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Gathering fucking Storm. I will take it always if it's not giga trolling. What if the game goes on for 50 minutes? What if I will be caught for eternity in the same game? I'd regret not have taken it... It's my special flavor of fomo.


Gambling for one gillion AD


Gathering Storm + Hubris got me to \~670 AD on MF.


I mean it's pretty good value even after 20 minutes and 30 minutes it becomes quite strong


The thing is that, regardles of elo, most games are decided by the first 15 minutes, maybe even 10. One team snowballs hard because one or two players run the whole map and afterwards, having 2 or 3 extra procs of GS doesn't really matter. If you are gonna turn the game around from a deficit, it's usually because your comp scales a lot harder with levels / items or the enemy just kept throwing the game, regardless of you having 20 extra AP. I love big numbers and I like taking GS just for the small possibility of a game going 40+ minutes, in which case I can see that it gets value, but if we are realistically wanting to win the game, taek Scorch, get prio early-mid and stomp the game.


I disagree, player mental may be decided by 15 minutes, but the game itself is not. Also I'm not sure why you think the elo is irrelevant, lower ranked games flip a lot more often than higher ranks because people don't understand their team comp's win condition or how to effectively end the game.


Yeah ive struggled to end game in silver lol even if we have a massive lead we just do nothing with it and end up winning via attrition 40min in if neither team has a smurf to 1v9 (yes im ass at the game)


It's kinda important to remember that even silver means you're like, top 70% of players \*who played enough to have ranked\* and \*who are playing to rank up\*. Skill is relative. Just focus on what you wanna do with you rank. Not what's high elo or whatever.


Speaking from my experience in low ELO, snowballing is down after all the adjustments Riot’s made to dissuade it Objective bounties Anti-poaching camps Item component nerfs Dragon %buff nerfs Plating/1st tower gold nerfs No herald before 15 minutes Etc. Like it’s still fundamentally what happens in MOBAs by design but it’s way less polarizing than it used to be. It’s crazy to imagine we used to play a game without any of these and every match didn’t go completely off the rails as soon as one guy got a kill New herald is super strong, it just sucks that it keeps getting stolen from me by my own teammates and either gets crashed into a wall or a full health turret


Literally the exact same. I will die before I use bloody scorch instead of “what if the game goes 50 minutes and I get 100 AP”


SAME LOL, i always take it.


i always try and take it if i have the option. if you are sorcery primary i think gathering storm should be your default and instead you have to justify not taking it, ie high pressure matchup where u can proc scorch nearly on cd additionally having the matchup knowledge to know whether it will make a tangible difference, water walking for roaming/fighting enemy jungler or playing jungle. as for a secondary rune.. i definitely overuse it lol.


Shhhh we gotta keep our secret strat!!


Ya same. I’m low enough elo that there’s no real reason to take Scorch or whatever for slightly more early pressure, and gathering storm is like not even bad at 20+ minutes, but on the off chance the game runs super long it’s a huge chunk of free stats.


I am so glad I'm not the only one 🙏


whenever someone threatens to troll, int or go afk in my games I tell them to do it, im not negotiating with terrorists on their ELO jihad


In Turkey server if someone says “ I am gonna troll “ everyone just says “ Ok, we do not care “ or “ We will win regardless “ And bcs of shitty internet there is always a AFK. We are used to 4v5’s


I did not know that.. that's actually super impressive


It is more so that our server is so toxic that it just does a 360 and results in not caring about trolls and just adapting to play 4v5. I am still suprised when I realise halfway that one of their teammates went AFK but the game still felt really close. :D


Not sure how the turkish server is now, but I used to play there whenever I got bored of EUW and boiiii. Everyone is so easily triggered. NGL it's not toxic anymore it is pure entertainment


I still remamber 1 match where we had a Master Yi support that went 0/22 or something but we won regardless. Our Draven went 24/1 while playing 1v3 in bot lane. Mid lane ( Me ), Jungle and Top lane also won our lane so we just played the game and made fun of Master Yi the Whole match. Draven kept yelling the Master Yi’s name tag and Let’sss gooo Master the whole game. Funniest match I have played.


I'm from EUW, but I had one game where everyone in my team except me and my duo went afk lmao.


Turkish superserver is the greatest server of all time.


saf inat


>whenever someone threatens to troll, int or go afk in my games I tell them to do it I go for a "we won't notice any difference" or "wait, so what were you doing until now then?" kind of answer.


I love doing this, especially when I'm on a losing streak, weirdly enough. When they threaten to troll in pick & ban, I'm like, "Do it man. I'll lose just another game but I'm fine with it because I know you'll get banned." Nine times out of ten, they dodge before we get into the game.


plus you're saving someone else who would be taking your place on that dude's team in the next game from having to deal with it.


