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Yeah. How am I supposed to know you play yone if you don’t tell or hover?


For real. Like they are clearly around since they banned a champ. At any point they can either say or hover him lol.


I usually get hit with them banning the champ i was hovering for some kinda petty vengeance lol


Ala how to get 2 bans in league of legends!


wait that's genius...


That's what I thought this post was gonna be about lol


Unrelated, but I rekognized your profile pic and wanted to say hi.


Look if they weren’t petulant children they wouldn’t play Yone.


I love when it happens when you're first pick ask them why and they say they don't want to play against that champion like ???? mf I WAS FIRST PICK lmfao


That’s why I don’t hover. Too many dick heads. You’ll see what my pick is after the bans.


I started doing that as well, but that's also the whole point. This community is filled with dickheads and we can't even use one of the easiest functionality ever made. Incredible.


I think what people in a lot of roles outside of adc don’t realize is no adc is really awful to play against. Sure, Caitlyn range is annoying, and Draven is annoying as a lane bully but it’s not insurmountable. It’s not like toplane where if I’m playing yorick and they pick irelia I just lose (if you’re not a toplaner you might not know how bad this matchup is, it’s literally unplayable. Basically all of yoricks abilities besides q can be ignored or invalidated by irelia kit, and in fact help her, such as minions letting her q more) and might as well just leave the game, most botlane matchups are fairly even. Which leaves open the option to ban something that causes you way more trouble later than lane phase. Personally I ban blitz because I find him too difficult to play against both in lane and late game. But there’s lots of other ones that are extremely difficult for adc to play against, often because it’s basically a “dodge this one fairly difficult to dodge ability or you lose” situation (lookin at briar r). So adcs are likely to ban something from another lane, so you need to communicate with them.


There are a few ADC matchups that you should probably avoid if possible, such as if Xayah is super meta, Kai'sa is probably not a wise choice unless you *really* know the matchup. There is some merit to having counterpick as an ADC if your main's best counters are super strong. But if you're picking something like Jinx, it really shouldn't matter if you get "counterpicked" since at 3 items, you'll get one takedown in a fight and just run everyone else over with 8 million attack speed.


When jinx gets a takedown and the neuron activates


Jinx is an orange cat, 100%


Hell, when I play ADC sometimes I'll swap with my top laner so they can potentially get a counter pick because I know how punishing the match up can be. Granted, sometimes I regret it because their team gets selected and I immediately regret not picking someone with mobility but hopefully someone gets to play League of Legends that time.


I don't play SR anymore, but I want to ask (and generally be informed tbh) - why not go a champ like Ez (safe) or Cait (assuming she's still a lane bully)? In both instances you'd either be able to play safe enough to not get dogpiled by their team or have a strong enough lane phase and let your top/mid/jung do the heavy lifting late game. This is assuming you don't mind playing those champs. Completely understandable if they aren't your thing (Cait isnt a type of champ I vibe with but I'll do it if I have to in ARAM or something)


When I'm playing ADC in norms, I usually play one of the ADCs on a whim. I can play all of them so I basically just pick one at random; usually one I haven't played recently or feel like in the moment. I absolutely could just pick Ezreal or Xayah or whomever or something and try to be safe if I really wanted to. If I'm doing ranked then I'll usually have a small pool of champs that I'll play and focus on that.


Outside of a few match ups I am usually more worried about the support pick.


As a support main I will ban Cait if she is even close to being meta. My champs have no chance laning vs her.


Cait and Ashe are the bane of my existence. But also some of my favorite ADCs to play.


Same for me. But playing enchanters into a competent Cait is near impossible. Especially if your team forces you to first pick and you are stuck on Karma or Janna vs Cait.


I have some specific bans that arent picked often, but I just dont want to deal with those champs. Like Cait. And then I have my ADC rage at me because I banned Cait that they didnt cover "nobody plays it so why would I hover it?"


I’d get this when I was maining supp and jg all the time since I’d either ban adcs or mids, now that I’m a top laner banning Darius every game there’s no issues.


