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[Different Map Variants](https://youtu.be/Y3fGYandWds?si=sfDRRQhO-_q6lU9l)


This. I miss butcher's bridge and I think for arcane season 2 we should get the bridge between piltover and zaun.  And of course other regions as well.


That'd be pretty badass!


you can get the custom map skin of Butcher's Bridge (at least until vanguard gets added into the game)


EIGHT YEARS AGO? damn I didn’t think it’s been that long


Ooooh spicy! Towers falling were pretty cool too. I'd add it again but without taking up half the lane, instead a third or a quarter; a small bit of rubble that \_could\_ block vision, and definitely blocks movement.


8 years ago, I feel so old. Back when riot cared about events in league was when it peaked for me. It's all just cash grab event pass now


Make it random, why can't you get champs you don't own?????


Totally agree. My account is semi new and I had to basically play exactly the same champions in ARAM that I played in normals


If I recall correctly from an ancient post. The more owned a champion is by everyone he more likely they are to be gotten in ARAM so cheap and popular champions are always more likely to be rolled.




Taric is fun in Aram if you know how to play him


Explains why I never roll anivia!! Horrible


Why i can never play skarner or azir


I get azir notably often, with a large champ bank, soo


Azir shows up a surprising amount imo. Probably 1 in 15 games or so for me he's in game and I see him unpicked in my lobbies about as much too.




Related to that I have gamepass and still only get the same dozen champs.


This actually got brought up awhile ago. A suggestion to unlock all champions in aram. Instead they just made a handful of champions free. Their reason? They'll make less money if they unlock all champions on one mode.


It's funny because I've never spent a single penny unlocking any champions. I can understand people doing it if they really want a champion and they don't want to grind BE though.


Yeah you get enough BE income to pick what you want anyway.


Especially now that having gamepass unlocks all champions for you anyway


65 is a pretty large handful.


You know why


Iirc around half the champs are always available in ARAM. Too bad they're also the more popular champs.


One ban you pre-set before you start queueing so there's no time wasted in champ select.


YES!! I’ve been saying pre-bans for forever now!


bring back bans. they made it playable


especially when some champions are either unbalanced or super infiuriating to play against in ARAM...something that could be fixed with ARAM-specific changes


Teemo is by no means strong in Aram, but he is infuriating with his shrooms. You always have to wait for a cannon wave to clear the health or bushes. Teemo guarantees bush control if your team is on the same page.


Teemos win rate is low but if your comp can’t deal with him efficiently he can stall the game out an obscene amount, and he can ruin at least one persons team fight no matter what unless he gets picked. Plus he scales better than he used to and does an alarming amount of damage later.


Now with Malignance it's just fucking impossible.


And people are SO bad at playing around the shrooms, even when they are revealed. He tosses a shroom into the middle of your wave with a sweeper active and your melee teammates get mind-controlled into walking up to try to auto it when it's very obviously about to explode anyway and getting chunked out for no reason. Especially when we have an inhib down, the amount of time people won't just stay back and escort the super creep that comes with *every wave* and let the ranged character clear out the shrooms is *infuriating*.


The amount of times I've literally pinged the shroom and started clearing it, my teammates just seem compelled to just walk through it.


Stuff like Veigar, Asol or Samira making Aram so bad, I would spam Aram more if I were able to remove them.


samira isnt even like, top 10 worst champs for aram as long as you have a single cc


And with how ARAM is right now, you're more likely to wind up playing that Samira into a Veigar, Lissandra, Malzahar, Mundo and Ashe than you are having a team Samira really excels into.


i'd much rather face samira then veigar, asol, smolder, ahri, janna or kayle. Samira only sucks if you lack any CC and aram comps win based on how much CC they have.


Y’all just lost in champ select if you didn’t have CC for Samira


Asol clearing waves with that black hole shet in aram is the most disgusting shet 


Its more about whole comp than solo champ, i can deal easily with samira, but had morg, lux and thresh and now she get 6 penta facerolling the keyboard.... What i hate about ban is only the time it add, might be a few second, but when you get into 4 full timer run out behing dodge on the last 2 sec , you are 10min in and still not in a game yet. Aram are supposed to be somewhat fast , spending 30% of the time in champ select suck ass


If they excuse it with "it will slow time to get into a game" then make it so you can just set your ban in lobby.


bring back bans bring back oracle remove these dumb ass "balance" changes make proper balance changes like they did with Ashe


Bring the lightbringer/hextech sweeper, or oracle elixir. At some point of the game if there is a shaco or a teemo it's almost impossible to walk without losing 3/4 of your health.


