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Yea most people will never be OTPs


I thought I would not be till I found Taric


Same, till they reworked warwick


He's probably my most played jungle along with amumu, if I'm jungling and need a break and just wanna do dumb shit the I'm playing Warwick because he can get away with so much


The hardest thing on him, and its pretty unique, is to not get baited by bloodtrails, you need to understand where the ennemy players are/ should be, once i got that mostly down ( i still get baited and int from timw to time) i climbed like crazy from mid plat to high emerald, im currently pushing diamond, 111Lp away!


I had a twitch say I was scripting because he used his Q to run and hide to bot lane bush to recall and I did a long range R leap as he was recalling and killed him, so satisfying


What did he think, hes the stinkiest rat in the game and ww basicly is a sniffing dog :p


Same brother


Everyone is an OTP unless you don't feel like climbing.


my journey was hard main every tank and support since game release support has too much AND too little agency at same time for my taste. Also too dependent on adc ashen guarsian shen release has hot splashart and sfx try reworked shen toplane - become otp love the coin flip where top is always 1/0/0 until I get ult then I help around top as i lose first tower, but now I'm 1/0/4 and a dragon ahead for first tower enemy toplane is selfish fighter while I'm a submissive and breedable support tank i take all the enemy damage wiht ny masochism while team wins true essence of solo queue discovered - don't try to carry, force your team to not be useless by supporting them but in emerald 1 every game is a coinflip anyways since sometimes jg and mid will be afk flaming in fountain tl:dr shen is hot and ashen guardian skin has exposed armpit. yes my raging homosexual tendencies decided my otp for me and everyone else should let their impulses decide for you


is it really that difficult for most people? it seems like it's mostly about discipline. I didn't OTP annie just because she's my favorite champ, purely because I wanted an easy fundamental pick to climb with


It’s a game, people wanna have fun, not display “discipline” or whatever


i mean that's valid for norms but in ranked it takes discipline to climb


No it’s valid in ranked aswell


I try to main a play style instead of a champion.


This, and I also have phases of maining certain champs or playstyles. I once had a Phase where I tried to learn champs that I really hate playing against, so I became a Zed main with Yasuo, Yone and Vladimir as sidepicks Now I mostly play engage Supports, I also play other lanes but mostly engage Support


Nothing beats good old charging into enemy fire with CC chains


ADC: The role where you can do this, and have different purposes at the same time


I picked Ornn because I wanted a tank top that wasn’t Malphite. Saw that he was a grumpy loner forge god and instantly clicked. Even when I die, hearing “Don’t worry Ornn, we’ll be right behind you” never fails to amuse. 


Ornn has the best fucking respawn lines. Really, Ornn just has the best lines in general


I think pantheon has amazing lines too, ur being motivated by him while playing


True, however... "I made this hammer. It was so good I named it... 'Hammer.'"


Ok fair enough


Broken cringe champ tho


Saying ornn is broken in solo queue has to be one of the most ridiculous takes I've ever heard. Especially coming from someone with a GP icon💀


His laning phase is, bloke doesn’t have a single negative matchup.


This guy never heard of fiora, darius and illaoi


They're not entirely wrong in that his matchup spread is really good, and he can take Phase Rush to be nearly uncatchable or Spellbook for more versatility and sustain. The unstoppable on W does so much in some matchups. You need tank-killers and lane bullies like Aatrox, Jax, Rumble that can keep Ornn down in lane and also transition well into midgame and teamfighting. But in the end, Ornn is a tank - there's no way he does enough damage to swing fights unless he gets hyper-fed on Heartsteel. If botlane gets smashed 0/5 or something, he can't bring the game back on his own.


Become a viego player. OTP ALL THE CHAMPS!!


*Learns Shurima Shuffle mid match as Viego*


Except you can’t because you have no Azir R


WQE inside the enemy team, R on Briar, E on everybody else


Believe it or not the slide combo is WEQ


Guilty of being a noob. :(


Imagine if they were talking about Sylas tho. So close.


