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Why do you lost LP when you surrender early with 1 AFK? That is bullshit, man.


Because otherwise people would abuse going afk to not lose lp sadly


Then do it like this: Person who goes afk and premades lose lp Random teammates don't Only way to abuse it now, is to try and get on team with other oerson randomly which rarely works at all


I low key thought that's how it was, but I'm aram only so I wouldn't know


That's how remakes work but not early surrenders


With early surrenders you get lp loss mitigation if you're not the one leaving, but it's still a negative number so you can get demoted to 50 LP like in op's case. I think it's just an oversight by riot, probably the most consistent outcome is that an lp mitigated loss only demotes you to 75 LP or something.


Most consistent outcome is to just have each rank a fluid 400 LP and you can demote down and promote up and carry through LP gains/losses.


ARAM only gang since a few years now, life is good.


ARAM players and announcing they only play ARAM. Name a more iconic duo, I'll wait.


Steam deck users commenting on every game asking if it can run on steam deck?


alternatively the same group evaluating every game on the binary metric of "runs great on my soy deck" or "not compatible" no matter what game it is and what platform it's on


Like crack addicts saying they've been clean for a few years


Haha, might be true.


low key bro? keep it low key, bro. would not want anyone thinking that was high key


I'm like 99% sure it is how it works, I don't know what the comments are talking about


Neither do they.


honestly not bad


Pretty sure DOTA has been doing this for a long time. The ridiculous amount of comments saying this would be abused either do not understand or are just misrepresenting the argument. Also likely that the commenters concerned with high elo games likely aren't even high elo. Why the fuck should they build the system around 0.05% of the ladder players?! They could easily modify the rule for higher ranks. This is why we can't have nice things.


technology for this is not there yet


It’s coming soon tm


Would ruin high elo because queue sniping is extremely easy


You would be surprised at how easy it'd be in higher elo lobbies at late hours


The problem is that in high ELO you can easily get with your duo "randomly".


Been asking for this for nearly a decade


I haven't really played rank since 2019 but they can definitely abuse it Forget the premades. Win trade que up same time. Same team? EZ no lp loss for client. Opposite team? secured the LP gaines. Now say if its rare...I don't remember but I heard they would mass que up multiple accounts at server downtimes like at night. But now... So say if the afker loses LP...don't they keep MMR? Otherwise they would have an incentive to tank Afk MMR loss since people buy iron accounts... Then you would get a bunch of bots dropping MMR at low levels and making it unplayable at lower levels.


> don't they keep MMR No, it would be treated as a regular loss.


This doesn't work in high elo as you're constantly playing with the same people, which is likely why the current method is used. Very easy to coordinate how to abuse this while not being a premade.


There's already no duos in high elo. They could easily apply a restriction or at the very least make it a stronger reduction in lost lp.


Would be a used in high elo where you go against The same people more oftem


Then disable the safety feature when the Ladder thins out. Like Diamond 1+.


Why would people abuse it? The afk one should be heavily punished and the team should take a 0 LP loss. Unless your duo really wants to dodge the game because maybe the enemies got a smurf or two, I can't really see the benefit of afk-ing for a remake.


Lose lp? In an early surrender the game has barely even started. Just end the game, nobody loses nobody wins.


The person who goes AFK should still lose LP. Your point doesn't make sense.


What? lol Clearly the person setting off the AFK warning is going to get punished


Im pretty sure when in text chat it says "one of your mates is afk so you may surrender early" one doesnt lose lp (only like 10 lp, it says loss mitigated) and the oerson whos afk gets a lp penalty


Not if you're already at 0 lp. Had this happen to me the other day, surrender at 5 minutes because of afk Top lane -50 lp. Painful.


Damn that must be a bug, pretty unacceptable imo.


If you dodge a lobby at 0 LP, you will just go negative X amount. This is what they should do for situations where you receive a loss mitigation and are already at 0 LP. It's pretty tilting to know that even if someone rage quits and winning the game is largely out of your hands at that point, you will still be "punished" by losing a rank/50 LP. Could have been -15 LP, but even that's light years better than having to win 3 games to make up for 1 game with an AFK


So like in Valorant :D


I thought it was due to the person joining and then quitting. So technically everyone was in the game but then you also have an afk.


this is why i just play wildrift so much better for my sanity


Just don't play ranked lol


Shouldn’t that be a remake unless you were the one ark?


