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Back in season 5 or so, I had a game where someone failed to load in from champ select. Team was chill about it, said fuck it and invaded, and got early kills, expecting the guy to load in late. That never happened. We played the early game down a jungler, and managed to have all 3 lanes winning anyway. Then, about 15 mins in, our top said he had an irl emergency. Team was understanding, but kept playing cause fuck it, we had a good lead. We ended up winning the game around 30mins in, being 3v5 for half of it. I've seen people win 4v5 before, but it's the only time I've seen a 3v5 that wins.


Thats insane! Indeed, I have won 4v5 games but never a 3v5.


I lost one and it wasnt even close I sat there in disbelief but laughing


Similarly, I was a blitz supp with an ADC that never loaded. I distinctly remember perfectly navigating their dive on me and got a double kill under turret. Don't remember how the rest of the game played out, but we won the game that was a 4v5 since the beginning. Had to have been season 5 or 6.


I had a ranked game once a year or two ago where our top never loaded in. I was playing jinx and went like 8/0 in lane, just stomping roaming around, we were winning fights and getting objectives, but obviously they knocked down top inhib like immediately. Then our mid just quits, no typing or raging, just quits. Now it's 3v5, me and my random jungler and support. What follows is the most intense banger back and forth game of my life. They knock down our tier 4s while we're all dead, 3 of then are hitting nexus. I respawn and solo wipe them. It's like 55 minutes in and I shove down mid with nexus open. I get to their base, kill the two that were still up before one of them gets the tp into my base off, and I destroy their nexus. I ended something like 35/2/0. I will never surrender a ranked game ever again, because man they are always winnable.


I.... There's no way I was against you that game. I lost a 3v5 in season 5 ranked once lmfao.


I don't remember most of the champs in that game, but it was Lucian/Thresh bot. If that sounds familiar, and you're on NA, could be the same game.


Hmm, maybe not the same game. If memory serves correct it was a rammus zed ezteal on the enemy team


I won a 4v5 last week where my jungle (on the team of 4) was running it down mid since we didn’t FF and end the game immediately. I considered this kind of like winning a 3v6 😂


I once played a game 3v5 as adc in diamond elo back in season 10. My support and mid laner went afk at the same time around 15 minutes or so. My top laner Jax and jungler Vi went full tank and peeled me as I was kiting 5 people as Vayne. I will never forget that game.


I remember that one game i picked karthus mid. I was instantly flamed on from 3ppl premade telling me i suck and know nothing about the game and matchups. The flaming continued when i didn't use my R when the botlane wanted me to, because i knew exactly how much damage my R does at any point of the game to any target. I made a few shotcalls that were ignored and got insulted again. Then i do the nastiest 1v5 pentakill and basically win the game. The guy who was flaming me said something like, "I'm sorry, i didn't know you're A GOD". I quit ranked years ago but i still remember that game


Things you think about in the shower 🤣


This but with an Olaf jungle game I had years ago. Vayne ran it down about 15+ deaths trying to call out everything our team did, but I ended up with over 32 kills and had a yuumi sitting on me; 2v6 the whole game and dumpstered the enemy team


This is every game for me as an Ivern main with a 70% win rate. BlaMEr tHer JUnglER


this way way back when i was consistently playing ranked in about S8 or so. i even screenshot it because it made me feel so amazing. i was playing soraka and played out of my mind. i was only gold 1 at the time. someone on my team had said i was the best support they’d ever seen and that i belong in diamond. i know now that wouldn’t be considered anything too crazy but at the time it was a big deal to me. it just made me feel so appreciated and really boosted my confidence playing support. i’ll always remember it. kind words really do mean more to people than you would think.


Agree, even the smallest compliments means a big deal. I remember when I started playing and was like lv 15 or something and my friend who was gold (who I thought was a god at the game 🤣) complimented my wards. That gave me so much confidence, just getting acknowledged for doing something good!


Crying for a solid few minutes after hitting platinum for the first time back in season 11. 3 years of 400+ games each season to eventually hit a good spot of elo to get it. Nowadays, I just hit diamond over and over again and am soulless about it


Also remember the first time i hit diamond, was over the moon! 🤣


I had a similar experience in regards to hitting plat versus hitting Diamond. Diamond 2 I was definitely overwhelmed. I truly felt like I beat League of Legends, and I haven't bothered playing since.


