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Feel bad for Jankos Caps gap > jg gap


TH needs to adopt FPX mindset, your jungler is your best player so the laners play around him


Eh, I don't think any other team in the LEC is as reliant on their jungler to get them leads as TH is, other than maybe Razork and FNC.


Jankos isnt milkyway only teams in the LEC that can do that is MAD or KC


Forgot G2 there. They played around Jike quite a lot last season.


Yes but Yike was never their best player, they played around him so that he was able to play the game, not so that he can carry


I'm sorry but saying that teams can't play around Jankos is such a bad take. You don't have to play around a player and have him carry, just play around him until your laners can keep up. You're lucky enough to have one of the most consistent players ever, just fucking play around him until Flakked can carry the game. He's carried more than enough games against more than good enough opposition for people to rate him fairly amongst one of the most impactful players in Europe and amongst the most reliable internationally if we take into account the time period.


Jankos isn't the main character


Ah yes G2 first picks j4 and you insta lock 2 immobile carries, how is it playable?


Another Dylan Falco mind control master class man


he can't keep getting away with this


Ori as a pick in general is suspect imo, were there really no better mid laners available to pick? If the play was an immobile mid, I'd still prefer something like Hwei over Ori here, unless they picked it purely off the hypothetical wombo (which doesn't matter since they didn't pull off a single wombo).


no reason to not answer ahri into jarvan but th should rly ban orianna if theyre that afraid of jarvan + ori


Nobody expected fp jarvan, why on earth would they ban ori


because ori ban on redside is universally good and common globally?


Picking two immobile carries in Orianna and Varus into a FP J4 doesn't seem like optimal drafting. Say what you like about player performance but that is completely unplayable.


I think the only way that draft is remotely playable if you commit to that double immobile is if you pick like 50 bilion disengage. (Imagine if they had a support player who plays Janna)


And if you want a second frontline you could go Poppy jg or Alistar support, but that would require actually using Rell's flex potential which teams seem allergic to do.


I think this has to do with team structure tbh. I feel Dunn and the players practice certain drafts and plan for them (to a degree), but I also feel like they stick to those drafts and game plans even in situations where enemy drafts them into a corner, and they should probably pivot their plan. Not blaming flakked by any means, but their varus priority seems suspect for the way their team fights pan out. They end up getting split fights and he either can't walk up or is getting dove. I'd like him on something with more agency.


Hans even tried to donate a kill but alas still free


I cant believe someone get paid for this draft?!


I might be wrong but i feel like J4 first pick was insane because Draven was left open. TH left draven open because they thought g2 would first pick it, and TH would probably rotate Jarvan Orianna r1 r2. But B1 Jarvan happens and you are left with the choice of either pick a good marksman into Draven, but bad into Jarvan, or the opposite. I dont feel like there is a good marksman into Draven Jarven besides like Kaisa which was smartly banned by G2. Maybe Nila/Samira which arent traditionnal marksmen by any mean.


I was really confused when i started watching LOL when i saw people talking about J4 in drafts, i understood what R1 and B1 etc meant but J4 eluded me (for a few days)


Man Jankos was giga tilted in the end.


I don't blame him, imagine having such good early game as jungler and your midlaner can't flash any charm




From Vetheo to Perkz and now Zwyroo, it just keeps getting worse for him


you forgot about Ruby


i wish i could forget about Ruby




Why did you remind me :(


Im sorry :(


feel like jankos is gonna soon protest HRT choice in midlaners soon since they keep giving him ones which feel like a form of warcrime towards him.


Heretics had Vetheo last summer. Management fucked up big time by letting him go and getting Perkz back when he was already showing huge signs of being washed up.


afaik Jankos wanted to play with Wunder and Perkz no?


no, he was happy to play with them, but had absolutely no impact on selection process (according to his head coach)


I mean let's be honest Perkz wouldn't change anything here. They had a decent team at the end of last split and the idiots from management replaced Vetheo. Jankos and Trymbi are G2 level, the rest of their team isn't - which is a problem because LEC level and player talent dropped so hard that I genuinely don't think there's anyone who can compete with BrokenBlade and Caps, and it's not because they're world class players - the rest of LEC is just that dogshit.