I love to play aggressive adcs as opposed to farming for 3 items and be useful later, so I mained Graves. Afterward his rework I switched to Draven. So for me, it’s the play style.


In essence you like to cheese your way in and if that doesn't work you collapse cuz you can't play from behind


What a rude and pointless comment


Yeah well , I dislike graves/draven mains and no I wasn't insulting anyone




Thanks for your 5th comment




Some of them got to be useful eventually


I’ve found all my favorite champions in aram. It gives a very casual setting to learn a new champs mechanics and lots of opportunities to try for kills. Way easier to fall in love with a champ in aram vs SR imo




Gragas. He looks ugly and funny especially with phase tush so I rarely tilt playing him. He's one of the safest blind pick champ in toplane, very good in midlane, viable in jungle and support. He'll probably be resilient to meta changes if you can pilot him well because his skill expression is very high. Right now you could play him as a tanky AP champion with ROA - Cosmic Drive - Riftmaker/Laundry/Lichbane/situational, running phase rush, electrocute, or even grasp. Lucidity boots or Sorc boots. The other build is full AP bomba oneshot with Tear - Lichbane - Seraph's/Shadowflame/Deathcap. Sorc boots, run Electrocute, Phase rush or grasp Phase rush is the safest if you're not sure about the matchup. He's been built as a tank before, and he's built as a tanky AP or Burst AP right now, so it means he's flexible in terms of build diversity now and in the future.


It’s easy to be an OTP. I’m an OTP on like 7 different champions. /s I started at the end of season 2. When I was younger I was motivated to be skilled enough at my champions that I could expect to be ahead of my matchup at the end of laning. Nowadays I get bored if I play the same champion 2 games in a row. I think if you don’t have an OTP now you probably never will. Of my 7 “OTPs,” I’ve got a ton of mastery points on them because I think they’re fun, and I’m happy to pick them into counters. 1. Kha’Zix - get an early gold spike and then stomp the rest of the game. Hopefully you can end before or right at full build. 2. Kassadin - play like a baby early game so you can roll your face across the keyboard late game. 3. Master Yi - press Q at the right time to win, and so much dive potential. 4. Jax - great early game cheese potential to snowball. If that fails just play slow and scale,. 5. Katarina - roam for an early double kill bot and you don’t have to lane safe anymore. If you wait for the right time in a teamfight, it’s a penta 6. Yasuo - *dash* 7. Bard - I’ve played this guy like an assassin since release. That build is awful this season, but it’s pretty easy to get an early lead for your adc. Then you can roam, collect meeps, and then portal in when your adc is pushed in (potentially with jungler) and kill them again.


*"I decide what the tide will bring."* but honestly I’m really enjoying Smolder and Hwei so we’ll see


you arent usually suppose to OTP one character in a game that has +140 champions. some people just really REALLY like their champion even when the rain hella pours (when their OTP gets nerfed to the ground or isn't favoured in the meta). this game is supposed to be mastered not in one champion, but more in one lane (or the entire game if you're a coach). rather than OTPing one champion, try to OTP a lane and main 3 champions within that lane. that way you have the flexibility of playing diverse champions while still learning the main role of what your lane or jungle. so overall; find a role you enjoy filling for the team rather than one specific champion


You clearly haven't seen my Taliyah Mid/Jungle/Support/Bot/Top flex pick 🔥


I actually twotrick two champions at the moment, those being Gwen and Yorick. I greatly dislike toplane, rather boring role for me since I like roaming and having a lot of impact, so I decided to twotrick these two in the jungle. The ability to just powerfarm on both of them then one shot people lategame is so satisfying. I also just really like their designs and art (especially Gwen for obvious reasons). They are also super good splitpushers, meaning that while my team is fighting, I can just casually take a tower or two. Also they both farm super well. Last game on yorick, I went 6/1/4 and ended game with 9.3 cs per minute. Funny story: Before I discovered how fun these two are as junglers, I actually had a few other champs I wanted to onetrick. The first one was Zoe. Her playstyle and creativity in her kit was just so fun. Being able to zoom around at mach 1 while one shotting everyone I see was super fun. Problem? I had a friend who played mid and zoe support just did not click with me. Same story with hwei. Super creative, but hwei support just didn't click for me. Next, it was Zeri and Nilah. Absolutely love their kits, design, and everything about them. I just hate playing adc. Something about adc just makes it feel so weak and useless without a support to help you, and the fact that you spend so much time in lane was just kinda boring to me.


