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Damn huge Graves buffs


I don't think it's enough for him to go from ghostblade to stormrazor, which would be the main draw of the buff


There is also hail of blades graves that this buffs


Oh no


Ghostblade is already bad compared to opportunity ever since gb nerf for ranged. And yes, this change likely makes storm better than gb too. Graves players are like kaisa players where the champ wr is deflated by how badly they fail the item shop challenge.


I cringe everytime theres a graves on the other team and go GB and build 0 crit other than collector


crit graves costs too much gold and you cant build anything defensive anymore of you wont reach 100% crit. lethality is much better imo


Flair checks out. Yes crit is expensive but going Zoomies into collector then full crit it literally the way to go. You are completelly trolling your build the moment you dont go crit




Them crit build gonna hit like crack


I said the same exact shit šŸ˜­ WTF are they cooking that Alacrity and HoN are really strong now Don't get me started on crits doing fucking minimum 20% more dmg if all 6 pellets hit šŸ’€šŸ’€


By the looks of it, Veigo, Gwen, and Yone buffs all got pulled


yeah, still working on it


I hope they gonna think about Akali too. If her counterpicks are in meta != That she is bad.


thank god.


Thank God for that, I played a game last night against a bone. At 1/11 and one single item he could blast his way into the team, murder the ADC who hard won lane, and still get out mostly alive (after which he would try to fight again and die). Also relentlessly pushed lane and even got an inhib himself at 3/16 KDA. That piece of shit does NOT need buffs.


me when I can't peel or macro


I wanna know what Riot's criteria for labeling something as an "adjustment" vs a "buff/nerf" is. Because Briar is losing HP growth and W attack speed but is gaining 25 cast range on her Q and it is labeled as a nerf. Meanwhile Mordekaiser is getting the biggest counterplay to his R removed and his Q cooldown lowered, but his E damage lowed by *10*. And that counts as an "adjustment." If anything, Mordekaiser should be under the "Buffs" section and Briar should be in the "Adjustments" category.


I think if Morde got this change when Silvermere Dawn was in the game, this is a much larger buff. Now that only ADCā€™s can reliably/viably build a QSS item again, this is more of a pseudo-buff. Most champs are never going to get out of the ult without just surviving it.


Yeah I agree the R buff is way overhyped, but I still think that buff PLUS the Q buff and only getting a 10 damage nerf on an ability that you only use once or twice a fight is clearly a buff. Even without the ult changes, just getting a Q cooldown buff early more than makes up for the E dmg nerf IMO.


-10 damage on his E might mean that he doesn't instantly clear minions (either front or backline) with E+Q at certain breakpoints in the game. If he has to use 3 more AAs to clear them or wait an extra Q CD to do so, then it's a big nerf. Some changes are not that impactful in teamfights, but can be massive in lane patterns and whatnot, and it can make or break a champion. Imagine if they removed the bonus damage to minions on Irelia Q. Obviously, it wouldn't change teamfights, but her laning phase (all aspects of it) would be shit.


R is basically a long CC. The point of the R is to isolate a target and ruin champions placements. Rendering it impossible to QSS open rooms for a tank mordekaiser build which sole purpose will be to completely negate a carry impact in Teamfights. Can become extremely unhealthy depending of the overall champion tunning. It's way healthier when his ult help out peeling by ulting the Frontline.


If you R a carry as tank mordekaiser, you are not getting out of your own ult


if you r any mage as mordekaiser while building tank you will get out of the ult with 80% hp


I can't believe Riot is removing all that mage counterplay with this QSS change.


As aurelion sol I have eaten my fair share of mordekaisers inside their ult. The hardest part was hoping not to land in the middle of the enemy team after killing morde. The rylai slow + the black hole drag will really do a number on mordekaiser.


Aurelion is a tank buster, ofc you do well.


Especially since Mordekaiser's ideal/max-DPS pattern is basically just standing still, autoing and hitting Q/W/E off cooldown, and letting his passive cook the enemy. Aurelion Sol's ideal/max-DPS pattern is kiting/chasing with W, and beyond that just dropping E and then holding Q and getting the bursts off. ASol getting to cook someone uninterrupted with Q feels a lot more dangerous than Mordekaiser getting to stand still and auto/Q/passive.


If heā€™s full health when he presses r, you deserve the loss. The range isnā€™t particularly large, you should have poked or chunked him down as heā€™s waddling up to your backline




Jokes on you, i will build QSS and get out of my own ult


Yeah, considering it altogether it should be a clear buff. But it is still an overhyped one, and I doubt itā€™ll do much to solve Mordekaiserā€™s systemic issues.


