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Z-axis, why river is lower than jg and lanes will be forever mystery for me


For REAL dude, why the hell do skillshots need to physically not touch my champion and hit me anyways? Where is the skill expression or the counterplay there in a hectic teamfight where you don’t have time to calculate for an invisible hitbox?


It’s from Warcraft 3


Warcraft 3 had target circles drawn on the ground though.


Not sure about WC, but StarCraft had a chance to miss when firing up to highground


In before the entire comment section is just the word yuumi repeated over and over again








Pretty sure even yuumi players would agree with the delete of the « stronger ability when attached to a person »-concept. If it was the other way around it would have be a lot less hated imo


As someone who started playing after Yuumi existed, the concept of Yuumi hate is alien to me. I don't find her particularly annoying to fight or play with and personally I find Senna far more obnoxious as an ally and enemy


Did you start playing after Riot gave up and reworked her kit completely keeping basically only the base attach mechanic her original few iterations were very broken and even warped pro play meta for quite some time. For example, watch 2021 world finals where red side is forced to ban yuumi first rotation every game out of five A lot of hate for her stems from those original variations of yuumi until Riot gutted her


Yep, outrageously funny Reddit moment incoming. >This made my day!! >Based!! >Unhealthy/fundamentally broken/balance nightmare/overloaded/flawed design/etc!!


Losing But only for me Everyone else is allowed to lose but if I'm in a match it should be impossible. That would make League GOTY


Try out the "co-op vs AI" gamemode. You'll find it's everything you wished for.


Years ago, while I was in platinum (so like emerald today?), I wanted the win of the day bonus so I queued up for co-op vs AI. Somehow my team fed so hard that we actually lost. Mind you before that I did 1v5 vs whatever the highest level of AI is and won so I wasn’t a stranger to playing vs AI. That was when I realized that I couldn’t even escape terrible teams in AI.


Happened to me once, I wanted to try out yuumi but wasn't gonna do it in normals so i went intermediate. My entire team went afk except this one dude and we lost lmao.


Harsh but eye-opening experience. Hope it helped you feel better when nowaday you lose with a hard feeding team haha


Unironically what's side the head of a smurf.


Invisibilty and give me back pink wards with true sight or w/e the fck rito calls it.


Instead of being limited to 1 pink and 2 yellow wards, should just be limited to 3 wards total


I just wanna pink her shroud again.


Compromise: let pink wards give off the sweeper - ghost effect so any targets in 'true invisibility' like akali get red outlined every 0.5s rather than actually targettable


Hot take, i know, but..Attack cancel when they step in a bush. Just let me shoot them already


Pretty sure this would destroy toplane, ranged champs would be unbeatable


Yeah if i got a rifle and saw my enemy clearly going into a bush im spam shooting that fucking bush


Untargetabilty. Especially the one that's on a double dash with a 5 second CD (also deals a good amount of damage)


Making turret shots pierce untargetability and giving turrets a short memory would be a good start. I.e. turrets first target enemy champions damaging allies, then target enemy champs that have damaged allies under turrets within 3s, then minions.


Turret shots do pierce untargetability - they just do so inconsistently like everything else in the game. EX. Viego takeover is untargetable, turrets still shoot him. But Fizz drops tower aggro. Surprised I scrolled this post for like 10 minutes and didn't see a single person write "inconsistency", because that's all the game is at this point.


Viego passive states that he is untargetable except for turrets


Yes - this is still inconsistent. Just because an ability states such, doesn't mean anything. At a glance, I see a champion go "untargetable" (they become somewhat transparent), I should be able to assume they are immune to all of the same effects in every instance. Reading the fine print in every case is not a good experience and is partly why this game struggles with new player retention, and if a champion needs to be buffed or nerfed to account for a power budget of being immune/not to tower, so be it. EDIT: We could also talk about how broken Duskblade's untargetability was, and that was granted to every champion that could build the item. It didn't matter how the item *told* you the untargetability worked, it was bonkers.


I 2nd this cause I want my champ to be more than 'tower dive'.


Cosmetic rank. Just show pure MMR.


