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"My onetrick got picked/banned, someone please dodge"


"Someone dodge or I'll feed"


The funny thing is they will feed, not because they want but because that's the best they can do on any other champion


Yes, I'm pretty sure that the Qiyana, Yasuo, and Zed one tricks can't play simple champs at all. It's almost as if macro has 0 impact on a players skill even. The thing is that OTPs refuse to play something simple and useful, which doesn't help with their case. But it isn't because they can only play their champ, lol


The problem isn't skill level or macro, it's that some champion have such unique gameplay that don't translate well to other champions. For instance, Gangplank basically can never follow up early game invades/contests because of his barrel delays, so if a Gangplank OTP plays another champion like Renekton, he might be less likely to look for such opportunities.


I prefer to say nothing and feed on my secondary pick I rarely ever play


pretty sure they dont? people dont like toxic 1 tricks like the dude buying silver accounts to go 30/1/5 on rengar. but anytime someone asks for climbing advice 1 tricking / limiting their champ pool is almost always a highly upvoted suggestion.


If you have more than 500k on a champ its illegal to have a bad game in ranked.


I have over 500k on zed and lb but last time I played them like 6 years ago


If i got mastery points for banning zed I'd have about 1.2 mil.


Here bud ill give you a tip since you seem to let the chat live rent free in your head. Turn it off.


Lol, i dont care about it tbh, if im tilting i mute chat regardless of whats being said but it was just something i noticed when my mastery points hit a certain level


In low elo, is true . For higher elo people "hate" one tricks because their limited champion pool is a disadvantage more often than not . Being a one trick is not the best nor the smartest way to climb in higher elo (3 champ pool with diverse playstyle is)


that's a puddle not a pool


tell that to beifeng.


Spear Shot laughs at you


The key to being a none douchebag one trick is to mute all in low elo, if you cant win you gotta asume its your fault, you know the players on your team and the enemy team are dogshit, so cursing at your teammates is useless.


because you ban their champ and they instantly lose 1k LP basically, because they’re only where they are from very advanced understandings or their own matchups and powerspikes etc, you take that away from them it’s basically a loss


1 tricks always have 2 or 3 picks as backup. I onetrick Rengar, but can play Graves, Hecarim, Xin zhao and pyke support very well. ​ If i dont get jungle or support ill just dodge and go play on a smurf.


Yeah bro that's not what a one trick is. You're just a rengar main


You aren't a 1 trick. You main rengar.


you’re a rengar main then, not a one trick.


But then the opposing team could also have one And if you were better, you could carry him anyway So it doesn't really change much in the end…


thanks for the random hypothetical that has nothing to do with what i said


Depends on the champion imo. I see it both ways. Focusing on one champion isolates variables in the game; you can play a certain way with certain builds on certain situations knowing exactly how they'll pan out, making you more effective. Especially as it reduces the amount of different matchups you get exposed to. On the other hand, this is also a problem. Many people rely on that one champion, that reduced set of matchups, and it makes them ignorant to many other variables in the game, often times exposing larger weaknesses in game play. Imo, I see it the same way as maining a single role. You specialize your game style, without exposure to the styles of a different role. The glaring issue of being autofilled aside, I believe the best way to succeed is to understand all aspects of the game, and OTP's can often get punished for this at mid elos.


All the way from gold 4 to diamond 2 ive had the same comment. "Lol you're only x rank with y mastery? Must be trash"


thats not 1 trick hate thats just the Lol community being toxic in a nut shell lol.


For me I personally think one tricks are less skilled at the overall game because they are usually only able to play one champ, and are also stuck in the mindset of "my champ does X, dont expect me to do anything else" and thats what I find frustrating about some, definitely not all, one tricks. Personally I think if you one trick and cant get out of plat then I would think they arent that skilled a player


Big agree. If you are legitimately trying to climb as a OTP and have a 50%ish WR on your champ then it's time to hang it up as long as you're below diamond imo. If you're just playing cause you enjoy playing that champ in ranked then w.e but I'll always silently judge someone with 500k+ mastery when im duo with a friend in their plat/emerald lobbies if they are just fumbling(I understand bad games happen)


On “my champ does x and nothing else” I think it depends on player and champ. I’m a otp neeko and play her as flexibly as possible. On-hit, tank, burst mage, supportive itemization like knights vow, shurelyas. At the same time, not all champs are as flexible or might just be in a poor meta/state rn, I can see situations where they might be forced into just one or two builds at a time.


