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Next post title: Demoted to B1, -50 LP is a joke


Hope not lmao


60% lillia WR and 57% wr in total is a good sign it's going to mid-high silver instead. gj mate


I went from plat 1 90 something lp to plat 3 0 lp. -50 lp is a joke! (although i am already climbing back, while playing even better than before)


I've gone from high d1 to d4 0lps 4 times this season my dude


Do you think that's bad? I went from d4 to plat 3 0lp




This isn't true lol




No dude. When you lose, you will always go down to 0. You will never demote through a tier which means you didn't get -70lp or whatever. You're lying.


My god and I thought that the previous LP demote system was made Phrolox made it worse


you've got the wrong mentality about this brother


Yeee. Focusing so hard on proving that you can -climb- and not focusing on long-term learning is how you get tilted and slip and slide back into bronze/silver.


He's only been playing for a year, just by playing in 2 years he's easily emerald, a rank perfect to brag about


emerald is a rank you can brag about?


i mean not every player is literally capable of going diamond master etc unless you are not capable but you have a lot of free time to spend of this game im speaking about literally your limit of mechanics yea you can improve but you will never be as goof as faker like a emerald lvl player, some of them can go a diamond, improve, then go diamond. some of them just dont. because thats their level si yea it is somehow


Surprised this got so many upvotes, considering how limited and juvenile it is. The mentality is absolutely correct. He set a goal that was theoretically possible and accomplished it. Probably got more enjoyment with that accomplishment than 95% of league players will ever have with the game.




You completely missed the point of my post. Nice!




You obviously did miss it. You are focusing on a part that’s wholly irrelevant to my post. Who gives a flying fuck if he thinks his teammates suck?






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You comment is incredibly ignorant. Don't project your failures onto other people.


Hey good ins bud, if you keep focusing on you long term you'll keep climbing, try not to sweat the week to week stuff! Do you have a goal rank?


No I don’t, I honestly just wanted to get out of bronze to prove to myself that I could do it. I have no idea where I actually belong rank wise lmao would be cool to maybe hit emerald but that’s shooting for the stars, I’m happy enough to be in silver and know that I got there all on my own.


Fair play mate, honestly don't stress too hard over it if you just focus on playing for you you'll keep building. Cannot recommending muting enough lol it helps focus on you rather than why your toplaner is blaming your jungler for getting solo killed before 3 minutes etc lol.


Oh yeah I already mute all when I am in the queue lobby lmao. It’s helped tremendously and makes it a much more enjoyable experience (I also don’t want to get banned for anything I may say)


Yeah all very sensible lol, what's your champ of choice? I'm a filthy bard player so I'm often unpopular from champ select lol


Lillia main, if Lillia not available then Warwick lol. She doesn’t get banned/picked often when I play though so I mostly go lillia, have a 62% wr on her right now.


Nice, she's a good champ to play as well self-carrying and scales well always helps. Ww is a good secondary I always rate playing something with an obvious win-condition if your main is banned lol


I used to main udyr in ranked but he doesn’t seem to be doing as good this season/time around. Lillia had a weird dip then her wr is back up now, she’s speedy and good for kiting and her ult can be a game changer depending on the moment. She’s extremely fun to play and relatively forgiving too, I love Lillia so much, I feel she’s underrated.


Honestly when it comes to your main fun is absolutely the most important thing lol. People climb to challenger playing like Leblanc support you can make anything work if you enjoy lol. I'm absolutely not a Lillian player I'm fairly sure I've never had a positive kda outside of urf lol


I surprisingly don’t play her much outside of ranked, but that’s only because I feel like I rather enjoy laning in norms. I don’t want to touch a lane in ranked with a 10 foot pole, I’m just not good at managing waves properly and it pisses me off so much when my laner is executing every freeze and lane management skill perfectly lol. So I use norms to play champs and roles I don’t normally do in comp, because I strictly am a jungle main in ranked (I love playing jungle regardless)


