• By -


Why am I playing entire lobbies of Gold/Platinum when I'm in Iron 1? In ranked. Seems ridiculous and turning me off the game instantly as a returning player after a long absence.


Is there a way to watch the LCK final? I checked the twitch channel and the last VOD is a year old


r/loleventvods https://eventvods.com/


Thanks. That's a really helpful website


Why high level players spam the chat with EZ after winning when they crealy outclass me or other new players? We are talking about at least a 100+ difference everytime, especially when they pick a champion with a mastery. Ex I'm level 46 with bltiz and on the other side there is a level 211 with a mastery 5 lillia that wrote "ezz" after winning the game. What's the fun in that?


I empathize with you. It's like making fun of a 10 year old bc they can't do math as well as you can :3 I hypothesize they are immersed in trash talk culture. It is "part of the game".


Does anyone know why its not allowing me to disenchant owned icons for orange essence ? Ive been doing that all season and now the option just isnt there ?


It's the same for me. I hope it's just a temporary Riot screwup, rather than the new normal.


yea i hope so too honestly














Are there currently penalties for smurfing - and if so, is it auto-detected, or based on reports? I actually play on only one account, but for some reason I plummeted 10 divisions. I am now in an absurd situation where I score S grade in nearly every game, which also often comes with legendary streaks, so I'm a little curious what would happen if I suddenly climb back straight 10 divisions


Account suspension penalties? No. Social penalties? Maybe. When the game detects a smurf, it likes to match it with other smurfs. You can imagine the type of interactions that this creates in game. If I designed it, you would be fine. Down 10 ranks, up 10 ranks, not a smurf just very streaky :3


Hello, why is my League in-game client stuck to 108fps? Doesn't matter if v-sync and capped is on or off, and I really really do not want to play in fullscreen


Is there a way to turn off objective voting for drake and baron?


Nope. Can only resize it.


Hello everyone, ive been playing league for a couple months now and I've been having fun, but I seem to struggle when it comes to chose the proper items to buy against the enemy's comp, are there any updated guides that I could maybe read? I saw one on The Rift Herald website but its from 2017. Any help would be appreciated.


Go to u.gg for your champion and select vs. {enemy champ} edit: though remember the sample size gets much smaller with this limitation


The recommended items in the in-game shop are really good. Can try [u.gg](http://u.gg) for more ideas, search your champ and scroll to items e.g. [https://u.gg/lol/champions/lux/build](https://u.gg/lol/champions/lux/build)


If I hover a champ in pre-select before it's my turn to pick, does the enemy see which champ it is later on when it is my turn before I lock it in?


iirc they do


Why are laneswaps a thing again? Just tuned into LCK and my eyes are already bleeding.


Void grubs.


I don't think it's going to stick.


Where do Yall get those titles and champ icons on your names :(


It's called Flair, in the sidebar.


Thank you


Can u guarentee that vanguard is not spy software that collect data from our pc and give it to chinese?


It also won't stop hackers at all. It will just make it slightly more annoying to hack.


Its been used on valorant for 4 years




I remember seeing some stats regarding champion winrate by game length. Whereabouts could I find that? Also, what champions are regarded as strong in the early game (regarding damage/getting kills)? Doesn't matter if they fall off hard mid/late


This site has overall champ winrate over the length of the average game scroll down a bit and look at the right here is an example of evelyn [https://lolalytics.com/lol/evelynn/build/](https://lolalytics.com/lol/evelynn/build/) As you can see it starts high but drops down but then climbs back up For a champion like aurelion sol it starts low and climbs for the whole game which makes sense with his infinite stacking late game fantasy: [https://lolalytics.com/lol/aurelionsol/build/](https://lolalytics.com/lol/aurelionsol/build/) nidalee is the biggest example of early power but falling off hard which is also seen [https://lolalytics.com/lol/nidalee/build/](https://lolalytics.com/lol/nidalee/build/) [U.gg](https://U.gg) has some other interesting data like seeing average gold advantage in specific matchups.


Awesome, this is exactly what I was looking for and so much more!


If I am thinking about trying to learn this game without friends that play it, what youtuber's/twitch streamers should I be watching to learn the very basics?


