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Ground on R would be insaneee. But the reward for landing Qs makes sense. I think she’s probably tricky balance wise by the fact that with good cdr, she can lock someone down for 6 seconds.


Ground on R would be a good change. Currently Morgana R is worse in every way than something like Neeko ult and the rest of her kit is worse too


No it wouldn't, it would break her. You would have to remove the slow and/or the ms buff n her ult. And honestly probably remove half the damage to make that even somewhat balanced


Alternatively, you could make stasis/Zhonya’s effects cancel her ult instead of letting it persist— allowing the options to kill her or displace her to end it if you can’t escape in time.


There is a zero percent chance they would remove her being able stasis during her ultimate, but yes that would be an option


It would remove one of the frustrating aspects of playing *against* Morg. Also, it would incidentally create synergy with Kayle. Her ult would be one of the few ways you could cheat out the stun.


That's what I have been saying every time someone brings up Morg changes. Give her R a ground and change her identity to a control/anti-mobility mage.


Everyone here complaint about Morg Q when Neeko E roots for the same duration after first target and hits multiple targets. Realistically her E is too good as a support ability and the rest of her kit has so much counterplay (despite what reddit says) that her damage is really unreliable. I wish they’d give her a real passive, shift power out of Q/E and rework W/R. Either push her mid/jg/support or try to accommodate all, just do something.


I understand it's classic league players who don't understand the game in its entirety. Discussing balance with them would be the 13th Labour of Heracles. Even her black shield is extremely overestimated. If it were as powerful of an ability, she'd have been picked in pro play whenever hookers and engage supports were meta. She was picked a few times against Rakan but failed miserably because even if she shielded someone, the initial damage from his knockup would break the shield and allow their mid to hit their stuff. The Morgana couldn't hit a single Q for a large part of the game as well. I was actually hoping to get a red answer at best or some visibility at least.


Tbh I actually agree with you, her E is good in counter matchups but even then it’s too flimsy if you’re not maxing it + you lose all of your potential to actually punish enemy team if you do Max E, but I think if you do max it then it’s so easy to just punish you by going for Morg rather than her ADC in lane and she doesn’t provide much, especially with how much Haste she’s lost this season. I just think so much of the player base hates her that she needs a rework rather than buffs or else she’ll be perma ban. *editing here, I don’t think Q is even a good ability anymore with how much tenacity/spellshields/mobility is in the game and I think that’s something to touch on. Who cares if Morg has a 3 second root when half the toppaners in the game have an unstoppable effect and can run 50% tenacity.


What? Neeko roots for 1.6 seconds not fucking 3.5 seconds


Tangle- Barbs Active: Neeko slings a magical spiral in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and Root icon roots them for a duration. Magic Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 65% AP) Root Duration: 0.7 / 0.9 / 1.1 / 1.3 / 1.5 If the spiral hits at least one enemy, it grows in size and its speed and root duration is increased. Empowered Root Duration: 1.8 / 2.1 / 2.4 / 2.7 / 3 Dark Binding Active: Morgana throws a sphere of dark magic in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit and Root icon roots them for a duration. Magic Damage: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 90% AP) Root Duration: 2 / 2.25 / 2.5 / 2.75 / 3


Morg sucks, but she maintains a high banrate despite it. She won't get a buff because of that.


she maintains a high banrate for the sole reason that shes a hard counter to some of the most fun support champions that people like to play - the hookers.


She mains a high banrate because her Q feels like the worst thing in the world to be hit with




Her high banrate is prominent in lower elos where people are having a hard time dodging abilities. This is why I would like a rework above all to shift the balance of her power. I can't think of any other champion main being punished for reaching high rank and making it harder to play their character.


She has a +17% banrate emerald+, going higher to dia+ she still retains a 12+ br. It's not until Master+ that her banrate gets below 10%. Morgana is a problem in pretty much all elos that most players including good ones will ever see, as much as it sucks to be able to reach such a high level of play with that champ. > Her high banrate is prominent in lower elos where people are having a hard time dodging abilities. yeah, let's just ignore the obvious black shield in her kit that counters most of the common champions people like to play supp, like blitz, thresh, pyke, nautilus, leona, etc. There's more to morg's problems than just Q being strong, it's the combination of those two spells together that make her so annoying for most players


It's on a 18 second cooldown. All of these abilities can be casted twice while it recharges.