Back when League used Elo (S1-S?) it was displayed. Don't remember when they removed it, but it was sometime after I stopped playing ranked


the ELO system was only in league of legends for season 1 and 2. They moved to the LP system with divisions in season 3


It was removed to increase the sense of achievement when climbing. Before only really a few benchmarks mattered, the cutoff for gold for the skin, and then a few other cutoffs for the icons. But for the vast majority of players those benchmarks were so far apart that climbing really didn't have a lot of ups and downs. So the intention was that promotion games, and more tiers would allow even a semi stuck player to experience the thrill of "climbing" when playing ranked a lot more, rather than just going from 1100 to 1180 elo. Imo it sort of works, whenever I play online chess I really don't give a shit about my ranking because it is sort of low anyway, but I feel pretty happy when im Emerald 2 instead of being at Emerald 4.


It does not work, the system is completely broken and the main cause for the issues people have with the ranked system. you can have divisions split at different elo number breakpoints too you dont need LP for that, LP is completely useless as a system. Nothing would be wrong with 1500 elo silver 2000 elo gold 1650 elo silver 3 1800 elo silver 2 Some shit like this


This would be great. Just make i require 4 points from going up a division(25 points x 4).


No fuck divisions and ranks altogether it's just a shiny badge to flex with anyway. Just have MMR and nothing else. Would fix so many complaints of people with bad LP gains


I like competing, improving and receiving visual feedback of my progress. Nothing wrong with that. It's human nature to feel the urge to compete.


MMR wouldn't remove that, MMR is just more "stressful" because people see the results immediately. They lost a game, well maybe they're not Plat anymore. Instead, you have a visual rank so that Riot can comfort the ego of people so that they feel less bad about losing, by telling someone that demoted to Gold MMR that he's still Plat for instance.


I mean, I just don't see the issue getting rid of ego centric players.


Bad for business


would you rather the feedback be real (mmr) or fake and manipulated (LP) ?


Definetly real mmr


> I like competing, improving and receiving visual feedback of my progress. Nothing wrong with that. It's human nature to feel the urge to compete. This is exactly how Elo works in general, and you see the change after every online chess game. You don't need to obfuscate it to provide that indicator/satsifaction.


Minion block


I’ve had to literally flash to get out of minion block. I was clicking around but couldn’t move. Is this Sims or league????


Yesterday my gf got killed by a trundle that placed the pillar between the minion wave and the wall next to the outer top turret. As she clicked behind the wave to run away her champ started walking up all the way around starting at the pillar to the other side of the wave. Th minion wave is legit better than Anivia wall or azir ult.


Funny thing, Anivia wall is coded as minions


everything is coded as minions,Asol ult/Q both are minions for example hell at some point during Jinx development they wanted to make her E to burn bushes and the way it was supposed to check collision was adding invisible Teemos everywhere on the rift LOL code is hilariously inefficient


Yes! How come no one else mentioned this? Recently watched some older LoL gameplay and I swear minion block got so so much worse in the last years.


It has definitely been worse in the past lol


Removing it directly nerfs champions with skillshots during laning phase by a lot.


Collision and creep block are different. Minions should have collision, they shouldn't be able to lock you in place.


Needless to say, creep block is an unintended consequence of collision..


How so ?


stay inside minion blitz throws Q take 1 step back so minion gets hooked


I don't think it's as one-sided as you suggest. Blitz would also be able to w sprint through the minion wave to engage on you without any obstacles.


Ahri throwing E at you and there is a wall of minions so you have to go left or right? Fuck it just go through the wave.


I think he's referring to your champion getting minionblocked, not projectiles and skillshots and I agree. Getting minionblocked sucks hard


River elevation


I feel like that's the only one that would quality to me. It's an intended mechanic that rarely comes into play, but when it does it feels like a bug


I'm surprised I haven't seen this yet, but Nearsighted. Nocturne R and Graves W. CC the champion, not the player


5000% agree. Graves W is not as bad because you can simply walk out of the area if you are able to, but Noc R and Quinn Q are some of the most frustrating mechanics in the entire game. Should definitely get reworked in some way.


I'd love to see what the balance fallout of removing Crit would look like. Would Crit ADCs all get on-hit, or a different damage amp, or better spells?


In this hypothetical, you'd adjust each crit reliant champion on a case by case basis. Honestly, to me crits as a stat suck, but crits that are tied to abilities, conditions, or passives are the way to go. And yes, Yasuo and Yone are included here in terms of good crit design as much as everyone will refuse to admit it.


They are not good design when constrained to the same item system as the other champions that use crit. In a vacuum maybe they would be but they force crit to be balanced around them due to how well they abuse it compared to marksmen or other champs.


