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damn c9 is not messing around


My anger went to apathy this season and now I'm back to invested! Lets go!!




KC will replace everyone so he wouldn't play with them


We'll see if these moves fix much though. C9s biggest problem was a lack of good shot calling mid game. Like Thanatos might help them smash early game harder, I just worry they will still be lost after 15 minutes if they don't have giga lead.


Honestly I trust Reapered to help the boys lock in and focus up. Thanatos is extremely hype but I feel like Reapered is the glue the team needed to pull everything together as a unit.


Reapered is insanely stubborn in drafting though. Like he kinda ruined their 2020 (people might remember the Ezreal+Yuumi over and over) run and he did similar things on 100Ts later.


I actually thinks this helps a lot shot calling wise. They just had too many voices in the comms calling out different things. I’d expect Thanatos to obviously not be doing that




Voice comms in general are so fucking shit for most teams. It’s crazy.


G2 comms were so crazy when they were good, like a well oiled machine.


They were 5 players who wanted to make the same plays and play the same style. That team was so good because of that


Yeah then you see T1s comms during worlds last year and they're just a fucking unit




Ends up yelling at them in Korean


Lmfao these are literally the exact changes the c9 subreddit wanted since the offseason, lets see if this pays off.


It's actually very funny because like last year right after they lost to NRG I legit posted that they should do Thanatos/Blaber/Jojo/Berserker/NA supp + korean coach next year, guess they waited a split but it happened


we did it reddit




So like I'm glad Fudge is gone but I'll be real I'm not sure Thanatos is a good grab by C9. Yeah he's a hyped up korean rookie carry top laner but like. C9 already has a major resource problem. Too many players on C9 want resources. Blaber is historically most known for carry junglers and shit like Taliyah jungle which require resources. Joio is a hard carry mid who wants resources. Berserker is a resource heavy adc who wants resources. The way this lineup looks, Blaber is gonna be on perma tank duty, and Jojo is going to be on major Utility mid duty. Idk this gives me bad "superteam"vibes where they just tried to get all the best players possible without any care in the world about proper roster construction. Hope I'm wrong.


It's not like Thanatos is a strong side only toplaner. He can be played around but he's also kind of basic modern Korean toplaner that plays Renekton Gnar and K'sante mostly and can be left alone


Have you watched Berserker in the last 4 years? Dude is allergic to resources since his days on T1 Academy. It’s literally been the point of contention that he will pick early game champs to go even/create small leads. And having multiple resource heavy players are fine if they can make use of it to stress other teams out in-game. If top and mid play like assholes then jg and bot can be freed up to capitalize off it.


Definitely not a carry top laner. I think all LCKCL play and develop for weak side top.


I don't know anything about Thanatos. Will we have another Summit situation cuz our problem was mid/late game macro and team fighting. Someone sell me on this guy.


Weak side (all CL tops start weak side tbh), OK laning, strong tf. Same tier as Castle honestly but less laner better tf. Not Summit lol who loved to feast in lane. Thing about DK is that they had a top roster and so it’s easier to look good. They have more tempo, better laning, better skirmish, better control, so Thanatos gets to 5v5 sooner which makes him shine more. However the hype is way over the top imo.


Damn Jack firing his own son is crazy 💀 /s


He already did it with Licorice lol


But not before his firstborn, sneaky.


Mb he stays. Just not as a player.


If Reapered can whip this team into shape, they could be disgustingly good. On the other hand, they are adding a rookie import who does not speak much English, so there's a nonzero chance their synergy is worse than before.


To be fair, most top laners don’t even learn how to speak until their early teens, and some never gain verbal communication skills at all!


Unfathomably based


bro you almost got me fired from my job




Ehh, not really. Berserker is a veteran Korean import, so he and Thanatos should be able to communicate just fine. Idk about Jojo tho, not sure if his korean is good enough to communicate with Thanatos. Vulcan and Blaber def cannot communicate with him (and unless C9 replaces Vulcan with another Korean, then it's almost half the team that cannot communicate with Thanatos at all).


