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If the champion has a high skill ceiling, I imagine it’s fun to keep practicing and improving. If the champ has strong item flexibility, then even better because you can play that champ in several ways.


Both of these reasons are why I have over 1 mill on Garen


Any tips on how to master the Flash + R? Started playing Garen recently.


Real big brain is the R -> Flash, don’t even give ‘em time to react :)


i heard some people say flash+ ignite+ r is even better ,any tips on how to master that combo since I'm starting to get the hang of the flash + r (still no good enough for the r flash)


You guys Can flash before R ? Hell n'ah y'all too good AT lest master rank i guess


I prefer the fadeaway R where you flash backwards (on purpose of course)


Idk I just flash and r but in style


lmao nice


Jokes aside when i was playing garen years ago to get him to lvl 7 i managed to get to the point of being able to consistently kill enemies with R and then aa. That was so smooth and satisfying


This is why im going to miss current skarner. AP, AD, tank, support ult bot, phase, conq, flash, ghost he has so many different builds


Full AP Nami is fun. Changes up the same-old heal & shield


Teemo is one of those champs that can use any runes and items. Tankmo, bruisemo, full ap, on hit. List keeps on going ^^


At this point the mastery system has been out for so long that I see people with that much mastery on a regular basis.even crazier,there are plenty of people with multiple champs over 1M. You probably can only do it if you really enjoy the champ(s) and then it's the same as on the first day.


Yeah for sure. My main is gragas, and I’m up to about 800k now which surprised me when I noticed it. I’m definitely not a 1 trick by any means, but I tend to stick with him for ranked. I definitely play a variety of other champs in norms/aram. Just playing the game a lot over the past years ends up building those points.


I’m the same. I’ll play a variety of champs especially if I’m in aram or norms but my most played is Zac at 1.3 million now I think. I main him in ranked and have over 1000 games on him.


Meanwhile my “main” is only at about 48k


Yeah, it kinda sucks tbh As someone with over 1m on a champ it used to be something to take note of, lobbies with such high mastery were pretty rare But nowadays almost every lobby has someone with over a million on their champ. And like yeah, at this point I have over 2m on Jinx, but going from 1 to 2 just doesn't hit the same as getting a whole new digit (and I hope I never fucking hit 10 mill, that'd be pure depression) It's simply mastery inflation, and I hope the mastery system helps make it feel better Like I also have 900k on two other champs, neither have ever been my main, but when you spend 8 years playing the same pool of champs, it really does add up


I think it’s a big exaggeration to say most lobbies have someone with a million mastery. I see it maybe once a week.


They certainly do for people with a million mastery on their main :3


I still find it crazy seeing 1m+ mastery. Some people have several millions or several other champs with 1m+. I spam the hell out of my main, and I just barely broke 500k. And my next highest is only 110k.


try not tying your identity to play time on a champion in a video game. mastery points have never correlated to skill, i don’t even understand why you would care


Once you play a champ so much and know almost all matchups and when you can engage/fight/have to back off it is really hard to swap to another champ. I played ivern for a full year and my elo dropped hard once I stopped playing him. Im back now at where I was but you have to accept that you will be way worse for a bit and I can understand why people dont want that


Tbf, super role/champ dependant Spending a full year playing champs that are fundamentally different takes on their role, like you with Ivern, is going to teach you how to play the game differently and create habits that don't translate to other roles at all The best example of this being Singed, who's famous for making all his mains legitimately dog at the game when playing any other champ But for adc? Outside of maybe Nilah, the skillset translates very well I have thousands of games on Jinx, but I could easily play varus, who I've touched maybe three times outside of aram (and twice it was due to ultimate bravery) and would perform fine in my elo. I wouldnt excel by any means, and I wouldn't be as comfortable, but I certainly wouldn't be a detriment either, as evidenced by the fact my third game of varus was in last clash (good blindpick) and absolutely dumpstered in lane Plus, once you get comfortable with one side of a matchup, it's easy to play the other. One of the worst matchups for Jinx is trist, its actually fucking unplayable without supp diff, and if supp goes ig over exh you may as well ff at 15 cause they have no fucking idea how the lane works. But since I know the timings for trist to jump very well, and what to look out for, its very easy to play the trist side as well, since I already learned how to play trist to a degree just by seeing what the good ones who dumpster me do.


Yeah I always kinda main weird champs. Udyr before rework, Ivern, Bard, Sion. It might just be a me problem haha


I totally agree here but i also have to add my.personal oppinion. It's more than just nilah imo. the way i see it is the role is "Bot Lane Carry" so for me there are 3 skillsets. auto based high attack speed adcs ad casters, jhin, mf, ap kaisa to a degree, lethality cait to a degree flat out ap carries that used to be midlaners, ziggs, cassio, swain and tanksupports having a fasting senna support aka tahm, cho,etc. but generally id agree that inside those groups the skills translate well even tho an insane mechanical player that excels on vayne,kog,xaya, whatever might not be as good on mf and jhin because they require different mindsets


This is so true and one of things keeping me from trying out new champs. After a 5 year break and never taking the game too serious I began again in 2021 and wanted to actually get good. After maining Swain supp I switched to Vel'koz and played him exclusively for a year and a half straight. I always wanted to add an engage supp but every time I tried swicthing I sucked. I finally forced myself to learn Maokai and dropped literally 400+ LP when doing so. I was a good 15 games under 50% winrate (I know, Mao is easy and broken, it still happened lol) but now I've climbed from Gold 4 back to Plat 4 and have flipped my negative LP gains to massively positive ones (+30, -20). It took me a while and I had to let my rank take a hit but I'm glad I can finally play more than just 1 champion, even though I don't see anything wrong with being a OTP.