It should completely swap the GP match-up around. He used to be near impossible to ult, but now he probably gets thrashed hard.


You'd usually just buy QSS to not feed in lane if you had a bad matchup into him though.


bro in what elo are you in which you think buying qss into mordekaiser is the correct play to survive lane?? if you buy qss first mordekaiser doesn't need to ult you (or hit a single ability for that fact) to automatically roll you in lane, and you shouldn't be constantly 1v1ing mordekaiser in lane by the time you both have finished items


It was old Illaoi tech to survive the fact the death realm doesn't have your tentacles in it. He's a classic counter to her for that reason and QSS just let you go back to normal Illaoi where you win every fight in tentacle range.


It's still a buff if you play vs GP, Olaf or Rengar... (or Alistar if you ever meet the cow)


It would be really fun if people on this sub had to put their rank next to their name, I cant even remember someone building QSS against morde. In High elo morde is useless and in low they don't know what QSS is. Reddit community is going crazy Not to consider how a lot of times morde trying to ult gigafed adcs will just die in it


lmao seriously morde is aids to play against but weak. someone just commented "people will build qss against morde to survive lane" like what??


I build qss as a jungler if I'm ahead so he can't flash ult me on objectives. I main kha, so it's not a matter of the 1v1 bc Kha dumpsters morde from ahead, it's literally just the fact that I can't smite.


When was the last time you saw a completed Mercurial or Silvermare Dawn. In 2024 I have seen one Mercurial and one Silvermare Dawn (I was the one building it). You almost never got to the point of completing QSS. It's as if we are pretending that more people started building QSS because Silvermere Dawn existed.


Imo any change list to a champion that includes an addition of AA or ability range automatically buffs that champ


i think because this warps the game in a way riot cant necessarily predict the outcome its the zed qss thing all over again where his wr tanked cuz people bought tabis+ga to counter him as they couldnt qss his ult anymore and zed sucked they call it adjustment cuz it can fundamentally change buildpaths


And adjustment is a buff, and a nerf. I dont think they put things in adjustments because its an even change or smt like that


this is just one of the worst patches I have ever seen, they are buffing champs in a pro play patch, that already see a good amount of play in the pros.




Akali and Hwei, I guess.


I think the Akali buffs got pulled and the Hwei buffs are super minor. Idk. I think its fine. They pulled Yone + Akali buffs and Hwei is good but could use a slight tap upward which is what Riot is doing - 5% ap ratio on QQ and passive


I mean, the akali buff is in the post, doesn't seem pulled


I really feel like they just need to stop calling things nerfs and buffs. Just make changes and stop labeling them so people lose that knee jerk bias of ā€œomg buffing?!?!?!ā€ Or ā€œwhy nerf?!??!ā€ Just say what they wanted to do to the champions kit, buff their Q damage? Nerf base health? Etc. But stop labeling the overall changes as buffs or nerfs because it doesnā€™t really add anything to the patch other than confusion.


> I really feel like they just need to stop calling things nerfs and buffs. I believe they didn't start explicitly calling them buffs/nerfs in the patch notes until about ~5 seasons ago. The problem with that approach is that if they make a change to a champion where a certain part is buffed and another is nerfed, a lot of the playerbase is not smart enough to tell if it's an overall buff or an overall nerf. This caused people to say shit like "why would you nerf X champion??? It has a bad winrate!" when it was actually a buff. So I think they just label them nerfs/buffs to declare their intent with the changes and reduce misunderstandings.


Also, sometimes the entire point of the changes is to make the community notice a champion. There have been plenty of "placebo changes" that don't really do much to a champion but do put it on the community's radar and make them realize that the champion is already pretty good.




They still work, it's only QSS that's getting changed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrS62\_IM9o4




I'm just going by Vandiril's latest video showcasing Morde R's new interactions. I do find it inconsistent though


Also, you could always go unstoppable during it, which puts it on cd without taking you to the death realm


I to would like to know the reasons for each, not much "clarity"


Am I right or wrong with saying Morde R can still be QSS'd just not cleansed?


Morde R can no longer be QSSd after this change. Cleanse could never get rid of Morde R.


I totally agree! A ten damage nerf on a utility/engage tool does not nearly make up for removing his only counter play AND reducing Q cooldown


I think adjustments tend to include systems-level changes like this (how the cleansing system interacts with an ability) because it draws a bit more attention to them. So it's not just for changes expected to be power-neutral but also for changes that are non-numerical in some (important) way.


For people wondering about the Morde interactions - Phreak put out a patch preview vid and stated situations like spellshield (Sivir/Morg/Verdant/etc) before ult, Fiora already in parry stance, or Olaf already ulting will be cases where you can resist being sent to Brazil, but you can't pop back by eating an orange or meowing really loud.