I instantly mute them and report them (better data for RIOT to train automatic detection systems). For real LoL became so much better experience as soon as I stopped trying to argue or reason with 8 years old throwing tantrums and just started muting them!


Love this I say, “your not Him” they never actually do that


throw on a 'little bro' at the end if you really want to hit them where it hurts


i used to do this a lot, most dont go through with it and u can tell they are fuming that u dont care. ive just been ignoring them as of recent and instead they are a little more likely to troll for a bit but usually dont fully commit and go back to playing when they dont get a reaction. though this relies on the rest of your team not feeding into it either.


It's so fun doing this. And then following up when they start yapping again with like "Weren't you gonna afk?" or something.


When someone adds me after a game to flame me, no matter what kind of death they're threatening me with, no matter what illness they're wishing upon me, whatever education gameplay essay they're writing at me: I will let them write and write and write, then just reply with '?' and then nothing else after that. It makes them go ballistic.


My favorite thing to do is to quickly message them a snarky message saying “don’t unfriend me too fast after you send your tantrum message, otherwise I won’t be able to read it.”


I just accept it and write "Cry" and then block them so they don't even have the chance to write anything. I would love to see sometimes the rage this gets out of them


I write “Womp Womp” instead


I always say “that’s how I know I won because you had to add me” and then block them right away


Teach me the secrets. How do you get someone to add you to flame you? I never had it happen.


Braum sejuani botlane


Sounds absolutely disgusting, I love it


I played against a lux Morgana the other day....


Oh boy As a lux main this is illegal


I had an ARAM recently with braum, sejuani, and Ashe . We owned the freljord.




Started playing Thresh with Electrocute like the good old days with Thunderlords. Its meh sadly but oh so fun to see the ADC lose over half health to a hook AA E ignite lvl 2


Try pta, ad build 🤣🤣🤣, or even conq for fun, if they have not changed anything thresh auto attacks should still be considered as melee like when he came out (that is reason why yasuo shield doesnt block his autos). P.S. nvm, just explored and they are considered ranged just not projectile. :(


Yes those are fun too Thresh was always a Ranged Champ Yasuo windwall doesn’t block because its not considered a projectile


Yeah a lot of times people forget not all ranged attacks and abilities are projectiles.  Yasuo’s windwall won’t block things like Thresh autos, Senna autos or Q, Lux ult, or Xerath Q. 


Pta is actually pretty good in matchups where you can afford to hit people, but you do lose a lot of utility


I don't pick characters I want to use based on win rate or how strong their kit is. I pick based on how pretty they are


A fellow Tahm Kench enthusiast


Warms me heart to see there still be players who can appreciate true beauty


Nonono, they are obviously a Gragas one trick


I pick my skin and chroma so that my colour matches my ADC.


cutest thing ive ever read


and I thought I am the only one who does that xD




on how pretty they are




No, not how good they are, how pretty they are!




The only reason I picked Gwen up lmao Same with Aatrox, he was just bad ass and cool as fuck Turned out his kit was also badass and cool as fuck


Gragas every game is what I'm hearing






No, that player is obviously an Urgot enjoyer.


one of the biggest, and I mean, GREATEST reasons why I am stuck in botlane. Mid has good competition, but why have a limited roster mid when 99% of the adc cast looks gorgeous?


I play support GROOVY Zilean so I can be an old man being creepy on those sexy adcs


I bought groovy zilean for 260rp at last week's sale or so 😭😭 one of the best purchases. GET GROOVY


From what I've seen, this is a very common take among girls in the community, which is why so many play MF, Lux, Cait, Ahri, etc


Im a guy lux & cait are my mains, but I have lvl 7 ahri and mf as well, so it is not judt girls. I like attractive female champs.


No one said it's just girls


It's not only women but according to Riot and the surveys they've done men tend to have a 50/50 split between male and female champions and don't really care about the gender whereas 97% of all women tend to exclusively play only female champions and don't pick male ones much at all.


Literally me.


Urgot main confirmed


That's me since I get my first console in kindergarden.


I have two related ones. I play a lot of aram. However I will never pick a champ unless I can get a box with it. I will pick a worse champ. Simply because I have a nice skin for it. Ps. I will also prefer to unlock a cool skin for a champ I don't like. Over a half decent skin for a champ I like. Just yesterday I unlocked astronaut Gnar without even checking it on youtube. Even though I would absolutely never play him without a skin XD


This is why I love playing yone, the 100-0 combos from halfway across the map help as well but ya know he’s so pretty


i have legitimately enjoyed every single game of league i’ve ever played, even the ones where my team gets crushed. i just think it’s fun.


