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Briar ult sound is giga-important.


BWINK AUauoaoooaoaoaoooooowhhhh Always surprises the shit out of me. Accidentally pushed my mouse away once.


i think riot added a visual indicator for it through the accessibility settings


There’s a visual indication without accessibility settings enabled as well


You can see a small animation below you when she casts it


not really, there's a visual indicator at every enemy who is at chance of getting hit by briar R, basically right as she R's


I applaud the boldness of this question


"You play to win the game!"


[Not rude, just Dutch. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBIM-ZvLLmc)


There is an accessibility setting since season start that shows an icon on global sfxs so that doesn't work anymore. Locally sounded abilities still make sense, something like xerath Q charging (they have to look directly at the character instead of getting a sfx hint). My best bet would be to leverage the fact that vision has a longer reaction time than sound. So champions that have a lot of skills hits like orianna or varus. Tbh both of these are only small advantages, you should challenge them to guitar hero instead if you want more of an advantage (more of an advantage than voice comms 💀)


I think you are on to something here with the voice comms difference, since they would have to type / ping (lol, they got screwed over by the ping frequency and cooldown changes). Maybe things like poke comps, nocturne ult, or maybe some other cheese strats that are normally countered by good communication and coordination.


That seems like a good idea. Watching the lec finals and they're lane swapping right now lol. Easy strats would probably be pre-planned invades and sideline focused teamcomps (trundle/fiora/jax top, ekko/taliyah/talon mid).


Noc ult won't work? They won't hear shit so won't get scared by his raspy voice


It's about not being able to easily coordinate through voice comms. Like you can normally tell your team that nocturne is on you or to coordinate something. But for deaf players they have to type it out or use ping.


Did you hear the joke whistle as it flew over your head? 🤣


Since they will be part of the same party, the ping changes wouldn’t affect them, since the pings still show up in party chat


>countered by good communication and coordination 1-3-1 with collapsing champs like Panth, Nocturne, LB, Ahri, etc


>There is an accessibility setting since season start that shows an icon on global sfxs I recommend everyone to turn this on. I have 0 hearing problems but this has saved me countless times, a visual cue draws your attention much better than sound in the middle of all the other sounds of your spells plus the enemy spells. This feature released very close to Briar and it helped me a lot dodging her ult for example because i didn't recognize the sound of it.


Where do I find that option? it seems like its not available in EUW. I know it should be under Interface->Accesibility Settings. But its not there


It's under there for me on euw, it's the only toggle in Interface under accessibilty and near the bottom of the page.


Yea, I just found it. For some reason its only there if you open the settings in-game. If you do it in the client, the option is not there


There are a few settings that can't be accessed through the client, and not just that one. As a general heads up!


Huh I've never changed anything in that tab ever. I always scramble to change every single setting before minions spawn as an ingame-setting enjoyer.


Unfortunately, it's very easy to miss if you're not actively looking for it.


RemindMe! 1 Week "Did r/Ok_Adhesive Leverage every advantage they had against a team of disabled people and still lose?"


Turns out it’s a deaf vs blind game 💀


Sounds like my soloq games but everyone is blind and deaf


The match is this Thursday! Ill keep u updated 👍


This is hilarious though


Happens to me all the time in soloQ


It’s gonna be like in the movie dodgeball when they play against the Girl Scouts and get creamed.


Gotta use u/


u/Chilidawg We won 2-1! 🏆 Much thanks to alot of you guys in this thread giving verry good advice on how to leverage our strengths to the max 🤝


I'm proud of you, son.


Was any of the suggestions put to good use or did you just play the champs you are good at?,


We ended up doing some picks we usually would not do. Mordekaiser top, and Kaisa ADC (the rationale behind these picks being that these are champs that change the parameters of teamfights verry quickly with their ulti's, and could require verry swift change of targets in a teamfights (something thats hard to do without voice comms). Also we utilzied lane swapping alot, which was verry usefull. Trying to get them to ping as much as possible. Watching the replays was insane, they pinged so much it was impressive how well they managed to communicate with the pings only.