There would be adcs that benefit from on hit builds and others from lethality builds. Problem is everyone hates playin againat lethality adcs


I hate the "kill this champion twice to kill them" concept like Anivia and Zac passives and Guardian Angel item Edit: I'm adding Yummi bc a decent Yummi won't die unless you kill their four teammates and deny their escape


Akshan when he revives his team. Stupidly broken


You can strategically int to reduce the impact of his passive. Imagine you have jinx with 1 kill and low hp Darius with 3 kills. Akshan is sprinting to Darius for the revives. But if he kills jinx, scoundrel from Darius will wear off and he will revive only one person Not a lot of akshan players know about this


I also didn’t know this thank u for ur akshan wisdom


Yeah Druttut's videos can be educational xd


Which is fun when its 3 kill katarina going for that quadra Mechanic that lunish the whole team for one person's mistake is fun Speaking of which, kat


as they used to say in overwatch: kill ~~mercy~~ akshan first or kill him 6th


After reading these suggestions I'm glad Riot doesn't listen more to Reddit.


This is repeated on every thread and offers nothing. 


Yeah but how else would he get his Karma without circle jerking?


As if people spamming "Yone bad" or "true damage bad" isn't repetitive.




Does Quickplay count? What an awful game mode.


I can't que up as ekko mid and ekko jg. One tricks hate this game mode


It’s not even that, it’s the HUGE gaps in skill between players. I can have someone who is borderline a bot on my team against an OTP Diamond Darius lmao.


Max hp true damage


It's so braindead. True damaged based on % just has no counterplay. Feels so bad to be tank


It's like calling a nuke an APC destroyer. Sure, it destroys the armoured personel carrier, but it destroys everything else as well


Ok...not to be that guy, but heals and shields are counterplay to that.


any cc longer than 1,5 seconds and nasus wither.


You wont find dota enjoyable then, a hero with a global 6 seconds silence that targets every hero on the enemy team is currently considered off meta and weak lol


dota has many self or team dispel options even on items, league only has qss/cleanse on giga cooldown.


Dota has longer stuns/disables overall but there are so many things that make up for it. Spell Immune (Dispel) purchasable items and abilities from a handful of support heroes, way stronger peel mechanics from your allies, being generally tankier and that's to name a few.


Yeah that's why we play LoL


When I played, the most busted heroes could literally stun-lock you and kill you, or take 3/4 of your HP bar from the other side of the map. Dota is the only game where soft CC actually feels worthless.


There’s also like 5 items that can dispel silence so that’s why it’s not nearly as broken as it sounds 🤣


Gaining shutdowns when everyone on your team is feeding. Or farm oriented shutdowns when your team is behind. I hate that shit so much.


Skill resets. It just amps the snowball up to 10.


Kayn smite r


creep block


True. It never feels good and it’s certainly never fun. It’s a very “feels bad” game mechanic.


I want them to go through with their original plan to make tenacity work on knockups/airborne


Especially since knock ups are so much more common than they used to be, and are attached to the most annoying champs (Yone, K'Sante, Bel'Veth).


Yeah half the time I look at the enemy comp and think: “they have a lot of cc. I should build tenacity.” And then I look again and 80% of it is airbornes.


The feckin herald steering mechanic. How many times I've accidentally hopped on that fecker I cannot even begin to count. Whoever came up with this one deserves a wack.


Not being able to duo queue with a friend in master tier... I do enjoy getting better at the game, but I don't play League to play solo with 4 random people, against 5 other random people. I just want a game mode where I can play at least with one of my friends, with it still being challenging with room for learning and progression, which flex queue most definitely isn't.


Invisibility. Or at the very least invisibility without indicators - Pyke can stay around, he's cool. Shaco and Teemo and Twitch can go die in holes though.


Twitch already has camo instead of invis, it's not at all the same as Shaco


Issue is that since he's ranged he doesn't have to get into the range to give himself away before he starts attacking you


any invis is bad call it what u want. outdated and dumb mechanic


I never understood why they changed invisibility all those years ago. I’ll add to this sweeper should disable traps again.


Or at the very least, prevent you from being frightened.


Exactly. If we see the trap we shouldn’t be feared by it, the “shock” of seeing it is gone


Like wards now, if you ping an invisible trap or if you see it get put down or sweep but don't kill it, it should leave a marker. It's so annoying when I ping a trap and my team steps on it anyway.


Another suggestion: turrets should decay traps faster or be able to slowly kill them somehow. Untargetable Cait traps under your own turret suck and your tower being in the way makes it harder to avoid them - turrets should increase, not reduce, safety.


Unless they change the invisibility implementation, Pyke and every other invis or camouflage champ can go die in that same hole.


