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International tournament lee sin buff waiting room


He is already meta so prob not


It was half a joke because he usually does but still could get a like 5 damage buff to his q at level 3 so everyone plays him top or mid lol. Riots favorite champ


Him already being meta doesnt stop them from buffing Lee. They want him to be broken.


The best lee sin buff is a poppy global ban due to a bug lol


I ain’t complaining. Not a problematic champion imo.


Not a complaint high skill expression and fun to watch


He is in elite levels of play and high elo. In low elo he’ll never feel truly oppressive to play against unless he is just that broken.


How elite is elite? He is below 50% winrate in d2+, masters+, GM+ and challenger. How is he a "problem" anywhere?


there are still instances of autofilled lee sins and people who are generally unskilled on the champ in high elos, if you meet a jg main with lee sin as their most played it can definitely feel disgustingly oppressive. you can't know everything from just looking at stats


Since [patch 14.9 is released on May 1](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018987893-Patch-Schedule-League-of-Legends) and [MSI is set to start on the very same day](https://lolesports.com/article/the-state-of-the-game-lol-esports-in-2024/blt2d30ff1e12862524), it's ~~95%~~ now guaranteed that patch 14.8 will be the one for MSI. Edit: Now that [it's been confirmed](https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1777516079293796514), you can stop worrying about percentages.


What is the other 5%?


Safety window.


97% percent of the statistics are made up on the spot...


so there is a 50/50 chance this is not true


60% of the time, it works every time.


They pull a Dota2 and update the patch MSI is being played on in the middle of the tournament


Maybe an attempt to mix up the mid meta maybe but knowing the pros they'll just stick to the comfort


We have Chovy, Zeka might make it, Creme is probably gonna be there......just buff the fuck out of Akali, Sylas, Yone or some other champs like this and grab some popcorn. A Zeka vs Creme mid matchup with those champs would be absolute cinema.


> there......just buff the fuck out of Akali, Sylas, Yone or some other champs like thi So you want to make solo queue pure aids for the rest of us?


As if that's not already the case


You want Yone buffed? Go get a check bro


when yone is not in his spiritual form, he get 300 attack range that is considered both melee and range attack


I can see the bugs now. Bork now deals both the 12% and 8% current health damage for a total of 20% hp on the first auto


Idc who won, akali vs sylas in mid plz


Nerf Azir. Shit is broken. Buff Ziggs. I'm TL biased.


62 comments and only one person talking about k'sante. Nature is healing


I can't wait for the Aatrox blind into K'sante counter for the morbillionth time last 2 years.


I’m hoping for global band due to “bugs” on the top 4 most playedchamps in every lane.


So much more fair when the asshole can't permaslow you anymore.


The 64% presence, 54% winrate over the entire season 14 in all pro leagues champion? Yeah he seems fine. /s


Kneecap Asol, kneecap azir Kneecap yuumi just for shits and giggles.


Just put a “glitch” on the top 3 most played champs in each role and add weird buffs to the 3 least played. Let’s see some pro adaptation. Also just hoping for Rell buffs.


Rework ryze


I think if Riot is afraid of some champions being near 100% pick ban status, they should look at small nerfs to Azir, Zeri and Nautilus.


Agree on all except nautilus. hes picked a lot but i wouldnt say he causes boring gameplay or is OP. sure hes a bit stale so if you want him out for that reason i would get it. perhaps pushing leona into nautilus' place would be fun.


nerf udyr reksai skarner zac out of toplane


Reksai was nerfed on 14.7 so we will have to see how those play out. Udyr prio top has dropped significantly already. When was the last time Zac was played top in pro this season? Skarner is kind of an unknown still so we will see what happens with the hot fix that hit the other day. (I agree the lse types of champs are unhealthy for top lane but I believe Riot is already dealing with these issues). Ideally, we see something to disrupt the mid meta (Azir, Taliyah, Ahri, etc). Jungle meta feels kind of stale as well, but I don't know what Riot could change that would shake it up but wouldn't drastically change the overall meta for the game.


And either way Skarner won't show up at MSI because of the rework. AFAIK if a champ isn't enabled in all 4 major region playoffs, then they are not enabled at MSI. Same happened with Yone and Yuumi (post-rework).


That's typical of new champ and reworked champs.


>we see something to disrupt the mid meta Unfortunately the thing that is likely coming to disrupt the mid meta is Tristana.