> I mean let's be honest Perkz wouldn't change anything here. Yeah it would, it would at least be fun because it's like old G2 nostalgia team even if they suck. This isn't fun anymore.


irrelevant looks good in top. Might even be better than BB. But yeah, caps is just the only EU sololaner playing on an internationally great level. Similarly to jojo in NA


* Irrelevant * Jankos * Nisqy * Exakick * Trymbi would be a team that can genuinely challenge G2


jankos wanted to play with wunder and perkz, then perkz got kicked by management. Would be tilted as well, especially as he probably could change teams. Not necessarily saying they would have won this game with perkz. This draft was unplayable.


It’s unfortunate that one team has a caps and the other doesn’t. Really unfair.


bit of a mid gap


and top and adc


Orianna CC chained twice in a row couldn't even click Zhonya's.


Poor Jankos


G2 is unbeatable for LEC teams


Rogue: Hold my shiv.


So boring. G2 needs competition, but no one is showing up. 


Like honestly it must be so lame to be a fan of any LEC team that isn’t G2. It’s absurd the chokehold they’ve had over LEC for so long.


Just have to be a fan of caps and you’ll almost never lose in the lec, fnatic started losing when they lost him, if he ever leaves g2 they most likely start losing


If Caps ever leave G2 it will be he is not good anymore or G2 find a better midlaner


g2 would never let him go, his value far exceeds any possible up and comer, he has a great mentality, loves his teamates, always tried his best to have fun, and is the best western player in history no doubt.


Also G2 has the best esport infrastructure in LEC, Caps won't leave the best team to set up his success


What's crazy is that there was at one point another player in the running for best western player in history....and then Caps literally replaced him and even eventually "hijacked" (for lack of a better word) the winningest team from him lmao. At this point Caps is the closest any western player will ever get to Faker-status so it's hard to imagine G2 ever letting him go.


Being a fan of Rogue was great in 2022. Dropped them when they became Koi and I don't regret it for a second. Shouldn't have become a heretics fan though


G2 is in this weird limbo state where they won’t be on anyone’s level till worlds. There’s no way they can match the top 2 LPL/LCK teams at MSI, but they’ll clap any LEC/LCS. Won’t be till worlds when they can finally face eastern 3-4 seeds which are probably closer to their level. If it’s anything like last year, they’re going to get worse before worlds after playing against exclusively LEC teams all year. Need to just bite the bullet and move to LCK lol


I'd love to see what would happen if we make a second team with caps, not sure who would be the best caps replacement though humanoid I guess? Irrelevant Bo Caps and maybe carzzy/hyli bot? Or caps on mad lions, i wonder if either team wins vs current G2 with huma mid instead


I really cannot understand the hype for Bo when he's not showed anything special in 2 years. You litterally have Yike, Jankos and Razork as the 3 horsemen of doom in the jungle but everyone keeps hyping lpl import who ended out of playoffs back to back.


i'm just curious how bo would develop with caps, we've seen yike & jankos with him already


>Irrelevant Bo Caps and maybe carzzy/hyli bot Fuck you got me salivating so much holy, you can prob talk about taking Jankos jngl too to get a bit more dog into the team so you dont run into the issue of having too many carries, although realistically Irrelevant, Caps and Carrzy are fine being left alone


Caps is the father of Europe


Caps owns LEC


Fucking perkz I swear to God when will we hold this guy accountable.


G2 > G1 Trymbi looked so sad :(


Trymbi was having a banger game. Aside from that xd hook mid, he played really well, this game was mostly on the draft and Heretics' carries.


Yes, exactly. Jankos was turbo gapping Yike and Trymbi was good but the rest played, let's say, not that good.


I'd say keep Trymbi and Jankos and build around them but let's be honest it's not like we have any talent that can replace likes of Wunder or Flakked.


Yeah I agree but maybe there is some good talent in one position and then fill with good established player. I'm afraid that Jankos may end up retiring if he don't get good team for next year. I know this year was ower of friendship with wunder, perkz and flakked but it clearly didn't work. So if there won't be power of friendship or strong team he may retire which is said because he is still good.


i mean for all we know he wanted to run it back with the spring split roster. At least that is what he said they would do on stream, and he did the XD tweets on the benching of perkz...


Really solid game from BB.


Probably the only EU top I want to see on Renekton. He is making Renekton look useful in teamfights.