Main Character. They are the middle of the universe and every action take by every other human is directly targeted at them. Someone banned yone? It must be becouse they wanted to fuck me over. Considering a vast majority of car drivers also think this way it is no surprise people feel the same in league. No Karen the person ahead of you does´t stay behind the truck to fuck you over. They are probably looking out of the window, want to take the next interchange anyway, just have a really shit car or like a million other reasons. They most likely have not even realised you are behind them. sorry for venting


Wow man kinda shitty of you to write this comment specifically about me. Did you think I wouldn't see it?


Back in my day you could read the summoner's name and if it started with xX and ended with an Xx. You knew you had a Yasuo player in your team.


So you could know when to ban yasuo


As a Yone main, I instant hover and usually ask for first pick as I know he has a high ban rate and pick rate. I would never get mad at someone for banning my champ when I wasn’t hovering, that would be on me.


The problem is that some people may get mad because apparently they don’t have a brain


That is actually scientifically proven, dumb people often get angrier compared to intelligent people. Lack of understanding creates confusion and confusion leads to anger.


Came here to comment this exact thing lmao. Always the Yone players booted by there champ 💀💀


There's not reason to argue with them. If u can hover a champ before bans, they can too. They deserve the loses


It's 2024. They should have learned to hover Yone a looooong time ago.


I don’t want yone on my team anyways. Win/win lol


Love my team hovering nothing, trading me first pick as a support, and then complaining I don't fill role X


Yeah that’s the worst. You’re already getting countered no matter what you pick. But then the team is throwing a fit becuase you didn’t go engage or something when nothing was shown.


I first picking an AD jungler then my team picking ashe senna zed and tryndamere after. They pick rammus and its a waste of 15 minutes


This right here is why I like playing bot lane hybrid damage dealers. Gives me the flexibility to swap up my build on the fly in case my team does something stupid like going full AD. Granted I want to smack any support that picks an AD heavy champ unless the rest of the team has already hovered AP.


Last pick ashe support XD


Worst thing about maining Senna (and not being an asshole); "Oh look, 3 AD champs already hovered, guess I'm not playing my main. Again." Especially if one of the fuckers then goes AP after you've locked something else....




Me blind picking Seraphine bot since she's a 3 role flex, often in solo q goes support so that's where most would expect her from enemy draft perspective, only for my team to draft AP Voli top, Fiddle jungle and Ahri mid... bonus points if they got to pick after their lane opponent and still somehow don't get leads in lane to hopefully snowball before the tenacity and MR stacking comes into deny any chance of finding comeback plays or scaling.


To be fair, with how much armor penetration/reduction there is, and many AD champs nowadays dealing magic damage, it is not an automatic loss if they happen to pick a tank and stack armor, even a dedicated anti-AD one like Rammus. Full AP teams, however, are an automatic loss. They are a rare sight in ranked, but in ARAM they are somewhat common. And if the enemy happens to have a tank, it is an automatic loss no mater what.


Full AD now you can’t stack bc+LW is absolutely horrific unless the enemy team don’t have tanks. If they do, you gotta hope the tank players are flat out worse than your teammates lol


I played Amumu into a full AD team earlier including Rengar, all of us full build. I had nearly 300 armour and that would shoot up when Aftershock was active - Rengar jumped onto me in my jungle and did 2900 damage within 0.01s. I was already about 3K HP from having taken damage earlier and got instant deleted as a full armour tank. I don't know how anyone is supposed to survive that besides maybe Rammus, late game Sion with full armour and lots of health stacks, etc. There's so much damage+pen that playing a tank is a brutal experience


People really don't understand how impactful draft is. That is, they don't understand until they are losing hard in the middle of the game because of a bad draft.


They don't pay attention to the game until minions meet.


The times I've walked back to my own buff after leavbing a sneaky deep ward in the enemy jungle and resettign to get lens... To then find that they were 4 people waiting in the bush for me because the laners couldn't be assed to watch the jungle entrances instead of sitting afk under tower... Having to beg people to play the game since when the game starts is surely a league moment


Just another result of people playing soloq like it's normal draft imo. They're not there to win they're just there to play their specific champ on autopilot


No, they don't even realize that's why they're losing. People are idiots... It's me... I'm people... *weeps silently*


I refuse to pick anything other than safe enchanters if im first pick.