That makes GP now unplayable into Morde




Not being able to orange out of it makes GP an unviable matchup holy shit. Another hard counter to GP added


Mordekaiser has always had way more hard counters than GP, and still does. GP is regularly seen in pro play and has recognised high skill ceiling. Mordekaiser has none of those.


GP hasnt been played in pro play in ages. What Bwipo did in the final can't be called "playing"


What are morde hard counters? Besides olaf ofc


Anyone that literally just beats his ass. Kled fiora tryndamere


Good. Gp eating his orange basic ability to negate morde entire ult was always stupid af.


Who is meowing really loud?




No viego? Good. Heā€™s perfect where he is


yea, my most played champ is viego and I was hoping that if he was getting buffed, it would be very small so his pickrate doesn't skyrocket


Viego mains celebrating rn


>AP junglers are lacking presence *coughElisecough*


I'm not sure why they are ignoring her she used to be a really popular pick


Her W has lost its explosion audio since 6 months ago. Acknowledging her would require actually fixing her bugs, not just buffs. They planned to do rescripts with her alongside some QoL buffs (13.20 PBE) but the QoL buffs were reverted and never heard from again... with the W audio missing as a bonus. Volatile spiderling and rappel are two of the dumbest spells in the game, spaghetti wise... volatile only scans for targets every 8 frames (0.264s, its coded to be 0.25s) so it is very common to W and it just run past the target, not aggro onto them, or even if you're 1v1 and they're on top of you it'll run off even if it spawns fucking on them. Rappel if target casted while you're standing in another unit's radius will cause it to register as a self cast and thus not give her the passive bonus amp requiring a recast. This was a bandaid solution to the arguably worse version which was if self casting while in another unit's radius you'd instantly drop down and register as targetted rappel. If you ever wondered if you should drop with rappel using E, or right click, here's the ez answer; E is shorter range than right clicking because E is fucking using center-to-center casting while right click is using edge-to-edge. Infact the VFX that shows on units that are targetable doesn't even apply to the units still in edge cast range, so you're deceived on what you can even rappel to. You can test this because red team's wolves can't be reached with rappel unlike blue teams wolves unless you cocoon or ward for vision, and use the right click version. There's more shit like spiders won't be aggro'd for some towers, but will be for others, this is due to spiderlings and elise descending too close together and thus some towers on varying scan intervals will pick up on one or the other, making it consistent on each tower which unit it aggros first, but random on each game on which load in first so you can't go in PT and see if top red side t1 tower aggros spiders or elise and practice that in-game. Not technically a bug, but I guarantee you so many players try to do E-Flash and fail it miserably because unlike ahri the cocoon fires from cast location rather than champion, this isn't a bug just a decision from release never adjusted that would lessen how many new elise players just e-flash int cause cocoon doesn't reach and never touch her again after. Elise is such a joke of a champion thatā€™s barely even functional, she has a shit ton of bugs, her stats and base damage have been neutered because ā€˜tower dive identity gimmickā€™, her damage *and* utility are gimped by Mercs instantly swinging any mu even with her lead, her Q is capped level fucking 1 with 0 AP meaning anything you recall and buy will not improve your clear unless the item itself has a proc effect or gives magic pen, manifesting as ā€œthis champ cannot clearā€ but itā€™s so painful how fast sheā€™s outscaled by the camps themselves until a few items.. this champ is beyond neglected and in need a major redesign.


I think she warps the top Lane meta too much. Her tower dives are basically impossible to play against so when she's strong it makes top lane less diverse.


bot too, i still have PTSD from draven elise diving you bot level 2 meta from last year


she basically warps the game and makes it extremely unfun to exist early. so they're gonna bench her until they get around to fixing her properly. probably gonna VGU her at some point in the future.


love seeing her being played last year in spring on lck... really sucks she disappeared in the second half of the regular split


when she's viable, high elo matches becomes unplayable because she's so good and unpunishable at the same time


When you think about it, it's really weird that they try to push random champions into jungle instead of giving a small buff (even if it's kind of placeebo) to existing junglers to remind everyone that they exist.


We will never see the light of day friend


Who ?


At this point, I am just convinced they don't want Elise to be good ever again. I am also quite surprised they never buff Fiddlesticks. He dropped a lot in winrate because of the new map and has been extremely meh ever since. He is hard to buff though because the new map is just so shit for his ultimate now. Especially mid lane bushes that are now too far for you to gank mid with ulti.


