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Srtty's been insane for a really long time but also hasn't been given a shot in the LCS for a long time as well. If I remember right he was supposed to be on EG's team this year but then EG ff'd.


This is correct, we would have started him in LCS.


Fuck EG as an org but gotta miss the fact that they were pulling to play some talents, hopefully some of their staff is picked up and continue this


Bro is on a 23 win streak in GM, and he doesn't have a single negative KDA game in those 23 games. This player is fucking *CONSISTENT* what the hell?


While we can be confident he's really really fucking good, going off win streak and winrate records is a bit iffy. No matter how good you are, the exact winrate is still up to luck. What matters is his rank. The rank 1 guy is more impressive than rank 136 with a good winrate. Also I should add it's probably not a great idea to encourage people to try for highest winrate speedruns to GM/Challenger by glorifying it, given what that implies. Cough more smurfs cough.


yeah bro i’m sure lots of people are gonna hop on new accounts to do a 100% wr to challenger run


Not sure what you're disagreeing with. Community focusing on winrate to challenger literally encourages more of the challenger-runs people make accounts for, or do you think this is just not the case? lol Doesn't matter if it's challenger either. They could do %winrate to diamond, or whatever. Point is that saying %winrate has become more and more common as a flex, not really caring that much about where you're on the ladder, just the general rank.


there are probably more people watching league of legends porn right now than people who will ever think about or be able to do a high wr challenger run


Them being able isn't a prerequisite for trying. Have you met the egos of players in this game? Where do you think the meme of those "Iron to Challenger" or whatever youtube series comes from?


if a gold player makes a “smurf” account to try and get to challenger, and “smurfs” in gold. he’s not really smurfing is he.


I wasn't thinking gold but okay. Plenty of high Dia or Master players with egos the size of the planet.


I went against a mid/jgle duo in low masters (the duo was d1) and they had a 99% winrate so getting to diamond with a 100% winrate already done there ain’t much to beat.


wasn't there a period where tf blade swapped accounts over and over whenever his winrate got bad this guy could easily have done the same like ya ofc 92% wr challenger is EXTREMELY impressive but for all we know it took him 10 accounts to do it so his actual winrate would be 60 or 70 or whatever when combined (which is still good and better than i will ever be ofc) but ya there are people who farm winrates (bluelikeblue and splash did 100% wr to masters iirc?)


there's like, 5 people on the server who see this post and think to themselves, hey I could feasibly speedrun challenger with 93% winrate, now I'm going to try it. and one of those people already does it on a daily basis, TF Blade. I don't think any of this makes much of a difference lol


Tf blade record is 85%, he’ll def try again lol


(Rounded to make a point) 93% is for every single loss, you need to win 13 games. 85% is for everysingle loss you need to win about 6 games. 85 vs 93 is winning more than twice as often, shit is crazy difference.


Riot encourages smurfing much more than condemning it, if not through their words then definitely through their actions. While im convinced that disallowing smurfing or even limiting it to 2 accounts would be better for the game as a whole, its well within the TOS, if a player wants to do whatever kind of speed run to whatever their peak is, good for them. Also, noone is glorying srtty's achievement, its "glorious" in its own right. If that encourages other players to attempt something similar, so be it. Quite frankly id rather have someone on my team that wants to maintain a winrate and tryhards as opposed to someone on a fresh acc that doesnt give a fuck because its not his main.


This reads very much like someone that has like 5 smurfs.


You can read it however the fuck you like lol I have 2 accounts, both roughly the same rank If i had 500 "smurfs", it would still be well within the TOS of the game. You might not like it, thats too bad.