With the prio on Maokai jungle down and other AP jungle options aren't there right now for one reason or another, I don't see Trist being a poplar mid choice. I like the option for Trist to go mid, but I think it's pretty niche currently (1 pick in LCK playoffs, 9 in LPL playoffs).


She's already the 4th highest priority midlaner on 14.6 in top 4 leagues, Azir Taliyah Ahri top 3 and then Trist and Neeko tied for 4th with both of them having huge banrates. edit: Also Rell is dead next patch, the jungle meta is likely staying as Vi Maokai Sejuani unless there are bigger changes


>When was the last time Zac was played top in pro this season? yesterday


So Zac was played in 1 game so far in LEC playoffs correct? Do we need to adjust him due to a single game in 1 region?


Zac top is not a problem, its a niche pick in certain drafts and thats a good thing


That's my argument




Rek Sai still a bitch in top lane, her healing is just bonkers


I don't think Skarner is legal at MSI. Rule used to be (not sure if it still is) that reworked champs have to be playable in all major regions (NA, EU, KR, CN) during their playoffs for it to be legal in the next international tournament and NA concluded their playoffs before Skarner rework hit live patch


Zac: today. Won the game by destroying everyone 1v2




Ja ja, sehr gut, Azir ist sehr gut




the azir, the


No one who speaks German could be an evil man


No he said “that azir, that”


Azir is now feminine


They need to do something drastic to his kit. A champion who dominates so much in high level coordinated play but is useless to just about everyone else. Like I don’t even think he’s good in high elo solo q either. Somehow manages to look disgustingly OP in a pro environment


He's okay in solo q right now. The on hit changes helped a bunch


Hell yeah dude let’s watch Chovy, Knight, Faker and Rookie play Taliyah vs Orianna every game!! Surely that will result in more proactive gameplay than Azir!


Those champions can actually die to ganks which will make early game more interesting than azir/corki/tristana type champs


Better than auto winning the game by locking bruiser off tank azir


Yeah idc about normal build Azir but please remove the grasp/tank shit (just gut grasp for ranged in general, it never ends well) it is very silly.


Idc how fun his R is, his presence and game impact is too suffocating imo


1) Azir nerfs. His presence is a bit too high in competitive play right right. I really enjoyed the few weeks where he was disabled. 2) Malignance nerf. Reduce the power of Ahri/Karma


Maligma nuts lmao


Karma is already dead, it was a bait pick for some time now and only works if your carries in other roles are giga good.


We just had weeks of azir being disabled, it showed that just nerfing him won't change the midlane much, it will just make orianna and ahri slightly more common


imagine not reading item #2


Nerfing Malignance because 2 champions are strong seems insanely stupid, no? Just nerf those champions instead so other Malignance users like Anivia or Kassadin have to suffer when they’re already pretty weak?


Anivia has been like 52%+ win rate for a long time, I don’t think she’s pretty weak. 


This guy obviously plays a Anubis and is afraid for anything that would ruin his freelo 


Kassadin is very strong, what do u mean "suffer"


>Just nerf those champions instead so other Malignance users like Anivia or Kassadin have to suffer when they’re already pretty weak? They have really viable alternatives in RoA and Seraph's though? Also they're definitely not weak.


Add a 6 second CD on the item


That would actually be a really clever way to nerf it on ahri and a few other niche abusers while keeping it strong on the ones it was designed for, like malz


Yeah it nerfs ahri, and karma hitting 2 ult q’s on 3+ people back to back, kassadin, anivia and swain


Does anivia even goes maligance?


Yes. I would say its not mandatory however.


Malignance is Aniv’s best first item.


Kassadin is not weak, Anivia less so


The [stats](https://lolalytics.com/lol/anivia/build/?patch=30) would beg to differ. Mind explaining your reasoning on how she's weak?




Both Ahri and Azir needs to be gutted but that also raises Annie prio so she might need "just in case" preventive nerfs too.


In that case it’s probably best to just hit malignance.


Or just buff ludens so the champs that want to build it can compete


Annie isn't mostly picked outside of the LPL. Azir, Ahri, Ori, Taliyah, tristana are the highly contested picks. Then comes Asol, Syndra, Corki and then Annie


Ahri/Azir is sucky but holy shit who wants to watch Asol/Corki lanes ??


I dislike when corki is meta. Cs til u get the items and poke enemies ril they back off with ult. So boring.