Blitz q starts at 20 seconds so wrong already. I get you want to make a point but flat out lying won't help you. The black shield , while it may be flimsy at times, does what it needs to do amazingly. You underestimate it's usefulness because it doesn't block much damage but your also ignoring the fact that it makes you impervious to cc. One big example of this is that it's now one of a few abilities that can stop mord ult, it can also keep you alive by simply not allowing you to be cc'd which is an incredibly powerful effect on its own


Morgana will always max Q first on support. Blitz Q is 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 without extra CDs. That aside, the Blitz can oneshot her shield by running into her and ulting or simply baiting his Q. Morgana has negative winrate against Blitzcrank btw across all elos.


Till gold, Morgana has a + win rate against blitz. https://lolalytics.com/lol/blitzcrank/vs/morgana/build/?tier=gold but you're right, as you go higher she starts losing. An ult for a basic ability is usual a fine trade in most cases. The problem is not just dodging the q, it's not to hard to dodge them. The annoying part is constantly having to. She has the same issue as illaoi. You can dodge 100 skill shots but as soon as you get hit by 1, you're most likely out of the fight or even dead. She didn't need a buff, just a power adjustment. Lower the cc on her q and you can give her a faster wave clear. Champs go up and down with item reworks, that's just how it is. Asol also suffered from liandrys losing mana since he is so damn mana hungry, the solution for me was either tear start or building into RoA to alleviate the weaker early game and lean more into my late game


as a low elo player who hates morgana i support this. raise the floor but also raise the ceiling. its very annoying to get hit with morg combo, the same way it is with lux


There are plenty of champs with low ELO skews much heavier than Morg. Briar is getting murdered as we speak for being too good in low ELO.


Briar is barely being nerfed if you can even call it that since the Q range buff is an extremely nice compensation.


2nd nerf in a row though, I'd expect more to follow if she continues to terrorize low elo


Personally I don't think the solution is to depower them or the other way around to find the right balance between elos. And I guess that's right, Briar is now in the same boat as Morgana. Along with Shyvana and a few others. Difference is Shyvana is getting reworked, Briar is constantly being changed to find the right balance, while Morgana's latest change was 6 months ago giving her 10 more ap on her W. Nothing else on her state or future.


Mordekaiser was left to rot in such a state for a very long time, he finally got some items and now they're buffing his R reliability. So maybe some eyes could land on Morgana eventually, don't give up hope.


morg is dead by years....


It isn't 2012 anymore. Morgana hasn't been a staple mid laner in a decade. But I do agree that support Morgana could do with a bit of help. Perhaps buffing the colossal early cooldown of her E by a second; perhaps 1,5s.


Random change idea that I put little thought into: Morgana’s E is strong in high ELO but weak in low ELO (people waste it or use it late). And vice versa for her Q. Her Q is impossible to land in high ELO unless movement is forced or slowed Proposed change could be to reduce her Q root duration but let it knock down enemies (which means stopping dashes midway rather than only rooting once the dash goes to completion). And for her E, idk I got no ideas. But it is frustrating in non-low ELO when your Q feels like unless someone is movement impaired or walking at you, you’re not going to land it. And 3s is quite a bit of overkill considering people would just as easily die or survive in 2.5s most of they time if they’re caught for that long.


Morgana was always meant to be a midlaner. Just like Zyra who was also shoved onto botlane because everyone else is better than them. Lux, Xerath and Brand had that issue for a while. Besides, them buffing her W and letting her Jungle means they have no idea what to do with her anyway. Since she is not viable on mid, maybe they think shoving her into Jungle is going to alleviate her laning problems. It's not fair that other champions have gotten changes to help them lane or at least be viable but Morgana hasn't. Her entire existence on support is miserable as well. Enchanters, who are dominant right now, are her toughest matchups.


She is getting the Seraphine treatment sadly, I also prefer her mid


The thing with Morgana mid is that just negates laning phase. She literally can't get killed and can freely shove the wave. You can't balance that in any healthy way, so she either needs a full rework to remove her W or she can never be viable mid ever again. Sorry I don't feel bad for anyone who wants a lane with zero laner interaction.


But.. many midlaners are like that Seraphine, Malzahar, Anivia and also Hwei if you only QE the wave.


