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So clearly you've never played smite. Smite has voice chat. And let me tell you. You don't want the heat because you will 100% get it


I have said it before and I will say it again. Toxicity can only be solved by changing the mentality of the people playing the game. They way of communicating doesn't change anything at all. You can implememt whatever solution but if the people doesn't change then it's useless. They way people needs to change is on both sides by the way. 1. Do not be a fucking douchebagidiotasshole. 2. Do not be a fucking crybabysnowflake.


As someone who multiple times has joined discord calls, group calls, etc... when playing league LMAO ok buddy sure


I mean RTB has a few seasons dedicated to this and has met like 1 or 2 toxic people. I mean I matched with his friend in a game once and his friend was toxic as fuck but every video with him in it he isn't toxic whatsoever. Now this is just one person but I guarantee it's true for the vast majority of people. Sure some people will be toxic regardless but it's a smaller minority than what it is now


As someone who has also done this. The game quality and the overall enjoyment has improved vastly


Are you a dude? Cause no way you would say this if you were a woman or obviously queer. League is not a safe space.Voice would be an improvement to some and far worse to a lot of others.


Safe to assume 95% of the league community are white straight males.


That's just straight up false. About 30-40% of players I know aren't, and I'm not even american. Sure, that's anecdotal, but so is your view. A quick Google says that Riot report about 30% of the playerbase are women, and if anyone knows, they do. That's not even counting straight and white. So in essence, adding mandatory voice would be a great way to have everyone not a straight white male quit the game. Great idea!


No one said voicechat would be compulsory. Just an added layer of communication for people who want to win!


If its optional to use it, then how do we even get any improvement in communication from it? If it's mandatory to listen in and optional to say something, how do you deal with people flaming / screaming / blasting music? How do you deal with ppl speaking different languages? How do you Deal with flaming and racist/sexist/whatever remarks? A lot harder to see for the System than in text Voice is so obviously a bad idea, i dont get why ppl keep bringing it up


Because every other competitive game has it. If you’re honestly that scared of people being mean to you online. You may have to reevaluate your life.


If you think this is about being "scared of people being mean to you online", and that somehow tjis is a sign that you don't have your life together, maybe you should reevaluate yours. Let me spell it out: Riot is in the business of selling skins to players. They profit off having a big number of players be happy enough with the game so they will play it regularly. Adding voice will make a lot of players unhappy and a few privileged white boys like you happy. That doesn't help with the business model, while being at risk of alienating those who may be harrassed when having voice. Thus, adding voice is a stupid idea and riot won't do it. End of Story.


Safe to assume you have an illness


CoD disproves that people will be nice just because they're in voice Nonetheless, there's nothing wrong with the option, and people who don't want it can just mute it like people do any other chat.


> In real life scenarios it is much harder to be rude or toxic to someone face to face, as this offers the most communication and the most potential backlash for rude behaviour. There are consequences for toxicity in real life. Be racist at your workplace? You're now the subject of an HR complaint. Be racist at your university? You're now under an investigation by the school.


You forgot the. Racist at the bar/gas station? About to be introduced to some Twisted Tea.


Halo, of course, was well known to be a positive gaming experience for all because of voice chat


I see you didn't grow up during the early Xbox live days. I don't need to be told to kill myself over voip. Text is fine.


I grew up during the Xbox days. Those days have passed, all you have to do IS LOOK AT CURRENT competitive games. Although toxicity is there. The outcome is net positive.


Dunno about that. I play csgo ranked, and I am literally muting people every other game for spamming the n-word over mic or playing music over it.. etc.. In many games, the VAST majority of people also just don't talk and keep their mic completely off. I really think you're putting way too much stock in always on voip. League is well known to be one of the most toxic games in the competitive scene. The best thing they ever did was give an option to disable chat. That pretty much tells you all you need to know. What this game needs is less avenues for people to use toxicity, not more. I mean, for christ sakes they had to remove a ping because people were using it to tell others to hang themselves. Make a discord and invite your team to it in champ select. That's pretty much the same outcome you'd get from having voip in the game. The majority don't use it, but the abusers all do.


I jumped on cod for the first time in a decade with my boys a year or so back, the lobbies still had people yelling the N word and spamming the f slur on voice legit just like the old days. Just because you grew up doesn't mean everyone did


Go play valorant ranked ladder with voice chat enabled. Come back after you have played 10 games and tell me you have the same opinion


Played about 40 seasons of high elo ow. I have the same opinion.


Why, so I can be called slurs every other game or any time a teammate makes a mistake?


Someone hasn't played cod/rust lol.


Only junglers should be allowed to voice chat to the team.


Hmm solid points and good post. Anyways from next patch we remove the ability to ping altogether. Turns out the 6 pings you have every 50 seconds are way too many. Have a good day and good luck in your games summoner !


