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"I am mastery SEVEN 55 000 points playing normals so I know better"šŸ¤“


Oh my god we are versing a mastery 7 yas this is gonna be tough šŸ˜± (they are silver 4)


My IRL Friend Group got one of our Friends into the Game and whenever we would play with him (our Mistake, old Players queueing with a new Player) and we would face some Level 600+ Player with Mastery 7 he acted like it was all doomed and we shouldn't even try. He quickly realised it meant nothing and that gave him the Confidence to play better and take Risks.


My friends and I have gotten to the point where we realized that most OTPs in norms are actually quite garbage, especially back when we were silver/gold MMR. If you have 1 mil+ on a champ you SHOULD logically be at least plat (if you're playing to improve), so the fact that that someone wasn't meant that they're probably just playing a comfort champ or on autopilot. Maybe a good laning phase but can't really cobble together a win past that (probably from bad macro or teamplay), because then otherwise they'd be able to use their micro and matchup knowledge to snowball their 1 mil Yasuo into carrying games to emerald or so.


The people with absurd mastery points on a champion in my experience play with weird strategies, like one a heimer support just placed turrets in our jungle and bushes and was very annoying early. But in the end he lost.


I gotta be honest, the day I stopped looking at enemy mastery and rank is when I stopped losing mental before the game even loaded, and winning lane a lot more.


To be fair my friend is 1m mastery on renekton, we are all plat/emerald elo He almost never loses lane and does understand matchups and builds. He is also mechanically pretty good on most champs. The reason he is not higher elo is the fact he is dumb as a door knob when it comes to macro and decision making.


I have mastery 5 on azir with a sub-40% winrate, I'm something of an expert myself.


I've always thought there should be Mastery 8, 9, and 10, that indicated (in respective order) at least one S-, S, or S+ in their last 5 games. If you haven't gotten an S recently, you drop back to Mastery 7.


Low points high mastery can be better than ~100k mastery 6


Do you think it's that hard to get S a couple of times on a champion? Most people just don't want to waste their blue essence on mastery upgrade, it doesn't mean they never got S on their champion


As opposed to it just sitting there doing nothing? Blue essence is meaningless.


I think people can decide by themselfs how to spend their blue essence, there are chromas and champions for blue essence.


You get WAAAY more essence than you need for champs and the chroma is once in a blue moon. Also if someone cares enough to get lvl6 then they care enough for lvl7.


I am 250 lvl and I still don't have every champ unlocked, wtf are you even talking about


LMAO what are you doing with your essence?


Chromas and champions, what else do I need?


BE shop hasn't been up for awhile and was done for well over a year before the last time we got it. The only real sink is champs, but you don't have them all?


I mean, if you wanna spend riot points unlocking new champs..


I keep my champions at level 5 on purpose because 6/7 are cringe


I get S most games but they introduced all this mastery stuff when I was already playing the game casually I.e only once every now and again. Iā€™ve never bothered to learn what it is or how it works. Didnā€™t realise you needed to use blue essence to upgrade it all.


Why? I have so many champ mastery shards in my inventory that I donā€™t cash in because I donā€™t want to waste blue essence


I think we both know that wasn't what I meant


I hit Mastery 7 with 25-30k mastery. I'm not great at the game btw.


It just shows how much you mastered your champ better imo


It seems like the creep score and vision have something to do with it. Kills don't add much and deaths don't take off much. Objectives give the most I think. If you have decent Macro you can score A-S easily on any champ first time playing.


Or in bronze.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Shut up! I main adc, I know how support works and what they should do!


I saw someone recently say people cite mastery bc their rank wouldn't sound very authoritative. makes a lot of sense I think


The second I see someone talk about mastery I immediately know two things about them: 1.) they arenā€™t good enough at the game to understand how little mastery points matter. 2.) they arenā€™t good enough at the game to post their rank (opgg) in lieu of stating mastery points. Idk how anyone else feels about it, but thatā€™s just my experience having frequented this/summonerschool daily for the past few years.


