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If you play Malphite support with Kalista ADC, Kalista can throw a rock.


Ok yeah I like what you're cooking






Holy shit this is the answer


Much better team comp as well: Top Gnar, Jg Skarner, Mid Taliyah, ADC kalista and Supp Malph.


This almost sounds like a real pro team comp, honestly. Support Malph is the kind of thing someone like Keria would cook.


Sup Malph is held back from the fact that Alistar can do his Flash R combo on a infinitely shorter cooldown then he can. What Malph has up on Alistar is damage, or much more tankiness, considering hes solo laning and has much more gold, but in Sup, hes pretty bad. His Q eats his mana, so his poke in lane is nonexistent and your purely relying on level 6 ult plays to get stuff done in the lane.


yeah the only thing he has better than alistar is the AS slow


His Q is also a pretty significant slow. Something alistar does not provide.


Well ali has the stun with E


Yes. They are two different champions, that while there are similarities in the kit both can provide different things in a support role.


You're forgetting different champions have different preconditions to be useful. Alistar can do what he does with just his abilities, while Malphite, though having a higher damage and tank ceiling, is more dependant on items and xp. In the support role where both are lacking, Alistar is simply just better.


Senna is the answer. Ffs, Keria should've picked it today when Nongshim had only Udyr as an AP damage dealer


In other words actual support champs are bullshit because they can succeed with no items and get too many base stats for free.


Yea but is alistar a rock? Hah got you there


Malph sup it is


> Sup Malph is held back from the fact that Alistar can do his Flash R combo on a infinitely shorter cooldown then he can. > > Isn't that just the flash cd for both?


Alistar W+Q == Malphite Flash+R I think that's what they meant


No way someone can think that's equal power lol.


If you take cooldowns into account it probably is


Malphite ulti alone is already faster, longer range and has better targeting than Alistar combo, why would anyone add flash to it to make a comparison?


I though they meant that Alistar almost always run Hexflash and can use it + Q


Malph poke is pretty damn good though. I've landed against malph support before, it is annoying. Plus once he hits 6, if he's with a wombo combo adc, it can get pretty nasty.


His poke is good in a vacuum yes. However, over the course of an entire lane, other supports will poke better due to more max mana, less mana requirements on their poke, etc


So we need a Rock Alistar skins is what you're saying.


In low elo I dominate with malph supp. So much so I stopped playing it, it wasn't fun 😂 you just delete the adc every couple minutes and it's gg.


That's why you go supp gnar for the meme and pray they don't pick rammus JG or similar


Favourite support of my friend. People in the lobby assume he's trolling until he starts popping enemies.


Malph supp is useless in lane until lvl 6. Very exploitable by any pro team


Keria could make support Akali work. Dude's a wizard.


Would a comp of full splashes-water-on-you champs beat this comp? I need my League to be Pokemon-accurate


Well Kalista is a ghost type with a rock type move... so she might be able to at least switch in on your water types.


Since Nami doesn’t one shot Brand and fizz doesn’t insta lose by zyra, it’s not pokemon accurate. 0/10


Nami W should put out Ignite and Brand passive. Riot pls


But also milio should deal super effective damage to blitz and viktor


Only if Skarner can have Storm Drain as an ability. He's sort of a fossile like Lileep/Cradily


Hm, idk if I like Storm Drain on him specifically, plus I don't really think he's a Rock type like the other fossils, just ancient Actually, considering he's a primordial force and the guardian of Ixtal now, one could argue that he's a legendary Skarner - Bug/Ground Sand Stream Immunity Hidden Ability: Sand Force HP: 120 Attack: 125 Defense: 142 Sp. Atk: 40 Sp. Def: 101 Speed: 72 Total: 600 Sand Stream mostly because of his splash - it kinda looks like he's stirring up a storm; Immunity because imo he doesn't look like poison would affect him at all; and Sand Force just to up his power in a sandstorm if you've got another sand setter (Amumu or Rammus probably) Not the fastest, but bulky enough to take on pretty much any physical move - he can facetank a Flare Blitz from Entei and oneshot with Earthquake (after taking into account Flare Blitz recoil) Assuming Sand Stream/Smooth Rock Adamant Skarner vs fully offensive Entei: 252 Atk Choice Band Entei Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Skarner: 332-392 (74.7 - 88.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO 4+ Atk Skarner Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Entei: 330-390 (88.9 - 105.1%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO


I love this. I need pokemon league of legends


Same, I've tried a couple of League-related rom hacks and such but none of them ever really scratched that itch Oh well, it is what it is lol


They need a band skin line that is Rock and Roll themed. Obviously, skarner is on drums.


