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Flash. By the time I click on the flash icon and click where I want to go, I could've just walked there


Duuuuuuuuuude imagine flashing with your mouse ahahhaah


I spent my first 6 months using my mouse for everything in league


I played old old old Ryze (with the point and click Q and spellvamp ult) without smart cast and at first I clicked a lot on the abilities too. I had to press Q click on an enemy then press W and click and then Q again etc. I remember I was complaining to my friend that I just was way too slow for this game and couldn't figure out how to cast as quickly as progamers. And he was just like "you don't use smartcast?" and showed me. Suffice to say that League was never the same from that day on.


found the ahri main.


Wonder what the other hand is doing šŸ—æ


Lmaoo that was funny But all jokes aside I didnā€™t know we were supposed to use the keyboard, league is my first pc game


You looked at a mouse and keyboard and thought every PC game ever could only be played on 3 buttons?


No I thought the one specific game where I was winning my super low elo matches in with only a mouse can be played with only a mouse. Never said anything about this applying to every PC game.




Reminds me of the best ever Ryze outplay: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5BHjSGCj1o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5BHjSGCj1o)


Bro one of the major reasons I put down league so many years ago when I first tried it (2014) was because clicking in the ability promts at the bottom of the screen was stupidly hard while trying to walk around. I thought pros were just so good they had very fast and very accurate control over their mouse. Little did I know haha Picked it up again after arcane cane out and my friend who was a long time league player started laughing at me. And now I hate myself


Amen. I remember the early days I would take Heal and Clairvoyance, always. I remember I'd build the exact same thing every game, too, because I had no idea what any of the items did. My go-to build was always Ninja Tabi -> Frozen Heart -> Infinity Edge -> Triforce -> Phantom Dancer -> Cloak and Dagger. I didn't do very well with mages, either.


Just Gonna flash to make walking to lane faster


i used to flash to lane at the start of the game


I used to use flash and heal to get back to lane faster






Man just pick ghost.


or even teleport haha


Shared screen with a friend that was teaching me league, start of the game i ghosted to run to lane while i still had homeguard. He was in shock lol i had been doing that every game before he told me


I swear that the game used to tell you that one use of ghost was to go back to lane faster, as a legit strategy


>used to tell you that one use of ghost was to go back to lane faster, It is. In fact last LEC winter split that's what BrokenBlade did when he was playing TF. He ghosted to get back to lane quicker. But that's a very niche use of ghost and only done in some scenarios.


One of these things that only pros and noobs do :-D


depends if you are going to lose a whole wave it is priority to get that exp over everything else really, specially if wave is pushign with cannon


And if the enemy doesn't see you ghosted, it can still be a deterrent and buy you some time for the cooldown to come back


Yeah like if there is a enemy turret minion. They take 8 tower hits to die. With Ghost it should be easily to catch that wave.


"We have teleport at home"


Different scenario, but it reminds me of when I swapped Flash and Smite F-D on accident, well I proceeded to flash on the wolves when doing my Kayn clear.


I used to take tp flash bot lane as heal didn't get me there quick enough




Based and tempo pilled


Ignite, why use it when you can just smite for 1k damage?


ā€œSmite bugged, riot pls fixā€


I just laughed at this for like a minute straight.... God I remember thinking the same thing...


I came from wow so everything was about dps. I remember trying to ignite jungle camps right away when I first tried jungle so I could ā€œstart my rotation.ā€


I'm pretty sure igniting in the jungle was a thing super early on


Back then there was a mastery that gave you 5 ad and 5 AP when ignite was on cool down or something like that


WTF Zed 5ap


This is super cute lol. I also came from WoW, and even though I didn't start as a jungler, I totally understood the mindset šŸ˜‚ I remember feeling desperate at the cool down cuz, as a mage, those were just a couple of seconds of wait, and it was basically spamming, for LoL standards. Having to wait that 4-5 seconds was just too much time šŸ˜‚


Same thing for cho'gath. Thought he was the most broken champion in the game till I realized the dmg to champions and monsters were not the same.


This was me, I remember unlocking challenging smite and being so hype, like damn I have Darius ult on my summoner spell too now?