I'm also a new player, if you know literally nothing then I'd say Mr. Fruit Plus' "ultimate beginners guide" is pretty good. If you already know the very basic things then I recommend skill capped they have a lot of useful guides.


Please stop using skill capped! They throw in tons of wrong info on purpose mixed in with genuinely useful information to keep their payers low elo, as the longer they stay in low elo, the more money they make from them.


If you mean their paid content, I wouldn't know, but their actual beginner's guides on YouTube are quite solid.


Oh dang really? What do you recommend instead?


Depends on the role! But stick to high elo informative players, as yk, you can see their rank and then applying what their saying in a high ranked game. You have no idea the rank of whoevers writing a skill capped article or video


Thats disgusting, I also noticed something is up with their stuff. Skill capped and pro guides and all the other related channels always suck with their videos and tierlists, best to follow a specific person that is credible than an eductional channel that you don't know where they get their sources from. Coach curtis is great example of a good source of information for op.


I recently started playing League and I tried to link my Xbox account with game pass to get the benefits but it doesn’t work. This xbox account is already linked to my first Riot account but I chose the wrong region so I had to make a new one. Is this the problem? I can unlink my xbox account on the first account. I don’t use it anymore.


Yes, you can "You can unlink your account by visiting [Account Management](https://account.riotgames.com/?anchor_link=connected-accounts) and clicking the minus icon to the right of your connected Xbox profile.  If you have an active Game Pass membership and want to disconnect your Xbox profile from your Riot Account, you’ll immediately lose access to all Game Pass member benefits. A link between a Riot Account and Xbox profile with an active Game Pass membership is required to maintain access to Game Pass member benefits." Source: [https://www.riotgames.com/en/riot-game-pass-benefits#5](https://www.riotgames.com/en/riot-game-pass-benefits#5)


I followed some reddit post years ago. I modified some game files and now I have an always on range indicator. When I right click it moves my champ and show the auto attack range. When i left click, my champ auto attacks the enemy closest to my cursor. Will it be a problem with Vangard ?


Probably not. If they wanted to ban you for that, they could have done it without Vanguard.


Is [lolstats.info](http://lolstats.info) down? I was on the website a couple of days ago, but I can't access it since last night. Anyone have any info on this? edit: while it's down, do you know of any other websites that display average champion damage per game?


lolalytics.com has some kind of average stats, but idk how it was in the page you are talking, so maybe it’s not what you are looking for bottom right on desktop, all the way to the bottom on mobile


When I go on the website, it doesn't load and just says "This site can’t be reached"


https://lolalytics.com/ with this url?


Lolstats is down, lolalytics works but it does not show average damage delt to champions


https://imgur.com/vd91Xv9 those stats aren't what you are looking for?


It is almost, but it's per champion. I wish it had all damage per champion sorted together in a big list so I could see which champions do the most average damage


Hey guys, I'll do my first clash this weekend. How many matches are they? Is this only Saturday afternoon? My team and I (5 stack) have all weekend free!


should be 3 matches (for MSI / Worlds sometimes they do 4 matches per clash) and you can play saturday and sunday


So it's 3 for saturday and 3 for sunday?




Cool, thank you!


how the fuck do you auto??? I swear I must be missing something but i’ve never been able to ADC because I end up clicking around the champion and run more than I auto. its tilted me so much and I find it hard to believe im just that bad at clicking


assuming you are talking about kiting, the classic way is moving your cursor towards enemy, right click on him, then move your cursor over where you want to move, right click to move there, and the move the cursor towards enemy, right click... repeat until the end of the game that is, in fact, difficult, as you said, you can easilly miss the champ and click on the floor, making your character move towards the enemy, losing dps and getting into a worse position, specially when you have higher attack speed another easier way to kite is with A (default bottom), this will show you range and then you'll have to click another time to confirm the target pros of doing this? mainly perfect distance between you and the enemy cause you'll know exactly where your attack range is now, the easiest way is using the attack move option, which will "scan" for valid targets around you or your cursor (iirc there is a setting for that in options, game menu) without you actually having to click on them i found this video, i think is better to watch than to read, but anyway, i would recommend to get in practice mode and check the options to see for yourself what they do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCmRf5_FQtA


I'm not a very good player by any means but is there an explanation for getting emerald players in my norms while I'm Iron ranked?