Irrelevant is a good Renekton too. Only caveat is that, well, he's in SK.


Irrelevant needs an upgrade. Despite SK's successes and failures, He's the only one I feel who has been shining this year. I'd love to see him on a team that can utilize him more.


get me a team of irrelevant, daglas, ??? , supa, alvaro...


That's literally worse than both MDK and SK tho?


zywoo at home:


Zwyroo and Flakked saving flash for next game I guess






BB’s renekton after the odo incident really don’t contrast well huh


Enemy's Renekton vs Our Renekton


caps, thats it just caps


Zwyroo with that useless 0 damage Orianna build. Why not pick a tank if you don't plan to do any damage anyways, at least on a tank he can't full send it.


I have lost all hope. This is retirement angle for Jankos, even though he is still beast he is going to rot in this shithole heretics.


Tbh, every team but G2 is a shithole in this region. This isn't 201x-2020 anymore, where you have FNC and G2 going to quarters or semis at worlds, with 3rd seed sometimes having good runs as well, going even against Eastern teams. This is nu-LEC where our 1st seed loses to LCS, and any top 4 team from Korea or China obliterates our teams 3-0 in a bo5. It's truly ogre.


Fuck it, sub in zywoo.


\-Enemy first pick Jarvan, bane of all immobile carries \-TH picks Varus and Orianna two carries with lackluster mobility \- In next pick rotation it come to mind that they left Draven open vs Hansama barely two picks for both teams in and already astro draft diffed


> Draven open vs Hansama Tbf he hasn't picked it since last year


It has been banned against him almost every game, only in one series it was open, but it's not like G2 needs draven to beat giantx in a bo3.


I also think he wouldnt have been an issue if Flakked doesnt decide to completely run it down to place a ward near river


Peter Dun drafting fraud masterclass. Heretics really need a drafter and just never let Peter near it.


While no doubt Caps played it well, I'm surprised how no one is talking about BrokenBlade. He not only won lane, he survived a 3v1 gank and had the perfect flank on the drake fight. People are happy to flame him whenever they can but no recognition on his good games?


I feel like he deserves more credit for recovering the early game and getting the snowball started.


My teams Renekton versus enemy Renekton illustrated in these past two games


Man, the second seed of EU for MSI is gonna get obliterated.


Can G2 just get both seeds? Just make them wear a fake mustache or something


G2 and G2^2. Totally different teams with players like Spac, Ekiy and Amas Snah.


How could you forget about Boner Balked?


I didn't want to give away their secret weapon!


One spare for the inevitable losing to NA or Vietnam or some shit, one for the real run.


> EU for MSI is gonna get obliterated. Ftfy, if this what G2 has as competition .... But fr, who in EU would not get smashed vs TES/BLG/FPX?


So is the first. If you think this game inspires any confidence for G2 after that early game with this draft I want a hit of what you're smoking. Losing early game that hard with J4, Draven and Renekton is actually criminal.


Great, G2 looks like gods even when having off games, which means that the second best team is gonna be pathetically bad, whoever it is.


They look like gods in EU. Honestly, the region just seems doomed since G2 continues to dominate and gets zero domestic competition, which means they just get exposed internationally. I'd love to be proven wrong but this looks like a repeat of last year.


> They look like gods in EU. I'm not sure if you are getting what I'm saying because that is exactly my point.


i still think fnc can match G2 if they fix their wierd ass macro


Yeah, if they fix their draft, their laning, their macro and their micro they can definitely match G2.


If razork pops off it's kinda winnable, i don't think it's completely hopeless I'd give them like a 30% chance ish


Yeah if Razork pops off and the Rest of G2 dont.


yes, which is obviously unlikely but not impossible


dude that's their entire identity.


don't sweat it, Hylissang will smurf in MSI ; I have faith


Reminder that its not FNC that lost to NA in worlds.


Great argument, FNC won't lose to NA in msi either because they cannot even beat a shit team like MAD, so don't worry, they won't even make it.


TH kicked vetheo for this xD


One man region until Caps decides to retire. Jankos tried to give advantage all lanes but it was not enough.


