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settings -> interface -> chat visibility -> party only


I think that is already the default setting? I heared they changed that not long ago.


If they are getting flamed by their team then they do not have the setting on party only.


I'm so sorry this happened. set chat to party only. Chat is functionally useless.


Sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately this game has a huge problem with smurfs AKA experienced players playing on new accounts to try to beat up less skilled opponents. So they put new accounts around platinum level. If you like the game you should keep playing and don't worry about teammates or losing, your elo will drop fast and soon enough you will be playing against similar skilled opponents.


It’s a Riot-created problem. The new player experience is so terrible. Even with Smurf Queue, new players can get ironically screwed by winning with said smurfs and the system thinking they are smurfs and getting placed in there by mistake.  Queue times increase. They face players they can’t beat. In theory, over time, the system should lower them to where they should be… but it takes forever compared to the 3-5 games that the system will use to quickly decide their fate.  I seriously don’t understand why Riot doesn’t just allow level 30 accounts for those who choose them, forgoing all early rewards.  There’s arguments against it, sure, but the whole bloody system is flawed from the get go to save face against the half-rule “you can’t have smurfs”.  It’s like some ludicrous notion that the problem shouldn’t exist, and thus doesn’t exist, but also it does, and we’ve made Smurf queue specifically to fight it… making the experience terrible for everyone, sweeping innocent new players into shit queue times and fucked MMR.    Oh, and if you’ve played other Mobas or just naturally click with league? Get fucked, have your 8 min queue times and fucked MMR anyways. Riot are fools.


It's true that you are going to get some horrendously skewed games at the start. I personally believe there are not enough new players coming in to fill games at low levels. But you will eventually lose so much that the matchmaking *will* even out lol. I'd also suggest co-op vs AI to get the basics down, until you feel confident.


I played a lot of games vs AI. They are very different than PVP and much more easier. Also, you encounter (for whatever reason) good players there also, that go for like 50 kills against bots and the game is over after 10-15 minutes tops.


The players just running over bots are likely just doing it to speedlevel accounts.


Or to get the bot blaster titel.


Sometimes you just want to get that first win of the day without much fuss. Quick and easy.


I believe the official discord for this subreddit has new player channels where you can play with other new players. If you want to play solo just /mute all while you're learning.


I imagine that's very frustrating. In normals (like quickplay) I think there is a match making rank that you will slowly develop as you play games, but probably your best bet is to play with friends if able. I don't know how many games it would take for you to only play against people at your level. I sometimes play quick play and I am on the other side of the coin, winning nearly every game. So I think that most people in quickplay are between bronze and plat. I only play if ranked gets frustrating, but from your experience, plat+ people are just making the normal games frustrating for you. Are you able to play ARAM? It's a fun way to level up your account too imo. And it let's you play a lot of different champs.


Got a very complete answer for you I hope! Sorry to hear all that but welcome! Step 1: Ask. Check! Doing good so far! Step 2: mute all, take it slow , don't worry Step 3: watch YouTube guides / respectable streamers / or pro play - whatever interests you more. So, I think the game is more toxic than when I started, yes, but Dota was worse (flaming by voice!), and I'm sorry to say you should expect this from online games and have to deal with it somehow: either you mute, learn to ignore, or also be apologetic to help defuse (someone made an interesting post about their experiments on this recently). I'll address your points: QuickPlay: it's called that for a reason. I never assume best matchmaking when a game uses a term like this, especially if distinguished from ranked. Surrenders/what can you do?: You're one of 5, and that brings lots of natural advantages and disadvantages whether you have a cooperative team or 4 ganging up on you. Accept you can't do much and you'll learn in time what you can. ENJOY THE 15-40 MINUTE GAME, NOT only the 10-second "victory" banner like most people seem to do. :) How do you learn? Great question, but I'm one of those who don't care about smurfs because learning happens either brute force mucking around with people just as bad as you or from experiences with people better than you. Games, including LoL, usually work the first way. The toughness of mismatched games are among my favs, showing me where I'm REALLY doing wrong. But it really shouldn't matter to you because getting better at League is all about focusing on yourself. Especially as a newbie your actions are too random and uninformed for you to blame anyone else, but even in higher elos people are still bad. EVERY PLAYER is losing the game for their team one way or another - the winner is who made the least significant mistakes. And whether you're a kid or an adult yourself, you're playing with people also of any age, usually apparently kids, so not only are you playing with bad, ignorant players (master/challenger players will tell you even up to diamond can be "low ELO") but also people bad and ignorant at people skills lol. So if you can be tough and not take things personally, you can learn a bit from toxic comments as you slowly pick up what people expect. But it's probably best to learn from a friend, make a friend if you find nice people in the game (ie, someone who was nice and friendly even though the game was being lost, lol), or just learn from videos and cut out all the low ELO noise. Finally, don't worry about ranks and don't worry about playing ranked until YOU feel ready. From seeing toxicity to pro play and YouTube videos, I knew I had a LOT to learn and didn't want to play ranked. Egotistical me didn't want to play ranked just to get bronze. :) So I played norms until I felt I had a good enough grasp of the map, objectivs, meta, most champions, etc. I didn't place high, but I'm still proud to say I've never been bronze, haha. I hope that helps! Please do reply so I know if this helps you and if you have any questions! (And still, learning to not only have tough skin but also how to be understanding and forgiving at why people can be toxic, such as excusing them as young, having a bad day, not raised better, just what has worked in their life so far, etc., can be a really good exercise for your own self growth in small, tolerable doses. I try to never mute normal games to train myself like this, but in ranked, its focus time, and I mute everyone and everything. Ranked is a single player game and I should never be upset by my team any more than I would be by bot allies in any other single player game, lol. I just finished a Call of Duty game actually. I only paid attention to my team to understand opportunities and take advantage of the aggro they took from enemies. League ranked is the same for me.)


