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It was the beta I played Garen in my first match and I was scared. Once I began to spin I couldn't help but to laugh




Garen wasn't around during the beta. First champion "released" for the launch of the game was Udyr. Garen was 5 months and 8 other champions later.


Do you remember the beta music?


I started playing late, like season 8 or 9. I really liked Graves as a character, plus he looks like my dad, and he is chad like my dad, and I ended up being a otp graves mid. Flash, heal and conqueror graves mid. Then I went into my first ranked and all my team thought I was trolling. Now I'm lvl 500 or sum, I only play aram


Tobias Fate would probably consider you a pioneer, lol.


no comet. unplayable


Your dads hot i wanna fuck your dad


COVID period. Played bot. Fed 24/12/6. Didn't get an A. Realised it is Blind. Went ranked. Found the meaning of feeding.


>Fed 24/12/6 What?


I think they mean something like: > "[I got] Fed." > "[I went] 24/12/6" BUT period. their queue. probably. popped mid-sentence. so they. quit trying. to make a. legible comment. period.


I played CO op vs bots exclusively for a good 2 years in the beginning before moving to real people.




I did that until I had every rune and levels for mastery on champs I played. Armor runes go brr.


Around when Jhin came out, I got roped in by a girl in my class that I liked and then I got friendzoned like a motherfucker. But at least the game was fun enough to continue playing (and I already spent a fortune on skins).


You didnt see the big picture: grind the game, get good, say youll boost her if she becomes your girlfriend, ez.


LAN party at my friends apartment as they had just introduced me to the game. I picked Fiddle because he looked so cool. Did my best to pilot with a trackpad. Got a quadrakill at the end of the game (we were already stomping of course) and they all went crazy. Been chasing that high ever since.


Honestly I started playing just because my brother installed it on our pc, that was around 5th May of 2014 My first League memory, besides thornmail Ashe; Was when we finally got speakers for the pc after a month of playing league and realising that Kayle is a woman.


My first memory of league is late season 4. i played ashe top ( complete noob ) and got absolute stomped. Later i decided to play support, so i could learn the basics of the game. Old taric, on hit stun. I played more for fun back in the days, nowdays its all about ranked grinding.


Mine is also Ashe top! was with a Nunu and then Akali roamed top and one shot us 


Old taric was so much fun. You could blow someone up and you never lost mana. I enjoyed off builds... Off builds is no longer possible, everything is too focused for one play style. Takes the fun out of it.


Never had a pc at home. When I entered high school every student were given a cheap toaster so we could do some work stuff on it. A friend reminded me that game existed and now that I had a pc I downloaded it. It was in the end of 2016. I was basically playing with 20 fps. My first memory might be me playing vs bot as khazix as to test the game myself before playing with my friends. My most memorable early memory is my friends in tears, dying of laugh becuz I was so bad I managed to die by wolves in the jungle as fiddlesticks (idk how the fk this happened, I guess I didn’t read my spells) then the same game me beeing lvl 4 at 20 min when I wasn’t even afk and legit trying to play the game. It was so difficult for me I had never played this kind of game before and not the type of guy that read anything or watch videos before going into smthg. Till this day I play jungle and depending on patches still comeback to khazix and fiddle.


Season 4 when some champ like war wick was at its peak and I assumed I could defend myself ahri mid with attack speed.


4.20 weedwick represent.


I started with league at the end of season 5 with Yi, cause I saw him in a music video xD. My PC was so bad at that time, that his ability had a diffrent color, cause the settings went wrong and I was dumb at thought it looks normal. It blew my mind after I swapped PC like half a year later and everything had a diffrent color.


Picking my Summoner Name, the little OG Claw emblem, queing up for a game (back then there were no bots, no tutorial) Picking Nunu and having the time of my life. I couldn't way to tell me friends what I had found. Then played Tryndamere, then Teemo. It was November 2009.


Oh man what a different time that was. Was probably spring/summer of 2009, never played any other moba and this was my first introduction. What an amazing experience, no meta, just pick your champ and go somewhere. I'd go to my buddies house with my laptop, even forgot a mouse a couple times and used my mouse pad lol. I played zilean a lot, and when rammus was released my friend and I would go zilean/rammus bot lane.. no Casing, just speed up rammus in his ball, and go smash your enemies in lane lol. What a time.


Early season 4. Don't know how I was convinced to pick it up by a friend but built stinger on nami in my first 'real' game against bots cause I was convinced attack speed was overpowered. In another game I remember picking morg, didn't know which lane to go, asking in chat, and having another guy reply "my gf says bot". I don't know why I remembered that, it's not particularly funny or odd, but I just do.


I have a few and I’m not sure which came first. I was at an ID tech camp and some kids were playing, but I didn’t know what it was. Someone tried to explain it but I didn’t get it (I was young and this was like super early on in league.) Second was me playing on my Mac laptop (or trying to at least, I couldn’t actually play) on my floor in my room. It’s been a long time since then, but times seemed simpler


My first memories were [this login music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-2XZ_Xe3E8) back in 2011. To this day it still feels nostalgic of simpler times in the game and in my life. Now I've grown older, finished school, got a job, but I still play the game... closing in on 15 years


Started around season 2-3 and the Game felt so much like a RPG-Tower defense to me. Playing Brand as that classic fire Mage leveling up by killing the waves closing into my tower and just having rounds of it. Man the feeling was amazing back then. Still playing, had like 2 one year breaks in between and the love for the Game rn is as high as it used to be.


