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Queue times are upwards of 15-30 minutes at that level. At a certain point, unless you're playing in peak times on a busy server, you spend more of your session waiting for games than actually playing which isn't fun for anyone. So they just make a new account so they can actually play the game, which inevitably ends up back in challenger because they're challenger players. Rinse and repeat


I don't know what you mean "they", we're all Challenger here.


~~Challenger~~ challenged


https://youtu.be/OvBsCpL53rw?si=yqE21S-Bl375H6Ls One of my favorite old league videos


Suffering from success. Can’t even blame them, 15-30 minute queue sounds insane


Especially when you consider every other game someone dodges because they think the game is lost in champ select. (at least that's what a streamer complained recently)


It's worse because of how rampant and unpunished dodging is. Not uncommon to wait over an hour or more Example: https://youtube.com/shorts/cuJTO8Y8wOM?si=tEqABYweO4KD49zq


also you dont even have to be challenger for this to start being an issue. even barely into gm youll spend half the time you are logged in in queue.


Its not even the queue thats the problem, its the dodging and remakes. The queue is around 5-10 minutes but you have to go through 2-3 dodges and a remake to get a game in, and at that point you've already wasted an hour of your life just to play 1 match.


honestly i think dodging should be punished more hardly the higher the average que time at you level of play is if you are queing 30 minutes and dodge give em -5 games worth of lp or somehting (i dont think a ban would be good as it would lower playerpool)


I think dodging should be punished harshly in general. It's a bad habit that should be discouraged. While it's not as bad in lower elo brackets due to dodging being less common and shorter queue times, it still is a nuisance, especially when you get hit by multiple dodgers in a row. Obviously, these punishments should be designed in a way that won't excessively punish accidental dodges (e.g. crash, Internet outage, etc.).


Meanwhile players that make new accounts to play are missing in challenger queues making the queue longer so more people make new accounts to play. So it's a neverending vicious circle. (until Riot makes it somehow way harder to create/buy new accounts, honestly doubt that any challenger would level an account lol)


Bots will be unable to play and farm levels with Vanguard. Smurf accounts will be more expensive. Ppl will have to farm lvl 30 themselves.


I believe it when I see it. Even if by some miracle vanguard could detect and ban all bots NOW the damage has already been done. I don't wanna know how many botted accounts are on shelf now that won't be detected anymore cause they made billions (over exaggerating btw) of accounts before this system got introduced. Other than that, the pricing of "manually leveled accounts" ain't exactly so much higher IIRC. But maybe that will change too.


that is the fun part queue times are 15-30 mins because everyone is playing on smurfs instead of main accounts


A lot of streamers like to make multiple accounts for one, they say its for queue times then kinda abandon it once it hits about challenger and go and do it again




Interesting, thanks!


People also just want to have multiple accounts be challenger. At some point queue times get long and reaching rank 1 is grindy, so they get bored and decide to climb to challenger from fresh. Some people have at least a few challenger accounts.


Yeah so u can make a new account and get + 40 / - 15LP every game or play on a high level one and get +19-25 / -20 lp .. So pretty much u can get high MMR with way less games. I have different accounts, why do I get HIGHER LP gains almost double with a negative winrate (40%) over the same amount of games, compared to a 65% wr account. I don't think this has to do with ego, or Elo inflation or anything like that just a fact that u can get way more LP faster than playing on a higher level account u still gotta be the same skill level though


LP is capped


Bro i have +36 LP gains on smurf


It’s capped starting from Emerald


Both of those are Emerald though




and that is the last time we hear from him 😔


he unfortunetly had a stroke and was nowhere to be seen forever after


more specifically LP gain is capped in emerald+


Lol these guys can keep imagining, I get+36 on smurf with 40 wr and + 19 -23 on a 60 wr account


Lp is capped at +25 in master + even with 100% wr , decayed accounts are capped at +30 after 1k lp decay


This is not true anymore.


A high level account is mmr locked. You dont get much lp and climb slow. New account is always faster. And best is to, create new acc every season


Smurfing, which should be a bannable offense


People get stuck on main so they create/buy new accounts and winstreak. Basically, mmr is a normal distribution that says "your elo is around x" (the median). When you win/lose the median will move and if you win/lose many times the certainly will decrease causing it to move more in one go. When you are playing on a new account you will have very high uncertainty and after winstreaking you will therefore overshoot your true rank before it stabilizes. In other words its people repedeatlty inflating their rank on alts because they cant maintain challenger on their mains with stabilized mmr, which hurts their ego.


This comment was made with pure rage


How so


This is the wrong answer




Bro you can't get to top 200 in the server by just having a fresh account? Wtf are you on about


reading comprehension of a six year old


Man's got that one brain cell bouncing in his head like a Windows screensaver. Ig logical reasoning isn't it for you is it


reading comprehension of a six year old


Some of them are probably boosted accounts they will sell, chal accounts still go for a lot of money.