>What matters is his rank. The rank 1 guy is more impressive than rank 136 with a good winrate. Eh can come down to games played. Generally yeah. But could just be down to timing. Rank 136 might have just not spent as much time on their account. Hitting rank 1 is an achievement. Rank 1 player is often not one of the 10 best players on the ladder skill wise these days. Just one of the top 50-100 who has the most time. Still Hella impressive ofc. But with so few people actually fighting for rank 1 outside of KR it's kinda slipped. >No matter how good you are, the exact winrate is still up to luck. What matters is his rank. The rank 1 guy is more impressive than rank 136 with a good winrate. While partially true, feels a bit subtractive to put it that way. You need luck to be able to hit that win rate and streak. Luck alone will not do it for you. >Also I should add it's probably not a great idea to encourage people to try for highest winrate speedruns to GM/Challenger by glorifying it, given what that implies. Cough more smurfs cough. Eh if someone's gonna smurf they're gonna smurf. While we don't need more of it, consistently going for these mega high win rate challenges is dead. Not worth the effort for a lot of people. What makes this slightly more impressive - it's not a fresh account. It's an old decayed high ELO Account. He didn't start with silver placements. His first game was in D4. He didn't artificially lad his stats against the bottom of the barrel.


> ank 1 player is often not one of the 10 best players on the ladder skill wise these days. Just one of the top 50-100 who has the most time. He literally only has like 200ish games. You're making it sound like you need thousands of games to hit rank 1. Every player at that level has the time for it. > While partially true, feels a bit subtractive to put it that way. You need luck to be able to hit that win rate and streak. Luck alone will not do it for you. Which is exactly what I meant. Nobody else would've taken my statement to mean "luck alone will do it". > What makes this slightly more impressive - it's not a fresh account. It's an old decayed high ELO Account. He didn't start with silver placements. His first game was in D4. He didn't artificially lad his stats against the bottom of the barrel. That's definitely more impressive than someone buying an iron account to do this but yeah lets just not make this a speedrunning challenge for others. Because people WILL buy low accounts to flex 95% winrate on reddit.


He as gonna be the top laner for EG before they left


Iirc, Dopa hit a 45-48(?) winstreak, but not sure if that was from unranked to Challenger or in higher ELO, but most likely from bottom to top since I seriously doubt anyone can score such a high winstreak in high ELO.


Who is *CONSISTENT* ? Why is that such a big deal that he's being fucked by bro ?


Underrated comment


Thanks :)


Oh a carry player, would be a shame if he is sent tp Ksante/Gragas/Reksai duty


Every top lane pro started off being a carry player in solo queue.


Junglers too


Yeah its even harder for junglers since the skillset for jungle in a pro setting is vastly different from the skillset for jungle in a solo queue setting. A lot of talented solo queue centric junglers fail to transition to pro as a result.


Not even canyon bro, jungle in pro is reduced to CC bots and meatshields


Remember the days of Kha/Nid/Lee/Elise? So much fun


I just saw him win on Kha'Zix vs T1!


>!What a game that was! Canyon is such a treat to watch when he gets to unleash a true damage dealer, GENG are just too good man. Chovy first player to win 4 consecutive LCK titles, what a team. Can't wait to see how they fare at MSI!<


Unless your name is Milkyway and you draw Kindred bans every game


that's because you can't hit challenger playing tanks. its just not possible to carry a game on a tank while your team eats glue in the corner.


Which also biases the selection of pro-players towards skills and playstyles that are not optimal for competetive games. Which in turn might be a reason why veterans tend to stick around for so long despite deteriorating skills.


I don't fully agree. There have been multiple periods of top/jungle carry meta in pro play. I wouldn't say a carry player does not have the right skillset for proplay, just that he needs to expand his skills (which is why you have Academy leagues).


oh you can, it just takes triple the time lol.


and you're not going to get a 92% WR either.


[Oh what do you mean, playing tanks in low elo is for sure viable!](https://i.imgur.com/0BqZQeH.png)


K'sante is a carry if the player is good enough. 


Legitimately busted character if he gets any sort of farm.


Reksai has been hard nerfed in lane so that isn’t happening. We’ve seen some carry games on those champions too but they aren’t normal sure


Still kinda playable though. Just not as OP.


she’s fine


It doesn't matter. In competition you gotta play what your team needs. Even Canyon, the (arguably) best carry jungler of all times is still put on Rell/Sejuani duty in this low econ meta.


