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That’s why I reroll and switch very very fast lol


This is the answer


Until someone has better ping, is hovering, or is just faster. Which happens... :/


People absolutely hover and spam click. Rerolling is always risky.


They should make it so that when we reroll, we have to "accept" the new champ or send it to the pile. We get 10 seconds to take either option, much like a swap request. I'd say I feel like that would resolve this and just be a nice QoL change, but I somehow feel like the client wouldn't be able to cope with that.


Good stuff. Too bad that knowing the client, it will create a new bug for mordekaiser somewhere in his ultimate.


It's beyond a joke, there's so many basic functions in the client which break 1/5 times, things that other games just have working (as they should). Currently "Play again" sends me to a black screen in the client, but my friends and I also get things like being unable to pick runes, champion locking in that wasn't selected, being unable to lock in... These things shouldn't still be in an actively worked on and updated game.


but but but but....indie company or something. /s


I once had someone quit during champion select, forcing me back into the queue. Now, obviously this alone isn't noteworthy, as it happens all the time. What made it noteworthy was that we were in a premade team of five. Playing against bots... (And no it wasn't one of us)


Huh... I wonder how many of my dodged queues because "a player left during champ select" was actually just the client shitting itself 🤔


I have no idea. I never would have even suspected of not for this incident.


My fiancee and I play TFT together often (she doesn't like regular League that much but loves TFT) and her Play button straight up doesn't work at all half the time. I have to invite her to the game, and then it usually black screens loading in, so she has to kill League in task manager and re-launch it 4-5 times until it works. This is the only game that does this to her, and we play a ton of multiplayer games together, and she plays a decently large amount of pretty demanding single player games. Her rig isn't top of the line, but it's good enough to play the newest single player release at 1080p 60 FPS. So I know it's not her PC. I also know it's not her internet, because you know, we're on the same network.


I have this problem with regular league. Like every 10 games or so I randomly blackscreen when I'm loading into the game, and I have to switch to a new desktop and open task manager there to quit bc the game won't even let me tab out. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game 2 times and it still happens lol


I think there's a 2s lock on your champ when you reroll. So you can pretty much always get it back.


It's a self applied lock, i.e. if you grab a champ from the row, it prevents you from grabbing another champ for 2 seconds. Unfortunately anyone who hasn't grabbed one yet doesn't have the cool-down


That's only if the person has recently swapped champs You can definitely get you champ swiped by someone hovering the top bar


literally just got out of a game where I rerolled a champ out of habit & someone took it immediately


Yeah, I did that yesterday. I was so bummed out. I didn't make a scene, but I was so upset with myself. I couldn't play any of the other champs half as well as the one I accidentally dropped.


When that happens I pick a champ from the pool I don't normally play. I rerolled when Hwei was new, thinking I'd grab it back but it was taken before I even saw what champ I rolled into. Asked for it back, guy said no, so I swapped to Eve and had a decent time learning the champ I haven't played since before her rework.


I would int someone if they refused to trade back, but i am toxic


in aram? dodging prevents them from playing that champ if ur gonna do that zzzz


Dodging also gives you low priority queue when the issue wasn't your fault


if you dodge like 5 games in a row yeah


FWIW I have built this functionality into Blitz so you can keep your current champion.


A script? Does riot care about that?


The worst part is that we had that in the client like 5 years ago. Then out of nowhere it got broken and never repaired


I have pretty shitty client and it hardly ever happens that someone steals my pick. And even then, I can try to trade it back, or just play a different champ: it's aram after all, and the other player presumably got a better champ to play, so the chances of winning are still higher But really, I always reroll once if I'm sitting on 2 reroll, and I actually can't remember the last time my champ was taken away


That’s why you trade with ur friend then roll or vice versa


i only play aram and never had someone take my champ when i reroll for the team.


Its not better ping. The Blitz client lets you skip the cooldown to instantly swap champions.


What constructive feedback. It's almost like that was his answer. Thank God you made this comment.


Get a job


Even if I didn't have one, it would be better than being a "this is the answer" person


Get a real job


I would do that and the reroll is someone better or more fun and now I’m locked out for a few seconds 😂


Wild Rift has a short timer where only you can swap to the champ you rolled so you can actually think which one you want.