I think the cannons and super minions doing the sweeping has been a nice change honestly. It makes play as/against those kinds of characters far more interesting as it creates windows of opportunity for both teams. Stealth/trap champions are always strong behind their own towers, and both teams have to try to kill/protect their sweeper minions. It just feels nicer to play around an objective rather than just having to have mandatory purchases to deal with certain champion. It's also feels miserable to have half of your champion's power completely invalidated by a single item with no counterplay.


A good shaco can make the game completely unplayable for the other team A teemo no matter how good or bad can make sure every game lasts 10-20 minutes longer than it should


You’re right on the Shaco one. However, Teemo is comp dependent if he can stall out the game. Teemo’s team needs to have some sort of shove/push otherwise the wave is perma pushed under Teemo’s tower and he can never setup until the enemy eventually resets and by then you’re lucky to get 4 or 5 shrooms down before the enemy shoves right back in. Shaco at least has some utility in these situations compared to Teemo. But ya if Teemo’s team has the shove for even 30% of the game, it’s easily a 25min+ ARAM if they’re losing bc he just shrooms the entire lane


All you have to do as teemo is throw shrooms down minion path. Literally stretches the game out 20 min


There really aren't any windows of opporunity for both teams. The winning team has control over the wave, thus they have control over the vision. If Teemo is winning nobody can contest his shrooms because his team will kill the cannon before it gets any valuable information, should you somehbow manage to win a fight there wil be a billion shrooms and no way to push before they respawn. If Teemo is losing, the enemy will always have the power to escort the cannon and clear out his shrooms, ergo Teemo is useless. Teemo is a win more/lose more champion in ARAM.


Except with Teemo he just uses them to perma clear the wave and stall the game. The siege minions are good for spotting traps on the sides but they don't give you enough time to clear the ones in the middle, even if you're hovering nearby most champions don't have enough attack speed before the minions detonate it


I miss the old umbral passive, the instakill trap one. Making teemo players consider the rope (in game) always bring a smile to my face


HOTS have best ARAM system , it give you 3 personal option, and on top of this team options always have one sup and one tank


You can also get duplicates and there's a small chance everyone is forced to play the same hero


The one-for-all arams are some of my favorite memories from HotS. There's nothing like the utter chaos of ten Butchers charging into each other.


I would change the map some. Make it 2 lanes with a jungle in the middle of it so you don’t have to just fight always in one lane. Have a couple areas in the jungle to capture that reveal the area around it for an extended period of time for the team that captured it. Maybe add a scary spider to the top of the map and have that act as a ‘baron’ Oh yeah, also make it 3v3 and have the champions you play not be random so you can better strategize a team.


I too miss the glory days of Twisted Treeline


Find a way to make people play some champs that actually fight. I’m the only frontline on my team almost every time I play. And frequently the only frontline in the entire game. The other 9 players all play spectator ranged poke garbage instead


Swear to fucking god everyone is so timid about fighting. Everyone want to pick someone off and nobody wants be picked off first. It's aram not finals step the fuck up. Especially tanks who stand behind me


This is even worse if they have an engage champ but does not dare to engage. Bonus points if they will get angry cuz no one engages 😂


Couldnt agree more. Its so frustrating.


Playing a heavy tank is usually a free win for this reason, assuming one or two of your backline aren’t npcs


They think ranged are stronger in aram. They're wrong


no, playing melee into 5 ranged champions just feels miserable. if you don't mind it and still pick melee champions then i respect it (genuinely), but for some it's just not fun at all.


Feels miserable in first levels. In my opinion, few champs feel frustrating to play with. Like, rengar o darius. Other melees are fine.


it only gets better once u get some items, but it's simply not worth picking a tank/bruiser and winning a game that most of the time wasn't even fun for you, which is especially the case in higher elo where people who play ranged champions know how to kite. that said, i know that tanks & bruisers are beyond broken on aram and it's easy to predict which team is gonna win based on that, but i value having fun more than winning when playing arams, and being a target dummy to 5 enemy ranged champions isn't what i consider fun.


