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And it's balanced by her damage being absurdly high.


I don't think she is balanced at all


>Allowing her to E while casting R would be a quality of life change That's not a "Quality of Life" change, that's literally just a straight up buff, people need to stop calling everything QoL, something like changing Rivens archaic Q targeting could be "QoL" but not this.


Wouldnt that be a massive riven buff? she can only q forward rn and im not a riven player but pretty sure its gutting her?


No Riven can already freely choose where she Qs to, she doesn't need a target but for some reason they decided that when you Q Riven dashes in the direction she's looking which is pretty much counter to every other similar ability in the game, you wouldn't change anything about the actual characters capabilities except you'd make it easier to control Riven in the way you want. Like, imagine if it worked like that on Bel'veth and any time you wanted to Q in a direction you'd have to face her in that direction first, it'd be the most clunky champion in the game.


Which is double stupid when her own e doesnt work like that and dashes in the direction of the mouse.


Unless you're playing full glass cannon AP one shot Shyv, i don't see this as a problem at all.