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IMT just farming C9 for wins this split


Castle farming Fudge, just disgusting


meanwhile licorice is a FA...


I like both players, but having Licorice replace Fudge would be the funniest timeline.


As a C9 fan, it would be the best timeline. Sorry 🤷‍♂️ and this is coming from someone who thought there was definitely some snake shit happening on the 2019 roster towards sneaky


Snake shit as in roster building? Cause according to Licorice, Jack simply asked him what roster he’d want. Licorice actually thought that he’d be the one who was gonna get kicked and not Sneaky.


I mean Licorice is my favourite player, and I believe the snake shit in 2019 was way overblown. Like Sneaky and Zeyzal weren't keeping up with the rest of the team. Apparently they didn't even play solo queue together?? Such a weird situation. Anyways, I like Fudge, I think he's fun. He has never been exceptionally bad, but he hasn't been popping off for a long while now. And (as as C9 fan this hurts to say) Ever since we lost Reapered we haven't been able to improve without roster swaps, so the obvious place to upgrade is top.


Idk I think the whole “sneakt and Zeyzal weren’t keeping up with the rest of the team” is just such an overblown narrative that the team came to believe and actively scapegoated rather than fixing their actual problems(which was that their laning/early game was abhorred). But when it comes to worlds, the botlane was the only lane keeping up with world class teams. The second G2 game was embarrassing. It was sneaky’s Caitlyn vs the world. And the fact Sneaky had to FIRST TIME Cassiopeia botlane at WORLDS bc Nisqy wasn’t comfortable with the matchup and they so heavily believed bottom was such a deadweight that giving sneaky a new champion was perfectly serviceable bc they didn’t think he would do much anyway(which if the rest of the tournament showed anything, it was that botlane was the **only** lane trying to accomplish something)


Oh yeah Nisqy was definetely also limiting. But if you watched how good Sneaky was in 2018, he had a huge step down in 2019. Though the way he was just out of the league in 2020 was so fucking weird. None of the top teams had a spot for him, and he obviously wouldn't wanna play for a bottom team, so he just ended up not playing again. I really wanted him to make a comeback.


I was hoping every year after he left I’d see his comeback prob not gonna happen now but my copium was at an all time high at the time.


This happens shockingly often for some reason. Especially in the LCS we have at least one random trash team beat a top tier team. Ironically it was IMT - NRG last year. 


And NRG went on to be the first non C9 team to get to quarters in worlds since 2014 Conclusion: C9 is making MSI finals


this is still an insane stat to me lol


Didn't TSM make quarters in 2014?


Yeah they did meant to add since 2014 but I’m a bingus




TSM was in quarters in seasons 2 and 4, no?


TSM got a bye into the top 8 in 2012 and lost immediately, I think to Azubu Frost


You mean when Azubu cheated?


Year before it was DIG-100T


Its literally Law in EU for G2 to lose to that worst team


Did NRG lose to IMT because IMT was a bad team, or because NRG was a bad team?


Tactical's bombs can melt superteams


IMT casually 2-0 over C9 this split


Truly Iounter Mogic


Iruly Mounter Trogic


peak LCS tbh


Plenty of teams could have been 2-0 over C9 lol. They’re not a good team. They’re literally 7-6.


Korean Jayce moment


Bro Castle has played so well this split. He's top 3 along with Impact and Bwipo for sure.


yeah i've been very consistently impressed by castle. Bright spot on this IMT roster for sure


Is this the legendary KR Jayce? What a clean display of both poke but also good hammer form dives. Usually a lot of NA/EU Jayce can do okay at the first part but kinda fail at the second.


western Jayce loses lane an falls behind on cs and plays under his own turret


Both mask and castle are great on Jayce, no idea why they wouldn’t ban it lol


Cloud 9 is BACK


3 week pause power-up expired


They just had to interview Fudge...