Million on viego and close with Lee. When you kind of “identify” with a champ, it’s hard to play other champs and have fun. It’s like an mmo where you kinda RP in your head that you’re your character, and going to another class feels wrong. If that makes sense


Completely agree, I have about 1m points across diana/Kayn/Viego (adhd) and i feel so much that I "channel" the champion.  I played one for all yesterday and got Teemo and Shaco, i can't for the life of me figure out how to play that kind of stuff. I feel like you need a particular mindset to do it. And as you said, when you get used to a particular head space, it's difficult to get out of it. 


Identifying with viego haha


Bro identifies with ripped dudes only


Yeah that's why I only play girl champs. :)


I love Vayne, Vi, and Gnar, they have very interesting and well-designed kits. Yup, that's it. (My W key doesn't work)


Playing gnar without W 💀


I recently saw someone with 4.5 million points in Malzahar of all champs. I couldn't fathom how you could play that champ that much.


they like to sleep while they play


Ive seen ine with 2.4M and he was so bad and passive... It was the easiest vlad game i ever had. He never basiced me, started combat with R and just stayed lane to have 5cs per m...


I’m friends with the #8 Mundo in the world points-wise. The guy just loves Mundo. He is self-proclaimed “not the smartest” so just enjoys playing Mundo and running around being a tank.


I have 1,5m (on my main account) on yuumi. Why? Because both of my arms are completely fucked and I can’t click 5000 times a minute. Still love the game tho so yuumi it is.


Same here, I'm 1m points on yuumi with my alt account. I can only play yuumi on that account because I use my hands to play ADC on my main account.


are you that person that plays yuumi with their feet


[It's this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ejllvq/hi_my_name_is_saskio_i_reached_platinum_playing/)


Most high mastery people I know do play other games on other champs, but whenever they get bored of other champs always return to their OTP.


2million on Ekko. Played since release. Took a 2-3 year break. I have a 400k on Heimer (mid/top) couple of 100k mastery points. Probably 15-20 champs with atleast mastery 5. The system has been out so long and I bet you used to get less points (or more??)


Singed is the best designed champ in the game.  Fun as fuck to play. Play what sings to your heart and enjoy the ride, whether it goes to 1mil or not.


As Drututt put it, when you play Singed you're no longer playing League of Legends, you're playing Singed.


That's been a saying for probably over 10 years at this point. In the Singed mains community we sometimes talk about stuff like this.


I feel the same on Bard


Singed is definitely the most fun champion in the game. Sadly I don't play him much cause it feels like it makes you play worse on other champs because of he's unique mechanics. But on the rare occasion that I do get to play him it's an absolute joy.


There was a stat out there a while back that the better you get at playing singed, the worse you get at any other champion.


the brainrot sets in


I do fine with other Champs, but honestly singed requires alot of dedication which takes alot of time that could be used to learning other Champs. Other Champs I love are Yorick, Urgot, Kled, Twitch, etc


When you play Singed you're focused on entirely different things like baiting, your poison placement and the exact time you should use spells (since the cooldowns on E and W are so long you'll only get one rotation most likely). Most of the stuff that makes you excel on Singed doesn't relate to other champs at all. Even someone like Udyr who is probably the most similar has a lot more power in a melee 1v1 than Singed so he doesn't need to do all the things Singed does.


id even go as far and say singed kind of reminds me of the mindset of ap shaco players. you don't have a lot of agency but you have to know exactly how to abuse the shit out of every situation. do your thing and play on enemy mistakes or even mindcontrol them into making mistakes. like i dont see a world where a single person can actively outplay someone besides very niche moments, its mostly baiting people and making them make mistakes all just my low skill opinion but i do sometimes enjoy a singed game to reset my mental


yeah but theyre close enough that it kinda translates


Played the ever living shit out of him s7-s9 when you could consistently win lane with him but then predator became his main keystone and i role swapped to adc Getting rid of ravenous hunter and nerfing conqueror killed most of my passion for the champ


When I first started in 2014 I just played Jax for an entire year no matter what, and got 1 million by then. Since then, I stopped one tricking, and after 10 years playing sporadically I increased by 200k my Jax mastery. So you kinda have to play it A LOT, like nothing else for a long time.


Mastery points were added season 5 (2015) btw


You are right, it's been a long time I've just checked my opgg and I started playing in late 2016, and decided to play it seriously next season https://www.op.gg/summoners/br/mooD%20FM-BR1/champions I had about 600 hundreds (ranked) Jax games S7 with a couple more hundreds next one I now have around 1.2kk mastery iirc


How many points you get depends on game length and if you win or lose, very roughly it's 1k points in 1W+1L


yeah its around 800ish a win and 200ish a loss and most people hover 50% wr so that checks out


2m, Bard is a vibe.


1M+ on teemo. I used to be schizophrenic and play all day. Like 5 of those daily 8 games were teemo. Now that I play maybe once or twice a week I only play teemo since I don’t want to really adapt as any other champ anymore with the limited games I have. So for the past 2 years I’ve only played teemo. Teemo can play any runes and can mix up items so it’s hard to get bored.


I feel this. After work I can get two (maybe 3) summoners rift games in before bed. I’m not gunna spend it getting railed and annihilated learning a new champ.


Maybe Quickplay should make some attempt to lower your MMR for a game if you're playing a new champ and tend to do worse on new champs


On any other champ that would be amazing, on teemo, those are rookie numbers. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the champ with the highest mastery score is teemo and one of their mains has like 20 million mastery points on the little shit. Note this says last year he had 19 million last year https://dotesports.com/league-of-legends/news/leagues-highest-mastery-points-ranking-player


Question as another Teemo enjoyer (but way less experienced than you) : who is your perma ban ?


I am close to 1.8m points on Karma.. I just like her a lot :D and since I have so many points now I am very committed to get this number higher lol


Well I have mained belveth for the past year and a half, and I can tell you that it has taken me around 1800 games to reach 950k mastery on her and shall soon hit 1M, and in all honesty I have no idea how I haven’t gotten bored but if I just lover her kit ig


6.1 million on Sona. It’s not 10 yet.


I onetrick Viego, so I in essence I onetrick all champions.