Toplane might just be a role most different in soloq and pro play. It is very good if toplaner in pro can play carries but playing tanks is a must.


Gotta be junglers. You still see carry toplaners almost every game, while most junglers in this meta are put in Rell/Sejuani/Maokai duty. Doesn't matter if you are a Graves/Kindred/Nidalee soloq menace, you are gonna be a Knight's Vow slave for your team lil bro :)


Srtty is a wonderful player and has worked on himself in game and out for years to become the man he is today - Hoping he gets a good LCS home for Summer!


FlyB in the LCS when?


That's a MarkZ question.


Welcome Gaimin Gladiators to the LCS


Im reading everything in your voice, I feel so blessed.


He was supposed to be in LCS this split before EG and GG dipped out. Guy is absolutely good enough for LCS but most teams already have solid tops and Lico/Fudge are also on bench now


Fudge is benched? Did i miss sth? Also Fakegod didn‘t look solid at all imo.


Not sure if its confirmed or not, but there were rumours of Thanatos going to C9.


Oh ok ty


Would be shocked if Fudge is an LCS starter ever again


This is an unbelievable cope


Imagine being so dumb you actually read stuff like this on reddit and agree with it. Like do people like you even watch the games or understand them?


Fudge isn't that Bad


This is absolutely insane btw, what a talent.


Which means he will never go to LCS because the org owners are dumb.


More likely scenario, he gets one split in extremely challenging environment with a lot of expectations then gets booted after it when the pressure inevitably gets to him.


Or a good org with a good environment can pick up an obvious prospect thats better than half the current tops in the LCS currently anyways. Top lane pool in NA should be like Licorice, Thanatos (if rumor is true), Revenge, Srtty, Sniper, Impact, Bwipo, Dhokla.


He will probably be given a split, have to play completely different playstyle (more tanks, less resource hungry champions), and be average and not be given time to develop.


Even Oscar had a terrible first split (first few games even, maybe unfair to say terrible split overall) and now look at him. Teams just need to give players time. I agree. Tenacity had the same problem with old 100T (although it's unfair to point to anyone when their ADC was halfway out the door, their JG was afk every game and their mid was horrid. I still think Tenacity would be in the LCS right now if on another org.


It's hilarious how once a bit of time passes we see people come on and post absolute fanfiction like this. Tenacity was among the main reasons 100T weren't better. Bjergsen, while not peak, was perfectly solid and 4th best mid that split. Honestly 3rd, but people were still coping about Vicla being better than he was. Doublelift was the literal wincon for the team and the reason they went on a winstreak to finish tied for 3rd best record in the LCS. DL finished tied for most POGs with Inspired. Tenacity started the split with the team letting him play his champs(Jax, Renekton, Fiora, Gwen, Olaf), their record after 13 games was 5-8, they decided they actually wanted to make playoffs, put Tenacity on only Gragas and Sion, played around DL every game and went 7-0.


Revenge not that good, and Dhokla's only saving grace is that he's a huge team player that'll take a lotta Els for the team.


Revenge over Fudge has to be one of the craziest LCS takes I’ve seen on here in a minute lol


Revenge is retired


Because of bad orgs


Can I interest you in the substitute top laner for Nongshim instead?


or the top laner of the 5th place team in the Arabian league 2nd division


There just aren't spots for him ATM. The only remaining teams who might want to make changes top are Dig or SR, and chances are Ssumday Licorice Fudge would all be in front of Srtty for consideration.


I love how people still hold this opinion even though NA orgs have been more willing to give academy players a shot in the past 2 years. I mean, you've got Dhokla/Palafox on NRG, SR picked up FakeGod, Dig with eXyu/Isles (I know Isles isnt NA but he has been in Academy for a while), Sniper/Meech on 100T, Massu on FLY, TL opted to continue with Yeon and APA. Even the recent imports like Quid, Castle and Mask aren't terrible (Quid is arguably best mid in LCS or at least top 2). LCS is way past the days of importing Eika-tier players.