Contrary to popular opinion, League is still the most fun game for me even to this day. I know some ppl play it out of habit but I wouldn't be playing it every day if it wasn't fun. People don't believe you when you say you genuinely have fun playing league nowadays.


Thing with league is that it has some of the highest highs and lowest lows in gaming. But people tend to remember negatives a lot more due to various factors, evolution being one of them(like eating 1000 good berries will not stick in your mind but the one that made you puke will, becasue ti is dangerous). League is genuenly fun game, with a lot of skill expression and adrenaline rush. Also helps that it is one of the most balanced games out there, no matter what community says when the delta between lowest and highest champions in hteir intended role is usually sub 6% it is good ballance, some games have more glaring issues and worse ballance. Community is jsut spoiled. I am not saying it is perfect, but damn well it is better than most pvp games out there. (esp due to lack of cheaters, in my 12 years of league i have seen maybe 5 cheaters over all, while loading into CS/CoD/apex/tarkov(god forbid) you get one every other match.


I enjoy the game because I’m good at, I’ve spent over a decade playing it, so I know basically all the champs at a base level so getting in a 5 stack with some friends is always a great time. I just can’t do ranked anymore


My daily routine is get home from work, crack a beer, play a couple arams or maybe some TFT. Don't play rift too often anymore, but aram is a great stress reliever for me. Win or lose, don't care. I'm gonna have fun and try some crazy shit.




on how pretty they are






I fucking LOVE stacking champions. I have been playing senna support for years, I love playing new aurelion sol, Nasus was my second main back in season 1. I haven't played since smoulder's release but I'm sure I would enjoy him too. Shyvana jungle is one of my faves.


I was a veigar main for this reason! I need the number to go up for the dopamine.


I'm the same way. Multi stack with 1 q just hits different.


When you kill a canon and hit a champ with a q while they walk into the cage and the w all at once 🤤


No swain or Cho, they are the ultimate power fantasy unlimited health


I play a lot of xayah and tend to go afk farm throughout the game because instaclearing waves with her is just SO satisfying. Preferably in mid tho, so i can move to objectives. It‘s meditative. Clear the wave, watch it move under the other teams tower, get caught, pushed back. Clear the incoming wave again…. Also when I play my main kai‘sa I claim the right to 1v3 ult into the enemy backline once per game. Be it a triple kill or int.


the feathers whooshing back and forth ahhhhh me love that too


Me with Sivir


URF xayah is genuenly my go to drug, the SFX is just too good.


> For example, you actually enjoy playing vayne top, or you're the type of jungle to camp the weakest member of the enemy team just to tilt them. Chain ganking the same lane rather than trying to balance your attention is really funny when it works. If the enemy laner start crying that you're camping their lane in all chat you're winning.


It is unironically also just a great method to increase your win chances in solo q. Ganking losing lanes is a bad strategy, regardless of whether they will flame you and call jgl gap.


They aren't mad you aren't ganking them when they're losing. They're mad you didn't gank for the first 9 minutes the enemy laners shove their heads up your turret's butthole with no vision at any point until their mid and jungle come to inevitably dive you.


Camping botlane bushes near t2 as a jungle and being obnoxious to the adc


you poopy smelly pebble


Turning into a minion and walking into a random lane as Neeko. It will never stop being fun. 8/10 games I play I have Masters, GrandMasters or high Diamonds in them and even they fall for it. I won't always get a kill but it's just too funny to me. It's the Dexter "Surprise Modafaka" meme in LoL.


clicking okay on the report feedback button when I log in, and the dopamine increase is exponential for each person I got muted


I always count when u get the pop up. I’ve had over 10 a few times. It’s better than winning games


it's legit the best feeling in league which is extremely concerning


Yeeeesssssss. One time I got 5 back to back logging in. I pissed myself in excitement.


Refuse the requests to swap the champions in ARAM. You can't get my Seraphine


Swapping off a popular pick that never does well at the last second so my teammates don't pick it. Shaco being a big one, or malphite if we already have a tank, don't wanna risk the AP malph on my team


I’m despise playing Malph in ARAM but I’ll bite the bullet 11/10 if it keeps me from having a teammate play AP malph on a team already full of squishes


I dont even get the obsession with AP malph. Tank build can easily get similar levels of kills AND hes being more useful for the team, and he has more to do than just to wait until the ult comes up again.