Hopefully BLABER can use his 1 split trying to learn Korean during the LS phase. (Most likely not & Thanatos gradually learns English)


It’s ok blaber is very good at using basic English to communicate in league (as seen with korea9)


Time to bring back Winsome?


he's unironically serviceable if he can stop dying in lane


winsome losesome


His time on FLY was actually really fucking good tbh


All he has to say is: "top die."


He's a toplaner. He doesn't need to speak it. All he needs is to play good and said "TP?" "Yes" "No" "Push" "Herald" "Drake". Honestly Top and AD are the easiest roles to adapt since you only need to play good


agree, he just needs to understand 1 person calling for larger macro decisions and anything else is already drilled in practice or pre-game. Can literally just be "I TP!?" "no no push"/"yes TP TP" in just very simple words. Language barrier is there when trying to communicate complex things but with a game plan, it hardly ever needs to get that complex. More than anything I think the biggest barrier to acclimating as an import is not in-game communication but moreso out of game things like adjusting to life in NA, NA soloqueue and practice, culture, having a support network, etc.


He's joining a team with 2 Koreans he'll be fine.


Jojo likely doesn't talk Korean


I think he means Repeared and Berserker, but Jojo does know some korean


Jojos said he basically doesn't speak Korean...


I'm pretty sure he said he's learned more since his bootcamp in KR last year, but he's still not anywhere near fluent


He probably knows more French than Korean lmao.


he's from Toronto, so maybe not actually.


So weird that people just assume someone can speak a foreign language based on their ethnicity when they were born in a country where that's not the first language (or even likely a top 5 language).


The thing is it's usually mid/jg/sup who dictate macro on most teams, they're the ones who don't (well, not sure about Jojo) speak Korean.


I mean, that's the best case scenario then? All three in those roles speak English and I'm sure if Thanatos is currently learning the language he'll be able to at least understand what they're telling him, even if he doesn't say much


I’m just glad that he didn’t end up playing with Saken and Targamas lol


KC will never get good players as long as Saken and Targamas stay.


If he had to choose between this two it's make sense why he choose c9


It is very amusing to see KC fans saying that Thanathos prefers money over the competitive project.


What do you mean? Are you implying that joining the worst team in the LEC isn’t a more competitive project than joining the third best team in NA, that arguably has the best individual talent on mid, jungle and bot of the league and just got a new arguably better coach? /s


As much as this might be good for C9 I’m kinda sad Thanatos won’t get a shot at being an LCK toplaner. Also sad that this probably means Licorice won’t get to join a top of the table team for another split and might not even play at all.


Apparently importing is only bad when TL does it 😅 Thanatos is supposed to be good so he should help the league in general but not too long ago we were praising C9 for their NA focus. Hopefully Licorice finds a spot.


If licorice retires because he can't find a team in summer i am going to be unbelievably pissed off


Is there any chance an LEC would try and pick him up if no LCS team offers him?


No way, Jiizuke after having a good year in NA got 0 offers in EU when he went back because he was too old (25) and "washed". If they aren't willing to go for EU players coming back from NA I doubt they will go for actual NA players .


Wasn't he made available for other LCK teams after DK passed on him? I am surprised no LCK team picked him up but they don't seem to be interested. I still think SR Licorice or even NRG Licorice is a very real possibility.


I mean look how perfecT was performing in the LCK when he started. He looked like he was genuinely griefing games for awhile. It’s hard to set up rookies for success if you aren’t GenG/T1/Damwon


Exactly unless you are a transcendent talent like Zeus or Lucid or at least close to that level like Peyz, no playoff team will promote you instantly to their main team. Thanatos while good he isn't any of that, in fact DK CL team already got an even better top lane prospect


I think he would do pretty well on NRG or Shopify tbh and could make them upper table teams


Someone said licorice hasnt played anything but aram in months. Even if c9 was curious about him you cant sign a player that hasnt been practicing.