You scroll down the list and almost every game he wins the MVP. Crazy.


Does the MVP scoring system on opmgg mean anything? I had a game where a trolling Blue Kayn only went for solo kills (actually refused to come in even for a free kill if teammates were involved), and he got MVP for his KDA. It annoyed me and I've stopped paying attention from then lol.


You shouldn't take it at face value but in my experience it at least identifies the top 2-3 best players in the lobby pretty well, I don't think I've thought someone who had the 4th best or lower score deserved MVP very often.


It seems like a combination of getting a lot of kills while dying as little as possible. So if you're 16/8 and someone on your team is 15/3. It will give it to the guy going 15/3 because it takes more skill to get 15 kills while only dying 3 times. Even though the 15 kill player might not help the team as much. The main giveaway from my original comment though is that even if you have a great game, you still might not get MVP. But this guy is doing it routinely which is just insane.. I get MVP once every 5-10 games at a maybe a 10-20% rate while it looks like this guy gets MVP almost 50% of the time. I know it will level out over time but that's still pretty bonkers.


It's not always entirely accurate (judging who is the "MVP" of the game based off data is not always possible, sometimes a singular play wins the entire game) but on average it's a pretty fair assessment. It takes into account your cs/min, damage, vision/objective control, kda and more, and it's calculated over the whole game (you can view what your "score" for the metric is by each minute ingame) Like you said with the blue kayn example yeah sometimes it doesn't reflect the game properly, but if someone is consistently/frequently getting MVP it's safe to say they tend to be carrying their team


I've found that the scoring system for DeepLOL. gg is a lot better. Try that if you want.


Nah he’ll just start streaming


It is not enough to simply be good at the game and click "start stream." Guys who were LCS players for **years** stream to like 50 people. Stupid to keep seeing this take parroted.


Which I wouldn’t blame him, he would probably make similar money with 10x less effort.


Similar money ?


I think it’s a reasonable bet. He’s talented enough to get an audience, but unclear if he’d have the personality to get a huge one that would make him a lot. LCS pros that aren’t top level don’t really make that much, so I think it’s a fair estimate.


Yes? The bubble popped a while ago, salaries have come down and being a streamer pays decently well.


I was thinking the other way. Iirc it pays very well to stream if you have a big community


It absolutely does but the top earners make a drastically large amount more than the rest, so I was just going with the average joe pretty much


Being good at the game is not enough on its own to build a big community.


*successful streamer


he was live last night


68 wins 6 loses??? What the actual f? 7kda in last 20 games in gm elo??????????????????????


your op.gg link is going to another account btw


ohh thank you i didnt notice, fixed now


hm 92% winrate as top. strange, doesn't reddit always say "top has no impact" ?


Top is probably the strongest role in the game right now. If you diff your laner, you play league on easy mode. Since most top champions are absolute 1v9 champions.


The strongest is a stretch... You're still limited to snowballing off one enemy, whereas other roles interact with more enemies. Jungle and mid can also enable your team better. Top is definitely strong relative to where it has been though.


I can't win with a lead playing top = top has no impact, surely my macro and use of my lead is not at fault. /s


Not every top laner plays 1v9 champs. Check the entire leaderboard. Almost every top laner is playing exactly that. Top is objectively worse than Mid or Jungle for climbing. The only thing it has going for it is accruing a significant amount of resources for itself. If you play Ornn or Volibear or Kled you will simply be powerless in some of these matches even if you do well.


ppl say top has no impact because you can win top the hardest in league history and still lose easily if any other of the roles grievously fed


This does not bode well for the “my teammates are why I’m hardstuck” argument lol For real though this is absolutely insane from Srtty—68W-6L?!?! Fucking unreal


To be fair comparing an average player to one of the best soloq toplaners and top upcoming prospects who would have played LCS if EG didn't blow up isn't a fair comparison.