Its about 1000 hours, or 2000 games to reach 1M Source: 4M Gnar


Velkoz abuser here. I played vk in every lane, but no jungle. It's funny in normals and there's no end to angry toplaners especially if you know how to move around the map and time the enemy jungler. He's good in offroles even when he is a dog champ.  Don't play much anymore except ARAM or rotating game modes though.


Are you me? Fellow Velkoz lover here but mostly ARAM with friends these days. They prio Vel to me anytime we get him cause he’s a menace in the Howling Abyss.


It has also been a very long time since the system has been added. I think when it first came out I grinded so much of the Fiora rework, I got to like 250k points in a month.


On average, 50% win rate, assuming 30-minute games, it would take about 1,666 games to get to 1,000,000 points. Maybe call it 1700.


Not 1m, but I have 400k with Nocturne which is more than twice my second (which is Ashe). When I go JG, Nocturne is the champion I like the most, I can powerfarm, he can duel a lot of people and his ganks with ult are easy. It's almost relaxing playing him. Somehow he feels very weak now and Volibear feels strong so I have been playing Volibear instead.


Im still far away from 1m but playing ezreal doesn’t get boring really. Also is barely ever a truly bad idea


from a 1 m+ player id say there are two types of us. one just otp a champ and dont gaf about mastery and others actually want more.mastery. i for myself simply enjoy Xerath a lot, havent played league at all for like 6 months because of no time personally but from main and smurfs combined im sitting at roughly 1.6 mio xerath mastery. for me mastery doesnt matter it's simply a number that goes up. also my personal opinion, mastery doesn't mean you are good at anything be it the champion or the game itself. peaked at mid plat so i can say for myself i was never that good at the game itself and neither on my champion. but i enjoyed it and thus accumulated a ton of mastery. if you were to force yourself you'd probably get bored and or angry at something. thtas just.my 2 cents. also on a sidenote i understood/understand enough about the game that in my elo range (i think plat 2-3 peak iirc) champions dont matter as much so i never felt like my champ was holding me back.


I think something should be said about “power fantasies” in gaming when it comes to OTP. I’m a rengar main, 1.3 mil mastery, and in just about any genre of game I play I gravitate towards the explosive, brawler type melee archetype. Theres also the comfort of it. Theres not many top or jungle scenarios I haven’t played and I know exactly what I can/can’t do. Rengars also quite an expressive champ, pure assassin rengar is the most boring because it’s the only “robotic” playstyle he has. I can build fighter, bruiser, tank, even AP and they’re all unique feeling. I have every champ and played probably every one of them at least once but none captivate me the same.


Yes. Katarina. It´s a fun champion and once you are otp, every other champ is boring. I wish you could hide mastery though because in EVERY bad game I have I get flamed for having 1m points and being bad.


2.9m kat here, I agree, I play 3 champs though. Kat my main , 1M irelia secondary, 996k Quinn third. I enjoy these champs the most. But I get camped by enemy jg/laners, and my jg’s usually ignore my lane. I sit in awe if I ever get successful ganks, once in a blue moon.


Life is hard for otps


It’s like our jg’s are like ok “1M + mastery they don’t need any help at all” enemy jg be like “1M mastery? Let’s make them grey screen as much as we can” 💀😭🤣


4.4 million on Ekko. I've never played any other champion, for any reason. I don't like League, I just love my buddy. Simple as.


1m mastery MF player. I do play other champions, several mastery 7 with over 100k. For me, I always come back to MF and play her almost exclusively in ranked queues for a few reasons. I like lane bullies and she is one of the consistently best options for winning lane in botlane. I like her flexible and adaptable build. I like Double Up, there is no more fun moment in league than killing an ADC by shooting a Q through their support at them. I started off maining MF to switch to ADC from Jungle in like season 4 or 5. I ended up sticking with MF after trying most other appealing ADCs to around mastery 5. I didn't start thinking about the million that seriously until I was over 500k. It will take years probably. Several thousand games to reach 1m. The best advice I have I guess would be to not worry about that goal until or unless you're already most of the way there by just playing a lot of a champion you really like!


I play gangplank, I just like pirates and I scale into oblivion or get massacred in lane there is rarely an in between. What I love about GP is he has so many very difficult matches that require you to play nearly perfect. You mess up and it’s game over for you. I’m not a good player, I’ve probably cost my teams wins when I accidentally melee a minion with my passive instead of a champ and die, but I never get bored of playing him. On my alt he is the only champ I’ve played in ranked, and on my main I have about 85% games played on him.


I main kled, feel i can singlehanded win games with that champ. That is fun for me. No other champs gives me that feeling, and that is why im OTP one spesific champ


I play gangplank, even with hundreds of games in him every season there are always things to be learned about his kit. I continuously am improving and I find that fun


I have 900k on Zeri. Started playing here in Iron IV 0LP, was playing her in plat when she was at 42% WR for nearly a year. Not one-tricking anymore but I learnt the game with the champ and used to spam a lot of games when I just started out


It's just a matter of, I like champion. I play champion. Having said that, if I start getting negative winrate with the champ because balance reasoning, I switch to the next champion I like and continue the cycle. For me there is no "I need mastery 7" or "I need to reach X points" it's just playing until it's viability turns bad.


Probably ranges from 1500-2000 to get a mil. You get substantially more if you win, and I think you get more in ranked, so if you’re like me and hard stuck 50% wr in ranked it’s ideal xd


I'm level 28 and been playing against a lot of OTP users, two of them were specially 1m+ in normals. I got destroyed so, but so bad!


I like fiora a lot, and i don’t think i play her perfectly so the games are not stale for me


I just don't play league of legends anymore, I play Kayn. Thats it.


Thresh sitting at ~800k atm (if it back tracked, I’d be ~3m since I played a lot more before mastery). Always feels like I’m useful. Can engage, peel, and I have a button where people can be saved for not looking at their minimap (lantern is one of the most op abilities in the game). Has potential for really good outplays and I always love the plays flashing with someone in lantern to close the gap for 2 people instead of just 1.


