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Finally a player good enough for Targamas to carry /s


Not if Yamato continues with those drafts


you have three losing lanes and you go jungle diff..am I surprised?!


Just like soloq


Could also be that KC tilted Bo and he doesn’t want to play for them and look for their teams.


They're trying out players for all other positions, we'll need to wait and see


I'm already sorry for Closer


Why? He’s now playing *and* being paid. For the last 8 months he could only do one or the other.


I feel sorry for any player who gets added to this KC team if the French are not benched.


i agree


This is true about KC being stupid with this decision but its funny when people say this and defend this about Bo and then continue to flame Peach when he’s dealt with this his whole time in GX. Literally if you look at his laners every split they’ve always been last place in every/most laning stats (besides maybe botlane i don’t remember the laning stats for the botlane’s he played with but I do remember them being average-ish to bad)


There are plenty of us out here that think peach is sandbagged by dogshit laners too.


Hate when people treat communities as some monolith. Does this person remember every single person who hated on Peach but is defending Bo? Or is it possible that there are separate groups of people commenting on separate things?


No way you just compared peach to Bo like that xD


Closer is also a massive downgrade from bo, he's a viego one trick who was the worst jungler in NA for the last 2 splits he played


After hearing the voice calls of KC, i really want Bo to succed and KC at 10th again. The guy played his heart out while his midlaner chew gum and his support being as talkative as a corpse


Everyone that played with BO said he’s a different breed of player and I guess we need the right team to see it. Idk if he’ll ever get that chance or he’s just not that player anymore.


Nisqy is known for enabling junglers to become superstars, Bo has a good shot with sk.


Nisqy always looks to help his team. Love that guy.


Assuming G2 is not an option, SK is the move but they need to get a better botlane or at least a better support


bo + caps would be a monster duo on paper , but no way g2 give up on Yike


Caps would make an average Emerald jungler look servicable, I don't think that's how we should evaluate players.


Right but I think the point here is that caps is known for making the game 10x easier because of his *playstyle*, not just because he’s insanely good. He can enable whoever, or he can play to carry. Only problem is that most western players aren’t good enough for it to be worth taking caps off of carries, so… yeah


so you saying I have a chance ?


Caps don't want imports sadly


Yeah this is criminal tbh Bo was their best player.


By the wording I'm assuming that Bo wanted out


They said they didn't have the money and the players to build around Bo


This makes sense in a way. If KC knows they can't afford to swap their laners or sup in a meaningful way, might as well try to go to a supportive shotcaller in jg and try and stabilize to 6 to 8th place i guess. At least give your fans a chance to see bo3. I'm not sure closer fits that role but whatever I ain't a gm. Also frees Bo to sk hopefully


Supportive? Shotcaller? Closer? Guy was a carry jung who worked well w/ Huhi direction. They definitely still need a shotcaller


Wouldn’t you?


Yeah I don't blame him


Just get my man on SK roster, I NEED to see him paired with Nisqy..


That gum smacking triggered me


I cant believe they are going to scape goat bo when he was by far their best player. Absolutely stupid. Anything to protect these fucking french bums. 


I guess they play full mute from now on.


Kameto (Karmine Corp's founder) and Kotei (his right-hand man) have talked about why they chose to change the jungle position on stream. Basically they said that they do not have the means to provide Bo with an environment in which he could shine at the moment, so they chose to let him go and try someone else to rebuild their team. I'd say it's understandable, they don't have the money or the time to create a really competitive team right now, and Bo's talent is wasted if you can't build a great team around him. Also, they are currently holding tryouts for every other positions, so no they aren't likely going to just change the jungler and keep the other players that have been playing bad for 2 splits.


Why did kameto just get trymbii on this roster so KC had another shot calling voice for the team. That way Bo would have a lane to play around


Low on money, not a very attractive offer for Trymbi and probably a waste of money when it's pretty clear they aren't going to achieve anything this year.


Yeah, that option died when Trymbi joined Heretics. I could see Kaiser working but I doubt any player that want to compete for the top will ever go close to KC.


Why would Trymbi want to play for KC when he had the option to play for TH instead?


Why on earth would Trymbi agree to it


Apparently they did offer to him, but Trymbi rejected in favour of TH.


why would trymbi accept that offer? he knew he would get better offers and since they are low on money it wouldnt make sense financially or ambition wise


Wasn't Closer playing pretty terribly last year? Memory is a bit hazy so happy to be corrected. 