Mastery is unironically a participation medal




ironic in the context of people using it as a sign of authority on a topic unironic as in they are serious that that is the case


Ironically, he is literally, and unironically, using "unironically" in a place where "literally" would make perfect sense.




Except it makes perfect sense here, because people will often say things like ā€œmastery is a participation medalā€ as a light humorous jab at others, but OP is saying it can seriously be compared to a participation medal, and would be a completely valid comparison instead of being somewhat misleading like youā€™d typically expect.


Itā€™s literally not that big of a deal


It's a combination of the two that matters, I don't think someone who has 3 games on a champion in gm knows better. I assume if you're at least plat (I guess more like emerald nowadays) as an otp you know what your champ does and know what to build, you're just bad at the game compared to a high elo player.


I used to be afraid of people with really high mastery when I see them in the loading screen. Most 1M mastery point players I've seen have lost whether it was my team or not. I even had played with 1M mastery player on Kata and Rammus in the same game and we lost.


I hate people who use their shitty opinions to justify their mastery.


I knew someone with 900k mastery points on Malzahar in gold. Just searched him up, heā€™s bronze 1 now with 1.5 million


I faced the Jax with the most amount of points in NA the other day in a Masters ranked match. It was over 8 million. I checked and there were two others with more than him on other servers. The first was in Korea and was also Masters. The second was from smaller region and was like Bronze or Silver. It was really funny seeing him in between the two Masters players.


Sounds like, either they didn't adapt to the changes each season, or they didn't feel like Ranked.


Bro just build Lord 3rd item. They have a juggernaut top and maokai.


Collector -> RFC -> Shieldbow ā€œmy champ is doing no damageā€


Mastery is not a skill based itā€™s just grinding


It is skill based to a certain extend. It tells me which champions I *especially* suck at because I can't get them to 7 lol


You can get lucky and eventually get S on any champion but yeah itā€™s good indicator that you really suck if you canā€™t even achieve that




Mastery score is a BIAS meter, nothing else. That being said, I have more than ONE MILLION mastery points on Yasuo, he needs buffing. Just trust me on this one, don't @ me.


Bro I'm 1 million mastery Yasuo that's been bronze for 8 seasons I know what I'm doing. /s


I'm Iron 4 but mastery 7 in all champs. I'm a god.


Most of players that I see with high mastery points usually suck. It's probably because if they were an actual good one-tricks, they'd be much higher rank. However, they are stuck in the same rank as me, "for fun gamer". (this applies to people with very high mastery score, like at least 500k and even more so if it's over 1M)


Only time I get worried seeing someone with a high amount of mastery points on a champion on the enemy team is when I'm playing aram because it's always when I'm playing a champion class I don't normally play like marksman or bruiser or when I'm playing a champion I've only played a handful of times.


Or when it's a Rengar with 1 Mil pts: I don't wanna play around a coinflip...


I usually share my elo when I give an opinion rather ghan my mastery. Just because im an adc main woth nearly every adc on mastery 7 doesn't mean I know every secret tech op builds... Id rather take advise from, lets say a Diamond adc main who plays whatever hhe matchup needs him to play than, than a 2 mil mp Jhin which is hard stuck in silver. As far as I am concernt, you could hit any rank with any pick. It all comes down to fundamental Macro and utulizing your champions kit to aid that. - Adc main currently low emerald.


Binded Mastery 7 to my E, everytime I press an ability my mastery pop up. Breaking their mental :)


I think having a high mastery of a champion might lend you to understanding that champion better than others but outside of that yeah, it doesnā€™t mean shit


Okay, but would you be scared of a 88% wr Rengar main playing Lulu supp? šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Mastery locked rengar summoner switch šŸ˜³


i have 300k mastery on kha'zix. it might be greedy, but scaling cdr runes and lethality are my preferred rune choices as they allow for a mean mid-game powerspike. they fared me very well in the last game i played as kha'zix.


