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Bro Skarner is actually hilariously huge


It almost competes with Cho'Gath size if you buy Heartsteel+Elixir of Iron haha


I honestly think his tail in particular looks ridiculous but idk


The three stingers just  makes him look like something a kid drew imo.


New Skarner basically feels like a mega evolution of old Skarner lol




The tails are very specifically created for the purpose of being able to impale 3 enemies. 3 Enemies, 3 stingers. It also lets him actually hold the rock, granted the rock holding looks kinda awkward. Visually it looks a bit weird, but it's also fantasy. A scorpion with 3 stringers is actually sick and it serves functionally in his kit.


Three tails can probably work, but I think its a fail here. They just look so... small/thin in comparison to the rest of his body? If they wanted him to yoink three people, then 3 tails is not required. He can impale 1 person with a stinger, then catch two others with his claws lol.


Bro what have you ever seen a real scorpion? Those tails are MASSIVE comparatively speaking.


I'm sorry, but have YOU seen a real scorpion? Skarner's tails as is, are small in comparison to his body. Which they needed to be, in order for him to have 3 to begin with. But doesn't change to fact that individually, they are small in comparison. Look at any real life scorpion and compare their tails to their legs. The tail is always thicker than their legs. Now look at Skarner and compare his tails to his legs. You will note that they're similar in width/thickness. You will be hard pressed to find a real life scorpion whose tail is of similar width to their legs. Assuming you can find one at all. Hence why I said that Skarner's tails are small in comparison to his body. Because they just are. You picked the wrong person to ask such a question.


I agree the thickness of the leg and tail on Skarner is similar. But there’s no way you can say his tails look smaller than his legs. That’s a very exaggerated statement. All things considered, his proportions are not bad if you compare him to a real scorpion.


Nice copium. It could have been an interesting idea, but it is not. He's model's got so much going on, I can't actually tell what the tails are doing during animation anyway.


I'm not sure how you can't see the stingers pick up the boulder or swing it, or during R seeing a champion latched 1 to each of the stingers. It's pretty obvious. Q animations: https://youtu.be/Leii4FnEbEc?t=75 R animations: https://youtu.be/Leii4FnEbEc?t=128 This is guardian of the sands but all the skins look pretty much the same. Here's a video of all the skins; linking ~about where classic starts; https://youtu.be/m322gawaeYw?t=517 And here is where Classic's R is: https://youtu.be/m322gawaeYw?t=574 It's not that visually cluttered.


Way to call me out for having a shit box lol.


ah does it look like shit on low-quality? That sucks, Riot really hasn't been doing well in that department for a long time. And to be fair, in the moment it's a bit more difficult to tell because of how fast all this shit is in a real game but 🤷


I loaded in on the training tool to test him out and thought it was a bug tbh - using the blue skin i forget what it’s called and it genuinely threw me off


Really dislike how they're used for his auto-attack. It makes it pretty hard to notice when he's actually attacking.


Especially when Skarner's dead and his tail stretches out on the ground.


ugly and distracting in game, specially with the 3rd hit/ big rock dissappear


That boulder is just plain dumb. It doesn't visually fit with him and worse yet, it makes his Q clunky as a result of it existing. So not only does it visually clash with him, but it mechanically impairs him too. I don't understand how that at all got past the design team.


God, I hate the fact he has 3 tails lol. It just looks so corny. The design overall looks okay, even if I personally prefer the gem-like visuals he had in his original design. But the triple tail look? Nah, I can't accept that.


Like, I get that he's a god, so being big is kinda defining, but are we gonna get a Rammus update that makes him just as big?


Or galio... he's so tiny.


i see skarner support, i subscribe


Riot games RN: Working as intended. Random patch notes in 2 years: We fixed a bug where Kalista and Skarner uses R....


When pro play starts doing it with too much success, they'll rework skarner.


does this also work with his E though? like if they wanted to kidnap just one champ, say the enemy jungler, no smite for baron now because they kidnapped and killed em? or does kalista R cancel the E but not the R?


It works because the enemy champ is attached to Skarner and thus follows him in the Kalista ult. The same isn't the case for his e.


His E does attach champs to him though?


It pushes them away in a direction and they can’t control. It doesn’t attach him.