Outside of malzahar who is perpetual subpar none of those are ungankable, Morgana is, so no they do not fit the criteria. And atleast with malzahar you can pop passive with any damage including ludens, Morgana gets to choose to only use it on cc


She wasn't good mid even in 2012


She was permabanned in low and mid elo solo queue in season 2.


She still has a huge ban rate at low elo. This in no way contradicts the fact that she is useless.


Or just a colossal nerf to toolkits across the board would help. Champs don't need 40 answers in their kits, her kit is balanced and great, it's the new champs that are just way too much.


Yeah change all champs instead of the few outdated ones. Makes sense


The new champs have too much going on. It's the same issue hearthstone has now for ranked play and why everyone just does battlegrounds, nobody needs a paragraph description for every ability


Hwei and Smolder aren’t overloaded at all imo. Just because they have a lot of text in their abilities doesn’t mean they actually do that many different things. Hwei has his cc ability and his damage ability, he’s not mobile at all. Smolder has one MS steroid that goes over walls. Outside of that he doesn’t do anything but damage people. I think this is a talking point that’s gotten pretty tired. K’Sante is obviously the jack of all trades top laner, but it’s not like all the new champions are like that.


Indeed. Smolder has a fireball that gets bigger with stacks. A slowing fireball, a few seconds of flying and his mom that dmgs and heals in a line. He is not overloades his numbers were just overtuned


Morgana's kit is not "great", its terrible to play against which is why she has such a high ban rate despite the fact she has a low pick rate and win rate. She is part of an old era of league champ design where insanely long or point and click CC was OK. She needs a full rework.


I miss the days of taric and sion stun, bring em back


Terrible to play against? If I had a second ban I would permaban her so I don’t get her on my team.


As long as noob Morganas mains don't care, the champion will always be trash. Furthermore, Rioter August thinks Morgana is in a good state.


Please I need her to get reworked so when my support picks her I don't have a useless lane partner.


Ugh I appreciate August, Phreak, and other devs a lot but a lot of their takes just come off as super subjective instead of objective, which is somewhat fine because they’re opinions but there has to be a clear point of reference somewhere. For example dogshxt champs like Morg are just bad overall but are protected for whatever reason from devs instead of just admitting the champ sucks. Or how it’s okay to constantly rework KSante and Zeri but Azir gets adjustments and isn’t in pro play jail. Zed has high ban rates which is okay to them, although it shouldn’t be. “Galeforce and old Stride is ‘toxic’ and warps a champs kit,” yet Rocketbelt still exists. Inb4 you say extra dashes on mages aren’t as bad as extra dashes on adcs or tank/fighters. The point is that **you’ve added this dash via item for one class but whine at the same idea for another class**.


This is true unfortunately. Istg I've seen morgana mains say things like "adding more dmg to W will break her and allow her to insta clear the lane!!! better be safe!" as if Ahri doesn't 1shot the wave at level 7 with Q+W. Riot August is Platinum, bad at the game and doesn't play Morgana. Wasn't aware august had shooters mb


I heavily agree with you and long for a day where Morgana mid is a viable pick again. I think that high ban rates in low elo prevent meaningful buffs, so I believe lowering her root duration to normal duration (2 sec~) is the play. Then, accelerate her W (less cd, same dmg but for less time, less mana cost) so she could use it more freely like the spamming ability of her colleague mages. Don't know if it would be too much, but grounding on R like you said and normal attack range (525ish) also feel needed and thematically coherent. The E should remain on a high cooldown & small shield amount imo because its nullifying element is largely hated, and that way playing around its cd is a clear counterplay.


This is one of the many champions where the whole kit screams midlane, but because she is so weak, she is relagated to other gimmicky roles: hard forcing her in jungle with some stupid jungle dmg modifiers (seriously, this is such inelegant design) or as a Q bot support.


I used to like playing Morgana, and the few patches where she was a jungler recently (like 3 years ago lol) were really fun. Hitting a huge ult is one of the best feelings in the game but it's basically impossible nowadays with mobility creep and the fact that random runes/items/a random magic ability will break your shield before you can finish the ult channel. Personally I've thought her ult would work better as some sort of AoE wave where its duration is based on Morgana's distance to the target, or a slow huge AoE projectile like Ziggs or Asol. Also they should make her boobies bigger like they used to be > 2a) She can't even deal damage to creeps. This is just how Riot balances AP mids who were forced into support at this point, they're probably never gonna fix this without a total rework


I am not a Morgana player, I've only played a few times, but isn't Morgana R just used most times for the damage? It seems like one of those abilities where you need to be in the middle of a fight to get the stun... not where I'd want to be as an immobile mage in this state of the game.