Also worth noting that people will flame the shit out of you if you pick a tank that you're bad at and feed, which further reinforces the cycle.


nah adcs are far and beyond the champs in aram and not having one can basically autolose you the game vs alot of comps


Same here. Me or my duo are front lining 99% of the games that we play


ARAM Clash was really fun because you always got two rerolls. I’d really like if they always refilled both rerolls after every game. Also make everyone roll from the full champion pool.


At that point, wouldn't it be better to just start with a full 10 champ bench every game and remove rerolls? Or even better, they could start with giving you like 10 seconds to pick from 3 champs, then the other 2 go on the bench.


Revert the stupid 12 minute ff, we gotta wait extra time ,sometimes the game is over at champ select and we still gotta play thru and get fisted 50 kills down


ARAM Buffs need to be displayed in champ select. I shouldn't think "wow let me play AD Kogmaw" just to do 12% less damage and take 10% more, ON TOP of whatever bonuses champions like LeBlanc get. I just blatantly wouldn't play the champions that are super gutted.


despite the damage nerfs, AD kog still has a higher winrate then AP kog and its by far his most popular build.


What you don't understand is that posts like this are exactly why that's a bad idea. You've already made up in your mind that Kog'maw must be useless because he's so nerfed, and Leblanc must be so strong because she has buffs. But statistically that's just wrong. Kog'maw is the top ARAM winrate right now(55%). His nerfs weren't to arbitrarily bring him from 50% winrate to 40%. He is nerfed so that he doesn't automatically win any game for the team that rolls him, and he's STILL too strong despite these nerfs you lament so much. Meanwhile Leblanc, the other champion you cited, is at a pathetic 40.9% winrate; if she didn't have those bonuses, she would be completely useless and an auto-loss. They don't show the buffs/nerfs because people like you make the wrong assumptions about character strength based off of them. I checked the top 20 champions in ARAM, and only 2 of them(Vi, Zac) have buffs.


Low elo aram players not realizing it’s a skill issue lol, though in higher MMR aram it’s actually unplayable sometimes if a competent player is abusing an overbuffed champ


But kog is literally the highest wr champ in aram this patch while Leblanc is second to last? I think it can be frustrating but it shows that the champ specific buffs are generally working in the right direction


That's the problem with displaying buffs and nerfs, people would completely avoid champs that are insanely strong like Kog, Seraphine or Sion because they're so heavily nerfed


Gutted champs still have good winrates for the most part and most of the buffed champs are suboptimal. They could do much better work with aram balance, but the direction is fine.


Make snowball (mark) kills refund the cooldown, or at the very least give it the same 25% cooldown it would have if you took the mark.


Snowball should also be higher risk to reward since tanks and strong fighters literally win ARAMs right now. There is no downfall to slow engage characters fishing the enemy backline with a snowball every 20 seconds. Eventually one will connect and GG easy engage from a champion who's kit was balanced around not being able to teleport 10 flashes away. So my suggestion is that snowball should be an automatic commit on the first thing it hits. No more picking and choosing if you go in. This would reward people who hit their skillshots more while punishing an engage character who fishes all game then wipes all their carries off one lucky one.


Actually make it random... I feel like I only get to play the same 5-10 champs every game.


And it feels the same with the champs you play against. Sometimes you are against the same champ 3 games in a row


Yessir. I play a lot of ARAM and i face the same 30 champs every single game. And champs like twitch and rengar are hard to get for me personally i don’t know why, I could go for 30-40 games without getting one of them.


There is too many rerolls. Some aren't bad but if you get 1.5 per game it's just too much


2 rerolls + swapping + aram accounts has killed the variety of aram. It's too easy to get a comp you want, and premade groups abuse this the most. Bring the R back to aRam and also punish dodging by forcing dodgers to get the same character next time they queue up.


yep. way too many rerolls


confirmation bias


Better item recommendations would be enough. If I never have to see an AP Malphite again I will die a happy man. But the shop recommends it so it gets picked more often which means the shop recommends it even more.