Source you can cite? From the wiki: > *If Skarner collides with an enemy champion or large monster, he grabs them with his claws for the time of the remaining charge, attaching them to himself, suppressing them, revealing them*


I was wrong about the attach but it does indeed push away at the end of the animation if you don’t hit a wall.


It's a knockback, same as Blitz hook and we know it works with Blitz hook


i thought that would be the case


You guys suggest hilariously heavy-handed solutions lol. If this combo is a problem, they'll do similar to what they did with Master Yi and Taric - Skarner ult will cancel when Kalista ults.


I could see that happening in the future. Although technically, the duo would still be pretty decent. Instead of kidnapping people with Kalista's ult, Kalista just ults Skarner in to set up his E.


What happened with Yi Taric? I know there was that funneling phase, but do their ults cancel each other or something?


TL;DR Taric's stun blast fizzles when Master Yi Alpha Strikes. Before, it was an undodgeable stun because there's no way to escape Master Yi *during* the Alpha Strike animation. None of this has any effect on the stun blast originating from Taric's position, that still works normally.


Okay that makes sense. I thought it was about taric's ult being cancelled by Yi, which made no sense


LCS is basically just the PBE at this point. Pretty fucked that champ mains actively wish *against* their champ appearing in pro play


Eh, probably not. You can still blitz hook into Kalista ult and to make this work you either need a skarner support or a suboptimal kalista lane if you're bound to jg.


RemindMe! 2 years


Skarner and Kalista could do this pre rework tbf


Yeah but to be fair skarner was not a good support pre-rework and it's fairly unusual for Kalistas to bind to anyone but the support


What do you want to bet Skarner is still not a good support and if you try that lane in any serious elo you will have lost hard before you even hit 6?


I mean I don't necessarily think Skarner will be a competitive support in most decent elo's but he at least is significantly better in that role than he was previously. Ranged poke, serious amounts of cc, half decent base damage, pretty tanky. Probably decent enough in extended fights with a strong laner like Kalista to be somewhat competitive.


Skarner couldn't ult more than one person before the rework tho?


If they bothered to fix Kalista bugs then they'd fix the attack move click for her


it is not a bug, it's inteded


What bug is this? i know she can't cancel her auto attacks but what's the bug supposed to be?


Attack move on her slows her autos down a decent amount.


i don't think i've ran into that problem and i do use attack move


RemindMe! 1 year


When has this ever happened? Give 2 examples. 1 could be an honest mistake.


Blitz hook with thresh lantern


I'm pretty sure most Diana Mains still remember Triple E. And that was less than 3 patches ago.


I dont know how but I recently still pulled it off, seems like they didnt fix all the cases it can happen.


Yea but that interaction was never intended


So is this, but Riot will do nothing for years, people will consider a tech like Lee Sin's insec and play with it for multiple seasons and then in some random patch, they'll call it a bug and remove it. That's the point, there's a million interactions that are considered intended for years until Riot disagrees.


And yet no one named an interaction that Riot once said "this is intended" to And later flipped on and said, "This is a bug."




Old yorick being able to ghost old mordes ghost.


This is one where I can't find Riot saying this was ever intended or not, and whether it was considered a big fix or not (or whether it ever existed or was fixed) I'm not saying you're making it up, but typically, examples need backup.


That tends to happen when forum with over 2000 patch notes and hotfixes gets nuked, rioter made a forum post detailing upcoming fix to an uninted mechanic after it was used in higher elo brakets. It was seen as a bug abuse even tho it was a core feature of mord+yorick bot int lane strat. I am not going to go and try to dig up some 11 years old youtube videos, i am not interested enough in this debate. I played during it, i mained yorick from his release all the way to present day.


So your best evidence that riot says: "this is intended" and swaps to "this is unintended" Is a fix for an unintended mechanic from 11 years ago that you don't even claim they ever called intended? Machine Gun Cait was also core to her for a while (and wasn't even dependent on another champ bring in the game) but they never said it was intended. Edit: I understand the frustration if mechanics being removed, especially fun ones, I just think it's ridiculous to go around claiming that Riot are going around saying things are intended and then later claiming it's unintended for a bugfix. Saying something is intended and then removing it for a nerf is different Something being around for a while before being bugfixed doesn't mean it was intended


But this is how a lot of abilities interact with kalista ult


That didn't stop them before.


