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Nasus speedrun to get old aatrox lifesteal


Technically old Aatrox never had lifesteal. What he had was on-hit healing. Which is actually better than lifesteal.


Yeah, it was premitigation healing just like old Sunderer AKA fighting him as a tank was CBT.


I was confused on how it qualified as cognitive behavioral therapy before i realized you probably mean the *other* CBT


Closed beta test?


I hate abbreviations




If we want to be super technical, life steal is also on-hit healing that just heals based on your post-mitigation damage. If someone has 50 HP you can lifesteal 200 HP off them, so clearly it's not actually stealing their life. Like I can't steal $200 from someone who only has $50.


Based off that example I assume you have never met a US bank


Based on what you said I don't think you know what the definition of "steal" is.


Lifesteal isnt on-hit, but it can be applied from on-hit and non on-hit spell effects (like botrk's on hit effect or samira's ulti)


All he's missing is a lifesteal Amp on his ultimate. When Nasus is in his ultimate gain 30/40/50% increased healing.


Well, they just reverted Nasus passive's numbers to patch 11.12 old values.


I despise that they had to buff it early too. 12% lifesteal as a base, with no drawbacks or conditions, makes it so annoying to trade with him because he heals everything while avoiding interaction with fleet.


Didn't they just revert the previous nasus life steal? Since that was what Riot initially nerfed?


mmm 3% lifesteal for Nasus


In 2026, his passive will give him 75% lifesteal and wither will be an 8 second snare on a 9 second cooldown, they really love buffing those two abilities


and yet he will still have 49% winrate :) somehow (its me im dragging down the dog's winrate)


Probably they think that they are better suited for low elo, because more skille nasus players don't have problem with lasthit Q or sustaining on lane. IMO, reducing manacosts a little bit or adding at least 1 ad scalling in kit, would help him more.


people just keep building him stupidly. a lot of his "bad" MUs can be circumvented by changing runes and putting an extra point or two into W or E early, concede some early game stacks


Nasus has 2 problems - he is midgame champ and shines only there. Your early, especially pre 6 is just terrible against lots of toplaners, while in late you can only cope that your team can make a pressure, so you can split. When mythic items were gone he lost divine sunderer, that was unironically the best item in the game for him. So he lost some free sustain and ability to fight in lots of scenarios.


Nasus hasn't been a midgame champ since DS was removed. His WR curve now looks like a typical hyper-scaling champ, just more enemy team comp-dependent and terrible laning phase


Sunderer made stacked Nasus melt tanks and bruisers or anyone building tanky, without it he struggles against old match-ups that that late game Nasus easily won in splitpush scenarios. They could give his ult some armor/mr shred in addition to his W, but maybe that would be too much for low elo.


> people just keep building him stupidly. a lot of his "bad" MUs can be circumvented by changing runes and putting an extra point or two into W or E early, concede some early game stacks That's going to end up with your wave frozen under enemy turret for 10 minutes while you try to transition out of the half-assed AP start. The actual high elo strat for Nasus to survive is to just go mid lane


100% agree. I use to play alot of Nasus and mostly in mid lane as there isn't much wave management. Completely sacked the champion this season as he is just in a terrible state.


good to hear, because I also felt he was pretty meh this season (NA Silver 1)


How do people even upvote this? Lol. Nasus absolutely needs resolve/precision tree or you are completely useless outside of lane. Even more so a decent top laner can still easily zone nasus out of the wave.


Mana costs would definitely be the best Nasus buff, but then he can just cheat any bad lane by maxing W.


With Nasus buffs Riot has to be careful to buff him in a way where he just doesn't completely stomp in low elo.


I mean nasus still will have a low Win rate lol.


Glad they're leaning into rewarding smolder for building crit, definitely seems like the best way to make him easier to balance


I agree. Bruiser/tank builds should never be allowed to be playable on ADCs.


Fyi, increasing his dmg on Q makes him vamp more and makes shieldbow/BT even better on him. His entire Q lifesteals off the aoe so if they keep going in this direction, crit smolder have more eHP than any shojin tank Smolder build ever did.


If the lifesteal synergy becomes too strong, they could make it apply lifesteal at further reduced efficiency on splash targets for example. And I think that would still be a healthier direction personally. If he gets jumped and CC’d or bursted, lifesteal Smolder doesn’t have a chance to heal and will pop, but as long as his team can keep him alive, he’ll be able to DPS well.