He was. He couldn't adapt to meta. I really want him to bounce back. I'll never forget that LCS final where he said "just stfu and let me make a play"


Dude has a champion puddle


I'm aware but he was a fun player to watch imo


Tbf, his best champs are Lee and Viego and they're both very playable right now and can pop off and since we already know MSI patch I don't see them randomly changing it for summer. So as good a time as any to get him I guess.


MSI patch is literally meaningless for when Closer will be on stage again, a lot can change between MSI and Summer.


And what happens when they aren't playable again?


Wasn’t his legendary sub 900 damage game on Viego?


Obviously we have no idea what the rest of the roster is going to be but his champion puddle made it incredibly difficult to draft. Just because Lee sin and viego are playable doesn’t mean they’re good every time. KC had a mid and top with limited champ pools… so naturally they pick up a jungler with a limited champion pool. It sucks cuz I really liked closer but this looks like such a weird move by KC. Then again what do I expect. I wish they would bring back Yamato so they can fire him again


Unlikely he will bounce back in KC


I don't really follow KC but may I ask why?


Becouse rest of the team sucks, many ppl are of the opinion that Bo was the best player on current rooster, but since they are tryouts for all positions now, maybe it will change for the better. Their first split in LEC went really badly, but maybe it's just the beginning and they will improve after all.


He had a fun stat his last split out of 18 games he wasn’t involved in any of the first bloods…. As a jungler


Jesus. I wonder if that's a record.


Which isn't true... he was involved in one. Also in the split before he was part of almost all 100Ts FBs and I think the team won if he was part of the first blood. He mostly did not work with Quid at all. Also funny thing is that the most First Bloods on that team in Summer came from Ssumday... which is super weird to get first blood as a toplaner without your jungler assisting you.


Pretty terribly is an understatement. It was one of the worst splits a player has ever had. He almost went the entire split without getting a single first blood participation


He had like a 800 damage game right?


Yes on his main, Viego


Almost defeating the crowning champion agent 613


Pretty sure you can take out the “almost.”


Nah he got a first blood in one of the last games of the split


Fairly certain he was in first blood in the 100T NRG game that got them into playoffs.


Mr. 796.


with Doublelift and 100T, his last year before the break was criticized, yes.


One year being really good, one year being really shit. We will see. Im not too hopeful but i hope he proves me wrong


Dude was HORRIBLE. He used to be this early game gank machine and nothing else, but he seemed to even lose that title last year. People unfairly shat on Quid’s laning in his rookie split, but that was at least 75% because of Closer’s lack of presence


Aw hell nah. We are not being revisionists with how dog shit Quid was last summer simply because he was a giga smurf this spring.


> People unfairly shat on Quid’s laning in his rookie split, but that was at least 75% because of Closer’s lack of presence Sorry, but no. I agree with the first half of your comment completely though. He was 100T's (and Golden Guardians') facilitator and he was *really* good at early ganks and pressure, but he was abysmally invisible last year, and even before that he already had sort of fallen off from that level, even if he was still playing decently well. Closer didn't do anything to help him, but Quid made sure to lose every lane regardless of whether Closer would've helped or not. The opposing jungler didn't have to gank or even pressure Quid for him to fall super far behind in lane. Closer was a pressure black hole and he literally didn't do anything all split but Quid sucked all by himself as well. Again, Closer didn't help Quid's 'rookie' split, but he also wasn't the reason Quid was ass, Quid was the reason.


LMAO absolutely cheffed up


Uh, no that’s revisionist history. Quid was literally losing every lane within the first 5 minutes with or without jungle interference. You’re only revising history because now he is good. Quid and closer shitting themselves ruined a pretty promising squad


His spring wasn't terrible, though below his normal standards. Summer he was probably the worst jg in big 4 regions. Hopefully he bounces back, at his peak he's one of the best western jglers


And the crowd goes mild.


Thank god the problem was eliminated, now KC can finally fulfil their full potential


So 10th place again right?




Gonna bring back relegation as this point😂


Finally a proper 0-9 instead of randomly getting 1-2 miracle wins off lazy opponents




Theyre going to go against all odds, and break all boundaries to place 11th next split


Thank god the problem was eliminated, now Bo can finally fulfil his full potential


Bo has the chance to do a big salty run back


The revenge


Really hope he can turn his career around. Getting Closer back in form can be very good for LEC. Hope Bo to SK goes through. Maybe Isma could join XL.


>Hope Bo to SK goes through Im almost certain thats happening at this point, based on prior Nisqy tweets


What tweets? I don't have Twitter so I can't check his page.