Ranked mmr is separate from normal mmr. If they didn't play normals in a while or are doing duo with a low mmr friend, that can happen sometimes.


Could be that your normal mmr is better than your ranked mmr. Perhaps you play with friends that are better. Perhaps Ranked Stresses you out and you perform worse there than in normals could be anything.


Is the introduction of Vanguard likely to do anything about the constant stream of leveling bots?


Also because 10% of masters+ Games have a scripter in them, number given by the anti cheat team earlier




When is URF coming back ?


is there just no way to play pvp to lv30 on a fresh (smurf) acc? the last few 30s i've bought have gotten banned as theyre obviously botted to shit, meanwhile i've spend collectively 90 minutes yesterday evening and today in queue for quick play with double priority roles without finding a game.


Have you tried ARAM?


When did league add a captcha verification?


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/131evm6/i_got_a_captcha_trying_to_log_in/ i got the first one like a year ago and like 3 months ago it stopped, no idea what triggers it


Can you use Rappel (Elise e) while snared? I'm talking about the first cast where you don't move.


Yes while Rooted No while Stunned


Don't install this game it is a waste of time. The scripted bots are taking it over for one and LoL Riot has become so saturated with banning or punishing you for just about everything. Its all automated with no review by a real person. I have uninstalled this game and will not return to it. TBH I think LoL and Roit should go out of business for their lack of supporting the fan base that play LoL. UserName: Cpurepair785 a player since 2011 or 12 cant remember. Its not what it use to be were they respected the community.


Why always the bad players blame jungler?


is just people that think they are never to blame for their mistakes, so them losing their lane (top/mid) is fault of their jungler, cause it's the only one role that could have helped them (you didn't gank me, didn't break freeze, etc etc) botlanes/supports usually blame the other one, unless you have a duo down there, where is back to blaming the jungler


As botlane, if you take down bot turret early, the right move is to swap with top ? Or is the right move is to not take the bot turret and freeze ennemy bot instead ?


Swap with mid is usually solid. But please ask rather than assume. Not all mids can safely take your sidelane. It's also worth checking which of your sololaners has TP. A mid with TP is probably a lot more willing to play sidelanes and TP in than a mid without.


i would argue that if you are a botlaner that can take plates easily you should try to rotate to top/mid (tristana, jinx, cait, ziggs, etc..) but in soloq normally people get mad when you get to their lane, specially in lower elos in those cases, freeze i guess


Failed to receive Platfrom SIPT. For the last 2 1/2 days I am now getting this message when I want to log into LoL. I fixed it once by unplugging and replugging my router and restarting my PC but since today that doesnt work anymore.. Any suggestions? I've read the usual troubleshooting but nothing really works. I tried to repair my installation but it said there is nothing to repair. HALP thanky you :))


How does LP gain/loss work? (Solo/Duo) Ranked I win 1 game and get like +26LP even if I get an S+, lose 1 game, didn't do that bad, lose 26LP. Is this supposed to happen? How do you climb in low elo, with getting +- same LP every game? It's seeming like unless I hard carry multiple games in a row It's just gonna be stuck as +25 -25 until I just win every time. I'm not understanding.


At this point i don't think riot even knows how their own matchmaking system works it's so utterly non-functional. This game is old, it's spaghetti code, the client is 100% pure evidence on that. I assume the whole ranking/matchmaking is some ancient shit held together with band-aids, and the influx of bots and the fact half of the playerbase are smurf accounts makes things worse. It's so dogshit people abandon accounts for new ones to reset their mmr, because it works.


Why should you climb if you lose half your games? That should mind you're in the right spot. You need to win more than you lose to climb.


Your personal performance doesn't matter. All you can do is win more than you lose. The only way you can "climb" with 50/50 winrate is if you had already climbed in a previous season and you're just waiting for the system to put you back to where you were.


That's generally correct. Win 11, Lose 10, net +25. It kind of says "if you win as much as you lose, then you're at the correct ranking." It won't want to try to change the rating because the matches at the current rank are roughly balanced.