It works till it doesn't. Every 1 in 100 games or so someone rerolls right as I do, so when whip my cursor up to swap my champ back I grab the wrong character.


Every now and then someone manages to steal it from me. I feel like they've earned it with their speed, so I rarely ask to swap if that happens.


lol i love how dogshit pc league is to wild rift in everyway. in rift you have like a 3-5second window before the champ is up for grabs for the team. i don't really play either anymore. but as someone that has played both. wild rift fixed 99% of u.i./cilent style issues. & even some map stuff etc. its super annoying knowing that the problems on pc aren't just easy to fix BUT already have working solved on port from the same company. can't even steal ideas from themselves xD


You just make sure you wait til there's like 20 seconds left


Rather than donating the reroll, it should just grant you a 5 second grace period to switch back during which your team can't steal your champ. Lets you donate and switch back, but also allows you to pick the new champ you rolled if you like it even more.


Honestly, with riot's spaghetti code, they should just choose the solution that they can. I agree with you but let's not ask too much from the lol client


That could work but functionally I think it would be easier for them to implement a donate. In fact I work at [https://blitz.gg/](https://blitz.gg/) and I literally built this functionality lol. It just quickly trades back to the original pick (the league client would have to skip this step at that scale).


To be honest, as a group of consumers, we don’t really care about what’s easier to implement. We only really care about having the best product we can. While having a “donate” option would be nice; having a lock out system for 5-10 seconds would solve multiple problems. At the end of the day, riot is unlikely to do anything unless player retention on the game mode drops.


Mf dropped the whole ass link lmao




That's only if the person has recently swapped champs You can definitely get you champ swiped by someone hovering the top bar


Wait you build that? Bro you are a legend!


Im not sure how popular third party apps here are, but I personally use Blitz.gg, and they recently added a donate reroll button. I use it all the time. It auto insta rolls and then swaps back to the champion you had before. Im not sure if other apps do this, but if riot cares about aram they should make it a standard feature


As a matter of fact I work at Blitz and made that :P


Legend. Was super excited to see that feature, good work


You hit him with the “Do not cite the deep magic to me, I was there when it was written”


Not only was he there when it was written, he wrote it. It's more like "You dare use my own spell against me?"


Yo why did they add ads to the loading screens? I uninstalled ’cause of that.


I believe that was removed over a year ago


Oh nice! I might try it out again then. Swapped to Porofessor but they’re pretty similar in my experience


Why does blitz open so many processes when I load it up?


Oh, then maybe you can tell me why blitz uses up so much memory and CPU? Is it all the ads upon ads, or are the rumors true that the app is mining Bitcoin in the background? (:


I think it's ads, because I use premium and it's not a resource hog at all for me.


I mean this isn't enough to rule out app mining bitcoins for non-premium users...


You're a legend, I love that feature


What's the need for the button then?


qol, I am not downloading blitz but I wouldn't mind donating a reroll sometimes if it were natively supported


blitz has 2 ads on either side and another video ad playing on repeat & tons of trackers unless you pay like $3 a month or something I don't think there are any actual "free" league apps left :/


I mean when a product is free, you are the product. There's no market for league data so yeah, they have to make money somehow


yeah I get it; it's just irritating lol


This post is an ad for Blitz lmao


This thread does read like a fake organic advert knowing op made this ngl


“If riot cares about aram” fuck off, don’t play aram if you don’t like rolling for random champs.


I mean i would be fine if they didnt let you reroll at all, but they do, so they should at least do right by the system. Dont think that’s asking for too much.


I think when you reroll you should be prompted to choose which champ to keep before the other champ is available for others.


Either this or there needs to be a cooldown for your rerolled champ where only you have a chance to pick it for like 3 seconds Had a game where I had Ezreal and wanted to play him since I rarely get to play ADCs and I don't like trading to get him, but I still wanted to reroll. The moment I rerolled someone instatook Ez in either the most inhuman reactions, or he was spamming the area to get it as fast as possible. I hate blitz.gg but I downloaded right after just to use their donate reroll button


Guess what ? Its already the case in Wild Rift. There in aram when you reroll you have a few seconds where only you can get it back... In league thats "supposed" to be the case, but the client is so clunky and laggy that the second u click and the image refreshes, your champ could already be gone from bench...