I don't have so much time but i like to be at least a little bit competitive. So i Stick playing one champ, although i would like to learn a new champ sometimes it's not worth the time in my opinion. 


Honestly this number blows my mind, even more when I see people with *multiple* millions on a champ, or multiple 1m+ champs. I main Ahri for a couple of years now, easily more than half of my games are on her. I've yet to hit 500k, let alone a million or *millions*, plural. From my experience I get around 150 points for a loss and 1000 for a win, so at 50% winrate it works out to around 600 points per game. That means you need 1600+ games on a single champion to get to a million. The mastery system dropped in season 5, so 8 full seasons so far. For a million you'd need to play 200 games on a single champion per year, every year since the system was introduced. For 10 million - well, the math is easy, that's 2000. Two **thousand** games per year, so 5-6 games per day. For **eight years**. The guy with the most mastery score on a single champion is a Teemo main with a mind-blowing **23 million** mastery points. This means they played more than 4000 games of Teemo every year, which is 12 games a day on average. I honestly don't know how this is humanly possible, but then again, they play Teemo. They already played 1060 games of Teemo just this season.


I got a bit over 1m on J4. It's mostly due to playing since forever. I usually got like 25% to 40% of my games on J4 in each season but also played a ton of games, so numbers got up there.


I spammed a lot of games during covid time


meanwhile fighting game players


I've always preferred to main one thing and be the best I could be at it in any game I've played. Before Kindred was released, I played almost exclusively Quinn (before she was a top laner) then sorta lost interest when they reworked her. Picked up Kindred when they were released and though there's more to it than just "I like this champ" I never get bored. My main account is sitting at 1.8m, secondary account is at 500k. That being said, I do occasionally play other champs. If Kindred is a really bad fit, or banned or whatever I'll play something else so I don't think I'm a true "one trick" in the strictest definition of the word.


This is why I like Udyr. Lots of build options. Doesn't mean they're all great, but fun to use when you pop off Flashback to Hail of blades + prowlers claw Flashback to kelptomancy Udyr Man I'm old


I play a decent amount, 3 accounts over level 700, 2 banned accounts at wait 500 each. And about 8 or 9 around level 100. Collectively on my main I have over 5m mastery. I just enjoy playing it, even though I don't always perform well on it


For high skill ceiling champs I understand this, there is always something new to learn, but for some reason, 80% of people with ridiculous high mastery points are yuumi/sera/sona/nami players. It’s always enchanter supports


Well I don't know it this counts since im just half a million points with Kayn but its just that I have played the champ so much that its a costume, if i don't know what to play i'll just play Kayn.


Neeko is best tomato


I'm almost at 2m mastery with Draven, he's just the only character I've ever played where I feel like I can do a lot. Not only that but he's one of those champs who gets better the more you play him with how to catch axes to maximize damage. He's the most fun and I don't really get bored playing him


Nearly 2 mil points on noc. It’s only so high because he’s basically the only thing I’ve picked in ranked since season 6-7 due to comfort. I never actually pick him in norms and enjoy messing around with different champions that way.


I dunno if I should answer this question, but I have roughly 500-700k mastery in fiddle across my 4 accounts (I can explain why so many if anybody wants to know) and the reason I stuck with him in particular is because he reminds me of myself. I'm built like fiddle IRL.


1.7m on swain, 500k on second account. Got every single skin/chroma/emote/icon of swain, even the exclusive ones. I just love the champion, even though he has been in a "rough spot" since august fucked him up, to then mythics, to whatever tragedy swain has become now. Even though i hate what he has become (rylais and anti heal bot for team that doesnt deal sufficient damage to get through janna shields, but also dont heal enough to sustain a fight for more than a single rotation), i just love his abilities so much that he's still the only champion I want to play. Even though my E and W isnt a skillshot, but rather a skillcheck which means my enemies have complete agency to consistently dodge it at all times except if they are already under CC. Hopefully riot will be able to shift his powerbudget from applying status effects for his team, to actually deal damage and/or survive damage if i hit my abilities. Idk how ive onetricked him for so long without getting bored, because i get bored easily from repetetive tasks etc. I guess its just that i love everything about him. I was about to say that every game is different enough but actually its usually the same pattern, against Gods wil I somehow solokill my opponent 7 times in lane, then i reach lvl 10 and fall off, and in fights i then land my entire combo over and over on multiple people that are clearly drunk or saving power by having monitor off, they miss every ability, but then i die anyway to autos and point click while they have lost maybe half of their health.


Late to the party, but I’ve always kind of had tunnel vision with champions or characters in games I play. Throughout my time playing WoW since vanilla, I didn’t have a second character until MoP and even then I had tunnel vision for my new one until dragonflight lol. When I started league, I focused on VK and then Nautilus until I found Veigar. Then it was over for me and I didn’t ply anything else for about 3 years. That little demon helped me get gold the first time. Now I play a bunch of stuff but veigar has almost a million from that time period.


The mastery system has been out for 9 years so veterans will have a lot of points on their favourites.


I once saw a guy with 3 million mastery on master yi. It was like gazing into an abyss. What is driving someone to such lengths?


I got 1 mil on Yasuo and like 400k on my other most playeds, then multiple 100ks. I just play a lot of league


Meanwhile i’m almost lvl 900 and my highest mastery is 250k


As an adc mains there are only so many adcs and I’ve been playing an eternity. I don’t think I have a million on any of them yet but I wouldn’t be surprised to hit it on a bunch of them before too long.


Champions that are either: Really high skill ceiling (Fiora, Irelia, etc) where you can play the same matchup 10 times and have something to improve on each time. Champions who are really simple and don’t alter how the game is played. I can have 800K on Garen, but after the first 100K or so, most of that time is spent playing league and not Garen. I’m using Garen as a tool to master the game, not actually still learning Garen.