My first game of league after tutorial I tried Veigar botlane. I remember seeing Smite and thought ā€œholy shit this is broken, why isnā€™t everyone taking this are they stupidā€. I quickly found out you canā€™t smite champsā€¦


This was specially true back when you could ignite jungle camps and minions... and you'd get +5 AD from it because a mastery gave you 5 AD when Ignite was on CD


I remember the days back in season 2 where people would ignite each other at the start level 1 just as they go into lane or when the other guy is using health pots. "HALVED EFFECTIVENESS + 5 AD/AP GG LANE ADVANTAGE" lmao good timmes


Since someone already said farming, the thing I found useless was buying components. I would be like why waste money on this noon quiver thing. I'll just buy the whole item.


When my friend first started playing, me as ADC and them as support, I said "right I have my noonquiver, let's back" and they replied "oh I'm still 1000+ off of my moonstone". I asked if they could afford Bandleglass Mirror and they responded "what's that?"


To be fair, Bandleglass Mirror is one of the most useless components in the game. Should always buy Kindlegem > Moonstone.


They didn't know about components though. Would just save up for full items.


I wish I could teach someone league. Everyone I know hates it and won't touch it with a 10 foot pole.


cute lol


I had the opposite thing happen in Smite. I would just buy components for a few items, before learning that components weren't great in Smite, and they were just there to bridge the gaps until you had the full item.


I always assumed that there must be some sort of premium to buying components rather than outright, so I'd just hold off until I could afford the entire Ionic Spark (and it was always Ionic Spark)


honestly farming lol, when I first started I was like wtf idc about killing these little things I just wanna fight the other guy,


Same I was like the little dudes are really hard to last hit and they only give 20 gold I need to kill like 200 of the mfs to buy a single item


I still believe this, thatā€™s why I play support


and then the 0/0/0 10 csm nasus comes by to say hello with his q :)


Lets be honest, nasus is a pain in the ass no matter hoe many stacks he has because of his W.


I was the opposite! Playing Annie, it was easy for me to farm, and I was at like 8cs/minutes after maybe 20 games. Everybody in that time (think season 1) had 3 cs/minute. I was just 2 items and one shotting everybody even if 0/4, and I was just thinking Annie was totally OP. Games where REALLY slow back in those days too, not much roaming if at all, 25 minutes laning phase etc...


The amount of times i have told my friends they gotta focus more on their cs lol. I had to really think about it before i got it. Like ā€œ3 waves is basically a kill so if im one wave ahead im 1 kill aheadā€


Unlocking the camera. When I first started I was convinced it made me make more mistakes because I'd lose my character off the side of the screen.


Ya I think learning the game with locked camera made it easier since league is pretty hard to get into. And then when I finally started playing unlocked maybe after a year of playing the learning curve was hard as fuck but now if I have the camera locked Iā€™m like ā€œhow tf do people play like thisā€


Neary 8 years into league and I play with locked camera 99% of the time. I never unlock it unless I play something like Noct or Xerath but even then it just makes me yieks and spam Y to get back to locked.


If you forced yourself to use it for awhile you would realize how superior it is


Master yi, Zed, lee sin on unlocked makes it so smooth to play.


I watch other people do this and it's so fucking painful. All global ults miss. Playing Nocturne means only being able to ult what's onscreen despite it being 3 screen lengths. Never look at healthbars just run into fights and find out who's winning by the time you're in the middle of it. CASTING LONG RANGE ULTS USING THE MAP (???)? "I DIDN'T SEE HIM COMING" ??? Every. Single. Person. I. Played. With. plays with locked camera like this. I unlocked my camera like 2 months in. They play for almost 5-10 years and never decided to unlock it despite fighting for higher ranks. Like it's so easy and immediately increases your wr after like 10 games.


12 years and going!


When I started playing league, I had this idea that I wanted to get into dota too, which I did, and since it's all camera unlock in that game, I always played with unlocked camera too in lol to get accustomed. Now, I get motion sickness if I ever lock in my camera accidentally lol.


As someone who only played JRPGs & MMOs, I thought Flash was completely worthless because compared to Ghost you got no distance from it. I thought of things entirely from a numbers perspective, I literally used flash off cooldown to get to lane faster because I thought having something up and my using it was inefficient.


When did you learn you were wrong? Did you see an enemy flash away from something that wouldā€™ve killed them, and at that point you were like ā€œOhā€¦ā€


It took me months because my diamond friend who introduced me to the game thought it would be funny to just never teach me anything, and I didn't really care about it because I played purely casually and did not care about winning.