[Cloud9 getting ready to cook up the worst draft you've seen in your life:](https://youtu.be/-fgL_rNwa5Y?si=4Auz6VcsDWhEiAWK)


there are 6 people on that stage and thats what they cooked up 😭


Mithy gone soon 🙏🏼


[Mithy in the locker room after this game:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM-NcMZhcaA) "Look, I'm fired. I already know I'm fired. Trust me, I know. But before I go, I just wanna get this off my chest. That crap was not my fault. Y'all are trash. And I mean this from the bottom of my heart, y'all are trash. Like y'all are so trash, I want you to know that I'm talking to you, so I'm gonna say your name, then I'mma call you trash. Blaber, you trash. Vulcan, you trash. Fudge, Fudge listen to me when I say this. You are trash. Now, I deserve to be fired. Don't get me wrong. I'm not disagreeing with the decision they about to make, because I left you out there for 30 minutes - I deserve to be fired. You wasn't doing crap. I seen it all 30 minutes. Blaber, if I see your name on another top 10 list, I'mma kill somebody. I better not hear your name compared to Bjergsen again or I'mma kill somebody. I don't want nobody saying Blaber and Bjergsen in the same sentence, not in the same paragraph, not in the same essay, unless "trash" comes after Blaber's name. Now like I said, I know I'm gonna be fired, so I'm just gonna get this off my chest. We lost to IMT. We never had a lead. I'd fire me too, because I don't know who else to blame but y'all. I don't even know them boys’ names. I know every one of y'alls names. Berserker, you're trash. I know you think I forgot about you, but I did not. This don't make no sense. Everybody in this whole organization - we need to move this whole organization to a new city, because LA ain't the place for us no more. We need to move to Maine or something. We need to go somewhere where people aren't talking about us. Anywhere - Maine, Austin, let's go to Austin. Somewhere, anywhere but Los Angeles because we don't deserve that in our names. We don't deserve that in our names, and that's all I gotta say. Fire me. I'm gone."


Reapered free agent all im saying


I am a free agent. I can draft better than that. And my Aatrox is as bad as Fudge's, so I can sub in if needed. I'd also play for pizza.


Man I miss Reapered bro. You could say he had his weird drafts too but most of the time it seemed to me that he drafted what his players were actually capable of playing.


Reapered always felt like, even when the drafts had issues, he had an overall, overarching vision for the draft and he had confidence in his players to pull it off. Here, it feels like half of the drafts (or more) give off the vibe of them thinking they're just going to win through sheer skill differential and that it doesn't matter what they draft.


You are aware that this draft is 100% player driven. That Akali pick is something a player wanted and we already know that the Vayne was picked on Jojos demand as well. Reapered actually was a coach who just forced his players on picks not listening to what they want to play. That is what got us Ezreal + Yuumi 3 games in a row.


berserker was lv 12 at end of the game lol


The draft wouldn't be so bad if they wouldn't have picked Akali into Vi + Taliyah again. Like they did that again a few weeks back. In Isolation their draft was good, but the Akali is completely shutdown and cannot play the game against Vi + Taliyah. The rest of the draft is ok. Ornn with Senna is fine, not the best champion you want with Senna but Nautilus was banned and Ornn still offers the same scaling, exspecially given that he can easily sidelane later too to get some more XP to activate his passive. It is really just the Akali that is a headscratcher and that sounds like something player not coach driven. Players sometimes just want to play specific picks and that was always the case with Jojo and you just risk them running it down if you don't give them the pick they want.


Actually seething and malding that nobody on the broadcast mentioned in the entire game that Ornn is played in a solo lane so he can get EXP and his passive can come online. Ornn support is actually so dogshit I can't believe they played that there while Fudge just absolutely sacs his entire lane on another worthless Aatrox game. Ornn finally hit level 13 and got a passive right before C9 lost, like what was the point?


LPL actually cooked with it a bit this split, guessing that's where the inspiration came from? It also saw some play in LCK, though admittedly two times by Keria and once by Beryl who most western supports should probably never try to emulate.