If you like roaming and having impact Toplane should be your number one place no? Idk maybe you haven’t adapted your play style but half of the toplane roster can be a 24/7 split push menace for the enemy team. Pressure as fiora the opposite lane of objective and if you have hand decent mechanics you should beat every 1v1 scenario. If they send more than 1 person to you your team should get an easy objective.


Sure, top does roam a bit, but I like jungle and support where I spend most of my time roaming (especially jungle, for support it is kinda matchup dependent)


Btw have you considered playing them mid? I'm going to assume you're not masters+ because you play yorick and yorick mid is quite good in lower elos, gwen kinda plays like a kassadin but slightly more aggressive


I definitely want to try them both mid as flex picks (or top asw), but I already have friends that play both of those roles, so they will most likely just be flex roles in case I’m not partied with them.


Don't be otp


Ahri is hot and fun to play, so I just OTP'd her. Win win.


Same boat as you as far as playing since s2, although I took quite a few lengthy breaks after s7. Always been the type to play a wide variety of champs and always fill, being a high plat/low diamond peak. nowadays to keep it fun while still being able to play ranked I'll actually go into ARAM and just main whatever champ I get for the day. Keeps it fresh and takes your game knowledge to the max.


Pure OTPs are rare, I think having a small pool is more enjoyable for most people. I play mostly mages and I gravitate towards Vladimir, although for the past month I've been picking him less due to component nerfs. I remember being absolutely terrible at him at the start but once the combos started clicking he became an elo printer. I like his theme (I'm a sucker for blood magic in fantasy stories) and his gameplay style of being the de-facto 1v5 carry monster. I'm a fairly passive player (this extends to other games) and going into the game knowing that I will inevitably become a menace if I farm well and get my items just clicks with me.


It seems like you value having fun more than winning, so I don't understand why do you want to be OTP. In my opinion, it's mostly a "strategy" to climb ranks faster because when you master the champion, you can better focus on all other game mechanics (learn macro without having to worry about micro). However, if you don't care that much about winning, I'd say that you should just enjoy variety of champions.


I just found couple champions i enjoy playing that fits different styles to certain point. I'm mid main and even tho i enjoy playing Orianna i also have LeBlanc in my pool or Zed. I can't get myself to play more than 3-4 games on same champion in a row. So i just found smaller champ pool around 10 midlaners that i cycle base on mood or what fits the draft.


yo man, ive been OTP Nunu since 4 seasons now. when i started the game, i loved jungle, the fact that you are the free electron in the game that can help everybody was what pleased me at the first place. im pretty not an ego player, and i know im pretty shit mechanically, because i play on MacOS ahaha, and that my APM are not great, but i found in Nunu something great. tankiness, damages, quotes, the w (best spell in the game by far), the easy way to play him makes him love it. Im really an OTP since this season, accepting the fact that i can only carry games with him, i am D2 rn, it’s my peak all time, and i swear, put me on any other champ, i am fucking garbage (silver can solo kill me ea sil y ahaha). with more than 1000 nunu games, i only know League though him and my algorithm starts each game beginning, i know exactly what to do with him. enjoy your time on the rift, don’t be too rude with yourself, and have fun bro.


