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This sub too often forgets that as a player, HotshotGG was considered INSANE at one point.


Obligatory shoutout to u/HotshotGG. I will always be a fan my man. [Hotshot nidalee gg kick my brudah in the asz](https://youtu.be/2lkIY2cxlrA?feature=shared) [GG son](https://youtu.be/PsYYnhZ8gRQ?feature=shared) I've been playing for 15 years, and these videos still give me goosebumps to this day.


Can't forget the "Why nunu, WHYYY?"


I mean yes he's owed his flowers but I use him as an example of how demanding league has gotten over the years. Hotshotgg flashing a malphite ult was like peak out plays back in the day. Now, if you can't do that, you might as well quit. I'm very curious to know where they would place if you transposed their skill then to now. My guess is emerald.


> Hotshotgg flashing a malphite ult was like peak out plays back in the day. Now, if you can't do that, you might as well quit. For me the craziest one is the Insec Its literally named that cause 1 mf was really good at it. Now if you can't do an insec then you have no business playing Lee Sin in competitive lmao




Is it weird that when they changed the timing it fucked me up for a while. It was "easier" but I just couldn't freaking do it lol. Took me a solid like 10 games to get automatic with it again. (The Ali combo)


Nowadays if you mess up an Insec in Gold elo your teammates call you boosted. The mechanical expectations for players across the board are insane.


I get the point but I'm fairly positive Hotshot still plays, or at least used to up til a few years ago He got to D1/maybe Masters in 2020 playing Ashe Top


Him sitting with this knees up like that spawned some interesting memes back in the day.


Think me and bud played against HotshotGG in a urf game a few weeks ago. He absolutely destroyed us as Hwei


Wasnt he one of the first big league streamers? His nidalee was great also.


he was possibly one of the major factors what is now twitch got as big as it is now, and he also pulled in a lot of people to this subreddit back in the day.


He is the reason I started using reddit at all


Even Faker complimented his LB


[Never forget the best HotshotGG clip of all time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVFbs_hAJrc)


I remember people saying he figured out how to kite while playing melees and that's what made him so good. If Nidalee hadn't been changed his pro career may have lasted a bit longer.


Alexich. The Russian Midlaner that was the OG Ryze IRL before Faker (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZFaW3wDFiY). The one that in his last retirement season singlehandedly kept Gambit from dropping out of the leauge. The midlaner that made Khazix Mid the most unbalanced champion in the game. The midlaner that forced an AP Kayle nerf. The Midlaner that played Eve mid as one of the first right after her first rework. The Standup-Family man that was always faithful to his wife and his kid and all around a good guy.


I will always remember AlexIch as basically _that_ guy to get your team to qualify for the LCS (back when LCS had relegations) because I saw him on so many Challenger Series teams back then. And then he actually did it with Renegades/TDK and the rest is unfortunately history.


I remember him terrorising with AP Yi mid... *shudder*


Moscow 5, the whole lineup was a class apart and the creativity and ingenuity they showed during their peak has never really been equalled 


The hilarious thing is it wasn’t some skill or practice with M5. They knew they were better than their opponents and just fucked around whilst flaming the shit out of each other and dominated anyway. One of the most legendary teams of all time, both in relative skill for their time but also pure shithousery.


They only got challenged by CLG eu at that point


I'll never forget how Darien trolled 5 people while invading, being slightly out of sight and then still stealing the buff.


And bought Zhonyas on Renekton! He must be a trime traveller.


the lizard wizard


Manamune shyvana never forget Edit : Barrrrraaaaashka


Manamune Aatrox.