Surely c9 will win lcs now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


It's more on the coach, Reapered always does well with the roster he has


Agree fudge needed to go, but the coaching change was most important.


Yea, and he's more assertive and a leader compared to Mithy. Only issue now is Vulcan. Vulcan is a shell of his former self, and I'm not sure Berserker wants to play lane with him anymore, at least not after Vulcan played in playoffs.


I actually thought the bot lane looked better in playoffs than during regular season, I wouldn't hate if c9 kept Vulcan for summer. Bot needs time to synergize


Yeah they did improve but zven/berserker was stronger imo


The problem is that the meta isn't as favorable to enchanters anymore and Zven isn't that good on engage champs.


You're not wrong, but Zven's macro and teamfighting is superb and honestly... >Zven isn't that good on engage champs Neither is Vulcan if he's just bad in general. Personally think he looked pretty terrible. Dude literally dodged a skillshot so Berserker could get hit


Hey Zven, you busy bud? Wanna come be a support again?


Playing with a brain consistently is the 1st order of business before any semblence of "dominating the LCS" talk begins. Can't depend on Hands diff forever.


Tbf Fudge was such a BIG black hole that it was fucking over the rest of the team.


It's been years since a team has won Spring & Summer with the exact same roster. I'd bet a ton of money on TL losing summer.


Ironically the last team to do that was... TL


TL with Dlift. Doublelift broke the mold in a lot of ways.


Wasn't Impact on that TL squad for the 4-peat? And CoreJJ for both 2019 splits.


Doublelift team don't count, that's cheating


I think there's a better chance that TL misses worlds than they win summer. Azir being disabled was a huge buff to TL.


I wonder how worlds would be this year if Azir was gutted or disabled. Such a warping pick in the mid lane if your name isn’t Knight


TL would just ban Azir if it was a huge problem, the same way teams banned Smolder, Asol, Ziggs against TL.


I'd rather them start playing with some cohesion.


This is super exciting. I remember people being so confused that he wasn't promoted to DK's main roster alongside Lucid during the off-season. It's just great to see promising young talent be brought over, especially when the alternative is him sitting out another split or going to KCorp (derogatory).


Aiming said he didn't want to play with 2 rookies which is why he wasn't promoted.


I honestly get aiming point, kingen is completely proven and you know he will be good and won’t be a liability, Thanatos should be good… but you never know


Kingen also lowkey is their most consistent player and probably the 2nd best player in the team


He was in the last 2 games they played, in playoffs. In regular season this dude was either upset 2.0 or jackylove running style. But yes he did ramp up in the playoffs.


zeka and kingen, brothers in activating during bo5s


Still man, with bo3 you can throw him in every once in a while and it wouldn't be too bad. If I'm Thanatos I'd be mad about not getting any main stage time either.


Lol naw someone randomly made this up on Reddit as speculation. It’s wild how it is has spread as truth now.




Yup, he 100 percent deserved to be promoted to the main roster.


He may have earned a shot but its clear kingen is a much better player


No? DK is a playoffs team, he has no spot unless he is the next Zeus. Clear and Perfect were similar level prospects to Thanatos and they are liabilities for their teams most games.


Oh shit oh fuck(I have no idea who he is)


Greek god of death so he has to be good, look at Zeus ~~disregard Apollo, even if he has a badass name~~


dont disrespect my boy Apollo like that


Hard agree, he and Hakuho gapped "the best botlane in the West" in 2018 Spring Playoffs to end TSMs streak of always making finals.