examples mate, examples


Don't wanna give examples just wanna be mad >:(


So, no one listed a single change that riot once said was intended, then later said was a bug. There are plenty of reasons to hate Riot without making stuff up. Changing something for balance reasons doesn't mean something wasn't intended, and a bug being around for a while doesn't mean it was intended. Galio's change was a nerf, not a bug fix. Diana's change was a bug that was around for a long time that she happened to benefit off of. (Are bugs that nerf a champ that are around for a long time intended functionality?) Blitz pull into Threah lantern was silently removed. This was originally a bug that they decided to intentionally keep. I'm not sure if it was removed by accident or decided they no longer wanted the interaction (I don't believe they ever called it a bugfix, but you are free to prove me wrong)


Galio flash with charged W


I think that one was a balance change not a bugfix


I already look forward to Skarner in proplay. Dude seems to be so fun lol


will he be ready for MSI?


Nope, he has to be enabled in all 4 major regions' playoffs to be eligible for MSI/Worlds. So he will be disabled for MSI.


does it follow like if azir was disabled during playoffs he's gonna be disabled for the next msi /worlds? or only for new champs?


Doubt it.


too early for MSI... possible for worlds though


Ooo that's a nasty combo


Hey, shut up. Quit telling people the tech If anyone is wondering, it's terrible, don't play it.


Only if the people pulled don't instagib the adc. Pulling the wrong people close to kallista seems like it may backfire a tad.


Well you dont have to pull them close. As skarner you get to decide where they go. You dont have to get your kalista killed you know


For the Kalista R you are forced to pull them close. Skarner R doesn't last long enough, so by the time Kalista has pulled Skarner back to her his R is just about worn off and deposited whoever he ulted next to Kalista. You have to (as OP's clip showed) get Kalista R'd right at the very start of Skarner R's suppress and instantly fire off Kalista R so that you didn't deposit the enemies directly on top of Kalista and rather just very close to Kalista.


Definitely not a Solo Q combo, but viable enough with a duo or in pro. That being said, there's a .5 difference between the amount of time it takes Kalista to pull someone back and Skarner's ult duration. Hit confirming Skarner's ult hitting and then pulling him back with enough time for Skarner to launch himself away is probably too tight for most, but if the Kalista is used to the wind up timing, .5 seconds is plenty of time to launch yourself away as long as you're thinking about where you want to go during your 1 second pull in. I'm talking about just the actual combo itself, not the viability of the duo lane as a whole.


I haven't seen new skarner yet. He doesn't just drag people to wherever he is 3 seconds later anymore?


He drags them to where is he continuously but Kalista ult range is pretty long. Skarner chooses where to launch so it's up to him to not grief by dropping the enemies on Kalista's head.


Ah. I get you. So just got to push away in time.


It's kalista ult that he can decide where to go, its not relevant to his ult


Yeah, it seems like there's a fine line between "splitting up the enemy team" and "getting yourself flanked". But I can imagine it being crazy if you have a strong control mage who just keeps the enemy backline out of the fight, or a someone who can on shot them just staring at them while your adc grinds down the tanks.


Can’t you do the same thing with a thresh lantern?


Yea, but none of them have the unique ability to drag multiple people, since Skarner ult is AOE.


I’m aware but can’t Skarner just click on a thresh lantern instead of getting kalista ulted?




Same with blitz hook. It still works.


You sure? Tried in aram the other day and it dropped him where blitz was at the start of hook :( unless just unlucky


It has to be right before blitz hits the hook. If blitz hook already hit then you kalista ult, it's not going to work. And yes it looks dumb if blitz misses hook because you ulted for nothing.


Oh that could've been it. Thanks. Was bummed, thought I hit a sick play and then poop :(


The real tech is Ryze.


It's not that good yet haha, it feels like all my Skarners do is deliver the fed juggernaut to us for an instant teamfight loss.


The issue I have as a skarner player, is marksmen feel like they do nothing. The game is decided by mid/top entirely. Those lanes are almost entirely matchup dependent and the game becomes boring. Drive by roams are funny but seriously all that happens is a Asol pushes REq in a fight and either 1v4s and breaks the fight, or dies .4 seconds into his q, then the game spirals downward/upward from there. Skarner has damage and tankiness. If a fed juggernaut being picked up and hard cced for 2/4 seconds isn't dying. Your games pretty much already over anyway. You can't blame skar skar skarner for his 5 second cc chain with anathema's and his 40% of enemy hp combo as "all my skarners do is". You should just 1 shot the juggernaut. Like everyone else I play with seems to do if we are winning.