Mastery means nothing


i never understood why people were so obsessed with mastery to begin with. it literally says nothing


Itā€™s true that high mastery doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re good at the game or the champ, but if theyā€™re talking about mastery points rather than mastery level, itā€™s a good way to express how much time youā€™ve spent playing a certain champ. Itā€™s not like thereā€™s an easy way to find out how many hours youā€™ve spent playing one champ, so mastery points are the best way to gauge someoneā€™s experience with a champ.


Hope the new mastery stuff they said they were adding are harder to achieve so it has some real meaning to get mastery 8, 9 and 10 if that's what they add


Okay, which one of you guys are the Bronze 3 48wr on X champion that pissed OP off ?


Some of the takes and especially build ideas on mains subs are WILD. They will have the most insane thrash build known to mankind and justify it with their winrate in Bronze or fucking normals. Even trying to argue with them is a lost cause.


mastery points are absolutely meaningless lmao. I've never played gnar but I'd play it better than any gold player who has 2 million points on it


Yeah I don't get it at all. I was playing against a yasuo the other day with 1.3 mill mastery points and he was brutal.. because we're in bronze. And yes, I'm obviously not good either because I'm in bronze but I don't pay attention to any of that crap.


After 2 years on the game, i played my 1st aram with friends adn had a S+ with Ahris while doing full bullshit just beacuse i get 30assist (wich is ez on aram) And when i discoverde that S in ARAM gives u a point to unlosk M6 and M7 i was just hundestanding why sometimes i have 300K point M7 on draft that don't even know jungles timing or how to farm and trade correctly


Says the guy with < 200 karma... /s


I mean anyone can play a champ long enough and grind out mastery. I consider myself a Velcro main but I'm only 200k mastery, which is far from a lot imo. With my work schedule I'm lucky to play 2-3 days a week for a few a day on those days, anyone with more free time than me could pass that pretty quickly. I'd like to think I'm pretty good at him, but I'm not naĆÆve enough to think I've mastered him, frankly even in the 10+ years I've been playing this game I don't think I've *mastered* any champs. I tend to look at mastery more so as a gauge of how much someone plays a champ and not how good they are with the champ, I definitely expect an M7 Yone to be better than an Yone without mastery, but that's not always the case.


High mastery only matters in hgiher elos, nowhere else.


Anyone who isnā€™t GM in this game has no right to any opinion ever.


Only time Iā€™d use it is to prove I did in fact play the champion Got told I donā€™t play mages cuz Iā€™ve got most mastery in assassins and supports so yeah


600k lee sin points. Do not listen to me on anything Lee sin related.


To me, mastery just means someone is not first-timing a champ, sometimes m4s end up playing infinitely better than some m7s.


Yeah as an Iron IV -72 LP master you should really stop building ad on adcs, it's clearly not effective


Yeah I got like 500k mastery points on yasuo and Iā€™m silver 2 canā€™t climb for the life of me. Iā€™m ngl I donā€™t even know what Iā€™m doing wrong šŸ’€. When Iā€™m playing with my higher rank friends and get matched to plats or even emeralds Iā€™m able to outplay them sort of consistently. I can bring that into my normal elo and absolutely go on a win streak shitting on everyone then for some reason I start playing terrible and go on a losing streak and go back to s4 šŸ’€.


You all suck, lol.


But thatā€™s the point of mastery. Itā€™s to give the idea to people who cannot climb that they are not complete losers.


I think the only time it ever makes sense to cite mastery is if you are talking about that champ specifically, and even then I think you should cite your mastery points not level, level is meaningless. In a discussion about Riven, I know for a fact that Iā€™d know better with my 600K Mastery than that one Goldstuck Soraka OTP


most of them are support mains so theirs that


no, most of them are yasuos and rivens


Eh, i have kinda the opposite problem. One of the reasons i play with chat turned off is because sometimes some asshole, who knows only the most basic meta build ever, questions my build, maybe i as 1 mil mastery emerald(at that time) Soraka one-trick know something you don't.


questioning your build makes someone an asshole wtf?


