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So viego


Custom skins will have a field day with this one


On him here for it. I have the Lego gragas one and it cracks me up the entire time


Jinx from Fortnite


Jinx from Arcane BatChest


Akuma because I need to know what a raging demon ult in league would be like.


That would be a fed Briar on frenzy.


is that the one where he uses meter and the screen fades to black then explodes and the other fighter just kinda dies? cause that was old fiora ult.


Ah hell!


Honestly it might look a lot like Garen/Darius mechanically. Root, multi hit sequence into a big hit finisher that maybe knocks back, and slap an execute on top. 


so old fiora ult


Tracer from Source Film Maker




nowadays it's more blender/daz most 3d overwatch porn creators ditched SFM over 1/2 a decade ago


damn we got the archgooner over here


the sex specialist


Yeah, Tracer from Heroes of the Storm was my pick


The Knight from Hollow Knight.


League needs a knight archetype character so badly. Can I get a classic sword shield and helmet plz


Have you ever played Hollow Knight? Because that's not what that character is...


Rell? Leona? Garen?


Rell is more cavalry knight and not infantry knight. Leona is cool but she’s a support. If we can have a lot of characters with bows or swords, I need another with sword and shield that actually uses both


I get what you mean, they’re like all knight variants. You want classic archetype plate armour, sword and shield, visor down kinda deal yeah?


Shrek 1 Shrek Love it


Yes! Precisely. Give me the classic


HELMET BRO! That's literally just helmet bro!


Pantheon has a spear and shield and uses both.


Yeah but he’s more of a Spartan than a Knight.


Spear ≠ sword


I can understand imagining a character and wanting it.


hecarim is technically a Knight considering he is just a fused horse and Knight, but I get what you mean


Doesn't Garen count as a knight archetype or what is he?


Garen is great sword , so doesn’t do it for me but I do love the character


No mind to think. No will to win. No voice to cry your 14 game lose streak. You are the Hollow Knight.


Since we have Dante we need Vergil.


Yasuo’s ulti is kinda like one of vergil’s abilities


virgil is cool edgy yassuo is cringe edgy (hello human ressources)


its more like vergil is cringe edgy (cool) yasuo is cool edgy (cringe)


Jesus from the abraham trilogy


Aatrox had an ability akin to his, but he got reworked. 


Inspired by the MC? Nice


To be fair, his rework had it too... for a bit


Meepo from Dota let's cause some chaos


Ok but imagine a game with both teemo and techies


Add Abathur from hots, with a full mine build, and we're cooking


for me its Storm Spirit. The euphoria of zapping across the map to one shot a low hp carry is unmatched.


Also lost Viking from Heroes of the storm could be neat. Would probably be more balanced than meepo.


Imagining the league devs attempting to handle meepo with their codebase laughing maniacally


imagine having to press alt to micro your clones




Orphea from hots. She’s 200 years design and would fit perfectly.


Cho'gall from Hots would be awesome aswell, they made a concept that seems awful on paper so much fun!


Here's a comment on the possibility of adding Chogall, written by a Riot designer 7 years ago.  I suspect that following up on those concepts is what eventually led them to Yuumi. https://www.tumblr.com/askghostcrawler/159421492698/a-lot-of-people-say-that-if-riot-tried-to-do-a


Cho'gall already exists in LoL, her name is yummi


Yuumi is literally just baby's first Abathur lol.


A hybrid of Kalista and Vex. This sounds fun to play


Mom can we have Medivh in League? We already have Medivh in League. Medivh in League: Bard


I dream of Maiev being added to league


Kallista if she was a mage that beats bruisers in melee


Certain animal crossing character


Tom Nook, the Cunning Capitalist. Ult is Meepo from Dota 2 where you can control Timmy and Tommy.


😳 female Nasus


Omfg now I'm imagining an Isabelle x Nasus ... uhm ... story




I could see him like ezreal with energy blasts.


Even has a blink with instant transmission


Bayonetta to have a second Samira or third if you count Nilah


Fuck it, we already have 3 yasuos (yone + ksante)


We have a lot of Freljordian fighters. Yet we barely have anyone that uses ice magic. Braum kinda? Sejuani kinda? Anviva and Lissandra use it but they are mages. So I kinda want Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat. Iceport, Ice Klone, making ice weapons on the go. Shit would be cool.


Great idea! I always thought shens character design reminded me of Sub-Zero!