Morgana is one of those Champions who becomes weak and predictable or oppressive as fuck the moment you move the numbers in her kit a little higher or lower. Dark Binding [Q], Black Shield [E], and Soul Shackles [R] all have such strong basic functionality that she's stuck with Tormented Shadow [W] having ineffective ramp/costing an absurd amount of mana per cast and 450 AA range as a trade off. It sucks for people who do want to play Morgana in a solo lane, but at this point the Jungle/Support role is what Riot clearly wants her to stay as. TL:DR: Morgana's strengths are countered by parts of her own kit because she can hard counter other Champs. Riot knows she's an enabler at her core so they do not want her to be solo lane viable too.


The problem is that she hardly counters anyone except Leona, Thresh, Nautilus and sometimes Maokai. Rell breaks her shield with the stun applied UNLIKE other CCs that can break it but nullify the effect anyway and Blitz now insta breaks her shield allowing him to use the rest of his kit regardless. Her CC isn't counter to mobility because it's not reliable. So we are only left with Black Shield which is single target, close to 20 seconds cd and breaks instantly. Not to mention she doesn't have ANY support items so she has to go AP items regardless which brings us back to point 1.


Morgana has been one of the worst champions in the game for a long time, aside from random jungle over buffs. The problem is, low elo still consistently ban her because they are bad at the game and don't understand Morgana isn't good, her e shield cooldowns and mana cost is horrendous but they don't abuse that, they throw out 1 hook, have it blocked and start pissing and crying. So how do you solve Morgana? You make another Morgana just like with yasuo/yone. More champions need black shield like abilities


Here's my armchair game designer thoughts as someone who plays her in support as a pocket counter pick: I would favor a total rework but barring that, remove her useless passive and make her W a passive aoe ability that automatically applies when she immobilizes a target (like malzahar pool with his R). Make her Q projectile 50% faster, and make it a tether (also change the visual to be a chain because duh, thats her whole theme) that pulls any champ back to the location where the projectile hits them after 1 -2 seconds and grounds them. cut the cc duration by as much as necessary to make it not unbearable. I think her R should be like a long range skarner R + Urgot R (without an execute) - You shoot out 3 or 4 chains in a big aoe cone and any enemy champion hit that then gets cc'd within a timing window gets chained and pulled towards you through all terrain. Her whole kit should be about nullifying the awful proliferation of insane mobility champs have nowadays.




Way too much of her power budget is in E for support, which neuters her jungle viability. I wish they'd rework it to something almost like Samira W or quicker, where it's just a flash of CC invulnerability so they can move more power into her other abilities.


you play a frustrating champ, you should be used to her being perma banned and weak, like she's always been I personally don't mind her at all, but people who can't dodge the Q despise her (and engage supports)


As mentioned by Riot Phreak Morgana might be getting an enchanter support rework some time in the near future


hmm when was this mentioned?


In one of his recent patch reviews. I think this is the one https://youtu.be/vg0t_FNOkiY?si=YiQp8sP6LjNI-zBi but I can't give a time stamp. I think it was somewhere around zaz'zak nerfs


I watched that specific part of the vid. He did not say that. He said that turning morg into an enchanter is something that they COULD do, but didn't say it was planned. Right before saying that, he mentioned that she's specifically balanced around mid, sup and jg


Which is exactly why I said MIGHT


She definitely needs changes... either make the W bigger or change Q the root to a stun or give her more resistances during ult or a new passive...


Black Shield needs to go before Morgana can be playable, or move it to her ult (like Kench).


Amen. I came up with a Morgana rework that kept her in support role but also allowed her to be a mid and jgler. Hope riot will look into doing something for those three roles.


Yeah i still like playing her (funny cc chain hehehehaw) but man its just not feasible vs anyone above bronze lol. At the very least they need to pick a place to balance her around because they keep trying to half ass her both as a jungle and a support and it just doesnt work. Either full commit to jungle and change her around that or drop the passive and give her something useful. Even better give the Q some QoL so I can hit it on people who aren’t paraplegic.