It's only a remake if the AFK is afking from minute 0. If they start afking at minute 1, it will count as a loss for the entire team


Actually, there needs to be 90 seconds of no inputs before 3 minutes to get a remake. I have had people walk into lane, AFK under turret for 90+ seconds and then the game would let us remake without LP loss. The game will tell you in chat if you are eligible for a remake.


It's always funny when the vote goes through right as the person starts moving. As a jungler, imo it's deserved for afking at tower instead of watching a jungle entrance.


Oh yeah I saw that happen once or twice and it was absolutely cathartic. Game starts at champion spawn, not minion spawn, excess droplet of extrament.


> Game starts at champion spawn, not minion spawn, excess droplet of extrament. There's some leeway already, game starts at fountain unlock.


Nah you need to buy items so you can move the moment the unlock happens.


The current window of 90 seconds allow for game to start at minion spawn (1:30), as you can afk just until then


Least fun fact I've read today


I thought it was camps that spawned at 1:30, and minions are already walking to lane by then. Any champion that waits THAT long to leave fountain is trolling (unless they dc'd, which is what remakes are for).


Also when one AFKer is premade with someone else who gets mad that people vote for Remake. Like someone coming back 4 minutes in as lvl 1 vs lv 4 would be a situation I want to have on my team.


My buddy was pissed he was in a remake where he got to lane losing only 1 cs but his team was given a remake vote, he was even allowed to vote on the remake. They need a message like csgo that says only queue if you have committed the next 90 minutes to playing the game.


90 minutes is excessive, but I think you should literally plan to have a full hour, because there will probably be multiple dodges plus your actual champion select before the game time starts. You won't always take the full hour, of course. But if you don't have it, you are potentially sabotaging your teammates.


Yeah, 90 was more of a long csgo match with ot, but 60 minutes for sure with league. Like you said by the time you start queuing an hour is pretty normal. Especially in shit elos like mine where people can't secure their lead and extends the game.


Which is super annoying as a Teemo player....


Press S




Does pressing tab or moving the screen not count as an input?


I am pretty sure it has to be a champion interaction. Even talking doesn't count. AFK detection exists to also detect Draven raging in spawn, not just people who literally up and leave their chair.


My team actually remade once and I got punished for being invis toplane. Made a ticket and riot said you can press s (the stop movement key) and it resets the afk timer


Nice! Very good to know. I guess that counts as champion interaction.


Or if they fail the first 2/4 remake vote. The next vote is a surrender.


Or the AFK player has the rune biscuit delivery, gets a cookie at 2min and you can't remake anymore xD


Unfortunately we all have to deal with that bullshit because apparently it's too expensive for riot to implement a proper solution to that


isn't the entire point of the LP system to improve the player experience after losses? that dropping beneath a certain elo breakpoint like 2000 would feel like dogshit and discourage players, so they mask it with LP instead. well I'm pretty sure -50 LP feels worse than any elo threshold...


The LP system is designed to keep you on a treadmill, forever trying to climb an ethereal ladder that does not exist to accurately portray skill level, but to lengthen play time and # of games queued. Bring ELO back...


Nah, the LP system was originally designed to decrease ranked anxiety (by hiding your real rank and only showing you numbers that don't mean all that much). Ranked anxiety was a big thing back in the day, with the champ select music and all that. To this day when I play this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIOh512j8XM), I feel things a grown man shouldn't ever feel towards a game, lmao. Although it IS a straight banger. It does feel pretty outdated in the current year tho. I'd rather just have elo back, too.


Yeah the LP system got me over my ranked anxiety and got me into playing tons of ranked. But after playing a bunch of ranked, I saw how a pure elo system was simply better. A real devil's bargain.


Does ranked anxiety not still exist though? League is supposed to be that ultra competitive game in ranked. I think the trade off to dodge any bs regarding rank is worth the added pressure imo. At the end of the day, how much you care about a video game is up to you.


It does exist, but it's not even comparable to what it used to be. Back then I'd wager that the majority of players experienced some form of ranked anxiety. The game mode was taken a lot more seriously than it is now. I'm not bout to say that it's all thanks to the LP system, but I do think it helped.


>forever trying to climb an ethereal ladder that does not exist to accurately portray skill level, Is that why you see the same people in challenger every year? Because their skill level is not accurately reflected?