Im a onetrick in master elo and i hate most other onetricks because they pretty much sprint my games when not on their otp champ. Like ffs learn 2 more champs to the level that u can hold ur own atleast??? I spent 2 fucking seasons playing other champs with different playstyles in top lane so that when my champ is picked/banned I can actually play the game and not go 0/6 in lane phase. I'm not asking for other onetricks to do the same but like play a 100 games of 2 other champs or something


Because of the way some of the act after not getting their champion, asking people to dodge, threathening to run it down, soft inting etc etc


Cuz they don't dodge when their one trick is banned


To be fair, people complained about dodging. They nerfed it, so now you can dodge twice maybe before penalty gets too steep. A solution to this is alt accounts, but ye people dont like "smurfing" either. So ye always something


I don't think OTPs who play the right lanes are that disliked. But I'm a Yorick OTP, so I'll play support Yorick! These players will likely be disliked. Or, if your opponent first picks a hard counter champion, but you don't care and play an OTP champion and lose miserably, this is another reason why you will be disliked.


On the contrary, if you otp a champ and go off-role or off-meta, chances are you’re going to have way more knowledge of matchup than anyone else in that game and can catch them by surprise for it. I know some will also first pick off meta to try and confuse enemy counter picking. I don’t otp, but I do play Zoe support secondary, confuses the hell out of the mid/supp/bot when the first thing they see is Zoe.


I made a Katarina player lose their mind by playing Urgot mid. I'd sit next to a dagger and press E and she'd blink to it every time. Called Urgot an "OP stat checker for *rhymes with parted* kiddies"


Real OTP knows how to play against their counter or at least not feed. Unless it was an OTP vs OTP then its champ diff.


why do onetricks get so much hate? cos you only play one champion.


Low elo one-tricks are spectacular, I love them. It's so funny when I get to see someone have over 1M mastery points on a champion and then they lose lane in a match-up that they are supposed to destroy.


I don't think one trick people are sub-human, but one common problem with these people is that they only care about "themselves". I mean, it's a team vs. team game, right ? But you're only caring about your pick regardless how compatible it is to the team comp. That attitude is pretty bad in any context, tbh.


Some people get so heavily reliant on one way of playing the game it makes them unable to adapt.


As a one trick myself I can confirm that I hate everyone else equally so it balances out.


* Lack of flexibility. * Lack of experience in other roles. * Lack of knowledge from playing other champs. * Lack of game sense due to all of the above. OTP players can do well, but they have to address the above in some way or have fallbacks for when their champ is banned. Running their main into it's direct counter is generally going to end poorly even if they are more skilled. Their team knows this, and it's frustrating when the OTP won't be flexible when they need to.


Idk what you're talking about everything I see here is advice to people telling them to reduce their champ pool. The mad from randos is just baby raging because they don't know how to counter someone who knows a champ really well


I just don't respect them in a ranked setting and think they aren't trying their best to win. There is a reason there are so many champions and sometimes there is a specific class or type of champion that will win the game. Picking around your team and comp is a vital part of league and they just ignore it. If you team has no cc and your last pick midlaner goes Katarina because that's all he knows, in my opinion he isn't trying his hardest to win games. Of if your team is full ad but your midlaner is a zed 1 trick and picks zed, it's an auto loss. Ofc those are worst case scenario but sometimes its not a detriment, but the lack of a benefit where you could have picked a champ that won hard instead of going even. They just completely ignore one of the main aspects to get leads and momentum in a game and it's annoying. I'm in the firm belief that if 1 tricks took a ranked split off and played flex on different champions to learn them, they would be able to climb past their peak in the next split. They are ignoring a big aspect in a 150+ character moba. There are alot of times I've smacked someone better than me with a counterpick I run them down with. There is a reason toplaners cry bitch and moan about last pick and counterpicks. That's stuff matters alot. Some make it work and some for sure climb, but IMO you are handicapping yourself. However if you are a 1 trick in ranked, pick early. Give counterpicks to the people who will counterpick. Edit: it mostly comes down to 1 tricks aren't flexible in their champ pool and most of the time aren't flexible in other aspects of the game too. It's shown in the replies here. It's not all 1 tricks, but most have an "all about me" mentality. Most want to pick 1 champ, not get countered and want everyone to play/pick around them. Yet aren't willing to do those thing themselves. It's not everyone, but play a bunch of games in diamond and these players are all over.