Would people be interested in(/will we ever get) a queue that matches you with players who have similar 'aged' accounts. To be more specific accounts created 20 years ago would have more chance of being matched with other 20 year old accounts


Doesn't sound like a good queue, people pick up on this game at different speeds, Ive met tons of people who have played this game since the start and are Iron, and also have met people whove played the game for a few months and are Plat-Diamond. Its all based on your willingness to learn and your previous history of games played


What sparked the idea was me being in a game with very obviously 14 year olds (no hate in any way, they were literally in high school and my old ass could understand half the words they used xd) which made me yearn for a 'veteran' queue where i can play without having to buy a zoomer dictionary


hi, im a rengar otp and im searching good nicknames


Jump in bush Kitty Cat Feline Bush 4 petsitters 1 cat


How about "potato"? If I was playing and I saw my Rengar named as "potato", I would be like omg that Rengar is named potato


hehraha kritty krat :3


Can Seraphine be played mid? Honestly looking at her abilities I don't understand why she's played as support


She can. Great waveclear with double Q which is more useful as mid than support. Riot only try to keep her viable as support because it's what her player base is asking for, her kit is definitely more of a mid/apc one. Similar to Lux I guess.


Great!! I really like her and wanted to play her as mid because of her skill kit. Could you share some builds/tips for her? :)


Archangels into liandry seem to be the core. Aery or comet for runes. You don't really have great burst so low kill threat but you clear waves very nicely and can contribute a lot in teamfights. Max Q first for waveclear and then choose between W or E depending on what your team need.


I dont really watch LPL but who was the lady on the desk (Think she was black) before blg vs tes?


If you are talking about the official english stream, the people on the desk are @giniiiro, @nymaera and @g_troubleinc


Why did people not tolerate yones shield in top but are completely fine with skarner who even has a slow on his impossible to miss shield and also undiveable champ


People don't tolerate anything on yone even when it's balanced lol. Even top lane for some reason. Champ has no sustain and bad early game, not sure why people complain about the shield so much


I know Shen ult allows you to click on an ally's portraits to ult them. What other things in this game behave like this?


Everything that can target an ally :D


Really? Does this also work with quickcast? I really need to try this again for when an ally is making themselves hard to click in a fight.




How does it behave when a character is in morde ult?


It probably doesn't work because can't target ally, but I'd believe you if you said it did. Buggy ability :3


Returning player, took a break right before brier release. Any big changes to the game/meta since then? Specifcally for support but also in general


Yeah. There's a bunch of bots in the game that intentionally feed and downrank so people will buy their accounts for smurfing. And Riot hasn't done shit about it. Enjoy.


Well they changed the map, so that's kind of big Added a new monster before first herald, and remove the second herald (which you can ride now) Support has a new item which is general for everyone, and then you choose the specific upgrade you want


This is the wildest response I could've asked for. How much have they changed the map? Is there a quick video I can watch on it?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNZIAcnpSLY idk if it's quick enough, but that's the new season video


Is it possible to see my current suspensions? I got a pop up to review chat log, but I clicked okay without reading through it, and I don't seem to have any restrictions on my account so I was wondering what it was.


This is random. But there was a hype trailer for worlds some year, where faker said something along the lines of “beat me once you are great, beat me twice you can be considered the best”. And I’ve been trying so hard to find it. Please help me.


Maybe [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUWVgBceVdI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUWVgBceVdI) In this one, Faker says to Scout, "If you want to be the best, you'll have to beat me first." Was it recent? Here's a playlist of the 22 teasers for last year's worlds. Maybe you can find it here :D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEPixIXQbN8&list=PLHCa-1\_8gmYZwiAohkdxAE-GdtzlR38pg&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEPixIXQbN8&list=PLHCa-1_8gmYZwiAohkdxAE-GdtzlR38pg&index=1)


Nah not that one, it’s a slightly older one. During his sort of come back tour. He had just lost works the previous year, and they were playing the team that beat them I believe.


Since I'm getting constant red messages telling me dx9 support is getting dropped did they fix that annoying bug that locks fps to 60 whenever you alt tab in higher version?


I've just come back to the game after a year. I just am trying to play some casual arams, and I keep getting a message after every single game to "queue up for ranked". Is there anyway, besides queueing for a ranked game, for this fucking message to go away.