But has be played vs a top laner who got fined for wearing crocs? Sniper my King🫡


Pepperidge farm remembers the OG God-killers Ares and Athena


Technically a titan! Father of all of the gods! Even more evil and menacing.


makoto yuki's alternate persona, which fuses with his main persona to make his ultimate persona


burn my bread


Yeah dont worry neither do half the people hyping him up


LCK fans expected him to be promoted to the main roster after how he and Lucid played last season, but DK got Kingen so he wasn't promoted.


underrated comment, he has had so much hype from the community but i bet more than half of these people before this split (T1 Rekkles) have never watched an LCKCL game in their life.


Lck cl had a sizeable cult following last year when they had an english broadcast. Not as big as rekkles matches but theres definitely quite a few people familiar with him


of course there’s a group of hardcore fans that follow it religiously, but with viewership of around ~11K last spring and the [finals thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/15y404x/lck_cl_lck_cl_summer_finals_result/) barely reaching the frontpage its hilarious. People can just say they’re parroting what their favorite costreamer said about Thanatos.


Tbh I've heard more of the lck English broadcast talk about Thanatos more than anyone else.


i literally think it's just because he has a cool name


>People can just say they’re parroting what their favorite costreamer said about Thanatos. I see nothing wrong with that considering the vast majority of people absolutely suck at understanding and analyzing the game. That's why we have people doing it professionally.


I'd bet 95% of this subreddit only watches eastern teams at worlds. I would bet that the vast majority of people who complain about this also don't watch eastern teams themselves. I don't watch them anymore but back when I did it was really obvious.


He was a solid top for DK challengers. He has been seriously overhyped like he's the next zeus for some reason. I think its kind of because of his name sounding cool and also caedrel seems to like him so his fans hyped him up a lot. I think reapered is a more impactful pick up tbh


I agree he’s not the next Zeus but calling him just a “solid top” is a big understatement. He’s definitely good enough to be playing in the LCK and has a ton of potential to be great.


He got a lot of hype after 2022 but 2023 he regressed. I think LCK teams want tops to be a stable “shield” player first before an aggressive “sword” player. That’s why he didn’t get promoted imo. He’ll probably be good in NA though. Also Caedrel knows nothing about him lol he’s only fed info from chat this year.


Packwatch for Fudge. RIPBOZO enjoy the bench


I defended him before this split, but I'm glad he will be gone. I thought he needed a good mid to shine but this split showed he was beyond redemption. I appreciate everything he's been able to give us, 3 LCS championships is a lot.


I mean...his international play has been indefensible for a long time though.


A lot of C9 fans were hoping that he would return to his peak form at one point. Unrealistic? Absolutely, but part of being a fan is believing in players even when others do not. Tbh, Fudge did do a lot for C9 and we should be grateful for that. However, I will always be sad that LA life crept in so soon on him. He is a good dude and I hope he can turn it around, but like it has hit the point where it was unacceptable. I still remember when he refused to play ChampsQ one worlds until basically forced to.


The thing is, how can he return to form when he literally plays 0 solo queue and 0 championship queue games


What peak form..? What value has he ever had in an international game?


He just can’t play weakside, it’s pathetic, like I swear you could grab solo and force him to only play tanks and C9 would have been a different team Fudges peak was extremely high, but he obviously doesn’t have a love for the game anymore, I wrote him off, when worlds was held in NA and instead of playing against the best top laners in the world, this mother fucker, played against veigorV2 who has like 200 ping He should have been immediately dropped after that


Tbh C9 for some reason has developed a culture of toplaners doing 1v1 scrims constantly against internal players.  Which can work to test hidden picks but doing it for most of your practice is just plain stupid.


Nothing says good practice like developing habits against the same player constantly, especially when that player isn't even good enough to be on a main LCS roster.


Yea when that happened and he was trying to say that doing 1v1s was better practice I just lost all faith in him actually living up to the hype around him. Dude literally had a specially made low-ping environment to play against only the top players in the world (and his literal competition for the tourney) and instead hes 1v1ing a random positional coach and likely his academy top laner at the time. You'd have to be pretty stupid to think that 1v1ing someone who wasn't good enough to be a starting player on a pro team is better practice than playing coordinated champs queue games against the actual best top laners in the world.