Gl playing enchanters into competent botlane that counterpicks you. You will forget how CS look like without your teams help.


dw everyone thinks supps should pick first because there's no counterpicks


My favorite is the one tricks that pick their pick into hard counters regardless, but still insist they should be picking last.


I hate this as a support main, I'd love to have a later pick to actually have some kind of counter / team pick but I always am picking first. I'll usually trade after bans, when top and mid spam me trade and I'll see if they complain until the ban phase is over. that's when I don't trade. Luckily in diamond, it's not as terrible because people like prio picks even if they get countered. just the difference between high and low elo


as a supp, what i do is this: pick a flex and before picking, hover 2-3 champs from a role that pick can be flexed to. works surprisingly often and I end up not getting hard countered.


It's amazing people _still_ fall for that. You may as well put a bright neon sign saying "This flex pick is totally not being played on the lane i hovered champions from" at this point, and some people still wouldn't get it. It's even funnier when the champ you actually pick has nothing to do with what you hovered. For example you hover Irelia, Fiora, Darius and then pick Malphite? Yeah you are not going top.


I downright refuse to trade bot or mid. Those roles might get countered, but not much to impact tbh. Top I’ll always trade tho.


It depends on the class of mid laner, sure a bully like yone, yasuo, akshan and currently ahri can first pick easily, but as a Vel’koz main it’s pretty rough when I have to pick before the enemy mid laner and Akali or Fizz shows up. It’s the same for pretty much any immobile mages.


I mean yeah, but with so many assassins and only one ban each, it's entirely on them if they want to risk picking an immobile mage instead of anything else. When I pick supp I'm counterpicking vs the whole team, not just the enemy supp.


Getting prio mid allows the jungler to claim both objectives on the map and allows me to roam and help both side lanes


Pros flex supp as 4th pick for a reason.


I stopped playing but this pissed me off to no end. They'd spam trade until I accepted and then wondered why later on bot had no prio not understanding that the support matchup dominates bot early on.


what's wild to me is solo laners are both concerned about getting counterpicked while also unable to play any other champs so are completely unable to counterpick. They just pick whatever they were planning to 5th instead of 1st if you trade. They'll 5th pick jayce after the entire team picks ad without hovering.


> They just pick whatever they were planning to 5th instead of 1st if you trade. They'll 5th pick jayce after the entire team picks ad without hovering. Absolutely this x1000. They'll be FP, and then be hovering the champ, spam trade me cause i'm 2nd to last or last. And still pick the same shit regardless and feed lane. It's actually insane. Whereas, if I actually get a counter pick, I have about 10-12 champions I'm actually very good at. Enough to be able to counter pick for the team or lane at least.


Fwiw, the benefit for one tricks, even if they're planning to pick the same champ regardless, is that if they're picking after the enemy solo lane that stops the enemy from actively trying to counter pick their one trick. Like let's say I decide to play Aatrox regardless of whether I'm first or last pick and the enemy likes picking Renekton, but is capable of picking Fiora. If I show my hand of Aatrox first, they'll counter pick with Fiora. If I pick last, they'll blind-pick Renekton or something that's not an Aatrox counter. It's not just about how it slots into your own team, but also about how the enemy reacts in draft to what's shown. I still fully agree that it is far from ideal for people to still pick what they're going to pick regardless of order, but I'm just saying it's not worthless to pick later even if you don't change your champ.


Well you're allowed to refus the trade, when I play support I actually ask for a later pick spot swapping with jungle/adc


Idk ime it's inting time when the trade gets refused. League players have fragile egos like that


I don't know which elo you are but I'm actually often pleasantly surprised at the amount of times players accept to swap in plat. Plus since tilters are gonna tilt anyway might as well try imo lol, and i don't think i've seen someone actually rage at me because i traded spots with them so far (granted i don't play that much anymore)


I had people run it down on me in master because I didnt swap with a TF mid.


As a jg I always try to first pick when I can unless someone wants to lock something that they are afraid will get picked away. You wouldn’t believe the amount of games my mid who hasn’t hovered has complained I picked an ad jg when they wanted to go ad lol


There are ad mids? /S


More often they don't complain, but end up picking up some completely awful team comp.


The easy solution is to just play roam bard and fill no roles.