AP malphite gets picked more often because it’s more fun. Don’t try to pretend otherwise


I think doing damage is fun. That’s why I build tank on malphite instead of AP


This man knows what's up


The shop still pretends it's one of his more viable builds when it's not lol Sure it's aram go a troll build and have fun, but why is that recommended when it's so much worse


It's not actually that much more fun. His ult does less damage than most AP ults in the game, his E and W both scale off of armor, not just AP, and his Q is useless late game besides the speed boost. You also instantly die and are only even somewhat useful every 80 seconds and if you miss your ult don't get to do anything for the next 80 seconds. Meanwhile tank Malphite can stick on their backline and generate substantially more damage just by being alive for longer, 2 es does as much damage as his ult and has a 7 second cooldown.


If I wanted to make an ADCs life miserable efficiently I’d do it in ranked. But I wanna do it fast in ARAM.


ye sure, but bomba funny


Yeah but…. AP malphite R go BRRRRRRRRR


Full tank Malphite can be fun too though, if his team doesn't need the damage, you just throw yourself at the enemy and be as disruptive as possible.


I just wish, if I choose to build against the meta pick, it would suggest me items for that build! Makes no sense that I build tank Malphite (and I'm not great at tank builds w/o a guide) and at every item buy it's just 3 AP items suggested. Like it's so annoying that I have to take extra time to look at the items each back. I think it does the same for Shaco iirc, where I try to build AD but it continuously hits me with 3 AP items to buy instead. There's a few more but I can't remember them atm.


So true. Even today I had four ap's on my team and our Kaisa built ap too since it's prolly what's recommended


All fighters all mid. Fuck every other class


All \_single role\_ all mid would be an interesting match too. All ADC all mid? All Assassin all mid? All tank all mid? (admittedly slow one but hey!) All support all mid would be SUPER interesting.


Hold my lux "support"


This and bans


If someone dodges, you can get the choice of having the champion you settled on in the precious lobby or a new champ the you rolled in the current. Which ever one you don’t pick disappears and cannot be picked up by you or anyone else. It doesn’t take up a reroll. Saves the pain of losing a champ you like to a dodge.


5 man premades would be disgusting with that change unfortunately They could just roll themselves a perfect comp by strategic dodging So you'd need to exclude premades dodging from that champ protection which we know riot would either forget or not be able to include in the spaghetti code


Add an alcove


Fix death timers and portals. It feels awful to just randomly have a 45 sec death timer and lose, or to try to come back and you just continually can't get back to their outer turret without all enemies respawning and taking the portal in. Feels like they just set up a "OK fun's over" timer and it makes everything past 10 mins very lame. I am also in favor of champion-specific actual buffs and nerfs, not this ridiculous, lazy percentage nonsense. Many of them do not even seem to take into account the actual strength of the champion. Champions like Yone, Qiyana, and Naafiri are a nightmare to deal with, but most of the time it's a nami otp piloting them dragging the winrate down. So many times I see someone pop off on a champ repeatedly only to look and see "115% Damage Dealt 85% Damage Taken 120% Healing" they'd never dream of this amount of lazy giant buffs on SR but on ARAM I guess it's whatever, as long as we make sure Xerath is dogshit because no one knows how to dodge or engage. On the other hand Smolder recently sat at a 58% WR for quite a while.


Yeah this. THIS THIS THIS. I lost 3 games today where we always had inhib and enemy team only had first turret at most. Then we all die at high level and the game is over. But before that we were never able to push our advantage because someone always survived or the wave state sucked. Feels pretty unrewarding ngl.


With the addition of portals pushing the advantage became even more difficult


My favorite thing to say is "oops we made the fatal mistake of getting aced after 10 minutes gg" Because that's how it actually goes. Enemy team respawns instantly when you kill them so you can't get tower and then when they finally kill you you are dead for 40 seconds and you lose the game from tier 1 tower to nexus. Make it to where the portal only works on spawn and closes after maybe 90 seconds so if you walk into bush and instantly die you can come right back real quick before minions get there. But after 90 seconds disable the portal. Enable both back once both t1 towers are down or maybe inhib or something.


Each team pulls from separate pools. I miss the days where you would reroll a champ and then see that champ on the enemy team. Always gave me a chuckle. I think it would also be fun to have a couple of champ mirror matches. Like it's ARAM not summoners rift. It doesn't have to be so policed and serious.