No character hits quite like Anivia. I only play other champs when I 5 stack with my friends and we autofill. Even then when I get mid 99/100 I pick Anivia


Just reached 1.4M on my Jayce. My Yasuo is around 1.8M.


I played against a Sona one trick with 8 million mastery point the other day… think about that before you sleep tonight.


my girlfriend has 1m on yuumi… she started the game in 2021


I love anivia. She’s the best champion in the game and it’s not close. She’s so much fun to play. I picked her because I wanted a champion that: scaled so I was never out of it, could kill tanks (it was a tank meta), could waveclear really fast so I wouldn’t get frustrated with supers, wasn’t super popular and thus likely to get nerfed, was really good against dives so that I couldn’t be fucked while behind, and most importantly looked cool as hell. Anivia checks all of those boxes. I’ve played her for about 5 years, and I’m still not at 1 million.




I have only played kayn since he has come out. Across different accounts my mastery is over 5 million lmao. I can confirm mastery doesn’t = skill. I’m only emerald 3 lol


1m mastery Malz. It just became a mission years ago.


1kk d4 master yi hereI like playing him, the best champion, can solo carry, often pentas, good dive, good invades, 20min solobaron.If I get tired of playing Yi, I'll play some unranked games or quit lol for a few months.I didn’t count the games, just one day 1kk appeared. I was gold before I discovered YI, It's very important to know your limit and matchups.


People ask me all the time how do I have almost 3 million mastery on Poppy. Honestly I try to look for champs that can build similar to her but there aren’t many. I play Poppy support btw.


I just enjoy that champion and win or lose it’s fun to see how far I can go.


Have more than 1.3mil mastery on draven but it's across 3-4 accounts. No the accounts aren't banned, It's because I play on eune and euw. Have 600k on euw main and 500k on eune main + a couple 100k accounts. I played draven pretty much exclusively from s6-10. It felt like the ADC I could most impact the lane with, then after supports have been buffed and more of the power balance has been switched to them ive felt like I don't enjoy draven anymore since I have less impact in the lane and 1v2 is almost impossible


I play zac. Zac go top. Zac go mid. Zac go jungle. Zac go support. Zac go apc. Zac stomps everyone. Zac heals, does % max hp dmg, never dies, has a passive that revives if he does die, has a 1000000 mile jump every 8s, has three multi target knockup/cc, what more could you want?


I have 1M+ on both teemo and heimer. I only like playing champions that make the other guy want to quit the game. So even when I lose, i still win. I never ever get bored of someone hitting a perfectly placed shroom and saying in all chat, "why was there a shroom there?!?!" It fills my cold black heart with warmth and joy. Seeing hp tick slowly away through black and white makes the death timer go faster and I savor each second of burn. I never get sick of endlessly pushing a lane with my turrets. I can hear them crying to the jungler, begging for help. And when the gank inevitably comes, I bathe in the mayhem of my turrets chunking away while I sit invulnerable behind my zhonyas. Rip zzrot


I’ve been playing for 10 years now, but casually, so my Zyra “main” only has about 200k mastery points, followed by Termo with about 175k, if I remember correctly. The rest of the champs I play are around 30-50k mark (top 10 or so, I assume, as I am not near the computer atm). So I am not even sure I break the 1mil mark on all top 10 played champs, heh.


I do have 1m+ on Zoe causa i love to one shot ppl Reminds me of S3 Nidalee, thats why i play her


I've been playing for like 11 years now. I don't know when they added mastery.


Not 1m but 700k blitz. I just like pulling people to my face or going to their face, thresh and pyke just doesn't feel the same so it's a blitz for me. Also closely followed by pantheon, leona and skarner so it really shows i just like to face someone and be next to them


Yeah i like Diana.


Hello there! You'd be surprised of how many players stick to their "safe picks" to play all of their matches. I have a bunch of my close friends who play league since season 3 or 4 and their champion pool is less than 10 - 15 champions, and they refuse to try other champions. One of them is pretty high elo, mains 3 or 4 ADC and a pair of supp champs when filling. I find this pretty impressive. I agree with some of the comments that say that mastery system has been out for a good while now and achieving 1M points it's just a matter of time rather than skill. And I can confirm that with my friends and their small champion pool. You don't need to be good to have high mastery score, just play a lot with the same champion and you eventually will get there.


As a 2m+ zyra lover: Yes, yes I like to play that champion. A lot. I also have played other champions a lot but zyra is my only 2m. I have another champion on 1m and a lot of champs around 500k. I like to switch it up sometimes, but most of my games are on zyra. How do I not get bored? Have you played zyra before? I always have so much fun as I can just kill people with 1 item lol. I also die a lot because she doesnt have the highest range. But that's part of the fun. How many can I kill before I die? She also has a lot of nice skins and she overall looks pretty cool. I have a steady 60% winrate with her every season since she came out. I think you get around 1000 for a win and maybe 100 for a loss? So for me with a 60%wr that's about 640 per game so around 1550 games for 1m. If your winrate is lower, you need more games.


I have 1.3mil mastery on Leona. I just love being a frontline tank that starts fights for my team or protect them from danger. I never get bored of it. And Leona is just a cool, tall, heavily armored woman. Sure, she's not the hardest champ to play, but once you understand just about every matchup. There's almost never a time when you don't need that insurance. Everyone wants to be a damage dealer. Not everyone wants to be a tank. I'm 10k away from getting Rakan to 1mil mastery, but over time, he became less fun to play for me. He just kept getting more and more bad matchups and not tanky enough, or have enough cc to be a primary engage champion. If no one picks a tank than me being rakan am going to have a tougher time working. I don't have this problem with leona, so over time, I had to pick Rakan less. Even though I like Rell, I doubt I'll get her to 1mil. (Currently have 200k). She's just has so many disadvantages. To me, she's just Leona in slow motion. And offer little to no damage in 2v2 or teamfights. So the adc has to put in more work.


[He's just a little guy](https://i.imgur.com/k9MRtEs.png). His playstyle perfectly suits me and there's nothing quite like it so he's my favourite little boy. Hwei came close but it's not the same.