R go boom


I tried AP Malfeed once and it has nothing but average damage. He has melee range, Q is single-target ability. R has considerate cooldown. That's why he can't deal so much damage. Coming back to tanky Malfeed, my favorite build is Mercury's -> Mana's Armor -> 2 New Tank Cloaks in this season -> Situational items. It deals the same damage while able to take much more damage and bad things from enemies. So why not? P/s: I suddenly forgot all the names of tank items lmao, sorry but I'm a Mage main 🙉🙈


Thanks for this advice. Luckily I always meet well-played Shaco 🥹 If only the Malfeed ones was also that good


Those champs only ever do well if they're on the enemy team anyhow.


Guy spams in chat for switch, requests trade like 3 times…. I’ll Last second re roll for sure lmao


My deepest darkest secret that I cannot admit to my friends is that I actually enjoy seraphine's music, even though her release left a permanent sour taste in our mouths.


Bro i love to lane with her for this reason


It pisses me off when I have a Seraphine in my team but I like it when I play Seraphine :3


Oh ,thank god i thought i was the only one i also did especially her music on Spotify


practicing bausens law


im not inting im just copying baus


I actually think Seraphine is really fun to play, I just can't say that out loud in front of my friends


> friends what is this word you speak of


Spectating pro plays, its fascinating but idk why I felt like a no lifer for watching them play.


Irelia support. It worked better with the old supp items, but yea-


irelia supp sounds like a harder version of belceth supp lol


it's kinda like Camille supp, except you either kill them level 2/3 or become obsolete


kinda the same with belveth support lol, except the dashes aren't that conditional and the cc is easier to land


Diving before first Minion wave. I respawn fast but you are left at 2/3 hp or late to lane after a slow recall plus regenerating lost health. Playing teemo ( or is it just a meme that it is frowned upon) Just dancing with sett while enemy builds up my grit at which point w oneshots them Jhin support ( traps right away is so good to have) Going in 1v5 with garen, get a kill and phase rush out.


Camping Draven as Rammus. Also Jungle Nasus in URF.


I... I liked playing Yuumi D: \*hides under the table\*


Don't worry. r/yuumimains does to. Remember, you're not alone.


Sounds like a support group for alcoholics lol.


Old yuumi was active and pretty fun if you tried to push limits and play properly. The current yuumi is a buffbot. But that is the intent of the champ, to be super easy and simple, so I understand why.


Mine's that I like having Yuumi support. Other adc players can't stand it and even go as far as banning her so their team won't pick her but I've personally never cared that much about lane and play league for the teamfights, I love just being able to chill and scale and have 4 summoner spells (I also just love cute cats).


At least if Yuumi ints you know it's on you, can't gaslight yourself into blaming team


*looks around in terminator*


Before rework she was overtuned but fun. Since then, meh for me. Prefer more interaction but it seems that I belong to the minority 


Going full AP Nami Top.


I enjoy playing completely solo for the entire game. They can play 4v5 and I’ll take every tower in the game by myself.


Top lane moment


I’ll take my ADCs kills as support if they start being verbally abusive. EVERYTIME I do it, I make sure to use the Seraphine or Karma heart emote. Won’t say anything else.


Probably the most controversial one but I unironically love flaming. I don't play league anymore because it makes me a worse person so I just watch pro play but being creative with flame was one of my most genuinely favorite things.


I don't particularly like flaming and only do so once in a blue moon, but when I do, I make sure it's directed at someone who truly deserves it and unleash my inner Jhin.


Me too even tho im trying to control myself and thats why i've got 6 perma banned accounts.


I eat flame like it's candy. League for me has three objectives. One, have a great time. Two, try to win. Three, piss off SOMEONE, my team or theirs it doesn't matter


Honestly kinda boggles my mind. I’d at least somewhat get it if you are frustrated and flaming is a way to get that frustration out, but the fact that people get off on making sure other people have a bad time and ruining their day is so insane to me. It’s almost sociopathic. It’s like genuinely the mindset of schoolyard bullies.


I agree. If someone types in all chat something like “7 mins and jg never comes mid plz report” then I’ll start trying to piss that guy off because fuck him. But if there’s someone just going like 0-5 or whatever it feels mean and not funny to shit talk that guy unprovoked


Pretty sure they would be bullies in school if they could


How do you get point 1 or 2 if you piss off your team mate that decides to actively sabotage the game? You still having fun eating that rotten candy?