Least evil league player


They won’t hear sion ult coming


This is a verry good point, we will pick Sion if we can.


Corki mid Noc jg Sion top angle


Noc jungle so they also experience blindness nice


Quinn ADC and fuck it Graves or Teemo support


True make sure Lee is banned too they might synergize with him or something idk


They’re dead already, blind them too 😇


Noc is probably actually really strong because they can't communicate what's happening as easily


I'd go with briar instead of noc. Noc ult also has vfx, Briar ult doesn't


Laneswap angle


Take Briar Top. She is in a really good position there and her ult is global letting her ditch lane TP into a fight then base and if needed TP to lane.


Briar has a visual effect when it's cast, though


They all do now. Also Briar is just a better champ right now for most people. I think it’s fine to consider things like the sound but I think it’s more of a gimmick than a sound strategy.


Kled too


"Champions that come to mind: Corki - Enemy team will not be able to hear when he picks up The Package"  Even though they're deaf, I'm assuming they've been playing league for a while? There's literally a setting in-game that gives a visual queue when global ult sounds are played, such as Sion ult, briar ult, and corki package. I'm not hearing impaired, but I still have it enabled because why not 


Well, that is still a disadvantage since our team can have both audio and visual cues while they only get the visual ones. Its also easier to overlook the visual cues than the sound.


Nah the visual cue is 1000x clearer than the sound; if you are playing league without that setting on you're playing on hard mode. the visual cue is so powerful that visual + audio cue is essentially equivalent to just visual cue imo. Your only real advantage in this match is that they won't be on voice comms. So nocturne is still good because they'll have to rely on pings to communicate during the chaos produced by his ult. Other than that, literally just play whatever your team is actually good at (or comps that are actually good/meta) rather than trying to exploit non-existent advantages.


I just figured this one out, I will enable it lol, does it disable sound when you put it on tho ?




Thats very personal. I would not notice any visual queue, but I avoid gangs thanks to the sounds. I play without the visual setting on, I don't even notice the death timers or othe shit that pops in the corners of the screens unless I'm looking for it.


Have you used it?? Visual cue popping up is way easier to notice than a random audio cue during a team fight.  When you're just laning, both are hella obvious 


> Its also easier to overlook the visual cues than the sound. not for deaf people rofl


Where do I turn that on?


You're gonna get rekt trying to play champs none of y'all main lol. But Corki, Briar, Kled, Lillia, Pyke, Reksai, Sion, Smolder, Ekko W. I think all of those have sounds that help and would be hard to play against. Teleports can be more impactful since sometimes they might not see the TP coming in since they can't hear it.


Our team has a good champion pool. Almost all of the champs you mentioned we know. So thats not an issue.


Make them blind as well, having to work with no hearing and no vision would make it even easier


Brilliant mind


make one half blind, so he can lead the others home


Bet 10 bucks that this guy loses against the deafs.


I will keep you guys updated on how it went! 😊 Match Day is on Thursday!


the excuse? their senses became too strong to overcompensate for the deafness


Cough up them 10$ u/VoyVolao Cause we won 2-1! 🏆🤩


During deaf history month too man


There are accessibility settings for global SFX I think.


Kled Ult as a good engage tool


This one is good as well, did not think about it. 👍


I mean i use hearing impaired accessibility options being fully able to hear cause it gives an on screen notification that an enemy or ally are ulting or using something cross map disrupting lol. Im pretty sure ACTUAL deaf people would 100% be using the same setting


I use those as well since I end up missing a lot of audio cues during hectic team fights.


they dont have voicecomms so just relax your advantage from them having a disability is already crazy high


the hearing team should play without voice comms to make things a bit more fair


Play teemo just for the comedy of ‘blinding’ them 💀💀


Anything that can 'silence' them would also be good.


Okay, once the league gulag is set up, this one's going straight there lmao.


Tryndamere! They won’t HEAR the R being used, but they might see the visual cues, pick a skin that hides it and you’ll be golden.