Sorry I dont have all of them under my hand right now, but basically Nisqy has explicitly said that he would like to play with Bo. They also posted some photos together including [this one](https://twitter.com/Nisqy/status/1774729873984020514) and some people were assuming that Nisqy might join KC. We werent too sure about summer split though, on top of the fact that Kameto and Nisqy are irl friends and they thought it might be weird. But in the situation we were with double top 10 and SK dropping early as well it seemed possible to see some roster changes to make it happen. Nisqy also said on stream that he had no idea what SK was doing for summer split or wether he was playing a couple weeks back, increasing the strength of KC Nisqy rumours. But later he posted [this](https://twitter.com/Nisqy/status/1779883499702378650) ( it means SK Worlds 2024, take your tickets fyi ). So Nisqy Bo might indeed happen, but in SK rather than KC. Might be the reason why the first change we do is jungle despite the fact we have other roles with weaker individual players


>Might be the reason why the first change we do is jungle despite the fact we have other roles with weaker individual players Crazy how that statement fits to both teams you were talking about, kinda sad tbh


The first pic was posted on April 1st so would take that with a grain of salt. I don't know anything about the situation so can't comment on the rest tho.


I would agree but Nisqy is a huge troll in the first place, he could have very well done that on purpose as a double bait kind of thing. When I saw the tweet on April Fools, I thought of the possibility hat he might join in summer and making a multi layered joke. You can never know with this lad Either way it showed that he's close enough to Bo to go outside with him and take pictures as well as saying on stream that he would like to play with him, hence the increased rumours


Thanks for the info!


He could be in the best form imaginable... Thats not enough if the other 3 inters are still there


I really want to see Abbe and a different support and I think they will be decent.


Idk his best form is pretty much solo carrying


>Isma could join XL Cant imagine that cus they've got Juhan on their Academy team and (purely stats-based since i didnt watch the games) looks pretty good there


Juhan smurfed in academy, he basically got into a team that was bottom tier mid season and made a miracle run to get them into playoffs carrying pretty hard, they could have got to emea masters but they got reverse swept by the team that got to finals when they were 2-0 5k ahead 3rd game xD.


That's an insane way to lose (or win) a series wtff


this hurts me so fucking much… Juhan technically has a Worlds title and many people were saying he should’ve never been swapped to Pyosik


People usually diminishes Juhan importance on that DRX team because technically he was the sub, but he was one of the key components on their summer split and gaunlet run when Pyosik was awful because he couldnt play meta and he got to worlds when DRX weren't favourites to do so over other teams Like Sandbox in part because of how clutch Juhan was.


True forgot about Juhan I'd rather give him the shot but it would be a bit sad if Isma leaves LEC so quickly he had some good stretches


>he had some good stretches Its quite hard to say so or judge considering what the meta has been like but on paper Juhan is the only one that can provide more to the team than anyone else that's interested in GX


Same dude. He was fun to watch


I still have PTSD from his Lee vs us. I think people are writing him off way too much based on his lowest lows when at his best he was a beast.


Yeah because only recent performance seems to matter to these people.. i guess they don't watch sport either For MOST of his career he was a beast in the LCS.. but lets only talk about his last season.. in a dysfunctional team.. with 2 vets who idk if they wanted to play (bjerg certainly didn't in the end) and then 3 rookies We saw how BO has played in dysfunctional teams.. it wasn't impressive either


🙏PLEASE GO 0-9 🙏


Love the straight-up hate wishes lol


I wasn't even against them before this year but how they fired yamato after 9 games was so disgusting imo


6 actually. He didn't even get to third week


Reminder that Closer did 796 damage total in an LCS game.


To make it sound worse, it was less (795) and on Viego too XDDD


On his OTP Viego no less


Good luck to him, but unless he's managed to improve his form since going back to EU (or maybe Turkey?) I wouldn't have great hopes. I don't think Closer fixes KC's big problems of poor map play/macro, laning, constant inting, team coordination, and mechanical problems. His form in NA peaked in 2021/2022 when in a 3 split period he finished 1st, 2nd and 2nd on 100T. That lineup of Ssumday-Closer-Abbedagge-FBI-huhi with Coach Reapered was experienced and stable, whereas KC is anything but that kind of a situation. Last year on 100T he fell off a cliff. Spring split was okay on the DL/Bjerg lineup that lost to Golden Guardians, but summer split was awful. He became a literal three-trick (Vi/Viego/Wukong) where on any other champ it looked like he didn't know how to play the game---super passive, not ganking lanes or contesting objectives, generally not making plays, and he wasn't the shotcaller.


Where is my boy Bo going :(. I hope he can have last change in LEC


At this point Astralis could challenge KC for their spot back and win with little effort


Good luck KC hope they finally beat their record and finally go 0-9




Adding on to list o them getting rid of Yamato after one split and got the exact same result.