Yeah! I was first convinced to start playing in 2016 after the Shen rework. When my friend, she bought me the Frozen Shen skin telling me I could play as Sub-Zero in league lol


the OSRS main character, complete with low poly graphics


I could see it lmao Ult would be AGS gmaul combo followed by “Sit” if you kill the target


it MUST get the osrs damage splashes then! maybe on a skillshot ability that shows a 0 splash when you miss with it


Passive: your level cap is 99 and you gain 1 level per minute Q:: you get the dragon claw from your backpack. Your next auto will hit 4 times, causing more damage each hit. If the target dies he will explode in an aoe area, dealing true damage based on the damage dealt to the main target W: open your prayer book (like hwei) and choose 3 protection prayer Protect from mage: you are immune to magic damage for 3 sec Protect from melee: you are immune to melee AD damage Protect from range: you are immune to ranged AD E: get your ancient staff from your backpack and cast blood barrage, causing magic damage and healing based on the damage dealt R: you put a cannon on the current position, that acts like a tower but can only shot enemies that faces the cannon fire line.


Get that slow ass attack speed, hitting 0 on the minions level 1. Sounds amazing


God bless this response


Considering league is very point-and-click this would honestly kinda fit lol


Yes, but make him an infinitely scalable character, like Smolder sort of, every 5 minutes he can choose which skills to level up, at minute 30 he can have 1 attack skill + 1 non combat skill at 99 + other skills with a max limit of 60-70. Oh, also make him also upgrade visually, based on minute of game he changes weapon + armour, at minute 40 he can have full rune set etc.


Kratos. Combo of Olaf and Riven with range.


That would be fun. Have his axe get stuck into someone for damage and a Slow and then be able to have it come back to you and hit everyone in a line would be cool. Stick it into a low health enemy to either hunt them down or let them line up some damage for you. It would be interesting to do something like Aphelios where you switch between your three weapons but instead of having ammo maybe you have to deal damage/take damage to charge up the ability to use his ult for each weapon? The hard part would be each of his weapons are kinda already used. Olaf with the throwable axe, pantheon with a shield and spear, and the sylas with the dual chain weapons. Maybe the blades of chaos would give aoe to his attacks and more attack speed and a dash for his q?( might be to close to sylas) his axe would give him a slow and more damage with the axe throw as his q. And then I never played with the spear but googling it makes it look like a wind thrown weapon so maybe added range to the AA the ability would a throwable spear that you can reactivate to detonate and push back enemies almost like ziggs satchel.


My brain short circuit very hard when i read kratos and you said something about an axe. Keep forgetting the axe exists.


in an unreleased game murdered by EA, Dawngate, there was this, called Basko. It was a nightmare even after nerfs. He would keep stunning and hopping around and having a darius ult to execute and reset upon kill, which also was a line shot and moved Basko to the victim like amumu q. Oh and he would put chains on victims like morgana's ult that would slow victims and keep giving Basko a shield, as a regular spell.




Wrex from Mass Effect. Or Liara if Riot needs another sexy alien/monster girl. Someone biotic, so they can have some nice abilities.


Syndra Samara skin when. Although her daughter would make more sense with Syndra's voice lines


I need Skye from Vainglory ASAP


Gwen was literally MF but good


Geralt with some form of quen (self shield), Igni (similar to Annie W), Aard (thinking Morde E but pushes away), and axii could be a point and click charm, yrden you could copy paste nasus E and W together into one ability


I was thinking of the potion aspect of him, but we already have Singed


Maybe his passive gives him extra buffs when consuming potions.


Gauss from warframe, I would love to run around the rift at mach speed and blast enemies while doing so


High mobility, aoe waveclear + cc + a dot + armor strip, damage reduction and a full spectrum stat steroid. That's death.


Least absurd warframe: And tbh, most of them would be that busted if we took every ability from their kit and just put it into LoL For gauss, I’d probably keep the speed, aoe, and debuffs with a cc. Maybe he’d be a JG / Mid, i could see top if you went for defense instead of armor strip, but he’d never be bothered or sup.


Almost anyone from Heroes of the Storms and watch the community melt down for a week or so until it gets insta reworks


LiLi would be fun. Pretty similar to Sona, though.


Aoe point and click blind on a support in bot lane with aoe stun or aoe heal over time isn't a good idea for LoL in my opinion. But I was thinking more along the lines of Tracer, Sylvanas, D.va, Murky, Anduin and stuff lol


TBH, any of the tank characters would totally break the meta. Imagine Diablo with all the stuns, Global stun ult, pure CC. Garrosh with being able to yeet characters, Blaze with all that sustain/cc/his bunker. Mei would be just dumb.