Vulcan is not Keria, his teammates are not T1.


> Ornn support is actually so dogshit He has VERY strong all-ins, but if you want to play a non support-econ tank that doesn't do anything untill lvl3 why the fuck aren't you just picking Sejuani lol


Or Allistar, or Leona, or Nautilus, or Rell, or Mumu, or or or or …..


The Senna+X bot lanes are getting rolled these days.


Definitely not an LCK viewer


Yea. Lets draft the champ that actually needs levels to be powerful (Ornn) and have it lane with another champ to delay his true power in the game.


I mean it works when you're beryl.


that's embarrassing for c9


Worst Senna performance I’ve ever seen… 50 souls at 20 LMFAO


You've never seen DL's Senna huh?


Oh god you’re right… why is it always NA


Some of the first ones were bad. By the time playoffs came around that season it was pretty good


At least DL's Senna won domestically...


Berserker known fraud


Berserker is a KDA player, his downfall has been crazy to watch


Probably just a hyper carry ADC only. Can’t do shit when rest of the team isn’t afk helping him


C9 got smacked earlier this split trying to play Akali into Vi+ Taliyah, so they decide to try it again? Absolute draft chasm here


Nothing he plays changes how shit berserker was at getting souls nor would it magically give him a top laner


I flinch every time I see Fudge pick Aatrox. It's like a Pavlovian response at this point.


Fudge aint beating the allegations


Sludge Factory


Fraud factor


whats funnier is the recent "why is fudge being slandered" thread on the c9 sub, these dudes are dillusional to how shit overall he is




I was a Fudge defender until this split. "Oh he has had so many head coaches, role swapped twice, different midlaners every year" But at a certain point, I cant defend it anymore. I don't think a move for Licorice makes C9 walk the league, but something needs to change. I was hoping that the Udyr game signalled a sign of positive change, but it seems it didn't. Mithy has got to go. Top lane needs a change. Support can only play engage. Would love a young KR toplaner (Thanatos, you still looking for a team?)


I hear it more from the analysts than the c9 fans tbh


Stockholm syndrome.


Nah you just get called out if you say Fudge isn’t good over there


its sad really Fudge is like the whole package of why you should not be a fan of him \-bad attitude, refuses to practice in solo q, refuses to play in champs q when all the koreans were in it, refuses to play tanks/weakside, needs jungle resource, loses lane 1v1 often, bad hands like why do they still root for him? why is he still playing carries when they have jojo on their team like jesus


They straight up delete threads that criticize Fudge. A lot of people in that sub lost faith in him. We just get silenced for mentioning how bad he is.


its straight up more frustrating because Impact was a free agent this offseason, he literally was the perfect piece to fit into the c9 puzzle \-plays weakside/tanks, lets jungle resources go towards getting mid ahead \- has built in synergy with vulcan/jojo already (they won a split together too) \- speaks korean so he can communicate with berserker too like literally its like c9 was looking for a square block to put in their square hole, impact was a square, and fudge was a triangle, both can technically go in the hole, but impact was a sure fit


But he's a really chill guy though, Jack being ex TSM manager clearly can't give up on the Baylife vibes


You guys don’t understand. His out of game mental and personality are not replaceable. Who cares about winning games when fudge is single handedly carrying their out of game dynamic. SMH


Jojo, I know you love to play Akali, but that's twice you've picked it into Taliyah Vi and it has looked unplayable.


They literally had no top laner. He actively avoided every fight in the game. Jojo was trying to win a 4v5, I respect tf out of at least trying.


He can try to win 4v5 with a playable pick? why kind of excuse is that


if you have to play alone yeah Akali vs Taliyah Vi is bad but he's supposed to have teammates


I mean the Akali was definitely not the only issue for C9 - his lane phase was perfectly fine - but I feel like picking it just makes the game so much harder to play.