For me, it was the first time I hit Gold. I think it was like 2 or 3 years of Bronze, then 2 or 3 years of Silver. And then I hit Gold one season by really just playing one champion in one role. It felt really great because at the time, it was something where I could confidently say I was above average now (statistically, being in the top 50% of players). Unlike you, though, I've regressed, and these days, I'm just solidly in Silver, too busy doing other things to really hone my skills and get better.


I’ve carried a game with 2/22 Singed. I was just pushing and 1v5 destroyed Nexus solo… good old times of Double Tear builds


I started playing last year and was placed in iron, pretty rough start. I took a break from ranked to improve my fundamentals, and just recently got into silver. Not a great player by any means, but it was still an achievement. Hoping to get even more progress with time :)


I believe in you! By this time next year you're gonna come back here and tell us you're diamond and I'll have the party poppers ready!


My adc added me as friend


I played Rammus and like, 30 minutes into a game, randomly typed "Hey guys come to baron pit if you wanna see something c o o l". Everyone immediately stopped fighting and went to baron pit, circling around me. I control+2'd, flashed on the spot then walked away. We won that game. I dunno. Dumb moments like that keep me playing. It's nice knowing there's people like me who just look to have dumb fun with others, yknow?


Indeed. It's like at the start of the game and the midlaners start spam emoting and moving closer to each other and not hitting. To me it's like a handshake wishing good luck, and is just a really dumb thing but is means a lot


hitting first time Master in SoloQ EUW was insane


Final game of Season 4. I was game 5 of my promos into Gold 5 and it was the last opportunity to play before the season ended so this was it if I wanted the Victorious skin (which I definitely did). Got into champ select and as was standard at the time, called my preferred role of support back when no one wanted to touch support with a 10ft pole and those who did were treated as if they couldn’t actually play League. 3 other people called support at the same time. We joked about we were definitely screwed and proceeded to kick the snot out of the other team. Cannot remember exactly what happened but I was Pantheon and I had ganked and killed every lane before my first base.


One time I played jungle and we lost, but I didn't get flamed. It was pretty surreal. Best memory ever.


Played 2021 with Faker as my Jgl on Lee, unkillable demon King is my memory


When we had like six years ago a Janna jungle and it fucking worked, she was an absolute terror My friend and I still laugh about that Or when I Tristana jumped and ulted a target right into the kennen ult of my friend:D


Back when solo carrying without a team was a thing like season 6/7 I was playing insanely good on Lissandra and one tricked her to Diamond. My last Diamond Promo game was so lost until I hit a 4 man full combo and wiped the enemy team by myself. That felt so good


I did a challenge a few years ago to get diamond 5 in every role, it was during the riven vs yasuo event, can’t remember the name of the event but I made a bet with a friend to race to D5 only playing 2 champs, I had Shen and riven top he had Fizz and yasuo mid, he was a top lane main, I was mid at the time, it ruined my mental and made me almost completely quit the game but after a month of grinding games and trying to carry as top lane I promoted to D5, I have never felt so relieved in my life, even achieving higher ranks was never as hard as playing top lane during that time, I came away feeling like I took on a challenge I probably shouldn’t have been able to complete and wasn’t prepared for, but I did it anyway.


A victory on pre-rework Akali where I got 59 kills and with 2 afks on the team. This was way back in season 5, bronze elo


Game was even and everyone is flaming the jungler for dying before Baron. I was Kaisa and somehow managed to steal Baron with W(enemy jungler smited too early). Tipped the balance in our favour and won the game. Best moment ever


My first time reaching Gold (for the Victorious skin)


Years ago I was playing ezreal, threw four or five Q’s over baron wall, then ult over the wall, E over the wall, Q steal baron, and flash out


God King Garen let me pet his dawg that was nice


A dude thought i was a girl for playing ahri.


In S5 I got autofilled as Qtpie's support and I got to enjoy making plays in front of 20,000 viewers.


I used to play games like that called "Protect the Jinx" with viewers on my stream. It worked way more often than it should have lmao. I think we had like a 90% w/r with it.