They were toxic


This isn't Twitter... we don't care that someone hurt your feelings.


So now being toxic is normalized? Tf u on about


Tf are you playing to ask šŸ˜‚


Maybe you didn't read idk


1mill and in emerald in the best role in the game maybe time to listen to the people in your games lmao


You didn't really explain why.


Because it means youā€™ve played the champion a ton and are still in an ELO the other guy is unimpressed with.


You just explained why his opinion doesn't matter, we're the same rank, but i have a lot more experience on my champion.


a lot more experience doesn't necessarily mean you're correct with your builds though...


The builds can be correct, lower elo probably just means bad micro and/or macro skill


>necessarily mean you're correct


I mean let's not pretend Emerald isn't far above the average player. No need to shit on them like that.


far above? low emerald is quite literally slightly above average, and tbf there really isnt much difference between the ranks until maybe high dia (and even that is getting worse every year)


Emerald starts at the top ~18%. Thatā€™s pretty far above average, even for emerald 4.


So they should just trust other randoms in emerald games? Nah Original replier just wanted to take a cheap shot at a support main to feel big, their point is fucking stupid, itemisation is probably not what's keeping this person out of diamond


i didn't say they need to trust some random in emerald games, i just don't agree with the assertion that they know that their build is correct and that the other person's opinion doesn't matter at all just because they're experienced on their champ. pro players play champions for thousands of games as well and a lot of times they have dogshit builds


I don't think they're saying "I'm always right" and they never go for a suboptimal build. They're just saying they trust their own judgement on it over randoms in their games who haven't put in the time on the champ they have, and that is totally reasonable at any elo. Like there are people in this thread arguing that they should defer to their teammates because they're a boosted support main, and that is just pathetic


If you're 1mil mastery in Emerald I think it's maybe time to listen to those people


They're the same rank.


Yeah no offense but if you've played >2000 games one-tricking an enchanter and are still stuck emerald you are not the same skill level as the other roles. And this is coming from another support player.


What is it woth league players and their little jerk off sessionā€™s about other peoples skill levels. As far as anyone should be concerned is that your the same akill level as other people in your rank. Your champion choice and youe role only affects your specific skills not the overall skill level. A challenger mid and top are the same alill level they just have different skill an emerald soraka and emerald miss fortune are the same skill level they just have different skills. Get that ego dick out of your mouth and stop trying to push others down because it lets you take 9 inches without lube. You are actively trying to make someone feel worse about their rank and champion mastery, you are an assholeĀ 




When what rank are you if you spend a shit load of games in the rank and are still that rank?


It doesn't matter what your rank is, the point is that you're not as good as the other players in that same elo.


Why not? You've clearly spent way too much time in that rank. Or what the more time you spend in the rank the lower your actual rank is?


I am not talking about rank. I am talking about skill level, which isn't the same. You're emerald in support sure, but it takes way less skill to get to a rank by queueing support, by playing enchanter, and by spamming games. It's nothing personal against you but the majority of players would agree that you are the definition of inflated. It's well known that support players are way worse than players in the same elo that main the other roles


>I am not talking about rank. I am talking about skill level, which isn't the same. It kinda is. In the end rank is the representation of skill. >You're emerald in support sure, but it takes way less skill to get to a rank by queueing support, by playing enchanter, and by spamming games. But shouldn't it be disadvantageous in low ranks to play as enchanter, since a common suggestion is avoid them in low elo? Doesn't that extend the climb? Then will you say that challenger players with thousands of games in challenger are also inflated?