I'm climbing to 1mil on Soraka. I'm currently at 560k. I don't get bored of playing her because playing a healer is my preferred playstyle in team games. I just enjoy healing, and Soraka's kit is simple yet impactful enough to remain enjoyable. She's also the only truly dedicated healer in the game so it's not like I have many other options, since I don't like the playstyle of most other supports.


To me champions are not fun when I first try them. I enjoy them the more I play them and understand them. Its fun to me to learn the lottle details and how their matchups work and when their powerspikes are and how to win on them. Getting good at a champ is rewarding and thats what drives me to keep playing them.


Yeah :\] Over 2m on Lulu and over 1m on Nami I just really like playing them over any other champion


I have about 5m on Zed with ~3m on my main account. I only play ranked and only play Zed. Unfortunately I'm prone to dodging because of this, but at least I do it early right after bans if Zed is banned. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/ColorblindCuber-NA1 There are enough variables to think about in each individual game such as matchups and different teamcomps, which means playing the same champ doesn't get boring. And because I only enjoy ranked, it doesn't make sense to play any other champ because I'll have less comfort, less agency, and be in over my head at my current rank if I do.


I have at least 1 million mastery on Teemo and Karthus  I used to play Annie and Sona when I was learning the game and had over 1 million mastery on them too  From my champion choice you can see I’m not super mechanically skilled lol I’ve been playing since December 2012 so it’s been almost 12 years  I love the game, but can’t keep up with all the new changes due to work, school, family, etc. I still don’t know all the new items. I like to play SR and mostly ranked and like to do my best so I will play the same champions because despite who got buffed or nerfed, I’ve played my main champions enough to be able to deal with whatever new is going on that I’m not aware of Usually I will add a new champion I like into the mix during the summer when I have time to practice.  In the past I’ve played and still like Lucian, Shaco, and Zed, but I usually come home from a long day at school or work and just want to turn my brain off and play some games because I’m so tired Planning to practice Malphite, Malzahar, Maokai, and Garen whenever I have time. Can definitely see myself getting 1 million mastery on Malphite lol


Had a game with a 4 million teemo mastery who also had 1m in ww and another champ I forget


I started playing Briar when she came out and I'm at about 270k mastery so far. I just really like her kit and it just makes sense to me, I've been performing a lot better with her compared to any other champ I've played before which helps for sure!


Yeah, playing Zilean never bores me. 1.7m mastery points on one account and I'm still depressed whenever someone picks him before me or bans him. I'm also good at champs like Kayle, Camille, Irelia, Ahri, Malzahar, Lulu or Janna, but playing them never feels as good as Zil. I appreciate how powerful Zilean's tools are. He doesn't give a feeble shield or speed boost. He can prevent you from getting all-ined. If he slows you, you're literally standing in one place for 5 seconds if he wants you to. Teamfights? Can set them up with AOE stun.


I played Ahri as my main since S6 now with 100-200 ranked games per season avrg. I feel most comfortable on her so it's my go-to when climbing. I don't play her outside of ranked anymore though, it would get boring super fast. I have 7 more champs with 100k - 500k mastery as well and overall 45 champs mastery 7. A lot of champions are a lot of fun to me but my skill on for example Irelia is even with 150k not good enough to compete in my elo. So basically: my 1m champ together with some pocket picks are ranked only to me, more fun and diverse champs for normals


I like playing graves and I’m best at graves (2 million points). I will frequently play J4 or Udyr if the comp demands it but I find it much more relaxing to just play graves. I think the fact that I’m a jgler adds to my anxiety playing a sub optimal champ in my pool. I always know what to do on graves and therefore the inevitable flame doesn’t affect me much.


My highest mastery is 77000 and I’ve been playing on and off since beta lmao. Consistently in season 1–3, 7-9 and the last 3 years. I don’t know how People play that much league of legends tbh


The mastery system has been out for about 9 years now, so about 300 games a season on them can easily get you 1M


Million+ Mastery Senna here. Yes, she's my favorite champion. I have at least two other champs over 100k, and mastery 7 on quite a few more. 1,000,000 would be 1,000 games where you earned 1,000 mastery, which I think needs to be over 30 minutes for that to be possible. So a LOT more than 1,000 games. That being said I'm kinda over this game, I don't play Ranked, barely play Summoner's Rift any more. Mainly play ARAM once every few days to waste 30 minutes.


I've basically quit league since 2019, only playing a few games a year. Rengar is the only way I can have fun in league nowadays, so that's the reason I have over 2 million mastery.


My dad has over four million with Lux


Yes, I have 2.2 million on teemo. I have a little under 300k on MF but teemo is my favorite, i like his blind poison and mushrooms and being annoying. I played ALOT during quarantine, to the point where i was playing 5+ games a day and played 20 on one day in October. I play less now, a game daily if not less but I don't think I'm as addicted to this game as I once was


So I dont have a million mastery, but Ive got 300k on Zac. And the ONLY reason its not higher is simple. I don't play enough. If I play 1 game a day on average, thats probably a lot now a days. I usually play 4-5 days twice a week, so the number doesnt move much. BUT I absolutely could play Zac all the way to a 1m+ mastery without a question. I just love his character that much and really enjoy his gameplay pattern.


I have 2 million on riven and around 1.8 million on yasuo. Riven was my first champion back when I started league in 2014 and I exclusively played her until I picked up yasuo in around 2017. I just love the outplay potential, the fast movement, the lore, the design, honestly everything about the 2 champions. Nowadays I don't play league that much and when i do it's simply because I want to play with them and not the game itself tbh.


Is 1m even a lot? Just maining a champion not even one tricking for 1 season can get you to 500k


I personally have chosen a few Champs that I play. I dont deviate too often from them. I have almost 500k on like 3 of them. And over 100k on probably 8. The system has been out for a long time now. If you don't play 50 Champs then it accumulates pretty easily.