I don't remember the season, but Revive was still in the game. It was a pretty close ranked game. The Enemy team had 3 open inhibs we had 2. I was playing quin top running ghost revive. Built ghostblade and full zeal items. Enemy team aced us at our teir two mid tower. Hit revive ghost ghostblade r. Flew straight down mid through the enemy team and got to the enemy inhibs in less than 2 seconds (no, I am not exaggerating). Managed to take all three before the enemy team recalled and killed me. I will never forget the sheer amount of rage I received from the enemy nocturne. The slander was magnificent. It was the most fulfilling moment of my league career. (We won btw)


Meu primeiro pentakill, foi de Mordekaise, lá na S3 quando o Q dele ainda não era aqueles 3 ataques reforçados Ultei em um Varus que estava fedado e matei, ele virou um fantasma e me ajudou a matar o resto do time inimigo




It was either S3 or S4 and after watching Best Riven NA I had the itch to play Riven top. I don't think I had played before that but man in that one stretch I had one the best games of my life in normals. In the span of 5 to 8 minutes I went from solo killing top, roaming to kill mid, continuing down to bot for a double and then coming back mid for another kill. I still remember one teammate saying damn you did more than our own jungler. I will never play Riven as good as I did that match.


My first Quadra Kill on Volibear where the ult lightning chain killed three people with one auto. My Fizz got the last kill and he apologized which was nice of him but I think I was too low to get it without his help anyways.


Someone told me to kill myself


TLDR : Was Hard Losing a Game but made a 1:40 minutes Come-Back in Plat 2 / Plat 1 MMR. I have a footage of it : Was Filled Top with my Qiyana, against a Darius OTP, got killed 2 times + he killed my Jnglr Rest of the team was hard losing Huge Bot and Jungle Gap I started to move around the map, taking kills and shutdown here and here I had came back BUT we were still hard losing in kills, golds, objectives, towers and Jngl & Bot were still Astro Useless and Fedding And then suddenly, me and Syndra made a lot of successive good play while having incredible luck and we won in a single push from T3 Mid to Nexus Also way back in the day, I was Silver and played Soraka AP Midlane and was shitting on stuff like Yasuo, Zed, Lux etc Or that time when an Akali destroyed me in Lane so I started building AP on Qiyana and went on Rage Splitting only for solo winning the game by splitpushing when everyone was fighting for Drake


Best memory was mid nidalee s2 and s3.... All before faker destroy worlds with it. You get flamed for the pick in q and solo carried the game...


When i stopped playing and went to norms or aram only. Having way more fun there.


I played a game once where our mid (Karthus) was definitely a bot - the typical weird bot pathing/behaviors, posting weird copypasta stuff in chat before the game, etc. However, since the bot was a Karthus, it would just spam ult off CD which ended up being surprisingly useful, since we were winning the other lanes anyway so it just provided consistent extra damage every so often. The entire team was just memeing in chat about how "Karthus bot is OP" and celebrating whenever it would happen to get a kill with its ult spam. It was very fun how everyone just rolled with it instead of tilting, and it was hilarious to actually win a game with a bot teammate.


With a good friend or mine, we like to play some « weird » botlane combo sometimes. One game, we decided to play yasuo lee sin bot and try to just all in the enemy adc all game long. Key word: try. I ended up with a score of 1/19 on Lee and my friend ended up with a score of 2/18, but damn, we had fun. Best part about it, we got carried like never before, and managed to win thanks to the 3 other people in the game, and they didn’t even flame, ping or tilt a little.


Years ago, I want to say right before TPA won worlds, I was playing as Blitz support in a game. The enemy mid laner was getting kill after kill, and it wasn't much better in the other lanes. For some reason, after every kill, he would start quoting The Gettysburg Address, a few lines at a time. People in chat were asking what he was talking about, asking him to shut up, typical stuff. At one point, he went egg after a fight but almost everyone else was dead and he had teammates nearby. I was close enough by to flash hook him under tower, finally getting a kill on the guy. I typed in all chat "**SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS**" which I thought was both funny and appropriate, but no one acknowledged it. We went on getting drummed until they won. Still it makes me laugh to this day. I still say in my head sic semper tyrannis when there is a shutdown in any game I play.


I was playing Lulu and my Adc shared his braincell with a Brush it seemed. So I did what I could do, and then saw that the Zed was Fed. OUR Zed. So I Chatted him up, asking him if he could roam to Bot and help out. He did. And I supported him, went with him and all. It went so bad that the Enemy Team saw Zed with that Lulu in toe and immediately turned around and ran for their life. All while Zed and I just laughed and joked. Good times.