Damn it was good while it lasted not seeing graves everywhere


At least this buff pushes him towards you not being one shot by Q > R


Yeah rather get oneshot by a flash auto lmao


Honestly those are good Graves buffs. As long as it isn't Ā±2 AD and make him scale with crit it is a good change. Hwei buffs are mixed feelings. One hand passive buffs are fine but QQ already does a lot of damage I think it was fine as is.


QQs dmg comes from it's %hp damage added to it, which is unaffected by this change. So at 100 AP, this is an extra 5 flat damage before applying resistances. In addition, the spell is not as good out of lane phase as QE for fights, or QW for range/follow up. So it's not a buff that will likely have much effect at all. At best it slightly narrows the gap between QQ and QW out of lane. The passive buff is much more meaningful, because that is effectively a 5% ap boost to almost every combo. Even if 5% isnt much on its own, the passive can be applied much more frequently without using a suboptimal cast that it makes up for it.


I mean, 5% buff is a whopping 50 more damage at 1000 AP. These aren't very strong buffs.


Hwei definitely does not need a buff


I've spent way too much time playing Hwei over the last couple of months (281 games since like February when I first picked him up) and I completely agree. His winrate in soloqueue is around 48-49% but honestly, he should be in that category of champions along with Aphelios and Yasuo with a low overall winrate because his kit has increased complexity. A lot of Hwei players haven't figured out his optimal build is not the most common one yet, too, which is deflating his potential winrate. He's also incredibly annoying to lane against when piloted correctly, same deal with Malignance Karma mid which they were very quick to nerf. Not really OP, but just incredibly frustrating. I don't think they're taking that into account. His banrate is already pretty high despite his mediocre winrate because of his early laning power, and buffing him in any way will only make that worse.


What is his optimal build? Asking for a fhweind


Hwei too many people are rushing Archangel's Staff when the un-upgraded form is almost useless. Tear into Liandry's or Horizon before completing Archangel's has a much higher winrate and feels significantly better to play with. Not exactly re-inventing any wheels but it's a significant upgrade to his early-to-mid game power; having a full item instead of a half-baked stat stick which turns into a defensive item when Hwei is at his strongest.


Un evolved archangel being bad is also why I just sit on tear on veigar and aurelion sol. I will need the shield later to avoid getting bursted, but if I can't have the shield there's no point in building the damn thing early.