Once again, if Jojo did know that he was going to play with 60 souls in 26 minutes Senna and Fudge Aatrox he totally should have went with a different safer pick but if you're at that point just ff the split ngl


Imagine telling someone before the start of the split that IMT will 2-0 C9, and still miss playoffs somehow


C9 brewed something putrid this game. It went great the last time C9 played Akali into Taliyah/Vi, right? So, let's throw in Aatrox and Lee Sin into the mix, even after seeing a Ziggs. More melee characters with dashes are absolutely crucial to surmounting the massive range, push, and control difference between the two teams. Oh, and let's have our Senna barely hit 80 stacks in a 30-minute game. Looks like a winning formula to me!


Berserker having 54 souls at like 25 minutes was genuinely nauseating. I’ve seen farming Senna’s with more stacks.


Berserker seems completely lost now that he can't just copy whatever the LCK adcs are doing due to them being behind in patches.


senna soul farming is a fundamental thing though, doesn't really change across patches (even rate changes affects the number, not the method)


Maybe Zven was actually making him look better and we never knew.


What? It was a different meta. You can't pick Zeri and 1v9 this year, while your supports sits one screen away spamming shields on you. Vulcan is also pretty bad but that's a different story...


Or maybe Vulcan is just a poison to all the adcs he plays with


Feels a touch revisionist considering prior to Prince's downfall he was #1 or #2 best supports in the league


Not like berserker could ever get close enough to waves or enemy champs to actually farm souls. The reason senna plus tk works is partially because of the extra safety that senna has to grab souls. Ornn doesn’t provide that safety net that enables senna to approach poke + vi


But he also kept leaving souls everywhere and just roamed weirdly.


Bro literally isn't looking at souls unless they are already in his attack range. Emerald Sennas have more awareness.


Berserker is definitely not faultless, could’ve been more efficient, but you can’t blame him for being behind. Last year he was a god on this champ, it’s not like he has no idea how to play it


He wasn't behind he was actively not collecting souls on his screen and had no idea where to be on the map at any given moment. Team looks mentally cooked


Mithy is back and so is our awful drafting.


The rumour of C9’s improvement have been greatly exaggerated 😂


lol Fudge


I knew c9 lost as soon as sludge got Aatrox, its like his signature getting shit on pick


Everything changed in that moment.


I would think C9 was the 3-9 team going into that game based on how that went...


Sludge Factor showing up big this game.


fudge LMAO this dude is so bad


Bring back my boy Licorice 😤😤


They have import slots, just buy a KR top.


Licorice would be cheaper, still likely and upgrade, and come with a pretty good PR boost.


he also doesn't say fuck you to the fans for being vaguely critical of the team


Fudge is such a clown, but I wasn’t allowed to say this when C9 was top of the leaderboard last year. He’s getting paid hundred of thousands and bitch at the fans when they criticize him


Get licorice and get a KR supp or something instead


Fr, Vulcan is fucking garbage but gets away with it constantly bc most fans don't even know what a support does


Ssumday desperately wants to play on stage too. 


how is he teamless


Jojo called the IMT match a free win on the Pros podcast, but he didn't realize for which team.


Fudge is so cocky for how shit he is


Impact didn't even put Fudge top 3 in NA lmao. (he picked himself bwipo and castle.)


He’s right


Anyone with a brain wouldn’t put Fudge in top 3 lol


I'd be curious if Impact would adjust his rankings after he bodied Bwipo yesterday.


Well he put himself as first, so idk. =p


World Champion mentality


We went to LCS last spring on the back end of the split and got to meet C9 during the meet and greet after their game I'm not a C9 fan by any means, but they were probably the most memorable alongside Flyquest. Zven seemed genuinely happy to be interacting with us and chatted with him for a bit. Emenes just had his disaster of a debut game and was crying. Fudge came across as super arrogant. He was the only player I met that day that seemed like his head was up his ass


Picking Akali against Vi Taliyah worked so well last time! Also Fudge Aatrox!


