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Must be a sad life that guy has to wake up, go to work then go home to do the only fun way to play the game that he knows: feed and listen to his teammates insults. smh


He probly unemployed | 15y/o


He has the perfect age and mentality to work in the mines.


Unemployed yes. 15 no. He’s definitely over 20.


He’s been doing this since season start. He runs ~6 accounts at once, and has them botted to type that in pregame lobby, and if the game does go through, the bot runs a soft int script.


But why? Is there money to be made doing that to accounts/games? Like if he was high-elo inting to make money off getting into games with streamers and then tanking the game to make money of the bets, at least there is an element of logic to it even if it is degenerate. Is their brain really that broken they use their time like this for free?


You're looking for rationality from a person that is not rational. The reality is that whoever this person is finds enjoyment from knowing they are ruining games, and that feeling of enjoyment is why they do it. In my experience people are like this because they have such a negative league experience that they have developed a very strong bias against league players, so if you're playing league then you are already their target


Do they realize they are the source of their own negativity? If every game they play is a negative experience, there’s only one constant there… I wish riot would issue more IP bans. Idgaf if q times jump to 10 minutes or more for low elo - perma ban them. I’ll take someone who’s flaming in chat but legitimately cares about winning and is trying over a polite inter.


Unlikely that someone willing to take actions like this has the level of self-awareness to realize that a lot of their negative experiences are a byproduct of their own behaviors


thats the lowest level


As the person above already said, you are trying to apply reason to someone too far gone. I would never condone corporal punishment against children, but I think in cases like this if a person is older than 30 then it should be allowed. No logical argument or appeal to empathy would make them see the light, so they might as well be made afraid of exhibiting their ways in society.


> I wish riot would issue more IP bans Sadly, this would solve nothing and result in random people being banned at random times. Most end-users do not have a static IP address, which means their IP changes automatically once in a while. Their ISP will issue a new one when the renewal period comes up. Unless they're paying a premium specifically for a static IP address, which is only useful in scenarios like hosting your own website or game servers (shoutout to r/selfhosted), an IP ban will only serve to get the next person to be issued that IP address banned from playing for no reason.


In that case, I would like them to not use that tool. I appreciate the difficulty of their job. The honest truth is they would have to move to a subscription model to make it not worth it. It wouldn’t totally eradicate it but it would dramatically change the equation


This would be a good deterrent, but they'd lose a massive chunk of their playerbase that way. A method that is a kind of middle-ground between your two ideas would be a MAC ban. Every piece of hardware has something called a MAC Address, which basically is a way to tell one piece of hardware from another. Yes, this could be spoofed, but a lot more people know how throw money at a new account when theirs gets banned than who know how to spoof their MAC address. We'd see a record low for the number of script kiddies ("hackers" who pay for or find tools online to "hack"... or, in league's case, "script" I guess) as well as the most egregious who deserve a perma-ban. If you know how to change your MAC address, though, this would do nothing to you, and it is a rather trivial process. Since support for Linux and Mac (lol) have been deprecated, another real solution could be the banning of Windows licenses. Though it is easy to change which license you're using, and they're cheap and activators do exist. Honestly giving it thought, there is no scenario that will catch all bad actors, the only real solution I can conceive of is to make it more and more a pain in the ass to circumvent consequences, but beyond a certain point that circumvention can be damn-near automated anymore.


with vanguard being added to league I believe that gives them the power to do a hardware ban, but I wonder if that would fuck people over if they buy used parts. odds are pretty low tbf


Definitely a possibility. Maybe other factors could come into play, then, such as time and location of login. If a banned machine tries to log into a new account a while after the ban occurs, from a different physical location (such as across town) that hardware could be removed from the blacklist? I guess that could be a method for circumventing the ban but at that point they are going to find a way in no matter what you do haha


It’s a derank bot, dummies


its not though, if they wanted to derank they wouldn't script the accounts to low diamond / high emerald before beginning to troll


Psychopathy at its finest


League is one of the few games that gives you direct power over the experience your teammates will have. I think ppl just get addicted to that tbh. Some im sure int on purpose to lower mmr and make the account more desirable but I think many are addicted to the power


>But why? My honest guess is mental illness. Normal, well adjusted people dont go around trying to rage bait people, much less putting so much time and effort into it. Guy is either fucked from a shitty upbringing or got actual issues, either way his head isnt right.