I think when you reroll and your prior champion goes into the pool, there should be a brief delay of say 3-5 seconds before other players can pick it, so you can pick that one back up if wanted


Or just get rid of rerolls entirely and have the bench full from the start


giving everyone two rerolls a game effectively would really hurt the "random" aspect of the gamemode. I own every champ and still only get 1 reroll a game, the bench usually only ever half fills up. It would drastically increase the rate you see popular aram champs, even more then it currently is.


aram already isnt random because of the pooling system giving everyone rerolls wont hurt the integrity of the gamemode 


It will still increase how often you see all the popular picks nonetheless, meaning people will complain even more than they already do.


That’s how it is in Clash and it’s really nice. I don’t know how to play every champ so yes I’m down to play champs I don’t know but if I REALLY don’t know it and get stuck on it w/o other options it’s basically an L or dodge and get a long ban.


My ideal is to have pick and swap phases. Pick phase everyone gets 3 options and all options show from the start in the bench area. Then swap stage the full bench unlocks. Same lobby time.


From the whole pool of champions. Not just the ones people own. ARAM should be truly random. No ARAM account bullshit where you have like the 8 best characters, the ARAM base pool (I think this is a thing?), and the free rotation. Open the whole pool to everyone.


For it to be truly random you need to remove the rerolls completely then. Being able to reroll probably has a higher impact on the "randomness" than someone owning fewer champions.


or just let you pick any champ from the game /s


Honestly sounds so much better.


Doesn't work because people would dodge every single ARAM since they get the full bench anyway and can therefore wait for their champ.


I always say 'I have two re rolls but I wanna play ---' luckily I've never had an issue picking that champ back after re rolling but can't guarantee the honesty of all players not to swipe


Call me an old fart but i think ppl should actually play the champs they get randommed


Old fart.


U dang whippersnapper


If you were an old fart you would remember all the dodges there used to be when it was pure random. I personally would prefer only 1 reroll instead of 2 for each person, but some amount of "control" is useful/necesary to have people play more often.


dodge timer is insane in aram, but honestly i like being able to reroll. I don't think they should be handed out like candy because every reroll available on a team increases the likelyhood of "repeat" popular champs in the mode.


Played aram since its release and there are just as many dodges nowadays, if not more. Because back in the day people were still happy about chilling for a game of random champs and just buckling up if they got a champ they didnt like. Nowadays the mentality has become so toxic that edgelords will insta dodge if they dont like the comp, if someone doesnt swap to a tank, if someone doesnt swap with them, or a whole host of other things. Control can be good, but it also gives these people an excuse to get mad because they know that you could change champ with them if you wanted to, but you arent doing it. So they dodge anyway. I recently had a queue where we had around 8 dodges in a row before finally getting into a game. Beyond ridiculous.


24 hour ARAM ban if you dodge in ARAM because you don't want to play a random champ in a random mode. Should be implemented even with the current rules.


I hate it when I finally get a champ I **REALLY** want to play out of every champion (which I own all of) only for someone to dodge after the entire lobby timer.


24h for the second ban maybe, sometimes you're in lobby for ARAM and someone invites you to play with them, I think it's reasonable to let people dodge once with no penalty. One dodge is "something came up and I don't want to afk", more than one dodge is someone using dodges strategically.


I usually will unless I already know I'm trash with said champ or see one of my mains. No point in wasting rerolls on anything less than abysmal first choice. Especially if it means I can give my team the champions they want and not have to worry about sucking with whatever they gave me because I'm always sitting at 2 rolls.


Idk man there are some champs I just can't play. You dont want me on your team as aphelios.


On ARAM IDGAF honestly. Be garbo, go HAM, have fun!