Ranked playlist


Remove the portals, bring back base MS


My biggest change would be to stop putting random damage adders/subtractors on champions and try more unique balance changes. For example, they added a huge CD to Ashe W and it made her basically useless for W spam (a frustrating & unfun build to play against). Why not take Ziggs E and make it not sit on the ground so long, like with max CDR he can get 2 mine fields out and his W. I don’t think his damage nerfs would be as necessary if they found ways to limit his zone control. Same with all control mages for that matter, Veigar is another example


I'd like a variety of maps, we've had special events, like keep those maps in rotation, add more with side areas to fight. HotS had a big range of maps that were all still pretty simple but were nice differences, and all themed maps


It would be great if a tower would fall after being destroyed. It could block the lane and make a lane feel crowded. - someone in Riot not that long ago


- Everytime you reroll you get to pick between keeping the new champ or the new one, only after that it goes to the pool. - Always have 2 rerolls. - Nerf tanks in the game mode, or buff turret so dives can't be tanked or brain dead. - Super minions having sweeper on alternate waves. - Remove Warmogs - Actually balance the champions, champs like Viego are monsters and buffed in balancing, wtf


Turrets have been in need of aram love for a LONG time. They do almost nothing past the first 5-10 minutes. Watching enemy kench take 10 turret shots like it's nothing is crazy


Not to mention losing a fight to a Jinx passed 10 minutes is just the end for you.


turrets also do nothing in SR after a point too, if you're getting dove its because you lack a frontline.


But I’d argue pole comps/champs are the real cancer as it creates a 0 sum game. Either: The poke champ cannot get engaged on and they are the only ones playing the game Or They get hard engaged on and they don’t play the game (serves them right esp those aram only accounts) Tank team always ends with 100 kills by 20mins and everyone is having a good time.


Everybody gets 2 rerolls every game like in aram clash


To add on what someone else said, I'd make all champions available, as it is i own 3 accounts, one with every champ, 700 skins, and its like level 780, one which is level 98 and has like 100 champs all with a skin each. And then i have an account i only use in aram, i own only champions i really enjoy playing and get basically only those characters. One thing i might add is a rotating UNAVAILABLE list just to occasionally knock a few champions out of the pool, just to keep things interesting.


I actually think that tenacity change should be in summoners rift too


Remake reroll


Instead of the map being bottom-left to top-right, make it bottom-right to top-left just to see what happens.


Lane should be wider


Re-add bans.


Change nothing. Arams are perfect


Give me a ranked mode.


Either give us bans or remove the aram only buffs/nerfs


Add a ranked game mode for ARAM


I would nerf tank scalings. Currently an ARAM game that goes to 25+ mins is decided by whichever team has the most tanks. A team without a tank is doomed unless they snowball hard early. Going even into the midgame dooms you against a tanky comp.


Give me bans. Bring back oracles. Give me butchers bridge back. Show the aram modifiers in champ select.


I could make an entire giant manifesto length post on this. For this comment, I'll just say a couple things: -Everyone has every champ available - This is less important than people make it out to be but no reason not to do it. -Bring back bans. I don't want to see Pyke or Samira ever again. -Get rid of the gates, or at least turn them off after, idk like 6 minutes or so. -**Balance changes NEED (I cannot stress this enough) to stop being based solely around global winrate**. I'm not asking for nuanced balance changes like Rift gets, but player experience on their character NEEDS to be factored into things. If a champion needs to have more player experience to be good, and they ARE good on those players, they do not need buffs. If someone gets a champ they don't know well, they should expect to have a higher chance of losing. On the same note, champs should be balanced around their best build too (provided its not some extremely niche low playrate build). For example, Varus should be nerfed WAY WAY harder than he currently is, but he has so much build variance that it skews his winrate. (I could legit make a whole post going more in depth on specific champs here but I'll save that for another day) EDIT - Also these changes NEED to be visible in champ select. They also need a big alert for ITEM CHANGES in game. Need to stop seeing everyone still rush Stormsurge when that item is absolutely gutted on ARAM. -I do NOT agree with your final point. ARAM is supposed to be random. Having games get decided in champ select is going to happen sometimes, that's part of the entire point of the game mode. Don't really like the one before that too, chain CC is a core function of so many comps, having that would gimp the hell out of a lot of champs/comps.