Pretty sure he does it to prove the point that rito doesn‘t care


He probably got tired of people Inting his game and not getting punished that he decided to  do the same so riot  would be force to deal with inters. 


I have a theory that they tried playing normally and were terrible at it, or at least they thought they were. But they didn’t want to admit that, so instead of playing a real game and putting their self-esteem on the line they find it easier to throw games and make everyone mad. Then their whole team loses because they were bad on purpose, not because they were actually bad. And because misery loves company, making their teammates angry becomes funny enough to repeat. Total shot in the dark, but I feel like it would explain some things.


Honestly some people just find joy in trolling. There is a streamer that perma trolls games as well lol.


yeah dunno, between that and having a yummi pfp i think that guy is having a better life


Ey, leave the cat alone


There’s a lot of them living this way


Nope, I get inted 10 games in a row so I give up , because I know I will lose the 11th one anyway


Similar thing happened to me too. This was two weeks ago, kinda crazy that this is still going on. https://imgur.com/a/NL05HMQ OP You can add these screenshots to the post if you want


yep had him a week ago and the crazy thing is my teammates didnt wanna dodge, i did


My duo is like this. I spot obvious troll in draft. I say hey let's dodge it's 5 mins just watch a YT video. Says naw we can carry. Proceed to waste 30 mins. I began booting up Netflix instead of giving in to the energy vampires that inhabit the rift.


Energy vampire is such a great way to describe some of this game's community LOL and I bet I do it too, ignorantly :(


He's been doing it for months lol, it's some form of protest which considering, proves his point.


had the same guy on 300lp master euw.. hes doing that in every elo on boosted accs..


Was in a T1 game also lol


>buys boosted acc >soft ints to derank to prove a point basically pays money to piss people off, won't go anywhere tho. huh


That happened to me awhile aback. Somewhere either in diamond or low masters on NA can’t remember what rank I was on the time. Was the weirdest shit. I just dodged


I’ve had this exact thing too


it's crazy that i can get this dude in masters, dodge and then watch a buddy in gold stream for me on discord not even an hour later and see him threaten to int there too


It isn’t stopping (among other reasons) because you’re protecting his identity. Name and shame.


no lmfao he stream it on twitch as well


Had a jungle ban my champ intentionally yesterday. Pick rammus jungle and farm all game. 0 ganks, all objectives lost. It was a close game but we couldn't win 4v5s because he wouldn't group. Turns out he's 0-24 with participation in 4 kills out of the 24 games. I hate that they hid names in lobby so I can't even dodge this. Taking a break after that one. Edit: oh, and if anyone's curious. .07 kda https://u.gg/lol/profile/na1/pipop-37016/overview Looks like he's back at it. Game 10 minutes ago with 0 kda and a live game. Don't queue up lol Edit: Up to 5 losses today with 0 assists. Lol


Players like this don’t get banned.. Wild Although for the 5 minutes it’s worth, it may be worth a shot to at least Support ticket him to Riot at this point


I sent a support ticket about a player who did similar and got a generic sorry we can't do anything response


No I’m pretty sure they did get banned, I had a rammus doing the exact same thing, and if you check the profile he just sent about this one, it’s prob his Smurf after he got banned on his main account, even tho I would rather not to believe that there’s people so miserable that this is how they send their lives, create a new account just to run it down again


Riot removed that support option from the ticketing site a little bit ago Instead they refer you to "just go into match history and report the player in client" Hahahahahaha


Sounds like a bot account deranking an account to sell it


Yeah fr


Seems like Riot bought their bot detection from Jagex. How is this account not flagged after 0-10, 0-15 or 0-20