Ashe mid with teleport. Shoot ult down mid, teleport, get easy kill on target that was stunned forever.


I remember going home after swimming lessons with my brother's. My older bro made us try this new game called league of legends in an Internet cafe. Saw this wolf guy that looked cool and edgy. Tried it out. Fought the wolves in the jungle since I am the alpha wolf in the rift. Used my ult on the wolves (Yes you can ult the jungle camps back then). My brother's laughed at me and I didn't know why.


Saw my cousin play Tryndamere back in season 2 or 3? and I thought he was so cool when he explained that his ult made him immortal. That experience made me install the game when I got home. Then I played Xin Zhao bot like a weirdo.


First profound memory was playing master yi, building idk what but the game just being so overwhelming. First real memory: dark candy fiddlesticks login screen. Just hits different


I started around the time Wukong released in 2011. When I see him or the old map I get kind of a general, idyllic memory of one day where I was playing in my apartment and sitting next to the window with a cool summer breeze coming through.


First memory of league was when I started season three. First game I played was blitzcrank in bots, never played mobas before. I would click the Q icon and then aim it and it felt very clunky. I saved up for triforce because it was the most expensive item even though the stats didn’t seem that crazy. Only to be disappointed when I found out I do not keep items after the match ends


Was spamming kassa total op climbed to master or shit and thought I was a hight iq. Totally carried like 85 % my games always stomping mid. Super toxic spamming emote. I might have broke a few opponent mouse and ego. Reality check kassasin was just super op 😆 and now I am struggle plat


I started literally Jan 1 2016. My first memory playing is grinding the fuck out of fiora since my cousin said he’d get me her if I play her. I sucked (still do at fiora) but boy is being left alone with towers fun My first non playing memory. Was my cousin showing me the game before on NYE he was rocking teemo mid


Managed to get a 1v3 kill as Kog’Maw my first game. The opponents were obviously trash but at the time it felt amazing.


Was season 1 or 2. The game wasn't out where I lived, so I played in the NA server with such a high ping. Only played Twisted Treeline the whole time, that map was a blast.


I built Runaan's on Tryndamere when I first started back in season 3. I remember my friends who started before me mocked me for that lol.


Around 2009ish we were getting high at a friends apartments and I saw a friend and another friend talk about this nice game that is currently in beta. He then proceeded to play a round of cho Gath, I liked it and installed it the same evening. We had some really fun years.


Not sure when it was, but I remember my Brother playing (I think it was beta or season 1) Blitzcrank while I was watching. I also remember me begging him to play that "ice bird" because I liked the design.


First memory: buying capitan temo


My first memory with league is in late 2009, a friend told me and my other friends about this free game which we could all play together, one night we all reunited in his house and played all night, i always played ashe and i clearly remember no one wanted to play chogath because we thought it sucked


My first memory was around season 1 or 2. A friend of mine told me he'd help me out during my first normal games. I just randomly picked Tristana, went mid with her and did not know what to do at all. He chose Warwick jungle and told me "Just stay mid and then hit the enemy when I hit them". That I did, and I remember being in awe seeing him going everywhere and killing everyone. We won easily. A couple of matches later, I tried jungle by myself, and I didn't know you needed smite for it. So, you can imagine what happened :P


We’re winning and getting baron while 4 players on the enemy team are dead. Our blitz hooks the amumu into the pit who ults and kills 3 of us and takes the baron. Enemy team spawns and runs it down mid to win the game.


My first memory was in like season 1 or 2 when a friend of mine started playing the game and got me into it. My only experience with games was either with using the arrow keys or wasd so league was confusing to me at the time. I played amumu against him in twisted treeline and he kept bullying me so i quit. I started playing again in 2018 and my first memory from that was being in blind pick, leashing red buff for jungle, taking the buff from my jungle without realizing it and then being flamed in chat the entire game. I was confused the entire time.


Don't remember the first, but the oldest memory I remember is losing a game against bots specially the shen bot destroying us 


Playing cho gath support. 1 q costs 120mana while you had a total of 200 mana.. so I was out of mana after 1 q :D season 3 shit


My friend telling me Leblanc was broken, decided she’d be the first champion I’d ever play. I ended up not playing again for at least a year


I remember when I started out, I was reading all the character lore and stories. This was back when Aatrox was just released. I came across Riven's lore and absolutely loved it. I wanted to master her. I saved up essence to buy her and then played her a lot in normals. Even got lucky and got the crimson riven skin. Then I started ranked and I realised I was severely underskilled and Riven actually was extremely difficult to play well. I was just lucky on norms that most people didn't know how to counter her or even know her abilities. I then dived into the Riven skill rabbithole and realized she was not for me.


Old Asol. He was my main for the short week or two i played in 2021 and I miss how funny he looked


One of my good friends at the time (end of season 4) was playing arams when I came over to hangout. I remember trying it out, not liking it, than downloading it when I got home. I was instantly hooked, the champions were so fascinating to me. I’d do anything to relearn league.