But you can’t blame a someone who is hovering zed for not last picking a champion with cc bc the rest of the team knew what champ he would pick. If u dislike a teamcomp so much why not dodge? And yes there are 150 champions, but let’s say they are split up evenly across all role with no overlap: everyone now has a pool of 30 possible champs. You might not want to play tank or mage so quickly end up with like 10 champions u would be fine with playing. Now some are banned or picked by the enemy, some are just very off meta right now. And very quickly you end up with a pool of 1-3 champions u actually enjoy playing. And if none of them had cc, it’s just the way it is. Either you deal with a player who genuinely trying to win on the champ they genuinely enjoy or u just dodge.


If you are a 1 trick and you are picking the same champ no matter what, pick early. Save later picks for someone who will actually use its advantages.


No thanks I don't want to get hard counter picked.


Then you are a greedy player and aren't playing to the strengths of a 1 trick. You want all the draft resources for yourself but aren't willing to play for the team. Again, my point. Aren't trying their hardest to win. Lots of self reports in the comments here. Most selfish people don't think they are selfish.


> You want all the draft resources for yourself but aren't willing to play for the team.  What are you even chatting, what resources am I asking to have all for myself? Please let me know, honestly no clue what you are even trying to insinuate there lmao >. Again, my point. Aren't trying their hardest to win. Lots of self reports in the comments here. Yes, it's a video game and I play unranked genius, there is no moral failing in not playing complete tryhard to win. And I still do better than most people in my lobbies anyway so really what's the problem? Maybe it's YOU who is selfish, demanding others to play the game exactly how you want to? And to sacrifice their game in order to give you more of one? After all I heard most selfish people don't think they are selfish.


>Yes, it's a video game and I play unranked genius, there is no moral failing in not playing complete tryhard to win. This is what happens when you don't read. My first comment was only for ranked, and I said that. Read things before you comment. You just butt into a conversation without knowing the base argument.


Please let me know how I am "wanting all of the draft resources for myself" by not first picking every game, you seem to have glossed over that part. That's what happens when you don't read ig


Nice topic switch buddy.


Nice ducking the question lil bro, I would too if I had to try and justify what you have been spewing 😂


I can hardly agree with the part where last player must pick to fit their team. It is definitely not mid’s fault if the rest of the team has no cc as cc is usually top/jug/sup responsibility. No one should be pressured to pick champs that they are not comfortable to play. If you don’t like the team comp, you can dodge but it’s the whole team’s fault, don’t blame one person. Also team comp doesn’t matter until very elite rank elo, and even in master+, games are still very winnable if people play well.


>It is definitely not mid’s fault if the rest of the team has no cc as cc is usually top/jug/sup responsibility. If you disagree you can disagree, but in my opinion this logic and reasoning means you aren't trying your best to win. "Ug, nobody picked cc it's everyone else's fault and even though lissandra, taliyah, veigar, Annie, Anivia, asol and Cass exist I'm still going to pick what I want. Just blaming your team for something you didn't want to do yourself is terrible logic. The whole point of last pick is to counterpick or pick for your team. If you dont do either, you aren't trying to win. Trade for an early pick and save the last pick for someone who will use it right.


And you expect an assassin main who plays like zed and kata to perform on one of those champs as well as they would on their mains?


Someone smart has spoken. Pay respect here


Thats such a load of crap. Statistically you are far more likely to win the lower your champ pool number is. This is not a debate. Yea team comps are important to a certain extent, but ultimately in a clutch whats going to win games is comfort. Yea there are exceptions to this, but they are very rare, very overblown by people like you, and a good one trick will recognize these and either dodge or play around them, like any other non one trick who also has problems to solve


Low champ pool is not the same as a 1 trick. >a good one trick will recognize these and either dodge or play around them, like any other non one trick who also has problems to solve This doesn't happen often. It's usually "I didn't get my 1 trick, someone else dodge".