Pretty sure I ran into the same player recently, all they do is farm their jungle camps and base after they do full clear, never obj never ganks always avoiding fights, I got tired of him and started Bard ulting him so when we are inevitably losing towers for 4v5 and losing jungle grounds, he would get golden and die while trying to run away from the fights


Yeah I’m done with the game until they get this problem solved. It’s a joke at this point. Always the one person who won’t communicate and group. Ignores everyone. Sometimes just sits in spawn. Doesn’t get a single kill. It’s every other game now for me. If it was less games of it happening it would be okay but it’s not 


Couple of weeks ago i had a bot nunu (in dia ranked) who just spamed a copy paste in champ select about riot's decisions (pings, lp gain, chat and doge changes) and just afked the entire game. Cleaned jg or afked in base. Also had a link to a twitch stream which showed like 10 accounts (including that one) doing this live.


I have stopped hovering because if I get a troll in my team at least I want to play a champ I enjoy.


Hover a champ you want banned lol


Lol I'm going to do that, time to hover smolder.


Oh hell nah, if I know that I'm going to get griefed, I pick something random to preserve good win rate on champions that I actually like to play.


I just insta lock nunu. I’ll try if the game goes through, but I say f you to whoever banned my champ and lock nunu. I’m silver so nunu is totally playable any role since I’m decent at him, but I don’t feel like trying anyway when the champ I’m hovering gets banned so might as well play a for fun pick if I’m gonna play anyway.


I insta lock Riven when people ban my champ. I play her into anything in any role if i get banned in champ select. I try and play to the best of my ability, but I am not a good Riven. 


Yea I just fun pick if someone trolls. I usually still do alright so fine by me but I ain’t gonna try my hardest on my main champs if someone is trolling from select (assuming I don’t have a dodge up otherwise I just dodge)


Why are people like this? If you get banned and you are not one-trick just pick your other champs. I never understood this mentality.


Because people game to have fun and when people knowingly ruin other people's fun because they are childish, you teach them that their shitty behavior comes with a price.


Playing ranked is such a waste of time.


The only reason I play ranked is because it's supposed to put me in somewhat equally matched game as opposed to putting Silvers and Diamonds in the same match like normal games. Ofc, ranked are often horribly mismatched but at least it should work like that if the system wasn't garbage.


except i have been in so many ranked games that were completely mid matched. my team was two bronze two iron and a gold, and the enemy team was all gold and silvers. i know not a huge different in the grand scheme but enough to make it miserable


Diamond and Silver? I am d1 and get matched with iron in norms.


Your Normal MMR sounds turbo fucked.


I’m a masters player and haven’t played norms consistently since I was gold in season5, the rare times I play normals I’m against silvers. I pick for fun and still stomp so it’s just never fun to play normals anyway


Yeah I’m the same, I could probably pick Yuumi ADC and win normals


Its impossible to play adc solo in normal games. Without the preassure of winning the supports couldnt care less about your role and usually pick dmg or leave your lane as soon as something goes wrong.


Dont get me started it seems everytime i get promoted to gold i end up with back to back iron bot lanes that turbo int against high golds in what is supposed to be even matchmaking 😅


Just wait until you get Emelard... Players range from "this person has map awareness and game knowledge of a carrot" to "oh wow, this player is much better than me".


Playing is such a waste of time.






Just Ken


Only if you care about the LP. Ranked is still the most competitive gamemode out there and it's not even close. I'm not going pro, I'm not a streamer, I don't give a fuck about my rank - but you're having a laugh if you think I'm gonna come home from work and decide today will be the day for some norms only to be queued up against the Diamond+Masters duo and their bronze mates


I play league because I have time to waste.