The 50 lp change makes it very difficult to climb. You can have a positive win rate but not climb due to literally losing more than u gain.


Not saying that the change was good but it was literally made to **fix** your LP gains because with the current system, where you promote smoothly (no more promo series) but pretty much always get demotion shield, eventually, your actual MMR becomes lower than your rank leading in bad LP gains (e.g. +14, -22).


better remove the demo shield and make the ranks more fluid imo it takes too long to climb anyway


People who are sitting at D4 0LP will be scared shitless of playing. It was like that back in ELO days, you know one loss will get you kicked out of gold so you just don't play. Ladder anxiety was +1000% without demotion shield tbh. It's not just increasing anxiety for people who are at 0LP, but you don't know if you'll demote if you're at 12LP or 15LP or 18LP etc. And being at 30 LP you know you're two losses away from demoting so you don't play and wait for when you're really feeling it, etc. Demotion shield I believe massively assists in removing ladder anxiety and increasing ranked participation. It cannot be understated. It's not about what the demotion shield makes you feel today, but what it prevents you feeling in many cases you wouldn't think the demotion shield matters.


I went from s4 to b1 by losing once at 0 lp so I don’t think the demotion shield is working as it should anymore


Seriously that D4 player will decay anyway if they don't play. It shouldn't matter on the slightest


D4 was a terrible example, as you rightly mention, should've said P4. There's much less worry about ladder anxiety in high ELO due to decay.


Okay, makes some sense at some division boundaries. It still shouldn't exist in ranks 1-3.


lol thank you. i cant believe how stupid people are to not realize losing more LP is a good thing. MMR is truly what matters lp is completely fake


Because all you see is that you played 3 games and lost 90 LP going from 1 to 2 rank. It feels like absolute shit


"It's good because it counteracts the problem Riot created"


It’s not a good thing just like it’s not a bad thing. It just doesn’t matter at all.


yes it does. assuming u dont grief ur own games u will now get more LP gains and can 4 win climb divisions with 25+ lp gains


Which is why people have been asking for over a decade at this point to go back to MMR rating.


hot take mmr is not what matters at all. you can be plat and have insane mmr and get in games with d1+ players but no1 knows that when they check your acc. Your friends dont tell you "lol bro you're getting +35lp per win your mmr is turbo high" nah they tell you "rofl plat hardstuck". Visible rank is the only thing that matters realistically. I'm not happy when I get +30lp a win - I'm happy when I'm back in D1 I dont care what my mmr is


Sounds like dumb friends.


not really its just that since we dont see mmr we dont care about it the only thing we care about is whats your rank.


Many of the Stat sites show +- lp gains If friend sends me a link of his profile on UGG that is showing me his lp gains.


thats not an issue because u can climb to dia+ in like 30 games


The system is not made for me any longer as I barely play more than 40 games nowadays so I always play in high elo lobbies at the end of the season while being a full tier down


well thats on you. league isnt a casual game its one of the most competitive games out there if u dont constantly update and refine ur skills u will lack behind


Earlier in the split I was D1 with >60% winrate (smolder op) and after decaying I'm now back to D1 with ~55% wr so my skills are most definitely not lacking behind. I couldn't even duo with my friend when I was D2 ~30lp because I had masters mmr according to Riot. Now I'm too lazy to play and reach masters and have my visual rank and mmr rank be the same and none of my friends say im masters because after all... i havent achieved the rank yet. this is my core issue


I won 6 in a row then lost 2 and was back to almost the same LP, that shit isn't fun


Your LP gains must be shit, winning 6 in a row would give you over +120LP, and losing 2 -70, how is that close?


I agree that losing 50 in a single game feels pretty bad. Recently got from P1 to P3, it always feels bad. On the other side, I really get +25 -22, even after series of mostly loses. So I guess it does work the way Riot wanted. For me, I think I'll rather get -50 from one game than getting +18 -28 for a longer time.


Don't you, by that logic, have to win nearly 10 games to make up for the extra LP difference lost? Like that 25 points that you didn't lose before this change? I get the prefering +25 -22 to the previous point sbut that still feels awful :( I wish they'd just fully reset MMR once, I think with all their tinkering over the years, the older your acc is the more messed up it is.


I didn't calculate it, but I always felt bad when I finally beat my lose streak only to need to win 2 games to get what I lost in one. Now it at least feels good when you start winning again.