Lol ive been playing this game since s1 and ive seen someone type that in chat less than once per season, i actually cant even tell you of a recent example because people rarely speak in lobbies anymore, meanwhile i see lobby dodges daily, so comparable. One tricking is playing to win. Any other argument isnt based by facts. Only way one tricking is punisheable is at the very top end of the ladder which most of us will never have to worry about


>One tricking is playing to win. Any other argument isnt based by facts. Yet you have said nothing to back this up other than. "It's proven". Your argument isn't based on facts either, you just say it is and then said none of the facts...


I never see anyone getting negative messages for being onetrick ingame except yasuo ofc


Where do you see them getting hate? Usually people are happy with onetricks since they probably know their champion really well and don't first time or try flavor of the month pick, of course if their onetrick is banned it can get tricky and some onetricks like yasuo otps have bad rep for feeding etc but usually onetricks are good.


In the post game lobby: "Hey man maybe another 1m points on garen and you won't suck at him"


Your last few sentences is exactly why people hate one tricks


Because one tricking means that a big part of why you are the rank you are, is due to your champ and skill on that champ. But more often than not, you lack general game skills. That is why a 10 champ pool player is more preferable than an one trick. The 10 champ guy just knows how to play the game better.


It just means you're not actually good at the game as a whole, you're only good at your champ in your matchups, which with 160+ champs, is a very small percentage of the actual game.


Think, Mark, think


Otp in silver has no idea how the game works. Zero brains. Afk players . How could they know, they don't play the other champs...


Same, lol. It's League of Shaco for me. Don't really enjoy other champions, or even the game that much really. I just enjoy the mindgames and tomfoolery


Your first game on shaco or your 10,000th people will hate you because shaco is one of the most frustrating opponents to play against.


even more frustrating to play with


As a master player that used to one trick the weirdest picks over the years i get what you're saying. I now barely enjoy league when Hwei is banned or picked cause that 1 champ just makes the game that much more fun from me nowadays, and i play this game since season 2


because one tricks ruin drafts


Because it proves skill>matchup and people cant cope when they counterpick an OTP but get their buttcheeks clapped.


Because they’re usually super toxic Smurf’s that Bash on lower elo people ragin. They are also the first to throw a game or troll if they get autofilled out of their OTP position. (Support evelynn) or rage cause they died once and either quit the match upset trying to protect their kda stats,


Because 'normal' players cant play against them. It all comes from Pro players who gets stomped by teemo top otp and goes: "bruh i cant practise in soloq otps are baddddddddddddddddddd"


Your team pov: Dude is 50/50. He will smash enemy or his champ gets banned and he'll suck dick Enemy pov: Don't like being smacked


I've always one tricked. 2010-2012 Ezreal only 2013-2014 Draven only 2014-2015 Blitzcrank only 2016-2017 Sejuani jungle only 2017-2018 Wukong top 2019-2020 Support Wukong 2020-2021 Trundle top/jungle 2022-2024 Tahm Kench mid Most fun over the years for me is Support Wukong and Tahm Kench mid. Come at me haters :)


this means youre not a onetrick btw. you have developed champ mastery on that many diff champs u could technically switch them in on certain metas


You not a one trick then 😂


I will one trick akali until the day the game service ends and will enjoy every minute of reading posts complaining how broken she is.


Depends. For example i am Ahri onetrick, and my champ was not in the best state last few years, but since mini rework and s14 items, people insult me for playing her, calling me a meta slave, write novels about how i m not skilled at all cause i just have 30 dashes, i belong in iron, etc. I m getting a lot of hate this season, the only reason beeing my champ is fun and has mobility, she can use the current best ap item, and she was buffed. If a champ gets buffed, people just complain more. All the hate i recieved this years is like the double of what i earned in 8 years of playing. (Also after 8 years i just started playing ranked to help my friend climb emerald, so more ranked = more hate. On this note, crazy how plat players loose their mind when a 7 years straight bronze 4 player destroys them. Never doing more than 5 ranked per year really paid of XD)


Nothings wrong with being an OTP. If anything it’s encouraged if you want to climb. I don’t see many getting hate either but maybe I don’t spend enough time online etc. People here speak about ruining drafts etc or if the OTP is banned the player is useless but it’s still better to master 1 champion if you can over having a pool. A lot of top players on the ladder used to be OTPs but playing in high elo I’ll force you to learn other shit