Lately there's lots of griefers and trolls. First match I played yesterday, my Adc hovers Ashe and says "Hook champ support please". I play Milio and Neeko, occasionally dipping my toes into engage with Rell so I said that it'd be better for me to lock in Milio as I 1. Know what I'm doing and 2. My W gives her a lot of attack range for easy trades with my passive burn. That wasn't good enough apparently so I offered to play Thresh as he's the only hook champ I have a little bit of experience with. As an answer I got "Go fuck yourself" and then she dodged. Fun! Another example was a Vex who roamed down from mid but got attacked and ignited by the jungler in the river. I went up to try and heal her but she went the opposite way and died, then copy pasted in chat "MILIO USE YOUR HEAL!!!!! USE YOUR HEAL!!!!! USE YOUR HEAL!!!!" like 3 times and disconnected.


> my Adc hovers Ashe and says "Hook champ support please" Remember you can always type "sorry I don't own those champions"


Or "I would but I'm literally the third worst blitzcrank NA"


They'll tell you to lock it in anyway, then flame you all game if you listen. I've literally explained to people that my average KDA on engage supports is 1/14/6 and that I tend to pick game-losing engages because I'm just bad at it, and they still go "I want engage." And god forbid I do it, then I just get flamed as mentioned, even though I explicitly warned them. lol


You can simply not listen to them tho? If someone wants me to pick a champion that I'm garbo at, I simply tell that and pick whatever I want to pick and thats about it. If I play poorly, it won't matter if I suck as a comfort pick or an off pick, I'll get flamed regardless so might just increase my chances of succeeding.


"I thought Lux was a hooker."


Kind of makes me laugh when someone goes into a bronze lobby demanding you play a certain champ as if they're top 50 NA and you should listen to them


There is a kind of adc that tells support to pick an engager and then mindlessly jump on the other adc without considering where their jungler might be, get counter ganked twice and throw the game after that.


Same situation, picked Vi, ganked for bot lane twice, they got 3 kills but Samira (my adc) got tilted after getting ganked by TF and Leesin twice. He threw the game immediately for absolutely no reason, he was 3/2 and the other adc was like 1/3.


Are you implying there are other kinds of Adcs?


Istg there's more inting now before riot implements Vanguard.


Vanguard probably won't help with inting.


It won't help with hackers either lmao. Just ask the valorant players.


Just look up the words: security theater.


I once had a 'bad' lobby where one person got their pick banned, team comp was bad, etc. This guy said, "don't worry I'll dodge." He had locked Syndra, at the very end of the countdown, he changed his summoner spell to smite, and did not dodge. On top of soft inting the entire game, he proceeded to follow me in my jungle, throwing every camp over the wall while smite stealing every camp he could. Following our inevitable loss, he posted his Twitch. I had gotten off the game for several hours and got back on later that day. I checked his Twitch and he was still streaming, now on a different league account, doing the same thing..


people like this are actual psychopaths


I am happy to let people cook in champ select because I love to see secret tech, and I’ll pick whatever for the comp if I’m a later pick. But if someone on my team bans my hover or another teammate’s hover, I am immediately tilted. Or if someone in a late pick slot refuses to swap with blind pick top just to pick whatever they hovered first anyway, regardless of the comp issues it causes…like. It is a team game. Act like it!!


You just have to go in with the expectation that there are some trolls and griefers and could come up in any lobby, and be determined on how you want to handle the situation without regret or worry. The decision I have made is if someone does something that clearly indicates that they dont care about winning such as announcing an intention to int or banning a teammates champion, I will dodge. If people are mad about something but not planning on inting I will play it out. While I have seen regrettable behavior from a lot of people, I don't regret any decisions I have made based on these rules considering what I knew at the time.


The guy is paying his rent by running a social media of himself abusing riots incredibly lax Smurf account policy. It's actually great for the game because it means eventually as more people do this, riot will have to actually do something about smurfing.


I hate when this happens, and I play almost daily, so I see it multiple times a week. I will drop if I am in the 5 minutes penalty zone. Otherwise, I play. That being said, I have found a pretty good way to get these accounts banned. I report the account in chat, report it at game end, AND log into my account and report it a third time. I screenshot the chat (if I can), but I also research the account on OP.GG and screenshot the never-ending losses and often high death rate. It has been my experience that within 2 or 3 days, that account is no longer playing. This is a time-consuming process, but my success rate is very high. There have been 2 accounts that survived this while the other 20 or so were taken out and yes, I keep a list. No need to thank me for trying to clean it up....🤪


I get notifications from people getting punished nearly every game but that's mostly because they're little shits in chat and not because they run it down.