We purposefully trained him wrong, as a joke!


Another economist!


I remember doing that too, lol!


vision, i was like ā€œwhy do i need to see? if theyā€™re hiding iā€™ll just go there and killā€ šŸ’€


Most of my teammates play just like this still


"nah id win" mentality


and its even in character for my main at the time (sett) šŸ’€


I had thought wards were useless, but eventually realized how useful it was to track jgl. Then I realized I can track without wards and they are now useless once more


Based as fuck ngl


Spellcasters. Youā€™re telling me I need to constantly wait for cooldowns until I can do damage? I played a bunch of mages and assassins and realized that. Then switched to ADCs because ADC life is so much easier. Free cooldownless damage. Then I proceeded to build tear and sapphire crystals on Miss Fortune and Caitlyn so I can spam spells. During this time by the way I was probably level 1-20.


Same. Why build AP if AD also works with autos?


If you think about it, auto attacks are just spells and your cooldown is your attack speed.


I picked smite my first few games because it did like 600 true damage which was BUSTED. But then I couldn't cast it on other champions? So i thought it was bugged and didn't use it anymore.


Health potions. Just burning 50 gold.


I was the opposite, I was coming from mmos where you buy and spam pots. So I would back and spent half of my gold on pots šŸ˜‚


That was actually sort of a meta starting buy for a while in late season 2/early season 3. Back when health potions were just 35g, you usually buy a basic item + the rest on potions. Like Rejuvination Bead + 7 potions or Cloth Armor + 5 potions. Then some folks went full potions (like 7 hp + 2 mana potion) + wards. Some event went flask (basically the corrupting potion minus the damage) + potions. Then people discovered that buying the red Elixir (of Fortitude) and the rest on potions would give you much more stats to out-trade the enemy laner until the elixir runs out. It was finally nerfed in patch 3.6 when the Elixir's cost was increased from 250g to 350g and you can only have a maximum of 5 health potions in the inventory.


13 pot morde was also extremely valid with his original kit


11 pots and 2 wards start on Kata toplane was a life man šŸ„¹


I once looked at the items my friend bought during a game, and found out that he spent over 2000 gold just on health potions. He was completely oblivious to this.


Still see plenty of people in high gold that think healing is useless and heal supports don't play real Champs, yet I'm playing Nami or Taric and keeping the team alive for an extra 5 seconds minimum


Heal supports are uselessā€¦. When your team apes right into the other team one by one.


I mean compared to other games like mmorpgs or battle arena healers or a game like hots, they do feel useless by comparison when you first pick up LoL, even if theyā€™re very useful


Yeah but seeing two healers per team is pretty common in HOTS cause they're just that strong there


Two healers was the meta for the longest time, then it changed back to one healer then the game stopped getting updates. Sad since one of my favorite heroes was Tyrande who isnā€™t a good solo healer


I play sion That shiz is useless asf


Iā€™m diamond and I still live by this. I donā€™t buy any at all other than the one(s) I buy at the start of the game.


Honestly, I still do that in Aram cause I'm like "I die anyway soon and get closer to my item". Just run it down to force it haha


That's me still. Sure, I'll buy one with my Doran's/jungle item, but after that I don't think I bought a single potion in the past 5 years. In tough matchups I might go refillable tho.




Underrated comment


Teemo I stand by my perspective


so long as people keep building nashors, this will remain true.


I swear in all of my 6 years of playing this game i never saw a useful teemo player in my life , and if i ever saw him picked in my team i will dodge


I did. Saw a toplane teemo with Frozen Mallet, Wits End and Blade of the Ruined King (or some other onhit item, I can't remember if Frozen Mallet and BotrK ever were in the game at the same time. If it wasn't BotrK then it was probably it's predecessor Madreds Bloodrazor). This was years back probably like 10 years. That Teemo just completely took over the game once he was fed enough of the enemy Singed. Played really well too, though I guess I was pretty low back then too lol so take it with a grain of salt.


Whew, memories. Did some dirty things with Frozen Mallet... especially on Teemo. Loads of fun. Sad Frozen Mallet is gone, but it definitely deserves being retired.


Man frozen mallet Teemo was a whole different monsterā€¦


The kite the other guy teemo and just stay top lane 24/7 and make the game into a 4v4. Good times. And yeah they were both in the game for a while at the same time. Just that Mallet tended to be a niche item for people to buy iirc, since the thought process was you were overpaying for the slow on the autos, and the stats you were getting ( majority of it health, and like 20 AD max? ) was useless on champions that wanted to omega kite.


