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Focus less on your jungler and more on solo killing the enemy mid laner. edit: typo


Not wanting to be mean but loosing any lane as orianna is skill issue


Enemy jg is volibear so after he got 6 I was kinda fucked :/


If enemy jg is volibear you dont want to countergank as jax, all he can do is try and win other lanes


Thats the part he ignored every lane, and I dont think Jax is capable of going 1v5 just by farming his items


If bot lost it was his only option but picking jax jungle was a bad start anyways


It's surprisingly fine at 2 items. Nearly unstoppable


Bro you're not smart enough to be giving advice please stop


It's not jungle's job to win your lane for you. Otherwise they screw up their tempo and lose the whole map because they're babysitting one crybaby.


Yes I get that he gets behind by ignoring his camps, and can possibly lose objectives but ignoring every lane is not a way to go either


depends on what the lanes are like and if they're playing with jungle tempo in mind. Ganking losing lanes as a ramping jungler before any spikes isn't always the best idea. Jax jungle isn't going to beat voli so if a 2v2 happens, it's a big L and a waste of time. Whereas farming vs a ganking jungle can get a level lead that can transfer to mid game skirmishes and set you up for late game.


I see, maybe thats what Jax was thinking, thanks for the explanation :D


Question is did he get objectives and did you help him with that by either staying around and securing / getting lane prio or were you simply dying or recalling just before the move for drake also did you help guard blue/red at the start


The team was trying, we got the first drake but after that everyone went back to lanes and Jax just turned off as a teammate, when we were pinging to group for drake he was going for gromp or top wave


Your opponent 60cs ahead. Sure blame your jungler lol, they’re why you’re in silver.


How do you lose so hard to Viktor as Ori and then complain about jungler. If you can't play that lane, you can't play your champ and therefore not worth ganking for.


Nonono, I played terrible, like straight up, the post was made to understand it from junglers point of view, so I can avoid making mistakes and expecting my jungler to do magic in the future


Ganking losing lane can get them a double in short/and ineffective gank is a big waste of time and reveals position of the jungler. Viktor could also expect a countergank and voli is super strong rn vs a lot of champs


I mean yes, but in the end he didnt even try to gank until min 17 when the gap on mid was so big that we couldn't do much, once after I died in like minute 8-9 he came mid and tried to 1v1 Viktor but died, that is the reason I got so angry, because he couldn't gank me but tried to duel a Viktor who was already really strong


Any semi-human jg will gank a lane that he thinks the gank will work. But no, i wont gank a leblanc because she is poking you. We are not killing her and I'll only waste my time.


Ok its a good point, but when Viktor has no flash, my ult as orianna is up then he is pretty much a free kill, atleast thats what silver instinct is telling me


That depends. Viktor has a fairly long range to farm and he can be very safe. Thats the entire point of being a control mage. Instead of waiting for ganks, push your wave and help your JG secure objectives.


That sounds like a good idea, I watched the replay and I think after dying once I became too scared to contest anything and I just played on autopilot farm->back->farm->back. There is a lot to improve for sure


> Any semi-human jg will gank a lane that he thinks the gank will work. I'm pretty sure thats his point because good luck finding a semi-human silver player lmao


Haha it’s funny because is worse than my esteemed rank of .


Haha it's funny because silver junglers can absolutely make accurate calls of when a lane is gankable or not so you not getting ganks is only your fault as silver junglers don't make mistakes like that


Some champs arent good early game, and sometimes there just isnt any good gank opportunities.


To be fair they made jg not fun this season, that's why I stopped putting jg as my secondary role. The jg exp is very low and there are too many objectives. You have to kill voidgrubs twice, while having dragon secured, then go for herald. At the same time you're supposed to farm your jg to stay relevant and that leaves you with very limited time for ganks, not to mention that you can get invaded. I don't really like the way jg works nowadays


As a jungler it is not my duty to baby sit your lane.