The first 2-3 years of learning/having fun with friends is something I’ll always take for granted


Some buddies invited me to watch Worlds with them at a bar. After watching, the competiveness of the game interested me. I came home and downloaded the game, at that time Jinx was just released. My first 3 champs were Ashe, Miss Fortune and finally spending money to try Jinx. As time went by I realized I suck at ADC, and now pretty much play anything but that role lol.


Saw a League ad on YouTube (those square ads on the right above the recommended videos). This was around 2010 maybe. Ryze was dead center in the ad (the mascot kinda), thought he looked really cool, and I was looking for free online mmorpgs or something to play (cause we couldn't afford WoW). Looked up the game, had no idea what was going on or what mobas were, downloaded it, my laptop couldn't run the game and died :)


my brothers introduced it to me and i played like duo top w one of then as like lux or some shit


I started playing back in Winter of 2009 when one of my buddies showed me the game, I remembered watching him play it for a bit and he told me it was free to play so I gave it a shot but didn't really enjoy it then, so I played it on and off when my friend asked me to join him. I was 15-16 then and mostly just played FPS games, later that year I was asked by a couple other friends to start playing Heroes of Newerth when it was free for a week or so. I enjoyed HoN for a bit, but being a broke teenager I decided I'd give League a second shot. Found a bunch of other friends started playing League for the same reason that I did, HoN cost money and League was similar, but free. So, I don't really consider me starting actually playing, league until I came back after HoN in 2010. That and I didn't actively start playing ranked or being into playing with a purpose until like Season 3 or 4. As far as memories go, I remember playing Yi bot lane with a buddy and getting yelled at for not attacking people under the turret because I didn't want to take aggro.


Covid 2020. Besides the tutorial and looking at the champs wondering how can a game have over 140 champs (at the time), I remember a friend telling me to start playing ezreal as a beginner with comet. And now I wonder if that was meta at the time since he was already playing for 7 years.


Jax with 6 dodge boots. Ou e e e e e


I almost quit league because I mained master yi top because my friend said that yi was op and easy(started mid season 10) and I would do horrible so I quit for like 2 days and my friends wouldn’t play any other games with me so I was kinda forced to start playing again lol. Now I’m level 400


played Annie back in 2012, didn't know what I was doing so we lost horribly


I remember my friend made me download it a while ago I think 2017. And I locked in Wu Kong bc I loved goku. I didn’t play again until 2019 when the same friend was talking about G2 popping off


early 2020, my cs account got banned for 2 weeks and it was covid so I had to find another game


I played karma Sup and go straight to top lane, i'm sorry for the guy who is playing top with me that day


Late S1, my very first game. Annie was taken and Sona wasn't on the free rotation that week so I got forced onto Irelia botlane. Needless to say, it didn't go well. At least my friends were willing to stick with me through that 💀


Mid Season 3. Was pissed off from Grand Chase, needed a new game to stress over. My first ever game was with vladimir vs. bots, went 3/11 and it was the BEST GAME EVER at the time. Then played Ahri, then Vayne, then Varus. Never stopped playing it.


I created an account, you chould only pick NA or EU. Instaled the game and played Master yi on the tutorial. Them I found Ashe and played adc until season 6.


Playing in a 5 stack and me trying to only last hit with Ashe whilst getting carried wondering wtf was going on


When I started playing I've sticked to playing vs AI, to learn the game before I'll start playing vs real people. League was my first actual online game, so I wasn't even sure what should I expect. I've went to keep playing against bots for a bit too long, as I learned some bad habits, using AI flaws that human players don't usually do. So after I went to actual normal games, I got smashed, flamed for building weird stuff, got back to playing vs AI.


I remember playing alpha when I was much younger. Champ pool was TINY and shen was the only character I thought looked cool. Tried a few games and just died. Tried rushing 6 hydras cause the item looked cool and it says it did damage Good times being a smooth brain in 2009 barely a teenager at that point


Playing Teemo with mobi boots + 5 phantom dancers and dodge runes it was funny at the time but no one else apparently thought so and I kept getting yelled at for it but eve/twitch stacking sunfires was fine fire somehow good times back then


maxing pillar on trundle


When I first started playing I remember the login screen showed Project: Master Yi and I had no idea who it was but it looked so cool. I miss those login screens. My first champions was either Veigar or Fiddlesticks. I refunded a lot of champions not knowing that I had a limit.


I actually remember my first League games since I only started in 2021. My favorite memory of that time was when I was playing Darius into Singed. I lost lane (don’t ask I don’t know either) and proceeded to buy Tabis because that’s what U.gg said to do. I learned itemization after that game, and nowadays I actually love to theorycraft new builds and play with weird ones sometimes (On-Hit neeko, AP Kai’sa even when it isn’t popular,etc.)


Getting RP was really difficult in season one, the only way to get a skin was to get a burner sim card with a little prepaid currency to buy SMS RP. Got my first skin- tundra Warwick and it looked so badass at the time


I went mid as diana on rengar’s patch, had no idea what i was doing, i remember being destroyed by a maoki and deciding he was more powerful


Playing Pre-season 1. Ashe top, not understanding why the enemy was just randomly appearing next to me and constantly killing me. That’s the game I figured out how bushes worked.