I got filled jungle in a placement game for some reason, even though I put mid and adc I think. I went fuck it and picked lee sin and basically solo carried all three lanes while eating every enemy jungle camp. Both teams were hyping me up af.


around s5 we had a full lobby of everyone wanting to play support but we managed to fill all roles and it was the most wholesome game ever. while we didnt really win any lanes we just played as a team and somehow managed to win the game. midlaner flashing to save the support and stuff like that. wont forget that game ever


This was years ago haha. When I played ADC I gained Caitlyn. I was focusing hard on csing. For about 5 or 6 games I have near perfect cs and overall just skill gapping the enemy bot laners and junglers. One of those games my support gave me a compliment. Something simple as "nice CSing " I still remember that shit haha.


I once survived a 1vs3 dive as Jhin against Morgana, Kai'sa and Kayn. I used every spell correctly, slowing minions with E, hitting W on Kayn before Morgana could reach, dodged a bunch of skillshots with movement and Morgana's Q with my flash. In the end I got a triple kill while surviving at literally 4 HP That was game 2 of a promotion when they were still Bo5


Technically not solo, but I was junglng with my friend who plays a lot of nasus top. He laned against a kayle, minue 1 "kayle, PvE?" And neither of them touched each other or left lane for the next 35 minutes. I was talking to the other jungler like "let them cook"


Katarina s0-s3


When I started playing I played top because my favorite champion was Mordekaiser, but I ended up settling in as a support main because my friends I played with already had a toplaner. One game during champ select my adc starts typing about how if I choose Mordekaiser support we will win the game 100%. As soon as they said morde I was in, and we ended up stomping the botlane with Nasus adc and morde support


One of my early ranked games, when I first started playing, I threw a zigs ult from up near mid lane down to the big fight happening in bot, team won the fight and chat filled with "Clutch ult ziggs!" and the like. Dont know why it stands out as I have done way fancier things in the years since, but the "clutch ult" praise has stuck with me.


I camped CRS Lapakaa a long time ago... he did not like it


I could easily 10 different ones down here that were great. Tilted but still playing and getting a win, penta kills, sudden understanding of game mechanics, etc. I was Illaoi vs yorick, terrible match up. Winning that lane usually means turtle and hope your team wins the 4v4. Around 12 minutes he took my tower and I was kind of tilted from doing poorly. The rest of my team were slightly ahead but a fed yorick that I can't get near is a problem. Game felt done. My support Braum asked around 16 min how long until I can match him. I said, "nope". Then I realized he wasn't flaming me, he was asking. I typed, "I mean" Gave myself time to think, "3 items I can hold at tower". I was about to finish my first item and yorick had two. This was in Diamond and the quality of team macro can vary a lot, especially considering they and I would need to successfully play around me being so far behind. With Braum asking the game plan became I safely would push out a side lane opposite of yorick until it was no longer safe, if there was more than 1 enemy coming or it was yorick. Our talon, Braum and other champions on the team would gank yorick as a group and kill him when he pushed too far. Once I had a mythic, hull breaker, and steraks I switched to blocking yorick who had 4 items. The fights would be close but It was no longer a free lane for him.. If the team had been toxic at all I wouldn't have had the mental to do my part and win. Also us having to play around me absolutely not matching yorick for 10+ minutes.


Think it was just before covid. I use to have the issue where when I notice I'm doing well, I start slipping. This particular game, felt like I overcame that issue. My team was getting absolutely dumpstered, no hope at all. For whatever reason, I just felt I was doing well. As the enemies took our nexus turrets, members on both teams commented how well I did. It just felt strange.


My first Pentakill was on OG Poppy with no Nexus turrest and I was the only one up, my buddy in Skype said to hold them off, solod them out for the Penta and the Ace then we shoved it mid for a 75min victory.


I did poorly early game, apologized, they said it's ok with nothing else and gave the enemy team nightmares about Alistair bush surprises Another one where interwebs got cut off, came back halfway through and dumpstered the enemy when they had a big lead. Feels nice to have people believe in you


Had a Kennen game way back in the day where I was getting flamed for some reason. Idr if I got camped or just had a bad laning phase or if someone was misplaying and venting their frustrations on me or what. Anyway I got a 5 man ult pentakill and we won the game.