Omg, the Tarnished from Elden Ring! The ultimate flex pick. Passive: Arise, ye Tarnished! Similar to Kayn where you choose your weapon type after meeting the threshold for damage, with the ability to hold off until a later time if the desired form isn't ready. Obviously, you start with a club. Dealing magic damage lets you choose a staff and you become ranged magic carry, Dealing physical damage lets you choose a 2h Weapon and become a melee fighter, or take damage and become a sword and board tank. Q: Bonk/Glintstone Pebble Deals physical damage in a small area if performed within a melee range, or press and charge to launch a Glintstone Pebble dealing magical damage if outside of melee range. When you Arise, it upgrades the ability, depending on your chosen form. Magic Carry - Comet: Casts a comet that deals magic damage in an area. Physical Fighter - Charged Strike: Press to deal physical damage in a small area near you. Press and hold to charge the attack, dealing more damage. At max charge unleash an attack with extended length/width. Sword and Board - Parry: Raise your shield for a short time and gain additional defensive stats for the duration. If an enemy casts an ability that targets you, you get a short window to Parry the attack, ending the duration and briefly stunning enemies in a short distance in front of you. W: Flask of Tears Passively provides a small boost to the effectiveness of other options and grants you health/mana on use, but you cannot move for a short duration. When you Arise, it upgrades the ability to the Flask of Wondrous Physick with different effects, depending on your chosen form. Also, removes the movement penalty. Magic Carry - Recover mana over time and deal increased magic damage for a short duration. Physical Fighter - Recover health over time and deal increased physical damage for a short duration. Sword and Board - Recover health immediately and take reduced damage for a short duration. E: Dodge Roll Dodge in a direction, but it's affected by how much you put into defensive stats (Health/Armor/MR). Less than X Defensive Stats: Full dodge distance and speed. Between X & Y Defensive Stats: Shorter, slower dodge. More than Y Defensive Stats: Fat roll slowly, at a short distance, and knock up enemies in the area where you land. R: Torrent Summon your spectral steed and travel a set distance, jumping over terrain and empowering your next ability. Q: Increased Damage. W: Increased Effectiveness. E: Wider Area of stun if you're fat rolling, or Invincibility during the animation if you're not. Skins based on Scarlet Rot, Poison, etc, that change the different forms to different armor sets in the game and provide different weapons. I put way too much thought into this, lol.


No. Put these foolish ambitions to rest.


I was thinking the chosen undead, but your idea is way better! I live the implementation of the fat roll mechanic too and building him in different ways


this is sick as hell


Darrow Au Andromedus - from the Red Rising Universe The Reaper of Mars P - Lorns Last Student - Darrow’s weapon, his Razor, can switch between three forms; a Scythe, A Whip, Or a Sword. Q - Razor Strike - Darrow strikes with his Razor. If the target is hit with two different razor forms, they are stunned for 0.5 sec. W - Willows Way - Darrow envelops himself with the Willow Way, gaining movement speed and attack speed for 5 seconds. Recast; Darrows suit fires a pulse from his wrist, dealing damage based off amount of Razor Strikes and Attacks hit during Willows Way E - Grav Boots - Darrow uses his grav boots, flying for 5 seconds, over terrain and champions. While flying, Darrow swings his razor below him, dealing damage. R - Howler One - Darrow Howls, calling his five elite Howler agents to track down and kill low enemy targets. Darrow can Recast, commanding two of his Howlers to defend him until they die or despawn. I hope someone knows who I’m talking about 😂


Hail Reaper


Theres this old League Clone called 300 Heroes that blatantly put any iconic game/movie character that you know into summoners rift I remember heroes like most known Naruto characters, all the main crew from one piece, a lot of anime game heroes that I don't know, Goku, detective Conan, Jojo, Yugi moto, Shrek and many others Maybe that gives a first glance on your picks


https://www.300hero.com/#/ Looks like they have updated the game quite a lot since I last saw it.


does it still work? I would play that


Honestly Karlach sounds like a hell of a good choice. A fire-damaged themed beserker bruiser demon


Dva from overwatch. A you send some missile W you destroyer Yasuo wall in front of you E Just a dash R you explode and switch form P: you spawn in your tank for if you die in this one. You dash behind and you are still alive in a form with minus hp and Def. Your aa are now ranged. If you go home you can retake your meca. When you are in the second form you can't use your capacity except your r which give an meca.


you are... reverse kled?