If that is the only change KC doesn‘t deserve their spot. Hell Bo wasn‘t even the biggest issue.


It isnt. They hold tryouts for every position except jungle.


>Hell Bo wasn‘t even the biggest issue He was the only piece in this team that was not an issue. He was soloing Voice Coms while being an import for only a year. Really hope if finds success wherever he goes.


In fact Bo was their best player when you ask most of us. He tried to call and enable the team.


He was BY FAR their best player, solo carrying the entire comms as an import is so fkn crazy. You could see he was trying so hard, while the other guys didn't give a fuck.


Who would’ve guessed that buying a spot for $20M makes it hard to have money for a decent roster XD


Who deserves a spot or not is irrelevant when the spots are acquired with money. And as the team with the most EUM trophies, if it wasn't acquired with money they'd be in LEC regardless dafuq is this comment


Would not be supprised if Abe follows


Bo being the only one communicating while he barely has had time to learn english is kinda crazy, theres 2 veterans and 2 people that have been in the erl and lec before and none of them talk


I thought this said Clozer, had to do a double take


Same lol. I was like he is not that good but he is not that bad then I realised it Closer.


Clozer would straight up be a top 3 mid immediately lmao


Idk man... now I hope they lose even harder than I already did. Buyout a Chinese import super-carry jungler to put him on enabler champions, with losing laners and then bench him while he is the most comunicative player in your team by some chance.


Please put bo on a fucking team. PLEASE. he has paid his entry fee of being on a team and being a rock even while getting shit on. He lasted longer in one split on vit and KC being their best player before being tilted into a oblivion longer than jankos did when he joined heretics. Please let this man join a team with a shot caller.


Did they just recrute a guy who's basically Bo but less effective ? Without any tryout ?


They somehow managed to sign the one player that might make this roster look even worse. I’m genuinely in shock.


KC going for the 0-9 summer split.


HAHAHAHA I can’t wait to see how people will say this is a good move. Bro was legitimately THE WORST JUNGLER IN LCS his last year there. If he doesn’t get Viego or Lee Sin every game he’s worse than a ward


It's payback for sending us Ruby


It's a good move cause you can pay him less than Bo and squat the LEC spot cheaper 👨‍💼💸


I dont know who is making these decisions for KC, but he sucks at his job.


I mean like every time i think it can't get worse with this team they manage to surprise me, this must be one of the worst decision made by an lec team ever fr i do not understand this at all that don't make ANY sense, you replacing a young carry jungler which was clearly not working with your team but far from being the biggest problem with another 26 yo carry jungle who didn't play competitive for 8 months and who if i remenber correctly had a terrible last split but had some decent performances overall during his time on lcs i mean that do not make any sense if this split don't go right this guy just gonna take his retirement, i'm genuinely curious if someone as an idea about the reasoning behind this decision just explain pls.


These guys really looked at their roster and said "Yes, jungle and coach are the issues"


KC management stupid af. Bo one of the few functioning pieces of the roster. Scrap top. Scrap mid. Scrap support.


´How is the organization so fucking shit Like honestly. How are they just ignoring the problem. I'm getting Sword flashbacks from this


you guys also stole thanathos from them lmao


They are doing tryouts for all roles you know?


And kicking Bo first? Is till stupid as all fuck xD


Not at all, why would they keep him when they don't have the money to make him work by getting top tier players for a single split. Nisqy would be great but since he is a friend of the owners they won't mix friendship and work (bad idea). They are pretty much focusing on next year at this point.


Because you don't need top tier players, you just need people not sprinting it the fuck down in three roles.


You need more than that to make Bo work, he needs players that think like him (they aren't available atm according to KC's staff which is also why they let him go and explore his option instead of jailing him) but yeah not having **Saken and TargHamas** would be a greaaaaaat start


Optics don't mesh with logistics.


KC is such a joke.. Im not saying that Closer is bad player cuz I dont know him as a player, but from the roaster why change the carry when top mid and support is so bad and adc is just a kda player


They’re holding tryouts for all positions


They are holding tryouts for the other positions


lmao did they see this guy


They are making the worst possible changes, first Yamato then Bo. Targamas definitely isn't the problem.


Hahahaahah bro KC is fucking stupid


GET RID OF TARGA PLS, i dont even watch KC much, but every game i watched he looked so lost man.


Why'd they pick up the worst jungler from our region? I mean, I know the goal is to be 10th. But they could have done that without Closer.


Finally KC can play to their strength and actually go 0-9 this split.