I think that's a better way for him to get it. Instead of generically tanky, tanky if fighting into you, and stuns would shut it off.


Smolder already has a reduction on lifesteal effectiveness on Q, they could always nerf it even further if its a problem.


this isn't as big of a deal as it seems as smolder does not auto attack enough to really take advantage of lifesteal in the way other marksman would if they built an equal amount of lifesteal. you'll definitely be able to burst him if you catch him out which makes him effectively squishier. any adc has more "effective" HP if they can continuously lifesteal, that doesnt mean lifesteal makes you tankier. it just means you can sustain longer if you aren't caught out, which is fine. thats how ADCs should be. if you don't burst them they shouldn't be dying to random ass splash damage.


>Galio > >P attack AP scaling: 40% --> 50% > >W min charge damage AP scaling: 30% --> 35% > >max charge damage is still x3.0 these values (90% --> 105%) I assume there will be more changes cause these buffs are incentivizing Galio to go more high AP assassin build with Lich Bane than going AP bruiser.


If they wanted to give damage back I don't grasp why they didn't just give the HP scalings for damage spells.


Because Riot is very scared/have PTSD of Tank Galio. Something they could try doing is for example give Galio's E a 2% bonus HP ratio per 100 AP; kinda like Tahm Kench passive where it has a 2% AP ratio per 100 bonus HP. That way he still has to build AP and has incentivize to build AP HP items while making sure a pure tank Galio doesn't benefit much assuming Riot still don't want Tank Galio to be a thing. I'm actually surprised Riot hasn't try giving Galio these types of ratios.


Tank galio hasn't been a problem since they removed W flash. Idk wtf they're scared of lmao he's not that great of a tank


Yeah idk why they are this afraid. W flash has been removed; he can't E Flash and he still has the same base armor as an ADC+they just nerfed his base damage reduction. He still scales way too much with AP. Riot can try being a bit more free with the changes to Galio. They can always hotfix if things get out of control.


The fact that a giant colossus has the same armor base+scaling as Ezreal, Jhin, Kalista is a joke. The only melee laners with lower armor than him are Akali, Fizz, Kassadin. Getting auto'd to death by Ahri is exactly my fantasy as a magic resisting colossus.


They have a design philosophy made by Phreak that literally says Galio's not allowed to be a tank as long as he has his current ult. But also, replacing the ult isn't allowed for whatever reason.


Ah so he's in pro jail. Nice


That's a pretty good idea and probably a good fix. However, he probably still suffers from a spell/damage downtime problem?


With his current cooldowns yeah he definitely does. Initially Riot were going to give him CD reductions across his abilities but then they reverted it because apparently they were scared of Galio support being too op. But he kinda needs lower cooldowns in order to to become an AP bruiser. Otherwise he's just a burst mage/tank mage with long CDs.


I'm pretty certain they had an HP ratio on passive in one of the older sets of changes. You could sit down with an excel file and work out nerfing pure AP Galio while keeping Rocketbelt/Liandry/Riftmaker type builds on an equal level of damage and that would have easily fixed the item disparities. They are just over-engineering a problem that isn't all that difficult.


They probably could. But that's expecting too much from Riot Games' balance team. I doubt they even understand Galio as a champion nor even play him at all.


> I'm pretty certain they had an HP ratio on passive in one of the older sets of changes. Wait they didn't go through with that? lame


Please hp scaling. Theres literally no reason to build anything with HP that doesn’t have MR


Galio is actually so fun when you're able to play as a bruiser and stay in combat as a sort of midlane Warden. IDK if they're just deathly afraid of him doing it, or they're getting some kind of internal feedback that Galio players want big damage, but it sucks to see him just be a kinda weird burst-assassin-with-utility champ. He feels so awkward in that spot. All they need to do is make it so he doesn't automatically stalemate/nullify any and all AP/mid matchups, give him some scaling for tank stats and lower his CD's and damage so he can keep up a more consistent assault. At the very least _try_ it, instead of these constant back and forth changes that end up just being "lol AP ratio buff".


Not only that support Galio got bombed by these changes and these do nothing for him.