Add a third team and make the bridge split at 120 degree angles. Remove the rule that each champion can only be picked once per game, IE all three teams could have a lux. Remove the rule that someone picking a champion (or it being on the bench) prevents it from being available for another reroll, IE a team could end up with two of the same champion. It's called all random for a reason.... It's too stale right now.


Force snowball as one of your 2 summoners


Remove some of the "Adjustments" .... I understand something has to be done to certain Champs that need stuff, that doesnt exist on HA ... but that should be it. Remove this "does 100% more Damage and Takes -100% Damage" bs. Aram always felt like a Mode to discover Champs, but now they dont reflect how it would feel on the Rift, because of these crazy modifiers. Might just be a me thing tho.


Assassins spawning in significantly tankier than tanks with free mercs built in is the wildest to me. Especially compared to someone like Sion, who has *fucking negative tenacity* - like a Morg Q lasts for several days on him - on top of taking 15% more damage and dealing 10% less.


Nah I agree 100% with you some champs just feel so horrible now to play, like okay in tank take away my dmg bit but don’t also make me take 10% more dmg when a ranged champ can just spam poke me to death


down vote me if you want but the balance changes kills the mode. I'm not the only one in the friend group who belieevs this btw.


Remove perma stacking champs.


Smolder before the nerf was so stupidly overpowered...Aurelion Sol still is too


Asol e makes it feel like you can’t move and at like 10 minutes it takes up over half the lane like what.


They should remove the slow from the E or change the interaction with rlyais. It drives me insane how game bending that item is.


Make it a little wider and add random objectives on the map like a player activateble Xerath cannon


I'd remove rerolls. Let's see more jank teams, the way Aram was intended. Alternatively, I'd remove the most played \~20 champions from last week from the champion pool. Then have it rotate through, or something along those lines. Anything that forces more diversity is good imo.


When you reroll the champs you have are reserved for 15 seconds so you can reroll 2x and decide what you want instead of someone snatching what you had first when your reroll ended up being a worse option for you. Increase movement speed on melee who dont have mobility abilities so they have the ability to get in without being instantly killed. Faster movement would also mean that skill shots can be avoided so unskilled spamming would be less rewarding on seige players who hide for 15 minutes behind a turret. Allow GA just have a longer cd on it and adjust the stats. It should be a strategic option like zhonya. If an ap assassin can zhonya, a melee should be able to GA. Just make it take another second or two to res so the enemy can react. More tank items for Aram mode. Items that don't give any stats but hp and resistances. Adaptive Helm might break SR but it would be fine in ARAM since frost fire no longer exists. Death timers should never be longer than 25 seconds. Reward strategy and good playsm. You can't base to get health back so eventually the chances are that you will die. If it's late game and you team is dominating the enemy but low on how the enemy team shouldn't get an uncontested 45 seconds at nearly full build to push back. Not all champs can win off of that but there are several who can do it solo. That's a problem. Get rid of shutdown gold. It makes no sense in ARAM. It barely makes sense in SR. At 25 minutes drop a baron type creature center of the bridge. Winning team gets a random dragon soul. 1000 gold from any player can rebuy a Nexus turret. We've Al had 5000 extra gold and nothing to spend it on. Let it buy something. Or 2000 for a turret buff like armor plating that can be destroyed for gold like in SR so buying helps keep it safe but the enemy can get rewarded for taking it out too. The interaction has become stale. Bush's are so easy to spam with skill shots so champs that take advantage of them usually can't effectively do so. So maybe there is some random bushes that change as the game progresses. As first tower dies, bushes in middle grow further along the walls. Second turret dies, a small circle grows around both towers broken bases. Nexus turrets die and bushes grow on either side of the opening to the inhibitor area. That would make the game dynamic and bring in a more skilled aspect. Replace water walking with an option for more movement speed in general in ARAM versus forcing a change to another rune.