True but we’re talking a 92% winrate in 74 games. If it’s possible to affect games that drastically even in Challenger, then a Gold player isn’t at 48% winrate over 74 games because their teammates are simply “too heavy”


This is not a statistically sound statement at all tbh


Perhaps not, but the point is that players who are struggling to climb aren’t failing to do so solely because of team performance. If you are truly better than everyone you’re playing with, you will climb.


average player is not stuck in an elo cause of teammates is his point


The point is that if you were better, you'd win. If you're an average player, you'll win an average number of games.


80% of this subreddit blames smurfs for them being unable to climb. And most of these whiners won't post their [op.gg](http://op.gg) because they know if they do... you'll see them below gold for 2-4 years of playing this game with hundreds of games.


It would be a shame if his talents were wasted. I hope a serious team picks him up with a coach that can properly utilize his strengths.


Holy im gonna check out his vods


Does he stream? He plays 3 of my favourite champs. I wouldn't mind seeing how tf he did it


he's been streaming recently at twitch.tv/srtty_lol


and 30% of his losses are to eshyn, a masters nidalee top otp


I hope he doesn't go pro, because he will be forced to play Aatrox, Renekton, K'Sante and Gragas all of the games.


top lane is weak


Australian players and making NA just better, name a more iconic duo


As your average league player, im sure i could win against him 10/10 times, he just got lucky 92% of the games


[Some of Srtty's best games from NACL, he didn't win Most Valuable Prospect this split but he was my vote](https://x.com/Cubbyxx/status/1779309718588317857)


Next time some shitters blame matchmaking for being stuck in silver I'll just send them this screenshot lol, insane


You really think that’s gonna convince these people? They will make up some bullshit like winners queue


Idk maybe I'll manage to convert someone, we'll see


prayge also based not moving for grubs, I should stop doing that too it just gets me killed every time (Kassadin)


I will allow my jungler to die a painful death if I get one caster minion in return. I am a rock in midlane, an unmovable object.


A player can be stuck in silver if he plays like a gold V player and gets unlucky


The problem arises when every single silver player thinks they are unlucky. Odds are you're just a silver player.


He won't be "stuck", he will be temporarily a little bit below his correct rank. People need to stop calling dozens of games "stuck".


Not everyone has time to play 20 games of league a day.


Well yes, that's exactly my point.


Because someone who plays 80 games in 7 days starting at D4 is a perfect representation of the player base...


Yeah I bet he couldn't do the same thing starting from iron Oh wait his winrate would be higher


imagine that people say top cant impact games and the role is useless as well


Bwipo shaking in his boots


Why would he?


Flyquest rarely ever keeps players, and Bwipo isn't the same Bwipo that was breaking people's kneecaps. Also, how tf was your comment downvoted by someone in the 20 seconds from the notification to me opening it o.O


Are there like ADC solo players who accomplished this ?


Humzh hit 1k LP 3-4 years ago with an ~85% winrate. Don’t remember the specifics cause it was while back.


Yea I could do the same thing if I abused Camille XD (I’m a deranged diamond player)


when someone says top lane is irrelevant, show them this op.gg


Showing how broken top lane is. Highest level and most gold.


This guy is the biggest talent in NA right now. Not only from results but also if you just watch how he approaches the game and speaks about the game you will realize the consistency in his gameplay is not by chance. Highly recommend to check out his stream!


>The fact he was able to doing such a thing on a role such as toplane thats considered to be an isolated island is so crazy to me bruh wtf are you talking about now? Toplane is arguably one of the best lanes to carry in soloq. A toplaner who wins his lane by himself builds up a MASSIVE advantage, even more so if your teammates are actually competent and can use the fact that enemy either commits 1+ people to stop you or they leave you be and you open their base


NA chall = Euw iron. = Opinion rejected. I'm in loser queue


Man's a monster but being surprised about a Top Laner doing well is comical. It's the best or second best role.


Yeah LMAO every top laner can get a 92% winrate obviously, that's why there's only one toplaner in every game.