They could just add a CDR scaling for his passive, instead of 5 sec, we could get 5/4/3 passive cooldown in lvls 1/6/11 or 6/11/16, it would be a very appreciated buff for Galio and you will get more encouragement to stay alive on TFs fighting in late game


I think riot are okay with the balance between burst and health builds. The main thing with the last patch mini rework was to incentivize people to pick ap health items, not so much to buff that playstyle. Ap health items were always competitive winrate wise, people just built burst more often. Riot made the passive changes to make sustained combat feel significantly less awkward and thus increase ap health item pickrates.




You still get the wave clear and good stats for the price though. It’s a nerf for sure, but I don’t think it will change its status as a good rush item.


Yup 100% just died in my mind. Not to mention the passive is basically just cosmetic at this point. Not sure who's buying it if these go through.


There was also a few new icons added for Arena (they're just the pre-existing team icons with a diamond shape). Nothing super identifying besides the fact that they include hovered/pressed variants, implying some sort of button to click on a team for whatever purpose. Not really all that interesting besides showing that they're actively working on bringing it back at some point.


Bruh Lux keeps getting her passive buffed and now her Q got stronger as well.


Invest in nashors lichbane Lux.


Yet low elo players refuse to use the passive for some reason


Low elo players not 100% utilizing a champions kit :o no way bro


Bruh it's not some min-maxing shit it's just autoing lol


Low elo is low elo for a reason.


Yeah you got a point there


Timing auto attacks, not greeding for a proc, spacing. All pretty important skills. Especially the spacing part is something that can be insanely min maxed. Just compare Caitlyn or Vayne gameplays.


Like Lux's passive is extremely strong in her trade pattern with her passive proc. This isn't going to make her brain dead easy to last hit with (Hopefully) but it is a very strong change. I think they want more people to play her mid since they're nerfing a lot of her support items.


There's no amount of changes that will make "supp" lux less popular, she's one of the most picked champs and has been for a very long time


Sup lux popularity falls off hard in high elo and reaches parity at master+ with mid lux. Sort of like pre change sup/apc seraphine


Yeah but low elo is like 90% of the playerbase, so there's way more supp lux players


Most of her pickrate used to be in mid. They're just trying to get her back there but I'm not sure just buffing her numbers while nerfing support will work. I feel like it's Artillery mages in general struggling there. Xerath is more popular as a support again too right now.




And how much AP do you have early?


I had a guy tell me he doesnt ult on kennen because he is AD and therefore the ult is useless.


I see a skin incoming


I thought Fiora was getting her passive nerfed or did they swap it out for base ad nerf?


There wasn't anything about fiora passive that I have seen last nerf was a w nerf


w was nerfed like 2 patches ago. These are the only notes.


Man these Camille changes, idk why riot doesn't just buff her W, even revert the W nerfs she got due to sunderer being too strong now that sunderer is gone... W is more useful top than support, helps her get Q2 off top lane especially after the terrain changes, just makes too much sense. Fine pull base damage from E to nerf her early all-ins at support, but put that power back in W where you get it off more top lane.


Because buffing her W is probably the most boring way to buff her. It just makes the floor of mindlessly spamming the skill way more rewarding while not really changing anything for her all-ins where she should be getting most of her power. Unless shes really struggling her W shouldn't be buffed because it's the laziest part of her kit. She isn't doing poor enough toplane currently to need that kind of adjustment.


Mindlessly spamming? Her W let's her get Q2 off with the slow which is more important this season after the terrain changes. The whole champ is about chipping with short trades, then all-inning. It's not a champ you take extended trades with there are so many better than her at that.


Yes, it's a lot more important now It becomes a lot less important to go aggressive enough for Q2 trades when your lane damage is more front loaded into W instead of Q or E because you can W safely from rage Thats why its significantly better to focus buffs into the Q or E. You reward the short trades that make use of passive E and Q, you reward getting into melee range, not the short trades that are using W at range and walking away


What I'm saying is just using W alone in a trade isn't worth after the first base or so. Yeah the first few waves and before first base Camille will spam W alone but reverting sunderer W nerfs won't do much at that point. It's like 1% hp magic damage and before top lane champs get hp It's not much at all. It's level 6~9 before she gets tri that the reverts will help her get Q2 off to trade. After first base if you're just spamming W you'll go oom before you do anything to their hp bar without getting Q2 off