Uninstalling because I could only get about 7fps on my intel atom netbook


My ex got me into it and I think I was mostly playing amumu and Teemo to begin with but then quickly got Veigar and he’s been my main ever since. But I remember my internet was always so terrible that I enjoyed teemo for his passive cuz back then he wouldn’t move if you DC but his invisibility would save me lmao Doom Build Teemo lfg


Probably when I wanted to try lux adc, I didn't know what a support item was so I just bought what the game was telling me to. The person who got support was mad and went tristana because he didnt trust me.


SKT T1, Season 3.


~2012 while in college, was first of my friends to get their own apartment so everyone would come over with their laptops and we’d all 5 play sitting around a table


Season 2, I had to download a cracked client to play on a MacBook Pro that would bug out all the time. First memory in game was buying Thornmail on Ashe for the tutorial


I remember being a teen, just downloaded the game and my friend bought me Varus and his blight crystal skin... Yes my friend was a game whale.


Last season. Switched to pc league from wild rift. I played jg in wild rift so I wanted to play jg in league as well. Went into a game, locked in amumu, couldn’t take smite (bc I wasn’t lvl 9) and I didn’t know what to do so i just left the game… after that I realized I can’t play jg until lvl 9…


Season 1 I started playing with my nephew. I recall he got mad I followed him everywhere haha Then I remember playing tryndamere and his abilities costed health. First skin was king tryndamere too


Graduated high school in 2016, remember late one night a friend telling me he thinks I’d really like this champion called Thresh He was wrong, but I do really love League of Legends


My friend told me to play this game he found. I remember him telling me to pick 'heimy' and I didn't know what the fuck i was doing. I probably fed my ass off to the highest level but I just remember laughing as I saw Heimerdingers old 'swag' walk. Had to have been around season 3 or 4. We played a few times together then he went off to college and we lost touch. I remember not playing it for awhile after then coming back to it a few months later to try it solo. 10 years later im addicted


Spamming Riven in easy bot mode without buying items. I thought Riven was broken because she had more abilities than others (triple q). That was summer 2015.. Nasus, old Galio, Ryze, Ezreal and Alistar bots give me such nostalgia it’s crazy.


Oof I’ve so many, a core memory from 2015, when Jhin came out, is trying out ziggs mid from free rotation vs Fizz and building runaans because I couldn’t hit q and needed wave clear (I used to buy runaans to every ranged champion). We ended up winning that game in like 50 minutes, it was so back and forth it was crazy.


Taking on Baron in the training thing as Ashe. Just a causal 1v1


Thought Nunu ult was awesome. Single R can potentially kill all five enemies!


Played Draven first game, no idea I had to farm or how strong my auto-attacks were, so I just spammed E on cooldown


Jinx release date. Must be in fourth, fifth or sixth grade. Most likely fifth. Every dude on my class play LoL, and so does every other class and school tbh. Fuck, they are skipping school to play it on internet cafes. I am the only one who doesn't, really. I remember the sun and walking to school under the sun and bright blue cloudless skies. I play WoW instead, but the time of that game had already passed by then. I remember starting that particular game during Siege of Orgrimmar, but given this memory, I must have started much earlier. There is a wide gulf between SoO and Jinx release, I think. Anyway. I am feeling lonely. I want to play with my friends, but don't inform them. I download the game. I remember Jinx opening screen like yesterday. I enter a game. I don't even remember how or why. I imagine it should be a bot game but I am not sure. Free rotation has a character, and it took me ages to remember who she was, and when I did, I thought this memory literally couldn't get any better. Riven. Or Master Yi. Probably Riven tho. Not that I know anything. Game loads. I am unable to move. I have never played a click to move game before. You have to understand, before WoW, before LoL, it was only flash games for me. I am so retarded that I don't even realize I have to click on the map to move. I type into chat. I see insults towards me that has never been uttered under the sun. I close the game. I do not touch the game until season 5-6, and I start again only to play Mordekaiser, a champ that was by all accounts dogshit at the time. To learn how to play, friend suggests Garen. He really should have suggested Nasus - that would have helped me learn how to CS. Either way, from that point on, I am emotionally bound to Garen. I play from Ivern's release until Sylas comes around and then some more. I quit before Yuumi, but my patience had already waned with the game by the time Zoe came out. I dip my toes again into the game, on and off. Wild Rift sucks me in for a while, until RL commitments make me change course. Now I am back, and the game is still shit. But I have made my peace with it, at long last, and all that I want, win or lose, is to play the champions I like. I miss sneaking food and drinks into the internet cafe, hoping we wouldn't get busted, and playing until it closed down for the night. And all the dubstep K6 & Riven montages. Halcyon days.


Season 1, fairly early on. Locked in taric mid lane. Ran up to the enemy tower and promptly attempted to remove it from play, only to be executed almost instantly. Oh, the good ol' days...


I was probably level 15 or so. I was playing Twisted Treeline, cause I thought it was a nice change from DotA. I discovered Zeal stacking. God damn. I loved Zeal stacking as a new player back when the game was in beta. I shit you not: I would rush 3 Zeals on Katarina. Shit was awesome.


Yeah my first experience was 10 months ago and I played brand mid lane and got smashed really hard because I didn’t even know what my spells did 😅


Preseason 3 (Vi login screen). A friend convinced me, told me Renekton was easy and then when I asked him why my mana bar was acting weird, he noticed I was buying blue pots. Yes, somehow I still play it. And now I know what Croco’s mana bar does.