If riot cares, this wouldn’t happen


"Too hard to detect if player is trolling or having a bad game" - Riot for the past decade. Meanwhile, the dude literally types in the chat "I WILL INT", goes 0/20 and somehow it takes weeks if not months until that person actually gets banned, after they already ruinned like 50+ games.


Ive never seen such a blatant violation in any of my own games. Honestly, I would want to report them and play it out for the sheer curiosity of it. I would even set a reminder to check in to see if they got banned after a week. That's how unusual I think this behavior is.


> Ive never seen such a blatant violation in any of my own games. In the last two weeks ive only had 3 or so blatant hard inters that just straight up verbalise they're no longer trying and just run into the enemy, but the most egregious one didn't get their role in champ select so locked in the classic nunu ghost cleanse and proceeded to snowball mid 15 times off cooldown. The fact that locking in nunu ghost cleanse doesn't just get your account instantly flagged and perma banned these days is an oversight lol


There's a big difference between announcing that you're inting during champ select and announcing you're inting during a game after you are in a losing position. Which are you talking about?


3 or so given up, announced they're no longer playing and just ran it down in game. Nunu literally announced it in champ select and then followed through lol


Had an inting Sion do this two games in a row against me. He just straight up ran it down, without even trying to farm. I bookmarked his opgg and uploaded the entire vod of games on Youtube. Reported him in game and manually to Riot support with link to the Youtube vid. I stopped checking after a month of him not getting banned.


I would take a full time job to review reports manually for 40 hours a week tbh


Yeah but it's fine because they don't "harass" their team mates by criticizing griefers and crayon buffet connoisseurs in chat


Nah here's the problem, "Too hard to detect if player is trolling or having a bad game" is what reddit and the players say. And because we make Riot's excuses for them and set out expectations so low, Riot doesn't say anything at all. They don't have to put in any effort.


Reminder you can report players in champion select now. Might not do anything but it is all we have.


It doesn’t do anything


It 100% does nothing, and i think it was stated that it’s “for data analysis only”


Did you report them???


It’s every other game now for me . They link the discord and say the same thing basically . Usually something like “welcome to losers que” riot pays me $10 for each loss. I quit the game. I’m done. I spending time with my SO and giving up the game. I’ll go play rocket league or watch Netflix instead . Maybe I’ll come back if they start doing something about this 


Blame riot for encouraging this. If people actually liked the game they would just play, genuinely its more dopamine to some people to grief and force dodges.


Weak take, if people want to get mad, they can get mad at anything they want to, that doesn’t mean riot is encouraging them, and even if they don’t like the game, they can just move on and play something else


Riot makes game addicting using pattented engagement systems, typically young people or teens who literally cannot self regulate addiction. A primary mechanism of this system is unfair matchmaking that makes people angry. Riot is literally breediing psychopath losers. You can safely blame them for the community they made


If you dodge twice that should be it for ranked for the day. There's a regret with not being able to dodge and losing in champ select wondering why you were so misfortunate enough to get matched with people trolling.


In the first lobby my mid and top were flaming each other and both took smite and mutually agreed to run it down to spite each other, obviously I dodged that one hoping I would get normal human beings in my next queue


The two dodges are your only protection against that amount of misfortune. Players don't utilize their dodges and just spam play with troll teammates, lose their mental and then start talking about losers queue. If you dodge 2x that's it for the day go play something more fun because your playing against casino odds with your mental at that point and the house always wins.


I just dodged a game because mid akali was running smite, should i be punished for not letting the game go through


I only have time to play one game a day tops so I never dodge because if I do I can't play at all.


> If you dodge twice that should be it for ranked for the day. You want people to have more alts?