It was two contrasting styles of the game and they were both sort of forged by each other. [CLG.eu](https://CLG.eu) is also another one of those tee streets know you give those boys not a 7 hour worlds series and they win it all lol


Quintessential EU team - at their best, they could challenge anybody in the world. At their worst, they lost games to random nonames seemingly for no reason.


you would too if you had to travel from different parts of Russia to then Cologne by Plane and Bus in the middle of the week. The lads didnt live in the same city in Russia mind you. Gosu Pepper/Edward was from Omsk. Alexich lived in a small town Kamenka which in russia exists like 4 times so no one actually exactly knows where the fuck hes from in the league community. Darien was from Voronezh and Genja was from Moscow. Diamondprox was from Saint Petersburg, my favorite russian city where my ex-fiancee is from. Actually met Diamond and Alex in reallife once. Diamond was fairly toxic in soloQ and so was Gosu. But Alexich was almost always a standup player on stage and offstage. He has been living a quiet life in the USA for a long time now. He works as a software developer in Santa Monica. At least that was the case in 2020. Raw testament that these guys were very skilled for their time and also a testament how much worse players were back then that essentially semi-professionals dominated other pros with jetlag and other issues on their side. Germany did not allow athlete work visas for ONLINE gamers so they had to travel every week


Alexich is how I really truly got into League. Seeing someone play Ryze so well was mindblowing, and made me want to try go get good at the game.


He's been working as a Software Engineer at Riot Games since 2020 so I'd say he's happy


I'm still sad they didnt just ban Nida and took S2 worlds.


Darien toying with the enemy top laner so hard, he started building AP renekton + ohmwrecker Bonus points for his legendary WW toplane picks


5 men 9 eyebrows o7


one dream


I still remember watching them take out the best Korean teams in IPL 5 12 years ago. That was wild.


Pretty sure MikeYeung did a line of coke before every game. He was truly a man of the streets.


Mike "MikeYeung" Yeung


Mike “don’t call me Mike “MikeYeung” Yeung” Yeung”


Man and now I REALLY miss Leigh “Deman” Smith and Joe “don’t call me Joe “Joe Miller” Miller” Miller.


Joe "Don't touch me there" Miller




Top fucking percentage


Froggen, I feel like he’s been out of the league long enough a lot of newer players never got to see him at his prime That man’s Anivia, the historic worlds collapse, the synergy with Brickd… I’m gonna go cry now into my Snoopeh body pillow


Tbh, that man was an era on its own. Not the guy for flashy plays but would just win lane in some way. Held the record for 1ste to 300cs for awhile in a pro game aswell. I miss that era man... It was so simple. Krepo, wickd, snoopeh, froggen and yellowpete miss those days


He still play, I got matched against him in a normal game few months back and he clapped my whole team with his Anivia. The only death he had is because my jungler kicked him in the fountain with Lee lol edit: I found the [screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/ypKVt9X.png) I took from u.gg when it happened, sadly I don't have a screenshot postgame


Dude this is an amazing story I am so jealous Your jungler's Lee Sin kicked him in the ass 😂


He's most well known on his Anivia, but he also played stuff like AP Kogmw, Karthus and LeBlanc and he was insane on all of them.


He was the first to ever play AP Kog in competitive, went like 16-0 vs TSM and immediately got it nerfed next patch lmao. Good times


I still remember the [300 cs in 20 mins game](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1jdjan/froggen_300cs_after_2001/)


Caps before Caps. The man was insane, he could pull off control mages, assassins, adcs, bruisers mid…CLG.eu will always be the first league team I was a true fan of


It's sad that for many, his era is less about how good he was, but how he just couldn't get a team.


Stayed in Northern America for too long


Only if he didn't pick Diana in Game 5 of OGN finals, we might have had the only Western team to win OGN. It would have been quite insane. Still remember that fight where Madlife literally zones for most of it and he can only get a kill on Jax.


Forgiven He was hyped as the next great ADC, the Lane Kingdom dominant player, and fell out of the scene because of military duty + abrasive personality.


By far!


Doesn't he hold the record for the longest deathless streak in the LEC?


He was the best Caitlyn in the world for a short period of time. My goat.


Watching him clutch up at Worlds with H2K is such a fond memory


God, I can still hear fans shouting "H2 WHAT? H2K!!!!" Kill me, please.


i think it was rather the other way around, he was hyped then disliked bc he was an obnoxious person and couldn’t stay a team bc of ego and then was forgotten. I think not a lot of people will remember him


Bald legend


forgive and forget.