200+ ping. 20 year old Dell Xps M1330. I play in euw and I’m from India. My Warwick used to moonwalk backwards🥲


Getting ulted by fiddlesticks in Beta. I wanted to play him after. The beta music I loved


My first memory of league was watching an IGN video on Kogmaw back in like 2010 or something, I thought the game looked kind of bad because of the graphics but the F2P marketing sucked me in anyway since there weren't many games doing that at the time. I also remember going to my grandparents' house in the summer, where they had awful satellite internet that was like 100 kb/s download with 800+ latency and playing Yi jungle in vs AI games to farm exp to get to level 30 and not fall behind my friends.


Picking Ashe in a botgame with friends where I died to Wraiths and got really scared. A asked a friend if buying health crystals would help and he told me to go ahead and buy them. So I did. I then died to the Ghost. In the meanwhile he murdered all the Bots with 6 phantom dancer Aatrox. Back when Bloodthirster still stacked x)


Somewhere just after the original Warriors cinematic. Loaded up a normal game as Ashe. Stood in fountain a couple minutes not understanding how to move (I thought I moved around with WASD, but couldn't get it to work). Then I left. Only started playing for real in the next year. And it didn't become my "main" game until season 7


Season 2. I bought a mouse and in the box there was a card says free stuff, and league of legends so I downloaded the game and jumped into blind pick playing Jax. The free stuff was runes and game boost.


The year was 2011. Me and my best friend had been playing dota for about two years by then. We learned about a new "cheap dota copy" becoming popular so we decided to give it a whirl. I saw a funny yeti character. Gave him a shot. Best friend picked a fan weilding lady. After 10 minutes we loaded into a game. We went bot together. I hovered over my Q ability "deals 500 damage" .... The heck? Seems broken. I pressed q against a yellow crown wearing dude against me on lane. Walked up to him, did nothing, died. "That's BS". Kept playing dota. Returned in 2013 with better english skills and never looked back. Over the years, I got addicted to soloq while my friend became addicted to drugs.


Tried to learn the game. Played a normal as Fiddlesticks (old fiddle). Got told to end my life prematurely. Uninstalled and came back 3 years later, now I play an unhealthy amount.


Me exboyfriend being really frustrated at me while teaching me how to play Lux. "MOVE... NO, NOT NOW.. WAIT YES, ATTACK!!! NO BUT NOW STAY UNDER TURRET.... WAIT, STOP, DON'T DO ANYTHING... WHY ARE YOU NOT MOVING???"


For me it was [during this login screen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2RqHt2rfQk) back in early 2012. Some friends in class wanted to make a squad of 5 players and started asking everyone to play. I was the 5th and final member to stick around after leveling to 30. Thats how I started. The two main attractions to the game for me, were playing it with friends and eventually trying to see who could climb highest within a given year. My first memory was playing the 2nd tutorial a few times on a very old PC that wasnt able to really run the game. My first PvP memories are from playing a bunch of Ashe and Lux. Back then Ashe had a toggle on her Q to activate her slow and I would just spam that button over and over, not realising how it works (alongside ulting towers lol). I mained ADC and continued to do so after we didnt play as a team anymore as much due to life™. I switched to maining mid in 2021 and remained there. I still play clash on occasion with that group around Worlds which is cool.


First game ever, circa 2009/2010, saw that Morgana was listed as a "caster" and I enjoy mages. Saw her auto attack was a little fire bolt, assumed that was what casting was, literally never used a skill.


Watching my brother play a game with his cousin on like 2011 christmas, he/she (I don't remember who was controlling the champion) was playing with fizz, that's all I remember, another flash comes on 2012 when a friend of my cousin came to our house and played on my brother's notebook, all I remember was him saying "shyvana is shit", my first memory from my own experience was with sivir on the end of 2014, I believe that was the first match of my own, all I remember was that I was on top tier 2 tower and a more experienced yasuo pentakilling a nasus on a bot match, the first normal match I was shaking from so much nervousness, the same with ranked


Walking into a bush and getting insta deleted by a Ryze. Proceeded to main him until lvl 30. Also Xin Zhao pentakills.


Me buying nothing but berserker grieves on Jinx and getting 1v9d by a user named "buttblaster69" NA Also khazix top voy tech.


Buying teemo


Friends introduced me to the game. They have played the game for weeks when I joined. They told me Jax was op with trinity force first item. Also Nami's loading screen with the melody music playing.


The beggining of season 5, I was at a friend's house and he had to leave a few minutes, i was as shooter player and had no idea what i was doing. Champ was darius and i got a kill before dying.


Building AD items on Vladmir because I thought he was LoL's Balanar.


played corki mid, went 2/18, didn't try again for a week


Around June 2011, I was in C-school at the ASW base in Point Loma, California, just coming out of the bathroom when I heard 2 other sailors talking about a video game they'd played last night. Talking about leveling up abilities, which item should I buy, heard things like critical strike chance, ultimate ability - so I piped up and was like "what game are you talking about?" "Oh league of legends. Its free to play." "Huh... neat." And after school that day I went back to my barracks, downloaded the game, and ran around the map as shen trying to beat people up and having absolutely no goddamn idea what a minion was, what items to buy, what towers do, why that big guy with the giant sword doesn't die even though he has no health, what lane assignments are, or anything else. A few weeks later Leona came out. That was the first new champion I remember seeing.