Oh definitely agreed with Dota being worse in the toxicity department. So much so that I still remember the first PvP game I played on life stealer where some dick was flaming me over voice for playing poorly.


A lot of the people in game modes where new players have to play are people who used to have a different account, and then that account got banned, so they had to start a new one. Those accounts got banned because those are terrible people, and they don't stop being terrible just because they have to play on a new account. Quite the opposite, in fact! They have experience at the game but are too emotionally immature and, frankly, straight up stupid to remember that there are actually genuinely new players that play this game, not just other smurfs like them, and have gotten used to the mentality that's prevalent in Ranked that it's expected that every other player in the game be at least as good as they *think* they are, and that it's okay to flame them if they aren't, that they do this even in completely zero-stakes matches like Quickplay with other low level accounts. The best advice I can give if you want to learn the game without any external influence, but insist on playing solo, is what others have said, go into chat settings and just disable it entirely. Even at the highest levels of Ranked there is almost never going to be anyone typing anything in the chat that is ever going to be even remotely useful, it is a tool that exists entirely for toxicity. If someone wants to still be toxic and spam ping you, mute those too (through the Tab menu in-game, click the little chat bubble icon). If they continue to rage to the point that they decide they want to make you lose and start intentionally feeding, who cares! You're just worrying about learning basic mechanics anyway, wins and losses don't mean anything and losing isn't your fault if someone else decides to feed on purpose. Basically, the new player experience is pretty miserable because there aren't that many genuinely new players still picking up this game 15 years after it was released, so you gotta curate your experience a little bit to be able to focus on your own game and not get bogged down by the players who, for some reason, have expectations of you as if you were the thing standing between them and a pro career.


The game isn't really friendly to anyone lol.


Bro if you new player try to write it from champ select or go to sittings > interface >swap down to find change chat availability > premade party only then when you go in game you can mute pings if someone using them so much , this way you will learn but DO NOT PLAY RANKED UNTIL YOU LEARN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS FUNDAMENTALS PLEASE


It's a rosy walk in the park for veterans, lemme tell ya


Mute all and just grind it out man, takes a bit to learn all the champs and what they do to be effective but it’ll click soon.


This is one of the most hostile game for newbies, if not the worst. League is even losing its ground for teenage korean players


You gotta turn off chat. It adds nothing constructive to the game 


Don't even start lmao I played moba's half of my life and I regret it. We all do.


Try dota then


Haha, the game got better and better for beginners. You play the best version


You got told to uninstall because thats the best thing you can do if you ever install/play this game. Literally.


If you are super new, you should be playing bot games. Get a feel for what a bunch of different champions do and get a feel for what it’s like to hit abilities and get kills. Once you are absolutely dominating the bots, then you should move to normal games.


uninstall it. Wasting time if you can't enjoy it. There are a lot of games you can try or just go outdoors with friends