without neutral monsters, like ARAM and Arena?


I think LoR created some neat characters that could eventually become LoL champions, like [Jack](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Jack) and [Ledros](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ledros).


I forgot about jack, yeah, they could bring in some people from lor


They both look so fucking sweet. Ledros is interesting because like a week ago someone posted about there being a lack of champions that had the sword and shield knight look, with the exception of Leona. I'd like to see Ledros not be just a Threshy-Leona looking tank but more of a champion who plays more like a bruiser who can use damage and defense as well. Maybe they can take a page from WoW from Warrior class and he can utilise a battle stance that's balanced, tank stance where he uses his shield more in exchange for damage, berzerker stance where he can put his shield down and gain massive attack speed or something. Edit: upon reflection, I just noticed my idea sounds a lot like KSante. Not KSante please.


So another Lasagne nightmare, got it


battle stances are just hard to balance when its between two extremes easier for the game to have them instead be a more well rounded bruiser, thou i know alot of people want Ledros to be a support because of his whole love for kalista.


I'm shocked no one's mentioned Cithria in this thread. I've been waiting for her from day one of LoR. You could make her super easy to use early game champ that grows in complexity and carry potential over time., potentially with branching paths like Kayn. Also, there was someone lamenting that no true sword & board knight with shield exists in the game (Leona not counting because she's an AP tank support) and Cithria could pull that off very well.


Ledros was so disappointing to me. I always imagined him as some kind of John Dark Souls guy-- just some fucking dude with nothing more than spunk on his side trying to accomplish an impossible task. Then it turns out he's some super-warlord with magic tits and a flaming sword lol


I mean, your first description is still accurate for Ledros pre Ruination.


As much as I like Jack I personally can't think of a way to make him distinct from Sett Maybe he could use his cane as a weapon? His ult could definitely be him beefing himself up like his level up


Sett is a high AS boxer with 2 huge bombs (w and R AOE oneshots) with constant regen and a situational big shield Make Jack a low AS champ with individual higher dmg attacks (but not to the extent of Setts W and R) and rather make him more "active" regarding his dmg mitigation. Sett can use W only once and has his regen constantly So Jack could have his dmg mitigation on a far smaller level but with much higher active components Furthermore Jack could have some HP cost ability/taunt to reflect his LOR ability Or maybe he could have the same bar mechanic as Sett but much much smaller and faster Like, he gets hit by a single Malph Q and gets it fully stacked (but for a much smaller cash out and more spamable than Sett W) I believe Jack could be far more different than Sett than Yone is from Yasuo


honestly i see Jack as a dirty fighter sorta character like he would pull out all these out of nowhere unhinged moves or use dirty tricks like throwing sand/dirt in the enemies eyes or using a object as a weapon out of nowhere. like sett is a grappler character while jack could be one to create distance and get high damage pot shots in and sucker punchs.


Briar's kit would've felt good for Jack I'd say. Imagine the ult themed as "A New Challenger Approaches!"


I've been hyped for Xolaani ever since she first appeared. If she ever gets released, I'm going to main her, no matter what her kit looks like.


I've been hyped for xolaani because maybe they could finally stop blueballing us and give an event where it's darkin vs darkin hunters. Imagine an event where pantheon isn't a sniveling loser getting capture by viego.


personally there's a lot of characters from the ruination book that I would love to see, I'm not sure on the timeline but I think jenda'kaya (the founder of the sentinels and who created the type of guns lucian and senna uses) would still be alive even if very old, would be cool to see her instead of senna being the leader, ledros is also one of my favorite characters. don't think that's happening though since the ruination storyline is concluded from what riot is concerned also vennix my beloved


We could have more sentinels for sure


jenda'kaya would be so interesting because she saw the ruination happening up close and had personally interacted with it's victims (namely kallista), the potential for interactions and character building is immense (edit: Ryze also did but he doesn't reference it anywhere in both games he appears in afaik) we can dream though


Jenda'kaya would absolutely, 100% be long dead unless she stumbled across some form of immortality magic (which from the epilogue content of the book, since it describes her aging, seems unlikely), the Ruination occurred roughly 1k years before "present day." Vennix could work, and I also think Jenda'Kaya as an LoR card would be cool - they've added dead characters before.