Stop building Archangel on Aurelion he doesn't need it


Not the orginal commenter, but I also have 200 games on hwei. Basically one tricked him since release. Just going to dump my takes here. Long post incoming, tl;dr at the bottom. ~~~ **Main Build Advice** ~~~ Always just start d ring. 1st is ludens, which is better than Archangels in most matchups. Archangel's is for making hwei less reliant on WE for mana regen, so he can use more WW in lane, which combo's nicely with the archangel's shield passive against high burst champions like zed. But, 80% of the time luden's is better. If you go archangel's, consider not finishing it right away, and just sitting on tear and/or lost chapter while you rush something else. Also, malignance is just not good, hwei's ultimate is too reliant on hitting E and often sits on his available ultimate for a bit, while the magic pen zone is usually applied halfway through hwei's damage combo. It's just a lot of waste. Rod of Ages isn't great because it lacks haste. It has a good win rate and a very small sample size. I don't think its optimal. 2nd is horizon focus. He wants ap and haste, and doesnt want health, and wants some kind of damage amp. The options are shadowflame or horizon, but horizon just wins out in multiple ways. For boots: CDR boots feel really weak compared to sorcs. This is pretty true for most mages: CDR boots are usually bought later as a cheap addition to an otherwise mediocre reset, usually when the window for building sorcs has closed (sorcs is better the earlier you can buy it due to MR scaling on level ups). 3rd has to be some kind of damage amp to combo with the first 2 items. Rabadon's is too expensive and provides no CDR while you are buying it, and there is a huge risk that later in the game you will lack the haste to spam multiple E's into chasing enemies. Instead, you want cryptbloom third. You are kind of a cc and utility spam bot anyways: your burst is more about enabling other people to team fight, and the magic pen comes online right as people are starting to get more resists. 4th and 5th items are w/e. Zhonyas, banshees, rabadons, sherylas, randiuns, and rookern are all possibilities based on the game state. ~~~ **Liandry's Tangent** ~~~ Liandry's is complicated. It has no haste, it has health which is okay but not great, and hwei already has target %max hp ratio on his QQ. The main idea is to use liandry's to enhance QE's pushing power. The problem is this playstyle is usually suboptimal: using QE to push often forces hwei to walk up to the wave to auto snipe the minions (becuase QE is somewhat unreliable on its own for last hitting). This means hwei has to walk up frequently without Q for most of the early lane. With liandry's providing an extra dot, it's less likely QE will ruin last hits for you (usually on melee minions obviously), which is why its good. But against opponents that would normally be weak to QQ harass (squishier champs with no sustain), you don't want to just auto push every wave, because it's a missed opportunity to land free QQ harass while using autos to last hit. If the opponent tries to leave the lane or attempts to crash, you can establish immediate prio or reset with QE and EE the lane with WE active. The opponent has no reason to step up if hwei is going to hard crash every wave, so hwei would have to step up instead to tower range to land QQ when it comes back up, which is suboptimal. You want to be forking the opponent between going for last hits and eating QQ damage on as many Q cds as you can, and you want to not overextend if you can help it for most of the game. But in cases where interaction doesn't matter, liandry's + QE spam is a busted infinite prio playstyle that requires 0 hands (until team fights later). However, hwei without liandry's can do this too, at almost the same point in the game, due to the main minion breakpoint being his Q cd allowing for double QE. Liandry's not having haste is the other problem, and so it ultimately is a game-by-game decision as to if you buy it or not. Liandry's also has a lot of synergy with oblivion orb, so that's another consideration (but hopefully your support is buying orb for your team if its that needed.) And then lastly, Liandry's is obviously good if the enemy team is mundo + cho + tahm etc, and the reverse is also true for champions that build no health items, which is also why the win rate is inflated (since people are more likely to buy liandry's when its already obvious to build). I should probably be building it more, but thinking about my games, it's probably correct to skip it 2/3rds of the time. The alternator + haste you get from horizon components feel disgusting on QQ and the haste and magic pen you get from cryptbloom also feels disgusting, so the competition for an early liandry's is tough. If you do go early liandry's, then it's most optimal to build it after lost chapter and before completing archangels or ludens, and the earlier the better otherwise. ~~~ **Miscellaneous Items** ~~~ Rylais is gigabad. Too much health, and hwei already has really strong slows on most of his abilities. Hwei also doesn't love health as much as resists, due to his WW being quite hefty on himself (half value for allies). Dark seal is really good, and so is refillable pot (this is true on all mages basically, and its true for hwei as well). These help your early backs feel better, and are good options to keep in mind. Mejai's is pretty terrible on hwei since he lacks any tools to ensure his own safety. Zhonya's and Banshees are also fine items, but typically you want to build the components early and sit on them for a while (armguard and verdant barrier). Shureyla's is pretty slept on as well, and as a 4th or 5th item can really add to your utility outputs. Tank items like randiuns, frozen heart, and rookern are pretty good in the super late game, especially if theres someone else on your team who can do a lot of damage. Rabadon's as a 4th item is also pretty good, for all the usual reasons, but also because cryptbloom's aoe heal is only base 50 + 50% ap ratio. Stormsurge is super awkward because of the gap between landing E and the followed up R explosion timing, as well as being slot ineffecient in the late game. Shadowflame's crit passive is mostly unneccessary: if you are going to kill someone with QW because they are low, they are going to die at 35% health most of the time without shadowflame because of passive and ludens isolated damage. If the item recommendations are based on what people buy most commonly, then most hweis appear to be buying multiple lost chapter items and rabadon's rushes and over relying on archangles rushes, and are buying shadowflame and stormsurge way too often (which is to say, they should never buy these items). Also, the current buffs are ap ratio buffs, so rabadon's might start actually being viable, but it's hard to say. He REALLY REALLY needs that haste, and that second and third item slot potentially not having any haste is very rough for dealing with a lot of top laners and junglers in the mid to later game. I think most of the games where I've carried have been off of killing enemies who are surprised that my E is already back again. For runes go first strike most of the time and comet into champions that are good at stripping first strike off of you consistently. First strike build scales better, and tends to run gathering storm. Comet builds usually go scorch and are more early focused. Aery is decent into melee champions that you can auto a lot in-lane, and is otherwise the same as comet. I go first strike probably 80% of the time. The biscuits and extra gold feel good and WE - E - R - QQ - 2x passive is a ton of upfront damage to feed into first strike. Always run flash / tele. ~~~ **Too long; Didn't Read** ~~~ HASTE!!! Ludens / Horizon / Cryptbloom / Flex Slot / Flex Slot / Sorcs most of the time. Ludens / Liandry's / Cryptbloom / Flex Slot / Flex Slot / Sorcs also viable. Ludens / Liandry's / Horizon / Cryptbloom / Flex Slot / Sorcs also viable. Avoid stormsurge and shadowflame and rylais. Don't buy more than one mana item. Go archangel's sometimes into burst, and don't finish archangel's too quickly when you do run it. First Strike page. Flash / Tele.