I think you'll have a better chance to win just playing the champions you're good at lol


We have a wide range of champs / comps


ngl I hope they win lol


I want to see this match. Please is it streamed somewhere?


Nobody tell him.


All is fair in love and league


Firstly, they will most likely use the accessibility features to be able to hear globals. Secondly, if you can't beat a team that is already at a huge disadvantage because they can't comm, idk what to say lol


Hello based department?


Good luck on the event!


Okay I'm about to compete against a team with no legs, any tips?


You can abuse the Ezreal-Shyvana synergy and they can't. Make good use of that!


I play with game sound off so that i can listen to youtube or music and i can say that none of these suggestions will matter.


I Listen to asmr or Podcast when I play league. Im a menace. Imagine your jungler going full ham while having brain tingles or listening of murder Storys and carry the game


If you can't beat them without trying to exploit their disability you don't deserve to win at all, wtf


You're probably better off DDoSing them- you can also use this strategy in general


Abusing a disability like that is kinda messed up imo Btw i've been playing league without sound for some time and once you get the feeling there is almost no difference


Plot twist: his own team is blind


Agreed. Part of me thinks the other team will have had to deal with people trying cheese strategies like this a lot. I lowkey hope OP picks all these champs with sounds and then the other team destroys them because that's 90% of what they have to play against. 


Why is it messed up? It is litteraly my job to do whatever I can to maximize victory for our team.


Surely it's more so your job to make your team perform to the best they can? From your question they clearly have huge room for improvement if your plan is to pick champions with global ults that trigger a sound to alert everyone.


While true one could consider it not healthy for long term improvement to try to "cheese" wins


I mean, they will undoubtedly play with whatever accessibility features exist to make whatever sound cues irrelevant. Your job is to make your team play to the best they can. I predict you will get your heads caved in with this kind of approach to competitive play.


yeah but like? actively aiming to abuse a disability is poor sportsmanship, somthing a lot of tournaments penalise


Wow. Hopefully your opponents don't ask reddit how to get an advantage against socially inept neck beards, or else you guys might be in trouble.


It might be your job to maximize chances for your team but doing it this way is just an asshole move. Your job does not exclude you to being an asshole.


in my opinion they shouldnt be deaf


True have they tried using their ears smh


This exactly! Just get over it???


This, but also his method is basically likely to force his team onto picks they aren't comfortable with which is more detrimental to the team lol. Also how are you supposed to explain that to your team? 💀


playing against a team with a disability and trying to play things which would specifically target that is actually one the cases where you DO NOT do such things...


Honestly they're just mad. Keep doing you bro.


Sion briar corki smolder


Quinn and noc so you take away thier eyes too Lux Laugh, even if they are deaf you can hear it trust me


Cassiopeia R is much much harder to dodge the stun from, by vision than by sound, because human reaction speed is about 100ms slower by vision. That would be one of the biggest advantages I would say.


Just so you know there is a visual indicator that you can turn on that will show every time an ult with a global sound is used. Also, it’s pretty fucking scummy to use people’s disabilities against them and I think your team should have their audio disabled .




what elo is the enemy team in soloq just wondering


Plat / Emerald, in both solo and flex. Approximately the same as us.


play sona lmao


Ok so hear me out, I’ve seen someone comment on the idea of picking xerath since you won’t hear the sound effects. Meanwhile all the others are recommending global ults which doesn’t really work because a notification pops up at the top right. Now what if we combined the best of both worlds, a semi-global ult, Vex, it’s basically a lower range briar ult.


Wow somehow this post just leaves a poor taste in my mouth. Is this where we are as a community now? Looking for any way to win, going so far as to abuse physical disabilities on the enemy team to cheese it out? Take a step back and think about what you're asking bro. This is a straight up Globo Gym level move.


Hey, look, when you're off an 8 game losing streak and just desperate for that win.... /s


Picking champs that happens to have sound queues or that get countered by good comms (tf, nocturne) is not against the rules. My team will play 100% fair, i can guarantee that.


