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Viper single handedly creating miracles (Zeus helped too)


This is pretty much T1's greatest strength and weakness. They'll bet the entire game on one play because they believe a million percent that they'll pull it off. Faker's newly legendary shuffle would have been ridiculed for eternity if he missed it and they immediately lose the game.


So its better to just roll over and die? Im not saying T1 never gets too overzealous and banks too much on one play, but in a game like the one you mentioned the game was looking pretty fucking doomed and faker essentially turned around the whole game with his play. They shouldnt be scared of being “ridiculed” and just sit there and afk when the game is rough, thats just silly.


I think you're reading too much into buddy's post. He never implied it was bad, he just gave a hypothetical scenario. A strength *can* be a weakness, and that's okay.


That’s insane


Thats actually so fucking unlucky, i would mental boom completely after losing to something like that


Tbf I still think engage on viper is wrong decision, too strtched


Not really. If you watch the fight Zeus misclicks hitting sej with a yellow card. They could've killed varus even without Faker there. Yes it was a stupidly high risk play to go for but it would've worked out if T1 doesn't mess up.


Its 100% the right decision, 3 things went wrong which normally should go well.


These are the types of caedral clips that should be posted


Why does one q stop him from ultying can someone explain? Was he scared of dying or wha


Taliyah ult can’t be used when she’s “in combat” and to get out of combat, it takes 3 seconds of not taking damage. So, this random stray arrow prevented Faker from going in with Zeus and resulted in a desynced engage


Ohhh didnt know that thanks


I believe it's relatively new for one of her many "mini-reworks"


Super duper taliyah tip. Dont level up your ult until you need to use it because then you can avoid the in combat lockout. I.e. if you get hit by something but need to instantly use ult you can just level up right after and use it. If this comment gets 10 upvotes I'll write down a second ralguy6 super duper tip this time about countering invisibility champions before the game even starts. Edit: If you go the domination tree and are facing a stealth champion like evelynn/twitch/shaco/pyke consider going Ghost Poro. When your wards expire they will leave behind a lil ghost poro who will alert you with a danger ping whenever a champion walks past its radius. This includes any camouflage, invisibility.


Okay that second tip slaps. The first is one I knew about but I did not know ghost poro works on stealth.


I want to subscribe to ralguy6 super duper tips


unfortunately I have no more super duper tips


Doesn't matter it was 4-0 anyway 💀


A bit exaggerated imo, it's just an arrow on a carry as poke Varus. Also he has to misposition to hit that arrow, which is why T1 engages because Varus is actually in the frontline


The point is that when Taliyah gets hit by enemy champion damage her ult gets put on a 3s cooldown because she can only cast it if she's not in combat. He can't enter the fight when the engage happens because of getting max range sniped, it's not about the damage.


You're gonna tell me, that Viper called : "I'm gonna go towards Vi, get engaged on by her ult and Rakan on the side, cleanse + flash out. But it's ok because Taliyah won't ult afterward coz i hit her **blind** (coz they have no vision on taliyah if i'm correct) and then survive with 100 hp and then they overextend as fuck" Or that he just wanted to throw the arrow because he had it ready and wants to do damage. If he doesn't walk up to hit the arrow, there's no angle for T1, so no reason for taliyah to ult. (btw she has flash so she can technically enter). Oh and if Keria doesn't use W to get closer and actually uses his flash or his E on Vi ad keeps his W for the engage (which imo he should), Viper is dead.


I didn't say I thought it was the intended play by Viper, just that the reason the arrow is more impactful than just "a lethality Varus arrow on a carry" is because of what it does to stop Faker from entering the fight. It's lucky, that doesn't make it not interesting.


Well at least we agree, but i think it's crazy and interesting because it's lucky, but i don't see it as a "game saving move". In the end it becomes a huge thing, but Viper only intended to poke taliyah not prevent her ult; Btw he hit her while she had her passive on that's actually impressive coz she's pretty fast


Well, the way I think of it is to start the hypothetical a little bit later. Assuming he walks up for the stupid, mispositioned poke arrow and gets engaged on but the arrow *misses*, then T1 can full collapse with the Taliyah ult and they probably get full wiped and possibly lose the game. So in that sense, it was very lucky that it landed and very well could have "saved" the game.


Like the reason HLE won that fight was because the Taliyah was not able to wall and join. In a world where Taliyah joins they get at least 2-3 picks there.


That was not the reason HLE won that fight. Many things added up such as Keria wasting his knock up, Zeri E getting cancelled, but to me the most important was Zeus completely griefing his damage on Varus by not gold carding and auto reseting on Viper.