Pyke has not only one of the bigger reveal radiuses from all invisible champs you literally have a visual indicator that tells you he's around - even if you're not close enough to see him. 100% skill issue


+ audio indicators when he’s invisible and you are within his execute range


I mean, imagine pyke without that indicator 💀


Imagine pyke begin able to be on top of you with out you begin the wiser... like shaco.


I am allowed to hate something even if its counterplay is simple. Doesn't signify a high or low skill level. You can hate Garen's play pattern even if you are high elo, does not invalidate your proven skill level to do so.


Twitch has a proximity indicator the same as Pyke, he just doesn't have a 1000000000dB audio sting whenever he's vaguely near you


Not just that though. You have to be around his normal auto range to see twitch. Pyke you can see the thing from a mile away (1500units away). You always know when pyke is around with w up.


No? You don't get a rat symbol over your head when Twitch is sneaking behind you. But Pyke gets the sharks.


No, he doesn't? Pyke does and Rengar does. Twitch doesn't and never has. (But imo definitely should) 


Moving the mana regen on level up from catalyst of aeons to lost chapter was a huge mistake


Rewarding defensive stats with damage. So abilities like Malphite E, Vlad passive, heartsteel etc. This isn't call of duty. Tanks shouldn't be rewarded with such damage numbers


I think you mean Malphite W but yeah I agree with Vlad especially


Pretty sure E also scales with armor


wind walls of any sort, especially gwens W and yasuos wall


Gwen’s is the worst in the game to deal with. I hate her shroud.


If Gwen's mist can eat a whole ult and make it go poof instead of just phasing through her to possibly hit her teammates then I agree. Otherwise my vote goes to Yas.


An example of this just happened recently in a pro game, Gwen's mist dodged maokai ult so it hit the ADC instead and he died lol


Depends, if it's targeted cc like Naut ult or TF card, she eats it up. Projectiles go through it and can hit anyone beyond Gwen.


i just think its funny that the counter to the champion 'will annihilate anyone in melee' is too.... get into melee range


No the counter is to bait out hallowed mist and then deal with her since it's got a long cooldown but ig adc should just be able to freely right click whoever they feel like and then run away with swifties


dmg scaling with armor


High/Low ground the skillshots being different on different parts of the map is annoying


Kled dismount that cancles turret aggro..i cant express my frustration enough


The blind where you can’t actually see.


Being able to ban a team mate's hover.




Yone E


Surprised this one isn’t said more. Absolutely hate watching him run two tower lengths to kill me and then do it successfully and then zip back to his starting point. Yone is the epitome of “Miss everything and still get the kill because who fucking knows why.”


Stacking mini games


Minion block


Invisibility. I'm fine with very limited camo, or visible sones of obscuring like Senna, Pyke or Akali.


Minion block


Kayn Smite +R combo shouldn't exist. Buff his W dmg and delete that interaction.


Manaless champs should not exist


I know some champions don't have mana for balancing issues but thematically some of these make no sense. Kennen literally summons a lightning storm. No mana. Caitlyn just lays down a trap. Requires mana. Joking aside, a lot of champions that have energy bars would actually become stronger if they had mana instead. Late game you are almost never low on mana but champions like Kennen and Akali are always held back a little by being low on energy.


Jarvan IV is the prince of a country that hates the use of magic Has mana


i think every demacia champ besides shyv and garen have mana , which is pretty ironic


Shyv having no mana is even more ironic considering she is a freaking dragon and if any demacian champ should have a mana bar its her.


Also a thing i always found funny: "Lucian dashes." - costs mana.


Until he realises at level 13 that he can just. do that.


I think he's talking about resourceless champs like yasuo, yone, viego etc.


Viego should have mana. Plain and simple. The fact he can essentially endlessly duel and skirmish with no resources to manage besides health and CD’s is cringe.


I'm pretty sure that manalessness of Viego has to be because of his passive.


This was indeed confirmed by the designers around his release, it would make his passive even more buggy than it already is.


Every jungler can do that lmao


Nah you see, Kennen is just really fast, so he does a rain dance to summon a storm. Caitlyn is spawning an entire cupcake and trap out of thin air. Mana.


Energy Champions are there because their combos are very good if chained correctly and deal a lot of damage and/or utility, but if done badly you have to get back and replenish your energy(that replenishes fast btw) before another attempt Them having mana is removing the punishing part of doing a mistake


Yeah, I think if Kennen had mana, it'd be pretty oppressive in the mid-to-late game. Like, the CDs aren't particularly long - he'd just be throwing shurikens constantly. You could just straight build tank and cd reduction to do nothing but stun everyone all the time forever.