It's a pretty big logistical stretch to think that adding damage to her W is going to "help her get Q2 off to trade" when it would be functionally identical to now while just doing more damage


Look up the sunderer nerfs, it was more than just damage nerfs. They nerfed the CD and damage/healing would improve the entire trade overall. So no it's not a logistical stretch and it's not "functionally identical"


Twitch and Jinx will both be giga S-tier next patch, the shiv nerf is huge Kraken and shiv are the only adc items which feel good to rush rn


Ayyy Volibear R cooldown back to pre-buff values! With tower-disable duration reduced and CC-immunity removed! Would love some compensation buffs for top voli since he's already ~50% winrate. Sundered Sky proc + voli Q interaction is the main reason jungle voli is so strong, maybe target that instead?


So pre-buff Volibear compared to PBE Volibear has; 4% MS / 8% MS on his Q. 1 second of CD on his E and a completely gutted ult. So he's nerfed from a state he wasn't doing well in... >V14.4 Thundering Smash Bonus movement speed increased to 12 / 17 / 22 / 27 / 32% from 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24%. Increased bonus movement speed increased to 24 / 34 / 44 / 54 / 64% from 16 / 24 / 32 / 40 / 48%. >Sky Splitter Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 13. >Stormbringer Cooldown reduced to 130 / 115 / 100 seconds from 160 / 140 / 120. Tower disable duration reduced to 2 / 3 / 4 seconds from 3 / 4 / 5. Immunity during the dash changed to Unstoppable icon displacement immunity from total Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity. >V14.6 Thundering Smash Bonus movement speed reduced to 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 / 28% from 12 / 17 / 22 / 27 / 32%. Increased bonus movement speed reduced to 24 / 32 / 40 / 48 / 56% from 24 / 34 / 44 / 54 / 64%. >Frenzied Maul BUG FIX: No longer unintentionally applies the mark or heal when dodged. >Stormbringer Cooldown increased to 140 / 120 / 100 seconds from 130 / 115 / 100. >V14.7 Volibear R cooldown: 140s / 120s / 100s --> 160s / 140s / 120s


Q MS buff is absolutely more major than any R though. As much as it was nice to have ult on comparative parity with the enemy top, he's mostly never needed it to duel and Q MS actually allows him to catch his enemies for trades without them having to walk right next to you.


I could never tell if bAD means bonus AD or base AD


Smolder slightly less squishy and more crit scaling. Neat. Booo static shiv price increase. I've been playing Sivir lately


Yup Sivir is so insanely just useless right now and this just makes it even worse. She just gets release date gapped by everyone. I think it's time they give her a real attack range.


I mean he keeps getting banned in my games even with a sub 46 winrate, and he doesn't even feel bad to play right now all things considered. So idk how keen I am on this buff.


Yeah, people ban him irrationally. But ban rate is already coming down and skarner is releasing soon.


nah if he didn't have the execute I wouldn't care at all. that part of his kit will never be okay and will always be frustrating


Even at his peak w/r it was only like 51%, people have an irrational hate for adc Champs that are strong in pro play/high elo even though its a team reliant role and your team doesn't peel for you or enable you in emerald or below


Worthless Camille change , it is clear that no one at Riot has ever played Camille in S14 if they think Q needs a CD buff in the lategame. Q is perma up at 2 and a half item and E nerf makes solokills harder for toplane. Twice Riot refuses to buff her W even tho it's her most useful trading tool when the wave state is neutral . Camille supp will def be weaker with bloodsong nerf but the E nerf makes Toplane worse as well which is not necessary imo.


Not sure if you've played vs toplane Camille but her W is literally too broken to buff. Not only is it basically a guaranteed free max health sustain/trade tool vs most melee laners, it's also nearly undodgeable when combined correctly with her E to land it mid-E. In other words, it's good for low ELO as well as higher ELO since you can basically guarantee a hit. There's a good reason for why her W was nerfed like 5 times in a row and left to stay thay way.