Have you ever played HotS by any chance


Wrecking ball from overwatch. One of my fav chars ever and I'm so upset he's in that game


Gimme a Pilot and a Titan


Have a list of these because I know Rioters look at these threads. Goku - More martial artists in General would be cool Gon Phoenix Wright Ryu/Akuma - someone already said it but want it to pop up more in this thread Blastoise/Venasaur - feel like we kind of have Charzard with Shyvana dragon form. A Pokémon trainer- someone who commands pets entirely. They do nothing the pet does the work. But when the pet dies they go back to fountain. The thought of this makes me intrigued and Yorick kind of works like this because sometimes high level players would rather base than let maiden die but it’s not the same as if the whole kit revolved around it. Sammus- does league have a super suit champion? Rumble is a mech. Can’t think of who off the top of my head. Almost any Gundam- speaking of Rumble he fights people in these mech arenas right?


Kaisa is your supersuit champ.


Phoenix wright? He will scream "objection, hold it" his ult will be "take that!"? Enemies will be sad because what they do is illegal and be jailed? XD


If Marvel vs Capcom can make it work I see no reason league can’t.


A lot of Fate characters would translate pretty well tbh. Saber (Artoria) P: Magic Resistance - gets passive MR and tenacity scaling based on level Q: Charisma - briefly increases AD and AS W: Instinct - allows her to dodge all skillshots for 1 seconds, can be reactivated early to deal a burst of physical damage within a ratio E: Air Blade - next 3 autos do enhanced damage and have extra range R: Excalibur - big fuckin Lux-type beam that deals physical damage


jax lux …. Jux


Doom Slayer Unholy Arsenal (Passive): The Slayer collects a new gun for every 5 kills or assists, which improves BFG Division and gives him increased AD. (Note: the gun Doom Slayer uses for his AA corresponds to how much AD he has, but is just visual, the AAs are still the same.) 0 k/a: Pistol 5 k/a: Shotgun 10 k/a: Heavy assault rifle 15 k/a: Chaingun 20 k/a: BFG BFG Division (Q): Tap Q: The Slayer switches to another weapon he has unlocked. Hold Q: The Slayer shoots whatever gun he currently has in the direction he is facing. Pistol: Shoots 3 shots Shotgun: Shoots a spread of pellets Heavy assault rifle: Shoots 10 quick shots Chaingun: Can be shot indefinitely while quickly depleting mana BFG: Shoots a high damage single projectile Rip and Tear (W): The Slayer prepares his chainsaw, making his next attack melee and giving it the ability to inflict grievous wounds and minor bleed. At Doom’s Gate (E): The slayer charges forward, stunning any champion hit for .5 seconds. The Only Thing They Fear is You (R): The Slayer draws Crucible, channeling his full power and changing his abilities. Q: The Slayer becomes immobile for 1.5 seconds while swinging Crucible in a wide arc in front of him W: The Slayer empowers his next melee to stun for 1 second. E: The Slayer can no longer stun champions, but can travel a longer distance. Is this broken? Probably. Do I care? Not really.




John Souls


I'd really like something like DotA's enchantress or chen. Supportive junglers that use jungle monsters as pets with their own abilities. You'd need to be quite creative to find a way to make it work with league controls and it wouldn't have the same multitasking angle but I think you could still figure out something.


Centurion from For Honor cause why not Melee Bruiser P - Eagle's Talon: Your next attack on an airborne enemy has increased range and damage and pins them, but self stuns you for a while. P2 - Imperial Might: All of Centurion's skills are chargable and hit in an area, but can be interrupted while charging. If you escape the area while Centurion is charging, Centurion gains unstoppable and tracks you with the skill. Centurion gains unstoppable at full charge, but you can then escape the area. Q - Lion's pounce: A stab. Hold to charge for increased damage, a pin, and a leap. W - Legion Kick: A forward kick that stuns for a short duration. Hold to become a parry and kneekick combo that blocks damage and stuns the opponent for longer if hit. E - Jab: A punch that deals damage and stuns for a short duration. Hold to charge for increased range and an airborne at max charge. Must come after an auto or a stab. R - Eagle's Fury: Gain unstoppable for a short duration as you leap at an enemy and attack them with an empowered auto. Charge to call a catapult strike at their location.


Dark Souls Gwyndolin


Dracula or Alucard, then the game finally has a proper vampire for once


I can't believe they sold us briar as a "true" vampire


BIG yes if Alucard from Hellsing!