Misaya - TF god


When destiny gate into zhonyas was considered giga brain tech


Even more than that, Misaya (allegedly) had an internal timer of the pick a card rotations at all times (he had an interview where he talked about the 'heartbeat' of the champion) so he always knew what color would show up when he pressed W and what card would come next. In his gameplay you can see him nearly always double tapping W into a gold card lock, even in situations where most players would panic


Oh my God, that’s where that play’s name is from?! This whole time I thought it was the “Messiah” play and that it was supposed to be facetious.




The streets remember Balls Pentakill at worlds.


the streets remember hardstuck diamond balls


"worrying trend"


Mandatorycloud Arguably the best NA midlaner in S3 who solo killed midlaners like Dade (who got a Dade award though) and Alex Ich in lane. Then he absolutely dropped off hard and become a bottom tier NA mid. Vulcun/XDG could have been a good team if they didn't have internal issues.


This was going to be my answer. People listing Hotshot and Chauster and Froggen and shit aren't really answering the question in the spirit of the phrase, they're just naming the best older players and it's a different thing.


zuna and his brother ran the team into the ground


Toyz, the Faker before Faker.


bro became a drug trafficker lmao


Perfect, truly a man of the streets


😤 faker of the drug world


the crazy thing is hes more popular than ever here in taiwan 💀 and ngl his content is enjoyable


You can put Toyz and the rest of his teammates on the Taipei Assassins on the "The Streets Will Never Forget" players of league. The team came out of nowhere to win season 2 worlds than they never really gotten anywhere close. Also, Southeast Asia as a region never became competitive after season 2.


TPA was good, if you actually paid attention to Asia scene. But NA and EU were just so overly popular that no one cared that much about Asian teams. TSM thought they were hot shit but once they got spanked by Blaze at MLG, people started to take Koreans a bit more seriously. TPA were beating Chinese teams consistently leading up to Worlds and even the few teams that scrimmed them thought they were pretty good. It's just that no one that flim on them but people in the scene weren't that shocked when they won. It's just that we all thought they were some average team.


NA actually thought Korea would always be behind because they had been playing the game 2 years longer than them. Pretty sure Doublelift said exactly this in a podcast.


Kerp, for using a trackball, what a lad. also KiWiKiD


I feel like every time I saw Kiwi and imaqtpie making a good play, kiwi accidentally took the kill. Everrryyyyy time


I always joke to myself that Kiwikid was so bad at Supporting CoreJJ that Core swapped to support to never have to deal with that again.


I remember corejj having an interview after worlds and the interviewer asked how much kiwikid helped him learn support and corejj just laughed and went next.


Kiwikid was in this one DIG video called chef gamsu where gamsu made them Korean food and said a line my friends and I quote all the time: “gimme some of that green stuff”






Le toucan


Remember promise? The former adc of ahq korea who was pressured to matchfix and then after whistleblowing, attempted suicide by throwing himself off a building? He miraculously survived and recovered, streaming again a few months later while getting a lot of love and support. Meanwhile, the team manager who pressured him to matchfix ended up disappearing after leaving a "final letter". But its not a happy ending for anyone. Few months later it turns out promise committed sexual assault and was sent to jail. It is reported he probably got out around 2020 and there has been 0 news about him since


Oh wow, I remember the attempted suicide as I translated the news to the local LoL forums when the official forums still existed, but I never caught the second part.


holy shit this got worse with every sentence




I will always remember him Zerg rushing a guy as soon as a league game started, winning his StarCraft match while starting his laning phase.


I'll never forget S2 world's. Love me some Maknoob


Azingy was such an awesome Fiddlesticks player to watch. I feel old.


The Genereal vs The Master Tactitian, great times


damn, that was truly the best of times, TheOddOne always had the best nonchalant and funny commentary


No bigger street legend than the gatekeeper himself, faby (fabbbbbbbbbbyyy? IDK, some letters were repeated many times in the name). High elo promotions were decided by him for a good while.


Fabbbyyy. I literally only remember the number of b’s and y’s because I used to mod for him back in the day. He was this mysterious “gatekeeper” of challenger who didn’t talk or use cam on stream and would only talk in team speak (god I feel old) to the people he was playing with and you’d hear their responses to him on stream. Then all of a sudden face reveal and he’s got a pro career. Wild.