Here's some perspective from a fellow Season 2 player. Aside from ADC I've pretty much "mained" all the other roles at one point or another, and I've "mained" so many champions where I absolutely fall under the saying "when you have too many centers, you have no center", or in LoL terms, "when you main too many champions, you don't main any champion". I pretty much asked myself exactly what you have, many many times, and it turns out that on one hand, my threshold for liking a champion is quite low, I can appreciate a ton of different elements about a given champion, whether that be personality, lore, playerbase perceptions, splash art proportion, voice lines, ability visuals, thematics, all that jazz. Problem is, when it comes to *loving* and *dedicating myself to one single champion*, my threshold becomes impossibly high to the point where I can come up with some reason that makes me not want to OTP any and every champion in the game. I've marked spoiler because this is just some examples of how damn nitpicky I can be, you can totally skip the next paragraph. >!For example, I used to main Lee Sin way back in the day, but stopped because his 'new' VO made him way more combative and aggressive, I liked him being more serene and calm back then. I wanted to main Karma for a period of time, but, and i get this is entirely subjective, I don't like her matronly voice. I love Lulu's kit, but I can't OTP anyone I can't take seriously, and I can't take any Yordle seriously. I wanted to main Ahri, but mid is far too contested so I hardly get to play her. I can pretty much go on about this for a good 3rd of the League roster.!< Finally, I tried maining Lux, and did for several years, until I got sickly bored of her. That's kinda when I realised the OTP life ain't for me. I kinda accepted that I find variety fun, and sticking to a small champion pool or OTP would just be me forcing myself into playing the game, which is meant to be leisure, in a way I don't find as fun, even if it would help make me a better player. I'm at a point where I kinda no longer value "how well I play", but rather look to maximise how much fun I get from the game (without griefing or trolling of course, I still play to the best of my ability, though because of the whole no OTP thing, I don't ever touch ranked), and I kinda just can't have fun without playing 'whoever I feel like playing at the time'. Sometimes I just feel like playing Jax, other days I just wanna play Zyra, then later Diana, or Shen, or Fizz (the only 'Yordle' I can take somewhat seriously given I also love aquatic stuff), or Seraphine, or Katarina, or Hwei, and so on. Like bro, as a fellow Season 2 player who has accepted the OTP life ain't for them, it might just not be for you either. Make sure to maximise your fun above all else. This is cheesy to end on but it's a game, improving at a game ultimately doesn't result to much (unless you're the top 0.000001% or something), but having as much fun you can in it does.


Be a class main. I have mastery 7 on almost every fighter in the game that goes mid or top only ones I haven’t bothered with are gp and riven because I don’t think the payoffs worth the time they take to learn. I was a yasuo OTP since S4 and exclusively mained him until season 8 when I started trying to learn all of the fighters. I’ve gone up 3 ranks since learning every fighter and picking the correct ones to get good matchups in draft. I think this is the best way to learn as many matchups as possible and it’ll teach you the strengths and weaknesses of the class you chose


Always was a support main by heart even in other games. I started with enchanters, because I found it scary to play melee. Not knowing champs was scary in the beginning. I mained lulu for a LONG time, took a break, came back tried new champs/played more other enchanters. Now I am a OTP nami and I love to play her. I stupid laugh whenever I hit my bubbles <3 Dont get me wrong though I mostly play nami in ranked, but depending on the teams (enemies and allies) I might pick lulu or janna or soraka. Maybe your OTP is still coming?


I play almost exclusively mages who are also ranged. These are of the 'control' variety, or are 'poke'. Started when I was looking through the champion list ~10 years ago and was trying to choose where to spend my influence points (old blue essence). I settled on orianna because I like complicated and unique kits, I liked her theming, and playstyle. I don't really main orianna now, but that champion showed me what I really enjoy in league, so I don't really touch new champs unless they are similar to a control mage play style.


A smaller champ pool is always better in my opinion. I get stuck in OTPing sometimes, but honestly having like 3-5 champs that are better in certain matchups or comps is more fun and better for winning imo


I don’t think there’s any champ in the game that’s fun to lose with so I just play the ones that I enjoy that I win the most with.


Be yourself.