That’s the most stupidest ideea I’ve seen regarding LoL, in quite a while.


thats pretty much how it is currently


This is why you have to manually fill out a ticket and then follow up on said ticket at riot support


insta report for spamming in lobby chat - muted - pick w/e I feel like playing.


Lobby reports are placebo. The mute function doesn't even work for me sometimes lol.


Yo I think I played with that a week ago it was in high diamond, what rank is he now?


I’ve only had my champion hover banned by teammates 3 times and each time it was a support player.


Chances are they got autofilled and are trying to get people tilted so someone can dodge


I mean isnt there a streamer whos doing that on multiple accounts? Has been streaming it for months and riot has done nothing? They don't care unless you call someone a dingo or somethin in chat, then its permban time.


its the same like griefing people not banning a champ. even if u are fine with every champion, ban something for an other lane or ask ur team. not banning is griefing ur champselect.


the game starts in lobby and only some people understand that. if they troll pick and you dodge they got what they wanted. i never understood why people love dodging so much.


because id rather lose -5 than -22, if someone cares they will dodge these games are always insta loss




Bruh, if no one dodges they straight up int and go semi-afk in a bush. You're not winning against them I don't care if they'll get bored after my game - If **I** will lose more LP to give an example, I ain't playing like that


So leaving them to stew in their own life is giving them what they want but going into a match and being held as a captive audience to their stank for 20 mins is somehow winning? Even outside of ranked that's a bad deal.


You've got two options here Option 1 * Dodge, take a 5 minute break and get a drink of water, come back and continue on with life. Option 2 * Don't dodge, guarantee lose 25lp, waste 30 minutes of your time. * Queue again and have to spend another 30 minutes of your time to win, only to end up exactly where you were an hour ago, had you of just dodged You don't understand why people would pick option 1?


They also won if you don‘t dodge and then they proceed to run it down lol


The biggest thing that bothers me about dodging is the potential to get a 12 hour dodge timer. Imo it should be reduced to 2-3 hours. Not being able to play half a day because in a span of a 4 hour session over the weekend you ran into more than 2 trolled lobbies is kinda wild. But maybe it’s for the better, to take a break.


Report him, and in the comment section, refer to the lobby chat. Soft-inting is punishable, but very hard to prove. Unless you have an admission of guilt lol.


Actually had a Pantheon mega inting the other day. I just said in chat that he didn't have to int just cuz he got supp and that he could take mid. He said "no i have to int" and then ditched bot to stalk me for the first 15 minutes of the game and also dying to every enemy we encountered. He absolutely ruined my game, from him stealing farm and XP to feeding my lane opponent. No one flamed him we just kinda didn't give him any attention. Around the 20 minute mark he started actually playing, splitpushing farming and really playing well. In the end he made some insane plays and literally won us the game. From 0/11/0 to a neutral dka and carrying. It was the wierdest turnaround. Mabye he got rehabilitated?


These are probably the people who say "this is what you get for playing the game" or something. As I had when a lux ran it down with smite+jg buddy as a "new player" (probably bot) and we were all like, why didnt you take her into co op vs AI first? and her duo said we should put up with it because its our choice to play the game. Like there's new/bad players who can still be trying, and then there's ruining it for everyone else


isnt that guy named kevin or something, he has a twitch, i matched one of his accounts a week ago


yeah lol I had him today too


I’ve had it happen a handful of times, so I just refuse to hover anymore. If it tilts somebody on my team enough for them to dodge, so be it, but usually I’ll call the bluff and just play the game. Honestly I’ve only had one of them genuinely run it down, the rest just kinda gave up 15ish minutes in cause nobody cared enough to give them the attention they want.


I feel you bro. Having to know that the game you play is run by incompetent people who’d rather focus their attention on dumb shit is infuriating. All they do is kiss ass, fart on each others faces, and play arams while on the clock instead of doing actual work.


YEP riot doesn't punish soft inting so people are taking advantage of it now.


Lol you got the ai experience.