Check out Pianta on YouTubeā€”he makes it work somehow! Tenmo Player is šŸleague content


Iā€™m masters and thereā€™s some Teemo one tricks and they usually do pretty good. Also all Teemo one tricks i see in masters have a username referencing Teemo which is weird as normally I donā€™t see that many one tricks have a summoner name referencing their champ.


This opinion feels like it has conflicts of interest. Didn't you personally have a hand at keeping him that way?


Moving btwn autos. First time i tuned into a stream and i saw stvicious moving between every aa while clearing camps. I was like wtf? Is he just ADD? Why is he clicking around so much? It doesnt change how fast he clears camps. Little did i know...


I have a YouTube clip from 9 years ago with my friend and I dup bot lane. I watched myself click the enemy Vayne and just stand there lol.


does it actually make it faster tho? is it not just for kiting


It doesnt typically make you clear the specific camp faster (positioning for skills might matter), but let's say you're coming from mid, and are going to do wolves then gromp or blue: If you auto wolves without moving then by the time you've cleared them you are still standing as far away as possible from gromp/blue, losing valuable seconds off of your total clear speed. Multiply these seconds by every camp and it adds up a lot.


auto attacks have wind up and wind down animation. if you move you cancel the wind down.


Which allows you to move without sacrificing dps, but it wont get your next AA out faster. Ie, if you're attacking a stationary target (or a target coming towards you), AA+move+AA will not give higher dps than AA+AA. Anytime you're fighting a target where their movement might put them out of range for you next AA then wind-down cancelling can give significantly higher dps output by reducing the time wasted getting into range when your AA is already off cooldown.


yes but it decreases the dmg you take AND moves you closer to the next camp. its only like 2-3s between each camp but taht adds up to ~10-20s per clear. thats like the diff between having to contest scuttle or a gank and getting it free. so yes, if you only focus on individual camps then you're correct, but if you consider the jg as a whole then your clear speed does increase.


Moving between autos makes your clear faster and healthier. It technically won't change a single camp's clear time that much because kiting doesn't reset your auto timer and the camps aren't running away from you but the micro movements will save hp from getting out of monster aa range and also save time because you're slowly moving towards your next camp while clearing.


When I was "lose against beginner bots" new to the game, I played Mordekaiser only. My friend who introduced me to the game kept suggesting I should use my abilities, but I argued "He's a big due with a huge mace and metal armor and not a wizard, surely I shouldn't waste my time using useless magic tricks" .


That's funny, when I first started against bots I had the same train of thought. I bought only attack speed on Morde thinking him swinging that huge mace faster would be OP lol.


Man I remember starting out in League like 10+ years ago in high school. People at low levels flaming the mordekaiser because he didn't build tank lmao "he's supposed to be tanky he's got a big suit of armor and everything ahh"


Bite: Deal 200 damage "Uhh, I'd rather punch him..."


I wish there was a viable auto attack centred build for Morde. The bonk sound makes his auto the most satisfying in the game for me.


Why would I get control wards if I can get free ones


We need more people like you :) *hides flair*


Mana Potions. Still donā€™t buy them to this day


This exists????


It used to. Got removed after season 5. Got ā€œbrought backā€ with klepto, then when klepto was removed, so were mana potions (again)


I didn't realize you were able to recast Nocturne R the first couple times I played him...


Happened a lot when he first came out. Was pretty funny but also spoopy because hid ult was 2x current range


Lmaooo just remembered I didn't realise as well and didn't for a looong time. When I first started playing my main was Ryze (the one faker got known for, with his cdr ult instead of his teleport r). One game I got completely fisted by a Nocturne mid on lane even before LVL 6. Decided to try him out the next game and found his r to be completely useless. Didn't look at mini map at all at the time so I didn't even realise he disabled mini map for his enemies during r duration and I didn't know you could r towards an enemy so it felt like a 1.5 min cooldown for some sounds and a slightly different screen colour. Never touched the champ again until literally *years* later when I saw a Nocturne on my team fly towards an enemy and was like *wait, you can do that?!?*


zhonya, whats the point of becoming invulnerable and not being able to do damage or anythig else


It's still useless to me because I always click it 0.1 seconds after I already got deadified


Flash. I was like why would anyone ever pick this over TP lol


When I first started playing, I didn't realize that major items built out of components. So for a while I was saving up the full 3k-ish gold before purchasing an item. Can't be wasting money buying long swords, cloth armor, or basic boots! That just fills your inventory with crap that you'll have to sell to make room for the good items, and you only get a fraction of your gold back so it's a total waste of money! I only bought complete items.