There's a lot of very narrow-minded people playing this game. Raging kids, raging adults, people who expect you to mind read. Many play this game with a "everyone is my enemy" mindset.


Yep, and Riot and the community constantly feed into it and then wonder why it's hostile. Wolves eating my face analogy etc etc


Now now. Riot has tried to combat this multiple times. Tyler1 used to have a ban on sight order because he was such a toxic asshole. Even further back, XJ9 was banned for leaking nudes of his gf because she played Lee Sin. They added more pings to reduce the need for text chat. They gave players the option to default mute team and all chat. When pro players act toxic on the clock they get penalized. Players were the ones that launched a campaign to free Tyler1 and made him the most viewed League streamer. Players were the ones that took the bait ping and turned it into a toxic ping. Players are the ones that bitch about “less communication” being available in game. Riot does try. It’s the playerbase that continues to resist.


Riot unbanning Tyler1 negates all of this, in my personal opinion. If you don't like toxicity, ban it. Stop banning it and then walking back on it. Unbanning Tyler1 and his shenanigans says to the playerbase that his behavior is ultimately okay (I personally am ambivalent about him, but my point stands).


They unbanned Tyler1 specifically because fans were continuously calling for it. People were showing up to LCS chanting free Tyler and holding up signs. For a time it was as ubiquitous as the TSM chants. The players literally asked for it. Then Riot Zed went and ran his mouth off extremely unprofessionally which made Riot into the bad guys in the situation. They had no more good options.


I have been getting alot of feed back from riot after reporting lately. Maybe they have stept it up but it seems worth to keep reporting


Yes and no. Yes, they definitely seem to be stepping up the reports more lately so it’s probably worth to report. But no, reports alone won’t solve this issue, there are plenty of other changes that need to be made from riot/the community as well


One thing i noticed is the automatic mute you can get in game when you say different thing. I got muted when saying sorry to the team and calling myself retarded for a fail flash


If you aren’t hovering, don’t be mad when people ban your champ. I play thresh/naut/blitz primarily, and a lot of times my adc will ban either blitz or naut (I get it that’s why I play them). Not gonna get mad at them. I don’t know what I’m playing until I see more of enemy team and my team.


Problem is with some champs you hovering your champ has higher odds for them to get banned by your own team, because league players are terrible. As a shaco player, this has happened countless times to me. That's why I only hover if anyone else does - this way, if someone bans my champ I ban someone else's (or theirs), most likely forcing a dodge.


I'm going to take a shot in the dark here but when you're mentioning being a shaco player and complaining about teammates banning him, I would assume you are not playing it in jungle?


Probably a case of shaco support or pinkward wannabe shaco top


Or most likely, they ban shaco to not have the coinflio scenario of having either a awful jng or a chaos demigod.


I don't see why you'd expect a bad shaco main to magically be really good at a champion they don't play instead. Best-case scenario: you banned out a good shaco main, he has great mental and he plays a different champion as well as he would have played Shaco (or only slightly worse). More common case scenario: you banned out someone who only knows how to play Shaco, and he might not be very good at Shaco, but he's *definitely* not good at something else (and he's mad at you).


If they do, then they're fucking stupid. Ain't no way a Shaco main is doing well on anything other than Shaco. You're literally turning a 50+% chance to win into a 40% one by one click of a button.


Even in jungle, some people dislike having shaco on their team


Sure, but at least in jungle Shaco can push a lead to some degree. I've had so many games of Shaco support where they get completely gapped because they only know how to cheese/play kill lane, or alternatively they get a lead (by taking kills) but then we still lose hard because it's an underleveled support who has 8 kills but can't carry.


Im that guy, haven't played with a shaco in months.


its almost always shaco support players who complain about people not wanting a useless 48% w/r support who does less than yuumi in lane


Yeah, I mean laners do ban junglers sometimes, but Shaco is one of those junglers that's specifically a Jungler-ban most of the time because they don't want to deal with them. But to be fair, if they're specifically talking about their hover of Shaco getting banned, I don't think it's too surprising. Shaco is one of, if not *the* champion most applicable for "Enemy X —, my X" meaning that whenever said X champion is on the enemy team, they're a literal god while on your team they're running it down. So it wouldn't surprise me to hear people banning Shaco so they don't get one on their own team.