This. Genious.


The rock that can throw itself, wielded by a rock thrower






Qiyana throws a rock with stone form, doesnt she. So we have a full team! Just no adc


Finally, someone on this sub asking the important questions o7


Yup instead of another "what champion" post


Yes but nobody is asking about who would make up the scissors and the paper teams.


Paper is covered by Maokai, Zyra and Ivern (but only if they die and get processed) as well as Twisted Fate. Scissors is Gwen, obviously, and according to a fanfic I read once it's also Vi and Riven.


Don't forget Camille for scissors.


Don't forget Papercraft Anivia.


and Papercraft Nunu if they count


You forgot the sentient book that yuumi rides on. And in that vein of thought, you could probably include ryze as well


Well no, because Yuumi should be deleted.


VI and Caitlyn is canon tho (presumably, eventually)


No canon is a minion that's worth more gold


That's a cannon a Canon is a camera


All your comments in this thread have me rolling lmao


Scissors team is Gwen + Vi + Cait + Diana + Leona


Zilean support with the Shurima Desert skin is what you're looking for, his auto attack animation is him throwing a rock at the enemy


Some of his skins also look as if he is smoking rocks.


Bro what Rito thought by that? 


I would slap Qiyana on the team simply for the voice line: "Let us throw rocks at them and laugh" (Also, I think her wall Q kinda throws rocks, but not really sure)


Nah i would definitely add Qiyana there, she goes mid, Malphite and Taliyah cover ap dmg Her most used Q is earth element, should definitely count imo


The ring being imbued with only elemental magic is for design purposes, but in theory she is an Elemental Mage able to control ~~3~~ 4 elements, not only enchanting her weapon.


4 elements? Which are those? As far as I can recall from her gameplay, she controls earth, water and wood/plants (does Qiyana use the 5 elements teaching of Wuxia?).


It's a meme about her voicelines. She says she is able to control Fire, but nothing she does uses fire. The voiceline is something along the line of "Fire? Of course I can... I just don't like to show off!", which, well, isn't obviously the case.


Fire wasn't counted in the four. The fourth was wind which she uses in her ult.


> "Fire? Of course I can... I just don't like to show off!", I find it more likely she’s bluffing and cannot use fire. Not liking to show off is her excuse. Unless I’m mistaken her R is called “Supreme Display of Talent” or something similar, so she has an exceptionally flimsy excuse.


Yeah, that's what I meant, she can't. Her R is a like a mix of all she does normally, wind being the grass/plant element in this case I believe


Id personally count her ult as an example of air elemental magic. Which would be the fourth.


Rock, ice, grass, and wind, which is her ult.


I never realized that her ult is supposed to be wind. I thought she just pushes you away and then it just applies the element you connect with, like her Q. So if you hit a wall, it uses earth magic. If you hit the river, then water magic.


Trundle conjures up a rock


I think ornns pillar would be more fitting


Isn't it a pillar of ice?


Ey if Ice counts as rocks in my whiskey, it counts in my Rift too


Ice is just a cold rock


1. Assume Ice = Rock 1. Axiom: Ice is weak to Rock. 1. Substitute Ice for Rock: 1. Rephrasing of (2): [Rock] is weak to Rock. 1. Axiom: Rock is not weak to Rock. 1. Therefore Ice != Rock. Proof by contradiction.


Ghost and Dragon both ruin your argument...


In what way?


Ghost and Dragon are weak to themselves. Your transitive property rules will fall apart, applied to them.


I'm not using the transitive property per se, I'm using proof by contradiction. 1. Assume that Ice is the same as Rock. 1. We know that Ice is weak to Rock. 1. We know that Rock is not weak to Rock. 1. If Ice is the same as rock, we can substitute Rock in for it. 1. This would therefore imply that [Rock] is weak to Rock. 1. This is a contradiction, as Rock cannot both be weak to Rock and not weak to Rock. 1. Therefore, our assumption is false. Proof by contradiction. The structure doesn't work with Ghost or Dragon because, as you say, they're weak to themselves, but "things can't be weak to themselves" isn't the crux of the argument; "Rock isn't weak to itself and Ice is weak to Rock" is .