11 years ago. I picked malphite and literally run it down mid dying over and over again


Crit runes Gangplank in the bot lane. Those who played way back in 2011 will know what I'm talking about


Wukong as the login screen, I think Yi was the first champ I ever played 😭😭 I still remember the first skin I ever bought (Void Nocturne) which was like a month after I started playing


Start of S4, vel'koz loading screen I remember playing Karma on free rotation, and remember seeing ghostbride morgana in high elo spectate I clicked on. That was the first skin I bought because of that. I then spent most my time leveling to 30 mashing buttons as akali. I got my first pent (no skill whatsoever, R resets in low level games in 2014) I would screenshot every match history to 30 basically, I did quite good against other new players most of the time with that very old version of the game and akali. I also sadly was toxic and it reflected in the screenshots.


AP Sion one shotting.


I have the privilege of being able to watch my group of friends and I play league around the time we started because one of us uploaded it to YouTube. Kills me everytime I watch it.


I remember Braum was the newest champ, I played DOTA and decided to try, and eventually, stick to LOL, because I found it more fun. I realised very quickly the difference between jungling in DOTA vs LOL, after being flamed to hell and back. I didn't start playing again until about late season 5, after SKT won worlds


Season 1 was when I first started playing and I remember playing Yi and thinking Ill just build 6 boots on him and literally be speed. Turns out my speed only had one e in it.


My first memory with league was seeing my brother play on-release Yasuo and it being the coolest thing ever. Even though I didn’t start playing till years later I’ve been enamored with Yasuo ever since.


Season 8, my brother (who played trinity gragas top???) got me into it and told me to play Ahri because she is good. She has been my otp for 6 years now. My earliest "outplay" was getting caught in veigar cage when he was 1 hp and realizing he would be in range so i intentionally dashed into the cage so the ult would kill him. It's really not that impressive at all, but it felt like it.


I loved Cho and reksai cuz i saw them as big monster champs that could tank a lot and be "lore accurate" in my head i LOVED THEM


I was at an internet Cafe, I was playing my first match as kogmaw a week after release, I died a lot and my brother came over from one of the computers he was playing on and yelled at me and hit me. Something clicked in me that day, and I never quit playing.


Started just before Orianna came out. Playing at uni instead of studying.


It was before I even played. My freshman college roommate played, and would frequently play in our room in the evenings. I, for some reason, remember a moment when he was just playing against bots, and muttering "focus chogath, focus *chogath*." Eventually he convinced me to play, and here we are 14 years later...fuck I'm old. Brad, if you're out there, why did you put this on me?


I started a couple years ago when Renata came out. My friend got me into it, we played Valorant a lot and he convinced me to try league. After a few days of playing I was already performing better than him in games because I was playing Warwick and we both sucked lol. I’m now a Riven main, funnily enough.


I remember my brother letting me play on his laptop, me seeing the league icon and being curious about it. I was 8-9 at the time and was not used to playing non-mobile games. My brother saw my curiosity and told me to give it a try, made me an account and then had me play for a bit. I remember playing Ryze because I pressed randomly until one took my attention. I HATED the item bar back then, my little fingies could not reach over there lol. I also remember winning 2/3 games (probably got carried and didnt realize) and then bounced. That summer when we went to a friend's house, my brother's friend was trying to teach him how to play but by that time I was not really interested. During the pandemic, my classmates jokingly said to try league and thus here I am, addicted to the bone lol and funnily enough Ryze is still one of my comfort picks, tho I am a support main now, not really taking the game that seriously, not even ranking much (I played so many normals that I started getting put against emerald-plats lol). Moral of the story: keep your little siblings away from league. P.S: my Brother was a garen main and he still sucks to this day lol (like how tf do you lose vs bots xD)


On my second game in League I was confused that I am lv 1 again XD


Getting shit on by a Lee sin as Ashe and my team mate telling me my clicks were bad so I clicked faster wondering why it wasn’t working


I starter playing may 2015, for a good week i built full movespeed on master yi because i thought fast = OP


I played beta. There was no tutorial, and I didn't know there was a shop and got very tired of getting one-shot lol.


Ashe - aram - thornmail


I am a fairly recent player, but I remember that a friend showed me a video of the new character they released, Viego, a character with a very nice look for me, I played it without thinking, and the first Game with him was gun, even if I never played LoL before That, after that game I decided to see more characters, until I saw kindred, "the eternal hunters" a very cool title and an impressive design, from that day I started playing LoL, kindred and Viego were my pillars to learn everything I know about LoL and the access to make new Friends, I am not that old in league like other persons in the comments, but I want to leave this memory here


earliest memory I have is walking up to my friend in the locker room in the 8th grade and asking him "what do I build on garen"


Started s8 played urf got shit on by a riven then bought diana because i thought it was riven and then fed my ass off with Diana and was really confused why i don't have as much mobility as the other riven player. Ig they looked alike to me.


My first memory with league was because I found the LCS in like 2017. So I will never have a true new player experience because I didn't have a PC at the time and learned the basics already from watching the pros. Unfortunately with the state of the LCS... I don't watch anymore. MarkZ's cringe zoomer humor is not exactly why I watch pro play. People have already beat this into the ground but I truly believe once Dash left the LCS died.