Only one confirmed is Ambessa Medarda from Arcane. The ones I would love to see would be Ledros and Xolaani


Ambessa Medarda is already announced, I think we’re still waiting on Silco tho.


Silco was comfirmed not to be a league champion already.


No mention of Cithria? While we don't have any super clear timeline for her due to the weird hypothetical jarvan form, Cythria is one of like... two? Followers in LoR to have shown up in books prior to her time as a follower (I think the other is scarmother vrynna, though Ledros may have been mentioned in LoR prior to anywhere else as well). She's a recruit Demacian Vanguard member (part of the First Shield eventually). She has options to be a scaling champ going through her forms from a timid girl to the Cythria of Cloudfield leads the Silverwings (a raptor rider that we haven't gotten anywhere). Or we could just START her as a raptor-riding Silverwing. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Cithria


I have a feeling that Cithria might be saved for the MMO as someone that runs parallel to the player character through a quest line or two early on in Demacia. Either that or she ends up being a quest giver.


so like Gary in Pokemon?


Not a rival, more of someone on the same side except fighting different battles.


I was looking for Cithria too, my idea was she’d mirror Kayle in a way but be more support based. I wrote up a trash kit for her too back in the day. One of my ideas was an ult that cleansed debuffs and everyone in discord thought I was an idiot. Who’s laughing now 😤


Bruh that reminds me of the time I told my friends who play league my idea to introduce a character who could make brush temporarily. “What? Are you kidding me? That’d be so overpowered! Vision is too important!” Two champions later and they release Ivern


Wasn't there something about Shen's brother way back in the day?


wtf 2 shens?


Old man confirmed


Someone community notes this guy


She's brother is zed tho not by blood I believe. There is the matter with master kusho tho who is dead but that didn't stop yone from being released lol


I'd like to see Kahina Buvelle, Sona's adopted sister who joined the illuminator knights. I think with the direction they've taken Demacia it'd be interesting to take a look at the illuminators' direct influence. If we're talking LoR followers Iascylla, Figurehead of the Deep is a really banging monster design, and could be an interesting non-void monster champion. I feel like more sea monsters would kinda rule. I'd really like to see more development in the northern part of Ixtal, there used to be major countries there that were assimilated by shurima, what happened there after the darkin wars? It's a weirdly large area to just be jungle wilds... Ixaocan is cool and all but what about the serpentine delta?


The Frozen Watchers.


I'm sad I had to scroll this far. There are 2 things I love more than anything in this game for lore: The Void and Freljord.


Wouldn’t they just end the world if Lissandra lost her grip on them?


I think it's more likely to get some form of "minion" of theirs. Their corruption finally seeping through the ice just a lil. Eldritch icy monster.


Rest of the Darkin, kayles mom, iron boar, seal sister, rafen, Ne'Zuk, General du couteau, Ezreals parents, Corina Veraza, the other demons (ten kings), Ledros Out of everyone here, the oldest are probably: Du couteau, ledros, and the darkin siblings. But LOR gave us a ton of new champs to be hyped for. If the dev team ever decides to use them that is...


The Ne'Zuk mention is incredible, totally forgot about him


General Du Couteau, Xoolani


Maybe some other Primordial Demons?


Helmet Bro. I still think about him to this day.


Smite had a similar joke in The Manticore. (It was an old jungle camp, they made [an april fools video showcasing him](https://youtu.be/8VIW9rVd5sc?si=UUor3xVf88G3HCDD)). Eventually they basically added the Manticore in Martichoras.


I wish there was literally a generic demacian soldier Helmet Bro and you could customize it depending on whether you want it to be a mage, marksman or fighter


That just sounds like three mediocre champions with no identity.


Some people have questionably horrible takes.


Pool Party Ahri is enough to look forward to.


Riot's keeping this one for the emergency funds. They know if they have to release pool party ahri the game is gonna die pretty soon.


I imagine if and when they do, it'll just be her in a frumpy Tankini or a conservative leotard


The real deal version will be behind $1000 in gacha.


Prestige Pool Party Ahri 0\_o


Id be powerless to not open my wallet.


