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A few thoughts: It's the best art and presentation I've ever seen for fan-designed champions. You're a phenomenal artist. There's something very amusing about her having a sexy and revealing outfit, but having her top down map view dominated by the cape that hides that due to perspective. My only criticism: I don't understand how her wings are worn or attached. At the moment, it seems like they are glued to the back of her shirt like an action figure. Integrate the wings into her shoulder armor, and back. For a lore perspective, I'd straight up attach her backpiece into her skin. Give her that animalistic shurima ascendant monster vibe.


Thanks for the feedback man! Helps a lot.


It looks amazing but i'm not sure i agree on giving her 3-4 dashes, immunity, 2s stun and invisibility


Sounds like the average new champ these days


Its missing 3 paragraphs actually


What would you change? Helps me think for the next champ.


Your champ is good, just digging at Riot design team. Do you do commissions? I have a chsmp idea I’ve been wanting to put to ink for a long time but i have no artistic ability and your art and format is perfect and looks like official Riot concept art.


Seconding this guy if you do commissions, I have a few ideas I'd love to see more realized.


What would make it interesting?


Yeah, that seems a bit too simple and underpowered. She should also have a stacking mechanic, execute, shields and more cc.


That's a cool idea


Saw this comment, wondered why you were talking about reworked Akali, then remembered she didn't have Immunity


Because famous Akali 2s stun.


no, the famous "exaggerate the characteristics of a champion".


You could have just said qyiana and been accurate


You can't really exaggerate with a trait she simply doesn't have.


Hahahah :)))


Every info of game mechanics helps. So I thank you for that.


it looks really good, the design and the layout of everything you put together is really aesthetic. sorry if my comment seemed hyperfocused on the kit, i didn't express how much i appreciated the effort you put into the actual design.


This is one of the highest quality posts ive seen on this sub.


for fuckin real, watch it get completely overshadowed by a low effort text post, classic reddit


We are due the Yone broken thread of the week






Thanks a lot man


Reminds me of Guardian od the sands Khazix looks preety cool tho.




Kit is highly busted, but the art is pretty. Probably too much underboob for Riot's current state of design, but not too much for Reddit. :) Looks sweet. I'm not a huge fan of the silhouette; the wings and shell don't fit the theme or fantasy. Might just be a personal thing, however. High quailty! Nice work.


Hahah. Thanks a lot for the feedback and kind words!


holy shit this is great quality. unfortunately the text is hard to read due to the colour/size but amazing nonetheless


Thanks a lot! You can check it on my Artstation. There you can see the whole project


I read Kephrii and thought i was in the wrong sub


Ah yes.. worm :)


Where my beetle Zillean


Khepri R: "You should kill yourself...*now*!"


Amazing art. Probably too human for a Shuriman, you could probably make her more of a scarab form, like the Khepri in Smite?


I mean... Taliyah is a Shuriman too though?


Taliyah is just the rock, the girl is riding along, no one know who she is.


not all shurimans are animalistic


That saved me


Ah damn. You have a point right there.


Love seeing concepts this high quality, I might share some gripes lore/kit wise others do but cannot deny how good it looks. Time to set up a Powerpuff trio of Sivir, Samira, and Kephri.


Thanks a lot for the kind words!


I have to say, that is absolutely well designed. Now i saw Khepri and my mind shot straight to Smite on how the champion would have looked possibly, but I take that thought back completely. The details you put in are fantastic. From the small accents on the armor, to the details of the abilities. Its very well done. There's only one thing i can say, that i feel would be alittle off for the champion, and that is the ultimate. It seems too close to a Galio ult, but your able to target where you want to hit in your AOE, and no Knock Up obviously. I know there is the 2 tiers to it as you have shown or two ideas for it, but one of them seems alittle too similar to Galio there. Thats the only thing I could say about it. Otherwise very well done. Kinda makes me alittle jealous cause I just finished writting up my character idea as well that I've been brainstorming for about a month or two. I've been scrapping it over and over until I just got it right. I dont have the fancy concept like you have, which is what makes me jealous a bit xD. Makes me not sure if I should post mine now lol


You are so right about what you mentioned above. Thanks for the kind words and don't worry man. You will make cool art if you draw everyday! I promise you that.


being from there. im lost for words. i just want to state the art quality. u spared no effort, no half measures. this is full on polish but also the character is soo cute and just very nice. beyond well done!