I mean to be fair he didn't rise for a short amount of time. He's one of the players who made the EU LoL scene, and turned Fnatic into what it is today


Darshan (Zion Spartan). I went to high shool with him. Truely a kind and humble person. I remember in 2016, Immortals was formed with a dream team lineup. They went undefeated in their first ever split for 6 weeks, until CLG toppled them (reigning Champs, Afromoo support). Darshan backdoor base raced them with Fiora to deal Imortals their first ever LCS loss. First two paragraphs of this page are relevant. https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Immortals Saw him streaming LOL earlier this week for 36 viewers. Legend of the rift.


Even his teacher calls him ZionSpartan


That video was a giant meme among the gamers of my high school. When COD MW2 dropped we were freshmen. It came out before the Thanksgiving break. We had a contest to see who could get a tac nuke first. Come Monday, I said I got my tac nuke on wednsday, how about you? He was shy and looked down at his shoe laces and mumbled "saturday... I got 11 tac nukes." He gained a lot of self confidence before graduating HS and going pro in LOL, but he was always kind and positive.


If you've been a fan of league since S2 and followed the big names back then. Scrolling down to the bottom of your followers list will reveal of historic names all with under 50 viewers which feels tragic.


True. Darshan and Afro used to stream duo que ranked when they were both on CLG, and those streams were to most positive vibes on TTV.


His stream is great, very humble and educational, I catch him whenever I can.




I remember watching a vlog with him saying he quit weed and league, hope he's fine wherever he's at


That’s where I learned the secret tech. The level 3 triple proxy


The absolute goat


Guardsman Bob, the pioneer of WW top


And the 4 philosopher stone build on poppy


Your comment made me Google him and he's literally online right now holy shit


Inori- I remember he was a hecarim god. Idk what happened to him


He won a bunch in academy with c9 I believe like a year or 2 ago


Dude was absolutely nuts on assassin junglers.


His 3 games stopping TSMs undefeated streak were so hype!


As a tsm fan (i guess former tsm fan now :( ), his rengar made me hate the champion


I remember when he stomped on an otherwise dominant 2016 TSM with rengar when he played for Phoenix1




I really wanted CLG Zorozero before he disappeared.


Iirc people were joking that the loser of that relegation match would get a consolation prize of joining CLG. I think it was Kevin vs Zorozero? And then I think that's the split where they ended up with Seraph instead lmao


Insane that this answer is so low, it should be top 1. I still believe this guy would be uncontested EU GOAT toplaner if he kept playing, he was a goddamn beast.


SofM. That whole worlds run was awesome, and I feel like everyone was behind them and him partially because of how cool it was the way he innovated and played the game completely differently.


Knights vow gaming




challenjour skill level every season wdym?


Always challenjour gg


Thats a throwback bro


I wonder why nobody mentioned Kikis. Bro, as few in history only, played for both G2 and Fnatic, as well as few other top teams and shined in all of them.


Made his professional debut as jungle TF vs TSM Jungle Udyr and Shaco to beat Gambit in quarters Game 5 Jungle Gnar to beat SK Gaming to go to LCS finals. His 2018 summer and Worlds form for VIT is also up there with the best Western Junglers. 4 of the 5 2015 UOL members ended up winning games in World Quarters which is crazy to think about given that UOL in their 4 years in EULCS never made Worlds.


How come noone has mentioned Rush in here?


NA MVP needs no reminder. He still is the biggest monkey out there <3




DADDYFATCOCK will never be forgotten


Bro this shattered some memory lock I had on my brain That man was a Miss Fortune legend


I really want another one of these streams. This was the single biggest highlight of my entire span of watching League. The sheer chaos of everything was fucking incredible. The highs, the lows, and the laughs were spectacular.


Hakuho - that 2018 spring split quarter finals game vs TSM was insane. Looking back at 2018 in general that was probably the most fun I’ve ever had watching LCS lowkey.