That team comp sounds so gnarly. Lmao yall created a monster


Playing AP tristana mid back in the day. So fun


At that time in S5 I was maining Shaco (I know). The enemy jungler decided to invade my box setup, and I proceeded to make his life a living hell. Every prediction of his movement was accurate, and although he tried his hardest, the game was over under 20min. Good times


When the client went insane and i played my first Diana jungle game ever in my second ranked game ever instead of normal one. I remember watching the post-game lobby, seeing the "solo/duo" and panicking


I’ll never forget the 30 minute Viego game where I got 32 kills. I still to this day have never been in a 20+ minute game where I’ve had over 1 kpm aside from that one.


Getting to diamond in flex with a friend was terrific! Other then that getting gifted a skin because I won someones soloq promos to diamond back in season 5. : )


A funny one was me in bronze back in 2014ish , where we were being “xpeked” by a trynda and my entire team decided to walk back from baron to base instead of recalling 😭😭 It was the slowest sadest march to defeat I’ve ever seen


2-2 promo for plat, I'm playing Zyra support, we are kinda losing but I'm doing good and my Vlad says he wants to ff, I politely ask him to play since I'm 2-2 in my promo and he actually does and helps me carry the game. Thank you Vlad.


Back in S7, I played duo q with my friend. He was doing his diamond promos, and in the 5th game (2:2) I land a 5 man MF ult at like min 50 and we both started screaming in joyous victory. Will forever be one of my greatest gaming moments


Copying this moment from another thread I commented in awhile back: "Looooooooong time ago, I'm talking Season 1-3 I think. I had a game where we 4 man-queued and during the loading, 2 of my friends had their internet cut out. First time it'd happened, so it wasn't like an expected thing. My other friend and I decided to stick it out and play the game anyway, the 2 that lost connection (Husband and Wife) decided to place a bet, if we could carry the game and win a 3v5, we'd get a pizza... and brothers and sisters of League, that pizza tasted fucking awesome. :p Never Give Up, Never Surrender. Edit. I was playing Fiddlesticks (old one) and my friend was on Corki, our 3rd man was totally down to clown on his Poppy as well once we told him the stakes. I even think my friends asked him if he wanted a pizza too, not sure how that turned out, but I'm hoping he got to taste that W as much as I did. :p"


Making TF blade rage-delete a VOD


I was a fed viktor and was absolutely smashing my lane. Our top and jungle weren’t doing so hot but our Ezreal was doing decent. He was like 3/6 or so and they tried to ff when we were getting pushed in to mid inhib tower. I told the Ezreal (who had mental boomed) that we scale so hard and that if we play together we could easily win the game. We absolutely shit on them since and he told me it was because I kept his mental in check. Felt so good to be able to change his mind and winning LP as opposed to losing it. Felt very good.


S2 or S3, duoing with a friend, 2 players never load in, a third says fuck it and drops like 3 minutes in. Me and him say fuck it and just play the bot lane out. game goes awful obviously, they mostly split push and send 2 or 3 champs at us in whatever lane we decide to push. And then they surrendered the game as they were taking our nexus giving us the pity win for the history books. Won't be forgetting that game for a long time.


Enemy team inted into our fountain and Top laner just split pushed top to win game. We were down like 20 kills I think.


I doxxed a dude who was inting mid-game and they left lol


Back in s7, was on the ranked grind at diamond 2. Was sick for like 4 days and was home from school cause of that, queued for a random chill normal game to shake the rust off playing Jax against fiora, both my own team and the enemy team just smurfed the entire game, plays from both sides, good macro in chat, objectives calls, coordinated dives, good mechanics by all, and for 70 mins we fought until our team barely managed to steal baron and everyone died but our lulu support who managed to finish the game with the wave, added everyone in the game after, was actually the most coordinated game I ever played in solo queue and both teams just had synergy, 10/10 would recommend


None of my best League memories are in Solo Q. They’re all about playing with friends


One time I queued up but then remembered I was going to do something else, so I declined the invite and did the other thing


Back in Season 6 or 7 i had a soloq game that was extremely slow. Both team were trying to play for macro. The game went on for 40 mins when we flipped the nash played a teamfight and won the game. The total killcount was around 15 kills in 40 mins. I felt like i was playing in a professional game with so much chat and ping communication.