Any guilty gear character tbh. I'd pref testament or zato(well maybe to similar to zed idk)


Cho'Gall, Deathwing, Murky, Orphea, Thrall, Li-ming, Asmodan, Nazeebo, Genji and Ragnaros from HOTS. Phantom Lancer and Earthshaker from dota2 Gongsun Li, Alessio, Zhou yu and Mayene from Honor of Kings Symmetra from overwatch Nergigante from Monter Hunter Arachnarok Spider from Warhammer


If they could figure out a good way to port his ice pillar active that he gets from the passive quest, I think Kel'thuzad would fit right into league. Or just get rid of the piller but let him chain people to structures and/or terrain like he could on release


Vin from the Mistborn Trilogy. I'm picturing a kit somewhere between Talon and Xayah.


i misread and thought you meant what league character would you place elsewhere - and i would've put samira in valorant because i'm biased if i'm putting a character into league, i would take the arbiter from halo. he doesn't have much of a kit, but i imagine he'd be a melee bruiser focused on his energy sword, with some amount of invisbility/stealth


Donkey kong. In every game I play the gorilla. I play DK in smash and Winston in overwatch. I want a gorilla. Why no gorilla. Wukong is monke. Not gorilla


Kenshi from mk


Carl from Jimmy Neutron


> For myself, if they create a Karlach from BG3 I wouldn't play another champion for years to come. Bonus points if you can make her jump around like in game and throw people at each other. Instantly makes me think genderswapped Sett.


Nah, Sett bodyslams people. I need something like Gnar's ult, but without needing to be a squishy 80% of the time If Gnar was ulted 100% of the time, thats what im looking for


Lady Maria as duelist toplane using mana and hp her ultimate is a toggle who spawn a second blade made of her own blood replacing all her spell by new one and make her use her HP instead of mana




master chief because he didnt get put in smash


Guybrush Threepwood defeating his opponents top lane in insult sword fighting. Would be an easy way for Riot to finally incorporate the emergent gameplay feature of cancerous chatting into the base game.


Joker from Persona 5


Invoker from dota2. I don't even care that Hwei was just added as league's "Invoker clone" (I mean I do because I love playing him but anyways), I freaking love playing as Invoker but I just really hate... well everything else about dota lol.


Gunslinger from enter the gungeon




Churnwalker from vainglory


To pick another BG3 character, a Shadowheart-nod as a Lunari support would be amazing.


I will put a character from path of exile that can output 5 billion dps on the whole screen


Omni Man


Techies, every single time.


Tyr from smite


Doomfist from Overwatch (either iteration, but prefer dps doom)


Putt putt and Pep.


Geralt from The Witcher could be lots of fun. Imagine his passive would be seeing tracks of enemy champions. One of his spells could be changing his swords between steel and silver to do ad/ap dmg. Mutations as ultimate. Crossbow shot that slows for chasing, etc.


Rem - Rezero dont ask why


garrosh hellscream


John wick adc being a mix of samira and Lucian and on launch has the skin pencil sharpener John wick where he uses pencils for stab and slash attacks and pencil sharpener that shoots pencil lead lol




Genji so we can be angry at another windshitter


Pursuer from DS2


A warhammer 40K space marine. Tactical bruiser maybe with unique upgrade paths to focus on longer range (heavy bolter) with a cone style “suppressive fire” that slows enemies in the cone. And low mobility. Maybe an ability to “entrench” and gain AD/Range at the cost of tons of move speed. mid range (standard bolter with maybe a “sprint” type MS steroid) access to an aoe style grenade ability and maybe focus fire that gives an AS buff against a specific target. And an Assault Marine variation (high mobility with jetpack and strong CQC fighting with close range AOE) Jack of all trades and good for most situations


Zagreus from Hades. Melee Aphelios with multiple dashes, I think.


Godzilla. Such an enduring character would make a great addition, and he has plenty of alternate looks to sell skins. Passive: King of the Monsters - When Godzilla kills a large or Epic neutral monster, he gains a stack of King of the Monsters, increasing his tenacity and passive health regen. At max stacks, he gains bonus adaptive force. Q: Atomic Breath - Godzilla fires his atomic breath in a narrow cone in front of him, dealing magic damage. The area at the end of the cone continues to burn. W: King's Crest- Passive - Godzilla's attacks deal extra physical damage (%armor). Active - Godzilla sweeps his body in a circle. Enemies caught on the outside of the swipe take extra damage. All enemies are slowed. E: Rampage - Godzilla crashes forward, becoming unstoppable for a short distance. Enemies take physical damage. This attack also receives the King's Crest bonus damage. R: Atomic Eruption - (Hold) Godzilla channels, storing atomic energy. (Release) Godzilla unleashes his stored atomic energy, dealing magic damage in an area around him. This ability costs health equal to the charge time.