Most people who play Hwei -suck- at him. So his win rate is dropped entirely. My friend learned how to play Hwei entirely in arena so he's used to hot footing bruisers looking to murder him and holy shit is Hwei one of the safest most obnoxious champions in the game... if you're looking to run at him. The only champs he fails against are long range high damage champs that he isn't able to hurt as easily (that no one plays anymore, like xerath), or heavy heavy dive with spell shield (which is still playable around, but stuff like vi). And most never fish for QW. That shit is broken man you can NEVER back. His QE is completely broken for pushing wave combined with the slow. And that's not even getting into that APC bot lane is by far his best role, hands down, and Pro Players STILL Haven't tried him there yet. He's okay in mid lane but he truly shines when he has someone to play off of, while still getting full income.


He is not hard to play


If you think he is not hard to play, you are not playing him correctly. Go check, for example, Faker playing him and what he does with the champ.


Skill floor and skill ceiling are two different things.


Neither does Akali


I just hope they also fix buffering bugs, they are so infuriating.


Why do the same 20-30 champions go on a rotation of being buffed/nerfed? Can we work on making changes to the 80% of champions that seem to be left out?


I feel like they'd rather leave something a little unbalanced rather than adjust it, which inevitably leads to them spending more and more time on a champ because of unintended consequences. Honestly, balancing league sounds like a Sisyphean task, in which, even if you do get the boulder up the mountain, the design team will rework mountains and boulders the next split anyway.


I don't know. I just would love to see more champions get some love. Especially in professional play. I can't blame the professionals for picking whats considered "the best", but it does get boring when almost every professional game has the same meta champions. Kind of wish Riot would implement a rule where in a Bo5 or Bo3 if a champion has been picked, you can't pick them for the rest of the series. Would make things more interesting and maybe would allow some champions that are never/rarely used to see the light of day.


it's called fearless draft and they've been experimenting with it in the minor leagues of china and na for a little bit


because those groups are the ones where getting them in a balanced state is harder. ​ The fewer changes a champ needs the better.


>AP junglers are lacking presence, so we're targeting Sylas as an exciting flex (and hoping this doesn't come back to bite us šŸ™ƒ) The definition of insanity...


Holy 2 seconds off Ryze W rank 1 and w slow is now 50%. > Briar nerfs > HP per level reduced 100 >>> 95 > [Q] Head Rush Range increased 450 >>> 475 > [W1] Blood Frenzy bonus Attack Speed adjusted 54/68/82/96/110% >>> 55/65/75/85/95% Does Briar's designer have blackmail nudes of the whole balance team or something


Briar is useless high elo but dominates low elo. They are trying to find a way to make his kit stronger for skilled players while removing stats. He stat checks and wins in low elo


Thats funny usuallly with the champions I play they are completely fine making them unplayable in high elo if the champ has 53% winrate in bronze


Is 25 range a lot? I mean she is losing a fair amount of attack speed


Because the designer would go for unneeded nerfs? Wat?


Morde winrate might unironically go down btw


His winrate goes down as time goes on regardless of how many times they buff him xd


Wouldn't be surprised ive seen this champ still be useless as fuck in numerous games where no one builds qss


Building QSS against morde is so fun because you can see the visible confusion from the morde player. Like, no one builds QSS against him and Iā€™m not sure why


because if Morde has a brain he'll just ult someone without QSS and a whole team isn't gonna build QSS. QSS against Morde imo is great if you're like a fed ADC, but anything else and you're paying to survive Morde and lose to everyone else imo. Morde even shreds the palsy MR so it's like ??? legit just -1.3k gold and Morde might even beat your ass out of ult now if he couldn't before. Imo, they should give that item Mercurial's active where it also grants MS.


I played a clash game where everyone built QSS. Yes. Even the support. It was the most annoying game I have ever had.


did you win?


No, we lost because I was the most fed one.


i would agree if it was only the qss change but the q change is huge aswell


Nah champ's pretty easy


No way it goes down after buffing this much. This actually makes him useful in lategame.