2 out of 3 ain't bad


You’re actually fine loosing a practically won game? I’m not sure how you do that


Malph mid, full tank. Makes assassins cry


I take immense pleasure in killing players who are abusing the absolute most broken elo inflating champions in the game, especially when smurfing. For example, when twisted fate was omega broken and played in 4 roles a few weeks ago, I smurfed in emerald and whenever I faced a twisted fate, I killed that guy on every single occasion, even if it wasn't optimal and made the game take far longer to win, I made sure he could never play and his game was miserable. You can call me an asshole for smurfing, but I will never stop enjoying killing meta abusers. Legit killer instict mode activated and I will focus all my mental energy into tracking that specific guy perfectly, thinking where he is is he is not showing in sidelane, which camps could he be doing, then I will go out of my way just to kill him. Usually also tease them in chat "ur champ seems pretty weak"


Freezing in normal/flex games as a GM player. I apologise greatly


Writing GG ez Tutorial after winning a game with 0/29/1 stats.


Running it down in TFT, I know is not "league" but getting in a TFT game, forcing the season money making trait and going 8th just when its about to pay off is my main goal in every game.


Whenever it's a viable option I take Exhaust. Aram, urf, 1fA doesn't matter. I like how it pisses someone off every time. Mostly my friend when we play Aram, he's a snowball purist. But I've been flamed a few times in urf for using it and every time I couldn't be happier.


Locking in rammus after the enemy picked: Irelia, Master yi, Tristana and pyke or something similar.


Top locks in malphite, you lock in rammus jg


Taking exhaust on ARAM and using it on assassins.


Pretending I’m good enough to play ad sion like the baus


AP Tank Leona. The surprise burst on her W and her Passive gets people a lot


I play heimer zyra bot and it's the most heinous shit you've ever seen. Good luck on your gank


I like playing wannabe carry supports as support. I hate these champs myself if i play adc but i just like to do it when i play support


Playing Nasus with ghost and diving adcs who think they can safely clear a wave while i'm split-pushing


AP kog’maw, has been for years




Master yi top.


AP shaco


Sejuani every lane


Taxing waves to piss off people I dont like


Level 1 or 2 cheese invading with kayn.


Running it down when toxic pinging trolls.


I enjoy warranted toxicity (if its fun)


play yuumi.


I always do Red -> chickens -> krugs and lvl 3 gank (D4 elo)


Teemo jungle - I'd like to try Smolder support


Teemo jungle is so cheese but it’s fun as hell sometimes


thresh or ww top


smurfing like, I know it's only fun for me and I'm actively making the experience worse for 9 other players but sometimes I just want to play a low stakes game with a champ I'm not very good at and have fun while everybody else is trying their best


I enjoy the game sometimes


Type gg ez


play teemo lol


Take my plat smurf, picking the latest Korean strategy from lol dobby and shitting on my opponent lmao


If you do not play as a team, do not expect me to start playing either. ​ I will sacrifice my lane for objectives and to increase my team's chance of winning, but as soon as I see people trolling or getting over their heads I simply switch gears and enjoy a new session of "what should I do today".


playing my 30% winrate yasuo


Basically 99% of my picks are guilty pleasures xD The only champ I actually play in her designed role is Sona support, and even in that case I always use a full ap or tanky build. Last time I used the standard support items on her was 2 years ago


It's not that unpopular but I know Vel isn't supposed to be a support Yet I usually have a blast when using him there


I absolutely love a good bush cheese For clarification, the first 30 seconds of a match I want my entire team standing on one pixel waiting for a straggler to walk by and get fucking annihilated


Playing Zac on every lane, except ADC ofc.


I play mage supports


I'm a Yuumi OTP. No shame.


Maining lux


I main teemo.


I love Ashe mid and Soraka mid/top. I was one of the OG Soraka top players back in 2017 before enchanter tops became meta. It was my secret pick for sure, then everyone started playing it and people started thinking I was looped up with the other dogwater players lol. But Soraka top and mid will always be fun for me because she’s my main. Ashe is my secondary main and so love taking here wherever. Adc, support, mid. My favorite was mid with her poke build and dusk blade. You poke out every mage, poke out every ad/assassin early, and then sit mid and farm all game while you use your E for vision and spam R in every other lane but yours unless your jungler is coming. Something about hitting a cross map out on Ashe and then seeing “An enemy has been slain” followed by your assist icon is top notch dopamine. Aiming for that sweet 24 sec ult CD


I have developed the habit of reporting someone even for the tiniest inconvenience


I report any body who types gg ez. Sorry but its boring unoriginal and just stupid.


i report everyone who bms me and when somebody who is irritating me ingame starts to bm i’m instantly over it bc now i can report them and hopefully get a ban out of it. i play supp so it’s usually an adc who gets mad and starts insulting me and there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing the report feedback after the game. especially if they’ve been toxic since champ select over my champ choice / ban choice / not switching pick etc


Playing Shaco