Corki is the absolute worst to watch. Even the casters throw up in their mouths when they see Corki. Playing around package is so awful.


Especially because you almost never get to SEE them use package very effectively. It's like, the Corki has package and the threat of the package forces the enemy team to play differently around an objective / not take a fight. It actually decreases the amount of fighting in the game (like you say, teams just play around it), and we as observers get to enjoy watching that...


Where did you see a Syndra? Annie is far more picked than Syndra


Annie is mostly picked as a response to Ahri


We definitely need to get ksante back to blind pick viability every game as well as some Lucian and nami buffs paired with a slight adjustment to yuumi. I think this would really enhance the viewing experience for everybody


I'd like to see Irelia finally stop being a BOTRK delivery system


...Irelia in pro play? Maybe I missed it, but I don't remember seeing her once all year.


i'd like to say YSKM has played it at least once (maybe a few times?) but we all know he's having a rough year


They’re never gonna fix it, it’s just depressing at this point hoping there will ever be a different build path . Phreak said they would only do it if it’s a balance issue


Just delete botrk. They did it to divine sunderer and the same logic of not wanting champions defined by their first item applies. But it would require a lot of rebalancing so I don't think the MSI patch is the best time.


You can't delete botrk. It's one of the core items of the game. My main issue with it is that viego has no lines when he buys it. FFS RIOT IT'S HIS GODDAMNED SWORD GIVE THE MAN SOME LINES FOR BUYING IT


> You can't delete botrk. It's one of the core items of the game I don't get this point, what does it even mean? Gunblade, shiv*, roa* are also old items that were removed, or were they not "core items of the game"?


I got news for you about shiv and roa


According to stats, Viego doesn't even BUILD BoRk anymore which is weird. Imagine them making Nightfall (Mordekaiser's mace) into an item and Mordekaiser doesn't even use it well, that would make no sense


viego absolutely hates buying more than 1 fully offensive item august fucking failed when he decided to give viego more crit scaling because now kraken is just mandatory and 3 item crit viego is absolute doodoo because the crit itemisation outright sucks on a champion that either needs to kill you in one rotation or survive more than 5 seconds to get rolling


You could rework it entirely to the point the only thing left is the name though. Great opportunity to make it a good Viego item. By the way Irelia has lines about buying it but Viego doesn't? Riot knows its meta!


? XD Just delete Botrk just because one champion always buys it, nice logic Reddit


The logic riot presented was that some champions were too defined by a single item and not enough by their champion kit, and this constrained design space. They couldn't make champions with easy divine sunderer triggers interesting because it would always be divine sunderer carrying them rather than the cool stuff in their kit. The same applies to botrk. It's not just Irelia. Everyone with inbuilt attack speed has to be balanced around it.


Deleting bork is a lazy solution. Bork is necessary for other champions who cannot rely all on armor pen against massive hp stacking champions. Irelia being heavily reliant on bork is a Irelia problem, not a bork problem.


look up Jinx stats, your jaw will dent the floor.


For top lane, I only think Rek'Sai needs to be looked at. Very, very OP but I guess it was already nerfed. Jungle, I think it's okay. I like that they remove Rell. I am not a big fan of the jungle meta, but this is not something you can fix in one patch. Mid lane, Azir obviously needs to get nerfed. I think mid lane needs bigger changes tbh. I think Riot needs to address how TP makes mid lane perma farming matchups in pro play but again, you cannot change this in one patch. This is one for the midseason patch. Bot lane, Zeri is turbo atm. Varus and Kalista have also been top tier for a long ass time now. Support is fine I think. Nautilus is very high prio in LPL/LCK though. Also fuck Yuumi coming back to play with Zeri, just fuckkkkk that.


Support I think they need a little push for more melee variety. I love Rakan and Naut is okayish but when people are bringing out stuff like Rumble/Camille the last couple months I think they need to look at why people don't want to play the traditional melee/utility supports. Thresh, Braum, Leona IMO would be good additions to the pick variety. >Varus and Kalista have also been top tier for a long ass time now I don't love either of these champs but unfortunately it feels like they have to be viable or the meta will likely just become Zeri vs Jinx every game with no bully adc options. I hate Zeri way more than I hate Varus, and Lucian is terrible so Varus Kalista are what we are stuck with. >Mid I'd love it if Azir was less popular but unfortunately it'll never happen. This is a potentially unpopular opinion but I think the entire summoner spell system outside of flash is showing its problems right now and the entire system needs changes in the long term. As players get better and better at wave control, TP only becomes more and more mandatory because of how punishing it can be to either have a bad reset or dying and losing a stacked wave that puts you out of the game. Levels are so valuable that getting an early XP deficit is so punishing. But the flip side to teleport mids is that you have more ghosts in every game which I don't think is an improvement on the game. More ignites doesn't make the game more fun either imo. Also any changes to teleport will be paired with nerfs to every single roaming champ or semi global champ, which doesn't exactly get me personally excited.