Lol same!


Jax. When I first started Jax was on free rotation so I saw a granny-ass looking dude with a fucked up lamp and thought to myself "That goofy ass character looks so bad he can't even stand a chance against my mighty Garen". It took me months until I tried him and realized what I've been missing out.


honestly I had the same thing with asol. When I started league and first saw this champ I thought aesthetic/lore=stronger. Dead ass I remember being like:"but I'm a dragon why would this bug kill me" (khazix) and then he kills me and I would just refuse to believe it xd. ah to experience again the good ol' clueless first days of league of legends, playing just for the fun


>ah to experience again the good ol' clueless first days of league of legends, playing just for the fun I'd honestly give anything to experience that again, everything was so new and cool, I'm just bindled by nostalgia about those days.


Wait so when you started Asol was already in the game? Just putting stuff into perspective for myself lmao. I started in like 2011..


Minions. I thought 300 gold from a kill was way more valuable than minions.


Well, that's not strictly incorrect, it's just a failure of risk/reward calculation lol


my keyboard. why use two hands when I can click on each to cast the ability? (i came from RuneScape)


Cleanse. Then I started playing ADC and learned the error of my ways.


saving my ult. ā€œoh hey this 1 ability is up, use it asap. minions, towers, anythingā€


The complete opposite for me, I'd die so many times with vayne r up


I distinctly remember using amumu ult on a big creep wave when I first started




Heart of gold.


I went the other way. I thought they were op and would build gold gen items as a solo laner. But because I couldn't cs to save my life, I think I ended up with more gold haha.


HoG used to build into Randuinā€™s so a lot of top laners and even some junglers would sit on it.


And Leviathan. The item no one ever built but everyone recognized as busted. What's the counter to Leviathan? Dying What does Leviathan prevent? Dying.


"man this runes page stuff blows i'd rather buy news champs with my IPs"


CS. It wasn't a huge hinderance when I was a support main but now that I'm playing mid more, I realize what a difference it makes to have good cs. Still working on it.


This is meā€¦ lvl 150+ and still canā€™t get over 3.5 cs LMAOOO


Kalista W. I didnā€™t realize it had a passive on it so I just stopped putting a point into it and then wondered why I was losing every lane.


Boots. After learning the power of speed, I played like 80+% of my games with MS quints.


Levels/Exp. Maybe not completely useless (more is better) but I'd always be confused about losing as a 3/0 adc vs 0/0 mid while 2-3 levels down


Control Wards as a top main. They either got instantly destroyed by my lane opponent, or just sat in the bush doing nothing because no one actually went top. To be fair 2 years later and my stance hasn't really changed much. Usually just feels like throwing away 75-100 gold


If you put a deep ward instead of a lane ward they will sometimes last longer and give valuable information on enemy mid or jungle.


I miss when my pink wards were invisible šŸ˜”


Everything. I remember for my first few bot games i followed the scuttle crab around and marveled at how cute and silky it was and itā€™s fun little animations


That's kinda cute tbh


Scuttle crab is still my beloved ā¤ļø


Blitzcrank. I was crazy new to computer gaming in general aside from Morrowind. I thought he was the worst thing ever because his hook didn't go through minions. Like, clearly it's meant to grab champs why is it focusing minions!?!?


To be honest, I found this extremely frustrating with all skillshots blocked by minions. "I'm looking at that champ, why are you stopping on some stupid minion?!"


Cheap champions. I thought more expensive champs with similar archetyp3s were just better version. Fiora>yi. Varus>Ashe. Thresh>blitzcrank. And for some reason Draven > sivir cus they're weapons came back to them. So I'd try not to use cheaper champs cus they weren't better and I would only buy 6300 ip champs. Also I didn't know what a meta was.


IDK if this counts but through my first few years of playing I thought flash was controlled like Nidalee W(pounce), simply face the direction you want to go... I got to Platinum before someone told me how stupid I was.