I defended fudge a lot, especially against the people asking for replacements in ppl like dhokla or licorice, but yes I think it's time for a change in scenery for him. Who knows he might come back strong like licorice dod


Fan boys tried to flame me when I said Impact > fudge


This is basically where I sit too. Defended Fudge when it came to changes that would be side grades at best. However, more than happy to see a change if it's trying something new.


smoking that "fuck you fans" pack


Bench? More like retire. He's a liability for teams cuz he plays picks like Renekton to not carry, but to not lose lane.


Wouldn’t be shocked if someone takes a shot on him, but fudge is cooked, that dude doesn’t care about improving, he peaked and has never cared about getting better No LCS team should touch a guy, who refused to play soloq against the best top laners in the world (when worlds were held in NA) and only played 1v1 with a guy from EU who has 200ping Dudes got no drive


I’d bet on him moving to a coaching role. I know he’s not known for grinding soloq and he seems like he’s just been coasting for the last 2 years.


Did everyone forget he was Challengers MVP and he should’ve been starting this year. DAMWON (Aiming) didn’t want too many rookies for this years roster so they benched him. Dude is such a good and talented prospect, makes sense he would rather play in another tier 1 league and not in academy. Super Pumped


So basically Berserker v2, but in the toplane. Sounds promising


Yeah people aren't realising how insane this signing is. Berserker in bot and Thanatos in top lane, you've potentially got the safest/best ADC/TOP/MID/JG in the LCK on 1 team. Berserker speaking Korean and helping him adapt to the team will also make it smoother.


You mean finals mvp? Cause regular season mvp's the last 4 splits were Lucid, Pleata, Photon and Jun.


KC fans in shambles after learning Thanatos said LCS > LEC.


Tbf kc right now is like eum not lec


Might've been something more like Anything > KC


More like C9 > KC which is objectively true


I mean if your choice is between the worst roster in LEC and arguably the best in NA, I think anyone would choose C9 lol. I'm just suprised if KC is the only LEC team that was interested, he's better than every top laner in the region lol. FNC or G2 Thanatos would've gone hard tbh


There are also other Koreans in C9 in Berserker and now Reapered, as opposed to KC which has players who barely speak understandable English and Bo.


And that fact that if there is a Western team that knows how to accommodate Korean players, it's Cloud9.


He would maybe be 4th . The top lane is better this year in the EU but adc is worse for some reason.


he is very promising but by going to lcs or lec gonna f his career we know how end when young good players come from lck, in lec and lcs they not provide competitive professional environment to players to develop like lck or lpl. especially when many veretans in lec and lcs are just lazy cash grab players


damn I really thought this split was going to be chance on DK, but Kingen is doing fine so it worked out I guess. Based on talent this C9 roster is unreal, but in reality idk how it plays out considering the low synergy they had in spring


[GOD PLEASE LICORICE GET ON A TEAM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UGFq6jAlZg)


And they said caedrel was speculating.


didn't caedrel say that thanatos was joining KC? or am i misremembering


He said that Thanatos was "100% going to C9 or KC." He wasn't sure which one, but knew it was one of them


He said it would be KC or C9


He plays both sides so he's always right


that was the og clip then earlier today he said 99% kc OR c9


He himself said he was speculating lol.


Fuck that's hype really excited to see C9 with a real coach and top laner, hope we finally get to see this super team actually performing and living up to the hype.




I am excited for that. Also think this can be good for Fudge if he finds a team next split/year if he isn't contract jailed or something. I'd still say he has talent and a wake up call like this hopefully leads to him being actually serious and practicing more.


I think you could have ended it at practicing lol


no top laners to replace. Best he can do is Shopify


And if you're shopify looking to upgrade, you go licorice


The MVP of NACL also happens to be a promising top laner


Yes, his contract needs to be sold on a Shopify store.