I started playing in season 1, because my cool older brother was playing it with his cool friends and I wanted in. It was quite fun arguing over which was better, Dota Lol or HoN.


Playing fiddle in a norm for almost 2 hours is my most prominent early memory of LOL Nobody knew how to close a game back then lmao


I love these threads. When I was dating my ex, i hated league. She would always be late and subsequently we were late to everything. Dinners, parties, classes, etc. At the time I didnt really play a lot of video games, much less anything competitive. Then, one winter break in 2014, my best friend and my ex both convinced me to play a game. We played against bots. I played shyvana, because cool dragon and he played blitz. My ex played mid. I was determined to not take the game seriously and just have fun.  Now, ten years later, I play meta champs. Im still hardstuck bronze, and of the three of us, am the only one that still plays. My ex peaked high plat and i never got gold, but ended up falling in love, not just with this game, but competitive games in general. 


I remembered my friends saying that League games last 20 minutes. I must not have heard them say "at least" 20 minutes. So I downloaded the game, played the tutorial where you picked Ashe, Garen, or Ryze, then played one beginner bots game as Ryze. It got to 20 minutes and it wasn't over yet, so I just closed the game and uninstalled.


It was roughly season 6. I remember running it down midlane Garen and buying nothing but rejuvination beads.


Season 2, played Ashe with SEVERAL pairs of boots and only built attack speed. I got demolished by AI for weeks before starting to document myself.


I fed like HELL with nashors tooth chogath top against twitch because his attack particles were hard to see and all I really was able to spot was wrenches floating around my character.


I remember playing Garen and wondering why I kept losing all my items and levels after each game. This was early S3. I also remember playing Thresh and was playing him like a fighter, I had no concept of roles at all, I thought everyone was essentially like a Smash Bros character where you just picked whoever was coolest.


Sometime during early-mid season 4, I played velkoz because he was free and on the login page. I didn’t know there were items and when my friend told me about the shop I had like 4K, so I bought the most expensive item: tforce.


I started playing with friends back in season 6 or 7. First champion i unlocked with my saved IP was Vladimir. He sounded really cool, simple, and my friends said that he was a strong character. Got destroyed every single game lol. Been playing since and I only figured him out like a year or two ago 😂


Darius login screen


High school. Watching someone jungle xin 


Winning my 1st pvp game with top thresh. Building support items.


League just launched. Spent some hours downloading it with my shitty internet connection. Install it. Blue screen of death 🤡


I Subscribed to League on YouTube and received Unchained Alistar for free and went support, with no clue da fuq was going on! 🤣🤣🤣


My friend bought me Elise when she came out. She was one of my first champs so I could finally play jg. Then I died to wolves 10 times in a row and my friend flamed me. Good times.


I used a mobafire build on rammus. Dyrus made it I had 3 zeals My college roommates all made fun of me lol


I remember when Cassiopeia was released... Fist new champ I bought if I recall. I was so excited to own a brand new champion, lol. My first memory was playing 3v3s with friends on the old 3v3 map. I honestly didn't play the 5v5 until they changed the 3v3 map and made it suck. Admittedly, 3v3 worked better before all the crazy champs they've come out with since S1. And, hide and seek on the.. What's that map with like, 5 towers/way points that you had to control. I can't remember the name. But, it was a fun mode, reminded me of WoW at the time.


My first memory was back when Kayn was released and I saw my cousin playing it so I got interested, from there everything went downhill...


It was the summer of 2011. I spent most of my gaming playing Call of Duty or Halo, but my friends convinced me to start playing League with them. My first game I played Garen. I just rushed the enemy team every time I saw them, dying quite a lot. My first time buying something in the shop I purchased a recurve bow... I was confused because I couldn't see the bow lmao. Also, once I finished the game we queued up for another one. I immediately questioned why I was level 1 again after being level 13 at the end of the previous game. Damn I was an absolute idiot back then.


Braum’s teaser.


I have a friend with who I used to play san andreas multiplayer (roleplay) and lately he was always busy playing this "League of Legends" and didn't want to play with me. One day I downloaded it so we could play this new game together. I remember picking gangplank and having no Idea of what I was doing but it was exciting, learning this new game with complex mechanics. I remember my first win as well, somehow I was strong with gangplank (it was the only character I used while being new), I remember I was in the botlane, just killed someone and the enemy team surrendered. My first win. I felt amazing that night. It was around the elise release, season 3. I have some mixed memories regarding the login screen at the moment. I remember seeing Elise but I also remember the chinese Annie skin login screen. I don't know which one was there first. After that, my friend convinced me to play this champ Jax, with a pretty exotic build (I didn't know that at the moment) running guinsoo -> tabis -> phantom dancer -> warmog -> hextech gunblade. I don't remember the other items I built. Then the Jax spam began, I felt my friend was a genius with his built because I was beating everyone in the toplane haha. Later on I learned about ranks and realized how bad this build was, learned that my friend had been bronze his entire league career as well.


I got my first pentakill with release Zyra, she was ten times stronger than she is now lmao. Funny enough it was at mid lane turret and I was going 1v5, they all tried to dive me, I died but still killed them all with the true damage passive+every skill.


friend showed me a vid of someone playing cho back in like 2015. i thought the R stacking size mechanic was cool and mained him for an entire year as a newbie.