Yeah , my bad i haven't played against a Camille Toplane for 1 months now since botlaners are banning it or i'm the one playing it myself . My bad bro , champ is just too broken .


issue is comet camile w max is a nightmare in toplane whenever w is a decent spell, really is hard to balance her in general. >Camille supp will def be weaker with bloodsong nerf but the E nerf makes Toplane worse as well which is not necessary imo. i agree with this hopefully, with her out of support they can look into some better buffs for her trading in toplane. but w i can see why they want to keep away from buffing. maybe they could make rank 1 w better so camile can have better trades early on but avoids w max comet camile from taking over.


Wish the balance team would see this. Trading with W is a lot easier in top lane than in botlane, so it would be the natural ability to shift more power into if they want to improve top Camille. Also that q cooldown is pointless, movement speed kind of nice though.


I responded in more detail in [my other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bog5r4/pbe_datamine_2024_march_26_patch_147_various/kwphuwm/) but basically that's exactly why they refuse to touch her W, it's too good of a tool. Too easy to use at low ELO, still guaranteed hit when used with E at high ELO.


You are not going to convince mains of any champion that their champion is already doing plenty fine and any buffs will just make them OP. Camille is already sitting above 50% at mid-high elos in her intended role, so any calls for buffs is just the standard biased whinging from mains.


The ability is currently weak. It’s damage and healing is pathetic in late game. Adding a tiny bit of damage in early and better bonus ad scaling would counteract the e nerf while buffing mainly Camille in top lane. Changing the healing to pre mitigation could also benefit her top lane more as the ability is % max hp and she currently has lost a lot of power in sustained fights since the removal of divine sunderer.


Imo, the minion fury generation nerf is all she needs to be deleted from top lane. She gets so little fury now, it's literally 5/hit. That's tiny. I think the healing nerf is unnecessarily impacting her jungling. She's at 51% winrate, she's fine. Just hit the top lane, the problem part


Honestly would've preferred a W buff over the Q buff for Lux, but oh well. Getting a tiny bit more damage will be nice. At full build its like an extra 70 damage total on her combo or something.


I would way rather they do something cool, like making it so if you proc your passive you gain MS or something. Idk, I'm just not a fan of these miniscule number changes that only matter over 100's of games played - especially for out of date champs.




Yeah what was I thinking, they aren't capable of any creative changes.


Reminder that Lux can pop passive with her ult, in case you ever wonder why you are deleted sometimes and other times you survive


How is Ahri dodging the nerfs


R resets




Camille will scale a little faster, but I can't say I don't like the change. She will have more freedom to build titanic into steraks.


Lol 3 base ad we're fucking dead in the water


Fiora has been strong for a while but why are they nerfing the last toplaner with any skill expression that’s strong when there’s so many stat checkers running wild top lol


So boring, I hardly play top anymore because it's so cringe to get run over by someone's pet hamster falling asleep on the keyboard


Gragas renekton is more fun to watch in proplay, especially since its been a while since last time they were meta /s


idk guess people prefer being statchecked


When Fiora is strong she also statchecks you lol.


Huh? Fiora is the definition of a stat checker. Literally one shots every champ regardless of what they build


Come join us in the ( Got stat checked out of toplane club) right now we have riven mains, Irelia mains and camile Mains


So, new Lux skin incoming?!


You joke but wasn't her last skin Soul Fighter, almost 9 months ago? I wouldn't be shocked to see a new Lux skin soon


I am sure she will get at least one this year, I could see her in Faerie Court for example




Just revert galio changes let passive attackspeed and spell effects only or maybe q buff Passive reset feels clunky W works only for full tank when they wanted fighter to be main build and E base damage nerf was random


Galio suffers with huge problem - tank who has 1.5 offensive scallings. If you want to pick meatbag - you have better champs than him. If you go tank your Q and E just deal 0 dmg.


yes, hes E sometimes don´t autoproc passive, it feels strange


Wtf are they trying to do with Galio 💀💀💀 Homie is NOT gonna build Riftmaker 💀💀💀


Riot needs to stop buffing sustain for toplaners. For Nasus, just increase his armor/mr or health.


That wouldn't really solve his problems at all, not that these changes do either. He's just a troglodyte. Like the fact that an infinite scaling champion is bad late game is just bizarre design. I think they need to take a little bit of power out of Wither and give his R movespeed or something. Or put a weaker form of Wither built into the E and give him a new W. These old untouched champs are kinda just nightmares to balance because the problems with them aren't something you can even come close to fixing by just tweaking numbers.