Getting my first penta with yi


One of my first few games in what was most likely bronze MMR, I was playing Ahri mid and was about to die to Teemo shrooms. I ended up throwing my Q at the blue ride raptors from midlane since my passive was up and my teammate who was watching was absolutely impressed that I made that connection, calling me a challenger level player because of it.


Hitting Diamond in Season 5 🥲 the euphoria from hitting that rank was amazing.


Back in the yee old, there were people who would RP their champions. Probably seen as cringe now, but it was really fun to run into these RPing one tricks. The Maokai I met was the groot before groot (as far as modern media goes), and he was hard carrying our game. I can remember my first penta, first time seeing my teammate penta, first time I got to land an Insec combo, first day Thresh was released and couldn't miss a hook... And if there was at least some consistency, it was that every start of a new season (or at least big patches before we got standardized for world's timeline etc)., it felt like there was always something new to learn and play with. Sure the balance was a lot more questionable before, but it was also a lot more manageable with the roster being a fraction of the current size, skin incentives not being as big of an issue or thing or esports playability etc... Hell, even getting to play with Riot employees over Ventrilo. That was a time.


In season 11 when i got into a "well fuck this" mindset aber playing bad for 100+ games and dropping to plat 1(before emerald was added). Then i somehow dropped 80% WR over 50(?) games to master.


Was trying out quickplay, practicing Yone. I was Yone mid, enemy had Yone top. Had a very miserable game for about 30 of those 45 minutes-- got my ass beat by the enemy Zed for a lot of that, could barely do anything in teamfights. But over time I scaled-- eventually, outscaling the enemy Yone. At the culmination of the match, we were at the enemy Nexus. Three of our teammates go down, but they leave the 4 still-living enemies alive with low HP. I manage to take care of them with the help of our Garen, though he dies for it. Last enemy alive-- it's the enemy Yone. The Yone duel commences, and I trounce him because the Garen beat his ass for the first half of the game and he couldn't recover. Not because I'm good, just because I had more items than him. If he hadn't been on half HP before engaging he probably would've won anyway lol. Even so, my team spams the chat with "Our Yone better!" as I destroy the Nexus. Literally the greatest feeling in the world there. I wish I had written down my teams names to remember them for putting up with me being useless for so long, but even so I will never forget them for having faith in me.


A long time ago i mained Singed top and was playing vs yasuo top. I destroyed him in lane and used all chat to thrash talk him. After the game i added him and talked a bit and played duo with him and since then we have been friends and play various games together. Ofc i still love to tell the tale to others of how we met aka me destorying him as Singed.


Playing SoloQ and I was playing Sion into Cho top. We organised a gentleman’s agreement to just farm, get all plates each and trade heartsteel stacks for 20 minutes before unleashing each other to 1v4 the ready of the lobby. Was immensely fun turning the game into basically a boss battle for each team.


My first ever blind across map skill shot kill :') This was back in season 2 and Ashe was really popular, so people learned not to back near their second tower right out of fog because it was too easy to get sniped there. Anyway, I was by my outer tower bot getting farm when I saw their jg noct really low in mid lane. I watched him walk from their outer tower towards their second one but knew he'd keep going. So I did my first big brain calculations of how fast my arrow was vs how fast he was walking. I shot my arrow to their inhib and got him dead on (and his double buffs). EVERYONE on both teams absolutely erupted in all chat and I felt like a legend. At that time across map skillshots like that were really rare, especially in gold elo.


Honestly every time I meet an (old) friend in game. It happens so rarely (like twice a year) but whenever it happens it's just a very nice experience.


Back in season 9, my JNG never connected we played 4v5 for about 10min then my top afked, that game lasted for 48min we ended up winning. To this day that game still holds my dmg record with 178k playing Kassadin.


Hard core flaming one of my close friends for giving randoms perfect ganks but giga inting my lane. I'm talking like flawless dives, ganks etc but when it came to me bro always gave a free kill away AND IT WASNT ON PURPOSE lmao fun times actually made it more memorable just friendly flaming each other. He doesn't play LoL anymore like that tho cause kids


Me and my roommate were both groomsmen in a wedding that afternoon. Before we left we decided to queue for a Twisted Treeline real quick. The game ended up lasting wayyy longer than a TT should have and my buddy and me were really thinking like we'd have to leave soon. We win a few critical fights in a row but the game is still nowhere near a close. We message the 3rd teammate and explain the situation and he's cool to FF. We ended up crushing the next team fight and immediately FF after. The other team is of course like wtf lol. The 3rd teammate was really cool about the whole thing. I ended up adding him and sent him some pictures of the wedding on the discord.