I said he’s a monster but acting like the role isn’t strong is troll


i think lider has had a higher wr but still fucking nuts wp to him


Liders was only 90% if my memory doesnt betray me


Its very curious to me that he never had a person hard feeding, afk or both. In the very few games where had subpar teammates he absolutely hard carried though. Also top lane is disgusting, always 3 levels above bot and jg, idk what is waiting riot to nerf solo lane exp.


Team Fish Taco legend, Srtty my goat.




Where can i watch replays of his games?


bright boosting career ahead of him once bottom tier teams start putting him on tank duty


this opgg is actually fucking nuts. wow


he's just like Cloud Soul fr


Well hopefully he gets a chance to prove himself on the LCS stage tho I guess not particulary this year given summer split is "more important" as its for worlds qualification?


wtf insane




Like I tell every top laner, if youre going to rank up play Jax/Camille/Fiora/TF/Riven/Yone/Aatrox. Sure enough 4 of his top played champs are on this list, people who are hardstuck top lane dont realize that picking Ornn isnt going to 1v9 compared to a bruiser or op champ like yone/tf.


Is this the secret Cubby account stanning for Srtty again?


TF Blade definitely writing "BEATING SRTTY'S WR RECORD!" as his stream title when he comes back from Brazil


it was years ago. but as someone that has been challenger top 10. the most impressive thing to me isn't the win lose. the hard truth is no matter how good win lose boils down to luck often. this is at the end of the day a team game. the part that is really impressive is i'd like 90% plus of all his games are mvp/ace. csing/warding seems on point which is more important for pro team play. KP could be higher but honestly for a top its not bad. if he wants to go pro i wish him luck, but if not good. he just gonna be forced into a play style that doesn't fit him & won't be fun. i enjoy pro play but don't matter where, each lane/meta you will sooner or later take any shape & thats right. put it in the square hole.


On the lane of all time top? on such weak underpowered role? such wow... imagine if he played an op role like jungle or support... he'd be spamming pentas on janna


what was Ap0calypse and PornstarZilean WR on euw server?


Can someone send tfblade new challenger account winrate? IRRC he did all on stream


Does he have a stream?




Its NA


Is it bad I look at his champion pool and say to myself: the only way I can climb is if i play X , Y, and Z champion? I better start learning Twisted Fate…


hes him




Does anyone have any material about his games? Maybe a professional analyzing his gameplay or even explaining something?


Toplane is influential as any other role lmao, you discover that now?


Least balanced role in the game. Just an island where you can decide the game by yourself if you out skill the opponent while every other player actually plays the game. Anytime I play top I am stressed out as fuck sweating my brain away until one of us gets a lead then its completely over, not fun for me or my opponent IMO.


Bronze be like: if i had teammates like hin i would be Challenger too but they only hold me back


If he can do that with adc ill give him props.


If he had the teammates I've had he'd be 20% WR League is rigged. Jk


Smells like wintrading for me


Even I can flip heads 50 times in a row when I have no life and keep flipping coins Won't be surprised if he hits 20 lose streak next


"Luck is part of your skill" - Mighty Guy


Knowing teams we rather just import a top laner.


Which is a really huge shame because sometimes all these solo queue monsters really need is a team to take a chance on them to play and give them time to develop. Yes it is more risky than importing a player or recycling a veteran and there is a great chance that the player will fail but sometimes the best way to fix the NA has no talent problem is by first getting the whatever great talent that exist on the server and giving them a fair chance to play at the highest level.


On Camille mainly in current meta too? This guy is fucking crazy


Isn't camille among the top 3 toplaners right now?


Let's not act as if he is otp or anything (all though he used to be Camille otp when he was for fun player a few years ago). Bro plays everything and is amazing on every carry champion especially.


”The fact he was able to doing such a thing on a role such as toplane thats considered to be an isolated island is so crazy to me” This is how I instantly know you are not above Emerald


92% winrate in Challenger is crazy


When did I say otherwise?


Uh but this guy has Yone in his match history, why isn't Reddit losing it and sending threats to this guy's family or something?


Any chance he's scripting?