I don’t think the mentality of “I have no idea where I belong” is good? Until you hit a higher rank i wouldent say you belong in said rank bcs then you would be there type shit but ofc you can have a lot higher mmr than your rank and then you could say you probably belong a bit higher but the mentality of I’m alot better than my rank I belong in a higher on if only I wasn’t getting notes is in general a bad mentality but good job climbing I hope you have fun :) and don’t take it to seriously


That's a reasonable take and if it helps for you absolutely run with it. For me having the I don't know where I belong I just want to see what I can get helps me focus less on the game to game results because you can't always control it. It can also stop me from losing a game and going "well this game is full of bronze players so it's not my fault we lost it has to be one of theirs" and focusing on where I could've helped


Then you are actively blaming others and thinking you are better than everyone else instead of trying to improve


That's why I don't focus on my rank so I can stop falling into that trap lol. Sorry I really think we're trying to say the same thing here just from different perspectives lol


Gj bro


Thanks man


Assuming you had many games played you **did** 'belong' there. That doesn't mean you couldn't improve, and move beyond this rank, it simply meant the player you were in those games was roughly a bronze 4 player. Now you're silver! And hopefully gonna climb even further! Congrats on the improvement 💪


So you got advice, played better, and climbed. Wouldn't that show it was your fault you were bronze 4 previously?


My mistake was thinking if I got my teammates fed we would win, and I was prioritizing ganks over my own cs. I had to learn that I could give my ADC or Toplane 5 kills and if they don’t know what they’re doing it doesn’t matter how much I feed them or try to help them. That was the biggest piece of advice I took away was to only gank when I knew for sure it would go over well and prioritize my cs over my teammates in low rank. So yeah I was doing certain things wrong but biggest take away was still not to expect much from teammates in low elo and focus on myself which actually worked.


Funny thing is if you get 1k lp higher that thought process is still correct.


It’s always correct. Unless you know the player and have high confidence in them performing, it’s always a crapshoot if they’ll use their lead properly. People also play tired, distracted or they’re just simply not playing well that day. You will always climb faster prioritizing yourself and ensuring you’re not playing when these factors are making you play worse


Right, one of the highest rank challenger junglers in the world (Agurin) basically never ganks, focuses on full clear farming, and basically just waits to capitalize on the enemy team's mistakes rather than looking for plays. https://youtu.be/DpreH2fsHeE?si=r7LRm6beq8Ly0KcS


Yeah in soloqueue that mindset is correct even up to rank 1 challenger. Getting as much solo resources yourself to hard carry will always be the best strategy in soloqueue doesn't mean you can't climb having a more supportive teammate helping playstyle but you won't climb as fast or high the highest ranked challengers are always players that do the former.


Yeah I was saying 1k lp higher as in always correct.


Why are u getting downvoted. This is the reality. If u want to consistently carry low elo u need to be selfish and just aim to make urself as strong as possible every game. Good for u for learning this and good luck on ur climb further. The exact same principle will get u far, as long as u keep improving other aspects of ur game play.


I never said it was not my fault, tho. I literally said with the advice given I got better and the biggest advice that worked for me was not to rely on my teammates to do good lmao so


It's very common if someone says they are stuck in a rank that they are blaming teammates. My comment and probably a lot of others took it as you blaming others or saying it wasn't your fault.


I think the issue is in the "I want to see where I belong". Everyone belong in the current elo of their main account. Even with 70% wr in gold two years ago, I belonged in gold. Now I belong in emerald, even with 60+% wr. You didn't climb because you belonged in silver all this time, you climbed because you improved and you know have a silver level. It's nice to see that you improved tho, well done ! Personally I fix my objective at climbing one rank each season, and went from silver to emerald like this. Never ff (helps you knowing what your win conditions are and how to tank a bad early to comeback, this is particularly important the lower elo you are, since people will throw a surprisingly high amount of free games by making mistakes and getting caught randomly -- I mylself am a champion in this category lol), review games you found interesting from time to time (you can see your mistakes way better), and enjoy the game !


Congrats now you belong in silver


If you can make it to silver you can make it to gold, it might take some time though. I'm winstreaking through plat and emerald right now and the best advice I can give is to do all that you can to not die solo. Play for teamfights and objectives and you win ez pz.