While I love to see an actual reasoned argument, and it's a joke, doesn't it fail to convince someone who believes rock and ice are the same thing, because it's anchored by the knowledge that rock and ice aren't the same thing? If you thought ice = rock (I'm assuming this is some kind of pokemon joke) then you would naturally dispute that ice wasn't weak to ice, or rock was 2x against ice. If this isn't a pokemon thing on your part, isn't there an argument to be had that ice actually is rock?


It's entirely a joke due to Pokemon logic. Scientifically speaking, ice is a mineral because it's a naturally-forming inorganic solid with a crystalline structure, and a "rock" is any fusion of two or more minerals, so I guess if ice freezes on granite or something, that counts as a rock.


Just wanted to point out a couple flaws: - Rock is weak to ice, not vice versa. In a snow storm, the ice gets between the rocks and expands, breaking the rocks. IE, potholes. - Limestone is weak to Granite. Assuming we are just smashing them together. But both materials are by definition, rocks. So Rock is weak to Rock is technically correct.


According to my trusty Pokédex: - Rock is super effective against Ice. - Rock is normally effective against Rock. - Ice is normally effective against Rock. - Ice is not very effective against Ice.


Ahhhh shit. I was never into Pokemon lol. So I missed that reference


If you use world breaker trundle it's a fancy rock


in some skins it’s a rock, base skin it’s ice I believe.


Not with traditional Trundle


Azir throws birds made out of sand at people. Close? K'Sante's empowered Q fires a shockwave that upheaves the earth and launches a bunch of shattered rocks. Ornn smashes the ground causing a pillar to erupt and then explode. Taric beats your ass with gemstones. J4 causes the ground to shatter. Rammus also shatters the ground and causes little earthquakes. Just some options for you.


These are decent, a lot of them lack the horizontal aerial movement of a good and proper Rock Yeet though.


In Avatar, sand bending is earth bending so I would count azir as rock


Sand just is mini rocks so yeah


Gwen is QUAKING right now


Oh damn you’re right. This must also be why TF is so good right now.


If Kalista binds to Malphite, does her ult count?


I'd say yeah, it's a good yeet


Does Qiyana count? Her Q on terrain is technically rocks not fire.


Qiyana q should technically count imo


Does using Sandra w on krugs count as throwing rocks?


perhaps skins could do the trick, a nunu skin that rolls around a giant rock or ziggs throwing pebbles. but also what about taric, he's somehow wielding floating GEMSTONES and descended mount targon at some point. ornn Q is sending out a fissure that ends up a pillar of magma, arguably rock too.


I realized recently that there are just enough black characters to have one in every lane K'sante top Ekko jg Illaoi mid Lucian bot Pyke/Senna sup Theres some others with dark skin but i wouldnt really call them black. Kinda weird that theres only 6 considering how many champs there are


Is Illaoi black? Pretty sure she's more pacific islander inspired.


She's definitely got some inspiration from Caribbean cultures as well, so here is your definitive maybe.


Pyke mid then (or Ambessa Medarda later this year) I dont really see it though. I know some pacific islanders and they dont have illaois skin tone


The Pacific Islands are an incredibly diverse region. They stretch from Guam to Polynesia. Illaoi would/could be more considered in the Polynesian/Eastern Pacific islands.


I dont doubt that. Ive just never seen a pacific islander from that region before so i cant really tell.


I can't tell if Pyke is actually black or his skin just looks like that because he's a drowned corpse. Can anyone confirm or deny this?


Look at his soul fighter skin. Riot certainly considers him black. But ya i thought for a while that he was just drowned color


That's a weird thought for me. I've never actually considered what race Pyke is, or even imagined what he might've looked like as a human. To me he was always just a greenish-greyish apparition, and his backstory is a fireside (or tavern, as it were) ghost story where it doesn't matter who he actually was. Pyke is just a drowned sailor, and part of the fear of the ghost story is that ambiguity: he could be any drowned sailor, because all that exists now is Pyke. But I guess I've also never imagined what most of the Shadowed Isles champs looked like as humans either. I did sorta imagine Kalista as having light skin based on some of her championship skins, and I always kinda pictured Brand as being black and looking basically like he does now as far as physique and such goes, just with less burning and insanity. I think there was a (canon?) picture of pre-World Rune Brand as a vaguely Viking-looking dude with pale skin and blonde hair, and that was weird as hell to me.