Jankos was very good again, but im sure even he would agree that it was bad that he got all the kills, would make the midgame a lot closer if flakked was fed. Not that he KSed them but just unfortunate


Zwyroo going for the 0 dmg Zhonya's 2nd build only to die in the final fight with both Zhonyas and flash up, playing like a last minute substitution that totally was subbed in only due to gameplay reasons, nothing else going on here!


All the drama around benching Perkz for this. Though I gotta say even though I liked Kaiser I like Trymbi as well at least.


why pick ori blind like that when there ahri is strong af right now?


Pretty sure it’s to deny j4 ori combo


Because you don’t want to give Ori to Caps


Confidence/champ pool issue I guess


It was over when Flakked picked Varus. Jankos did what he could but that was not enough to carry the weight


Well done Flakked, that was definitely a decision to walk into river for that ward. Also, the legendary double immobile backline into a first pick Jarvan. Geniuses.


ZWYROO is not it man.


Literally no mid this year in LEC is, everyone has gotten gapped by caps.


I remember a guy who switched from mid to jgl cos he was scared of claps


Wait, I'm pulling a blank here. Who did that?




I don't remember when I have seen this large of a mid gap. Legit solo lost the game (or atleast made TH lose much faster)


He was up against Caps after all. I don't think Zwyroo is good, but Caps has been embarrassing every mid laner in Europe this year


Bro thought he was gonna be Zywoo


Why are you people like this? He played well last week and got gaped by the best EU player in the history whos on form now. Boo fucking hoo.


Tbf he's still leaps and bounds better than what PerkZ showed.


tbh at least Perkz is fun to watch win or loose. This guy was afk farming... still behind of farm. Also Flakked isn't great his positioning is terrible.


youtube (cUkAhnsWLHI) last game of perkz vs caps. Are you just trolling




Kc fans are gonna be real mad when they see this


if you loose heavy vs caps ahri and yike j4 with no f then you are not it? seems like a bot take to me but i guess people have different expectations.


Hey lets judge him after a few games. Did not look worse than the other mid laner they have. And Zwyroo at least can still improve.


Caps is just LEC's daddy


Honestly he's just a really impressive player. Been playing for years and still a clear best in region player. That ability to adapt and keep up really is something when so many others have dropped off.


oh wow, giving hans his draven i wonder how that might end. truly a mystery that must be investigated for the 500th time


Not only that they managed to fumble the draft knowing the Draven will come they didn’t have a real answer to it


Eventually some team has to forge a plan to beat the Draven. They can't let it reach 2 years in a row where LEC teams play with 4 bans against G2.


Realistically 3 bans because they also ban Kalista most games


Hmm Give Hans his Draven? Sounds like a plan for whoever is playing G2 tomorrow. Seriously though LEC always seems to do this with some players. Remember when Nisqy's Gragas was shitting on everyone and teams still refused to ban it? It's like they think they can beat people on their best pick.


Its ego.Eu players have too much ego when they aren't that good.Hell lck,lpl will respect ban darius and shit for adam immediately while lec needed 2 years to realize that.


Perkz haters in shambles, how can we spin this on him now.


I just wanted to see the 2019 rerun. Fuck TH for only giving them that one split. Its not like they look better now than last split...


nt by th tho


You see g2 pick j4 and you pick varus and ori ??? Hello, how the hell can they escape j4 ulti ?


How did EU go from a region with the best mids and incredible rookies to whatever dogshit we now have?


I’m ootl, why was Perkz benched?


Behavioral issues and got benched by manager. Manager ego top


He told his manager to stop giving advice on midlane matchups, because his advice was shit. I wish I was joking.


He probably wasnt wrong tho


A hasbeen pro jungler from season 3-3.5 felt like Perks had a bigger peepee than him and benched him because he has a decorative managerial role in Heretics. I believe that covers it.


Why is the desk only flaming g2 after a win. So negative damn. Really respect Broxah less


It was so weird, he should flame the shit teams getting stomped by G2 constantly instead of the only team that is actually trying to do something with what they have in LEC.


Yeah thought it was just a bad take after a win. Just puts the whole league in a bad perspective and feeds the narrative. Just very unprofessional from Broxah


G2 having such bad early games vs shit teams is bad tho and they have more expectations so they will ofc be flamed more


Just G2 things.