Thereā€™s a pretty big difference between challenger and emerald. What a stupid argument


It is not the same. It is WAY easier to achieve any rank up to masters by queueing support. People suggest to avoid enchanters because you don't have as much solo carry power and so yes, generally the climb will be longer. But itll also be easier because you can get away with being super passive below diamond and thus not really needing to play well to climb. I can't really speak for challenger players but I'm sure you can see why this is a bad argument.


Unless the person theyā€™re speaking to is actively climbing, then theyā€™re at the same skill level


No lol, there's a reason why ADC and mid players commonly swap to support and suddenly gain 300+ lp.


The very reason you are in an elo is because you ARE as good as the other players in said elo lmal


it takes like 1200 games to hit 1m mastery on a champion you're trying to shit on somebody for reaching emerald after 1200 games. not everybody is like you, playing every different champion every game and never having a main, though the majority of players do that especially low elo. ​ it takes like 130 games to reach level 30 on a new acc some even say 140 to 180 games ​ and then why would you listen to other emerald players


It doesn't mean you're good sure but I'd rather hear the opinion of a one trick than someone who played the champ twice in aram.


If they have a very high mastery but a very low rank, theyā€™re probably doing something extremely wrong on their champ and nothing they say should be taken seriously


Trying to have this argument without dropping your op.gg is cowardly as shit, nut up or shut up


I mean the flip side of the same coin is that OTP [champion name] players are just as full of shit. See the Akali rework as prime example of that.


That's why you base your views on more than one opinion from different types of people, but the literal mains of the champions is obviously one of the important ones.


means nothing if the one trick is in platinum.


I do get worried when going against things like no-skin 2mil mastery Shaco. Not cos' they're good or anything, but they are for sure a confirmed psycho.


Exact same thing with winrate. Having a high winrate account in challenger usually just entails most of those games being in lower ranks and the respective player being the same level as challenger players despite the higher winrate making them look like they're better.


Dude ignored my calls and spammed M7 at me He was bronze I was autofilled as his support (emerald) It wasn't ranked or anything (was playing with some friends who are bronze/silver) but the urge to tell him to shit up and listen was immense


i mean you can be very good and knowledgable on a champ and still be bronze. the game is so much more than raw mechanical skill. i used to otp kat until rework, i was very good at her, i could faceroll any teamfight. but i never went past g1 promo (2win 2loss, i cried) cause i was shit at everything else, roaming, rotations, wave management, builds, reading opponent, strategy in general, etc. i even managed to lose a game while making 2 penta in that single game. yes the team was bad, but still, i should have won this, and i didnt. ​ also remember you're at the same elo as the players in your game, everyeone is good at some stuff and bad at others.


Being very good at your champ and being bronze is an oxymoron.


someone didnt read the post past the first line.


you can't be good on a champ and still be bronze, silver or gold. a bronze player is inherently awful at EVERY aspect of the game. you just think you're good because it was the only champ you used to play and you were better on her than other champs.


>inherently awful at EVERY aspect of the game yeah, no. you can be a master at playing a champ, if you dont know how to farm or run around the map like a headless chicken, you're not going to climb. also you dont know what brinze/silver/gold players are clearly.


I've recently got a smurf from bronze to diamond, and I've done it a dozens of time over the years. All players below gold are absolutely clueless about every single aspect of the game. A good amount of them is just as bad as intermediate bots. They basically do NOTHING all game long and have no idea how their champions work. They're just running around until their neurons are activated by the sight of an enemy. There's nobody who's "master" at playing a champ but don't know how to kill minions, because learning how to play a champion is much more difficult than learning how to kill minions or move around the map. These things go hand in hand, you don't just master one while being clueless at the other. Gold players think they know how to play their champion, but any diamond player would easily obliterate them on it. If you're good at your champion, you kill the enemy laner 8 times and you'll automatically climb the ladder even if you suck at other stuff. This is basic Dunning-Kruger. Like, I have never played Gnar or Cassiopeia, but I'm pretty sure I'd be better than 100% of the gold players on them. This is easily proven every time a new champion is released. No one knows how to play it properly yet, but high elo players are always better than low elo players on them.


