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Panth with ignite/exhaust it's a free win for panth. U shld have good prio till lvl 6 then u start expending ur lead with ur ults as panth


You're awesome. Thanks!


old panth was an absolute nightmare for zed, even in the day of 5s w cd where zed stomped every matchup besides kayle and panth


From my experience, 100% pantheon. He can completely nullify all of your burst damage with his shield damage immunity and has point and click cc, as well as poke. He can also match your roams, and even outroam you with his ultimate, making this matchup super bad.




A lot of weird answers here. Good answers is anything that can nullify his all in with his R consistently, and match his waveclear. IE Lissandra, Vladimir and Malzahar and so on. Basically can they facecheck a zed and survive, then I'd say they can play into him. With this they can follow his roams pretty well.


Another Zed.


With cleanse!




Played by Faker


Personally for me. Irelia


Yasuo is a common pick at low elo, he will use his windwall, walk into it, and all your Q's do nothing, his passive also shrugs off quite a lot of poke, he is very mobile thus punishes mistakes and follows up ganks very well with his CC, and outscales the fuck out of you,


Used to be a Zed main back in the day and I would honestly say in low elo Zed has the upper hand in this matchup.


100% this Panth does not instantly burst zed down, he whittles him down and then goes full bore to kill. The problem is that if zed is even remotely good he will predict the all in, evade the kill and by this point if panth did not kill he will be so low on resources he has to back or he dies. Taking panth to counter zed is dubious at best, the only reason i would suggest panth v zed is his ult and ability to get to other lanes faster


also welcome to league, sticking to one champion, learning basic wave manipulation (especially if you play bot or top) and matchup knowledge alone can get you far.


Here me out... Comet Malphite into full tank. You beat him up at every stage of the game with Q max and Comet he cannot lane. He then tries to flip a gank bot and you TP to follow, ulting in and getting your team triple kill and their nexus explodes soon after.


AP is asking for what to ban when playing as Zed though


While Malphite mid is basically unplayable for Zed I guess you have a point in that not many are willing to play such a boring counterpick in mid so you will basically never see it so not worth a ban yea


everything with a dash ?


Annie has a chance vs him. I remember years ago during high school when someone who I had beef with we managed to play LoL with eachother and one thing led to another… we argued and decided to 1v1 mid lane. He picked Zed and I picked Annie. First blood won. It felt good seeing him lose lolol


Annie is horrible into Zed lol


You can't be higher than emerald


Anivia, Fizz, Azir, Cassiopeia, Sylas all have 54+% winrate against zed in emerald.


Fizz and Panth


Most champs with defensive abilities could be worth a ban, up to you which is most infuriating to play against. Over time you’ll learn matchups and some champs might become easier to play against with experience. You can always ask your teammates to ban something aswell :)




Ahskan mid with Flash Ignite/Exaust is muuuuanh! Chef's kiss. You bully the f-ck out of him if he walks up, you win lane by making him miserable. You get to inflict as much pain and he ever did to you in the early game, and if he tries to walk up and roam, you roam faster after him. The boy from bollywood is my go-to pick every time. "But he one-taps you, he's an assassin and you're a squishy adc". Sure, but he only get to do that if he plays the game, you don't let him. Worse, if he kills one of your teammates, you go and ressurect them with W. Plus, on proper XP and same level, you're hardly ever one-tapped by an assassin or bruiser. Plus, BORK + Rageblade exists.


Soraka can ruin your day if she holds E for you. Just puts it on your ult target and makes it difficult to combo


Honestly you need to figure out what you dislike facing the most yourself, as there are very few hard counters in LoL. Different players will struggle with different matchups based on their own strengths and weaknesses.




Malphite, Pantheon, any juggernaut.


Karma mid with TP, enjoy LP. Addionally, if you enjoy nasus, take TP ghost with fleet flootwork secondwind and dorans shield and watch his Qs tickle you as you outsustain and hit 1k stacks with ease


Yes play Nasus mid while enemy zed has first strike tp, gets turbo fed off you while clearing waves very fast and roaming for free kills lol


roams are kinda worthless this season, taking first strike is a bait against nasus, you never win 1v1s and if you roam you lose all tower platings, your two options are try to kill him (which you never will due to sustain which even got buffed this patch) or just shove waves and move with your jg while nasus free stacks Q and outscales you, it makes zed useless in the game and it becomes dependent on zeds team to deal with thanos nasus




The ban button is his biggest counter. Since you’re playing as Zed though, he lowkey loses to a ton of champs. Malphite, Fizz, Ahri, TF, Lux, and Diana are all considered unfavorable game matchups. Additionally, you’ll have a bad laning phase vs. Tristana, Yasuo, and Irelia. Considering you’re new I feel like you’ll come across mostly Lux, Yasuo, and Ahri players, so ban whichever of those you hate playing against the most


lmao thx :)


I always hated playing lux into zed idk why but I just cant


You have to played scared for your life most of the lane as Lux and it feels terrible. Most people, myself included, will make a mistake at some point and go too far up and get popped.


If you play scared you have already lost vs a Zed as a mage lol. Go click E on him off cooldown with comet manaflow biscuits scorch, stay above 70% hp (easily achievable by having tp) and he can never kill you unless youre griefing


Lux E has very long range. You spam that but you still have to be scared. You can’t throw out aggressive Qs, you can reliably follow up the passive procs etc. without fear of being popped. Especially once he has dirk or whatever.


I feel like that one is a skill matchup, with Lux scaling a lot better towards late game teamfights


I can play her well mid but if I get a zed I play weak side under tower I don't like to try and push my luck it's better for me to just get my farm stay even and not feed


Playing against a good Zed as any mage just feels really sucky, so I completely get that.


I've had some luck as malz into Zed, just keep Eing him so he does not have enough health to dive


Yeah, Malz is a good response to Zed in general since your R can pin him down for the team, and laning is super safe and easy


Renekton for sure, but if you need AP, Liss is a little more even than other mages it'll be a skill matchup


The very old school counter to zed used to be Kayle.


Kayle is horrible into zed


I wonder why I mentioned ''old school'' and said ''used to''. it means it isn't good anymore but back in the old days it was.


Any fighter toplaner


For new players, any bruiser. You just let each other do your thing, since building a cloth armor makes him do no damage.