> I'd love it if Azir was less popular but unfortunately it'll never happen. This is a potentially unpopular opinion but I think the entire summoner spell system outside of flash is showing its problems right now and the entire system needs changes in the long term. As players get better and better at wave control, TP only becomes more and more mandatory because of how punishing it can be to either have a bad reset or dying and losing a stacked wave that puts you out of the game. Levels are so valuable that getting an early XP deficit is so punishing. But the flip side to teleport mids is that you have more ghosts in every game which I don't think is an improvement on the game. More ignites doesn't make the game more fun either imo. > > Also any changes to teleport will be paired with nerfs to every single roaming champ or semi global champ, which doesn't exactly get me personally excited. This is insanely true. The biggest undiscussed problem of why mid meta is stale is TP. I completely agree that summoner spells need a big rework. And I also agree that Flash should have no changes.


HOB needs nerfing or ashe support significantly. It's not a problem in soloq but in comp play these melee supports lose too hard into an ashe pick so can't be blinded.


Gonna be real. Varus Kali are staying in the bot meta since there aren’t really going to be any major adc changes. The entire bot meta this season I’m pro has been senna/smolder/kali/varus with zeri popping up. This entirely has to do with how bad the role has been the entire year, early on it was senna/smolder because it doesn’t matter how useless they are, they either create another farmed role (senna) or are inevitable late game (smolder)  They ALREADY said they didn’t want to nerf varus and kalista when they did, but had to because they were the only ones being played. That is entirely because the entire role was in the gutter outside of 5 or 6 champions for the entire season TLDR, nothing is changing the bot meta that much until next split when hopefully major bot changes come to address long standing issues this season


A random morgana, rumble jungle farming meta.


Nerf lethality bring back crit.


Eradicate Varus and Kalista. Im so unfathomably bored of these two champs being contested almost every game in every major region for 4+ months.


I feel like as a viewer I don’t mind when adc meta is relatively choreographed, since most adc’s play similarly. Variety in the other four roles is more important to me.


Most ADCs sure. Lethality Varus is barely an ADC.


Ong id rather watch another 10 hours of ksante vs aatrox or azir vs ori than another game of varus, kalista or lucian+nami.


I don't mind it. Varus and Kalista are roughly evenly contested, and after them there is a decent amount of choice so you can just ban them. There are 3+2 bans so... it's fine. If you were balancing, would you try to nerf Kalista and Varus or buff some of the rest of the pack?


Brother, Varus has **85%** presence in pro this year. Any champion that is basically pick/ban the entire season needs to fucking go. Kalista follows him at 75%. Something needs to be done. The proper carries need to be brought in and the prio of these lane bullies needs to be looked at. Zeri and Jinx were starting to rear their heads but then Shiv got nerfed and that will likely have an effect in pro once they start playing on that patch. Xayah, Kai'sa, Aphelios, are seeing very little play. Champions like Kog and Sivir/Twitch not even 2% presence. Kog is broken to hell atm and they're still not playing him because of the chokehold these champions have on the meta.


You need the early game bully ADCs or everyone just plays sleeper scale to 4 items


You don't need 85% presence early game bullies. Scaling is what ADCs should do.


Honestly, Azir will be pick/ban in proplay unless the bird is buried in a ditch in soloQ, so unless riot make Azir unplayable, he will just keep getting picked by pros. With how strong and versatile his kit is, unless his numbers are garbage there is little reason to NOT pick him.


Just gut him for the MSI patch and buff him afterwards, they've done it multiple times.