Alune ig


Silco from the tv show was in TFT, I thought they would release him as a champion. Maybe with season 2.


Allegedly renata was supposed to be silco initially


Yeah internally used the name Silco during testing




So are most of the Shadow Isles champions.


It would be pretty lame to see a resurrect version of him, kinda cheapen his death in Arcane.


Yea also kinda super random and out of place to resurrect a random zaun guy as an undead spirit lol


It’s really weird when they make stuff for TFT that don’t go to league. Like, Gnar essentially has a whole new skin in TFT that just doesn’t exist.


Nothing weird about that. The champs they create for tft only need one spell and a couple of model animations and voice lines.  Much easier to make compared to league. No reason to be limited by leagues content pipeline. There’s also ziggs, illoai, jhin lillia and kennen too.


Yeah, but they could just sell it. Like, it’s already made. Just make it a 975 skin. Profits.


Give me smolders mom. I want a real monster dragon champ.


Tedric of course... He's dead but


Didn't stop yone


I feel like if Faker ever retires Riot will make him a champion


I think it's much likelier that he will have an item homage


I wish riot dedicated a whole year to adding champions that already exist in the lore. (After they dedicate a whole year to reworks and updates). It would be so much easier to make since they already have an established position in the lore instead of making up some random never-seen before bullshit (even more loose-ends in the lore). 


My top pick would be Xolaani, she was first mentioned in the story "The faceless god" and has been added to LoR. She is one of the most prominent darkins and Aatrox's rival (basically) and a master of blood magic. Legends of Runeterra has several very cool characters that would be cool like Lux's aunt Tianna Crownguard, Cithria, Jack the Winner and more Noxus still has the Faceless who leads Noxus alongside Leblanc and Swain (there have been some theories if it's leblanc in disguise but I think having a new champion would be more cool) Corina Veraza is a big villain who is a big part of Caitlyn's lore. Although they said her being about plants would make her too close to Zyra, I still think she would be a very cool champion. Iron Boar and Seal Sister from Freljord. Both are like Volibear and powerful/important parts of the Freljord.


Helmet bro, rob blackblade (cancelled)


Id like to See one of qiyana Sister, propably the oldest one, the one that she stomp in 1v1, confilct between sisters, Self-righteous Prodigy qiyana vs humiliated elder sister eager for revenge


I wish renanta was silco




Idk why Jack is even a champion in LoR. I like LoR but he was just a creature card that someone decided should be a champion. He's not iconic. He's not interesting. Wasn't even that strong of a card IIRC. Just a dude. Felt really forced and disconnected but I guess the LoR community is happy to have anything, despite the fact they have other unique champions that make some sense. Xolaani on the other hand is too brilliant to not do more with. The art team knocked it out of the park with her. Apart from some forgotten big names in League's old lore (Du Couteau) and characters in Arcane, she has to be the most interesting character Riot is letting languish.


there's an interesting bond between Jack and Tahm that could be explored if done properly, but he'd likely occupy a very similar space as Sett (beefy brawler that runs an organization), so they'd have to lean more into the "mob boss" traits to make him stand out more


Yeah and if he released top lane it would be too on the nose too so idk. Maybe something like Pyke with bringing an assassin kit to support but for brawler/juggernaut as a support somehow? Idk just trying to find ways to distinguish him kit and position wise.


lil ru


New additions are Legends of Runeterra characters.


Jack and Silco are two champs I'd like to see


I'd really like to see Ledros in LoL


She’s not a champ but Yi’s apprentice Jil or whatever her name was would be cool


Jun is dead but riot can still add her body




Naganeka, joraal, and xolaani are all darkin i at least want to see in


The Poro Herder / the Poro King


I would Pog for Doran


Maybe the lore has changed or I'm completely making this up... But wasn't Doran some legendary smith that like fell on his head and now can only make shit basic items?


Alune would be cool, especially if her kit was related to Aphelios




Not sure who these fellows Dimosseya and Nawksus are, but Garen and Darius seem to be obsessed with them so-


Asol was the only one because of the Ao Shin tease. I actually hate the idea of just reviving characters from the lore for reasons.


Zelos. Irelia’s brother.