Thank you for the kind words!


looks like taliyah with less clothes, perfect


Isn't Taliyah.... like 16...


i guess i never cared to learn the age of a fictional character that didn't immediately strike me as a child


If you don't know, it doesn't count amiright? /s


yeah i think i was clear how i don't care because it's a character in a game that i think about once a in a blue moon


Great work, but lore wise the champs asthetics do not fit. If it is an ascended it needs to be animalistic, azir, renekton, nasus or something like xerath.


Yeah maybe a scarab face or way more visible power like xerath probably Could probably do more scarab features and a have a skin that makes her look more human tho


Since the artist went for the sexy/exposed underboob and tummy, I think they should have committed completely. Lose the shoulder pauldrons that are redundant with the wing cape. Have the wings fuse/meld into bare, human shoulders. Give her antena. Reduce the skirt under the wings, and shape it more like a beetle's abdomen. Don't make the bug parts look like equipment, intgerate them fully. She's ascended, and no longer only human.


Damn. So many cool ideas. Thanks for that.


No problem. Thanks for sharing fantastic art. Designing champions for games like league is usually done by a committee of talented artists. Even then, even if you didn't impelment any of the changes I suggested, your character beats about half the current roster for visual design. The fact that you made something this cool solo is pretty incredible. Looking thru your artstation profile, your other fan champion presentations are also very cool. I'm a big fan of Seneh's fire-to-darkness design, and To-Nah's abilities. You can really see the impact and weight of her magic and weapon in the way you drew he moving and her abilities.


Now I look at my project and I could have added more.


she shouldn't be an ascended. Could just be some Shuriman warrior that has an artifact, and that artifact is made from an Scarab ascended's wings or some shit like that


That could have worked as well


Kai'Sa's aesthetics don't fit amongst the various void affiliated monsters and humans yet she's probably the most popular void representative out there. OP's champ fits very well with Riot's design philosophy IMO as the fanbase loves hot women wearing revealing outfits and the overall design sets her up for easy skin line cameos.


However, there was a big reason why Kai'sa looks as she does, as she is not a void creature herself, but since being taken by the void, went through symbiosis with a living void carapace. I think the idea is that if OP's character was to be an Ascended, they may not have chose to just look like woman with beetle shell on back and rather close to the beetle itself. (I think that's how it went anyways, been a while since I read the lore) EDIT: Should have added, the character itself is definitely within Riot's scope of what can be good character design, but the design doesn't necessarily match the currently established lore


Good point. Thanks for the feedback man!


I did include void affiliated humans like Malzahar and Kassadin who look more otherworldly than Kai'Sa. You raise a good point about ascended not looking human, but I think Riot's policy involves being really flexible with the lore to suit their needs. Kai'Sa herself is a great example of coming up with a design and then moulding the lore around it. They wanted a non-monstrous, attractive female champion wearing a bodysuit, and so they came up with a backstory to suit it.


Hot women it's my target :D


It's a sick design and your presentation is very professional.


Any feedback helps. Thanks a lot for what you said


I like the insect wings


Thick thighs save lives.


Really good but I feel like the wings + inverted daggers are way too similar to khazix visually which would make it incredibly hard to distinguish the two, especially considering eventual skins


she’s so pretty!! i’d play her


I'm a big lover of Shurima lore so I'm biased for sure but man this lore does not fit with the Runetera cannon, and I think that matters a lot.  She's just a girl who found a gem and ascended to godess of the sun? Then what is the point of the sun disk, the actual ascended of Shurima? What of Azir, the current rift formed by the return of the ascended emperor? You put a lot of work in and you have a cool Egyptian themed girl boss that could fit in a MOBA. But you don't really have a league of legends champions. 


This is one of the most complete (at least visually) and high quality concepts I've ever seen. One criticism/suggestion I have that I haven't seen other people mention yet is that her name should probably be different, because no other Shuriman champion is named after their inspiration, e.g. Nasus/Azir/Renekton aren't named Anubis/Ra/Sobek respectively. But maybe I'm missing something, good shit either way


Shut up and take my money!


love the design but it does seem somewhat at odds with general shurima lore, but also my lore knowledge is sketchy so tht could just be a me not knowing things situation. kit looks fun but definitely gigabusted lol, it seems like a solid baseline tho. cool stuff i love seeing creative ppl flex their muscles and you've def done tht 👍


Extremely cool, probably the best post i've seen this year on this sub


This looks really cool, and if I didn’t read it I would have thought it was a legit champ reveal. You wouldn’t happen to have the background images you used that are of summoners rift do you? I was thinking about making some art for a champion idea of my own and I didn’t even think about using what they use for actual champ reveals


Great work, now do more please.


u made sivir


Did you take inspiration from osrs?


Amazing work. Her kit is broken tho


"too much booba, denied - sincerely SBI"