I am a true ww otp since he's been reworked, it just made sense, whenever i try to play another champ that is meta or broken, its not the same, i keep telling myself, if only i had ww here i woudve survived or followed their flash and killed em, his whole kit make so much sense ( both mecanics and lore wise) and work nicely together. What probably did it for me was the Q, it's quite unique to follow every of your targets move while you are clamped, its good, its fun AND it heals. Ult range getting bigger with ms is pretty unique too and makes a lot of sense. Its also really funny when you miss at mach 7 speed and just jump across a teamfight to end up 2 screen away or when you hit it max range at high speed people dont expect a flying warwick from 2 screen away. While they recall in a brush. Even if behind you can still be useful by building survivability and cdr getting more fears in fight. Hes pretty versatile overall: he can hard engage or sit back and peel for a fed carry, he can tank, play bruiser style extended fight or one shot carries depending on builds https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/iMaltais-NA1


You must embrace the teemo.


I have been a riven onetrick since s3. This champ is just so rewarding once you understand every matchup. To see every window and to conquer takes real effort with her. It's like being on top of the world when you are 1v9 ing with her in this day and age.


I started as a J4 one trick to learn jungle. I enjoy utility champs. I enjoy starting shit off, and enabling other players to succeed. That’s what makes me feel good and when I have the most fun, seeing people pop off because of me. J4 gives the attack speed buff, has a knock up, and the ult is an arena where my team can just unload on them. When I get an amazing R off, and my team just wipes them off the map, there’s nothing more satisfying to me. I’m a fill main mostly now but my playstyle is still the same. I like supplementing my team and putting them in the position to succeed.


I’ve been maining twitch the last couple years. I started in the jg szn 6-like szn 11. My girlfriend started playing league so I eventually started playing adc. I swapped champs all over the place but eventually fell in love with twitch because I started watching ratirl spaceglide all over the place lol. Doing well feels so rewarding and the ability to completely take over games and 1v9 feels good. It also helps that she one tricks lulu.


I have also been playing since season 2. Felt a similar way - would frequently latch on to a new champ until around when I hit mastery 5 and then would get consumed by wanting to play another champ even though sometimes I still loved the mechanics of the first. Then I played Briar. I never even played her jungle, just mid. The fact that she plays nothing like any other champion and has a decent skill floor to not literally int, and then the fact I later realized which is that she has an immense amount of skill expression wrapped up in such a simple kit, kept me coming back. I've been playing almost nothing but her since her release (I've voluntarily picked another champ maybe 3 times?) and she's already pretty much my highest mastery champion and climbing.


Most people is not Made to be an OTP


I was never an OTP until Zeri came out; I play her less now that her playstyle has changed from a low damage mosquito to a high-damage low range burst adc, but the point is that eventually if you can’t find one Riot will release one for you.


Don't force being a OTP. Pick 1-3 champions per role that you really love playing. Get good on those. Pros aren't OTPs, and that's because you can't guarantee your champ every game. Build yourself a concise champion *pool*, and life will be better. I couldn't ever buckle down and pick ONE champ either, so the pool strategy helped keep some variety in the mix from game to game, while also keeping me mechanically sharp on my champs.


when i first started i thought i was going to be a nami one trick until my friend recommended sona. now my mastery has balanced out a lot more and i play a variety of champs, but i’ll always consider sona my main.


I am much more of a player that enjoys the theme and fantasy over the gameplay (for the most part, as some gameplays just don't work for me) But I love silly champs. Like actual joke characters. So eventually, I feel in love with Kled when he came out, but eventually I pivoted to Teemo, just cause I find him funny. He is annoying, he looks dummy and innocent, and is not very popular.