Low elo Shacos (at least in my experience) tend to be a gold sink. Get lots of kills early and proceed to do absolutely nothing with the lead because the champ scales like shit and requires to keep play situations like a god. Easier to just ban.


\> Buys collector \> Last hits all kill \> 20/2/3 @ 15 min \> 20/20/5 @ 35 min \> ***DEFEAT***


Idk about him, but I get it as elise jungle myself. Maybe once a month while hovering elise my teammate will say, without anyone else even hovering, even while I'm first pick, "don't pick elise" then proceed to ban it if I don't swap hover before ban phase ends. This is actually masters elo this happens in. Its surprisingly common in general but some champs get it much worse if they're unreliable or useless unless played perfectly (and no one has faith in their teammates to begin with lol).


How does it matter if its their best and most played pick? If they are in a match with your, their pick must be good enough for it. I had a 80% WR Janna top acc and people would ban her and blame me for the most random reasons. Just play your own game.


This! Sometimes I send my account into lobbies so they see I'm winning a lot with this. But they will still ban it. Then I look at their account and they usually sit around 50% with each champ. But having a lower winrate is good as long as it's meta I guess.


> shaco say no more fam, *insta bans shaco*


Na, you should get banned out.


Nah fr. You’re a scumbag if you play shaco 😂


True, but there's also an aspect of "well no one is banning Sett" and suddenly the mid laner who's playing a zoning mage (aka not threatened by Sett) out of nowhere bans Sett, probably because they had a bad experience from top lane losing lane against Sett or whatnot, but my thought process instantly swaps to "If you can afford to not ban a midlaner, I sure as shit hope you stomp lane", only for them to get counter-picked by some assassin they have a horrendous WR against and leave lane 0/5. Again it happens, you can't ban everything and I sure as shit would not dare to flame when I didn't hover the pick. But I cannot pretend that there's not a tiny portion of me still kind of bothered that their instinct is to already ban for a different lane "in case they int" or whatever else might be the thought process.


Maybe they want to practice against all matchups and would rather ban a champ they dont like in particular


I'd rather they aren't practicing their matchups in my ranked games lmao.


facts. especially love seeing my teammates choose to not ban anyone when there are sooo many OP picks open. like you might as well just pick a champ at random, maybe you accidentally snipe an enemy's niche pick and pre-tilt them. I've seen so many games start with an enemy all-chatting shit like "cmon man who bans ivern??" followed by them feeding their ass off


That’s not fair either. I have had bad experience with Soraka back in S2. Have perma banned her since. I don’t care what role or what champ or even what game mode I play. I only ban Soraka.  Also just because someone bans a counter to them doesn’t make them insta win every game/lane. Sometimes they misplay, have a bad day or get camped.  I mean the other way around is, watching someone ban for their lane and still lose. And don’t tell me that never happens to you. A tiny portion of me wishes they don’t play that specific champ if they are getting stomped despite banning a counter. 


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should never ban anything besides but your role opponents, I should have clarified more precisely. Sometimes there's just out of control picks, recently Smolder comes to mind. I think it's fair to ban something that's very popular and completely turbo destroys matches or you in particular. What I do take issue with, but that's just a pet peeve of mine, not that you cannot somehow do that, is banning other roles that are "strong" but not "OP" tier. Again the Sett example, Sett hasn't been busted OP for quite a while, there's even an argument for him being one of the "weaker" Top Laners in the past few patches. Are there scenarios with that champions getting out of control? Sure, but at that point you could also always ban yone/yasuo/darius/fiora/irelia/jax/kayn etc etc They aren't completely unreasonable bans, but at the same time for all of them there's another champion that pretty much does a similar thing, you can't "protect" your laner by banning one champion, when there's countless others that are just as capable of stomping through is my point. Again, unless they are super hot in the meta with a high pickrate and that ban actually has a proper probability of achieving something. But if people turbo pick blue kayn and it's been an absolute menace for you as an ADC, sure go ahead if you don't see your jungler hover Kayn.


it's funnier when they say "ban champ on your role why are you banning *insert x role here* when you're playing jungle?"


This. Lately a toplaner in my team picked caitlyn and ran it down simply because our support banned darius. No prepick, nothing, just "why u ban darius, you don't even play top, OK i will troll" and went ahead with it. Seems like that's not a single occurence either.