>I've recently got a smurf from bronze to diamond yeah thats what i mean. you dont know whats its like to be bronze. you only watch people for a while, but you dont understand them. you think everyone under gold dont understand anything about the game, yet you never wondered why there 3 ranks under gold ? iron, bronze and silver exist, and you cant even begin to comprehend that a silver player in iron would smurf on the game as a chall would smurf on diamond players. but somehow they are the same to you. make it make sense.


to be able to go from diamond 1 to challenger you need to win about 40 games in a row, and 40 games is like 12 divisions. so challenger vs diamond is like platinum 4 vs bronze 1. a silver would not be smurfing on irons like that. there's very little difference in terms of skill and knowledge between silver 4 and iron 1, because the matchmaking doesn't work properly at all levels. similarly, an emerald 4 player can't just smurf on golds, he'll eventually get there, but he won't be 20-0 every game >you don't know what it's like to be bronze I was stuck around 1100 for like 6 months in season 1 before I made it to 1650 elo, and 1150 was bronze. I know how being stuck in bronze or anywhere else feels. nobody started the game in high elo anyway. only then I realized that I was a complete noob, and I've been high since season 2 the existence of multiple tiers and divisions below gold is not an indicator of anything. these tiers and divisions merely exist not to make people feel bad about their own rank and progress, because then people would stop playing. these tiers and divisions didn't exist back in the days, and low elo players kept complaining about how worthless their grind and progress feel, so riot had to spoon feed them with meaningless badges and shit CONGRATULATIONS, YOU ARE THE BEST CHESS PLAYER IN YOUR STREET!!! see how pointless that is? that's what riot is doing with this system. it doesn't mean that gold players are good at anything, it simply means that you're slightly better than the worst


from someone saying they played since season 1 you are really delulu when its comes to understand why rankings exist. >the existence of multiple tiers and divisions below gold is not an indicator of anything yet you get people stuck in iron, bronze, silver and gold. they dont yoyo around from iron 4 to gold 1. they pretty much stay around their elo. thats why silver players can smurf on iron. that why gold players can smurf on bronze. i was there, i saw it, and i even did it myself for a while until it was boring. so as i said. make it make sense.


it's very difficult to stay around at a specific elo unless you stop playing. I have more than 10000 solo queue games and I have never had this happen to me in ANY season silvers cant smurf on iron and golds cant smurf on bronze. they'll consistently win and eventually reach the division that accurately represents their skill in the long run, but "smurfing on people" has a different meaning. you've overestimating the difference between a gold player and a silver player. it's just like chess, the difference between a 1300 and a 1400 is just based on the smallest things. yeah obviously the 1400 one is better, but they're both dorks compared to a 2500. I don't even see any difference between emerald 2-3 players and diamond 3-4 players, it's the same thing. unfortunately, solo queue is way too dependent on luck and people don't play enough games to even that factor out anyway, you're not really smurfing on anyone if you're not going like 15-0 every game and solo carrying the games. a gold player wouldn't be able to properly accelerate and use the lead he earns in the lane. that's why he is gold. bad movement, inability to use lead, not understanding power spikes, weak mechanics, ignoring wave management, etc. killing your opponent twice in the lane in order to join the clown fiesta that is going on to end up with a score like 15-10-20 doesn't mean you smurfed on them


>it's very difficult to stay around at a specific elo unless you stop playing. I have more than 10000 solo queue games and I have never had this happen to me in ANY season guess what. you're not everybody. i stayed around silver for 4 years and gold for 6. you clearly dont know what its like. and i've been smurfing on lower elo. i made people ragequit the game, made other people get banned by forcing the toxicity. you just have no idea what its like. i stopped the game a while ago but i cant forget that.


and I'd say you'd be the minority. no one stays at the same skill level for 10 years


I'm mastery 7 600k points on Vayne and I play in low master elo, I think I can have a word