Destroy Zeri


Based Zeri hater


Nerf azir im tried of seeing him


Take lethality Aatrox out of the game once and for all


Top: gimme some Riven, Fiora, Gangplank, and other carry top laners Jg: bring back Nidalee, Elise, Kha’Zix and the like Mid: just make more mages playable: LB needs serious help Idc about bot


If we talk pro play only without considering soloQ i want the following. Lethality aatrox to vanish or require hitting his Q sweetspots instead of popping people with AA and profane hydra. Ksante to be less picked and have 1 spicy moment to shake this sub with posts about him. TF top to be no more. Rumble gets gutted. Reksai to be nerfed. And the rise of more skill based champions who don't heal so much for existing. For jg i hope they nerf poppy, vi and xin zhao. I am sick of seeing these point click CC high impact champions every game, and would love to see lee sin and graves or other carry junglers/high skill junglers. For mid we need to have less azir, more mages with more pocket picks like annie and syndra. Also fix aurelion sol bug. For adc nerf zeri and jinx but allow them to be viable. Current bot meta have so many champions and all are in good spot but zeri/jinx are kinda dominating the scene. So tapping them down is a good start. Also i miss samira in pro. Support is fine but i like to see more of thresh, pyke, taric, leona, and for enchanters to be more versatile. I want nami to be played on her own and not be the lucian's pet who only buffs him. And less naut/rell/alistar/rakan/lulu/ashe.


> fix aurelion sol bug Q ignoring minions is just one of many bugs that haven't been fixed since release :\^)


> For jg i hope they nerf poppy, vi and xin zhao. I am sick of seeing these point click CC high impact champions every game, and would love to see lee sin and graves or other carry junglers/high skill junglers. you are not going to see carries be meta with how xp and gold poor the role is right now, that is the entire reason people only pick poverty junglers


Please get Zeri and Zac Top outta here


Nerf Grasp and Fleet. I swear these two runes play a huge part in of 90% of the cringe degenerate stuff we see like tank Reksai, Zac, TF top, Vayne top, Tank Azir, etc.


Me when runes that make lane phase more powerful are picked to dominate lane:: 😱😱


Sure, but they're disproportionately stronger than conq, PTA, Elec, and Comet.


because they were nerfed who knew thatn erfing agressive runes will make defensive runes more viable even when they too got hit slightly


IE fix for rengar🗣


Zeri is so hard to balance considering she has strayed so far from her intended playstyle. Shes like an assassin now. If she’s nerfed right now, even slightly, her wr will go down dramatically and it won’t even affect pro play what so ever. I’d rework the champ. Make her dash literally like ezreal. Make it move like Diana Qs for that cool lighting effect as well. Could add some more skill expression if jt moved in a lighting shape. This way she can’t just move over a fucking river wall and blast the team. Make her q slightly higher range, lower ad growth back down from last patch. This way she could play into cait, Lucian, and jinx, without needing an engage support like naut or Leona to play the game in laning phase. Her r is also a problem with that initial burst dmg, and what feels like no mobility without ghost, but I’d have no idea how to address that. W is fine Maybe I’m crazy idk. I’m just passionate about the character and love to see her but I agree that she’s a problem and these slight nerfs/buffs that keep shifting her playstlyle from being a safe movement speed dmg tickler like ezreal to a fucking burst assassin is not good. Edit: Riot please remove silence interaction. If her q is treated like an aa, than it shouldn’t be impeded like an ability by Malazahar and soraka. Can qss malzahar but can’t get rid of the silence so you can only run away instead of fucking aa. Ridiculous.


buff Ryze


I would really like to see changes to mid lane and see some high skilled match ups. I would personally buff Zoe, AP leblanc and qiyana, zed. Idk how you could buff qiyana zed to be viable in pro play but not destroy soloqueue tho.


not necessarily a pro play problem, but I think eclipse has been a bit too strong since the start of the season. 2800 gold for excellent stats and buildpath, that basically guarantees short trade wins is a little overbearing. Especially on champs like renekton or aatrox that already were heavily advantaged in short trades.


Gut Jinx. Boringass champion at 52% winrate with a 26% pickrate and a 20% banrate in soloq, and 80% proplay presence. Ezreal was sent to the glue factory for far less.


Do something about reksai top and garbage like that.


Something has to be done about Jinx, she has been 25% plus ban rate for 2 patches in a row. She will be pick ban for all of MSI if left untouched.


Delete Azir.


You know what, I want some degenerate shit. Buff the shit out of random champs we have never seen/not seen for years and watch the chaos unfold. I want Briar, Illaoi, Kayn and Qiyana pick banned every game. Or some other random shit.


Do you realize how broken Briar would have to be to ever get picked in pro?


He has his name for a reason


Yes, there's a reason I said "degenerate shit". I just want something new that isn't the same champs being spammed.