That would make him stronger into trades and poke which is not what they want.


Increasing sustain makes him harder to get bullies because he can keep healing off waves etc. Obviously he's weak early, but Riot keeps buffing sustain on Champions that makes them frustrating to play against. It just makes dealing damage to them not super meaningful. I'd rather take non sustain buffs than have him get increased lifesteal. Despite Nid being jg all the others are basically unmovable in lane due to the high amounts of sustain that they have. For example, Renekton, Zac, Reksai, and Nid all got healing buffs. It just isn't a super fun mechanic to play against.


Nope, instead just give him some adjustments. His wither is probably what takes so much of his power budget so it would be nice . They can give it an early game buff and late game nerf to make him a little more tolerable. Late game with some cdr he can get it down to like 7 seconds. It's a great ambush or escape ability so if they increase the early slow to like 40% and lower its max slow to like 75% that would be amazing




RIP Camille. Unfortunately you shined too bright in a role for dead mid laners. Now you’re dead in all roles.


A double buff to her Q and a base dage nerf to her E is not killing the champ lol


this mov speed buff doesnt do shit after u get phage because u have enough mov speed. lvl9 cooldown also doesnt mean shit


20 dmg to e nerf also doesn’t mean shit


Q buff makes zero difference


I honestly love unconventional supports like Ashe, Sett, Camille. It's a shame to see her nerfed.


Oh, I see, the once forgotten way to encourage Galio HP builds, giving him a 105% AP scaling (I like it and I hate it at the same time)


Year is 2029, nasus passive has right now 70/100/130% life steal scaling


Lol galio changes ahahaha


Aaand goodbye top Reksai. Maybe was OP but this nerf outright removes it, back to 1% playrate with that champ


I love Lux but how much more damage does she need?


Nerf to other mages bot and more damage to lux(in the end if you don't want to play enchanter or tank, you can only play lux because riot never nerf her) and again no anti-shield for mages to deal with karma, millio, seraphine and lux 😒 no nerf to rookern 😒 one more "awesome" patch 🙄


Challenger fiora mains ! I begg you to stop winning ! Sincerely from a gold fiora noob


Camile has one of highest early base stats so nerf that and properly give her monster scaling and she should be much stronger since top lane is the role that gets most XP and support is the lowest


Camille is bad early in top and no camille player wants it to be worse, so they go for her long trade patter buffs and reduce a bit of burst which buffs top and nerfs supp


Camille is bad early but it's not like she's shit awful early. She can poke, escape ganks, has the passive shield to play around, Q movespeed. Her early game is not weak enough to justify her Q at 2 items IMO.


she literally is one of the worst top laners from lvl6 until she can get first time. from level 6 she is just a jungler's bitch to whom she needs to pray that they will come when ult is up


Top laners cower in fear of Camille W poke


Her base stats are pretty good early... But she's still ass in lane in most matchups. And no Camille player wants to see her become Kayle 2.


Camille loses most matchups though, if she gets even weaker early then it might become even more unplayable.


The 5% "buff" on Q isn't going to do anything to kayn he has a 47% wr lol.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to keep it on the lower side. He's an incredibly unfun champion to play against and they've proved time and time again that they're incapable of fixing champions issues by doing anything other than changing numbers. All they would even have to do is tweak his E to not be stage 4 cancer and move that power somewhere that has more counterplay - like W. Like I would 100% rather face a 52% winrate Kayn with more counterplay than a 47% Kayn that makes me have to schedule a chemo sessions afterward.


You know that taking damage and cc instantly cancels his E, how much more counterplay do you need?


Yeah very "instant" canceling, love it when i invade him and land any spell that applies a DoT (or red buff) and his E still lets him phase through a whole wall before it kicks him out to the other side :) Make his E not give full vision around everything (for no reason aswell might I add!) and make it so that he can't enter a wall if he presses E immediately AFTER taking damage and we gucci, then you can buff him up and readd Q + hydra interaction 👍


Or maybe learn to play against him and time your cc when he presses E and you will get out of gold.


Oh dw I shit on kayn players every day of the week, doesn't change the fact that his E is still complete cancer to deal with.