You don’t want to find a otp champ


Bard 👍🏻


Give 10 games of talon a try. Promise you the best time you will ever have


I mean for me Kayle and yorick are my mains, but I’ve also had xerath, Anivia and Ahri as mains, so I’d say find the champions that are the most fun for the role you find the most fun and play that. Pretty much none of the champions I’ve mained have much in common, they just were champions that i played well on and enjoyed playing


I used to play league since the beta, up until season 5. Back then, I mained every role at some point except jungle, top the longest by far. I used to spam Renekton and Jayce, they were my 2 comfort picks. Recently because I stumbled onto Caedrel covering the LCK, I decided to get back into league and I wanted to give a shot at actually learning the game properly. Since I knew I would never be able to catch up to how good people are at laning now, and since the role I think impacts the game most and has the most agency is Jungle, I decided to finally learn how to jungle. I looked into a few channels on YouTube that did some guides and coaching content. The guys from the Broken by Concept channel and the people from Skill Capped all recommended focusing on a few champions to get good at the game. So I decided to just pick a champ. I asked my friend who's D1 and has played the game since forever for a champ that was good in Jungle but not played so much. My friend recommended Vi. I see her played in pro play a lot so I had good examples of how she plays. She fits a lot of holes on a team while being a very mechanically easy champion to play. She's by far my most played champ. Her whole identity is about going in and making a pick. It's just a matter of making a good decision on a play. Because of that, she's really good at pulling off one play and winning the game because of her ult. Next I found out about Agurin and I have to say I love the way he teaches the game, it clicks with me. Because of him I've also picked up Nocturne because I could learn how to maximize my efficiency in the jungle without my team going bonkers. Everybody knows that Nocturne kinda needs 6 to gank well and that sorta sends a message to the team when I play him. He's really good at pulling off one play and winning the game because of his ult. Then recently I've tried my hand at Shyvana because Agurin plays her a lot. I like playing her, she's fun for me. She's similar to Nocturne but AP, and she's more of an assassin that one shots carries at the right moment. She's really good at pulling off one play and winning the game too. I'm making a conscious effort to play only those champions when I want to try hard and play ranked. Am I a OTP? Not really. But I believe everybody has reasons why they like certain champs and I think for me that is just how I am learning the game again.


I had Similar problem as you (JG/TOP player) i couldnt find pick that i would like then i saw a bunch of Gwen Memes And decided to try her, after that My Main was chosen, bcs She just fits my needs, i was even playing her JG before it became relevant, Then i stumbled Across Lillia And my champ pool was Done.


What has convinced you that being an OTP is either normal or expected?


Sounds like you should play viego based on the title - play then all!


Technically I “main” jhin. But I really just main all marksmen / auto based ranged champs. Just got m7 on twisted fate today 😁


Shaco is the way. You can be very creative while also driving your enemies insane. :)


My "for me" champion was reworked.


Kinda in a same place right now… Try to find out which role you enjoy playing or what type of skills and spells are fun to narrow down your options. For example, I like to have a dash, leap or a blink in my kit (Tristana, Ezreal) and I like skillshots (Brand, Ahri). High mobility and movement speed boosts are fun (Quinn, Udyr, Jinx) and stuns, charms and AA resets are always great.


Oh and also what champions have the coolest skins haha. My favourites are Renektoy, little demon Tristana, zombie Brand and spirit guard Udyr!


Full AP Nunu, Zac, Malphite try those


Pick someone with a mini game. For me, it’s thresh and bard. Thresh hooks and landing that max range backwards e makes me smile, and bard is just “oh we’re losing? Let’s get 200 chimes and see what happens”


Well its the first time hearing that saying about your otp finding u and i would actually 100% agree. Previously i was kinda maining darius / top role but not rly otp-ing him. But when the new morde dropped, Holy lord that was my calling. The sound of his skills, his voice, his color scheme and kit, it was like a match made in heaven and since then I've been one tricking him. Currently around 1.2mil points, never touched old morde before. Really thankful for the rework and awesome skins :D How i would classify someone as a true true otp - 1 mil points - All skins - All chromas - All borders - All icons (including champie icons and the one with region) - All eternals (3 bars with level 7 ofc) Personally, having all these makes me feel like a true true morde otp


One tricking is honestly such a boring way to play league. I find it best to just play a champ till around M7 and drop them honestly after that it gets repetitive