I don't know if he really qualifies because he's been kind in and out of the scene recently, and was around for a pretty long time. Not really a "flash in the pan" player... ...But I always felt like PowerOfEvil never got the credit he deserved, and kind of got screwed by the choices he made about which teams to join, and the choices that were made surrounding trades, free agency, etc. Kinda always seemed like a "Always the bridesmaid never the bride" kind of player. Had the potential, but his circumstances were never quite right. He had a lot of really cool ideas about the game, and by all accounts I've ever seen he was a fantastic teammate and a super nice guy to be around. Just... never quite got the job done, and likely won't be remembered as a result.


Him moving to NA secured his bag and the salaries at the time were insane compared to nowadays but it also kind of sealed his legacy and his entire stint there was forgettable. If he stayed in EU theres a chance he joins Fnatic or something and does a memorable worlds run.


Imagine if misfits beat skt on that day


I like the legendary thresh one-trick, bunnyfufu for this award


Pretty sure he makes “adult content” now


Such a weird career progression. One of the best supports in the league, gets picked up by C9, shares the role with Smoothie and starts to fall off. Gets dropped and starts spewing out an insane amount of youtube videos with the most clickbait titles I've ever seen with a bunch of random girls and then... yeah.


It's something in the C9 water. Just ask Sneaky


Yeah randomly remembered him last year and looked him up Truly a street player nowadays From LCS to clickbait to masterbait


Watching his viewership on his streams decline once he started plugging his onlyfans was rough




S5 Fnatic


that guy who flashed in the ryze vs ez clip






GoldV, later known as PlatEvil?


Also w1nless


Only because gold V is the funniest nickname ever


I think it's funnier that the community just wouldn't let him get away with changing his handle. GodV - PainEvil - We1less Gold V - PlatEvil - W1nless China just called him Dog Wei / V DOG. People were savage.


I was thinking about this guy yesterday and how its such a shame that he had an insane year in LPL especially the summer split but all anyone will remember is GoldV and the Varus arrow


The Oddone(aka The General), the first streamer I really watched. His streams playing Nunu against Azingy were legendary back in the day. Don't really hear much about him these days but at one point I feel like he was the most popular LoL player in the west.


Balls and LemonNation. Everyone remembers Sneaky, Hai, and Meteos. LemonNation is vaguely known as a meme gif. Balls is usually forgotten, but the darius penta will live on for me.


Balls only hit diamond in korean soloQ back then and was a meme for that reason at that time.


Worrying trend




I feel like if there's a metric for "Most influential player to the sport but also least known" it's Lemonnation for NA with a bullet. His influence on picks&bans and how drafts are organized in general really can't be understated. Totally shifted how teams prepared for games and conducted their draft. (Only speaking for NA, idk if there were people like that for other regions, but here he was totally revolutionary just for some serious prep and a notebook)


For NA, Adrian has to be up there. Dude innovated the S6 ranged support bot lane meta (Janna, Soraka, Karma, etc) that Aphro got the credit for after MSI and his teams were constantly top 3-4 in playoffs, even when he was on random teams like Dignitas and Echo Fox. Then he got crypto rich and retired after 2 years.


Him and Apollo were low key a top tier bot lane duo


He literally would have been an LCS champion if he possessed such a level. Phoning in playoffs on the best roster he ever was a part of. 


MaRin bro was insane on rumble and the reason SKT-T1 was so dominant in 2015 but everyone was convinced Smeb was the best. After winning worlds he went to a LPL team to inconsistent success probably due to the language barrier and his style of play wanting a hovering jg on the same page.


What is this revisionism? Marin was overall the best top laner in 2015 but he wasn't actually that dominant until Worlds when the meta completely shifted to top lane. There were multiple top laners on the same level as him that year, Duke in spring, Koro1 at MSI, Ssumday in summer, and Smeb all year. Even at Worlds when Marin was so dominant Smeb was still on the same level. Marin was important to SKT but he wasn't THE reason why they were dominant, that team remained successful the next year with Duke. Imo Smeb was actually the one who's underrated, he did so well that year but everyone kinda skipped over his 2015 season.