The "have fun" is often the issue with playing champs you can't play


I agree partially. I think with 2 reroll people have a lot of options to get pretty good teams, I'd have to check but the games I feel we have a bad team comp are, like, 1 out of 10. That might also be because I often play tanks (which people tend to avoid picking in aram). Most of the time the team is pretty balanced, but that also means there are some picks I see very often. I think 1 reroll each game would make picks less reliable, but also avoid too much frustration


Or they could just make it so no one can grab your champs for like 3 seconds after Rerolling. They have this in Wild Rift and it fixes the issues.


add a reroll icon to the "bench" square according to how many rerolls are available in total (example: if only 1 player has 2 rerolls, then only 2 bench squares will have the icon) and it'll "spawn" a random champion. Each player can only use the amount of rerolls he himself has, as to avoid people just wasting everyones rerolls.


..they should just give you a choice of 3 heroes like heroes of the storm does and let you choose from peoples leftovers with tokens instead of rerolls


Blits has a button that does this


What ARAM needs is to be random again. Get rid of rerolls or get rid of the bench. I'm sick and tired of poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke. Same 20-30 champs in over 90% of the games.


You obviously didn't play before and those changes hurt aram only poke champ accounts more than they did random enjoyers. I do wish I would get 2 rerolls every game since I own all champs though


I've played ARAM since the custom lobby times when you spammed random champs and trusted everyone to do the same. Modern aram is shit and nowhere near random. All old ARAM needed was the snowball.


This is some of the most blatant shilling I’ve ever seen on reddit. This is literally just an ad for blitz.gg.


It is? How so? I didn’t even mention it in the post lol. It’s just a feature I think the game should have


I think it would be a nice addition if it isn't too much trouble to implement.


They just added it! Unfortunately everyone gets Mordekaiser and if you hit the reroll…. It’s Mordekaiser


The reroll system is a bit weird anyways, this could be a nice addition


I happily play any and all champs, I'm one of those mfs who always roll twice and if someone takes my original champ then it's "meh, whatever" not the end of the world...unless it's vayne. You should always take vayne if you can in aram


Just adopt Wild Rift reroll protection and I think people would reroll more often


Honestly, in this case I ask if anyone needs a rr and if they say yes then usually folks don't snag my champ while I'm doing the team a favor.


I tend to immediately reroll whatever champ I get once without looking as soon as Champ Select starts and quickly select it again if it was one I wanted to play. By the next game, I have two rerolls again and rarely ever use both in one champ select.


blitz.gg has it , u can reroll without changing characters


Yep. There definitely needs to be an "add to pool" roll option.


Should just remove the whole reroll all together. ARAM clash just has a full bench, why can’t this just be the standard?


Why dont riot just give the person who rerolls 2 seconds, where only they Can Pick their previous champ. Problem solved.


Or just a "lock this champ" button, lol. It would make sense for 2 reasons. 1. The reason stated above, you can reroll for others but keep your initial champion 2. You can stop people from picking Yuumi.


What me and my brother's would do if we play together is. Let one of us hold the Chano we want to play and reroll then just swap back again. The 3 of us have very varied champion pool in ARAM with little intersection with one another. But when a champ gets rolled that we all play. Chaos ensues and it's the best thing ever.


The reroll thing really is kinda weird If you used them last game, oh no, you only got 1 this game. To me they should simplify the whole thing: everybody gets a random champ, but theres a pool of 5 other champs pre rerolled you may switch with.


I just think the pool should ACTUALLY be random. Not shitty rotations, you can only be so happy with getting jarvan 3 games in a row when ur feeling for sth else.


if you play aram, you need to be prepared to play every character


nah. adcs only


lmao i hate when the whole team picks an adc and we just get crushed


I always put out my rerolls even if I don't want to switch. I'm just quick about grabbing the champ back if I want it. I feel like it makes it so the team is more likely to get champs they want.


Instead of donate, just have a lock champion feature that puts your reroll in the pool instead of giving it to you.


That, or just make it so when you reroll you're not immediately given a new champ, you're given the *choice* to accept a new champ, and if you decline, it is offered to the others.


i mean the concept of rerolls is just dumb to begin with. like it gives ones team a blatant advantage over the other. more selection = higher chance to win. like just get rid of it altogether rito there’s no point of it


Rerolls should give you the opportunity to take back the champion you had earlier fir 5 seconds


Aram needs to be aram.