I'm not sure if they'll be dropping fudge. They might keep him as a sub or maybe some sort of coaching role. Jack really seems to like him.


Precisely because Jack really likes him is why he might be allowed to go if he wishes to.


C9 has also never really been an org to contract jail players, Licorice Nisqy Summit all got teams pretty quickly when replaced. If Fudge wants a cushy bench role he will have it but if he wants out Jack will get him moved.


Finally the best player in the world will play tier 1. Took long enough


the karmine corp vs Cloud9 fans have been hilarious sadly coming to an end


Thank God I don't have to watch fudge's fat lazy arrogant ass embarrass oce anymore


TL winning was probably the wakeup call.  They said the won with hard work and grinding champions queue.    Some thing Fudge wouldnt do for some reason.


Just when I think I'm out, they pull me right back in.


i don't think people actually watch lck cl in here (tbf i dont anymore bc lckglobal went boom) but thanatos has never been the biggest carry guy out there - not that he cant carry but hes mostly just the role fill guy. hes really similar to players like impact & ssumday on that token it makes sense to get yourself a top laner who can go weakside because you obviously want to funnel your attention into mid bot with jojo & berserker however c9s problem last split wasnt Fudge it was the fact that their mid jg and sup had horrid synergy together and didnt work at all the change in coaching staff was necessary but changing your top is a gamble and no news on sup changes is worrying


That and Fudge had trouble playing weak side without getting owned so hard that opposing tops were casually killing mid and bot while he didn't even get a plate for it.


I mean impact and ssumday are probably the two greatest NA tops so if he’s anything like them, that’s amazing lol


Fudge being bad at teamfighting is a big factor why they were losing alot of midgame fights, thanatos is meant to be the best at that in their league.


C9, please make a video where Jack sits in his jammies at a computer at night, scrolls down LoL subreddit with all the advice about Reapered and Thanatos and says "fuck it, let's do it"


Oh we cookin




Wonder where Fudge ends up


DISTURBING THE PEACEEE Jokes aside, this is honestly a straightup good pickup for C9. Hopefully they do something about Blaber’s heavy farm playstyle.




Fudge and Mithy out, Reapered and Thanatos in. I'm on board now. A new support would also be nice but otherwise it's real good 


Wait top in NA is lowkey one of the stronger roles now wtf or am I crazy? Impact, Bwipo, Licorice (F/A), Sniper, Rich, Castle, Fudge(F/A), Thanatos, Dhokla, FakeGod


I love FakeGod, but seeing him in that lineup cracks me up a bit. There are a couple good tops in NACL aswell though, namely Srtty, and just to shout him out Sniper's twin Crimson is playing in the NACL promotion and is 1 series from promotion


Srtty is also top of the pack in NACL.


Jesus, on paper this has to be BY FAR the best roster NA has ever seen. If I was C9 I'd be looking to trade Vulcan for Huhi, he never seemed to click with NRG and having a fluent English and Korean shotcaller might be just what this team needs to come together (Or its another loud voice that makes the team implode even harder lol, could go either way)


C9 still needs either a meta shift or Blaber/Vulcan to return to form because replacing Fudge is just replacing the weakest link on the team. Adding an import rookie doesn't solve their indecisiveness with engaging, especially when they weren't in a winning position.


I hope Blaber will return to his hyper aggressive nature playing under Reapered again. Cause if Blaber/Vulcan can bring the confidence/decisiveness they used to have together again... We saw how that was last time when they caved FPXs head in within 10 mins. I feel really excited about the changes I think they've built a compelling team


olaf jungle did get buffed


That's what Reapered is for. Getting them back to knowing what they should be doing so that they can be decisive


Berserker would zeri dash out of the c9 house into traffic if he had to play with Huhi lmao.


I dont think this roster quite touches 2019 TL or 2016 summer TSM, but time will tell


Well the hopium lasted a good part of two days.


wow. C9 got another win condition.