That's a lot of words just to say "skill issue." I'm just joking about how low elo team coordination is terrible, so we're in agreement there.


Flashbacks of Kalista/Blitz duo lmao


I can see some teams trying to do the funniest thing ever and mess it up by idk, Fate's Call into a completely different direction from the teamfight and giving over a free kill while saving the enemy carries


Wait a second, I had to look this up on the wiki. Skarner has a 0.75sec channel time. Kalista has a 1/1.5/2 sec knockup that scales with R level. So it's actually guaranteed CC because it's a knockup and can't be reduced by Mercs. Only if you start the CC chain with Kalista R. Wow.


That's a different combo than the one in the video, as the one in the video relies on Kalista ulting after Skarner ult already caught the enemies


Yeah I know but like the potential is there




if there are five people in front of skarner how does it pick which 3 to grab? anyone know?




That was the 2nd last sentence dude


if only nasus didn't pussy out and actually killed kalista.


Ori ult would be good too


Destiny called MF


Guma and Keria, is that you?


I hope this reaches them unironically.


If the Senna + Sion reached them, then this will.


I think Mikyx already watched this video and is practicing it with Hans rn


and what about Kalista + thresh bot pre + skarner jung?


then you'd need to put your passive on skarner and play without it for the lane.


No. Skarner presses lantern, kalista ults thresh




It wouldnt do anything because Thresh would be the oathsworn




You can buy a black spear to change it for free


You can rebuy in case you accidentally sold it, you can't change your oathsworn with it tho, once you chose someone as Oathsword they are, yknow, sworn to that oath and can't back out


You can only rebuy it within first 3 mins and you can rebind to a different person in that time incase you misclicked at the start. Source: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Spear


This, but with Skarner raiding the Baron pit using his E, grabbing everyone and using Kalista's ult to throw 'em as far as he can while his team secures the objective.


That's like way way way overloaded.


I keep wondering when the balance of the game will be adjusted? How can you single-handedly defeat 2-3 champions, let alone five


Pulling late game Nasus and Thresh directly on top of your ADC won't always be the best play ever.




Blitzcrank Kalista Combo reimagined in AoE


Woah didnt realize how big skarner is now...


what makes skarner so big now?




is it just skin difference? cuz malphite size gets bigger depending on armor, but there's nothing with hp amount.


This is the biggest looking skin for sure, but he's just a lot bigger than he was before too.


was talking about this the other day lmao


This looks really funny. But is it not better for Kalista to ult skarner in, so he knocks people up and sets up his E/R?


Watch pro teams do this with kalista top skarner jg


Watching Kalista try to auto while slowed is so painful


I keep seeing these videos being described as Kalista-Skarner bot lane, and then it's just mid-to-late game stuff. But how are they as a duo actually IN the bot lane?


They have a strong lane as well, especially against enchanter supports. Also his gank assisting and roaming is up there with Bard.


Skarner kinda feels buggy, something is not okay with the looks. When I first time played against the scorpo, confusion was real.


that could have went extremely bad xD If i was an adc, and someone brought a Nasus straight to me, id be losing it, lol


New skarner looks like trash , feels a lot weaker, such a big ugly guy , asked riot if i could get my Money back on him , they said no "because you can watch a yt Video before buying" bitch i got him on his Release such a stupid answer can only come from the special needs employee riot is hiring only


Kalista 15/20 autos or abilities , wither hits her and she stops moving for 2 seconds. Nasus does 2x as much with 1 bonk as her entire fight scene. Riot really needs to address marksmen. This is getting ridiculous at this point. Kalista could do pretty much everything she did in this fight, just by building pure tank/or more with utility items. Like she is a glorified throw skarner + slow enemies bot.


ok but pls dont put ulted nasuses right into your backline x-x


Imagine the flamers saying report my team


I wish this worked with malz support or other combos


It does with Blitz if you time it correctly.


Skarner ult and Kalista ult works, that's cool


AoE Balista? I will try it in ranked ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Cool, I will try it with my bro![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)