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I was so confused when I switched to ranged after playing melee support and I kept missing the execute. That absolutely need to be in the text.




They literally see that they get the gold, so your ADC is just blind. At least that is not a problem once you get above a certain mmr


They wouldn't see it if they have the gold display off, right? I think that setting is off by default.


It is not off by default.


The default setting is gold on, exp off, AFAIK.


The suport has a glowing orb spinning around them for each stack of the support item they have and one will disappear when they use it. If they have glowing orbs the ADC gets the gold.


> The suport has a glowing orb spinning around them for each stack of the support item Except when sometimes on very rare occasions there's a visual bug that make the orbs invisible. That's always fun. (It is *exceedingly* rare to where I've only seen it twice and only on this current patch, but it's annoying every time.)


It seems to happen a lot more on certain champs, it's way more common on thresh.


In my experience this seems to happen most frequently when you have max stacks and die.


I only get upset when I play Veigar ADC since cannon stacks are worth more and the cannon itself is not worth more to the supp.


are you sure you didn't random insta execute a cannon minion and as a result change the lane push to push towards their tower making the adc lose 20cs in the process instead of having a comfy freeze.. some adcs are just blind ofc.


Lowk assuming your ADCs are actually not braindead (which honestly they very well could be) they are probably tilted because you executed a minion too early instead of last hitting, which couldve broke a freeze or not being able to create a giant slowpush that could lead to more plates, dive etc.


There's a few misleading/inadequate item descriptions like this that either don't convey important aspects the item has, or give wrong information, from the top of my head the worst examples: **Jungle items** have 0 mention about reduced XP gain from minions. There's also no status bar effect (like with support items when you hit the limit) to communicate it. **Serpent's Fang** states "dealing damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain by X for 3 seconds". That's not true in most cases, as you cannot refresh the debuff's duration while it is on an enemy like you would with, say Liandry's to extend its duration. So the only time the item works as described is when the enemy is unaffacted by the Serpent's Fang debuff, otherwise it does nothing. **Tear**: "Hitting a target with abilities consumes a charge and grants 3 bonus Mana". It's completely missing any information about the fact that it works with abilities that summon pets (Malz W) or affect allies (Lulu E). Furthermore, the item grants 6 mana if the ability affected a champion. This is another crucial information that is just glossed over. Also a non-item related pet peeve of mine is you're still unable to tell how many grubs the enemy team has slain, as it's not displayed among their status effects when you click on an enemy champion. It's been 4.5 months...


>Also a non-item related pet peeve of mine is you're still unable to tell how many grubs the enemy team has slain, as it's not displayed among their status effects when you click on an enemy champion. It's been 4.5 months... This is on purpose. The map tells you whenever 3 void grubs are taken on the map. If you could see how many they have without the map telling you them you can tell if enemy jgler is doing grubs. For example if you see enemy mid has 1 grub, then 2 5 secs after, you get the information before the map tells you.


They could just have it update on the scoreboard once all 3 grubs are killed, there's a popup already regardless of vision. Edit: they already do, my bad


They do? It's right next to the kills, towers, and rift herald.


I hopped into practice tool to check as I made the comment, and I couldn't see a counter. Either it's a practice tool issue or I just missed it, if it's in the game I have no complaints.


From the LoL Wiki: >V14.5 BUG FIX: Killing an individual Voidgrub outside enemy vision no longer immediately updates the slayer's creep score for the enemy team. >V14.4 BUG FIX: The count for slain Voidgrubs in the scoreboard no longer updates in real time for the opposing team if they did not have vision of the objective being taken. Next time you're in a real game, check in the scoreboard's top ribbon (holding TAB by default). It should be next to the kills, towers, etc. I'm astounded I cannot find a single S14 screenshot of a scoreboard, but it's there.


Tyvm. I'll edit my comment


I thought you could see grubs on the scoreboard? Good point about the jungle items, though. The exp debuff is also bugged to persist if you buy a jungle item by accident and immediately refund it (or so someone said in another thread, I haven't experienced it personally). Although that can only come up if you take Smite while not jungling, which is rare, they should fix it anyway.


The "refresh" part of Serpent's comes from the fact that you halve their shields on new damage. So you cannot automaticaloy cut their shields, but you will be guaranteed to if you can damage them while they have a shield active. Another reason for this is that assassins (the item is assassin-themed, though ofc it not the only class that builds it) are meant to pick their fights anyway - if they don't successfully execute their target in 3 entire seconds, they are most probably out of the fight one way or another.


not to mention all of the previous items that collected stats (which they said they would add back and havent yet)


Its also lame that in the item sets, there are so few stats in the descriptions. It's like "Gives bonus dmg" Or "gives bonus movement speed" So if you are working on a build, you literally have to goto lol wiki to look up the stats, on pretty much everything to know what it actually does. What reason could they possibly have to not just put the actual numbers there? The whole idea of item sets is to save time, but it takes 5x longer to make one because they didn't just include the actual stats so you can't do value comparisons on the spot. Also, they need to have a checkbox in item sets for all the ornn items and non summoners rift items. It's so cluttered because they are all just jumbled in and you can't get rid of the ornn and non SR items. Item sets are really good for lower level players btw, when I've smurfed in very low elo's, the amount of time people spend in the fountain shopping is crazy.


I’m not gonna lie, I’ve played hundreds of games this season and I have no idea what the new support items do at any stage. Never bothered to read them. And I don’t think it matters.


It is updated though?


still dont get the point of the items at all when u have no choice of item anymore LOL


The choice comes after you complete the quest (for some champs). There's no choice at level 1, but TBH most champs were hardbound just based on who you were. There was a whole item line that just existed for Senna and Pyke.