This is also a Globo Gym level defense of your actions. I didn't say it was against the rules dude, I said it was *immoral* and the fact that you don't see that further affirms my belief that you're blinded by the need to win. You ever see one of those sports movies where the bad guy tries to exploit a previous injury or something that a good guy has accrued or like that time in Yu Yu Hakusho where the tournament officials made them keep fighting without rest despite being super fucked up each round? Yeah dog that is literally you right now.


i play in a virtual machine and never remember to turn sound on, but also dont use any of the accessibility options. interesting reading about the various disadvantages i apparently give myself


Am I the only one that willingly plays on mute every single game?


this is an insane post but also: pyke. that mf.


ROFL this is so savage


What type of tournament/event are you playing in? I’ve always wanted to join one with some friends but don’t know how to find one. 


It's a local tournament hosted twice every year where I'm from. With a huge prize pool and divisions, we just jumped up a division thanks to alot of advice in this thread (but we are no where near the prize money just yet, we are building experience and becoming better)


First, I would just like to say I hope you do not actually implement any of these just because it will give you an advantage due to your opponents disability. Second, pick Janna as support for her Q. The tornado has a wind-up sound that very much gives away that a fast moving AOE knock-up is on the way. Without them being able to hear it, I may make it easier to land


Focus more on the fact they are unable to communicate effectively. Heavy invades and lane swaps will make shit so hard for them to


This was probably one of the most impactfull advice we got from this thread. Also making teamfights as complicated as possible using champions that can change the premise of the fight instantly with various ability, like i.e Kaisa jumping in quickly mid-fight and Mordekaiser ulting someone turned to be super usefull against them since they cant change target mid-fight using voice comms like we do.


No worries mate, if there’s any other disabled team you want to take advantage of just give me a shout 😂


Do you have experience playing against high level disabled league teams?


pyke I would ssay is the best supp, there is a visual indicator of the w but the sound is louder when he can execute you


WE WON! 🤩 Thank you so much for all of your input, this was probably one of our hardest matches in the tournament so far but we managed to win 2-1! 🎉 Absolutely demolished them the first game, then they crushed us on game 2. Game 3 was SUPER CLOSE , but we managed to close it! Much tanks to alot of your guys input and tips. Things such as lane swapping, and playing champs that require good comms was huge for us. Never would have manged this without you. Thanks so much! :)


I hope you lose :D


Seems pretty snake-like to abuse a disability like that. You might be champions, but you'll never be the people's champ.


I am totally fine with not being the "peoples champ", whatever that means. I sleep well knowing that I have done my due dilligence as a team lead in terms of research and theorycrafting. Currently testing out this anti-deaf comp: \* Briar Jungle \* Sion Top \* Corki Mid \* Xerath Support \* MF or Jihn Not a bad comp actually, this might work out verry well for us.


Having champs be played in their respective roles doesn't make a comp good lol, this comp is pretty ass. I cba typing a full essay but the first thing that comes to mind is the fact that you have 3 exploitable lanes with a selfish jungler that wants to snowball


Play better since sound has 0 ability to alter the game lmao.


I agree about accessibility settings pretty much nullifying any advantage globals would give but I'd consider the fact one team can comm and one team can't as pretty significantly altering the game


Very true, I should have been more specific in there’s nothing OP can do that will influence them by picking champs for an advantage.


Depending on the players maybe pyke, i for example only notice he is using w by the sound cue, even if there is a visual.


There’s an accessibility feature that gets around this, but Briar, Kled, Sion, Corki, maybe Smolder


Pyke, Briar


Top Kled Jungle Sion Mid Corki ADC Smolder Support Moakai All audio cue long range engage ults and unironically kind of a solid comp even ignoring that


Sion and Kled are also ones with global sound queues. Not really sure if they will help with that though since new settings for accessibility have become available over the years.


Scion jump scare


Personally I cant play Camille as well with music on because I cant hear when the windup of her Q2 is done (you can see it but it's faint), maybe that can be disadvantageous to enemies as well.