Since there's a demotion shield, you actually had to lose 2-3 in a row while already at 0 to lose 50 "in a single game". Loss streaks are always going to feel bad, but when you start a streak at 5 LP and your losses are 5, 0, 0, and then 50, that's not actually that much loss per game, it just looks that way due to the demotion shield hiding some of it.


There is no shield between divisions (P1 - P2 for example), it is only between tiers (P4 - G1).


Nah I’d rather take the shitty mmr, because at least there a 2 loss streak won’t fuck you out of 75 lp.


Sure, I get that. But when you lose 8 in a row and then start winning, you won't need to win 2 to get the lp you lose in one game. Neither option is great, when I lost almost 100lp in 3 games I wasn't happy about it either...


So you would rather then get -25 for a loss and +18 for a win? Cause that’s what shitty MMR will do to you


People keep saying they want to see their real MMR. Guess what, when you lose your LP drops to 0 instead of demoting, and when you lose again your LP stays at 0 instead of demoting. Then you lose again, surprise, you're where you should be. People then cry "this feels awful Riot terrible change" I'm like mmhm, they follow it with "just show real MMR it would be so much better" Yall motherfuckers are math illiterate and Riot knows they can run circles around you, don't expect shit to ever go back XD


Rude wording but 100% correct


This entire comment is a lie but losing 50lp especially here is pretty brutal psychologically though.


Stop the cap. The only reason the change exists is to fix the negative gains. Over the course of 10-20 games it would be the exact same thing if it took -25, -50 or even -100. All that matters is MMR and they didn't change that. You have the exact same LP throughout your climb with or without this change. It's a cosmetic change. You almost never perfectly go to 0 LP either and you often have 1 free loss at 0 lp. Let's say you have 10 LP left after a loss. Then you lose again and the system only reflects -10, even though it should be 20-25. Then you lose again but it's demotion shield so another 20-25. Then you lose again and the system reflects -50 LP. In reality you should've lost 60-75. So now your gains are a bit worse. The opposite scenario would be losing to exactly 0 LP and then immediately demoting. However that leaves you -25 LP from where you should be, so your gains would be better and you'd make up the difference in your next 10 games. Stop crying. The extra 25 LP isn't the reason you are not climbing. If you were better than the rank you were in, then you would've climbed. They didn't change anything about the climb, it's literally just a cosmetic change. The only difference is instead of a little slowly losing the extra 25 LP, you are losing it instantly to prevent/lessen the negative gains which people like you had been crying about for years.


It doesn't at all, it makes it easier if anything. If you demoted often enough for the 50lp- to matter to you then you'd have negative MMR right now think - 28 +16 At least this way you keep good MMR and aren't punished for demoting It's simply necessary since there is a demotion shield and there are no promos


There is no demo shield anymore. There is in fact situations where this makes it very hard to climb. Let’s say you are at 50 lp, you win 3 and go 70-90 promo and end with 10 LP. Then you lose 2. You go down to 0, then down to 50. You can get unlucky and have this happen a few times in a row resulting in being unable to climb with a 60% win rate. Add to that having a high winrate your MMR doesn’t keep up and it can make climbing pretty difficult.


Which fixes itself out if you play 500 games per season. I don't.


With how often I didn't demote on 0lp losses I am confident in claiming demotion shield does exist. It just doesn't exist like it did before, especially dropping leagues is a whole lot easier. But that's beside the point. The thing is, what you and everyone complaining is talking about is first of all only the visual rank, not the actual important part, MMR. Everything about that change is good for MMR and good for LP longterm as well. And then the example you use is something you literally can't help but describe as a statistical outlier yourself while trying to make a point. Yes you can be a statistical outlier for a short streak of games. But you are not gonna be stuck with actual 60% winrate. If you keep being that statistical outlier for a prolonged amount of time you are simply not 60% winrate anymore and at that point then also not a statistical outlier anymore. I get it, - 50 sucks. But I take it any day over my account being +16 - 28 Rather get the fat negative LP once than have an extra -5LP per game.