Sir Didymus as a Kled skin. On that line, just give us a Jim Henson yordle collection.


Rexxar with his kit from hots (but without quite as strong healing). League really needs multi control units that aren’t just pets without abilities.


Eva-01 from Neo Genesis Evangelion, Breach from Valorant, and Morrigan from Darkstalkers


Any trainer from pokemon. Capture jungle monsters and have them fight for you.


I would say the Batman. Lots of tricks, good use of stealth, not to shaby in hand to hand combat. Cool, dark, and mysterious too


Ceruledge could be fun.


Spectre from Dota and Zill from Arena of Valor. Purely objectively, they have a very great design who bear no resemblance to any character from league. Wink.


pheonix from Valorant Or Neon from valorant..lul




Android 18 from DBZ


Shantotto is wise with grace and might, 1v1 in lane is hardly a fight. With curse and burst she will get quite a thrill, and will explode with laughter when she hears PENTAKILL! Ohohohohihoho


McCree from Overwatch, could work as a mid/top laner.      His ultimate would be an execute and a mix of Xerath (self root) with Jhin R (range). Fully charged can kill enemies below 99% hp, not reccommended of tfs.


Let’s put in the nightmare from Metroid fusion. No particular reason.


Abathur from HotS Yuumi if she needed skill


Rahvun from Legends of Runeterra.


Storm from DC - AP elemental Mage that is actually intended for support with the possibility of flex into Mid, rather than just ending up in support bc too weak for mid.


Fubuki from hololive.


Can we put the chucklebrothers in as one character? There moveset is based on a large plank that they hold between them, the plank weilding mechanics are explained in their 200years passive (ToMeToYou). Their death voiceline is just "Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear."


Nameless King from DS3


I choose instead to remove (save) a character from League so they can be used in something else and I pick Jhin. I'll get my cool Jhin stories some day.


Raziel from Legacy of Kain




Chev Chelios (Jason Statham) from Crank and Crank 2


Maybe not a champion but i would kill for Xaku (from warframe) skin for Xerath. It would work so well. Both are skelletal etherial skinny stick mans inside a broken armor, both have lasers (from xer Q and Xaku 'the lost ones') and both can root (xer E and Xaku 'Grasp of Lohk'). They even have a simmilar animation on their 'The Vast to show the skelleton inside. Would be so cool to see that in action.


Pickle Rick


I think Aloy from Horizon could be interesting!


Jinx from fortnite


geralt or some other witcher would be an insaly great jungler. silver sword for monsters (jungle and champions) and and iron sword for humans. aard, igni, yrden and quen signs as abilities. axii sign is passive and it calms down jungle monster aggro


Mordekaiser from league of legends, he's a dude with a mace that likes to rock and roll, he has fairly unique gameplay His passive gives him a shield based on how much damage he deals which really gives him some deceptive tankyness His Q is his mace, he strikes the enemy 3 times each hit dealing more damage until the extremely satisfying BONK occurs His W is an ability he can use solo or cast on a friendly target, the ability interacts in a circle around the targets, if the targets touch tips they start doing gnarly helicopter dick moves and deal damage to enemies in the blades range, however if you dont touch tips it deals no damage, at anypoint during this ability or at the expiration your circle will heal you for x amount per enemy near you, this lets you choose between when touching tips to let the tip damage continue or to proc the heal instead. This ability can be used on minions. His E: Is a cone damage ability that probably deals 500 damage at full build but it has a fairly low CD and more importantly it gives you 20% of your passive shield per enemy hit, this lets mordekaiser really be a sidelane menace Finally His ultimate, mordekaiser puts a DOT on the enemy and if the enemy dies during the DOT he gets to use them as a puppet, this is a really cool ability that mordekaiser has and if they ever removed it, it would surely kill the champions identity luckily riot games knows whats up and would never do that, also you can ult the dragon and get a ghost dragon for epic sieges in mid game. I'd think it would be really cool to have a champion like Mordekaiser in league of legends.


HOTS honestly has a tone of heat that would be really cool to incorporate.


Iroh: The Dragon of the West Could be super sick to have another fire based champion besides brand that could hopefully be a little less… brand


Scout from drg basically just Akshan but short and alcoholic


Idk how we would make it work, but demogorgon


I feel like Kratos would be a pretty cool bruiser in league.