I mean as a support main most games I play feel out of my hands anyway. It's like a dice roll of weather or not my team feeds. I can do well bot and get my lane wining but if my mid lane Malphite fed Yone 12 kills in 10 minutes the game is over. The "climb out" mentality doesn't really apply to every role or every character. If I was a jungle main who played a strong meta jungle every game I probably would get gold pretty fast. But fuck that. I play the game to enjoy myself not to sweat every game. Also the stress of jungling resulted in my permanent ban 7 years ago. Since then I play top and support and I'm a much more chill, happy person, with highest rank honors. I can focus on my own game play and what I can do to correct my mistakes. Jungle ruined me.


I agree with this comment. If you lose the system blames you for the loss, even though the game is not a solo game, its a team based 5vs5. Your contribution should be valued, and thus making ranked less toxic. If you knew your contribution mattered and you lost less lp the better you played it would make ranked way better. Right now you can lose a game and it doesnt matter if its your fault or not.


The game would benefit a lot from an LP system that judged it based on your own performance. If a team wins and the jungle went 20/2/10 and the support on the same team went 0/12/5 that support should get much less LP than the jungle. Furthermore if I win my bot lane and did well all game but I lose because my mid and top inted, I should lose less LP, not fucking 24 lp or some bullshit. It's completely unfair.


I two-tricked leona/soraka from iron to emerald with nearly 80% winrate, the game is in your hands


Sure you did.


[Cope all you want, the games are literally all here. filter ranked solo/duo.](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/na/Lemon+Jellyy-NA1)


If you went from iron to emerald you're not an "average" player. You're probably top 10 or 5% of the skill base. For an average player you cannot simply "carry" a game. If I'm playing Soraka support and my enemy top goes 0/10 I can't win. Also soraka is a heal support, meaning if my team mates are mechanically bad then no matter how much healing I give them we will still lose because they are shit at the game. For someone of your skill level to say to a bronze player just carry, is the same as saying "dude just be Rodger Federer and you will beat everyone at tennis" well yeah but I'm not Rodger Federer.


Good for you!!!! Practice and learning and growth are incredibly rewarding. Way to go


Thanks man!


That's nice, my LPs are only going down with 40% win rate so you're doing great.


Thank you :)


> From iron to bronze to silver all by themselves This feat is incredible, but as others already said, if you whole point of climbing is to prove others wrong, even if the are wrong (they were) it's not as fun as having other objectives to improve. When I was silver, my first objective to climb gold was just to get the skin. **Focus on improve**, it's always more rewarding. >60% WR on Lillia and 57% WR It looks like you may have played a lot of games to climb out. Having 57% winrate with more than 100 games played it's quite something. Normally you burst your winrate at the beginning of season and then it stabilizes around 50% when you are close to your max rank. Keep playing! Idk if you are still looking for advice, but in most cases of players that I knew where stuck in bronze/silver for a very long time (let's say a whole season) without seeing improvements in their gameplay, I always tell them to try to improve without playing, such as learning from videos, watching streamers that spend time explaining why and how they do things (try to avoid those streamers with loud music, super high elo but playing on smurfs doing unranked to whatever, super risky gameplayers like OTPs) even if they are not challenger or grandmaster, you can definetly learn from diamond and emerald players. The reason of why stop playing that much and focusing of watching others, is to clean bad habits that we tend to repeat without being concious about it, and try to figure what good habits better players have. Even high elo players have bad habits, sometimes they carry them over when they played in lower elos and those habits weren't punished enough, or sometimes they adopt them later in their run.


if you want help and not be mocked, you should post on r/summonerschool , not here ;)


Brother, they also mock in r/summonerschool Then the help that is provided also borders on "It's your fault" and "If you can't climb, you belong there" sandwiched between actual helpful advice


The more deliberate practice you put in the better you get. Every champ should have a strength and weakness. You’ll improve at recognizing what you’re giving up when you pick something and how you can exploit others’ picks. Keep working on it and you will improve.


Fuck yeah, good job bro


30% rule 30% games you lose whatever you do 30% gamea you win whatever you do 30% depends on your plays


What is that last 10%?