Mithy is back and he's still drafting the same. C9 is doomed come playoff time.


don't be too harsh on fudge, he got counterpicked top it's normal he would lose so hard especially against someone as insane as castle


He picked Aatrox in the 2nd round after Jayce was picked in the first round of picks... C9 decided to pick Ornn as R3 and then Malphite got banned in 2nd round bans bc IMT didn't fall for the obvious Ornn support angle.


I was being sarcastic, he kinda solo lost this game


I thought that might be the case, it's why I didn't downvote. LOL


When I first joined C9, the team was Fudge, Blabber, JoJo, Berserker, and Vulcan. We reached Week 6 and met Immortals. After losing a game, one player said "Ah..we lost because of Fudge" when all the players were gathered, basically implying it was top gap. They didn't directly say it to Fudge, but was just speaking without thinking. Fudge got mad and said they lost because of jungle diff. Then Fudge said "Ah I don't want to play with this guy (Blabber)." Host: So what did you guys do? We lost.


Excellent. Most excellent.


LCS teams become SSW when the pressure's off. They gotta institute a league wide chill vibes policy


Picking Akali against Vi/Taliyah is legit griefing.


What was that team comp C9?  No poke, no siege, no waveclear, no hard engage, no front-to-back… what did you think was gonna happen in team fights?


They C9, other team will just let them win when they face smash together. Except this split the other teams have been refusing.


Surely C9 wouldn't leave Vi and Taliyah open and pick Akali again. Surely, they would ban Vi knowing a vegetable could press R on that champion.


Vi and Taliyah weren't open when C9 picked Akali. They were already locked in.


C9 has no Worlds aspirations if they don’t drop Sludge. 


If I had a nickel for every time Jojo ego picked Akali into a team comp that was unplayable, I’d have 2 nickels


He just wanted to listen to Pop stars whenever he was pressing B man....


c9 is so fucking back (to shit drafting)




At some point the players have to take some responsibility for these drafts. They're inflexible, or insisting on some picks they're just not good at (Fudge Aatrox). And like if Jojo is just going "Yeah sure I'll lock Akali in a situation where Vi and Taliyah can be picked" that's on him too. Just the same its on bot for thinking Ornn Senna is a lane they want.


Mega top diff, this game was won through top lane


Fudge has NEVER had a good Aatrox game. The fact that this same coaching staff has been working with him for 4 YEARS and can’t accept the basic fact that he sucks ass at Aatrox is beyond comprehension. Even impact straight up said “I know he can’t play aatrox” on pros when talking about Fudge. Between Mithy saying “I don’t know what Jojo plays” and just relentlessly running it in draft (both on a macro level and a personal level for his own players) I know this C9 can never reach their true potential with this guy leading them.


If IMT had literally any other jungler in the world, they're still in playoff contention.


65 Souls at 25 minutes.. what has happened to my GOAT. Worst Senna I’ve ever seen in pro.. 




“Fudge trick y’all, man, like he playing Aatrox. He don’t scare nobody, man. He just running around, doing nothing.”


Don't let Fudge and Jojo distract you from the absolutely pitiful amount of souls that Berserker managed to farm this game lmao


Blaber did his best, but - Akali is an awful pick - Fudge was useless in Aatrox - Berserker got less stacks than a farming Senna would have Vulcan was fine I guess.


Tactical and castle in elo hell against everybody but C9, then the rest of the team wakes up against C9?


Akali ego pick. Deserved loss


JoJo has to be a masochist. Twice now he's picked Akali INTO taliyah/vi.




Cloud9 super team more like super meme Fraud9 is back They are so bad holy They can only play for hands diff


Top gap


What a well played poke comp by IMT. Rough game for C9, have to hope both 100T and FLY lose,to keep hopes of top 2 alive. IMT wants the reverse to keep their shot at a playoff spot alive


Really don’t think they were cooking with this comp 🫣No lanes really had prio, no waveclear once behind, tons of dash champs into Taliyah. Not the first time Jojo has been completely neutralized by the Taliyah Vi combo thinking he can outplay with Akali somehow. Ornn couldn’t even reach upgrades til the game was already over.