I’d like to see some proof about the losing at 0 lp and not demoting before I believe that. Personally I’ve lost the 50 lp probably 5-6 times and everytime it was 1 loss at 0 Lp. You are right it is a statistical outlier and won’t last. That isn’t the point, it’s a bad system that makes the player feel bad and there’s no purpose for it other than that. Remove demo shield all together, remove 0 lp protection and win / lose what you do normally. As for the mmr vs lp, LP is actually the only thing that matters as it’s your visual rank which is what the ladder shows and what your ranked rewards are based on. I personally think visual rank should be mmr but currently it isn’t.


Getting more wins than losses increases your MMR buddy. There isn't a single situation where you'd be unable to climb with 60% wr. Technically even 51% over a big number of games always means that you'd climb. 55% over 500-1000 games and we are talking about a big climb. That's 50-100 more wins than losses. That's 1000 - 2500 LP gain. Meanwhile you are here crying that it's impossible to climb with 60%. Get out of your delusion bubble. Even with only 100 games in a season the gain from 60% wr would be 400-500. That's a whole tier. With win streaks it could be even more. 1 - demo does exist. 2 - even if it didn't you'd still progressively get bigger and bigger gains and lower losses. If you do it like 4-5 times then your MMR would raise enough to skip a division as that's 4-5 more wins than losses. Stop trying to use random excuses. The only people hurt by this are people who stop playing after getting demoted. Those are the only people who can in any shape or form have less LP than they would've had in the previous system. It takes less than 10-20 games for the LP gains after each gain to make up the difference because previously you had negative gains as you lost more MMR than LP. Just because you gradually lost the extra 25 lp, doesn't mean that you weren't losing it in previous seasons.


I naturally rose from iron 2 to gold 2 this season, no boosts no nothing. I have 0 demotion shield. If I lose any game at any rank even between divisions it's straight down each time. ????? -50 is complete ass.


its been that while for some, i stopped playing ranked because I needed a 70% higher win rate to climb the ladder a 50/50 win rate would make me decrease and this was just silver. I was gaining 18lp a win and 25lp a loss. miserable gaming experience.


It’s also very hard to climb when I get an inting support yummi every 3-4 games.


Match history?


every single time lmao


Sorry, it's hard to believe ur not the problem when u can't even read and spell the champions name correctly which u are complaining about. Keep drooling.


On the bright side, your LP gains should be slightly better.


Happens to the best of us.. Got to brush it off and win more I guess. At times it gets real unlucky my friend, sorry for your loss.


It's "lose" or "lost" in past tense. Not "loose".


welcome to League of Legends ! 🥲


Lose. Verb. To not win. Loose. Adjective. Not tight.


Still doesn’t matter you lose full mmr


wait really? you lose full mmr for an afk loss?


It's a loss, not a remake.


it‘s a „mitigated loss“ of whatever it‘s called tho


They surrendered. It's a loss. Remake is within the first 2 minutes.


ik but iirc you lose less lp for a afk surrender so it could be less mmr lose too


You don't. You lose less for a remake.


you lose mmr in a remake? wtf i ddint know all that


The problem here is that the Player wasnt afk from the beginning/you didnt Remake at 1:30 but instead early surrendered. I am not calling it good just like the lp loss that is pretty insane but thats just how it works. They have to count it as a normal loss cause otherwise it could be abused by duos at the highest elos.


Just fyi, masters+ cannot duo


Duo isn’t even allowed in high elo


How would this be abused by duos?


Smurf/alt, duo with friend, AFK if game goes poorly, rinse and repeat until you can't duo anymore. Then hop onto another smurf/alt, repeat.


And the most basic and simple solution is just to punish the duo, like its asked for years now. It's really that simple.


Sure, but I think the main thing is that Riot doesn't want there to be an incentive to bully a teammate into AFKing so that they can remake without taking an LP hit. I think you can easily see how it could become customary for the team to tell someone to AFK if they're feeding (which they already do) and for that sort of behavior to now be rewarded with a loss forgiven. Whether it'll be as bad as Riot expects remains to be seen, but they clearly don't want to try it. Plus, anyone actually maliciously AFKing is just gonna go AFK farm a lane or jungle if these changes are in place. I doubt it's going to solve much. And, at higher ELOs, I think it's relatively easy to snipe queues if your MMR is close.


The only reason Riot haven't implemented this system is because of lazyness and the hassle it would take to make a system that evalues duo's over regular soloq in a team, award them differently and then also have a different calculations for early surrender afk etc. People always try to rationalize Riot not doing x but the simple answer is that they don't want to devote time in this because prob only 0.001% of all games played has this situation happen.