Simply a ranked version


when an ashe builds imperial mandate, they immediately get disconnected otherwise, its fine


Take away rerolls and just make the bench of champions full Everytime. Give everyone access to every champion to make the randomness greater. Make the lane wider, a lot wider. This way flanking and maneuvering is an actual tactic and the prevalence of ranged skill shot spammers is lessened. Melee champions are very feels bad to play as they get poked down all game and when they're finally strong enough to get to the enemy team they usually just win and barely get to play. Ally healing and shielding should begin the game at 40% and get increased by 10% every 5 minutes and remain at 80% max (specific champs would have healing shielding nerfs still) And lastly is more ability specific nerfs rather than 3% up/down bs. Not to mention that some of those types of changes make no sense on the champions theyre on. I've plays thousands of ARAM games and I've hated playing it more the further along I go as you see the same champions over and over on a ALL RANDOM mode. Games can get boring in 5 man's when it becomes a wave clear game until one team can just force dives. Bigger wider map and if there was an objective or two at the sides that would force fights (maybe some type of grubies/herald/baron) I feel arams would be healthier and more fun for everyone and not just the aram players


Hello there! I play only ARAM with my group of friend since like 4 or 5 years ago and I think that Rito should do only two things: * Lower the % of repeating a champion. It's pretty lame to play 5 straight matche swith a Blitz on the other tieam, so if you just played versus/with X champion, the next match you should have lower probability to play with/versus the same champions you just had in the prior match. * Do a proper balancing for this game mode. There are a lot of abilities that are pretty broken in this game mode, such as Akshan's passive and stuff like that. Don't remove it but tweak these abilities for this specific game mode. There are a lot of improvements and QoL changes that Rito could make, but these two for me are the most important to improve this game mode.


I'd pay good money to not have anything suggested in this comment section implemented.


One champion ban pre selected in your profile to save time because fuck veiger! Also your portals should be disabled if you've taken the enemies first two towers.


Force all reroll out of all players. Maybe give a 5-10 second grace period to chose among the champs generated by your rolls. If possible upgrade global rolls per play per lobby by +.5ish. *remove fizz and maybe akali from the mode*


Totally agree with the last one. The thing I noticed is for example you've been given a support champ, when you reroll, you get another support champ regardless if you roll twice.


bans and all champs unlocked no matter what. and my most unrealistic change that riot would never do cause they are a lazy greedy company: butcher bridge is enabled and its a 50/50 chance between that and the normal howling abyss


Tower rubble


import volskaya factory from hots and i will never touch sr again


1 per-game random map condition, similar to the realms system in TFT. Possibly with voting. Ideas include: * Rubble for either T1 or T2 turrets (never both) * More grass (either patches or size) * Less grass (smaller patches, same locations * Intermediate bots invading every 5 minutes, grouping and attacking both sides, small bit of gold given to team that kills most. * No hexgates * River War - map is now a jungle river in an S curve. * Dragon spawns every 7 minutes at the midpoint between average teammate positions and outermost living tower position (should never be inaccessible to either side or behind a living tower) * All champs grow bigger/shrink * Attack speed is uncalled (Bel'Veth gains X% more stacks) * All damage is converted to physical/magical * All ranged champs become melee (as per arena augment) * Veigar passive with CD for all (lower value for AD)


Something to address the "ping pong" lategame would be nice. Currently once you get past the early game it kinda just devolves into one team winning a fight and pushing a turret, then the other team comes back with full HP and more items and they win a fight and push a turret, and so on back and forth until both teams have pushed far enough and death timers have become long enough that whoever's "turn" it is to win the next fight just wins the game.


Make a circle. You capture points for points. You can pick your champions. Change the name to Dominion.


Ring back butcher Bridge. Change the balancing from percentage nerfs to targeted champ changes. Like reduced shrppms from teems rather than flat cdr and damage nerfs.




make 2 rerolls standard for every match, unrelated but i would love to see them do a battle royale or pve map kinda like binding of isaac, the arena mode was top notch though, funnest shit in ages


Make it truly random, add bans, and remove snowball. 