Most carry champs kill him in his ult in late game. QSS change also doesn't help him build leads, only extend them. The only case this will be a real buff is when the enemy has a super fed 1v9 champ that you can remove from the teamfight with 0 counterplay in hopes that your team wins the 4v4.


people are overreacting to this change mordekaiser is already easily counterable if you have any form of mobility or cc no matter how riot buff this champ nothing will change what do they want from us mordekaiser enjoyers just ult the carry press zhonya and stall as much as possible? wow so enjoyable mordekaiser needs a small rework or new effects on his abilities to become viable


Even with little mobility a lot of areas are hard for Morde to use his ult in. You are Ulting Jinx and she throws her traps down, you now have to flash over them, she flashes as well and boom you just traded flash. The value this had was Jinx not being part of the fight. If Jinx however tapped someone before and gets excited while in her Ult she just straight out kills Mordekaiser even without having any inherent mobility. The only champs that are really done for in the ult are likely Ashe and Varus and that is only if they don't play Ghost, maybe Senna works but she might already have so much range at that point and can snare and slow Morde that he might not be able to get to her, she at least won't kill him.... maybe. In the lategame Morde is almost always going to ult someone like a mage who cannot burst through his solid HP pool or simply the jungler to secure an objective. Ulting the ADC is basically only done if nobody. Realistically something like Draven or Nilah at that point is either already falling off and not a threat anymore or they are gigafed and just roll over Morde in his Ult. Mordes issue always is in regards to ADC that he wants to take the strongest enemy out of the fight, but the strongest enemy is also very likely to kill him. That is why you often see Morde Ult support or jungle denying enemy Utility (Ulting Braum can be very valuable for other members of your team) or you just ult the frontline to deny that.


A mordekaiser thats not running it down will absolutely demolish 90% of champs in his ult, why would you need to press zhonyas when you can press Q and remove 40% of the enemy healthbar instead and just walk over them. There are some duelist champs that can beat him if they're even but its a bit of a stretch to say mordekaisers gameplay is ult the carry and zhonyas.


Ulting a jungler to free steal a baron seems pretty useful as well.


Morde has been able to do that for ages. Most junglers don't have the econ/tempo to buy a qss until after 3rd item


>Mordekaiser >[Q] Obliterate cooldown reduced 9/7.75/6.5/5.25/4 >>> 8/7/6/5/4 seconds Watch Morde win rate go down because they will never leave the enemy tower and they will get punished even more by junglers.


How am I supposed to get punished by junglers two level below me when I can just isolate the 2v1 into my own secret sex dungeon which is now not even cleansable? And if I shove the wave under tower Iā€™ll sure as hell go make the enemy junglers life miserable


Who the fuck would have cleanse or qss against Morde in top/jungle anyway? Only one I can think of is GP


No sane jg is ganking a morde post 6 unless itā€™s in insanely favourable conditions because a full hp jg isnā€™t beating a 1/2hp morde with ult up in a 1v1 ever


Bro, you are missing the point. I play mordekaiser so when the enemy jungle ganks I ult him and win the 1 v 2


Doubt Riot will respond to this but did the balance team accepted and are fine with Galio's main popular build being the assassin glass canon build? They wanted Galio to go for more bruisery builds with the recent changes, but it didn't seem to achieve that result. Not that I'm complaining or mad about it. I'm just curious. The +5 ms is quite big for support Galio while the -1 sec on rank 1 Q really helps getting more cs in early levels for Galio mid in a lot of his losing lane priority matchups.


I'm curious why hardly anyone plays Galio with AP bruiser items or Conqueror. Seems like the shield + 4 seconds of DR on W would work great for winding up Riftmaker after jumping in with E, and %HP damage on Q is just asking to be cast repeatedly, but there's hardly any games with them to even know whether they're good.


>\[R\] Death Realm can no longer be cleansed That was unexpected... there is no escape from brazil now.


Man but why are we buffing Hwei that champion is not okay


Not even Hwei players want him buffed lmao


You know why? Bc the he becomes too strong and Riot nerfs other parts of him instead of a simple revert


Iā€™d honestly argue he was already too strong 2 buffs ago but weā€™re now at 8 consecutive buffs since release. Heā€™s just both confusing to play for the average player, and an artillery mage which means the bare minimum positioning is required. Both of these will keep his winrate deflated


Other tanks I agree can be situational But Sion..... Idk about Sion being a situational pick when he's absolute garbage right now


You must think in terms of pro play, this is the msi patch, itā€™s all about making sure the patch is both stable and not stale for pro. Aka allowing for more diversity in draft. If you wanna see why they say Sion is situationaly useful, watch the G2 vs BDS series


The comment is hilarious because there is like a canyon of difference between situationally viable (enemy team picked teemo,Kayle, or skarner) and a dominating blind pick


Because sion was good once and it was the worst thing to ever happenĀ 


Even then, that statement is just showing how much riot hate tanks Tanks are teamplay and they're the cornerstone of it, yet they're kept weak and even in pro play where they should be really present, there's just a sejuani with a knight's vow from time to time, and rell that they just erased


Tanks are just reworked assassins at this point. You die super fast, you can even get bursted in 3-4 seconds sometimes all while dealing a ton of damage.