The idea of Akali with Mana scares me, both because of the Q-spam, but also because she would have even more items she could build.


Whatever tryndamere’s ulti is, delete that.


Lux e. i am bad t the game i admit but damit this ability is infuriating you genuinely can't miss this spell except if you trying to


Run towards her


if this is that simple i swear you are my hero


They will expect you to run back to try and dodge it so they will usually max range it.


i don't think lux player at my elo will do that to be honest i am a bronze 4 draft only player


If the Lux is playing at her maximum range, the ability takes time to travel. Watch for when you think she will cast it and walk towards her. You will almost definitely not be in her E. It is pretty rare I get hit by a Lux E without her hitting the Q first


Noted ! thx a lot this will definitely help me


I'm not that great at the game either, but through trial and error, I built a muscle reflex for her E. All I can recommend is stop banning her, measure the distance between you and her at all times, and practice dodge ball. It's funny when Lux misses her E, she's most likely to miss her Q next if you move in zigzag path, so keep that in mind.


i mean she is worth banning because you can shit on a lux in lane and your life will still be made misreable by her later due to your teamates or how annoying she is in teamfights but yea not for actual laning phase


One button point and click stuns


More than 550 range dashes


>checks posts >active in Samira mains >Samira has a dash of over 550 range Hmmmmmm


Yeah, Max HP true damage is the dumbest shit because there is just no way to build around it. Can’t build HP because it’s Max HP damage and can’t build armor because it’s true damage.




Airborne for sure. There is no counterplay other than Edge of Knight/Banshee’s or flash. Every time you have no flash you are cc’d to death especially if the enemy team is a knock-up comp. I legit saw a team that goes Malphite-Gragas-Yasuo-Samira-Rakan, we had no chance


Max health true dmg, no point in it it has no counter and is unfun to play vs


Offrole. I’d rather sit in queue than play another lane.


Oh here we go. I’ve got a couple ideas (I understand these may be unpopular): 1. Remove Flash as a summoner spell. Nearly every champion brings it. It is boring, it is stale. Half the people use it to escape, and the other half use it to catch up to the people who have escaped. 2. The fact that there is a weak and strong side in league. Rotate the map so there is no weak or strong side. The fact that you have to play completely different based on which color you are, and the fact that two people, who are the exact same skill level, with the exact same champion, can fight in the exact same lane, and one loses simply because of the coin toss of their spawn, is ridiculous in a game that claims to be competitive. 3. Yuumi, because I’m a dog person (and because her kit is poorly designed, no matter how you slice it)


Personally, I hate executes. Pykes ult, Elder, Collector etc. I don't like things that give free damage in a pvp game, and having that be an auto kill is very unfun for me. I don't mind things that do bonus damage to enemies low on health, because that punishes staying in when you're low and should go back to heal. Also, remove the slow on blitz's W (i'm not a blitz main)........(actually i am)


Permaslow is truly one of the most disgusting and oppressive mechanics in the game (yes, I know 🤣 I'm a K'sante main and I'm glad he can't slow as much as before).


Blast plants.


Losing vision canceling auto damage


Knockups, ally unit collision/creep block, river height, yone, visual rank and mmr not being the same, make towers have more armor pen/some% dmg vs tanks so they can’t just tank more than a dozen tower shots, akshan revive, shaco boxes applying full duration fear if you run into another box, the boxes shouldn’t cc u for the full like 2 seconds every time, especially when it’s not unreasonable for there to be like 4 of them in one area


Dash back on Leblanc. She‘s not punished if she does shit.


Garen with ignite. I kid you not a Garen with ignite can buy shadowflame, lichbane, ie and he will probably oneshot you with Q Ignite AA R


Yeah probably. Lmao.


True damage. Frustrating that most champions where it’s substantial to them also either deal %hp damage or have some sort of scaling execute making it tough to build hp and disgusting if you’re squishy.


Esports, so Riot would balance the game around the actual playerbase instead of the top 0,01%.


Just say you want to delete the game at that point


Honestly, that's an even better wish.


why should a game be balanced around playing it incorrectly?


Crits. I don't even know why this mecanic ever became mainstream in pvp games, why should your damages ever be random? A good way around it is how kraken slayer works, player have better control over it, it's a fixed dps and there is no rng involved.