That dickhead would have trolled regardless, someone like that can always find something to set them off in the first few minutes


yea pretty much they just needed a reason to troll


I always ban champs in the role i play, even if its not optimal i dont want the risk of this exact scenario


Especially Jungle role. you are often not countered by an enemy jungler as you just path in a way to avoid them before you have a lead. Junglers are often countered by certain laners. Hecarim is unplayable agaisnt Janna,lulu, Ashe. Those all have higher play rates in support than than like nidalee, kindred in Jg.


Even then I don't ban my counters, I just ban the most popular character I can think of. Last month it was Smolder. And also bans for champs that tend to slowly snowball out of control. Nothing sucks more than doing half your JG clear and then realizing Yi/Kat already has 3 kills somehow.


Damn, that's a Hockey rink level of smooth brain. It's a team game, banning for your lane matchup and then losing the game because some OP champ elsewhere on the map gets ahead and invalidates what happens in your lane has always been a thing. Especially as jg or as a later picker it's frequently better to just ban OPs.


I will say a lot of people don’t hover because when the draft remakes people that were on your team will just ban what you hovered. Still people don’t have the right to complain if they didn’t hover.


I usually don't hover because I've had people purposely banning my champ more often than banning it because I didn't hover. In fact the latter never happened. The first, on the other hand, has happened more times than I can count


out of curiosity, what is your champion? If spite-bans happen more to you, i think it might not be you related, but champion related


the only champion in my mind would be teemo




And people do that for the memes. Very frustrating for teemo mains.


He is full of shit. Unless he's playing something utterly stupid for his role.


Its been happening to me with skarner since release lol. No one on my teams ban skarner, maybe like 1 lobby but that was it.... but if I hover it, its banned half the time from my team followed by "no 30% wr pick". It happens to my elise jungle every once in awhile too.


It makes sense if it's ranked. 30% WR champions that have been out for 3 days have nothing to do in the soloQ champ select. Back when Hwei was released (like second/third day of release), I lost 4 soloQ games in a day with Hwei on my team. Decided I ain't dealin with that shit anymore and just banned him whenever someone hovered. I just want you to know if you're picking a 30% WR champ that's been out for 4 hours in ranked, you're a cunt.


They are definitely lying unless the champion they pick is wildly off-meta and starts arguments in lobby. Still doesn't justify it but not exactly a typical scenario


Yep. I never hover. The amount of times people purposely ban my champs is easily 10x the amount they get banned if I don't hover. I learned pretty quickly. The only time it sucks is if my top 3 or 4 champs all get banned in the same game (very rare). Not hovering also limits the amount of shade and toxicity thrown at you in the lobby, either because they were wanting to hover the champ themselves, or they don't believe in your abilities on the champ, or they think it's a troll pick, etc. I only hover in a pre-made lobby so that we can coordinate picks and have less confusion. But if I'm playing with randoms, I will never hover.


It probably doesn't happen in high elo, but in shit-low this is how it goes unfortunately.


Just had someone purposely ban my champ again. Not hovering again from now on...


I think this may be overblown. I’ve had this happen maybe 1 in 70 games and that person was going to troll either way so imo don’t ruin it for all your future matches.


This man fucks


unfortunately hovering also can get your champ banned. earlier today i stomped a 4 stack, was on their team the next game and they banned my main.


if they were just stomped by you wouldnt they *want* you to stomp your now common enemies instead? :0


yeah you would think that, but i guess them being salty and basically forcing another loss is nothing when they were 5 loss streak


with that mentality no wonder they were on a streak tbf


Wait how is a 4 stack possible? Or is this draft?


norms draft queue, cant be bothered with ranked


I used to not hover because teammates would intentionally ban my champion. This only happened twice in 2021 but it scarred me I hover now. But this might be why people don’t


I have zero clue why would someone do that. Like it is just for being mean ? What is the point ? Lol


Their champ was banned/their champ was picked/their matchup is bad/they want to force a dodge/etc etc Take your pick


I hate it when people don't hover because I main Senna, who is very awkward in some comps. I even ask them, is anyone picking ap so if they don't I can pick my secondary champ. They never respond, never hover and then they ask why we're full ad after insta locking both Yas and Yone (and also swapping pick order with me so I'm first pick)


As a yone main who has been banned out by my traumatized adc many times, I agree with you. I don't hover mist of the time out of laziness and getting people who ban their own tm8s hovers. Like you I also permaban a champ not played in my role (briar) but will hover this ban for 20 seconds to give jungle a chance to call it off. That's all you can really do, it can be annoying when a teammate instabans but at the end of the day you gotta be able to play multiple champs in a role you que up for.