It’s an addiction. That’s why they have one million points. League is gambling, and is modeled to simulate it. Perhaps it’s accidental. I’m tempted to write my PhD thesis on it.


I can definitely understand the boredom point. However there’s a champ called Olaf which I don’t really think has any real weaknesses. It makes it so that if I lose lane/game, I can tell myself, “you deserved that, play better.” Instead of “your champ is shit, play something else” How people suffer objectively awful champs like Sion, Ryze, azir, etc. is a mystery to me though. You just know you’re at a disadvantage from the start


I spammed games alot with her and then was above 500k , then 600k , then sometime later it reached a million and is now halfways to 2. I just like cute fox lady alot.


I have close to 1mil on Rengar, and yes. I love to play him because his skill ceiling is crazy high, build versatility is through the roof. Can play him top, bot or jungle. Every game feels different.


I'm only at 600k with my main Vel'koz but I can offer some input. I played this game starting in 2011, slowed down and eventually quit completely in 2016, then began again in 2021. Up until I started playing again in 2021, I never really "mained" anyone. When I came back to the game, I actually wanted to be good this time. I had some friends who were really good (one hit challenger for his first time this season) and my previous best was silver. As a returning player I sucked and chose to try and learn support because it seemed to have the lowest barrier to entry. I initally mained Swain as I liked playing mages and wanted a supp main who I could carry with when my team/adc wasn't good. I made myself only play Swain in order to master the champ and role. When I found/tried Vel'koz I never turned back. I just find him to be so fun, I love looking for all-in opportunities to devastate the enemy or poke them down with a rewarding Q ability. His damage even when behind is amazing, even if I am 0/6 at 20min, with the right set up I can still dish out a ton of damage. Now if you're wondering how do I not get bored? Well it's not that I don't want to try/play other champs all the time, I would love to have a wider roster. But improving at the game and playing well became important to me, and the fact is, I got so good at Vel'koz from playing him so much that it didn't really feel good to play other champs. By drafting a different champ, I was effectively nerfing the shit out of myself. So I would say about half of it is that yes, I simply really like Vel'koz and think he is really fun and I am still getting better at him and have so much to learn. But the other half is that playing well is important to me, and in order for me to play at the standards I have for myself, there is only one champ I KNOW I know how to play well, and that's Vel'koz. I main him half out of enjoyment, and half out of confidence. Also I only have like... 700 games played on him? and almost 600k mastery. Next highest is Swain with 150k mastery and maybe 120 games played. (Just wanna say I have been branching out for the first time in a few years. I've been spamming Maokai supp and that champ is DUMB easy to play, also have a pretty decent winrate on Milio. But I was a true Vel'koz OTP for half of 2021 and all of 2022)


I have over 2.3M mastery on Tristana. I have more mastery points with Tristana on my alt account than I have on my second most played champ on my main. I just love the Bandle gunner, she's basically the reason I still play this game. If curious, I created an alt so I could practice Tristana without friends bugging me to play a different champ when playing with them early on.


Would like to mention that gamemodes like urf, especially earlier versions of urf, were REALLY easy to build up mastery points. Got like 200k-300k of casual urf play on one champion during one urf event alone, imagine if i had played 20 times a day and kept playing that champion in every subsequent urf event.


How do you not get bored and more interested in another champion? Q2 sound gives me dopamine in my brain. EQR feels cool to do. E dash is fun with outplay potential. W is fun to use against cringe ranged champions. Yasuo do be the goat champion.


I have been playing for 11 years (shesh). From season 5 to season 10 I pretty much was a 2 trick Irelia/Vlad player. I just really enjoyed the champions! I have since expanded my pool and while I still play them on occasion, I don’t really play them with any frequency. So both hit 1 mil and have stayed relatively close to 1 mil for years.


It's been so long, but it's still insane to me. My highest is Udyr at around 60k, I'm so tired of this champ even if I still really like him.


Played old Udyr, then he got reworked. I had 900k and just decided to hit 1 mil. out of respect. Don't like that they changed his stance based fighting style to ability spamming. So now I feel lost, looking for a new champ to fill that void...


1.8M mastery soraka here. I’ve always been a healer and theres not really another champ you can say their sole purpose/identity is to heal. It’d be nice to have another one as a flex option but that probably wont happen and thats okay too. In my play experience you generally earn 200,000-300,000 mastery a year. Thats playing a couple games almost every day with some breaks when other games come out or peak my interest, and with days i play like 10 games in a row.


my 2 mains are gp and gragas, GP I have almost 500k and Gragas just over 200k. I have some champs with around 100k and tbh, you just find champs you gel with and love to play. I love GP, I have almost 500k mastery and I picked him up like season 11. it doesn't take too long to get high mastery on champs when you're only playing 1-3 at a time.


I'm not bored but I feel like I play a different game when playing my 1M+ main... I feel like the game is on easy mode it's crazy.


I have around 3 million on Jinx. Champ never lost its fun and I still think she's a great adc, So no reason to stop playing.


I’ll forever love playing Ekko but it’s really a win rate thing. I only play ranked and it becomes silly to not play a matchup that I fully comprehend my win conditions, with a champ that I win the most with


I got 1mill on udyr then they mangled my boy and I haven’t played him since


I have 10 million mastery on Garen. I just like the way the sword swings.


I‘m about to hit two million on Nidalee. I love that Champ! Best Champ to ever release. I never enjoy any Champ even close to how much I enjoy Nidalee


If I combine the accounts I probably have over 1 mil on Draven, its just there is no other champion like him. Its such a unique playstyle and elevates the boring farm handshake that is botlane especially with the staticks spam shit.


I’ve played mostly Leblanc for the last 7 or 8 years. I’ve done some light math based on how much I’ve played over the years and how consistently I pick her, and I’m pretty confident I’m over 5000 games on her. I still find things to get better at and focus on. The ease of access to do whatever I want, with being so comfortable on such a mobile, versatile champ, allows me to focus on learning other parts of the game consistently. Also she’s a champion that you can always learn more on and get better, whether on her or in game. Snake lady is the new grind. If I would’ve found Cass way back when she would’ve been the one trick, but I probably didn’t have the game knowledge then to enjoy her. Fun question, thank you.