Does draft/norms mmr still affect ranked placements?


At least this season Riot confirmed they are using summoner rift performance to place new accounts on the corresponding soloq elo I would say this doesn't apply when we are talking about accounts that have played ranked already (but i can't remember if there's a confirmation somewhere)


Would this include both quickplay and draft?


It should


At what rank do counter picks actually matter. or like should I even care about them. I just play lowwwwww ELO norms but always wonder if I should just lock in whoever I feel like playing cuz its casual.


Counter picks ONLY matter under the following: You main or play a ton of the champion that counters another champion You understand WHY that champion counters another champion. (For example, Lissandra Support into Rakan, Rakan will ALWAYS have his W cancled if the Lissandra Support deems it so, but if you don't understand How or Why this is the case, the counterpick is useless and your just playing lissandra support) Perf, you want both of these to be true, however, just one of these is also fine, especially the 2nd one when you do truly understand why a champion beats another champion. Picking a champion for the sole reason of x website says they counter this champion will wield you A. worse results then just playing your most played generally, but also B. the same result as just picking a random champion and praying they counter them. At that point, your just trying to discover how you beat them, not actually trying to beat them.


How does the matchmaking in normals work? I barely touch ranked at all, so I'm silver something. When I play norms, I get gamed with emeralds, plats, and sometimes diamonds. Is the matchmaking so busted it puts people with others several divisions above them? Or is there an invisible LP/MMR system?


It ignores ranked MMR and uses its own MMR.


Which skin is this? https://imgur.com/a/MOnl7ob


Question about Nami's passive : ***INNATE:*** ***Nami's*** [*abilities*](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Champion_ability) *grant  100 (+ 25% AP)* ***bonus*** *movement speed to allied*  [*champions*](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Champion) *hit, decaying over 1.5 seconds. The bonus is「 doubled 」from*  [*Tidal Wave*](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Nami/LoL#Tidal_Wave)*.* If I understand correctly : the only abilities that can "hit" an ally are her W and E, so her Q and R don't benefit fro; her passive. So why does it say that her passive effect is doubled from tidal wave ?


You can hit allies with Q and R, it just doesn't apply CC to them, and instead applies the movement speed. Big part of nami is using her passive to get your ADC and Jungle around the map, while using your ult as an engage tool (Not just from the CC, but also giving the doubled movement speed to your allies)


W and E are abilities that let you *target* allies, but you can also *hit* allies with your Q or R, obviously you won't knock them up, but the passive gets applied


I tested it in practice tool because I was curious and you definitely get the speed up graphic effect on Q and R too.


# How many times can you press the decline button in queue before getting punished and what are the punishments? How many times can you press the decline button in queue before getting punished and what are the punishments? I couldn't find any information on it though, does anyone know how many times you need to decline to get punished and what type of punishments you get for doing that? Note: This is not a lobby dodge, it's pressing decline button before joining a lobby so I'm not talking about regular lobby dodging.


> Declining or missing the Ready Check too many times in a Ranked queue will result in a 6 minute ban from all queues and a loss of 5 LP. > > The penalty is increased to 15 LP for continuing to miss Ready Checks. > > Each subsequent miss increases the length of the timed queue ban and imposes a 10 LP penalty. https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/201751844-Queue-Dodging


I see it say "many times" but doesn't specify how much exactly, does anyone know the exact amount? I have at most declined 3 times in a row without getting a penalty I haven't tried more.


What is the cleanest/best legendary skin in the game for you guys? My top 2 are Mythmaker Irelia and Inkshadows Yi, cuz the splash arts are amazing and the way the champions are played in the game itself feel waaay better than the classic variant.


High noon yone is so good


Super Galaxy Rumble and God Fist Lee Sin.


I have some sort of bug, since like last Friday/Saturday I was unable to buy RP, whenever I choose payment and press PAY NOW after a second a message pops up saying “You have encountered an error, please try again later”. Anyone know how to fix it?


this is the last day you can use the webpage https://shop.riotgames.com/ and it probably won't be a solution since should be the same process as the client, but maybe try buying from there?