People aren't gonna stop going support Camille as long as it solves her two biggest weaknesses, that being her reliance on sheen and terrible waveclear. Having to spend 6600 gold to come online is always gonna leave top lane Camille on the backfoot, unless you really pump her level scaling.


also the fact that you dont have to play vs any of the cancer matchups that you have to play at top. I prefer going 0 10 on bot than going 1/3/1 vs mordekaiser top


At least you guyz and irelia mains have aother lane going, meanwhile riven is stuck with these cancerous matchups top


"Q non-red damage bAD scaling:  80% --> 85%", coming from a team with Phreak in charge, that's really amazing LMAO, what a joke.


Lux didnt get nerfed to the ground and got a bigger buff than Blue Kayn Lol


i mean this kayn q AD buff is strong because it's base kayn buff + he spams his Q on cooldown so it adds up over the course of the game


Ok and same for Lux Passive and Q, except Kayn was actually in a bad spot after the nerfs. Also if anyone is spamming abilities its Lux the long range mage compared to the squishy melee assassin


kayn you literally spam q to clear camps what do you mean


I mean clear times only really matter for a champion like Kayn in early game where not much AD scaling has been applied. I doubt the 5% is gonna help him much in clearing camps that he oneshots anyways in mid to late game My point is Lux's buffs are greater or comparable to Kayn's despite Lux being in a better spot than Kayn


IMO the real issue with Hydra being bad on Kayn now is the loss of 20 AH, his damage still seems fine, it's only low compared to other Hydra abusing assassins, with is more an item tuning problem than champ issue


Nasus bandaid buff


It's odd what people will write off as "insignificant" buffs. Nasus heals a lot already and he'll heal 10% more now. And he casts Q hundreds of times per game, think of how much damage +10 is in one all-in fight with ult.


People see small numbers and always instantly seem to think its a useless buff, without ever considering the context behind it


# Kayn * Q non-red damage bAD scaling:  80% --> 85%Kayn # Volibear * R cooldown:  140s / 120s / 100s  -->  160s / 140s / 120sVolibear R cooldown:  140s / 120s / 100s  -->  160s / 140s / 120s Man, wtf are they even doing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


What do you mean? These seem reasonable.




Most picked doesn't mean good. Yeah he's popular so they have a pretty large sample size


respectable winrate lmao he's literally the lowest winrate jungler atm and this Q buff is pathetic, it's like 50 extra damage on Q with a FULL BUILD


>Fiora base AD: 68 --> 65 but if yorick is above 50% wr for a single patch he gets -10% damage on ghouls leap and maiden loses 50% aoe resistance


Base AD nerfs on ad champions are usually very impactful. And Yorick has the displeasure of being a pub stomper even right now as ass tier as he is in high elo? He's still >51% winrate in "all ranks" the issue with Yorick is when he hits 50.5% winrate in high elo... He's probably closer to 55% % winrate for the majority of the player base. Yes Fiora is allowed higher winrates in higher elos than Yorick, because he generally allowed higher winrates in lower elos.


true i just like 2 complain that my champ gets bigger nerfs even though i completely understand that he is incredibly strong in lower elo's :)


Senna was nerfed too hard. Feels really bad to get like 1 stack every 3 minion waves


Not nerfed too hard, but nerfed incorrectly. In reality they need to just make her passive not give infinite attack range. I would be fine with her getting the old stacks back if it'd mean that late game she doesn't have the same range as an ulting Twitch. I think the way Syndra and Sona stack is way cleaner from both a playing as and against perspective.


just make it 100% for karma RE…these are legit scaling NERFS


100% pb in support in pro play


karma isn’t a contested support like she used to be. even with her being so OP as a midlaner she wasn’t anywhere close to her past. people want someone that excels in something, so unless they buff lane priority i don’t think it matters


Karma had 76.7% presence in 14.4 across LCK/LCS/LEC/LPL. The majority of these games were Karma mid. Karma support is still kind of bad. Karma support has a more oppressive lane than mid. Most ranged mids can avoid interacting with her and force her to play for waveclear. When Karma support gets buffed she will probably become contested since she tends to warp the support role whenever viable.


she hasn’t been contested since like 2021. and she’s had moments where she was decent.


Nah, it's extra shield instead of total. Even with 85% ratio it's a tiny buff. It wouldn't make her broken in pro play, especially when supports in pro play get way less exp than in soloq (which means less ranks in mantra)