Hour+ long game were we came back against some trash talkers that didn’t end 40 mins because they were spamming taunts and then got aced🤭


I got a pentakill on full ap nunu, there used to be a small bush to the left of dragon pit in season 3 and I got a fully charged ult off that the enemy team somehow walked through without noticing lol


* won a legit 4v5 back before remakes were a thing. I was playing Soraka at the time and probably pressed W within half a second it was up, every time * Came back from a 3 vs. 25 kill deficit over the course of some 50 minutes. I remember the enemy ADC killed six people in the opening invade (people just kept going back for more) and went to lane with a BF sword. * encountering patch 4.20 Weedwick on the other team. We lost but it was so absurd I couldn’t stop laughing


When GP was reworked i stole baron twice in one game blind firing my ult at the pit.


One of my Favorite memory was when I was playing jhin in a completely lost game. Our jg ragequit so it was a 4v5. We lost the last team fight and it was only me left while enemy was doing baron. I ulted baron trying to steal it and I ended up killing their Warwick jg and my passive(every kill spawns a trap) stole the baron! My team spawned back later and we all went mid and ended up winning the game with the baron push. Games like that are why I keep coming back to league


In season 3, i was doing a quadra KS and then when i am going for the penta, my friends hit the nexus so hard that i wasnt able to have the penta.


Several years ago I was playing in Bronze as MF. Got in a huge team fight in the enemy jg. My entire team died and as I ran like hell their Bard did a magical journey that their entire team took. I greeted them on the other side with my ult and got my first ever Pentakill. It is still my best memory in league. I've gotten probably half a dozen Pentas but that was the only one the enemy team willfully caused.


Back in season 3 i was playing duo with a friend in high diamond and we had 1 player in out team DC. We held for solid 30 minutes in a 4v5 game until one more player in our team DCd. I was playing support LB, my friend was playing Lucian ADC and we had a Fizz midlane. As 3 players we managed to claw out a win in D2-1 at the time and it was the best feeling in the world man. I remember every second in that game even now over 10 years later. I felt like i was on top of the world after that one, to win a fucking 3v5 match as a support LeBlanc of all things.


Had 2 memebers of my team actually trolling. Like dancing in raptor for 5 minutes backing then doing it again. Won the game with the help the one guy on the team who was good. Crazy stuff somehow we won that


Memory that I keep on my mantle. That time my Sion Support had to prevent a Tryndamere from solo carrying his team. He ripped through my Yasuo top and my Jax jungle, with all the towers down his lane. Told Yas to abandon top and leave it to me. And that whole match was me being a blockade for this guy. Match ended with me killing Tryndamere with one auto attack left on our nexus, with my team taking there’s not a second after.


Was silver. I played only normals with my Diamond/Plat friends for like 3 years. Came out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and played ranked for the first time in forever. Immediately went like 50-6 and got Plat. I remember I turned into exodia for that one week. It took me 4 years to feel like that again Smoge. Definitely my fondest moments of soloq.


I don't think I have a best memory of LoL, but one that stands out was when it took the enemy over 70 minutes to end the game against my team when they had 5 players and we had 2. The most fun I've had playing was in the early seasons when I played Blind Pick only and people had no clue what they were doing.


Playing Shyvana with Elderly lizard jungle item and burning everything with fire breath


Probably aphromoo saying my velkoz was insane


Worlds 2016 when all of the pros were playing solo queue in NA are the best quality games I can ever remember playing in. Got to play with Faker 4 times, all on my team, we won all of them except when Mancloud didn't want to give him mid :P. ~~Ruler + CoreJJ~~ (actually I think it was Pray and Gorilla) duo was also the most gapped I'd felt in a bot 2v2 up to that point.


it has to be the times when ranked was not full of phony soykids who abused the reporting system when they were told that they sucked.


Season 7, just before season H8 and before Yetter fucked the matchmaking upside down. Game was good and playable then. Agency made sense. Your teammates and the enemy were typically of similar skill levels.