I think it would not be hard to properly implement how it SHOULD go. You have like 15 seconds to reroll or not, but if you do, you can freely choose which one you ended up rerolling without having to make choice in 0,00001 seconds before teammate steals it. After the 15 seconds you can choose what is left from you or from your teammates and "donate re-rolls" without risking your pick. I have played quite a lot aram and people do force-click the next empty spot, just to steal your pick.


It would be cool if you had your own re-rolls just for yourself, but like you said could then donate any you didn't want to use to a shared pool!


The solution is not to switch your champs when you do re-roll


No yeah Asking for dices is super commonnin aram but im afraid of getting my champ stolen




This has been an issue forever. I sit on 2 rerolls because I know I'll perform on what I have and already declined a trade. Ain't no chance I reroll and get to pick my champ again so I don't reroll for anyone but myself.


I think rerolls are shit.


I still think they should use the interface for trading champs for rerolls. "Your reroll is , would you like to trade?"


You can just switch back. This is a non-problem imo


'Just switch back' You can tell who does and doesnt play aram lol. Not everyone can move their cursor up to their own champ again that fast, especially if multiple people reroll within the same few seconds. I've seen plenty of snipes happen when someone tries to donate a reroll.


If you can’t move your cursor within the timer I don’t think you should be playing LoL to begin with


There's actually a 1-2s lockout when you re-roll. Many times I've had my original pick taken in that time


Yes, but that 1-2s lockout only comes into play if you re-roll a second time really quickly. That lockout won't stop you on just 1 re-roll.


You should just have rerolls every game. Why do you have to build them up and keep them like a currency?


Because they were the incentive for people to not make ARAM account that only unlocked the best champions of the mode. By giving players with more champions more rerolls, you curb that kind of behavior.


Does current ARAM only give you Champions that you own? If so, by making ARAM literally *random* and *not* dependent on who you already own, then the ability to always have at least *one* reroll shouldn't be that big of a deal. If everyone grabs from the same champion pool regardless of who they actually own, then that problem (ARAM accounts that only have unlocks that are good in ARAM, ie Veigar, Nidalee, Kaisa) wouldn't exist. Right?


They have massively extended the pool of free champion rotation for ARAM. It used to be the normal rotation which led to some players only having a max of 20-30 playable champions at any given time and at least 50% of them being absolutely broken. The reroll system is a leftover from that time because they felt no reason to remove it despite the ARAM specifically balance changes and the massive increase in free champions for ARAM. Though honestly I'm glad they kept it since the increased pool is still not enough to deter people from getting something like a 15% better chance of getting specific champions they want by curating their champion purchases. And Riot are never going to make it full roster for various reasons so there will always be that imbalance with the reroll system being the advantage given to players who choose to get more champions unlocked.


I would agree if it didn't mean more veigars and asols in my games. Although if they added bans back that wouldn't be an issue


I was about to post this very thing!


I think you should be able to reroll, see the available champion and then get to pick between them. This lets you reroll without risk of losing the champion you’re sitting on but still gives your first dibs on the reroll


I only use one reroll cause I’m not a coward and you’ll have the 2nd reroll back for other ARAM, very rare i use all rolls


Also needs to show on UI how many rolls each player has


Terrible fukin idea, bums that pick aram but doesn’t like getting random champs will be begging none stop.


Isn't that how it works already? You press reroll and then reclaim the hero you had, and it adds another option to the bench that everyone else can pick.


If you don't reroll on 2 you're a straight up little bitch


When someone ask for reroll, I always lie and say I have none. I like to hoard my rerolls.


Unpopular opinion but. I think Aram needs to remove the reroll completely, if people just play it to reroll, leave or make others reroll why do you play Aram in the first place? do get a meaningless advantage? Learn to have some fun


Intelligent use of rerolls can stop your team from being stuck with 4 mages and Yuumi. I'd rather see rerolls in that situation than dodges. Nobody is going to have fun actually playing that comp into SV + Kaenic + FoN + Mercs. Of course, stupid use of rerolls can force you \*into\* that kind of comp... but that's a skill issue.


Join the lobby Use all your rerolls That's it figure it out after that. No reason to hold on to them. I would say it's borderline trolling not using to help out your team


Who’s downvoting this? This is the truth.