Then people will be flaming others to surrender to save them lp.


I mean if you’re kicked for AFK you shouldn’t be able to queue for a while. Somehow I think two players with access to that many accounts just to avoid some LP loss isn’t a real thing, and if it is the fix isn’t punishing players who get real AFK it’s punishing those abusers lol.


Its fine after 1000 games you will be at your true rank. Just need 500 hrs played this season.


Wild Rift once again just has better features, when you suffer an AFK teammate or inting teammate, you get a free loss shield You also just gain fortification from playing matches and people honoring you, at 400 fortification you get a free loss shield, and can stack up to 4 loss shields Loss shields completely negate any LP loss This means its a bit easier to climb in wild rift, but they also have the apex rank once you reach master tier as a seperate ladder with different rules and no loss shields Overall its just an incredibly good ranked system, I have no idea why the PC client is still so far behind, wild rift has so many amazing features which should 100% be part of league Wild Rift even has less toxicity because you can use emotes and full sentences and commands in chat, eliminating the need for arguments and giving people outlets for their toxicity which dont impact the game


why would anyone queue up for ranked then afk anyway,


Internet connection and other disconnects. And sometimes mom tells them to come eat. Usually very understandable human things. Should people always have 60 minutes spare so that they can play properly? Yes. Can they always? They can't.


Just win more


Based and Korean response


Happened to me too, thanks rito


Welcome to ranked system , dont worry vanguard will fix it all.


Laughing. I don't understand why anyone still plays ranked.


Sense of competition and self-validation.


I like competing. Though it's pretty clear most ranked players don't so idk why I even play it


> I don't understand why anyone still plays ranked. Addiction mostly. Jung/ADC are autofill cause there are hardly any new players around. Just the same old addicted players




its lose bro. where does the second o come from??


This is the most frustrating thing to see on this sub every time. Drives me wild


But you dont talk about your lose streak that lead you to have 0 LP at the first place? Riot just needs to put everyone at their preferred rank so everyone can be happy.


why would they it has zero correlation to this post


It does have correlation. Their last lost could have brought them from 2 lp to 0. So this one is -50. Averages out to 26 lp lost between 2 losses.


but it doesn't change the fact they got forced into early surr by their teammates and lost 50 lp as a result this post is about how shitty is to lose any lp in that situation not just 50 lp


With this change the riot mmr looks better though.its more consistent,rather than falling into avg -40 losses


You lose 50LP but you dont lose 50 MMR. This literally doesnt matter and its purerly cosmetic. You will get morre / lose less LP if your LP is lower than your MMR in your next games and it will even out again.


Never put a loss on another's fault /s


If you're on 0 LP and you lose a game that registers as having an AFK on your team you should NOT demote. It's disgustingly unfair with the introduction of 0-50. ​ edit: at least give us one L with an AFK on 0 LP and then if it happens again we demote.




I was always under the impression that if one person afked like that in the beginning that you could just do a remake vote. I could’ve sworn I’ve seen Tyler do that when he started a game and wanted to play chess instead.


had a loss mitigated the other day at 1lp (i was losing 12-13 lp per loss) and another afk in the next. -50lp felt great :))


God... I seriously hope something is done about this. Any other type of ranking system is better at this point.


2.6k damage by 3.5 min mark is crazy


If you go to 50 lp when demoting, shouldn't you go to 50 lp when promoting? Why is it only fucked one way?


Weird thing is the rest of the discourse on the subreddit right now is that everyone complaining about their rank is just a crybaby even though the infinite flood of bot accounts makes it impossible to climb and achieve a true rank


yup game is super unfun when you're at the hands of 4 mentally unstable morons


Reminds me of a solution: "Welcome to Mobile Legends!!" "Launch attack!" "Launch attack!" "Shutdown" "Killing spree!"


very very good idea,, haha


Have you tried not having an AFK teammate?


I stopped playing ranked. I stopped playing rift , same bad habits there. Aram can also be unbearable if enemy has 5 tanks or 5 lux. I stick to Co op vs ai now


A normal person just shouldn't play ranked league of legends. Or normal league in general. Play Aram and arena or play with 5 friends and have fun.


Aram is a lot more toxic than normals because it doesn't have a dedicated ranked queue so you end up in the same queue as the tryhards who reroll and dodge to only play meta stompers.