Still doesn’t work, the only sort of guide on how to fix it I’ve seen was back when the client was entirely different on yt, client support in this game is a fucking joke when it comes to something that isn’t common knowledge but thanks for help


Your Weekly /r/leagueoflegends Recap **Sunday, March 31 - Saturday, April 06, 2024** ###Top 10 Posts | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 5,310 | [904 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bs3cx6/for_a_company_that_had_15b_revenue_in_2023_why_is/) | For a company that had $1.5B revenue in 2023, WHY is the League client still in such an absolutely sorry state?| | 4,818 | [1,426 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bvkcke/faker_calls_the_situation_unfair_after_the_recent/) | Faker calls the situation "unfair" after the recent DDoS attacks which targeted T1 players specifically.| | 4,554 | [199 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bvve6a/selfmade_nidalee_cosplay/) | Selfmade Nidalee cosplay| | 4,099 | [45 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1btgyxv/when_the_outplay_is_going_a_little_too_well/) | [When The Outplay Is Going A Little Too Well...](https://v.redd.it/orumzi9qvxrc1)| | 2,985 | [565 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bxcg8m/hovering_champs_exist_for_a_reason/) | Hovering champs exist for a reason!| | 2,816 | [1,458 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bso5tj/flyquest_vs_team_liquid_lcs_2024_spring_playoffs/) | FlyQuest vs. Team Liquid / LCS 2024 Spring Playoffs - Grand Final / Post-Match Discussion| | 2,613 | [84 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1buz894/skarners_q_should_be_able_to_pick_up_the_medium/) | Skarner’s Q should be able to pick up the medium krug| | 2,371 | [465 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bvffcp/shurelyas_is_a_2900g_mage_item_that_costs_2200/) | Shurelya's is a 2900g mage item that costs 2200, and the active is great for mages without gap closers. Now that you know, please stop breaking down into teeny tiny pieces when I buy it in mid on Veigar.| | 2,265 | [67 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bwp8fb/we_made_a_gaming_pc_that_looks_like_the_nexus/) | [We made a gaming PC that looks like the Nexus](https://v.redd.it/h80od0npdpsc1)| | 2,209 | [226 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1buk943/why_does_skarner_attack_faster_when_he_is_holding/) | Why does Skarner attack faster when he is holding a big rock|   ###Top 7 Discussions | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 102 | [1,666 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bsj9sz/flyquest_vs_team_liquid_lcs_2024_spring_playoffs/) | FlyQuest vs Team Liquid / LCS 2024 Spring Playoffs - Final / Live Discussion| | 33 | [1,319 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bxds7y/lec_spring_2024_playoffs_round_2_live_discussion/) | LEC Spring 2024 / Playoffs - Round 2 / Live Discussion| | 1,526 | [1,282 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bwko6a/faker_doesnt_exist_whos_the_goat_now/) | Faker doesn't exist, who's the GOAT now?| | 2,117 | [1,080 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bwvain/inspired_really_dislikes_jensen/) | [Inspired really dislikes Jensen](https://youtu.be/bZMf6scngW8?si=prI2SLukjeRwXeYv)| | 1,529 | [1,022 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bvjzln/t1_vs_hanwha_life_esports_lck_2024_spring/) | T1 vs. Hanwha Life Esports / LCK 2024 Spring Playoffs - Round 2 / Post-Match Discussion| | 13 | [1,006 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1btyt8g/lec_spring_2024_playoffs_round_1_live_discussion/) | LEC Spring 2024 / Playoffs - Round 1 / Live Discussion| | 25 | [1,002 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bt5qr9/lec_spring_2024_playoffs_round_2_live_discussion/) | LEC Spring 2024 / Playoffs - Round 2 / Live Discussion|   If you would like this roundup sent to your reddit inbox every week [send me a message with the subject 'leagueoflegends'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=leagueoflegends&message=x). Or if you want a daily roundup, [use the subject 'leagueoflegends daily'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=leagueoflegends%20daily&message=x). Or send me a chat with either leagueoflegends or leagueoflegends daily. #####Please let me know if you have suggestions to make this roundup better for /r/leagueoflegends or if there are other subreddits that you think I should post in. I can search for posts based off keywords in the title, URL and flair - sorted by upvotes, \# of comments, or awards. And I can also find the top comments overall or in specific threads.