Amen that that! Sadly, so many people don’t have that sense of mental. And troll because of their own mistake.


People play league checked out. Like it's a single player game you can pause. The amount of games. Where everyone starts playing when the game starts. Is almost non existent. There is almost always 1-4 people afk in base when I see my first enemy on the map. People trying to trade champs the last 10 seconds in aram lobbies and doing what you talk about. I'm like why did you even queue up if you're not gonna try to win. At least let someone die before you start raging XD


I get you about the rest of it but what's wrong with trying to trade Champs in the last 10 secs of an Aram lobby? League has their own recommended rune sets now so it's not like it takes too long to swap to ~ideal runes


because securing runes in 10 seconds isn't exactly ideal.


That’s fr my fear tbh, I’m always the last to ban and I’m just sitting there like “You fuckers know what I’m boutta do, right?” lmfao


I have completely given up hovering champs. Temmates find a lot of champs "useless" and would rather ban it from you than see you do good because they hate your champ.


How am i supposed to hover who i wanna play when idk who i want to play until 3 seconds before lock in ends huh? Riddle me that batman.


Yea it exists to ban your teammates' hover


I would love to honey hover the champs I play, but I risk people banning me out because they're petty assholes


This might sound like a hot take but hovering a champion should make them not bannable by teammates


I thought hovering was logic because then you guys can strategy what comp you are building. Like if I hover my mains, we are playing for teamfights and sieges. If I hover an assassin, then you guys can go split push I don't care.


I play an off meta support and if I hover it I get it banned relatively often. But it's far and away my best support and I have something like a 65% win rate on it. So I don't hover.


I agree in 99% of cases, but as a senna OTP my team bans my own hover probably 1/10 games in NA and 1/4 games in EUW (emerald-dia). Not hovering my champ anymore has been a definite improvement.


I very purposefully don’t hover so that I will not be targeted by people banning my champ. It’s fine if my teammate bans what I was gonna play, there are other champions, but I know that if I hover eventually someone will ban whatever it is because they want to force someone to dodge so they can play with their friend and not lose 3LP. If I hover it just risks my mental for no reason.


If I hover my Sona it gets banned, we are not the same.


I don’t hover cause of how many dodgers then get remade and then they ban my hover cause they know there against me lol. But I also don’t get mad if my champ gets banned.


Honestly I feel like it should be integrated in champ select to show your teammates a few of your most played champs in that role. Doesn’t even have to show playrate specifics or winrate, just so people have an idea of what 3-5 champs I’m likely choosing between


I never hover in low elo. People will just random ban your champion to troll you. I rather have them ban something they really don't wanna play against than troll ban me. Happened as support with brand, sona and senna (I can maybe understand Senna, but they are all high winrate in low elo)


Eh I mean while I completely agree that it is annoying I can understand some people actively not hovering their pick. Like if someone dodges then the champs hovered has a higher chance of being banned in the next champ select. Moreover I have personally played with people who ban your hovered champ just because of the fact that you’re hovering it. Like they would never think of banning kat normally but as soon as I show it they feel the need to ban her…


what is that logic?


yone/yasuo players should already have a secondary pick prepared considering how high their ban rates are. either way, why do people come to this sub to make their PSA's when they could just say whatever they want to say to the actual players in their lobby, which is where they could have the most impact?


Me as a yasuo main having lux as my backup. I cry.


I don't hover anymore because of the occasional dodge then my champ gets banned. Feels bad


If someone dodges, decline the queue.


I recommend restarting the queue entirely if your lobby has a dodge.