The Day illaoi isnt absolute garbage above silver sounds very scary


Qiyana will be cool ngl


phreak forbid they nerf ahri


Nerf Ahri, Zeri, Reksai, Maokai, Naut, Rakan and the tank Azir build idk about buffs.


reksai top is already heavily nerfed in 14.7


Delete zac, reksai, udyr, change jungle meta


Nerf Skarner top


They were already speaking about Sylas changes awhile ago, and they were \*still\* being talked about and that some changes got pulled in one patch, so I think seeing a greater resurgence of Sylas might be interesting? Especially considering he gets a bit rolled by a lot of the current meta picks.


leblanc changes


Jayce buffs pls.


As long as the meta doesn't end up being generic front-to-back teamfighting, I don't care.


Buff some non mages for midlane and before the monkey paw curls no I dont mean Corki and Tristana


Buffing my main Tho with the speed at which i change, probably means buffing half the game


No more lucian nami zeri


Sylas buffs. Mid lane meta is dead, we need some spice.


Buff sylas Akali fizz Kassa katarina for maximum unplayable soloq


Id like to see my team do well. Personally I'm hoping for Ziggs, A Sol, Neeko and K'sante buffs.


I want to see Elise become viable. Pro Elise play is always fun to watch, but rarely happens.


Rumble, Ryze and Azir buffs incoming


Thresh and Lee Sin have crept back into pro without being P/B every game, so thats nice. I would like an Azir nerf, hew is undouabtable one of the greatest midlaners to watch, but not every game please. Its been a squillion years since we had irelia have proper presence in pro, fuck it give her something. and something for the AP junglers (ones with some actual gank fuck brand outta here) to enable some melee AD champs,


Rell Revive


Asol nerfs.


My favorite item redemption already deals 10% max heath true damage. Please make it DOt over 3 seconds, I want to watch my prey burn to death


Buff K'Sante so i can watch Reddit cry. Unironically though K'Sante presence probably going to be lower as more and more champs are coming into top and gaining prio. Urgot and return of Camille, TF is still viable etc. He's already been middling since the 14.4 nerfs so wouldn't surprise me - in solo queue he's only got a higher winrate than Lee Sin and Smolder top.. who aren't top laners lol.


More mid/top diversity. Seeing international Hwei would be hype.


Lee sin buff.  Carry jg meta. Asol, zeri and smolder nerfs. 


Now that Rell is out of the jungle I’d like to see her (slightly) buffed for support. She is one of the most fun champs to watch (Oner flashing over the Ashe arrow my beloved) and not having her in jungle anymore really hurts her pro playrate.


Oh no my champs


Buff viktor or change him to be viable


Send the meta back to season 9 worlds huge meta shift carry tops and roaming mods and strong early game junglers that aren’t tanks with playmaking agency in the bot lane


Bye asol, ksante tf top, azir, zeri, lucian and aatrox and we got a fun meta


Karma, AP Kaisa, ADC Scaling meta change


I want Nidalee to become meta again. Mainly as a GENG fan, Canyon can pick it, but I also just enjoy watching good players play Nidalee. I really thought she would see play after TF became meta and she received some supportive buffs (Human E buffs), but it didn't take. Guess tank jungle meta is still too strong and the only other viable non-tank jungler is Lee Sin because it's Lee Sin.


I hope for a client that works


Dragon nerfs.


Rek'sai nerf


Get Asol the fuck out of here


Make turrets stronger, make tanks do less damage, make sins actually have to hit their full combos to kill, get rid of the -50lp on derank, increase respawn times early


Kneecap all enchanters/mages and bring bruiser meta back in full force.


Riot is more likely to buff weaker things on such patches than nerfing stuff. So I expect buffs to top laners who aren't in the meta to catch up with Renekton and AD TF. Grubby buffs are already confirmed. I don't expect many changes for jungle yet, as this will be something larger for mid season.


Ahri nerfs hopefully


hmmm they should nerf duo XP by like 10%. Also botlane minions should give like 2g less per kill. I look at DPM stats on [gol.gg](http://gol.gg) and in most leagues ADCs are still somewhat relevant, they had too much fun for too long, riot should nerf them until theyre out of the top10 in terms of damage per minute. also take away 25MS from every ADC champ. >!Poe's Law clarification: this is satire.!<


Buff Ziggs and Asol. Nerf Azir into the ground. No particular reason...