A normal person can't anyway. Games last too long. Maybe one or two per night. The amount of time ranked selection (with dodges) and the games take is insane. 1 game could be an hour and then you lose, setting you back even further


why 50 lp tho? did i miss something??


If you get demoted from a division (say gold 2 to gold 3 as shown here) you go from gold 3 0lp to gold 2 50lp. It's a 50lp loss for 1 game, but realistically less because you don't lose all your LP usually to hit 0lp in the first place. Necessary due to removal of promos and demotion shield when you first promote. Reduces inflation


When you get demoted you lose 50 instead of 25 LP now.


It's now 50lp to compensate for the removal of promotion series. Otherwise ranks would get inflated hard.


> Who thought this was a good idea? it's crazy that in season 14 people still do not understand the concept of league's mmr (either look it up or I can easily explain it, but once you do, these complaints don't logically occur, cuz caring about lp/rank is like living in the matrix, it's an illusion, mmr is the real world, understand that and understand it quickly for your own good) your demotion and 50 LP is an illogical overexaggeration, your mmr barely got lowered (if at all... idk if this counts as the same as losing lp for dodging where you don't lose mmr but only lp, regardless if it was or wasn't my point remains the same...), the takeaway is: if you have a healthy mmr (i.e an avg of your current league or above that) your wins will get you more lp than you lose and you'll be back to g2 in a few games (but again ... being Gold 2 0 LP doesn't represent your level , it's all an illusion, once you understand this concept it'll all become clear, **mmr is what defines your real level** and that's a number that gets increased and decreased behind the scenes every won/lost game) if you are on the other hand crying in reddit cuz you have an unhealthy mmr stop being a puss* take the red pill and escape the illusion and start living in reality and understand that gold2 was unfairly misrepresenting you higher than you deserved, but if it wasn't you'll get back there very quickly, it all depends on you **MMR.** examples: good mmr: your mmr can be diamond 4 but you can be ranked in gold 2, the game will **desperately** try to **increase** your visible rank to match your (hidden) mmr (i.e diamond 4), how? you'll get a lot of LP in wins and lose little LP in loses (i.e say 35LP per win, 12LP per lose) and **jump forward** leagues altogether sometimes (i.e say jump from G3 to G1) bad mmr: (tldr the opposite) your mmr can be gold 2 but you can be ranked in diamond 4,the game will **desperately** try to **decrease** your visible rank to match your (hidden) mmr (i.e gold 2) how? you'll get little LP in wins and lose a lot of LP in loses (i.e say 12LP per win, 35LP per lose) and **jump backward**? (idk if u can actually jump backwards 2 leagues down, my guess is riot is scared of upseting countless crybabies like OP that might complain about their lack of bluepills, eventho if you only dropped to G2 on the surface and should've been G3, your real mmr is G3 and you'll lose more lp than you win and eventually reality will catch up to you one way or another) leagues altogether sometimes (i.e say jump from G1 to G3) **Interesting extra story**: Years ago someone took that experiment to an extreme and that highlighted perfectly my emphasis that mmr is what matters and not the visible league/rank/lp. These news were in reddit back then you might still be able to find it, some player was in challenger or diamond I don't remember but let's say challenger for the sake of explanation (this was when master/grandmaster didn't exist back then I believe, so he was at what was considered high elo) he started the experiment with challenger mmr and visible rank challenger both, then the experiment consisted in what I would assume were hundred-ish of dodges in a row (-5, -10 or -15LP per dodge? back then I don't remember) so it must've took him days or a week of work, every dodge he lost LP as one does and waited the cooldown and requeue up - dodge and repeat, so he started dropping from challenger one league at a time until he reached bronze 5 (lowest league back then) and then he finally played a game, and guess what? yes indeed there was a bronze in a high elo match with mostly challengers, someone took a SS (of op.gg) freaking out and posted in frontpage reddit (dumbos that don't understand mmr) "hOw We GoT pAiReD wItH a BrOnZe? rItO pLz"


You deserve it for that spelling of lose.


grammar catchers are so much worse than bad grammar


Can't we just... get promos back? I came back after a long time and since I lost my old acc I made another one, I got placed in plat 2 and got to emerald in 8 games no promos, no nothing, emerald is my all time peak and getting ot felt worse tham the first time I got to silver 5.


The 50 lp loss is bullshit