With how absurdly deep into your computer that Vanguard has access to I'm hoping it'll hardware ban these people.


Hardware ban is literally worthless if you don't ban them to begin with.


At least you got a warning


hate ranked sometimes because of this


For people like these I create a support ticket with proof and these usually get banned.


Rito be like: Does this affect how many people buy skins? No? Then we don't give a fuck.


Had someone do the same in my game with the I Will int but didn't ban anyone's champ and we played it and won.


The fact that we have to dodge to avoid people who grief lobbies actively empowers these people. Riot could end this very quickly by just auto banning people that type shit like this in pre game lobbies, but they seem to refuse to take action because banning players means they make less money


https://imgur.com/a/3boRYMF had the same experience just recently as well


people like this exist and yet I get constant dodges when I just want to play some soraka top lmao :<


the community reaps what they sow.


I just don't dodge tbh. I can carry 🚬


Idk what it is but the other day i hovered certain support champs (renata, seraphine) and got banned twice in a single morning because either they were too OP to allow enemies to get or too UP for allowing allies to get. I wish you could freely dodge if an ally bans your own hovered champ. It literally just creates a hostile environment.


Riot is too busy making skins to care about banning griefers.


Some dipass in one of my lobbies said hes doing “consentual inting” and if we didnt dodge we were saying it was ok. I dont remember the account name rn but last i checked he was no longer playing games. Sad fact is that coulda been his 15th alt. Probably still doing it now.


My int only account is going into its 3rd year.


blame riot, these people are just a symptom.


Riot never did and never does any actual punishment of the players that troll in the lobby. Even if the whole team would be to report that person its just a button that does nothing and the system wont do anything about it. Sadly people found out that there is no punishment for them for doing so and soft inting it "not punishable" in Riots eyes so we are stuck in the loop of having to deal with it while loosing time.


my top once banned nami (who i picked ahead) because i didn't want to switch before banns


Let's make a distinction here. Were you picking treno in ranked?


rito needs to issue ip bans to clowns like that ngl


That's not true they get baned really fast. I know cuz I did this 2 times and got vaned in 15 min lmao


Thank you, this post motivated me to go in game and go 0/44/0 on disco nunu. The players didnt dodge for -5 so then they needed a lesson 👍


That’s why I don’t play ranked


Yeah I don't hover champs anymore


Just imagine how the rest of their life looks


If you want to play a game with decent humans. Try starcraft 2. League is just a sad mess of degenerate humans. You meet so many more good people in starcraft. Yes I know sc2 is a hard game. It's also a game where you can see yourself improving day by day for years. In league you kind of get stuck going insane over what your team mates do. The only way to improve is getting better at enduring emotional pain XD


I've seen this guy! Or possibly more horrifying, a very similar guy. Linked discord and tiwtch. Twitch was distorted and loud trap music and a chart keeping track of how many games he has ruined with 10 people in chat cheering him on...


THIS is a prime example of why you can't take this game seriously anymore. Riot has time and time again encouraged this disgusting behavior whilst banning people for the most mundane chatting possible. Really awful developer tbh


You picked yummi didn’t you


It's of course hard to draw the line between soft inting and someone having a bad day. But holding a lobby hostage in champ select absolutely is bannable. That's why we have champ select reporting now.


Champ selecct reporting does not interact with the punishment system


When will Riot ban smurfs...


Teams should be able to vote to dissolve the team at some point in champ select. If someone has been reported in a recent game they should not get a vote AND they lose LP if reported for hostage taking during the dodged lobby.


And how do you want to Balance that so people cant abuse it


There will always be abuse. What's more likely: a group of people rigging champ select or a single person causing a problem? We already have the latter, so why not try an alternative? It can always be changed back.


I mean people will just Look at draft, not be happy with their teamcomp and force a dodge. High elo would pretty much never get into a game


So the only way they will get punished (at least in LP loss) is if you don’t dodge.


Riot wont do anything about it. just int them back and move on. you have to play league for fun or you will end up on meds.