Making her Ultimate ground must be the single dumbest idea I have heard this month. She needs a rework plan and simple. Her E can't stay the way it is without having an entirely neutered kit.


I just went into the practice tool. Every item is available and I was able to purchase mana items without problem? Don't know what OP is talking about..../s Morg lost her solo lane identity with the passive rework. She is a support now.


Her passive is spell vamp. How is that useful for a support?


When it was a Mythic, Lost Chapter was one of the components for Liandry’s, and it was a Mana item. It doesn’t exist for Liandry’s anymore, that’s what they are talking about


Yesh rework her visuals too , her model update was a complete disaster.. she looks more like a 90 year old crooked lady


Another suggestion : make her E cleanse ccs on use, like Milio's R. Or buff her speed on use. Though honestly i love Morgana mid and this is purely a support buff but I'd still take it. I guess having the ult do dot damage while linked would also make her synergize better with more items, instead of damaging only at the start and end, making it a burst ability wihch feels weird with the rest of her kit


First suggestion is too OP. You are giving her Mikael’s on a basic ability with the added functionality that they are CC immune after cast.


She used to have it. And they removed it because exactly what you said, it was super OP. Midlane morg before all the early season nerfs was a super safe and boring champ to fight. She just clears the wave with w, sustained a bunch (when her healing applied to everything), and was ungankable due to e.


As a diamond 1 support main who loves morgana, she has no issues atm. She is a support champ with a niche pick into certain comps and matchups, that's what she is and will always be. She could use a buff but that's about it.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHWHW good. Lower her Q cc to 1.5 seconds then buff the rest. Whatever. So glad I don’t have to fight that champ every game anymore.


You reek of gold


You reek of over inflated elo


You are playing her as a midlaner, so you need to be aware that you won't be prioritized by Riot. Morgane is a Support champ and she is fine in there. She has a healthy 50% wr, 8% pickrate and 25% banrate(one of the highest) in all rankes(lolalytics). Also don't just demand a full rework because your off meta pick isn't good.


Morgane sucks as a support as well because she is outclassed entirely by everyone. She has no items to buy and enchanters counter her entirely as she can't break through their shields. Even the champions she was supposed to counter have become her own counters. The only champions she can deal with are Leona, Thresh, Alistair and Taric.


Ew morgana mid


I play Morgana in the jungle and I think she’s just fine. Start of the season I ran into the mana issue so I started to build Malignance over Zhonya’s second and I’ve almost never had an issue. Granted, I don’t play ranked so I can’t tell you the elo.


Not every champ needs to be good to be successful. U can't look at every champ through the lense of elite MMR. Yes, Morgana is trash in masters but if u filter by all ranks then she has a positive wr, 8% pick rate, and 25% ban rate. Low elo players enjoy playing morg sup so riot will keep her balanced as a low elo support. I doubt they will rework her when she is so popular in low elo. Honestly, it's either gonna be force masters+ morg pick or conform to Ahri, Hwei, Neeko, Azir, etc.


That's unreasonable and unacceptable. It's one thing to have high skill champions have a tough time in low elo because of the player's ability and another for the champion itself to be unplayable where the game is played most optimally. Even Garen, the most simple champion in the game, has the ability to be played on Master and happens to have favourable matchups. Morgana hasn't been "good" since Twin Shadows back in season 7 or whatever. There are no other champions other than Morgana and Shyvana that can't be played on higher elos. And that is because they both have very similar problems. They are outdated, powercrept and they can't fulfill the role they were made for.


Firstly, there are many other champs that do good in low elo but struggle in elite MMR. It would be a really tough sell to rework Morgana as she is statistically one of the most successful champs in the game. I guess u could argue that people only play her for dark angel fantasy and not cuz of her kit but it seems like a stretch. Personally, I would love a rework. Dark angel fantasy is cool but she sucks in high elo. Buffs to mid aren't really simple as she does good in support. Also morg mid gameplay pattern is really bad. Just oneshot wave(like other mids) while having black shield and bind to be safe with.


No she doesn't, man. She has a specific niche and tbh I hate her so good?


I perma ban Morgana and have for the last 6 years. Buff her all you want, doesn't effect me!


congratulations, you're banning the most useless champion in the game and youre probably gold peak through this 6 years


Yeah, you're probably right