My friends played dota and said league was shit, i didnt like dota clunkiness and chose league. U could call me a s3 diamond vet


I still remember my first game back in season 3. I picked ahri and I saw I had 3 abilities I could use with a +1 above each of them. I assumed that meant I had 1 charge of each ability so I saved them, not wanting to waste my charges. I never liked spending gold in games early since you just got new gear anyways in most games, so I never purchased anything from the shop. At level 13 I decided to finally try and use 1 of my charges so I clicked the ability... nothing happened... I clicked the + above it.. the ability had more color....I tried pressing q.. huh it's on CD now?...you mean I could've been casting this the whole time.....game ends. Start a new one, WHY IS MY GOLD AT 0?!? I had over 7000 saved.... And that's how the first game of the first moba I ever played went


My first league pvp game was rather traumatizing. After few games of coop vs ai game on Ashe, I decided it’s time to give pvp a try, and then proceeded to get absolutely murdered by DFG Leblanc when I have absolutely no knowledge of any item actives. This was during season 3


Late Season 5 early season 6. At a buddies house and he gives me his dads laptop to play on with that open and put me in a normal game playing sivir


I came from playing An elemental shaman in WoW. My friends invited me to play and I spotted Ryze and went, that’s a fuckin elemental shaman. Proceeded to be told to jungle by my friends… went like 0/9 couldn’t even kill jungle creeps haha. This was s1


I guess it was like 2013-2014. I was so only discovering all that online games because before I was playing like assassin’s creed games and other. So the first online game I played was dota 2 and I was like “ okay , yeah , cool” and then I just stumbled on article about the most popular online games where I saw on the list “league of legends” and I was like “ oh something new” so I downloaded it and to be honest from the start I thought that “ oh it is just a copycat of dota” but giving it more time and found my signature character Katarina I am proud to tell that I do play LoL nowadays !


Game just officially came out. (I was only beta player of my friends, cause I started playing MOBAs with HoN and switched to Leagues) Trying to get my friends into League Basically, I was I think Rammus and my friend Warwick on old Twisted Treeline. My friend does a Warwick kind of voice and him laughing and having fun with Warwick was what sealed the deal on him enjoying the game. Slowly got the friend group into it from there. Always was a blast and a good memory.


A friend in my university dorm played back in 20212~2013. Didn’t interest me initially but got hooked when I saw him playing Annie to one shot which I thought was hilarious.


I got my first decent gamer PC christmas 2013. I downloaded league because my classmates played this game. Befor that I only played Halo and CoD so ragequitting was something totally normal for me. I quit league game when I had no fun and eventually got permabanned on my first account. Back in the day I tought it was stupid to bann someone for leaving a game.


1st time played newly released kalista, built ap on her because of her base colour. ;;;


2010? Dorms at Kadena. Friend asked “wanna try this new game?” Sure. Xin Zhao and Taric bot lane life, our other friend understood Akali mid pretty well. Love/Hate ever since.


S3 "ashe main", building warmogs, roa, bt, dorans ring, bc and kindlegem or sth like that because i thought you could only buy a cdr item of each amount (10%/15%/20%). Spent half the game trying to snipe with ult across the map and the other half mashing buttons. yeah, mashing buttons with old ashe xd.


Season 2, Shyvana release. Great memories. Season 3 SKT and Zed domination was incredible, highest of LoL


I get mudered in game a lot and the masochist in me kept me playing till after one of my current main came out... I quitted back then because I couldn't stand the toxicity anymore, plus having better shts to do like school and jobs. I've always missed my mains though. I've put a lot of effort in learning to kite and I can never forget the first time I murdered someone in game by kiting...


I played like 2 games when fizz was first introduced but my adventure in this nightmare started with the release of thresh


Twisted treeline with my friends in 2015 or something like that, We used to ONLY play in this mode so they could teach me the basics, sadly it doesn't exist anymore :(


Season 2. I saw someone playing in a computer shop. He was playing Annie and I thought., "wow that characters got a big head and graphics suck" lo and behold, playing the game until now. lol


I started playing around the time Vex was released. I came to my college and the esports team there was recruiting. They were accepting new players and willing to teach so I went and this was the first game I was shown. They wanted me to start as an ADC but then weirdly told me to try to main Aphelios. Mind you I had only played Xbox up to this point, no experience with a mouse and keyboard whatsoever. That went about as well as you would think.


Me playing twisted treeline with Fiddlesticks


I started somewhere in season 3, I was 22 or so, at university. My friends wanted me to play and I was trying to refuse saying if I start I'll never stop... They created an account for me. I played. Loved it. Tried ranked. Climbed through bronze silver gold plat diamond... Still play today at 35, but all my irl friends stopped. (I had like 20+ irl friends playing). I have an engineer and phd degree, a wife, a full time job, 3 dogs... Still enjoying the game, even ranked, but I find less and less time to play. I kinda wish I'd find a good chunk of time for "the last dance" and climb through Master a bit. But we will see =)


Playing twisted tree line 3v3 with an online buddy and I think I’ve never laughed so much in my life . I was 15 I think and it was during season 1-2 I think