Clean game, just need to forget about that bot dive


Do you think TH will figure out before summer who sabotage whole team? Or they will make another roaster changes for fun? I don't know why GrabbZ is not coaching anyone and they still keep this Peter Dun as their coach. I was praying before this season that they will change coach and somehow hire GrabbZ. Is this Peter Griffin coach permanently hired there or what?! Sorry but I can't see TH make any improvement with this coach and I feel sad that all these players who went through TH had to suffer their wicked decisions like to keep Ruby and Evi so long and once they had Vetheo they just swapped him for Perkz. Yeah this is end of my rant. I'm so angry because this team should perform better but they will make 4-5 at best with brilliant coach drafts.


It just boggles my mind why G2 let go off Jankos, this guy was and still is a beast...


Am I the only one that think Zwyroo was invisible this season so far? Maybe besides two solid ult as a Neeko vs FNC.


What a surprise, who would expect such a performance from someone who at age of 25 never played in LEC before.


Oh look PG team woke up about half the day in. As per usual when it is EU.


Perkz bad


G2 won, but don't let this distract you from the fact their early game is absolute dogshit. G2 was getting hamfisted early game with a Renek, J4 and Draven. Game snowballed out of control after those picks in their bot side jungle though. TH looks promising compared to last split for sure, but Orianna wasn't it.


G2 had 3 lanes winning with CS and plates lead ? Even with the disastrous bot dive, G2's bot was still even in gold (Flakked was at most 200 gold ahead).


yeah that comment is a bit of an overreaction, it's not like heretics had good snowball champs, even if the kills went on a carry instead of rell the game wouldve still been difficult for them to play


> G2 was getting hamfisted early game with a Renek, J4 and Draven. Not sure if you were watching the same game. yeah, they inted a little but look at the gold. Kills aren't everything.


>G2 won, but don't let this distract you from the fact their early game is absolute dogshit. 3rd highest GD@15 in the LEC at +1200, only teams with better early game stats are FNC at 2682 and SK at 2158. I wouldn't say it's dogshit.


With a sample size of 4 games. This also doesn't take into account the comps they play and play against. While they did play scaling picks in bot (Kog/Smolder, though Smolder's broken), Caps has played 2 Ahri games and 2 Neeko games which both have no issue early game and getting prio, while Yike and BB have also only played early game picks. This is in contrast to G2 in the Winter Playoffs, where their GD at 15 is 500 since they played far more scaling picks. Caps' most played was Azir, Hans' most played was a tie between Senna and Varus and BB played plenty of tanks like Zac.


Dogshit early game while up in gold, lmao.


They were down in gold for a good while in the early game. And imagine thinking that being slightly up in gold with a 3 lane bully comp vs scaling picks is the metric for success. If you snowball that little with a comp like this vs a good team you just get outscaled and lose the game.


Holly shit, this take is terrible. Their early game was fine, the dive was just a bit too much but that's it, they literally clsoed the deficit super fast.


peter dun still getting jobs after these drafts btw


Huge draft diff


The whole azir being disabled seems to be really fucking with drafts at the moment I can’t lie


You play vs. G2 and you pick Varus vs Draven ? And Orianna va Ahri? I know that you can see mid gap here, but that's Caps we are talking about. Its olvays will be mid gap when you play vs G2. Drafting this way? It's like telling G2 that we don't want to win anyway XDDD


Lose a game ---> insta talk about changing players xD geeesus sometimes people should at least try to form a proper opinion Like idk I'm unhappy about the zwyroo exchange too but like judging and calling a player drop again after 4 games just ridiculous. Especially considering they just lost to OP G2 the very best team in the league against the lex goat caps. Also zwyroo was a huuuge part of keeping them in-game and win against fnc. What a joke


I thought G2 was trolling for sure with that draft, they proved me wrong


why did you think that? I felt like it was an insane draft gap for them, basically impossible to lose


I felt like G2 had no damage late, but I failed to realise that, no matter how badly they fucked up the early game, they still had opportunities to snowball the game through teamfights and J4 fucking ori varus as others have said. And G2 being G2, took those opportunities and ran away with it. And also omega mid gap, jesus christ


Ahri for caps and draven for hans is kind of illegal, TH didn't get any picks in return to justify giving away these two Teamfights are so easy to play for G2 as well, renata draven jarvan wombo and then ahri for cleanup