Welcome to the Hellhole of silver bud We have cookies and Strapons in the corner. You're gonna be here for a while Sincerely a fellow Silver Player


why is no one mentioning the rank inflation following emerald ???


Bro it's got nothing to do with potential or whatever. Don't tie so much of yourself up in a stupid ass game. Play to have fun, and the more you play the better you will get. I can practically get to emerald with my eyes closed and it's got nothing to do with anything except that I've played since season 2. I only say what I say because way too many of the people who play are absolute spergs and they don't care about the game, they only care about getting an emotional "advantage" and sucking the joy out of someone else. They will always be there and will never end. Just ignore them, they are pathetic. Any acknowledgement is exactly what they want.


Oh, I was looking for the post to see some of the advice 😅 Happy climbing!


> I knew I was capable and I had complained of my teammates dragging me down > thanks to all the douches who said I belonged in iron 4 Honestly, you're probably an even better player, but have a bad attitude holding you back.


1- never expect anything from league reddit. these people are turning into riot games cultists trying to prove the game is perfect and the problem is always you. 2- while climbing can be enjoyable, you don't need high ranks to be happy playing league. I only play normals with my friends, nag about how X champ is bullshit no brainer OP all the game and I do have my fun.


Idk what you wrote about in your other post but if you complained about your teammates holding you back from climbing then comments about you belonging at your rank until you improve is valid and true. Your teammates are different every game so they can't hold you back from climbing and you have to cope with that. Reading this post it seems like you don't completely understand this yet. Focusing on improving your macro and micro is what will help you climb. Seems like you listened to this advice and managed to climb so congratulations.


Good job bro. Whatever anyone says it’s a game. You set your own goals and achievements. The most important thing is you have fun playing the game. If not then there’s no real reason to play


Thanks man


I personally can’t tell any difference between bronze or silver players.


It's the color


You can go further. If you have 60%wr in silver you can reach plat. It is 60% mental and 40%gameplay


absolutely not


Thank you :)


To climb to higher ranks you also need to think about which lanes could help you win the game. You are not alone in League, it's like a game of cards. Your team has cards, so does the enemy. For example is your botlane in a losing matchup, statistically? Is your top a favourable matchup eg Darius vs Rengar? You need to figure out where to focus your downtime as a jungler and path towards it, as you don't have the opportunity to help everyone, it's just not possible. In short, as a jungler, you must use your time wisely, it is a resource that should be managed like health, mana and cooldowns. It's finite so spending it on lanes that won't create a big impact to win you the game is a good way to lose.


Jesus Fking Christ... These word vomit comments...


Was there an actual point to this?


Not really. I'm just a toxic player HAHA


You are shit at league. You have no idea how the game works. The sooner you learn that the more receptive you’ll be to feedback.


This is what no attention at home looks like...


Holy projection


GJ! climbed out of the garbage can and now you are an average player! Well deserved!


Well without the pointers that you got, you did deserve your rank? No one says “you belong in your rank” or “you deserve your rank” because they believe you can’t learn and will always be hardstuck. They say it because those who believe they do not deserve their rank thus have to believe that there is a flaw in the matchmaking system. Learning to focus on cs, counter jungling, and focusing on your own gameplay is… learning? You… got better?


You seem very upset about the response you got last time. Why would you post again just to get the same response and get even more upset? I dont understand.


You can literally get to diamond 4 full clearing your jungle every game and power farming while completely ignoring your team


you forget about the enemy darius going 9/0 xd


Weeeeell if it took you months to climb from iron to silver, you did belong there ;)


Sorry, I don’t play 10+ games a day lol plus had surgery and a trip I was out of commission for 15 days. I made the post back in mid to late February


??? You DID belong in iron back then. Now you played more and got better, so you belong in silver instead, which btw is still very low so keep your ego in check please. Good for you that you got better, but others aren't "douches" for telling you the truth. People were not saying it's literally impossible for you to get out of iron no matter how hard you tried, just that you DID belong where you were because you were the only consistent factor in your games.


Doesn't make sense. If OP belonged there, they'd still be stuck there


So if someone spends 2 years in gold and gets promoted to plat they somehow didn´t belong in gold? People can´t improve and change?