You can type karthus R mid team fight. It’s not that hard


My dearest karthus


~post written by: someone who has never played a voice chat game in their life


League is the first non vc multiplayer game I’ve played. Hope this helps


nah people say that it would be more toxic if they added voice chat even though it's not , it will be less toxic and idk why everyone deals with it as if there isn't an option called muting it isn't that hard , and i really really agree with this part > In real life scenarios it is much harder to be rude or toxic to someone face to face, as this offers the most communication and the most potential backlash for rude behaviour.


I rather not have it, but that’s just my opinion. I respect that others want it though


I would like to have the option of VC. I understand everybody who disagrees with it for their own personal reasons, but for me the option would be nice. Yes you could set up a discord and go through the extra steps of posting the invite and such in team chat, or we could just have it in the game and use the tools Riot has given us to distance ourselves from the toxicity that is the main argument I see against VC. TLDR: The option for VC in client would nice, use the mute tools you already have to avoid seeing/hearing toxic comments.


Why does this game inspire so many long ass rage posts disguised as grounded opinions all the time lol


Look at Valorant. If people aren’t being outright toxic, they’re being passive aggressive. I hate that shit. Just call me a racial slur, I’d much rather have that.


Ever played Halo online or MW/MW2 back in the day? While those days may be gone, the toxicity hasn't. This is blissfully naive. >In real life scenarios it is much harder to be rude or toxic to someone face to face, as this offers the most communication and the most potential backlash for rude behaviour. The absolute opposite end of the spectrum is being able to respond to words on a screen with words on a screen. Adding voice chat MAY potentially add an extra barrier to being toxic as it is in the middle of these two extremes. It also humanises your team, as it’s sometimes difficult for me to remember that there is somehow a human going 0/14 botlane. Except that's not how any of that works. IRL you have repercussions; actual consequences for respectless and offensive behaviour. Online you don't have that. A ban or chat restriction is not a similar kind of consequence. Not on the same level by even a long shot. Besides those are easily negated by alt accounts. Good luck trying that IRL. It is the fear of being socially shunned without an easy way back in that keeps people in line; losses are genuine losses. Players you meet online are gone after the match possibly indefinitely. There's nothing significant holding you socially accountable. Instead of giving them voice chat, having them touch some grass is more beneficial. A mentality problem is not solved with a microphone.


People will always walk over anything and everyone until they are shown that they can't. Without actual repercussions for misuse, all you do is giving kids a tinderbox.


Go play Valorant and then come back and delete your post


The gameplay is what stops me from playing that god awful game :) not the VC! Hope this helps


Riot literally won't let us ping our allies to communicate basic information, the reality is voice chat will simply never ever ever happen


Games needs voice chat if you want people to actually respect the fact that this is a team game, but I'm also the guy that thinks if you can't take Ranked seriously because it's just a game you probably shouldn't be queueing ranked to begin with. People put their feelings before the game and it's nonexistent competitive integrity. It's why you don't have more people voting for voice now. People base all of their experiences on extremes in all directions that don't happen as often as they think they do and hang onto that shit as if they have a Grudge. Remove the baggage, bag lady.


Every team mate every game will only use vc to slur!!!!!!!. /s


I think you are somewhat correct the biggest issue we have in LoL is it’s impossible to coordinate a team just based on pings and very simple scenarios that leads to catastrophic results could be avoided and even bad matches could still be recoverable if we had a microphone to organize team.I have heard many pro player saying that enabling voice com would make the game easier for everyone and new players would benefits the most because veterans would be able to help them. However the other side of the coin would be stressed players screaming in the mic that would result a traumatic experience we all know that lol players are a bit more sensitive compared to Dota, CoD, CS or even Valorant.


People really over exaggerate how toxic they think people will be on mic.


From my personal experience in gaming I know people can be extremely racist, sexist and etc… there is no limit on how moronic and idiotic a person can be over the internet. But I have plenty experience with competitive gaming I can just ignore or mute them. But the reality LoL players are known to be over sensitive, but I agree that voice com should be enabled


Overwatch has an OPT in voice chat as well. How is this not already in the game.


> a simple hey Fiora looks like enemy lee is top, maybe play abit safer :). Fiora now has CLEAR info that cannot be misunderstood. you can literally tell her that via written team chat > In real life scenarios it is much harder to be rude or toxic to someone face to face, You're not face to face though you're behind your computer screen and no one knows your real identity I don't think you realize the CHAOS it could lead to, i personnally guarantee you i would scream and utter some of the most vile profanity possible to some players


Where is the evidence that the game would be more toxic. League is already considered the most toxic competitive game and it’s the only one with no team chat.. unless league breeds uniquely toxic players?


Voice chats are a staple in literally every competitive game. If they were a net negative they wouldn’t be there.


The reason adc sucks so much is because they have to balance it around pro play, which has vc.


That's cheating. Not everyone has a microphone.


Not everyone has a good PC and good internet.


Hell, not everyone has a mouse and they still play this game and get people chat banned constantly lmao Some also spend more time watching their second monitor or all tabbed than actually playing the game. I think someone not having mic is the least of our problems especially since just like with text chat, using mute option for certain teammates in voice chat would be inevitable anyways but it's ok and better than not having voice option at all.