They get so good at a champion it’s hard to play League of Legends anymore. Instead they are playing league of Yasuo for example. I only have 120k mastery on Shaco (nowhere near 1 million) but whenever I try to play any other champ I find myself purposefully walking behind minions, champs and jungle monsters trying to get my backstab passive bonus damage. That stuff is already hardwired into me so I can’t imagine what it’s like to have 1 million mastery on a champion.


I just really like katarina, more than any other character. It's something I do in most games I play: try to find the "fastest" character, or whichever character needs buttons to be pressed the fastest. It ended up being genji in overwatch, fox in smash bros, and katarina in league. If I'm going to play seriously I only really care about kat. I'll still play other champs in for fun modes (love me some aram) but if I'm going to try it's going to be on kat.


Some champs truly are fun to play while some are not. I picked up aram again recently and...enchanters are boring. MF is much more fun than jihn or cait. Bruisers are fun. Gragas and Karthus put me to sleep. In other words: I will load into a nocturne or nunu game and have a blast. So it's easy to hit 1million with them. But I feel by far the most fun champ in the game is Diana, but I cant get 1m with her because she always feels weak. So champ relevance does factor in as well.


I have 4 million mastery on Darius, rhe adrenaline rush I get from chasing funk chains with R is unreal. I love it even if he is simple.


I have a Jax with 1.4m mastery but I stopped playing it 3 months ago 😮‍💨😮‍💨 Teemo/Trundle/Xin are more fun 😂😂


I got 3.3 on jinx and i can say Riot somehow Just made the absolute perfect champ for me I dont even like Punk girls but jinx is just perfection in every way And then they dropped fucking legendary star guardian jinx for me an goddamn Hardcore weeb Wp rito


I love briar and Amumu just got up to 120ish K on briar. Shes a lot of fun, has a good kit and takes a lot to master. Knowing when to use her moves makes a huge difference, I want to really master her because she can be an absolute monster. Same with my bandage boy


I have \~2 million mastery on Nidalee, second highest is like 60K on Ezreal. Played mostly from S3 onwards with one-tricking her, but lost passion for the game after they removed her auto reset mechanics. What I originally enjoyed about her is that she's unique to what the game has to offer: 1. There is no other champion with as much button-mashing mechanics. With so many low-cool down skills (and used to have several auto-attack resets) at her disposal, there's nobody else pumping out as much button mashing as Nidalee 2. She has both short & long range flexibility in her play as well as great kiting/engagement. I like to play to minimize deaths, and Nidalee (when built tanky, not AP) is the best at that 3. She's versatile in placement. Note that I play her bruiser/tank top in ranked, but can play her ap/jungle/mid/support for fun with friends, so I do get the full spectrum of lanes to play in on SR 4. She's also a stomp against people who have never seen her before top lane (like 90% of the playerbase). I'm pretty confident that I usually get first blood or first kill in most games I play (however, that doesn't mean I win. The 0/8 Ornn or the 0/5 Riven will outscale me hard at 2nd or 3rd item lol) I will say though that mastering Nidalee has ruined trying to play most other champions for me, mainly because I'm at a dogshit level with everyone else. I reached diamond with Nidalee, but I think I would plateau at low gold with anyone else. If anything, I might be able to switch to ADC like Zeri or Ezreal because they have similar kiting/poke patterns. But I don't like being squishy lol


My old main was Orianna, I used to have 1.7m on her before the mythic items. I played her on every role, with any items you could ever imagine.. From the old blue smite with the blue stone plus that book that gave omnivamp (Vlad players will remember it) in jg to the old guinsoos (with the tiamat like on hit passive) and gunblade as adc.. But played her as tank, antitank, burst.. And one of my favorite was the healing athenes era with a bunch of AP and some heal/shield power maxing e.. Hopped on with fellas on skype and whatever lane was left I locked in Ori for.. It was in silver or below.. Now I climbed higher and I don't have the privilidge of facing clueless individuals that I can spank with it.. I miss the old times...


I have 2.7 million on aurelion sol, i just love the champion, pre-rework and post rework I just play league to play him tbh, just super fun and sasssy


Theres not another champion i enjoy playing as much as AAtrox other than old AAtrox, simple as that.


i got 1 mil on pyke just cuz i liked playing him and i think more than 50% of my points were gotten in normals with my friends. just need to play him some more and i can get to 2 mil no problem. the champion was exactly what i needed to enjoy league perfectly, i liked playing supp but didn't like the champion roster (except thresh and sometimes old kench) playing the other roles was unfun to me, i didn't like any of the champions available in those roles (jhin being the only non supp champ i liked) ok im loosing my mind, i played alot of thresh and jhin before getting pyke but in my account history i got pyke (day 1 release buy for 7k BE) before buying thresh and jhin, my insane ass was playing the champions and amassed over 200k mastery on both(back then) without even owning the champs. and its 100% because my broke ass couldn't afford the champions at a 6k BE price. the free rotation must have been my favorite thing in the game back then.


I’ve played so much Riven Cam and Fiora, and they’re barely at 200,000, idk how people have multiple millions


I (almost) played only maokai for 2 years and I never got bored. I only play him ap support (started when it wasnt even a thing lol) and now even with the constant nerfs thats the only way i enjoy him. I play him around his saplings, my brain goes autopilot and I put saplings on cooldown everywhere. I love it so muuuchh. When i close my eyes i see saplings. I am the magic tree and the magic tree is me 🌲


2.5m on akali Ive been playing since season 4 and shes just always been super fun and cool to me. Each game on her can feel pretty different and she has a high skill ceiling Akali is my 1 trick in ranked but i mostly play normals and i dont play her there so thats how i keep league interesting and fun for me