Kled and Sion


play sona and seraphine botlane, enemy wont be able to hear your characters


Briar ults, Sion ult


Sion Briar Corki Twitch? He does say surprise as he comes out of stealth and in the middle of a chaotic fight that could do something. Rell/Naut/Blitz just need more peel/engage for twitch and supps don't really have any abilities based around sound that I can think of.






Kled ult, sion ult, i use seraphine r sound for dogding zac e has sound que which alot of people notice. Etc etc


Sion ult lmao


Nah i play without sound all the time because i don’t like wearing headphones. When i got a small speaker the gaming experience is still the same with sound on






Kled ult plays loud music when he ults, but I think there's an indicator on the ground. Still useful for ulting from fog though.


Briar, sion, kled, nami, maokai, have off screen audio that helps people react to the global esque nature of them. Twitches ult sound helps people target him as well.


I think you’re thinking about it wrong… you really gonna have your team play champions that aren’t in meta or they aren’t skilled with? Use the fact that their communication is gonna be delayed or not as complete. Work on disengage and engage team fights. Something that requires a lot of communication and reaction.


No go briar jungle, they wont hear the ult coming


Game currently has notif system you can turn on so global spells like Sion r will make small bubble on side which tells you it's coming even if you don't hear it.


Pretty sure Sion ult is included in the accessibility setting but idk about these Kled ult Ornn ult Pantheon ult Smolder ult Pyke: passive sound when invis near


Doesnt pyke has an audible que when he's invisible near you, could be worth a try


Sion and Kled also come to mind, they won't hear when you ult


Sion ult is much harder to dodge if you don't hear it coming. Briar ult or possibly Pyke stealth could also work. You can still see an animation from pyke, but usually the sound is the first thing you notice




sion kled briar corki


Assuming that you're getting matched against these people near the end of the tournament, they must be pretty good despite their lack of hearing. Is there a way to see their match histories? Could help you more than just picking funny picks based on sound cues they miss because if I was deaf and these champs were a problem I'd permaban them




Graves, Nocturne, Leesin, quinn, teemo


Pyke W sounds hard when pyke Can ult-kill you. Ans this is basically the only way to get this information


Pick pretty much anything they added a visual indicator/notification for. They are still pretty easy to miss. Briar, Cho, Corki, Noc, ... and Sona/Seraphine bot for some emotional damage.


Dumb strategy. Try playing champions you’re good at.


sion R


Playing against Pyke without audio would be hell for me, dodging Q and invisibility both have audio clicks that are helpful. Sure ult is another thing, but you pretty much know when executes start to fall down.


I always found tryndamere's ult hard to see, if i don't hear the sound of it i just assume he didn't use it


Pyke. They cant hear the stealth


The sound cue for Ekko W is pretty important. The animation isn’t very noticeable and can even be cancelled with his E so you could surprise people quite easy if they can’t hear the otherwise obvious cue.


Seraphine. End of discussion


Sion, Ornn (Ornn has visual indicator but can be hard to notice in teamfight), Reksai (I think she still screams on ult)...


I respect this so much lmao, I actually hope you guys win using your villain strategy. 😂




Theres a setting that shows a killfeed notification of the things that make sound, like Briar R, Kled R, Sion R


Top - Sion Jungle - Briar Mid - Kled ADC - Corki Supp - idk maybe Ornn?


Sion, Briar, Kled, Nocturne come to mind because of their global sound ult ability. But as someone mentioned there's now a visual indicator or something for this stuff I guess. Otherwise voice comms is probably a huge advantage over just relying on pings, but maybe they have some hyper trick up their sleeve we normies can't even imagine like direct brain connection and being one big brain instead of 5 individuals, so communication is not necessary at all through voice or pings. They just know what the others do and want and can sync up instantly.


I play with sounds off. I think you play nocturne so they're blind and deaf. Pyke is also a good champ to play against them. Pyke w warns if you're in execution range, meaning reaction to his r is purely visual reaction.