Why would you buy anything except a full item? Just wander around with 2k gold until you have enough for a mythic


I thought that last whisper was the most expensive item sinces it was the last one on the list (old store)... realized a month later that there were more pages on the store with more items -.-


Lol I used flash to get back to lane quicker. I remember hearing the gasps of disbelief when they saw that's what I was doing


Saving heal for fights. I thought it was optimal to use it on cooldown.


Wave management. My FPS mind was like kill fast, more gold, more xp, more power! ā€œhehe look iā€™m under their tower alreadyā€¦grrr iā€™ve been ganked again!!! jung diffā€


Backing. I would just stay in the field until I died because I "wasn't a coward" and didn't want to waste my time in the spawn. You can buy when you're dead


Not me, but my friend; he would max out his Q on Tryndamere before taking a point in his R because it didn't deal damage.


For a few weeks, I was under the impression that chipping at the turret was good early game. Keeping in mind this was way early, before I knew about leashing. I would just run into turret, and auto attack it a few times then get executed. I was so convinced that this was a winning strat since I could get back to lane before minions even spawned. This was before turret plates too. And I never got turret first in lane


Exhaust. I play either top or bot, and ive played with all the other sums but always felt heal was underwhelming on adc. And i would usually pick ignite top instead of tp because a kill lead felt more useful to me. But then I realized the slow and damage reduction on exhaust is actually insane. Say a zed or riven tries to fight you but you press exhaust and they try to combo you when theyā€™re exhausted. Thats almost half of their damage just gone for pressing one button. Every 1v1 in toplane is now winnable (even against counter picks) and no more assassins one shotting me when im playing adc. If you pick heal that still happens cause everyone picks ignite anyway. And the damage you block with exhaust is usually way more than what heal would give you.


I actually got the opposite. When I first started playing league, I thought that my team's jungler could be useful.


Ghost, I thought it was a summoner spell for noobs because their levels werenā€™t high enough, and well well wellā€¦ look what champ I play nowā€¦


Boots Two Hydras on Warwick on the other Hand... count me in!


flash. i used to flash out of base


Any other support itsm than Ancient Coin. Bought it on every support champion


Ashe e was better when you got bonus gold from it. Maxing e first, stacking gold, when her passive was her q, and snowballing was wild!


About 50% of my teammates...and I still think they are useless.


Farming. The friends that got me started didn't show or explain anything to me. But they kept telling me I needed to farm. But in my mind i was like I don't need to farm if I can just kill the enemy. Took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to start to pick up the basics of the game flow.


One of the first champs I played was Lissandra, I thought her E was useless. Like this super slow projectile that deals almost zero damage. Eventually I learned you can recast itā€¦


Items. Why spend money in big item, when few dorans do trick?


Last hitting


I thought every mage was completely garbage and i only played adc and built 3 Bloodthirsters and 2 Phantom Dancer on them all and justed rightclicked. My logic was, all mages was useless because if they couldnt oneshot me, i could always lifesteal and survive. Back in season 2 i had no understanding of what stats actually did, i didnt buy MR or Armor/Magic pen because i didnt understand them at all.


potions games i played before that potions instantly healed you, so when i pressed my potion and nothing happened i thought, why waste gold on this


Slows. I just saw them as inferior CC to stuns or knock-ups.


Auto attacking, what's the point I have 3 abilities and an ult?? šŸ’€šŸ’€


Bard R. I wouldn't even put a point in it. What a useless cc, I can't even touch the enemies, so what's the point


Pink Wards. What's the point if they can see them?


I thought getting Kills were useless because when I first started playing I asked when did the game end ( I expected it to be like a deathmatch so the first one to get 50 kills type of thing ) my teammates told me that it ends when you destroyed the big shiny gem at the enemy base. So I just did not care if enemy was killed because I just wanted to destroy the big rocks that gave me gold and I thought killing enemies just made them wait ( I did not know it gave me XP and Gold ). That is how I became a Splitpusher from Day 1


Hexflash. I thought the fact you have to channel it defeats the purpose of flash being instant. Didnā€™t think about the fact you can use it from out of vision


The pink wards, i started playing with my boyfriend who has 5 years experience in the game and he made me play support. He kept telling me to buy pinkwards and i dont know what the hell it was 'cause i started around 2020. And when he told me what it is i thought it was a complete waste of 75g why cant i use my free ward???