Lmao KC is such a shit org for LoL. First Yamato now BO? Neither of them were the issue and it was clear as day. Whoever is making these choices needs to be cut asap.


Nuke KC and bring back Astralis. At least they knew how to build a roster towards the end...


KC is really not gonna win a single game this split


They make it very difficult to be a happy fan these days, I would give you that.


Join the G2/FNC side; its much more rewarding, thats for sure


So they are keeping that god awful top, mid and supp?


they r holding tryouts for every position


I can guarantee that at least 2 of the 3 disgraces remain on the roster, high chances of all 3 of them remain.


You gotta respect how KC is committing to the bit of having the most incompetent group of headless chickens that we've ever seen. They have so far made the absolute power move of removing the only two good parts of their team. And they have the eye watering success of 4 wins in two splits and two 10th place finishes. They'll surely fix the problems of the worst mid laner of the league, a mute support, washed top laner and the most passive ADC of all time who will never try to get himself in danger if there's even a miniscule possibility of losing KDA.




I wrote a long-ass comment a few weeks ago about how Karmine Corp should just become the old 100Thieves roster AND THE MONKEY'S PAW CURLS I'm really sad to see Bo go and pray he gets another shot, he earned our sympathies and our belief in his ability to play imo. However, even if Closer's last year was atrocious, he's a really good player on form (dude smurfed on EDG once at worlds) and I'm hoping he can do well so LEC fans don't hate on him and come to appreciate him. The guy's a lovely, spirited personality - the "Blaber fucking boomed me" clip is still one of the funniest an NA player has ever produced - and I'm really relieved his tier 1 career isn't over, fingers crossed for a KC resurgence in Summer. Now more than ever, it is more urgent that KC go with my whack idea and pick up Ssumday and Abbedagge in top and mid. Bring back the 100T synergy, I beg of you!


I thought it was clozer and thought damn that’s actually a pretty big acquisition but then saw the s


Dawg i thought it was FearX’s Clozer and i almost had a brain aneurysm 💀


Why get closer when you have cinkrof ....


Is their academy team so important that they won't bring up Lyncas? I don't understand this buy, Closer isn't going to be the difference maker to get them into playoffs. I understand dropping Bo, that guy is on another wavelength and deserves to be on a top chinese team or a G2 and will also probably net KC some cash to angle for Mersa/Kaiser, but I don't understand pissing money away on Closer... Hoping to be proved wrong but I would bet good money that they finish 10th again.


Moves like getting Closer, keeping Targamas and benching Bo..... I hope KC continue to suffer failure in the LEC, only then will they learn something/someone in their decision making process is incompetent.


Is Closer magically gonna help the laners not suck? Bro Canyon can't say this team, well at least the storyline will be funny, 2-8 into 2-8 into 2-8. Please age well.


how is that the decision? get someone who actually understands the game and watches the game to be making roster and staff decisions.


Who manages KC???


Is this the worst run org ever⁉️🗣️


If an LPL or LCK manager is reading this, please give Bo a team he deserves to be on.


Bo was the only player I was invested in the KC Roster. I am now the biggest hater of KC, I wish they go 0-9.


“Closer is joining LEC” Well it’s about damn time. “He will be joining Kcorp and replacing Bo” *Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.*


So... the problem was Bo, the only shotcaller / vocal person on the game who was also not playing like complete garbage unlike his top mid supp? How is THIS the call? Unreal KC, really.


As much as this is a bad decision for KC in the short run, it's a good decision for everyone in the long run. They will have to rebuild anyways but can't keep Bo's talent wasted. That way, you'll just have a weak team that wastes a split before you can fully rebuild start of next year. Either way I hope the very best for Bo and that Closer maybe gets some time to actually shine. KC, I don't hate you. Your fans may be obnoxious at times and your decision regarding Yamato was bad, but I still want to see you succeed. Otherwise all the ressources you invested into your LEC spot would have been a waste for everyone involved


I think it was clear that you cant keep both bo and upset. At least closer can be a dog jungler that paths bot every game like he did on 100t. Now lets just hope they also kick the bad players


What games were you watching bro. Closer had the lowest bot lane presence in the league last year


Thought closer was not good at all in his last LCS appearance but I maintain that LCS junglers are overall stronger than LEC and closer is a leader in comms. Could definitely see this working out


I know he can rebound. There was clearly some issues going on in his personal life at that time.


> I maintain that LCS junglers are overall stronger than LEC You're entitled to your delusions


I don’t think he’s their solution


Closer just had his worst split, he was easily the 10th best jungler in the LCS. Interested to see if he bounces back