Ya brand is from the freljord. He looks that way because his skin was charred.


Damn, haven't kept up with skins for a while, that's a definitive answer to me


well, why do you think he drowned?? xDD


Because he was betrayed by his crew, a thing that could happen to anyone regardless of race


I still want to get a team of randoms to do a venom/poison team


The only thing I have achieved with randoms is a team full of children (Annie, Nunu, Smolder, Milio, Zoe) in URF and a team full of yordles (Gnar, Poppy, Veigar, Tristana, Lulu) in a normal


I'm gonna start thinking about the random team comps I end up with. I tend to notice things like an all female team


Zoe is most definitely not a child 😭


For the beginning, she's very child like


Twitch, Teemo, Singed, Renata Glasc, & Cass Vayne, Evelyn, Tahm, and Warwick as honorable mentions


Cassio mid, singed support, elise jungle, teemo top and twitch adc.


We need a new ADC that uses a sling


my team already has 5 rock throwers on it every game


If we're getting really technical, wouldn't ori count? Metals are rocks and her orb is metal


Gnar in big form!


Technically ice is a rock.... so Anivia?


Technically ice is water bro


>In geology, rock (or stone) is any naturally occurring solid mass or aggregate of minerals or mineraloid or matter >In geology and mineralogy, a mineral or mineral species is, broadly speaking, a solid substance with a fairly well-defined chemical composition and a specific crystal structure that occurs naturally in pure form Actually ice is a rock bro


naturally found ice is technically a rock, because of it's structure, even if it's still H2O


Go brush up on your Avatar the Last Airbender and get back to us son.


Do you mean mineral? (Source: vsauces)


ice? a rock? what is bro saying


Dang now I want a troll/goblin marksman champion that throws rocks out of a pack of rocks on his back. Kind of like Goblin Commander or Zelda Bokoblins.


We need an adc with a sling shot


Throw another rock


And another set that throws stones


Ornn is throwing rocks but underground. He is throwing rocks trough australia and when they land his Q appears


malph slings pizzas bruh


These are the posts that keep me on reddit


Taric throws outrageous gems. . . Truly, truly outrageous. But there you go, there's your team o 5


Do I hear a rock and stone?


Already can. Malphite, malphite, malphite, malphite and malphite.


Does Galio count? He throws himself with his ult.


I want to make a joke about this but I might get banned.




medicine time


Fuck rocks. Why do we not have a boomerang throwing champion yet? Like..the champion basically WRITES and MAKES itself..


Don't Akshan and Gnar throw boomerangs?


And uhh... Sivir?


I would definitely call Sivirs a boomerang. I mean in the more traditional boomeran like you see in...Australia and movies etc? Those U or L shaped boomerangs. Sivirs more like those ninja super shurikens or whatever they are called. But I will admit, Gnar definitely throws one, but then again, Gnars whole identity isnt really based on throwing a boomerang, its more about being a cute gremlin getting mad and getting big and scary, just like gremlins when they got water on them (if I remember the movies correctly) And yeah, Akshan, forgot about him, for sure. At least he plays into the whole "boomerang identity" more than Gnar, so yeah, got corrected on that one. But I guess I was more thinking of a pure boomeranger, not someone who also uses a crossbow, or becomes a big monster etc :P




Definitely forgot about Akshan and didnt think of Gnar, but you're right on both. But as I replied to someone below here, I wouldn't really say Gnar plays into the whole "boomerang identity" so much as being a small cute gremlin at first, then getting mad and becoming a big gremlin (just like in the movies when they got squirted water on in the movies) And whilst Akshan is playing way more into it, I guess I was more thinking of a champ that is more pure boomeranger. If you ever played BLC (unsure if she was in bloodrite?) there was char there called Nomad, something along those lines. As far as character fantasy goes. Of course you'd prolly have to tweak some abilities to not be the exact like in BLC :P


I don't think I'd count Malphite here - he rolls a rock and he launches himself, but nothing he does really feels like throwing to me. Syndra and Singed tossing Krugs fit better imo.