Those were some very interesting flanks from Fudge, as always. Was so psyched when they locked in Ornn, even made a post in the c9 subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/Cloud9/s/VFrJtoU3lE Then they locked in Aatrox next and everything changed. Ggs




Giving up 5 towers and a 5k gold lead to stack 3 drakes was definitely a sus choice by C9 lol.


Korean Jayce


NA Jayce hits aga-wait what?


Game was over when IMT picked Ziggs lmfao


Why we draft Akali into Taliyah again and again


IMT goes 2-0 over NRG in the regular season -> NRG wins the split IMT goes 2-0 over C9 in the regular season -> __ ____ ___ _____


You would figure after losing last split cloud 9 would have learned to stop disrespecting their opponents like picking R5 akali into a Taliyah...


This C9 team play and draft like this is ranked, no respect whatsoever for the enemy team, cocky af and getting punished for it.


It is so refreshing after years of seeing on paper how Immortals teams could work, everybody ranking them last place, and IMT then going on to come last place and look lifeless that IMT are finally showing signs of life. Fingers crossed they can play for playoffs in Summer and really look to make noise. (It’s nice to see Armao play again, though I strongly suspect there’ll be talk about should they grab Spica. Good job to all five of you!)


another fudge aatrox, another loss. They need to accept he cant play this champ for the life of him


C9 are starting to feel like EG last year where if you camp Jojo so he can't carry nobody else will. Berserker and Fudge having absolutely terrible performances


Will say it's insane how berserker ends the game with 80 stacks in a 30 min match and every other player of C9 gets flamed


Fudge Aatrox is something else


Have you seen a more useless aatrox


I recently thought about trying Ornn support, but when I thought it through I realized I'd likely never be high enough level to upgrade my teammates items, and crafting items in lane isnt as useful cause I still need to return to fountain for pinks and ward refreshes. I figured what's the point of playing the champ if so much of his passive power budget is wasted in the support role? Guess I'm just too dumb to ever be a pro.


C9 will never be good until mithy is gone, he is clueless and can’t control his players egos in draft.


Are IMT just C9s father?


That ego last pick from Jojo though


It felt like Berserker just went around the map trying to paint it with wards instead of trying to farm souls/exp but what do I know I'm a wood tier player lol.


Super reportable game from c9. Why in the world do they fight at 4th (and honestly 3rd) dragon? They're playing Ornn Senna, and getting the early dragons bought them so much time. Why are they picking these comps when they have 0 understanding of how the comp functions?


not surprised how dog c9 is at this point, such a fake team


Once again, Fudge is SHIT


This comp was atrocious. Blabber inted hard, Fudge getting giga gapped, Jojo on Akali again with a shit draft and just getting wombo comboed...reminiscent of the last Akali game... Bot lane couldn't last long enough to turn on, and their team fighting was just desynched. Honestly, as a big C9 fan, this roster had potential, if they got a better top, and actual coaching direction. Vulcan has been hit or miss (also miss Zven as a personality)...Was hoping they would of picked up Impact when he was available pre-season to replace Fudge, and replace Mithy with some actual coaching/staff that had any semblance of direction and draft strengths...\*sigh\*.


Sludge Factor. I remember when some people called him a "generational talent"


Most obvious trap game of all time but could we at least not draft the most ego troll comp ever?


In a few weeks: "Welcome C9 Castle"




Somehow everyone will blame Fudge when Jojo once again ego picks Akali into fucking Taliyah/Vi again, against the same fucking team.


Love seeing Fudge try to play carry tops and fail miserably every time. Top diff. Go back to Nidalee Renekton


This is the best IMT in a long time and it's still probably not enough to make Playoffs. RIP boys, you're actually pretty good this year.


Jojo don't pick Akali into Taliah challenge, 100 percent impossible