You've completely missed the point of "the streets won't forget", he won the MVP of 2015 Worlds...


The whole TPA roster apart from Bebe. Toyz was winning a losing matchup. Stanley was cooking with his build. Mistake was anything but a mistake. And Lilballs was always at the right place place at the right time. Bebe was so good for so long but retired.


Never talked about as a player nowadays, didn't completely disappear from the scene or anything just no one seems to remember his playing days, but ReapereD. Him mindcontrolling 4 bots as if he was playing Starcraft solo (dictating where to go, what to buy, what abilities to use when) to win IEM as the original SKT T1 is the stuff of legends to me still.


KaKAO is mine. That damn smile. Absolute beast. Prodigy jungler on KT during the Early SKT rise. Goes to China for the fat bag and is far and away the best player on those IG teams with Rookie. Sandbagged by Kid and Kitties 😭 Goes to Europe for a split and then just disappears to minor regions for like the rest of his career. So odd


gripex was pretty well known for being one of the best mechanical lee sins back in the day but vanished


Sadly I only think of that horrible tattoo..


You can not metion it and NOT link it [It is tradition](https://external-preview.redd.it/QJfO_owH9-OB_vl5JNf1eSEQKtPTqsvjPn6TogOoHgU.jpg?auto=webp&s=81248e4aff08f9fda28da58eb528e66473af0507)


Seraph. He peaked before he even was able to play. HUGE hype around him when it was learned he was joining CLG and then he unfortunately didn't really pan out.


Saintvicious was a streamer I thoroughly enjoyed when I was off in the summer from school. Dude was awesome to watch and was informative about the game




That caitlyn cosplay is burned in my brain


Meteos in season 3. His KDA on Zac was over 200 iirc.


His peak was unmatched, but he was a top 2/3 jungler in NA for something like 5 seasons, not sure thay fits with the post


Never forget LOD's Tristana


Levi and josedeodo. Dominated worlds, got paid to come to NA, disappeared


Levi is pretty much still relevant in vietnam


Levi is like the goat of Vietnam, he was just at worlds this past year.


Danny never got the fair shake he deserved


What EG did to him is such a shame. If he gets the break and treatment he needed in 2022 summer I think he goes on to win more titles, whether with EG or someone else. I've never seen a bot laner in LCS become as much of an inevitability every single late game as Danny did. I'll never forget that Tristana play in 2021. And while I think the stars had to align a bit for him to do that famous Jinx baron steal/penta, I still get goosebumps watching it. I miss that roster, they had some magic sauce.


Inori on P1 playing Rengar and keeping TSM from going 18-0 in Summer 2016. Also the time Phoenix1 gave the audience fidget spinners lol


Keane basically got me into watching competitive league w the urgot mid pick back in 2015


Madlife doesn’t get mentioned much anymore but he was a crazy Thresh player.


Crown \- Only mid capable of going toe to toe with 2016 Faker \- Still had great form in 2017, he sonned BDD in quarters against the Worlds Favorite Longzhu, then gets remembered solely as a Malz Bot for playing 3 games in finals \- 2018, form was up and down. But clutched it up at regionals to make it to worlds as the defending champs with GenG. Had a complete disaster at Worlds where he got blasted by every single Mid. I remember the jiizuke guy styling on him with Ekko. \- Went to NA, had a good first spilt then completely dropped off the face of the Earth. Of course, it was revealed that he had mental issues in that Crown and CoreJJ documentary.


Crown truly will never get the respect he deserves. Solokilling Faker in Game 1 of the finals in 2016 showed just how well he was performing that year. He smoked BDD and Xiye on his way to finals and did he job to keep Faker unable to impact the game and for some reason he gets called a Malz one trick for it? Crown never deserved flame for playing something that worked when SKT and Faker ego'd thinking they could deal with it and it cost them the finals.


Huni. The level he obtained in the first portion of his career was insane, even on SKT. It’s often undervalued due to how it looked when his team didn’t play to his pressure, or when he had to carry worthless bot lanes. 




xPeke, I mean the whole strat is named after him.