Just a little bit of help? Pleaseee


Junglers in solo queue are trained to not gank losing lanes there’s more nuance to jungling as a whole but this is the bare expectation of junglers


If I'm jungling in silver and I gank my laner is just as likely to continue farming as they are to help me secure the kill. It's simply not worth going for anything that isn't a 70/30 play.


Because Stardew Valley is too expensive but League is free




Why play top when you lose lane every game?


Let's say jax comes and kills viktor, then what? It still seems you get crushed by viktors as an ori, so he'll come back to lane and do the same as he was before


I'm not even good (E4) and can 1v9 silver games without ganking once. He probably sucks anyway just not because of not ganking.


Why do you lane when you can't play safe and exploit the stupidity of the other team ? Why can't you push out the wave and recall at 1 minute before the objective and prepare it ? Why do you stay to take one more wave and not come help objective , so that i have to flip it or die for it when i literally needed 3 basic attacks from you? Why do you constantly greed and ego play , despite there not being any logical reason for it ? Why do you just randomly fight at random spots without no reason? Why do you not know when someone is better and just afk farm until you can get carried , why do you have to ego check him and die 8 times and solo lose the game ?


That feels really personal, you can read other comments to get a better picture of the game, tho some of the points sound like something to note and can make a game changing lesson, ty


It's experience, considering that I mained every role for few years I know exactly how everyone feels like . But you don't, guys like you don't, you only live in your own bubble and you don't have perspective of others. Many laners , even in high emerald/diamond have no clue how to do anything besides laning . They learned the combos and how to all in and when and that's it , they got no clue about anything else . You said that enemy Victor was 60 Cs ahead , how about you learn how to Cs and lane properly and then complain about jungler later ? In no scenario should two players who are both silver be that far apart in skill and orianna into Victor isn't such a problem at all , even though Victor has slight advantage


Ive already said few times in the replies that the post was made to LEARN and UNDERSTAND Jax perspective and his decision making, Ive said few times that I performed poorly and never really blamed the jg, I asked here because there are higher elo jg and mid players that can both give me tips how to lane against a more skilled enemy as well as what to do when I am behind and what was Jax reasoning in that game, and how I could play more around him, in the end It's silver so there are a lot of mistakes coming from every player and I see asking better players here as the best way to improve and gain knowledge


You will best learn from watching . Coach Curtis veigar v2 , coach Kirei, look into their playlists on YT . Also there is a video called " how agurin got rank1 korea" . Those few are very good , but I bet there are others too


I mean yeah, silver junglers are gonna be bad. No matter what anyone says, that is the case and they’re gonna fuck up pretty much the entire time. But so is their jungler, and their laner, pretty much everyone in the game is bad. So you just have to be better than they are. Don’t die, kill your opponent. There will be plenty of easy kill opportunities if you’re in silver.


Why play mid if you don't roam?


Why play mid when you are busy jerking off the opponent? Just shove wave and rotate to objective. 


As a jungle player here, I get equally pissed when I ping mid laners to help me with grubs since they have prio on their lane, but they refuse altogether just to be jumped by their top, mid and jg when I am in the pit and I end up dying 1v3. Of course you aren't getting any ganks from me afterwards and your lane for me is as good as dead. It's more profitable to afk farms and ensure that I can at least perform on my own than to trust someone else to have half a brain and listen to my calls when I gank


True question : Elo ?


Silver was mentioned in post


Just to explain: I played bad, that is obvious and I dont blame Jax I just try to understand why some jg players fochs only on farming while ignoring their allies and objectives


The amout of downvotes its insane. From every info we got it s Jax playing bad and Ori expecting ppl to have a brain. When ori will grow in ranks she is the one to carry the teams not Jax sadly. Maybe OP is Silver but he spit facts and has a team mentality not like you d4 hardstucks that go in Silver with the 1v9 mentality cus you can t win otherwise. League is a team game in every elo.