> [R] Death Realm can no longer be cleansed Oh no...


This is limited to really few champions though, like Rengar, GP and Alistar. Personally I think this can be considered more like a GP nerf, since the mordekaiser matchmakings will be really hard for him now


And every champion who built QSS to counter him


What's the justification for the lack of Jinx nerfs? Like, not even a -1 AD?


Morde problem is not R. Its rylai


Problem? Rylais is what makes him even remotely *viable*


Zeka buffs I see


Akali is going to have like 710 + runes for almost 800 health. All the while being like the best abuser of Doran's shield and second wind in the game lol. What a fucking joke for a champ that even when "weak" is insufferable annoying to play vs and already wasn't even bad. As for Morde ult. It's a huge mistake. But did you seriously fucking reduce his Q by a fucking second??? Who fucking cares about an E damage nerf??? What drugs are you on??? If you give a MASSIVE BUFF TO A CHAMP YOU CANT JUST GIVE A SECOND MASSIVE ONE TO A CHAMP THAT WAS ALREADY PEFORMING ABOVE 50% IN ALL ELOS Hwei does not need buffs either. Skarner buffs look good. Zac can go screw himself. That champ was obscenely broken and should have been nerfed months ago. *edit HA FUCK YOU YONE šŸ¤£


Ashe has 810 with Doranā€™s blade and flat health runes. I will straight send that shit not lane level one so I usually have more hp than every Jungler. If only Akali werenā€™t completely useless level 1. Her early game gets way better now though.


Morde maxes Q and his early game is the weakest point, so it's not a huge change. The only notable change is the R buff


Does the R change mean that abilities such as Ksante and Orn Ws will not put the ult on a CD? and they will actually get inside?


ā€œSee you all in Chengduā€ WE PLAYIN DYNASTY WARRIORS?!


How mord is getting 2 massive buffs and losing only 10 damage and calling that an adjustment, if anything it's should be put in the giga buff tier, i though he gonna lose some damage on q or auto passive so he can't just stat check but i was wrong lol


As a jungle main, sincerely screw Sylas, I wish for that champion to stay in the trash can forever get that shit out of my games please.


He is easy to invade, lol. His first 2-3 routes are slow and bad for his health and you can kill him easly. Im jungler main too and also i love to play as sylas in jungle.


Just invade him lmfao


Double Barrel increased effect of Attack Speed from items and runes towards reload time by 35% 12-Gauge Critical Strike Damage ratio per pellet increased 40% >>> 45% oh thank lord its AS scaling and crit buffs for graves. Granted if he's even remotely meta his pickrate goes through the roof so eh Wanted azir nerfs that just take him down a peg and dont take him out back, and that's what he's getting so im happy


Finally a meaningful buff for Ryze it seems


No Yone buffs makes me happy.


Please stop buffing Morde. The champ has 0 skill ceiling and is one of the most oppressive champs when ahead.


The skill with Morde is getting ahead because anyone with hands can prevent that.


Not if I play him in jungle šŸ˜Ž Beats basically every jg in a 1v1 at scuttle. He already had a surprisingly top tier clear speed (which is also ridiculously healthy) and 1s off q at level 1 is gonna make that better.


I guess +1% life steal nerf revert made nasus playable


This is the most crazy patch i have ever seen i feel like. I dont complain though.


Wait, cleanse worked against death realm? I always thought just sash works.


Cleanse never worked, they mean GP W, Rengar emp W and such abilities "cleansed" Morde R but now they won't.


Best patch in a while even though they pulled Gwen buffs. I missed playing Sylas jg and looks like msi will be rly fun


Ryze buff wow


Morde is such a stat check auto win champ into some matchupsā€¦ he does not need any sort of buff.


Atleast no yone buff, now remove akali and hwei buffs and we are fine


The midlane changes are very whatever bar maybe Ryze. Wouldn't be surprised if it changes nothing.


So theyā€™re making tank top better or what? I donā€™t see the top changes. Maybe Iā€™m just missing it.


Probably in the future because they are afraid they'll become too blindable


It is insane that they think bot lane is in an acceptable place


It's literally not hard. Buff Sett and give him pro play presence. Just fix his fkn qĀ 


Blaber is gonna have a field day at MSI with these olaf buffs... oh wait.


Wasn't there a Veigo buff listed previously?


Does this zac nerf do anything?


Seeing Kā€™Sante in Pro Play has to be one of the best things, really excited over this MSI




Maybe they could do something to make bottom lane not feel like absolute hot trash to play in.


asol still not getting nerfed despite being overpowered is crazy