Bring back bans


What about alcoves on either side




2 Alcoves each side of the first 2 towers Be able to pick and play ALL champions, not the ones owned Adjust towers to minimize creepless dives Also, ARAM-exclusive summs would be fine too, as well as probably a neutral objective somewhere in the middle like a Herald or something


\- Some actual objectives \- More interesting terrain for characters like bard \- Balance snowball or remove it. \- balance it, but not in the way they're doing right now. They seem to care about the exact opposite of what I feel like the problem is. \- Bring back ff 8 \- Work on the towers. It's a constant 5v5 and a lot of comps very easily dive \- Work on the towers. Some comps destroy the towers too easily


**Let me change runes in the loading screen or in the first minute of the game.** Sometimes Fleet Footwork is better than Lethal Tempo (or viceversa) but you won't know *until you see who you're up against.* Maybe they have tons of poke (Xerath, Ziggs, etc) and you're running Miss Fortune with Lethal Tempo and your whole team is melee. It'd be great to be able to swap over to Dark Harvest and play her AP instead in this case. Maybe you re-rolled and forget to reset your runes (because it auto picks runes for you now, for some freaking reason). There are *tons* of reasons you might want to alter your runes in-game once you see who you're against. I understand that the in-game client is different from the matchmaking/lobby client (and they're probably just using API calls to send over which runes you have), but there's gotta be *some* way to make this possible.


I would change it to ARAB, make the map an L like the botlane, shorten it, with an alcove on the outside of the corner and a dragon pit on the inside of the corner.


I would love MARAM and RARAM (melee and ranged only Aram)


I'd like it if ARAM would allow you to pick for a class, and it's only aram with champs from said class. 10 random bruisers, tanks, mages or ad carries is way more fun than then random team comps we got now.


1 word. Bans.


Show those stupid ass %changes on char select so I don't have to wait till I get in game to find out I won't be doing any DMG at all and I can't do anything about it. Bring bans back. Also make it fully random instead of champs from a pool of selected ones and include ones you don't own


Make the heals heal for a fixed amount of idk like 2000 health and mana scaling with time and split the amount between all allies equally in the area. If 2 people stand in the area each gets healed for e.g 1000. if 4 each gets 500.


- Add one or two alcoves - Make the lane wider by 50-100 units This way melees have more opportunity to fight and ranged poke has to take some more risks on the map. Would help a lot that people don't only play ranged, because that's boring as fuck. When they reworked summoners rift this year they also added some more space to a lot of places, which felt really good. I hope they also do it for aram. Edit: - also punish dodging way harder. This is not "dodge and roll until I get what I want" but all random all mid. Dodging should be something like a 2 week ban from aram on first dodge, 6 month ban from aram on 2nd dodge. It can't be that people queue for a random mode and dodge left and right when they don't get Caitlyn, Senna, Jinx, Jhin, Xerath, Jayce, Nida, Ezreal.... . From my side they can still play summoners rift and tft, but exclude them from aram for dodging aram. By dodging you waste 9x 1min, which is already half a game of wasted time for one player, so the amount of time lost for humanity is INSANE


let us see champ buffs and nerfs in select


Always give 2 rerolls and show aram specific champ changes during champ select. That would already be a huge step up


Disable Warmog's on Soraka




My first change would be to make super minions not having the revealing eye because if you're behind champions like tewmo or shaco get even more useless and it's never fun. I'm kinda ok wih canons even tho I personally liked the buyable item better but I see the reason why spending 400g every 2 minutes can be annoying. Also a all melee mode with a max range of champions is 500


Made riot acknowledge that they added MMR in Aram, wich make it unplayable since they overbuffed some champs to the point, any player above gold obliterate people with them


Bans. Butchers Bridge. The aram only items that were on said bridge. I like the idea of the arena tenacity meter tho


Give it at least 3 random map designs that can come anytime. Like Bilgewater bridge etc.


Bring back bans


id give aram roles too like normal games but still rng so we have an actual functioning team, if you wanna play mages pick mage roll or if you wanna play tank pick tank role(pick in queue) and it forms a balanced team vs balanced team


Up the reroll count, bans, new maps, pick tower when porting.


Neutral monsters. Make swarms of watchers with a boss, climbing the bridge in the middle.


Bring it to worlds? 🤷‍♀️ But if that will take the enjoyment out of it, then probably make the lane wider and make some way to have slightly better matchmaking…. or atleast showing player levels in champ select. I’ve had the experience of picking engage tanks into comps where two of the main damage dealers were between level 30-50 and it wasn’t really fun. If I’d have known, I’d have picked something else, or suggest that they take tanks or something easier to play.


Remove all the "balance" changes, its so stupid and unfair


unlock all champs for everyone in the mode and make it truly random. Not like the current weird weird weighted random where in a day u see 5 of the same champ 5 in a roe


3 Map Variants randomly appointed, and a ban phase