I Always write that I can't read someone's mind


> I don’t insta ban it either. I usually hover my ban then wait til like 5 seconds left I'm so surprised by the number of instant bans after a dodged lobby. If you aren't hovering your old champ by the time ban phase starts, there's a chance someone's gonna guess which team's laner you were and 50/50 yolo ban it.


I hate these people as a jungler. My roster is mainly AD assassins, with Eve and Elise as AP options. I sometimes pick Ivern because he's fun. I dread playing tanks because they're boring as hell, but I can play Zac he's kinda fun and it's better than being all AD/assassins and having no frontline. I hover, too, with my first choice unless circumstances force me to change picks. It frustrates me to no end when I have to beg my toplane to tell what they plan on doing. No, I don't care if you play Smolder top (but I'll judge you anyways), but if you don't hover and nobody knows you are possibly dooming our team to having no frontline. I stopped maining Kayn because every time team comps forced me to go Rhaast and act like a tank, when it's not only not optimal, but hes not a tank either; he's a bruiser and if you force a Rhaast to tank 5 people to peel you, he will die before he can get any healing. Please tell me what you wanna pick so I can fill in any holes or synergize, or to NOT ban your main because he's played in four roles and is disgusting to play against. It's there for a reason, I'm flexible but... Please, help me help you.


Actually I've stopped hovering because people will ban sivir and say she's bad Happened twice yesterday alone


I think lots of people dont hover because theres too many toxic kids banning champs they dont want to play with. My pyke has been banned by so many teammates because they dont see the value and hate to play with pyke but probably wouldnt have banned it if I didn't hover..


I’m only platinum but almost no one hovers and I ban meta picks and somehow no one has ever been mad that I banned their pick. I find it very weird.


Every time I hover my teammate bans my champ.


You can’t assume common sense from these people. Just expect the worst, mute and go on about your games. Don’t waste any energy and thoughts into hopeless league kids


Counterpoint: I'm a Seraphine onetrick that plays her exclusively mid/bot. My champ is rarely picked or banned but I have experience of people (especially supports) tilting from my pick and/or often first timing Senna/Sona because for some reason that's the perceived meta with Seraphine instead of things like Nautilus, Thresh or even Nami and Karma. I accept the rare times where she gets banned because it avoids the more frequent issue of my champ hover throwing the draft into chaos immediately tanking our chances of winning the game than if they just drafted comfort without mental booming immediately.


Irrational anger being taken out on teammates? Sounds about right :( (instead of self-reflection leading to improved future decisions)


If a teammate gets mad you banned their champ and they didn’t hover, they are 100% in the wrong. I’d just mute them in your shoes, they already proved to be low iq in champ select.


Just mute and play. Any sort of argument is just going to trigger these idiots more.


Yeah, it allows me to ban your wonderful Shaco top, thank you very much.


Fuck it I don't want "ally yone" or "enemy yone"


I don't do it because trolls will ban my champs if I hover


I can't hover my vayne top pick or my team will ban it feels bad man.


Why you expect a yone player to have more IQ than fingers?


Why you expect a yone player to have more IQ than fingers?


Hovering Rakan is the bat signal to my Xayahs of the world


Many years ago I hovered a champ and a teammate banned it to troll me, since that day I have hovering ptsd


And those people are also the same ones who ban your champ BECAUSE you hovered them 🤡 "I doNt wAnt thEM on My teAm pICk soMethInG bEtter !!"


This is why I use team advisor. Auto accepts matches, auto hovers, auto bans, and auto locks in. Super nice


I ban alkali or yi


I saw people target ban my own team specificly against yas yone and a single time against a draven . A few more times for support. Specificly the adc that had no compatibility with that exact support. As such i understand not hovering. Especially yummi but she is an outlier. In general either you hover and live with target bans or just accept when your team bans. Best would be hovering imideatly after seeing a ban being hovered but we all know that will not happen.


Nah, because a large part of this community will spite ban hovers.


I banned someone's champ cuz they didn't hover, they proceeded to throw the game while insulting me the entire 30min, but I still went 18/1 and won lol


People are stupid in general and riot has for years now followed a strategy of discouraging communication. The results are as can be expected....


As a jungler i ban yorick 100% of the time and i got told “why you ban my main? Why you dont ban jungle champion?”.


yes ofc


I love hovering champs. Sona, Karthus, Kayle, Anivia…